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True Crime

True Crime

koliko ::

Ko hočem zagnati igro true crime, mi napiše: CD/DVD emulation software has been detected. Please disable all CD/DVD emulation software and re-start the game!

Kako to onemogočit?

Caligula ::

Jah v Neru, Alcoholu,... moras izklopit virtual drive.
Verjetno je to to.
Ocitno nova vrsta zascite.
Verjetno je najlazje, ce ta tvoj originalni file se enkrat posnames na kak rewritable medij in ga zaganjas s tam, ker je ocitno, da se tvoj "original" tako nekaj usaja.


Boki_ ::

Meni mi tut tako napiše. Sm pa s CloneCD snemal, k mi je vrglo dol ccd file. Pa sm 4 dni čaku da mi ga je pobralo dol, pa mi ga ne jebe zdaj.
I'm back

Boki_ ::

take a few deep breaths, pad3...restart your system and right click on the daemon tools icon in the bottom right corner. go to emulation and select all options ON. right click again, this time go to virtual cd/dvd drive > device 0 > mount image. now show the path to the cxz-tcsolaa.ccd file (the ccd file is the smallest of the 3 for cd1) if your systems autorun feautre is enabled then the True Crime main window should open. if not, go to the virtual drive that it's mounted on, open it and click the launch icon (not the configuration document). that's all i've got. all other options in d-tools are off and i've selected the drive letter z. i hope this helps....

...navodila... Sicer nism še probal ampak naj bi delalo. Grem sedaj probat.
I'm back

Hux ::

meni pa ne deluje na windowsah 2003. Samo XP pa ostali krs dela ;((

GreKov ::

In ti sedaj dela DeLongi???

Jaz ko kliknem na ikono mi zaštarta (napiše true crime...), pol pa še ma čakam pa napiše naj vstavim cd. Kot da bi še rabu nek crack... :'(

mx440 ::

in v čem je problem? lepo krekaš pa je:D
al pa v gas u štacuo8-O

Boki_ ::

Meni igra ne dela. Cracka namreč ni, zato je treba obiti zaščito z deamon tool-om. Sm naredu po navodilih, pa nič. Se bom še malo zajebaval, sicer bom počakal na crack.
I'm back

orlach ::

Ali sploh komu dela? A je špil že kje ocenjen?

Dr Evil ::

Keep up the good work guys.

Krek za vsako igro:D

Gandalfar ::

Dovolj bo.


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