Forum » Sedem umetnosti » "Kul" hekerske scene iz filmov?
"Kul" hekerske scene iz filmov?

AnotherMe ::
Zadnjič sem slučajno naletel na tale biser:
In skoraj nisem preživel :D
Zanima me, kateris o vaši "kul" odlomki iz filmov / serij na temo hekanja?
Realistični, zabavni, neumni, ...
In skoraj nisem preživel :D
Zanima me, kateris o vaši "kul" odlomki iz filmov / serij na temo hekanja?
Realistični, zabavni, neumni, ...

Kayzon ::
Posnetek ni na voljo?
Drugace nemski film WHO AM I je dost kulski hackerman movie ceprav dokaj exaggerated.
Mr Robot ima najbolj "realisticn" prikaz hekanja.
Meni osebno je pri srcu "Sneakers" iz 1992 ki prikaze physical pen.testing pa social engineering.
Drugace nemski film WHO AM I je dost kulski hackerman movie ceprav dokaj exaggerated.
Mr Robot ima najbolj "realisticn" prikaz hekanja.
Meni osebno je pri srcu "Sneakers" iz 1992 ki prikaze physical pen.testing pa social engineering.

JanBrezov ::
Tip sicer nastopa v kratkem filmu Kung Fury, ki je v celoti na voljo na YouTube, hekerska scena je
Hackerman - Hacking Time - Kung Fury 2015
Tip sicer nastopa v kratkem filmu Kung Fury, ki je v celoti na voljo na YouTube, hekerska scena je
Hackerman - Hacking Time - Kung Fury 2015

Kayzon ::
Michael Mannov Blackhat iz 2015 je dost soliden movie, mislim da si ne zasluzi tako slabe ocene.

JanBrezov ::
Pred kratkim sem gledal nekaj, kar sicer ni scena iz filma, ampak gre za resnični primer socialnega inženiringa.
PirateSoftware and his craziest DefCon story!
PirateSoftware and his craziest DefCon story!

Kayzon ::
Darknet diaries,posdcast o informacijski varnosti.
True stories from the dark side of the Internet
This is a podcast about hackers, breaches, shadow government activity, hacktivism, cybercrime, and all the things that dwell on the hidden parts of the network. This is Darknet Diaries.
True stories from the dark side of the Internet
This is a podcast about hackers, breaches, shadow government activity, hacktivism, cybercrime, and all the things that dwell on the hidden parts of the network. This is Darknet Diaries.

Kayzon ::
Swordfish je naravnost eden najslabsih primerov hackanja v medijih poleg une slavne csi scene

Kayzon ::
Drugace bolj basic informacije ampak vseeno dost informativno za nekoga ki se mu ne sanja najbolj o infosecu (Cela zadeva je na youtubu zastonj).
Physical pentesting
Physical pentesting

Jarno ::
James Bond - Goldeneye tudi vsebuje hekerse elemente.
Seveda pa ne gre mimo serije 24 in Bauerjevih sodelavcev s CTU-ja.
Seveda pa ne gre mimo serije 24 in Bauerjevih sodelavcev s CTU-ja.
Chuck Norris je med števili 0.999... in 1 uspel vriniti konstanto imenovano CN.

Kot ze robot se je najbolj približal realističnemu hackanju.
Najbolj bizarno in skrajno butasto pa je bilo v filmu The Core iz leta 2003. V glavni vlogi dj qualls.
Najbolj bizarno in skrajno butasto pa je bilo v filmu The Core iz leta 2003. V glavni vlogi dj qualls.
Con il Milan nel cuore!
Forza ragazzi!
Forza ragazzi!

