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matrix:path of neo

matrix:path of neo

asdfghj ::

en usr** problem:
ze ko sem poskusal zagnat fear mi je napisalo "A required security module can not be activated. This program can not be executed." in nisem vedu ki nrdit, potem sklopm anti-virus in use normalno dela........
Zdaj pa ista tezava pri path of neo!!!!! Anti-virus je sklopljen in vseno "tezi" da se ne da uklopt nek security modul WTFFFFF!!!!
Help Anyone!!!!
ps. na googlu ni nobene take teme o Path of Neo (usaj jst nism dobiu)

Tr0n ::

Compatibility si nastavi na Win2000.

asdfghj ::

ajej sm pozabu napisat; sem ze dal na to kompatibilnost

Vredno ogleda ...

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TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

Igre z največjim System Requirements

Oddelek: Igre
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BSOD pri Remote Desktopu v Win 2003 Server R2 Enterprise SP2

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211909 (1736) ender

F.E.A.R. COMBAT (strani: 1 2 3 )

Oddelek: Novice / Igre
10111840 (8246) gansta

Kaj najraje igrate (strani: 1 2 )

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717186 (5365) Orchestra

Problem z grafiko

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6899 (802) st00rm

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