Forum » Kriptovalute in blockchain » debata o Bitcoinu
debata o Bitcoinu
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jijetelu ::

MrStein ::
Saj 3 dni vztrajno pada... ;)
Motiti se je človeško.
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!

GregiB ::
Saj 3 dni vztrajno pada... ;)Bolj zanimivo je, da mu vztrajno pada tudi market share. PMSM se svež kapital vedno bolj usmerja v alt (shit)coine, ki ponujajo make (lose) money fast scenarije in je BTC še kvečjemu vmesni medij, ali pa v druge etablirane valute (npr. ETH), ki kažejo večjo fleksibilnost, uporabnost, tehnološki napredek oz. so cenovno dostopnejše (fees itd.)
If you think there's a solution, you're part of the problem! - George Carlin

Smurf ::

sarma832 ::
Ce bo padel na 1k potem bodo shitcoini nicvredni.
Ko ze vsi mislijo da je bitcoin mrtev je ponavadi dober cas za nakup. Ceprav nevem ce smo ze tam...
Trenutno noben shitcoin ni boljsi od bitcoina. Glavna razlika je da imajo vecje in pogostejse bloke. Ethereum je tudi se v povojih(je pa res da je eth cel ekosistem), IOTA ima kriticne napake in ni varna, bcash junk, skratka noben projekt se ni na nivoju, edina razlika je da eth in btc imata tezave z scallabilityem, drugi projekti pa nimajo ker jih nihce ne uporablja.
Zgleda da mora ekosistem se dozoreti za velike vlagatelje...
Long term bull...
Ko ze vsi mislijo da je bitcoin mrtev je ponavadi dober cas za nakup. Ceprav nevem ce smo ze tam...
Trenutno noben shitcoin ni boljsi od bitcoina. Glavna razlika je da imajo vecje in pogostejse bloke. Ethereum je tudi se v povojih(je pa res da je eth cel ekosistem), IOTA ima kriticne napake in ni varna, bcash junk, skratka noben projekt se ni na nivoju, edina razlika je da eth in btc imata tezave z scallabilityem, drugi projekti pa nimajo ker jih nihce ne uporablja.
Zgleda da mora ekosistem se dozoreti za velike vlagatelje...
Long term bull...

Horejšio ::
Na Davosu so ziher te dni pogruntal kako plebs spravit na realna tla. Računam na krizo in reforme :)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Horejšio ()

gričar ::
ohlajanje po preveliki novoletni evforiji, bitconnect prevara, koreja itd. leta 2013 je bil vreden čez 1000$ in po padcu potreboval 4 leta, da je znova dosegel to vrednost. tako da jaz ne pričakujem hitrega okrevanja. ampak, če bo padel na 7k, 6k ga bom pa še dokupil :)

janig ::
edina razlika je da eth in btc imata tezave z scallabilityem, drugi projekti pa nimajo ker jih nihce ne uporablja.
This. Ko zadeva pride v (pravo) produkcijo, se sele najdejo problemi.
tako da jaz ne pričakujem hitrega okrevanja
Tapravi crash verjetno sele prihaja :)

4knative ::
edina razlika je da eth in btc imata tezave z scallabilityem, drugi projekti pa nimajo ker jih nihce ne uporablja.
This. Ko zadeva pride v (pravo) produkcijo, se sele najdejo problemi.
tako da jaz ne pričakujem hitrega okrevanja
Tapravi crash verjetno sele prihaja :)
Misliš? Potem ni dobro zdaj iti all-in?
"When we are dead, it's not what we HODL or SODL that matters.
It's what we BUIDL."
It's what we BUIDL."

sarma832 ::
Na Davosu so ziher te dni pogruntal kako plebs spravit na realna tla. Računam na krizo in reforme :)
Res je, ukrepi že prihajajo
U.S. Regulators to Subpoena Crypto Exchange Bitfinex, Tether
Zanimivo je npr. da je pred parimi dnevi tudi Lon nehal prodajati bitcoine na avtomatih, baje po navodilih banke slovenije.

