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Diablo III

Diablo III

Temo vidijo: vsi
3 / 157

nuclear ::

grafika je obupna.. mislim, če pogledamo da smo leto 2010 ane. komentiram.
Asus G14 2023 - Ryzen 7940HS - 32GB DDR5 - GeForce RTX 4080 - 990 PRO 4TB

Ahiles ::

Grafika je čisto na mestu itak ni smisel špila epenis ala "Crysis 2" etc.

Bolf3nk ::

nuclear je izjavil:

grafika je obupna.. mislim, če pogledamo da smo leto 2010 ane. komentiram.

Grafika je pri takšni igri ful pomembna ne? če si g33k na grafiko, imaš metro.

Tr0n ::

Grafika je cisto cool ja. Minimalisticen, ampak soliden Blizzard look.

MajorM ::

Meni je izgled odličen. Stil igre mi paše, igralnost pa pričakujem da bo vsaj tako odlična kot pri D2.

V glavnem se veselim izredno.

SC2 obrnil in glede na to koliko so spedenali tisto igro mislim da tudi D3 ne bo razočaral.

Release day can't come soon enough.


detroit ::

grafika res ni neki posebnga sm po moje folk bolj motijo modeli ki niso detajlni ampak ta špil ni narejen da boš svojga herojčka gledu v kocino na anusu. Men bo ušeč če bo za po mreži hehe:) pa če bojo v tisto okorno 2d animacijo ljudi oz. zdaj že 3d še kak frame več dodal.
Za d3 velja tko k za sc2, obrneš v 2dneh max potem pa nazaj v real life v službo:( Čeprav do 91 levela sm kr nekej časa rabu pr dvojki hehe

mojsterleo ::

detroit je izjavil:

Za d3 velja tko k za sc2, obrneš v 2dneh max potem pa nazaj v real life v službo:( Čeprav do 91 levela sm kr nekej časa rabu pr dvojki hehe
za blizzardove igre bolj velja, da obrnes v 2h dneh na single, potem pa 5 let igras v multi.8-) za grafiko mi je useen. to so spili, k se bodo igral se leta po izidu, zato je bolj pomembno, kaksen bo multiplayer model igranja.

Xserces ::

xD jst lih zdej spilam D1 :) sigle:) the butcher je res caR xD
Intel i5-3570k @4.7GHz|MSI GTX 970 4G|MSI Z77 MPower|
G. Skill 8 GB 1600MHz|Corsair AX750|Seagate Barracuda 2TB|NZXT Gamma|

g. Oden ::

nuclear je izjavil:

grafika je obupna.. mislim, če pogledamo da smo leto 2010 ane. komentiram.

Tu se žal moram strinjat. Grafika res ni dorasla takšnemu naslovu. Najbolj očitno pa je, da je preveč barvita/risankasta, kot nekakšen Dungeon Siege. Če pogledamo predvsem Diablo 1, vidimo, kakšna je razlika v temačnosti in resnosti med igrama. Najboljše bi bilo, če prekinejo z razvojem in začnejo znova čez nekaj let, ker se vidi, da razvijalci sami niso zadovoljni z dosedanjim razvojem.

Bolf3nk ::

Če pogledamo predvsem Diablo 1, vidimo, kakšna je razlika v temačnosti in resnosti med igrama.

a res? Je bil CELI diablo temačen? spet neko trolanje.

kaj pa je to? :D

ta slika je bila odgovor na tiste, kateri so fotošopali slike iz diablo 3, da bi moral bit temačen. Ker sta bila baje prva dela oba temačna.. ta slika pa dokazuje da ni bil

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Bolf3nk ()

tt2 ::

Meni osebno je grafika super, sem si že začel predstavljati kakšen bi bil wow2 :D. Ni mi pa povsem jasno zakaj taka firma, ki ima 1milijardo+ letnega profita ne dela na neki novi MMO igri, ki bi spet prevzela velik del populacije. A je še WOW vedno tako aktualen kot pred petimi leti?

mojsterleo ::

ne verjamem, da bo diablo 3 mmo.

Rotaidal ::

Ni mi pa povsem jasno zakaj taka firma, ki ima 1milijardo+ letnega profita ne dela na neki novi MMO igri, ki bi spet prevzela velik del populacije.

Blizzard že kar nekaj časa dela na novem MMOju.

mojsterleo je izjavil:

ne verjamem, da bo diablo 3 mmo.

Tega ni nihče rekel :)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Rotaidal ()

detroit ::

god forbid špilam ultimo online 10let, ne rabim še enga tazga odtegljaja časa. Že zdj ga ni

Xserces ::

grafika zame ni nekaj kar bi pri diablotu moralo biti oh in sploh... lahko bi samo malo bol starinsko nardili sliko... temacno in podobno
Intel i5-3570k @4.7GHz|MSI GTX 970 4G|MSI Z77 MPower|
G. Skill 8 GB 1600MHz|Corsair AX750|Seagate Barracuda 2TB|NZXT Gamma|

detroit ::

mal vn vreme glej bo dost temno:)

Xserces ::

detroit je izjavil:

mal vn vreme glej bo dost temno:)

haha xD
Intel i5-3570k @4.7GHz|MSI GTX 970 4G|MSI Z77 MPower|
G. Skill 8 GB 1600MHz|Corsair AX750|Seagate Barracuda 2TB|NZXT Gamma|


