Forum » Igre » Diablo III
Diablo III
Temo vidijo: vsi
Tr0n ::
Good Guy ::
ne večina jih stavi na starcraft 2
bi blo pa lepo vidit če bi obe izdal:D
bi blo pa lepo vidit če bi obe izdal:D
Naj računalnik dela za vas^^
Naj računalnik dela za vas^^
Good Guy ::
sej to smo hotl..
enka in dvojka sta bla svetovna.. tut če je grafika smrdela...
omfg zdele gledu ingame vido..
to trga.. kdaj nej bi ta špila pršla v štacune?
enka in dvojka sta bla svetovna.. tut če je grafika smrdela...
omfg zdele gledu ingame vido..
to trga.. kdaj nej bi ta špila pršla v štacune?
Naj računalnik dela za vas^^
Naj računalnik dela za vas^^
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Good Guy ()
opeter ::
Huh, komaj čakam!
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
mojsterleo ::
huda igra, ni kaj za dodati. zanima me samo, kdaj bo prisla v stacune. ker 'when it's done' ni noben odgovor. kaj prej kot 2010 itak najbrz ne, glede na to da ze starcraft 2 packajo v neskoncnost.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: mojsterleo ()
]Fusion[ ::
Blizzard does it again
Leta in leta nič pol pa taki šok
Lepo lepo
"I am not an animal! I am a human being! I... am... a man!" - John Merrick
BigWhale ::
Prvi Diablo je bil po nekaj urah igranja crap... Endless clicking in razmisljanje o tem, koliko klikov o miska se zdrzala. Zgodbe pa nobene pametne. Dvojke niti probal nisem.
R33D3M33R ::
Prvi Diablo je bil po nekaj urah igranja crap... Endless clicking in razmisljanje o tem, koliko klikov o miska se zdrzala. Zgodbe pa nobene pametne. Dvojke niti probal nisem.
To je zato, ker se v igro nisi poglobil. Ko sem prvič igral tak tip igre (ravno Diablo 2) je blo enako. Sčasoma sem pa se bolj poglabljal v skille, artefakte, opremo in igra postane precej zanimivejša :)
Moja domača stran:
Na spletu že od junija 2002 ;)
:(){ :|:& };:
Na spletu že od junija 2002 ;)
:(){ :|:& };:
BigWhale ::
To je zato, ker se v igro nisi poglobil. Ko sem prvič igral tak tip igre (ravno Diablo 2) je blo enako. Sčasoma sem pa se bolj poglabljal v skille, artefakte, opremo in igra postane precej zanimivejša :)
Dej ne bluzi no... V Diablu 1 je blo tko, da si za vsak 'special item' takoj lahko ugotovil kaj je in kake modifierje ti da. FRPjk sem preigral precej prevec in tale diablo je ena drkalica na ravni Dungeon Siege-a. S tem, da je bil slednji kasneje izdan.
R33D3M33R ::
A je težko priznati, da se nisi poglobil? :P
Sicer pa vsak ima svoj okus in sploh ne vem zakaj bi te jaz prepričeval, da je igra čisto OK.
Mogoče zato, ker je res :P
Back on topic: komaj čakam na tole trojko :)
Sicer pa vsak ima svoj okus in sploh ne vem zakaj bi te jaz prepričeval, da je igra čisto OK.
Mogoče zato, ker je res :P
Back on topic: komaj čakam na tole trojko :)
Moja domača stran:
Na spletu že od junija 2002 ;)
:(){ :|:& };:
Na spletu že od junija 2002 ;)
:(){ :|:& };:
Tr0n ::
HD video posnetki so na:
Saladin ::
Sem že skoraj obupal nad kakim nadomestkom za dobro staro BG serijo...
Morda pa je to to?
ALi bo morda Fallout 3 bolj podoben?
Morda pa je to to?
ALi bo morda Fallout 3 bolj podoben?
Dobro je kar nosi največ svobodne koristi/najmanj bolečine čim več sentientom
na najhitrejši, najvarnejši in najbolj moralen način za najdaljše obdobje.
"Utilitarianizem po Saladinovo"
na najhitrejši, najvarnejši in najbolj moralen način za najdaljše obdobje.
"Utilitarianizem po Saladinovo"
BigWhale ::
Sem že skoraj obupal nad kakim nadomestkom za dobro staro BG serijo...
Morda pa je to to?
ALi bo morda Fallout 3 bolj podoben?