Machete ::
Na Davosu so ziher te dni pogruntal kako plebs spravit na realna tla. Računam na krizo in reforme :)
Res je, ukrepi že prihajajo
U.S. Regulators to Subpoena Crypto Exchange Bitfinex, Tether
Zanimivo je npr. da je pred parimi dnevi tudi Lon nehal prodajati bitcoine na avtomatih, baje po navodilih banke slovenije.
Dear Valued Customer,
Unfortunately, our current bank has notified us that they intend to close our NZDT account on 9 February. Due to this, we are announcing an immediate halt to NZDT deposits from COB today and we are asking all customers to cease sending NZD deposits to our NZDT account.
We will continue to send withdrawals up until the 9th of February if you wish to withdraw your NZDT balance. We will also place a significant sell wall on the BTC/NZDT market at a very competitive market rate to enable any users currently holding NZDT to be able to convert this to BTC at the best rates available in NZ.
Due to the extremely short notice from the bank (and little opportunity to present our case and provide compliance documentation to demonstrate our commitment to the applicable regulations), we believe this is the best course of action to protect our users.
While we are working hard to secure alternative banking services, we have to prepare for the possibility that there may be a period of time between this closure and being able to provide these services again in future.
Rest assured, Cryptopia is committed to ensuring our users remain the top priority and have access to their funds at all times. This notice is a precautionary measure and we remain hopeful that we will be able to resolve this prior to the 9th February deadline with either an extension from our current bank, or an alternative solution to ensure you can continue to trade using NZDT.
We are focused on securing lasting and open relationships with bank providers so that this will not happen again in future. Whilst some exchanges choose to operate by opening bank accounts without being transparent (and running these until they get shut down), we believe this exposes us and our customers to greater risk and uncertainty.
We do apologise for any inconvenience this causes you whilst we work hard to resolve this challenge.
Best wishes The Cryptopia Team
LC1000|Asrock-H470PG|i7-10700K|2x16GB|RTX-3080 EAGLE|W10Pro
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+

offsummer ::
Kaj bo potem, vse se sesulo v prah, al bomo preziveli? Sam nimam nobenga "konja", mam druge, vendar brez BTC oz. s ceno 100x manj bo tut drugo x cca. faktor manj... Fakr :)
Kaj bo potem, vse se sesulo v prah, al bomo preziveli? Sam nimam nobenga "konja", mam druge, vendar brez BTC oz. s ceno 100x manj bo tut drugo x cca. faktor manj... Fakr :)

Machete ::
Nikoli ga nisem uporabljal. Ker to ni fiat, pač pa šitcoin.
LC1000|Asrock-H470PG|i7-10700K|2x16GB|RTX-3080 EAGLE|W10Pro
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+

-valvoline- ::
.......Over the course of the past few days, when Bitcoin appeared as if it was almost about to crash but at the last minute recovered, we saw an awful lot of buys that look like this, many of which are suspiciously timed shortly after those $100 million Tether issuances:
- "No fraudulent activity going on here." via @Bitfinexed
In the middle of a massive selloff, suddenly out of nowhere we see buys for $500 above market value. And this isn't just an isolated incident, but part of an ongoing pattern where a downward trend in Bitcoin's price mysteriously reverses shortly after new Tether issuances.
I can't prove this sort of buying pattern is directly related to Tether issuances. I have no idea who is making these buys. But I can say this absolutely reeks of price manipulation. It feels akin to order spoofing, but where traditional market spoofers might place a bunch of buy orders only to cancel them at the last minute, these orders are going through and ostensibly being settled somehow, with timing highly correlated to Tether issuances......
.......Over the course of the past few days, when Bitcoin appeared as if it was almost about to crash but at the last minute recovered, we saw an awful lot of buys that look like this, many of which are suspiciously timed shortly after those $100 million Tether issuances:
- "No fraudulent activity going on here." via @Bitfinexed
In the middle of a massive selloff, suddenly out of nowhere we see buys for $500 above market value. And this isn't just an isolated incident, but part of an ongoing pattern where a downward trend in Bitcoin's price mysteriously reverses shortly after new Tether issuances.
I can't prove this sort of buying pattern is directly related to Tether issuances. I have no idea who is making these buys. But I can say this absolutely reeks of price manipulation. It feels akin to order spoofing, but where traditional market spoofers might place a bunch of buy orders only to cancel them at the last minute, these orders are going through and ostensibly being settled somehow, with timing highly correlated to Tether issuances......
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: -valvoline- ()

gruntfürmich ::
ja, sprintani theter lahko požene btc do 1k in še manj...
ampak da nebi takrat se jokali; takrat pejte po kredit!!!
ampak da nebi takrat se jokali; takrat pejte po kredit!!!
"Namreč, da gre ta družba počasi v norost in da je vse, kar mi gledamo,
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...