Tako razmišljajo igralci ultime, ker ne poznajo naprednih digitalnih efektov. :))

detroit ::

Eh ni vse v grafiki, pravi geeki, ki poznajo vse ti bojo znal povedat, da še noben mmorpg ni premagal ultime:)

Premagal jo je edin slab založnik (EA) in pa otroci ki stremijo k candy grafiki

p.s. ultima uber alle :D

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: detroit ()

ahac ::

S pravo uporabo barv in učinkov se da naredit dost boljše vzdušje kot samo z realistično grafiko. In Blizzard ni firma, ki bi delala realistične špile. Mislm... čarovniki, pošasti, alieni... to so glavne teme v Blizzardovih igrah.
Če so že zgodbe tolk fantazijske, zakaj bi šli v realistično grafiko?
Jaz se spomnim, ko sem bil low lvl human v WoW in sem šel z Westfalla (polja, vročina,...) v Duskwood (temen spooky zone). Grafika že takrat ni bila nič posebnega, ampak tisti most je name naredu ful velik vtis. Barva okolice so se v par metrih spremenila iz (pretirano) oranžne v (pretirano) temno zeleno, nebo se je potemnilo, zvoki so se čisto spremenil. Po par korakih sem bil v čisto drugem območju in to se je res čutilo. Potem sem pa prišel do nekih ljudi, ki so okrog hodil z baklami, ki so metale svetlobo na njih in na okolico. S tem so dosegl tak efekt, da čisto pozabiš na "slabo" grafiko in kvadratasta drevesa.

Pri igrah kot je Crysis je monitor taka jasna linija, ki loči pravi svet od virtualnega. Lahko se nek špil dogaja sredi npr. sredi New Yorka (GTA, uno k skačeš po bajtah) pa nimam občutka, da sem res tam.
Ampak če pa igram en Blizzardov špil (pa tudi druge) pa pridem v neko novo območje, ki je oblikovano po nekem realnem kraju, kjer sem bil... me pa dost bolj spomne na tisti kraj. Mislm, da to ravno zato, ker pretiravajo pri barvah, zvokih, efektih... in v človeku lažje prikličejo spomine na nek realni kraj ali dogodek, ki ga je doživel.

Tudi zato so pa Blizzardovi špili nekaj posebnega tudi na starih računalnikih in tudi zato so njihovi špili aktualni še leta in leta po izzidu.
Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

tadejcek007 ::

men zaenkrat zgleda use ql...mam pa nekaj pripomb kot prvo upam da nebo špil prekratek k sm tut mnenja da je diablo franšiza imela zelo velik poudarek na singleplayerju sej multipalyer je res pr blizzardu top ampak pr diablotu se mi nikol ni zdel da je multi glavn...kot drugo me je zmotilo na unih slikah k ti k kaže opremo pa orožje da ni tko kot v D2 k si mogu res pazt kaj pobereš(več specal stvari za opremo, manj poškodovano, več obrambe, napada, in za koliko jo boš lahko prodal :D) iz tal, kok napojev in zvitkov vzameš sabo in kako zložš v ''nahrbtnik'' in mogoče je bilo nekje mau moteče ampak največkrat sm v tem užival ''skaldanju'' opreme v nahrbtnik...in pa kot tretje me moti to da nebo več napojev..sej tisto z koglcami k ti samo obnovi je kr ql ideja ampak napoji so bili del obvezne opreme in je bila fora v tem da si mroal ugibat koliko jih boš rabil...

Zgodovina sprememb…

Xserces ::

nah... ceu sash si nabuto iz HP pa unimi vijolcnimi pa je blo ql pa se mau u inventoriju xD
Intel i5-3570k @4.7GHz|MSI GTX 970 4G|MSI Z77 MPower|
G. Skill 8 GB 1600MHz|Corsair AX750|Seagate Barracuda 2TB|NZXT Gamma|

g. Oden ::

Bolf3nk je izjavil:

Če pogledamo predvsem Diablo 1, vidimo, kakšna je razlika v temačnosti in resnosti med igrama.

a res? Je bil CELI diablo temačen? spet neko trolanje.

kaj pa je to? :D

ta slika je bila odgovor na tiste, kateri so fotošopali slike iz diablo 3, da bi moral bit temačen. Ker sta bila baje prva dela oba temačna.. ta slika pa dokazuje da ni bil

Samo, da nekaj tu dodam, v tvoji sliki ne gre za originalni Diablo ampak za Diablo 2, pri katerega izidu so se pojavile podobne polemike. Osebno Diabla 2 nisem nikoli igral ravno zaradi risankastosti. Pri Diablu 3 pa gredo še korak dalje, tako da bo izgleda "a pass for me". Nimam pa nič proti, če je komu tak izgled bolj všeč.

Meizu ::

Jao razvajenci... Če hočete temačen špil pač znižate gama nastavitve in se pogirate s kontrastom in to je to. Po potrebi še na monitorju. Jst sm si tako vedno pričaral bolj mračno vzdušje ko sem hotel...

