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kateri Kantalist za Radeon 9550

kateri Kantalist za Radeon 9550

krho ::

Sem dobil eno staro mašino na popravilo.
Duron 650, 256M rama, ECS k75sa in Radeon 9550, ok na karti piše 9600LE

Na strani sem izbral gonilnike za win xp in radeon 9600, dobil sem link na Kantalyst 6.11, ki pa NE deluje, ni 3D pospeševanja, ne morem spremba osveževalne frekvence recimo kaže 75Hz, pop ptrditvi, vendar moj monitor pravi, da je še vedno 60Hz, tudi, če dam na 100Hz, slika še vedno utripa, tako da vem, da se ni zgodilo praktično nič..
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krho ::

Čist ATIju podobno;(( , da v več kot pol leta ne more popravt, kar so zajebal. No ni samo VIA chipset, tudi s SISovim chipsetom so enaki probleme. Odgovor je torej 6.4.

There is a known ATI issue involving installing Catalyst drivers 6.5, 6.6, 6.7 (possibly 6.8) with Windows XP for owners of motherboards KT4*

Funny enough, after receiving this news, I went looking for the actual ticket and couldn't find it. I had to open a ticket of my own asking about it and the reply from ati was : Our enginners are still working on the issue there is no solution at the moment.

Anyway, here is the content of that ticket :

737-22933: No Direct3D Acceleration or failure to boot into Windows on some VIA-based motherboards
The information in this article applies to the following configuration(s):
Catalyst Display Driver 6.5, 6.6, 6.7
VIA KT400 chipset
Radeon® X1300 series
Radeon® X1600 series
Radeon® X800 series
Radeon® X700 series
Radeon® 9800 series
Radeon® 9650/9600 series
Radeon® 9550/9500 series
Windows XP Professional
Windows XP Home Edition
Windows XP Media Center Edition
On some VIA chipset motherboards configured with an ATI AGP graphics product, attempting to boot into Windows may fail, producing a black display or causing the system to restart. Other symptoms may include the desktop starting up in low resolution or color depth settings, or Direct3D is disabled within the DirectX Diagnostics.

Other configurations may be affected.

As a workaround, users are encouraged to install Catalyst 6.4 display drivers.

ATI Engineering has been advised of this issue and is investigating. Any updates will be published when they become available.

To ensure you are notified of updates to this article, please register your product. Once the product has been registered and you have an ATI CustomerCare account, click "sign-in" in the top right hand corner to log into your account, then click "subscribe to topic" on the right side of the article to be notified of updates to the article.
si.Mail odprto-kodni odjemalec elektronske pošte. - http://www.simail.si
Uredite si svojo zbirko filmov, serij in iger - http://xcollect.sf.net

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