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DS 18S20 64bit rom branje

DS 18S20 64bit rom branje

M@73Y ::

Pozdrav. ima kdo idejo kako prebrati naslov DS18S20 senzorja tako da bi jih lahko več naslavljav. naslov je shranjen v 64bit romu od česa je zadnjih 8 bitov (LSB) fiksno nastavljenih na &h10.
Uporabljam Bascom, atmel 89C4051, in multipleksirane 7 segmente.
Hvala. matej
..jump into psytrance tunnel..

drrogla ::

Citat iz datasheet-a (stran 10):

Read ROM [33h]
This command allows the bus master to read the
DS1820’s 8–bit family code, unique 48–bit serial number,
and 8–bit CRC. This command can only be used if
there is a single DS1820 on the bus. If more than one
slave is present on the bus, a data collision will occur
when all slaves try to transmit at the same time (open
drain will produce a wired AND result).

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