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Besedilo, glasbenik, ki vas najbolj inspirira IN zakaj?

Besedilo, glasbenik, ki vas najbolj inspirira IN zakaj?

Marilyn ::

No saj naslov teme pove dovolj, ampak se bom ponovil. Prilepite besedilo, ki vam je najbolj všeč, po možnosti obrazložite zakaj ( še najbolj koristno). Na koncu pa seveda napišite glasbenika. Ampak resno. Naj vam je besedilo tako všeč, kot je recimo meni tole, da ga imam spisano na steni:

"King Kill 33°"

Is this what you wanted?
This is what you get.
Turned all your lives into this shit.
You never accepted or treated me fair
blame me for what I believe
and I wear.
You fucked yourselves and you
raised these sheep
the blue and the withered seeds
you will reap.
You never gave me a chance to be me
Or even a fucking chance just to be.
But I have to show you that
you played a role
and I will destroy you with one simple hole.
The world that hates me has taken its toll
but now I have finally taken control.
You wanted so bad to make me this thing
and I want you now to just kill the king

and I am not sorry, and I am not sorry
this is what you deserve
and I am not sorry, and I am not sorry
this is what you deserve
and I am not sorry, and I am not sorry
this is what you deserve

King Kill 33
King Kill 33
King Kill 33
King Kill 33

Izjavalec pesmi besedila je Marilyn Manson.

Pyr0Beast ::

The Knife Silent Shout lyrics

I never knew this could happen to me
I know now fragility
I know there's people who I haven't told
I know of people who are getting old

Wish I could speak in just one sweep
What you are and what you mean to me
Instead I mumble randomly
You stand by and enlighten me

In a dream I lost my teeth again
Calling me woman and half man
Yes in a dream all my teeth fell out
A cracked smile and a silent shout
A cracked smile and a silent shout

If I explain it once thoroughly
He'll have you later 'cause it's never free
You were at the gigantic spree
I caught a glimpse now it haunts me
I caught a glimpse now it haunts me
Some nanoparticles are more equal than others

Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place

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