Xserces ::

na teh slikah so barve zvali FAIL xD jst se nism nikol obremenjevou iz tem ampak bilo bi mi bolse ce bi bilo bol temacno in malo vec detailov xP lahko bi naredl DX10 ali celo DX11 z podporo DX9 xd xd xd
Intel i5-3570k @4.7GHz|MSI GTX 970 4G|MSI Z77 MPower|
G. Skill 8 GB 1600MHz|Corsair AX750|Seagate Barracuda 2TB|NZXT Gamma|

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Xserces ()


Po mojem mnenju je Blizzardov artwork in stil obupen. Zaradi tega mi je tudi WoW neprebavljiv.

SC2 igram samo zato, ker je MP igralen. Pri SP pa pač spregledam ogabno obliko človeških teles in enote, ki izgledajo kot TOMY igračke. Ampak razumem, nekaterim je to kul ... meni pa pač ne.

xyxyxyxy ::

Joj, zakaj ste nekateri takšne grafične kurbe. :D Zato pa je tako, da se pri današnjih igrah večino razvojnega časa vlaga prav v podobo, namesto, da bi delali na igralnosti in inovativnosti. Tako pa po večini dobivamo ene in iste igre z novo podobo. To štancanje mi gre na bruhanje in me mineva veselje do igranja ...

Zaradi mene lahko naredijo Diablo III z grafičnim pogonom iz dvojke, pa jo bom vseeno z veseljem igral mesece. Grafiki za moje pojme čisto nič ne manjka. Si pa upam staviti, da bo na koncu špil veliko bolj temačen, kot je bilo to vidno na prvih screenih.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: xyxyxyxy ()

Xserces ::

xyxyxyxy je izjavil:

Joj, zakaj ste nekateri takšne grafične kurbe. :D Zato pa je tako, da se pri današnjih igrah večino razvojnega časa vlaga prav v podobo, namesto, da bi delali na igralnosti in inovativnosti. Tako pa po večini dobivamo ene in iste igre z novo podobo. To štancanje mi gre na bruhanje in me mineva veselje do igranja ...

Zaradi mene lahko naredijo Diablo III z grafičnim pogonom iz dvojke, pa jo bom vseeno z veseljem igral mesece. Grafiki za moje pojme čisto nič ne manjka. Si pa upam staviti, da bo na koncu špil veliko bolj temačen, kot je bilo to vidno na prvih screenih.

jst ga bom spilu pa ce je roza ampak bilo bi bolse ce bi naredil malo bolso grafiko:D
Intel i5-3570k @4.7GHz|MSI GTX 970 4G|MSI Z77 MPower|
G. Skill 8 GB 1600MHz|Corsair AX750|Seagate Barracuda 2TB|NZXT Gamma|

Meizu ::

Mjah, to lahko rečeš za vsako stvar... :P Crysis bi bil tudi boljši zame, če bi vanj implementirali še vse bombončke, ki jih nudi GTA4 recimo :)

Ah, daj no, grafika je čisto kul, 10 let nazaj smo skoraj še vedno same 2d špile nabijali, pa se ni noben pritoževal, sedaj pa je nažalost vedno več ljudi, ki jim največ pri igri dejansko pomeni grafika. Ne pravim zdaj, da mi je vseeno če igram špil, ki ima grafično podobo iz leta 2002, ampak vseeno... Kolikor sem tele gameplaye gledal, ga špil seka in prav gotovo bo na moji shopping listi, ko izide ven, ter se malo spusti cena, ker prednaročniške cene so zaenkrat preveč divje zame...8-O

tadejcek007 ::

pri takih igrah grafika ni najvažnejši del...pri trailerju se mi je zdela čist vredu..samo sm pol šel in še mal pogledu po netu photoshopirane screenshotte in so eni res fuul dobri in se neb branu take grafike oz nebarvitosti ;)

za relase date pa morš počakat blizzcon 2010 oktobra

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • zavaroval slike: Tilen ()

Xserces ::

kdaj je sploh najavlen d3?:D
Intel i5-3570k @4.7GHz|MSI GTX 970 4G|MSI Z77 MPower|
G. Skill 8 GB 1600MHz|Corsair AX750|Seagate Barracuda 2TB|NZXT Gamma|

Tr0n ::

Xserces je izjavil:

kdaj je sploh najavlen d3?:D

Mislis izzid? Nimamo ga.

Izi ::

Kam tako hitite? Diabla 3 ne boste igrali še najmanj eno leto >:D
Malo spremljam zadeve in igra sploh še ni končana, še vedno dodajajo določene funkcije, kar bo trajalo še nekaj mesecev, potem pa šele pride na vrsto poliranje kode in testiranje, kar spet vzame pol leta, na koncu pa še prevajanje v različne jezike, kar bo spet vzelo nekaj mesecev.
Da ne omenjamo, da bo igra izšla hkrati na vseh različnih platformah in v vseh večjih jezikih. Se pravi hkrati razvijajo najmanj 4 različne priredbe, za PC Windows, za PC Mac, za Xbox 360 in PS3.

Kakorkoli obračamo gre za eno najbolj pričakovanih iger sploh v zgodovini iger. Ni treba biti jasnovidec, da veš, da bo igra blestela po igralni plati. Grafika pa je pač stvar okusa, Blizzard uporablja vedno enak stil, ki je bolj risankasta kot pa realna grafika. Ampak ko enkrat padeš notri v Blizzardovo igro, grafike sploh ne opaziš več :D

Če ne drugega bo treba igro obrniti vsaj zaradi tradicije. Osebno še nisem izpustil nobenega Diabla in pri vseh sem užival, čeprav mi osebno bolj sedejo prave RPG igre, kjer se z vsakim pošastkom boriš po celo minuto, kot pa sekljačine tipa Diablo kjer ubiješ najmanj 30 pošastkov na minuto.