gruntfürmich ::
morda pa se celo zna zgoditi da bo sprintani theter čez kakšen mesec pa imel kritje v realnem denarju; ker so ga pač printali pri btc že od 500 naprej in ga tudi na veliko kupovali, in naredili veliko profita ker so 'na kredo' kupovali poceni btc in ga sedaj drago prodajajo (ker ga morajo zaradi pritiska javnosti) in čez kakšen mesec bodo imeli fiata krepko več kot manjka thetra...
skratka nateg oz. kredit, ki se bo še kje zbalansiral...
skratka nateg oz. kredit, ki se bo še kje zbalansiral...
"Namreč, da gre ta družba počasi v norost in da je vse, kar mi gledamo,
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...

Smurf ::
IMO crypto market cap ne bo nikoli padel pod 100€ miljard, razen ce bi postal svetovno gledano prepovedan. Toliko pa vseeno ima prakticne uporabe. Tether gor ali dol. Bi bilo pa super, da se sedaj Tether spuca, ker bi to prineslo long-term gledano stabilnost kripto svetu.

gruntfürmich ::
100 miljard je kar hudo nizko in veliko folka bo jokali, in veliko časa bomo rabili do novih ATH, ampak to se mi zdi pri padcu tethra kar realna varianta in dejansko zdrava...
"Namreč, da gre ta družba počasi v norost in da je vse, kar mi gledamo,
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...

Machete ::
Mejte kripto, če skačete v trajdingu sem in tja, na borzah, ki imajo realne fiat pare.
LC1000|Asrock-H470PG|i7-10700K|2x16GB|RTX-3080 EAGLE|W10Pro
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+

dronyx ::
Ko je bitcoin eksponentno rastel se ni nihče kaj dosti spraševal o prevarah, sedaj ko pa vse skupaj stagnira bo pa čedalje več podobnih teorij o nategih. Prava veselica pa bo pri šitkojnih, ker tam je pa še neodkritih nateg in raznih "projektov", ki nimajo praktično nobene možnosti za uspeh kolikor hočeš.

Machete ::
Boš končno doživel felacijo samega sebe :]
LC1000|Asrock-H470PG|i7-10700K|2x16GB|RTX-3080 EAGLE|W10Pro
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+

jijetelu ::
a mi lahko kdo pove kok nujno je izvest identifikacijo z osebnim dokumentom na coinbase ? A lahko prepošiljam BTC/ETH brez tega ?

Aquafriend ::
Za padec kriptovalut je kriv user valvoline. Po celem internetu širi fud in povzroča prodajo, preprečuje kupovanje. Če se trg zlomi, veste, koga okrivit. Za vse bo kriv valvoline.

Gregor P ::
... in njegovi otroci, vnuki ... na veke vekov ....

The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).

Smurf ::
Ko je bitcoin eksponentno rastel se ni nihče kaj dosti spraševal o prevarah, sedaj ko pa vse skupaj stagnira bo pa čedalje več podobnih teorij o nategih. Prava veselica pa bo pri šitkojnih, ker tam je pa še neodkritih nateg in raznih "projektov", ki nimajo praktično nobene možnosti za uspeh kolikor hočeš.
V bistvu se je ravno takrat najvec govorilo o tether prevari. Tudi na tem forumu.

