Forum » Mobilne tehnologije » Ali je možen sistem klicanja v gsm preko wifi na pda-jih?
Ali je možen sistem klicanja v gsm preko wifi na pda-jih?

icko ::
Večino časa se nahajm na dosegu lastnega wifi omrežja. Uporabljam le gsm in komp, stacionarni telefona ni na voljo.
Ali je možno, oziroma obstaja kakšna napravica ala HTC P3300, asus ali Qtek podobnih serij, ki bi mi omogočala samodejni preklop oziroma klicanje v gsm omrežja preko wifi oz skype, msn ali kaj podobnega.
Ker sem bolj laik na tem področju bi lepo prosil za malo bolj obširna pojasnila načina ter uporabe.
Hvala lepa.
Večino časa se nahajm na dosegu lastnega wifi omrežja. Uporabljam le gsm in komp, stacionarni telefona ni na voljo.
Ali je možno, oziroma obstaja kakšna napravica ala HTC P3300, asus ali Qtek podobnih serij, ki bi mi omogočala samodejni preklop oziroma klicanje v gsm omrežja preko wifi oz skype, msn ali kaj podobnega.
Ker sem bolj laik na tem področju bi lepo prosil za malo bolj obširna pojasnila načina ter uporabe.
Hvala lepa.

knesz ::
Sicer ne vem če ti bo pomagalo, a meni Dualphone služi več kot odlično (Skype v kombinaciji s Siol telefonijo oz. obratno). Bazna postaja je priklopljena direktno na router, ter na VDSL modem (landline), v slušalko vneseš username/pass od skype-a ter veselo kličeš.

itak37 ::
Fring naj bi to omogocal, vendar nisem tocno razumel, kako se izvede klic na drug gsm oz. stacionarni telefon. Verjetno preko skype-out...
Sicer pa je fring voip omrezje in podpira klice na MSN messenger, skype in druga voip omrezja ter seveda na druge fring uporabnike. Klici teh uporabnikov so zastonj, razen seveda ce prenos podatkov zaracuna operater (gprs,...).
Deluje pa na symbianu in PocketPC platformi. Zgleda zelo zanimiva zadeva in verjetno velika groznja za GSM operaterje v prihodnosti.
what is fring?
fring™ is a free mobile VoIP software that lets you talk and live chat (IM) using your handset's internet connection instead of costly mobile airtime (GSM) minutes. fring enables free mobile calls over Wi-Fi internet access or your 3G or GPRS Internet data plan and is enhanced with real-time contact availability (presence) so you can see who’s available before dialing.
Easily communicate with all your fring, Skype®, MSN® Messenger, ICQ, Google Talk™, Twitter and regular phone contacts from one, integrated contact list. Make cheap local and international mobile VoIP calls to contacts’ PCs and mobile phones and even call-out to landline numbers and regular cellular destinations, as fring also supports SkypeOut and hundreds of SIP-based services such as GizmoProject, VoipCheap, VoipStunt, Free World & SIPNET even from non-SIP enabled handsets.
All you need to use fring is a 3G handset with internet connectivity already available from your mobile service provider (how do I know?) or from your nearest Wi-Fi hotspot. fring does not require any proprietary hardware or airtime and works with phones purchased through any mobile operator. fring can be simply downloaded into your handset via SMS received from another fringster™ or from our website download page – it’s as easy as downloading a ring tone.
Roaming seamlessly between Wi-Fi and 3G networks while bypassing traditional mobile voice and SMS text messaging services, fring mobile-to-mobile calls, mobile-to-landline calls, and mobile-to-PC calls including integration into Skype, MSN Messenger, ICQ, Google Talk, Twitter & SIP wherever you are. The patent-pending peer-to-peer mobile VoIP technology delivers full-duplex voice quality with rich internet functionality and maximum network efficiency.
Sicer pa je fring voip omrezje in podpira klice na MSN messenger, skype in druga voip omrezja ter seveda na druge fring uporabnike. Klici teh uporabnikov so zastonj, razen seveda ce prenos podatkov zaracuna operater (gprs,...).
Deluje pa na symbianu in PocketPC platformi. Zgleda zelo zanimiva zadeva in verjetno velika groznja za GSM operaterje v prihodnosti.
what is fring?
fring™ is a free mobile VoIP software that lets you talk and live chat (IM) using your handset's internet connection instead of costly mobile airtime (GSM) minutes. fring enables free mobile calls over Wi-Fi internet access or your 3G or GPRS Internet data plan and is enhanced with real-time contact availability (presence) so you can see who’s available before dialing.
Easily communicate with all your fring, Skype®, MSN® Messenger, ICQ, Google Talk™, Twitter and regular phone contacts from one, integrated contact list. Make cheap local and international mobile VoIP calls to contacts’ PCs and mobile phones and even call-out to landline numbers and regular cellular destinations, as fring also supports SkypeOut and hundreds of SIP-based services such as GizmoProject, VoipCheap, VoipStunt, Free World & SIPNET even from non-SIP enabled handsets.
All you need to use fring is a 3G handset with internet connectivity already available from your mobile service provider (how do I know?) or from your nearest Wi-Fi hotspot. fring does not require any proprietary hardware or airtime and works with phones purchased through any mobile operator. fring can be simply downloaded into your handset via SMS received from another fringster™ or from our website download page – it’s as easy as downloading a ring tone.
Roaming seamlessly between Wi-Fi and 3G networks while bypassing traditional mobile voice and SMS text messaging services, fring mobile-to-mobile calls, mobile-to-landline calls, and mobile-to-PC calls including integration into Skype, MSN Messenger, ICQ, Google Talk, Twitter & SIP wherever you are. The patent-pending peer-to-peer mobile VoIP technology delivers full-duplex voice quality with rich internet functionality and maximum network efficiency.

Ursus ::
Poleg Fringa je še en program (pozabil ime)-eden deluj le na Nokiah, drugi pa ne dela v Evropi... Se pa da dobit ene variante MSN-ja, a do sedaj mi še ni uspelo dobiti takšne ki bi dobro delovala... Sporoči če dobiš kaj delujočega!

icko ::
Šit je ker je v gsm omrežje skoraj vse plačljivo. V bistvu dražje kot ordinary call.
Sicer pa še brskam...
Sicer pa še brskam...

Ursus ::
Glede na številčnost wifi točk pač zaženeš wifi in imaš tam 4 free. Poglej po straneh za Symbian ipd.
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