Diablo - 1996
Diablo: Hellfire - 1997
Diablo II - 2000
Diablo II: Lord of Destruction - 2001
Diablo III - uradno najavljen 2008, izzid verjetno 2011

Diablo igramo že 14 let :D

Sem že pregledal vse klase za Diablo 3 in njihove številne uroke in zadeva bo kot kaže odlična.
Za nas malo počasnejše na refleksih bo verjetno najbolj priljubljen klass kar Wizard s tistim časovnim balonom, ki ga lahko naredi okoli sebe in znotraj katerega se vse dogajanje močno upočasni edino sam Wizard še vedno teka in meče uroke znotraj balona z normalno hitrostjo.

Že znano:
Vsak klass ima na voljo moški in ženski lik.
Kljub skupni glavni zgodbi naj bi imel vsak klass svoje specifične queste.
Med igro se bodo povsem naključno pojavljali dodatni questi, naključni skriptani dogodki, naključne stranske mini avanture. Se pravi ne bo kakšnih "walkthrough" za Diablo 3, ker bo veliko stvari naključno narejenih.

Se slišimo čez eno leto :)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Izi ()

ahac ::

Za PC in Mac bo. Konzol niso nikoli omenjal (in tud malo verjetno, da bi ga hkrati delal za konzole).
Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

xyxyxyxy ::

Ob tem sem se tudi sam začudil, na konzole ga zagotovo ne bo. Diablo je bila in bo ostala PC igra.

Tr0n ::

Za konzole imas DeathSpank, ki je precej fun zadevscina. :)

def0r ::

ahac je izjavil:

Za PC in Mac bo. Konzol niso nikoli omenjal (in tud malo verjetno, da bi ga hkrati delal za konzole).

Ce hocejo vec zasluzka bi bila skoraj nuja delati tudi za konzole nekako prirejeno verzijo. Saj je vedno vec prodanih iger na konzolah kakor na PCjih. (WoW izjema.)

tadejcek007 ::

ja pa ne diablota :D...glede na to da so špil že dvakrat al trikrat zavrgl pa začel znova se mi zdi da jim denarja ne manka in jim ga pomoje tut nebo ker blizzardovi špili so vedno zelo dobro prodajani tudi brez platform xbox 360 in ps3...sej včasih tut za PC nepride kakšen špil pa pride za Xbox al pa ps3 tok da pr blizzardu so pač na prvem mestu PCjaši in lahk rečm sam HVALA BOGU DA JE TAKO:D

ahac ::

def0r je izjavil:

ahac je izjavil:

Za PC in Mac bo. Konzol niso nikoli omenjal (in tud malo verjetno, da bi ga hkrati delal za konzole).

Ce hocejo vec zasluzka bi bila skoraj nuja delati tudi za konzole nekako prirejeno verzijo. Saj je vedno vec prodanih iger na konzolah kakor na PCjih. (WoW izjema.)

Ja, ampak špil se tam ne bi igral tolk dobro kot na PCju. Sej Starcraft: Ghost so pa razvijal (samo) za konzole, ker je bila tisto igra, ki paše na konzole.
Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

Meizu ::

Ni mi jasno kako bi lahko takšne igre ali pa strategije nabijal na konzoli. Seems pointless.

tadejcek007 ::

to sm najdu dons kaj naj bi blo na gamesconu 28 augusta pr blizzradu...

Diablo III at Gamescon 2010

Posted by
Zhar Icon
on Today, 04:21 AM

Ever wonder why Blizzcon is never held in Europe?
Because of things like Gamescom, it turns out all you European Diablofans have something to look forward too, as do we all come August 18th. That is of course, if this finding by a Battle-Net forum poster is correct.

Blizzard has scheduled a press conference at gamescom 2010 in Cologne where a new feature in Diablo 3 is going to be presented to the audience. It's still highly classified what it's going to be.
We'll get back to you about the details at pcgames.de on August, the 18th around 12:00 pm (CET), so all the Diablo 3 fans should make sure to check back then.

Diablo 3 will be playable at gamescom 2010. It's uncertain if Diablo 3 is still going to ship in 2011 or rather 2012 - Blizzard maybe is going to comment on that at gamescom. The press conference with game director Jay Wilson also includes half an hour of Q&A, during which we'll try to get our hands on as much information as possible.

Bashiok had this to say.

Official Blizzard Quote:
[Blizzard Source]
I am excite, because you are and should be excite.

Now, as we all know, Bashiok has a long track record of keeping us in the dark. When something is wrong, he has nothing against flat out denying it, or making witty remarks at the post. Curious then, that he would not outwardly confirm or deny this post, when it is basically guaranteeing Blizzard announce something big to us. To me, this is his way of confirming that yes, Blizzard is going to announce a new feature.

Notice the key word feature. Sadly, this rules out the fifth class for announcement; we all know something that big would be saved for Blizzcon anyways. But, the crafting system has yet to be announced, as well as the resource systems for the DiabloWiki.com - WizardWizard (which was recently changed), as well as theDiabloWiki.com - MonkMonk's resource. It may even have something to do with end game content, or god forbid, the next iteration of the chat gem.