BGja ne mores kar tako nadomestiti. Se Neverwinter nights ga ni nadomestil... BG je bil to, kar je bil se pred njim Eye of the beholder... :)
Ja zgleda da so pri Blizzard pripravljeni vzeti krono najbolj prodajane RPG nazaj. Samo upam, da se jim ne bo preveč mudilo (da ne bo kakšnega skropucala kot jih izdaja EA).
Raje počakam leto ali dve, da bo igra dejansko vredna imena diablo in bo dostojna naslednica legende, ki me je za toliko ur vedno znova prikovala pred monitor.
Raje počakam leto ali dve, da bo igra dejansko vredna imena diablo in bo dostojna naslednica legende, ki me je za toliko ur vedno znova prikovala pred monitor.
Asrock Z77 pro4-m,i5 3570, corsair 8gb, sapphire 4870,CC500R
Odrasli so samo otroci, ki jih nihče ne potegne za ušesa,
ko naredijo veliko neumnost/by yjpe
Odrasli so samo otroci, ki jih nihče ne potegne za ušesa,
ko naredijo veliko neumnost/by yjpe
]Fusion[ ::
Pri blizzardu se pomoje za kvaliteto igre ni treba bat
Pomoje res rajši gulijo na igri še kako leto potem komaj izdajo. Primer Starcraft2, ki se že nekaj časa vleče, četudi je bojda že v igralnem stanju.
Pa sploh ne vem če je blizzard izdal sploh kako slabo igro
Pa sploh ne vem če je blizzard izdal sploh kako slabo igro
"I am not an animal! I am a human being! I... am... a man!" - John Merrick
Tr0n ::
V bistvu pravijo, da je D3 v razvoju ze 4 leta, pa da so sele na zacetku developmenta. Tako da, se zna bit par let.
Dami ::
Mene bl zanima kaj bo tist Next Gen MMO, ker na vlko zaposlujejo folk zanj... Upajmo da bo mešanca wowa pa eva
Don't worry about me. The bleeding is just the begining of a healing process.
Rotaidal ::
Mene bl zanima kaj bo tist Next Gen MMO, ker na vlko zaposlujejo folk zanj... Upajmo da bo mešanca wowa pa eva
Ja... nek projekt "Hydra"
Tr0n ::
Rovtar: saj so imeli na eventu intervjuje po predstavitvi. Nekaj kljucnih zanimivosti:
Bits and pieces from the post-announcement press conference:
* No release date as of yet.
* Development in its "early stages" despite being underway for over four years.
* Brand new in-house engine developed for Diablo III. Includes Havoc physics.
* Co-op is fully integrated into the game's design.
* Will also be released on Mac.
* Similar in length to Diablo II.
* Takes place twenty years after Diablo II expansion pack.
* Only fifty people working on the game at the moment. Content creation the current focus.
* New will debut with StarCraft II. Even more features by the time Diablo III launches.
* No console release of Diablo III planned. Other Blizzard title staying on PC and Mac also.
* Pay to play? Totally undecided, though it could vary between regions. For example, China may because of the popularity of internet cafes and the strict gaming laws that are meant to prevent people becoming addicted.
* Could be up to 100 enemies on-screen at a time.
* The ice splash page malarkey was Diablo all along, ditto on the eyes. I am vindicated. The penguin remains a mystery, however.
* Hellgate: London-esque randomness is in, to an extent. Some maps and what have yous will be static.
* Low-spec [computer] losers are being catered to.
* World of Warcraft and The Legend of Zelda heavily influenced boss design and boss gameplay mechanics.
* E-Sports support is a possibility. Team is attempting to form a business plan that works for that crowd.
* No character customisation, just gender selection.
* PvP will likely be included at release.
* Voice communication will be improved.
* Beta is a possibility.
* "Potions are still in the game, they're just not as core an element. So there's a new health system here. Wilson says he actually tried a Halo-style shield system with regenerative health, but didn't put that in because it encouraged players to leave combat. Didn't want to implement a WoW-style health which encourages players to drink and creates downtime when out of combat. Wilson wants the health system to ensure combat, which is health globes were implemented."
* One health pot restores all players in co-op.
* Enemies can miss and get weapons stuck in scenery or world.
* Player characters will be fully voice acted.
* Four-to-five person co-op groups.
* Respecs are likely to be included.
Diablo III takes place twenty years after the Lord of Destruction Diablo II expansion pack:
Two decades have passed since the demonic denizens, Diablo, Mephisto, and Baal, wandered the world of Sanctuary in a vicious rampage to shackle humanity into unholy slavery. Yet for those who battled the Prime Evils directly, the memory fades slowly and the wounds of the soul still burn.