Looooooka ::
by Kevin Ryan
The stock market experienced a steep sell off for the second straight day, with the Dow down 362 points at the close. There are several reasons for the pullback: investors rebalancing their portfolios at month-end; Amazon entering the health-care industry which could threaten margins; and routine profit taking following the market's historic upward rise (there has not been a 3% correction since the days before the 2016 election).
But a significant factor in the sell off is rising interest rates. Long-term rates have been falling since hitting a peak in the early 1980s, an incredible 35-year run. But it's looking increasingly like that trend has ended, and we may have reached an inflection point.
The rate on 10-Year Treasuries has doubled since hitting an historic low in July, 2016. And that rise has accelerated as inflation expectations grow, central banks end their easing policies, and the Fed sells off its huge portfolio of treasuries and mortgages acquired through the monetary easing programs during the Obama administration.
Higher rates do have many good effects:
o People save more when rates are higher.
o Seniors with retirement savings in bonds and CDs will see their returns increase.
o Insurance companies and banks will generate more income from their bond portfolios.
o Too-low rates often create bubbles in the economy.
But there are also big downsides:
o Higher mortgage rates could hurt housing and cutting into family budgets.
o Business borrowing costs will increase.
o Credit card and other household debt will be more expensive.
o Student loans will become less affordable.
But the biggest potential impact could be on our federal budget. Most of America's federal debt has been accumulated since 1981, in this time of falling interest rates. As debt matures the U.S. has been able to roll it over for lower and lower rates. If rates have bottomed out, interest expense on our huge debt is quickly going to balloon, forcing us to either cut the budget in other areas, or rack up even more debt. Debt service could crowd out discretionary spending items. Indeed interest on the national debt is projected to exceed defense spending in just a few years. And even now it's hard to see where President Trump expects to find the trillion dollars for his infrastructure plans.
All of this adds urgency to address the real driver of our debt: ballooning entitlement spending. Programs like Social Security and Medicare are going bankrupt and projecting accelerating deficits for as far as the eye can see. Unfortunately, the political will does not exist to restructure or make cuts to these entitlements that voters have come to depend on, another reason the government should never be put in charge of such important sectors of the economy.
But if rates continue to increase, and interest payments on the debt grow, we may no longer be able to keep kicking the broken entitlement can down the road.
Watch this graph of the key 10-Year Treasury yield closely in the coming weeks: It's already risen past the previous top of 2.6%. If it breaks through the next major hurdle at 3%, it may be an indicator that we have indeed broken out of the 35-year trend of falling interest rates, and America's debt will start strangling the economy.
Preden se greste pump&dump scenarije mejte v glavi to, da lahko letos se en baloncek poci. Tak, ki nima nobene veze s kriptovalutami, jih bo pa ce se to zgodi, odnesel s seboj.
Naj majo to v glavi tudi tisti, ki pljuvajo po kriptovalutah in opevajo fiat borze. Te so trenutno vecji problem in bodo definitivno krivec, ce/ko pride do tega.
Evropa in nase igrice s slabimi krediti, slabimi bankami in prodajanjem paketov iz teh naslovov ni prav nic na boljsem. Sranje, ki samo caka, da eksplodira v obliki ene lepe krizne driske.
by Kevin Ryan
The stock market experienced a steep sell off for the second straight day, with the Dow down 362 points at the close. There are several reasons for the pullback: investors rebalancing their portfolios at month-end; Amazon entering the health-care industry which could threaten margins; and routine profit taking following the market's historic upward rise (there has not been a 3% correction since the days before the 2016 election).
But a significant factor in the sell off is rising interest rates. Long-term rates have been falling since hitting a peak in the early 1980s, an incredible 35-year run. But it's looking increasingly like that trend has ended, and we may have reached an inflection point.
The rate on 10-Year Treasuries has doubled since hitting an historic low in July, 2016. And that rise has accelerated as inflation expectations grow, central banks end their easing policies, and the Fed sells off its huge portfolio of treasuries and mortgages acquired through the monetary easing programs during the Obama administration.
Higher rates do have many good effects:
o People save more when rates are higher.
o Seniors with retirement savings in bonds and CDs will see their returns increase.
o Insurance companies and banks will generate more income from their bond portfolios.
o Too-low rates often create bubbles in the economy.
But there are also big downsides:
o Higher mortgage rates could hurt housing and cutting into family budgets.
o Business borrowing costs will increase.
o Credit card and other household debt will be more expensive.
o Student loans will become less affordable.
But the biggest potential impact could be on our federal budget. Most of America's federal debt has been accumulated since 1981, in this time of falling interest rates. As debt matures the U.S. has been able to roll it over for lower and lower rates. If rates have bottomed out, interest expense on our huge debt is quickly going to balloon, forcing us to either cut the budget in other areas, or rack up even more debt. Debt service could crowd out discretionary spending items. Indeed interest on the national debt is projected to exceed defense spending in just a few years. And even now it's hard to see where President Trump expects to find the trillion dollars for his infrastructure plans.
All of this adds urgency to address the real driver of our debt: ballooning entitlement spending. Programs like Social Security and Medicare are going bankrupt and projecting accelerating deficits for as far as the eye can see. Unfortunately, the political will does not exist to restructure or make cuts to these entitlements that voters have come to depend on, another reason the government should never be put in charge of such important sectors of the economy.
But if rates continue to increase, and interest payments on the debt grow, we may no longer be able to keep kicking the broken entitlement can down the road.
Watch this graph of the key 10-Year Treasury yield closely in the coming weeks: It's already risen past the previous top of 2.6%. If it breaks through the next major hurdle at 3%, it may be an indicator that we have indeed broken out of the 35-year trend of falling interest rates, and America's debt will start strangling the economy.
Preden se greste pump&dump scenarije mejte v glavi to, da lahko letos se en baloncek poci. Tak, ki nima nobene veze s kriptovalutami, jih bo pa ce se to zgodi, odnesel s seboj.
Naj majo to v glavi tudi tisti, ki pljuvajo po kriptovalutah in opevajo fiat borze. Te so trenutno vecji problem in bodo definitivno krivec, ce/ko pride do tega.
Evropa in nase igrice s slabimi krediti, slabimi bankami in prodajanjem paketov iz teh naslovov ni prav nic na boljsem. Sranje, ki samo caka, da eksplodira v obliki ene lepe krizne driske.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Looooooka ()