They also did not say how playable Diablo III will be at Gamescom. We do not know if it will be a demo similar to the other events, or a beta version. Though the fact that it will be playable once more gives us even more to look forwards to, as this means players may be able to interact with both the Monk and Wizard skill resource systems. Not to mention other various systems and features we've yet to explore.

Then, we have the comment on the release date. I don't want to hype this out of proportion, but it sounds as if they may be looking to announce a concrete release date, possibly even a beta if the full game is playable at Gamescom.

At any rate, it's only a handful of days until we get some concrete news on our hands, and that's something we can all rejoice about.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Anorexic ::

Umm.. Ljudje! Vodja grafičnega oddelka je nedavno odstopu od Diablo 3, ravno zaradi ostrih kritik na račun barvitosti in kot sem videl in razumel, so začeli upoštevat kritike.

Off topic:
Diablo 2 se da čist lepo preigravat z high resolution modom in je superca:

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Anorexic ()

Rotaidal ::

Umm.. Ljudje! Vodja grafičnega oddelka je nedavno odstopu od Diablo 3, ravno zaradi ostrih kritik na račun barvitosti, in kot sem videl in razumel, so začeli upoštevat kritike.

Če bi pogledal starost teme bi tudi blo lepo. Od tega je skoraj 2 leti. Ne pa da delaš tako paniko...
Posted 14 August 2008 - 09:35 PM

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Rotaidal ()

ahac ::

Če se prav spomnim, so takrat tud rekl, da to nima nobene veze s "kritikami". Ljudje pač menjajo službe.
Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

Xserces ::

Anorexic je izjavil:

Off topic:
Diablo 2 se da čist lepo preigravat z high resolution modom in je superca:

ne vids kasne artifakte mu dela lol... slika se lom pa kr neki...
Intel i5-3570k @4.7GHz|MSI GTX 970 4G|MSI Z77 MPower|
G. Skill 8 GB 1600MHz|Corsair AX750|Seagate Barracuda 2TB|NZXT Gamma|

Anorexic ::

Rotaidal je izjavil:

Umm.. Ljudje! Vodja grafičnega oddelka je nedavno odstopu od Diablo 3, ravno zaradi ostrih kritik na račun barvitosti, in kot sem videl in razumel, so začeli upoštevat kritike.

Če bi pogledal starost teme bi tudi blo lepo. Od tega je skoraj 2 leti. Ne pa da delaš tako paniko...
Posted 14 August 2008 - 09:35 PM

Um vsaj 10 postov nad mano, je starih manj kot en teden in na katere sem tudi odgovoru.
Nove slike in trailer skilov pa deluje precej bolj temačno. In čist nobene panike ne delam.

Artifacte mu je delalo pri prvi resoluciji, ker je nastavu napačno, kot drugo pa sem serijo preigral že parkrat na 1440x900 in ni nobenih problemov. Je pa užitek igrat

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Anorexic ()

Rotaidal ::

Um vsaj 10 postov nad mano, je starih manj kot en teden.-

Mislil sem temo in poste na blizzardovem forumu :\ ki si ga linkal. 2 leti je star, ti pa si dejal:

Umm.. Ljudje! Vodja grafičnega oddelka je
odstopu od Diablo 3

Če je 2 leti za tebe nedavno..

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We all patiently awaited what Blizzard was going to reveal at gamesom and we finally got some new and integral information on Diablo III. Blizzard revealed their crafting system for Diablo III. Characters will be able to create their own gear through the use of Artisans, materials, and rare drops. Blizzard wanted players to be able to craft their own items without having to spend the time hammering away on an anvil creating them. Through the system they have implemented, other NPC's will be doing the hard work for us.

Let's start at the beginning. Firstly, how and where do we access these Artisans. The Artisans in the game are found through the main quests of the game. As you venture through the areas, you will probably run into one who needs you to help them or save their lives. After helping them and gaining their trust, the Artisans will continue with you on your travels. Setting up shop at the nearest city, the player will be able to interact with the Artisans whenever they get a chance to go back to town.

The type of Artisans that will be available to our heroes.
o The Black Smith - The featured Artisan from the video is the black smith. Acting as a place to repair and sell items, the black smith can also create weapons and armor for your character. He can also add sockets to any weapon or armor much like the quest reward from the Siege on Harrogath.
o The Mystic - This Artisan deals more with the magical side of crafting. The Mystic will be used to create potions, scrolls, magical weapons such as wands and staffs, spell runes, charms, and can enchant weapons and armors created by the Black Smith.
o The Jeweler - This Artisan will create gems for you. You can also use the Jeweler to combine gems to create one of a higher quality which is the only way to get the highest quality gems. The Jeweler can also remove gems from items.

So how do each of these Artisans work? Basically, as you venture through the game you will get materials (more on this later) that you bring back to these Artisans to create new items. Each Artisan will need different types of materials to create their work for you. Random attributes being iconic of the franchise, the items they craft for you can also have random attributes added to them. In order to make stronger and newer items available, you will need to level up your Artisans through training. Upgrading will also have a visual change to your Artisans camp. The higher the level of your Artisans, the more impressive the look of their shop. Training to higher levels is done through more of the same materials needed to create the items. Along with this training, there will also be random drops of recipes to unlock other items. In true Diablo fashion, some of the rarest items will be obtained through these random drops.

