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[ubuntu] add to startup

[ubuntu] add to startup

DuleKrtola ::

Sem frišen linuxaš, instaliral sem VNC server po teh navodilih:

Install packages. Code: sudo apt-get install x11vnc vnc-java
Set up a password for clients. Code: x11vnc -storepasswd
Open up ports 5800 and 5900 on your firewall
Run the terminal command: x11vnc -forever -usepw -httpdir /usr/share/vnc-java/ -httpport 5800 and add it for auto-starting in future sessions

Zdaj bi ga rad dodal v startup. V menuju system/pref/ sem že našel startup aplications, zdaj pa ne vem, kateri fajl naj izberem. Zgooglal sem tele ukaze, pa ne dela:

# cd /etc/rc3.d
# sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/ssh S99vncserver

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