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Vodafone Hacked - Root Password published

Vodafone Hacked - Root Password published

Iatromantis ::

The Hacker's Choice (http://www.thc.org) announced a security problem with Vodafone's Mobile Phone Network today.

An attacker can listen to UK Vodafone mobile phone calls.

An attacker can exploit a vulnerability in 3G/UMTS/WCDMA - the latest and most secure mobile phone standard in use today.

The technical details are available at http://wiki.thc.org/vodafone.

A Femto Cell is a tiny little home router which boosts the 3G Phone signal. It's available from the Vodafone Store to any customer for 160 GBP.

THC managed to reverse engineer - a process of revealing the secrets - of the equipment. THC is now able to turn this Femto Cell into a full blown 3G/UMTC/WCDMA interception device.

poweroff ::

Odlično. V bistvu bi se dalo zadevo še nekoliko drugače predelati, da bi naredil IMSI catcher.

Daj prosim drugič to pošlji za novice. :)
sudo poweroff

VidKo ::

Popravi link do wikija (pika je odveč). Drugače pa nice find!
spletna računalniška trgovina za overclockerje, gamerje in modderje

poweroff ::

Pravzaprav gre za eno od oblik MITM napada. S rem, da tukaj dobiš ves hardware za 160 BGP in se ti ni treba preveč mučit... :))
sudo poweroff

Pyr0Beast ::

Some nanoparticles are more equal than others

Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place

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