Materials for these items are gained through salvaging items you find while playing. Each player will eventually gain an artifact that allows you to break down items into materials. This artifact allows you to make use of every item you pick up without having to go to town repeatedly to salvage the items. The materials that stack and each take up one square in your inventory can be more easily carried around until you have the opportunity to go to your Artisans and use them.

Q & A about the new caravan mechanic from the presskit:

Here is the transcript of the press conference including the Q & A with Jay Wilson.

Diablo III Caravan FAQ
Q: What is the caravan?
A: The caravan is a persistent group that follows the heroes across Sanctuary, providing a centralized hub for players to find quest givers, crafters, and other important NPCs. As your character moves through the world so too will your loyal band, setting up in specific locations to remain close by should you need them.
Q: Who are the artisans?
A: In order to access the professions in Diablo III, you'll need to gain the loyalty of various artisans through your travels in Sanctuary. The blacksmith, mystic, and jeweler will each provide unique services over the course of the game.
Q: What do the artisans offer?
A: Skilling up your artisans will unlock unique recipes, granting your character access to benefits that may not be found anywhere else in the world. The blacksmith crafts weapons and armor, and can add sockets to some items. The mystic creates scrolls, potions, magical weapons, spell runes, and charms, and can also enchant items. The jeweler crafts gems , amulets, and rings. The jeweler can also remove gems from socketed items and can combine gems to improve their quality.
Q: How do I find the artisans?
A: Finding the artisans will be part of the main quest. Each artisan has been fleshed out to include their own story and quest line.
Q: How do I use the artisans?
A: You'll collect loot as a reward for slaughtering the forces of the Burning Hells. Unwanted items can be salvaged in your inventory, converting these goods into raw crafting materials -- higher-level items are salvaged into higher-level materials. You'll then take those raw materials and hand them over to the artisans, putting them to work crafting or enchanting for you. Upon returning to the caravan after a lengthy foray, you may also find that the artisans have been hard at work plying their trade for your benefit.
Q: How do I salvage my items?
A: Players will find an item while progressing through the main quest that will allow them to convert unwanted gear into crafting materials from the inventory. This item will not take up any inventory space. This should be a more satisfying option for offloading unwanted loot than the alternative -- dropping things on the ground or making frequent trips to a vendor.
Q: Why are you including crafting professions in an action game?
A: Professions add depth to the item collection gameplay that drives the action of Diablo III. We want to provide players with an alternative way to acquire gear, potions, and other randomly found items. We also want to provide additional forms of customization for players -- adding jewels, enchants, or sockets to existing gear allows players to further tailor their characters. Many rare crafting recipes and materials are only found as world drops, enhancing the item acquisition process by increasing the diversity of items dropped by monsters.


