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javascript - onclick
lordgreg ::
zadeva je taka.. potreboval bi zadevo, enako kot je na slo-techu. ko klikneš na smajlija, se ti le ta oz. source prenese v textarea, zatorej sem naredil nekaj takega:
function sourcepic(x) {
selection = document.selection.createRange().text;
document.selection.createRange().text = '< IMG SRC="http://something/images/slika'+x+'.gif" >';
< A href="javascript:sourcepic(1);" >< IMG src='".$image_path."souricon.gif' alt='' align=absbottom border=0 >< /A >
problem pa je v tem, da, če imam trenutno kurzor postavljen na textarea, mi bo zadevo vneslo kar nekje zgoraj, česar pa jaz nočem! jaz hočem v textarea.
samo finta pa je, da pa spodnja zadeva dela (samo delček kode):
insertlink = prompt("What do you want to link to?", "http://")
if (insertlink == null) return;
document.selection.createRange().text = '< A HREF="' + insertlink + '" target="_blank" >' + selection + '< /A >';
function sourcepic(x) {
selection = document.selection.createRange().text;
document.selection.createRange().text = '< IMG SRC="http://something/images/slika'+x+'.gif" >';
< A href="javascript:sourcepic(1);" >< IMG src='".$image_path."souricon.gif' alt='' align=absbottom border=0 >< /A >
problem pa je v tem, da, če imam trenutno kurzor postavljen na textarea, mi bo zadevo vneslo kar nekje zgoraj, česar pa jaz nočem! jaz hočem v textarea.
samo finta pa je, da pa spodnja zadeva dela (samo delček kode):
insertlink = prompt("What do you want to link to?", "http://")
if (insertlink == null) return;
document.selection.createRange().text = '< A HREF="' + insertlink + '" target="_blank" >' + selection + '< /A >';
- spremenil: lordgreg ()
darh ::
ej .. res se mi ne da poglablat kle na tem forumu.. dj posl mi mail s sourcom, pa ti povem, ok ?
Excuses are useless! Results are priceless!
vuego ::
Mogoče ti bo tale primer pomagal..., ne znam cist dober vstavit sourca
function storeCaret (textEl) {
if (textEl.createTextRange)
textEl.caretPos = document.selection.createRange().duplicate();
function insertAtCaret (textEl, text) {
if (textEl.createTextRange && textEl.caretPos) {
var caretPos = textEl.caretPos;
caretPos.text =
caretPos.text.charAt(caretPos.text.length - 1) == ' ' ?
text + ' ' : text;
textEl.value = text;
.....> tole daš na text area
.......> tole pa na gumb
ONCLICK="insertAtCaret(this.form.aTextArea, this.form.aText.value);", ne znam cist dober vstavit sourca
function storeCaret (textEl) {
if (textEl.createTextRange)
textEl.caretPos = document.selection.createRange().duplicate();
function insertAtCaret (textEl, text) {
if (textEl.createTextRange && textEl.caretPos) {
var caretPos = textEl.caretPos;
caretPos.text =
caretPos.text.charAt(caretPos.text.length - 1) == ' ' ?
text + ' ' : text;
textEl.value = text;
.....> tole daš na text area
.......> tole pa na gumb
ONCLICK="insertAtCaret(this.form.aTextArea, this.form.aText.value);"
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