Forum » Igre » C.A.R.S
Rotaidal ::
Ekipa ( Slightly Mad Studios), ki je delala na igri SHIFT, dela na novi igri. Imenovano C.A.R.S.
Meni osebno izgleda vrhunsko, sploh občutek hitrosti in zvok.
C.A.R.S. is the first project to be powered by WMD and comes from the award-winning team of Slightly Mad Studios (BMW M3 Challenge, Need For Speed: SHIFT, SHIFT 2 UNLEASHED).
For more info, check out the C.A.R.S. Project page and start following the project on Twitter!
C.A.R.S. represents the Ultimate Driver Journey…
FRANCHISE MODE allows you to carve out a personalized career starting in the Karting world and then progressing on to whichever motorsport specialization you prefer including Rally, Touring Cars, Open-Wheel, GT, Le Mans, and many more!
Play CO-OP with a friend as Driver/Co-Driver
FULL TEAM MANAGEMENT… Have a large number of friends? Create, manage, and compete together!
Experience the excitement of PIT STOPS like you’ve never seen before!
Revolutionary PIT-2-CAR RADIO gives you the strategic advantage
DYNAMIC Time Of Day & Localized Weather make every race unique and challenging
10+ GAME MODES covering every form of motorsport
CLOUD-BASED SOCIAL NETWORK allows you to connect with friends, compare times & scores, compete and challenge each other, and share content
USER-GENERATED CONTENT – Create your own liveries, decals, tuning setups, and even events! Then share them with the world – either for free, in-game credits or even real money!
PUSHING TO THE LIMITS – Advanced physics, lighting, and AI
Meni osebno izgleda vrhunsko, sploh občutek hitrosti in zvok.
- zavaroval slike: Rotaidal ()
Sssaga ::
Slightly Mad Studios so carji :)
Grafika je njami njami, upam še na izboljšano fiziko, a glede na to koliko so delali v preteklosti na sim bo to dolgo trajalo :D
Grafika je njami njami, upam še na izboljšano fiziko, a glede na to koliko so delali v preteklosti na sim bo to dolgo trajalo :D
vorantz ::
Hm ne vem zakaj ampak sprva sem mislil, da gre za igro po risanem filmu cars (ko sem samo prebral ime teme)
Sedaj pa vidim da je nek zajeban špil :o
Sedaj pa vidim da je nek zajeban špil :o
Spet odličen trailer iz alfa stadija.
"You may fool all the people some of the time;
you can even fool some of the people all the time;
but you can't fool all of the people all the time."
you can even fool some of the people all the time;
but you can't fool all of the people all the time."
Bor H ::
Danes sem zasledil na Steam forumih je en pisal razvijalcu "when is cars coming to steam?" in odgovor je bil "when radiator dies", model ni zaštekal :D
JC Denton ::
@Bor H lol
Zdej sem pa u dilemi kaj nabavit, rFactor 2 ali tole. Če bom eno za drugo zagotovo ne bo časa. Glede na to, da sem prvi rfactor igral več let po več ur na teden. Ta igra bo imela vrjetn boljšo igralnost in boljše vzdušje, vrjetn bo singleplayer bolj zanimiv kot pri rfactor 2.
Zdej sem pa u dilemi kaj nabavit, rFactor 2 ali tole. Če bom eno za drugo zagotovo ne bo časa. Glede na to, da sem prvi rfactor igral več let po več ur na teden. Ta igra bo imela vrjetn boljšo igralnost in boljše vzdušje, vrjetn bo singleplayer bolj zanimiv kot pri rfactor 2.
Blinder ::
Glede na posnetke tole izgleda... fantastic:)
meni pa zgleda preveč izi za vozit.
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