11.00: Hello and welcome to our coverage of Blizzard's Diablo III press conference at gamescom 2010. As well as an open question and answer session from members of the audience, it has been suggested that a new feature for the game will be unveiled as well. We'll find it when the conference begins in a few moments time.
11:01: Jay Wilson, the game director for Diablo III is welcomed on stage.
11:01: A new feature announced today will be Artisans. They are NPCs that are craftsmen to assist you throughout the game. Blacksmith, jeweller and mystic are three classes that are available. You don't start with them but they'll join you on the quest.
11:01: They'll usually request help from you, and once you gain their loyalty, they'll follow you on the quest. "We wanted this entourage of people that followed you through the world that would gather around you, like they would do for a hero."
11:02: Wilson said that it didn't feel right that the player would take their time making weapons or developing skills in towns, so these Artisan's would do that job for you.
11:03: They can act as normal vendors for buying and selling, "a basic function". They can also craft items, with blacksmiths catering for heavy duty melee weapons.
11:03: Each one will have special abilities. Blacksmiths can repair and make use of sockets. "You can add gems to any item, regardless of quality." Gem use will be more "prolific" throughout. Artisans can train throughout the game, and offer gossip as well.
11:03: Crafting wouldn't work in Diablo III than that it would in other games, needs to be less predictable. On screen a dagger is shown, which will have two random properties, and all other items will have "some element of randomness to them", but there is an element of control throughout the crafting process.
11:05: The process is fairly quick, and you can queue items to be crafted so you can go elsewhere instead of waiting.
11:05: Now shown is the Socketing system. Shields and armour can be given gems, a "pretty straightforward" process. The Salvaging system will allow users to place unwanted weapons and armour into a lot that breaks down their components into crafting items. Wilson said that they don't want players to choose hard with what they have to get rid off.
11:05: One of the bigger parts of the crafting game is finding the repcipes in the right part of the world - these too are drops with random qualities.
11:07: Other aspects have a "cool visual element", however usually crafting does not. The Artisan's will provide this visual feedback as they improve their skills.
11:08: The focus of crafting will be on combat. Artisans will have several levels of visual upgrades.
11:09: They said it doesn't feel right to not show a video of them killing something, so a quick gameplay clip using the crafted items is displayed.
11:09: The presentation part of the session ends, and it moves onto the Q&A segment.
11:10: Between Diablo II and III, why change the crafting elements and use Artisans? Wilson explains that before it was simpler before, but the Artisans provide a varied means of new abilities.
11:11: Someone asks if the game will be region locked like StarCraft has. Blizzard have yet to announce their plans.
11:12: Can multiple Artisans be used at one time? Yes - one of the goals of the system was that although Diablo is co-operative focused, they didn't want users to go to other players for their Artisans. There are cases where that is beneficial for unique recepies, but here all three Artisan types are open to you and can be fully levelled up.
11:13: The most important question is the release date, an audience member says. Wilson responds that it is "done when it's done".
11:14: Do the Artisans give you quest after you gain them? Currently no, since pulling them back in the story doesn't feel right yet, and while it's possible for them to integrate them into the story, they don't want to do that currently.
11:14: Will there be any special bonuses if you put gems in a special order? Wilson says that is a "really cool idea" and that he'll write it down and discuss it with the design team.
11:15: Someone asks a question regarding the security and accounts, and how they can teach users to be sensible. Wilson says that security is very important to Blizzard and that they have a whole decision dedicated to the issue. "We have a lot of people on it, that's how we keep it secure... we put a lot of energy into security." The audience member says whether how users can be more competent in their own user account safety. Wilson says not yet for Diablo III but there are plenty of authenticators out there.
11:18: The Artisans are asked to be explained in more detail. The Mystic focuses on crafting magic items - wands, staff and some pieces of armour - and can be used to add enhancements. They are found in the same way that recipes are found, in the world, and as the Artisans level up they'll encounter new ones along the way. The Mysic can also add elements to items, much like Kane did in the original.
11:18: The Jeweller can recover gems from items without destroying them. Wilson said that they like how gems in II can be combined together, but it made people keep their gems and not use them in the fear that they would lose them. Here, it makes it possible for people to experiment. There are five levels of gems that drop, but there are fourteen qualities total which are obtained through combining in the right way. "To get the higher numbers you have to get pretty ridiculous."
11:21: Someone asks about the levelling system for the Artisans. As you play through the game, higher levels are required for higher recipes. As you progress the items Artisan's need become harder to find. The levelling controls the quality of the items that need to be combined. They aim that they want Salvaging and Combining a stress-free process, especially for high level items.
11:23: The art-style is brought up. Wilson says they had "vastly" more positive feedback than negative, and they went onto forums to look at the reaction. "The internet is not usually an area for positive area. People are usually negative, let me say." He adds that 90% of users found the art style attractive, so they knew they were going into the right direction.
11:24: Someone asks how much they need to Salvage, especially since it's not a "loot whore" game. It is quite prevalent, and the benefit is that instead of selling items for low amounts of gold, the broken down components will be of more use and can be stacked in higher numbers in the inventory.
11:26: When asked about how much is done, development wise, Wilson responds, "No, it's done when it's done." He adds that he doesn't speak in percentages, and that it is hard for a Blizzard game to be translated in those terms - they wait until they think things are really done. Development is a process of iteration, and that it is difficult to tell people how that works.
11:27: Someone asks whether you can use enhancements, socketing and so forth to one item, in II it was only one each. The answer is yes, you can, and then they asked why they did it just once since it was "cool" to do.
11:28: For naming items, Wilson said it was a "can of worms" and that people add naughty words to them, and find easy ways around it.
11:29: Someone asks about Hardcore modes. The requirements are uncertain, but it will be in the final game. In Battle.Net it might add trinkets and visual effects to profiles. "We do want you to show up prominently in Battle.Net if you play Hardcore mode.
11:30: It is clarified that Artisans do not follow you on the battlefield, but come with you from town to town along with "a whole other cast of characters" that Blizzard are not talking about today.
11:32: There won't be a town portal system, as they are a "horrible" combat exploits and design clashes. Instead they are using way points.
11:33: For Diablo II fans, what is the incentive for them to move to the third games? "I think there is an enormous number of reasons." Graphics, itemisation, combat model has been deepened, new content and classes to play. "I do love Diablo II, but I have played it quite a bit.
11:35: In terms of consoles, "we don't explore them right now." Diablo III is one of the better games to translate to consoles due to controls, but it is not being explored. However, they will "absolutely" do console development at some point.
11:36: They are looking at systems for selling and trading between players, and "hardcore Battle.Net development" will see that come to life, but a shared stash looks most viable. It was added that chat might also be considered, something that was missing from II.
11:37: For Artisans, they can be fully developed with no consequences. Special abilities are not exclusive, so you can eventually have fully development Artisans with all their abilities, provided time is put into it.
11:38: They are thinking of visual effects for their carts, such as if the player concentrates on axes or swords, they could be represented visually.
11:39: Items can only be enchanted once. They can be rewritten, but only one at a time.
11:40: For stashing, there won't be unlimited space. "That is basically a storage limitation, but it will be large. Ridiculously large." He said II's was "teeny tiny" and that he hated that.
11:41: Artisan's are unique characters that have backgrounds, so there won't be one of each. It is reiterated that there will be no exclusive features.
11:42: There will be set items in Diablo III, but they are in design right now. Some should be able to be crafted. One question Wilson is often asked is where items will be at the end of the game. An end game character will have a mixture of rare items, legendary items, and a few crafted items. "Our goal is that there is a valid reason for every item type, and that one will not dominate."
11:43: In II the level and quality restricts the number of sockets, and that will be the same in III. The design system behind it is similar to II.
11:43: Someone asks about really hard quests like those in II. "We have events in the game that are challenging outside of the bosses." They probably won't difficult on standard difficulties, but on harder ones "they will hurt you and make you cry".
11:44: The enhancement and socketing of items will require gold, and so gold will be of more importance this time around. Wilson says that the economy in II wasn't the greatest, and so by having almost everything require gold to use will help that.
11:45: The final question: the multiplayer of Diablo II allowed users to collect ears and whether they would return. "How could we not do that?" He jokes that it is a top of the box bullet point, but says that it is doubtful.
11:47: And with that, the press conference draws to a close.