When Deckard Cain returns to the ruins of Tristram's Cathedral seeking clues to new stirrings of evil, a comet from the heavens strikes the very ground where Diablo once entered the world. The comet carries a dark omen in its fiery being and it calls the heroes of Sanctuary to defend the mortal world against the rising powers of the Burning Hells – and even the failing luminaries of the High Heavens itself.
A list of game features has also been made available:
* Explore a fully-realized Sanctuary – the living, breathing gothic fantasy world of Diablo III rendered in gorgeous 3D.
* Battle the unholy forces of the Burning Hells with all-new character classes like the otherworldly Witch Doctor, or with re-imagined warriors from Diablo’s past: such as the fierce Barbarian.
* Rain Hell on your enemies wielding the interactive environment as a weapon: lay cunning traps, turn destructible objects against your foes, and use environmental obstacles to your advantage - all powered by the Havoc physics system.
* Experience the intensity of multiplayer Diablo III over an all-new, wickedly-enhanced platform with numerous enhancements to make connecting with your friends easier – and cooperative gameplay more fun.
T-h-o-r ::
pizde, kaj me rajcajo
to bi mogli ven dat kakšen mesec ali dva pred izidom igre
Why have a civilization anymore
if we no longer are interested in being civilized?
if we no longer are interested in being civilized?
]Fusion[ ::
World of Warcraft and The Legend of Zelda heavily influenced boss design and boss gameplay mechanics.
Kaj to pomeni? da bojo bossi bolj komplicirani v stilu da bo več faz?
PS: damn so me zrajcali zaj grem Diablo2 zaj špilat
"I am not an animal! I am a human being! I... am... a man!" - John Merrick
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: ]Fusion[ ()
slawc ::
Fallout 3, Jagged Alliance 3, zdaj še Diablo 3. Kaj bi dal še za Baldurja 3
Ah ja... tole je pa čist 3 much :)
Ah ja... tole je pa čist 3 much :)
Good Guy ::
nism kj preveč ostalih stvari gledu razn movije:D
no upam da bo čimprej.
lihk tok da obrnem diablo 2..
nism kj preveč ostalih stvari gledu razn movije:D
no upam da bo čimprej.
lihk tok da obrnem diablo 2..
Naj računalnik dela za vas^^
Naj računalnik dela za vas^^
Good Guy ::
no sej veš kako pravjo
počas pa z užitkom :D
počas pa z užitkom :D
Naj računalnik dela za vas^^
Naj računalnik dela za vas^^
T-h-o-r ::
bomo pa vsaj do jeseni fallout 3 dobili
Why have a civilization anymore
if we no longer are interested in being civilized?
if we no longer are interested in being civilized?
Tr0n ::
Mogoce se ena zanimivost.
Taksen developement cikel si lahko privoscijo samo firme, ki se samo-financirajo in imajo velike zaloge €€€.
Vsaj dva-krat je igra torej ze bila precej dalec v razvojnem ciklu pa so jo zavrgli, ker ni bila "fun". Crazy.
It's been started and scrapped twice since D2 came out. A friend of mine interviewed for a position at Blizzard North back in 2000, whereat he was shown some early D3 concepts. Apparently both times it was scrapped pretty far along in development because it turned out to be no fun. :(
Taksen developement cikel si lahko privoscijo samo firme, ki se samo-financirajo in imajo velike zaloge €€€.
Vsaj dva-krat je igra torej ze bila precej dalec v razvojnem ciklu pa so jo zavrgli, ker ni bila "fun". Crazy.
Good Guy ::
jah blizzard bi si kaj takega lohk privošču kr dostkrat..
sej veš kako pravjo.
v tretje gre Rado..
sej veš kako pravjo.
v tretje gre Rado..
Naj računalnik dela za vas^^
Naj računalnik dela za vas^^
Tr0n ::
Me zanima kaksne novosti bodo implementirali za SC2 bi naj prinesel prvi batch, D3 pa se dodatne.
Body ::
Glede na to da so pokazal 20 minutni gameplay in da je igra že čist lepo igrana predvidevam da bo konc leta 2009 al pa začetek 2010
]Fusion[ ::
Za Starcraft 2 je že blo tudi dosti pokazano samo ni ne duha ne sluha od njega
"I am not an animal! I am a human being! I... am... a man!" - John Merrick