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Nvidia Tegra

Nvidia Tegra

dzinks63 ::

NVIDIA Tegra Brings Full Internet Experience to Always On, Always-Connected Devices
Nvidia Targets $99 Netbook With Tegra Chips

Zadeva je obetajoča , zmogljiva (predvaja HD video, poganja npr. Quake 3 areno) in zanimiva, sploh v kombinaciji s touch screen zasloni . Uporabno bi naj bilo za zmogljive telefone, mogoče celo za kakšne netbooke, celo kakšne konzole ali pozabljene table pc-je, možen priklop na velike tv zaslone.

NVIDIA APX 2500 hands on and demo
NVIDIA Tegra 3D Gaming Demo
NVIDIA Tegra HD Video Demo
NVIDIA's Tegra in the flesh
NVIDIA @ MWC 09 - Tegra and Ion
BlocketPc MWC 2009 - Dispositivo con Nvidia Tegra

"NVIDIA really has a technical wonder in the Tegra APX 2600 chipset, and is more than happy to show it off, with a myriad of tech demos on display here at MWC. Some of this they showed off back in June of last year, but it's no less impressive -- there aren't really any mobile devices out there capable of this stuff right now. Still, we're here for the new, and NIVIDA showed up with Android running on one of its proof-of-concept units, and with another unit pumping out 1080p video, with a claimed 10 hours of battery life at that task. NVIDIA says it took them just a few weeks to port Android to the system, and we found it already quite snappy and even usable on the capacitive touchscreen-ed device. We also saw the forthcoming Android-running Yulong N8 and IAC S2 Tegra APX phones, along with an untitled CompalCom set -- they were all in non-working prototype form, but it's clear this chipset isn't just for MIDs. Check it all out in the videos after the break and the gallery below!"

Zadeve kar prehitevajo čas. Šele pred nekaj leti smo o čem takem le sanjali, sedaj je zadeva zrela in praktično že tukaj.

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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