Diablo III gamescom Q & A (This is not a direct quote of the Q & A. I have assumed questions and answers based upon responses and translation)

Q: Why change the crafting system (horadric cube) from Diablo II?

A: This system is more advanced and allows for many more options and new abilities.

Q: Will Diablo III be region locked like StarCraft II?

A: Blizzard has not yet made an announcement on these plans.

Q: Can multiple artisans be used at the same time?

A: Yes. There are three artisans and all three can be used (working) at the same time. However, players will not be able to use each other's artisans.

Q: When will Diablo III be released?

A: It's done when it's done.

Q: Do the artisans give you quests after obtaining them?

A: Currently, no. Pulling them back into the story doesn't feel right yet. While it is possible for them to be integrated into the story, they do not want to currently.

Q: Will there be any special bonuses for putting in gems in a particular order (similar to how rune words worked)?

A: That is a really cool idea. I'll write that down and discuss it with the design team.

Q: What kind of security will there be for Diablo III and accounts

A: We have a lot of people on it, that's how we keep it secure... we put a lot of energy into security. There are also plenty of account authenticators out there.

Q: Can you explain the other artisans in more detail?

A: The Mystic focuses on crafting magic items; wands, staffs, and some armor. Enhancements can also be found (like the recipes for weapons and armor) and used to enhance items. They can also add elemental damage to items. The Jeweler can recover gems from items without destroying the gems. We liked how you could combine gems to make better ones but it stopped people from using any lower ones. This way people can use them and then take them to improve them. Jewelers can also combine gems. There are five levels of quality that can drop but there are fourteen different qualities that can be obtained by combining them.

Q: How will the Artisans level?

A: As you play through the game, higher levels are required for higher level recipes. The items needed to craft these items will also be rarer to obtain. Salvaging and combining should level with each other.

Q: What has been the reaction to the Art style?

A: We have had vastly more positive feedback than negative. The internet is not usually an area for positive area. People are usually negative, let me say. I would say about 90% of users found the art style to be attractive so we know we are headed in the right direction.

Q: How much material will be gained from salvaging compared to what is needed to craft an item?

A: It is quite prevalent and the benefit is that instead of selling the items for low amounts of gold, the salvaged items can be stacked in high quantities.

Q: Percentage wise, how much of the game is completed?

A: Blizzard doesn't really work in those terms. They way we work on the game makes it impossible to give it a percent.

Q: Can you enhance, socket and whatever else to one item?

A: Yes you can.

Q: Can you name the items crafted?

A: Letting players name their items becomes a can of worms. People will add naughty words and find ways around any blocking system in place.

Q: Can you give us any information on Hardcore for Diablo III?

A: The exact requirements are uncertain right now but it will definitely be in the game. For Battle.net we definitely want a visual identifier to let people know you are hardcore like a trinket in your profile.

Q: Can you clarify how the Artisans follow you in-game?

A: They don't go onto the battlefield with you. They will set up camp at the closest town along with a whole cast of other characters that we are not talking about today.

Q: Will Diablo III still have town portals?

A: There will be no town portal system. They were a horrible way to exploit combat. Instead, we are using waypoints.

Q: What is the incentive for Diablo II fans to move onto the third game?

A: I think there are an enormous amount of reasons. Graphics, itemization, combat models have been deepened new content and classes to play. I do love Diablo II, but I have played it quite a bit.

Q: Will Diablo III be available for console?

A: We are not exploring that right now. Diablo III is one of the better games to port to console but it is something we are not looking into. However, Blizzard will absolutely do console at some point.

Q: How we will be able to trade items amongst our characters?

A: Battle.net will be used for that system. Right now, it looks like shared stash is the most viable way. Chat may also be added through Battle.net

Q: Will all items be available to all Artisans?

A: All Artisans can be fully developed if enough time is put into it. We are also thinking about changing the looks of each shop depending on what items you have available.

Q: Can items be enchanted more than once.

A: No. Each item can only be enchanted once.

Q: How large will our stash be?

A: It will not be unlimited but it will be large, ridiculously large.

Q: Will there be set items in Diablo III?

A: There will be set items but they are still being designed right now. Some will be able to be crafted.

Q: What type of items will end game characters have?

A: The goal is to have some rares, some uniques, and some crafted items. Our goal is that there is a valid reason for every type of item and one will not dominate.

Q: In Diablo II, the quality restricts the number of sockets added. Will it be similar in Diablo III?

A: The design system is similar.

Q: Will there be any really hard quests in Diablo III?

A: We have events that are challenging outside of the bosses. They probably won't be difficult on normal, but harder difficulties will make you want to cry.

Q: How are you planning on making gold more important?

A: The socketing and enhancing of items require gold so gold will be more important. By having many things need gold, we can raise its importance.

Q: The multiplayer of Diablo II allowed us to collect ears. Will this return in Diablo III?

A: How could we not do that, he jokes that it is at the top of the box but says it is doubtful.


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