J.McLane ::
O kakšnih 35 ketih je tu govora, a niso bile obresti na 7% leta 2008, a to je 35 let nazaj?
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication - Leonardo da Vinci

Machete ::
To se ve. WEX.NZ trejda prave fiat pare, če kdo rabi. (usd, eur, china dinar CNY in rublej).
LC1000|Asrock-H470PG|i7-10700K|2x16GB|RTX-3080 EAGLE|W10Pro
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+

gruntfürmich ::
Ko je bitcoin eksponentno rastel se ni nihče kaj dosti spraševal o prevarah, sedaj ko pa vse skupaj stagnira bo pa čedalje več podobnih teorij o nategih. Prava veselica pa bo pri šitkojnih, ker tam je pa še neodkritih nateg in raznih "projektov", ki nimajo praktično nobene možnosti za uspeh kolikor hočeš.
čisto enako je bilo 2014, pa je še vedno v 2017 šlo vse, tudi čisto pozabljeni in neumni kojni, v ATH...
"Namreč, da gre ta družba počasi v norost in da je vse, kar mi gledamo,
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...

4knative ::
Meni je bolj fascinantno kako ga ETH lovi. Smešno bo.
"When we are dead, it's not what we HODL or SODL that matters.
It's what we BUIDL."
It's what we BUIDL."

-valvoline- ::
.....Cryptocurrencies: 1506.....
LOOOOOL, lepa parabola...
LOOOOOL, lepa parabola...

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: -valvoline- ()

4knative ::
Do konc 2018 bo vsaj 2000 kriptovalut, glede na vse te ICOte. Dominanca BTC pa verjetno pod 10%.
"When we are dead, it's not what we HODL or SODL that matters.
It's what we BUIDL."
It's what we BUIDL."

Vazelin ::

4knative ::
Ne, ker to je leto altov, btc bo letos šel iz prestola 100%. Drži me za besedo, če se to ne zgodi spijem cianid brez problema. Ma to je 100%.
"When we are dead, it's not what we HODL or SODL that matters.
It's what we BUIDL."
It's what we BUIDL."
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: 4knative ()