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Ko grafika blokira...

Ko grafika blokira...

Azz_Kikr ::

Imam GeForce 4 Ti 4200 128 MB DDR in imam zadnje dni težave pri vseh igrah. Vsake toliko časa namreč grafika začne blokirati, kar traja 3 sekunde in takrat se vse premika zelo počasi, kot da bi se kaj nalagalo, potem pa spet gladko vse naprej... In to pri vseh igrah, ne glede na to, kako so grafično zahtevne. Predvideval sem, da je napaka v kakih driverjih, instalirane imam 30.82, zato sem si downloadal nove, 41.09, vendar jih ne gre instalirat, kar sklepam, da je tudi težava. Napiše se tole: "The contents of this file cannot be unpacked. The executable you are attempting to run has been corrupted. Please obtain another copy of the file, verify its integrity, and try again."
Lp, Azz_Kikr
If sometimes you feel yourself little, useless, offended and depressed, always remember that you were once the fastest and most victorious sperm in your group!

(sic) ::

Še enkrat si downloadaj driverje - z nvidiene strani.

Azz_Kikr ::

Ja, saj sem si.
If sometimes you feel yourself little, useless, offended and depressed, always remember that you were once the fastest and most victorious sperm in your group!

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