Kayzon ::
Da ne omenjamo samo filmov in serij, dobra knjiga po resnicnih dogodkih "The Cuckoo's Egg".
In this white-knuckled true story that is "as exciting as any action novel" (The New York Times Book Review), an astronomer-turned-cyber-detective begins a personal quest to expose a hidden network of spies that threatens national security and leads all the way to the KGB.
When Cliff Stoll followed the trail of a 75-cent accounting error at his workplace, the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, it led him to the presence of an unauthorized user on the system. Suddenly, Stoll found himself crossing paths with a hacker named "Hunter" who had managed to break into sensitive United States networks and steal vital information.
Stoll made the dangerous decision to begin a one-man hunt of his own: spying on the spy. It was a high-stakes game of deception, broken codes, satellites, and missile bases, one that eventually gained the attention of the CIA. What started as simply observing soon became a game of cat and mouse that ultimately reached all the way to the KGB.
In this white-knuckled true story that is "as exciting as any action novel" (The New York Times Book Review), an astronomer-turned-cyber-detective begins a personal quest to expose a hidden network of spies that threatens national security and leads all the way to the KGB.
When Cliff Stoll followed the trail of a 75-cent accounting error at his workplace, the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, it led him to the presence of an unauthorized user on the system. Suddenly, Stoll found himself crossing paths with a hacker named "Hunter" who had managed to break into sensitive United States networks and steal vital information.
Stoll made the dangerous decision to begin a one-man hunt of his own: spying on the spy. It was a high-stakes game of deception, broken codes, satellites, and missile bases, one that eventually gained the attention of the CIA. What started as simply observing soon became a game of cat and mouse that ultimately reached all the way to the KGB.

JanBrezov ::
Tehnično ne gre za hacking, gre pa za cracking. Trenutek, ko Turing zlomi enigmo iz filma "The Imitation Game":
Turing breaks Enigma - The Imitation Game (2014)
Turing breaks Enigma - The Imitation Game (2014)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: JanBrezov ()

srus ::
Tale poseka vse:
Sicer običajno v holivudskih filmih lahko okužiš katerikoli računalniški sistem (vojska, CIA, banke, multinacionalke, izvenzemejske vesoljske ladje) z enostavnim ukazom "upload virus".
Sicer običajno v holivudskih filmih lahko okužiš katerikoli računalniški sistem (vojska, CIA, banke, multinacionalke, izvenzemejske vesoljske ladje) z enostavnim ukazom "upload virus".

VelkBla ::

Miki N ::
Pa ne pozabiti hekerja v Supermanu, kjer je tip z nekakšnim tečajem računalništva shekal banke s tistim trikom zaokroževanja decimalk ( znana urbana legenda takrat)
... samo se je nigga potem zajebal ker se je šel bahat z Lambotom na šiht.
... samo se je nigga potem zajebal ker se je šel bahat z Lambotom na šiht.

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Miki N ()

opeter ::
Haha, ja tega prizora se spomnim iz Superman III. Spomnim se tudi prizora, ko je zafrakaval ljudi s semaforji.

Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: opeter ()

Kayzon ::
Kayzon hvala za knjigo.
Mam se eno dobro "Sandworm: A New Era of Cyberwar and the Hunt for the Kremlin's Most Dangerous Hackers"
A chilling, globe-spanning detective story, tracking an elite group of Russian hackers and the future of global warfare.
"With the nuance of a reporter and the pace of a thriller writer, Andy Greenberg gives us a glimpse of the cyberwars of the future while at the same time placing his story in the long arc of Russian and Ukrainian history." —Anne Applebaum, bestselling author of Twilight of Democracy
The true story of the most devastating act of cyberwarfare in history and the desperate hunt to identify and track the elite Russian agents behind it: "[A] chilling account of a Kremlin-led cyberattack, a new front in global conflict" (Financial Times).

BlaY0 ::
Če kdo hoče stari mami/punci/ženi pokazat svoje filmske hekerske sposobnosti... tole na fullscreen in začneš randomly klofat po tipkovnici: pa: pa:
sudo apt install akcija.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: BlaY0 ()

Kayzon ::
15 Top NSA Spy Secrets Revealed by Edward Snowden (vohunjenje amerike)

Phantomeye ::
En ljubših hekerskih filmov, ki ga moraš gledat skozi lečo cyberpunka in ne kot realizem: (Hackers)
Ena najbolj neumnih "hekerskih" scen je pa definitivno prizor z avionom, v seriji Scorpion. =cKqGKuwbnl4 (noče embedat videa, dodal presledek, da ne pretvori) (Hackers)
Ena najbolj neumnih "hekerskih" scen je pa definitivno prizor z avionom, v seriji Scorpion. =cKqGKuwbnl4 (noče embedat videa, dodal presledek, da ne pretvori)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Phantomeye ()

pegasus ::
Phantomeye je izjavil:
moraš gledat skozi lečo cyberpunkaMmmm ... če vas zanima cyberpunk, obstaja kar dolg seznam animejev za pogledat ;) Random pick en seznam 50 naslovov: ... a bi se jih našlo še več.

Kayzon ::
Phantomeye je izjavil:
En ljubših hekerskih filmov, ki ga moraš gledat skozi lečo cyberpunka in ne kot realizem: (Hackers)
Ena najbolj neumnih "hekerskih" scen je pa definitivno prizor z avionom, v seriji Scorpion. =cKqGKuwbnl4 (noče embedat videa, dodal presledek, da ne pretvori)
Hack the planet? Meni osebno res nevsecn film

kamiKaZaA ::
The Italian Job (2003)
Traffic Hack ! - The Italian Job (2003)
You`ll never shut down the real Napster
To mi je bilo epsko, ker spadam v generacijo, katera je uporabljala Napster in me je res bolelo, ko so ga ugasnili (uničili).
The Italian Job (2003)
The Italian Job (1969) - priporočam pa tudi ogled original filma iz leta 1969, ker je uvrščen med TOP100 najboljšimi konci filmov (kaj več pa ne smem napisati
). V njem logično ni hekanja kot je to v remake-u iz leta 2003. Še trailer iz leta 1969:
Traffic Hack ! - The Italian Job (2003)
You`ll never shut down the real Napster
The Italian Job (2003)
The Italian Job (1969) - priporočam pa tudi ogled original filma iz leta 1969, ker je uvrščen med TOP100 najboljšimi konci filmov (kaj več pa ne smem napisati

raceboy ::
Swordfish (2001)
Testing Stanley Hacking skills
ko se po 20 letih zaves, da je igral Hugh Jackman.

2dark ::
Tip sicer nastopa v kratkem filmu Kung Fury, ki je v celoti na voljo na YouTube, hekerska scena je
Hackerman - Hacking Time - Kung Fury 2015
Pa obvezno na roki od Nintenda Powerglove, ki ti doda heker skill + 300.
(> _ <)
(>🍫 )
(> _ <)
(>🍫 )

hojnikb ::
Tolk dolg thread, pa se noben ni nalepu tale gold iz 90tih?
Basically cel film je meme :D
Basically cel film je meme :D
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: hojnikb ()

WizzardOfOZ ::
Kako ne?
Phantomeye je izjavil:
En ljubših hekerskih filmov, ki ga moraš gledat skozi lečo cyberpunka in ne kot realizem: (Hackers)
Milčinski je napisal butalce kot prispodobo in ne kot priročnik!!!
Svuda u svijetu ima budala ali je izgleda kod nas centrala!!!
Svuda u svijetu ima budala ali je izgleda kod nas centrala!!!

DamijanD ::
A so tukaj tudi: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo ? V knjigi je bilo še kar normalno/realno opisano

JanBrezov ::
Pri vsej tej digitalizaciji pa pozabljamo na dobri stari analogni brute force. Sem se nasmejal, ko sem prvič videl:
Red (2010) visit CIA Headquarted record keeper
Red (2010) visit CIA Headquarted record keeper
Did the Russians give you the code?
No. It changes every 6 hours. It's unbreakable.

Phantomeye ::
WizzardOfOZ je izjavil:
Kako ne?
Phantomeye je izjavil:
En ljubših hekerskih filmov, ki ga moraš gledat skozi lečo cyberpunka in ne kot realizem: (Hackers)
kako ne kaj?
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