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Flash Gordon - Film

oo7 ::
Leta 2015 so prvič začeli gvoriti o novem filmu Flash Gordon. Režiser naj bi bil Matthew Vaughn poznan po nekaj zelo dobrih filmih Kingsman: Tajna sluzba , Mozje X: Prvi razred in Kick-Ass.
Ampak kot kaže je trenutno film na pavzi, ker naj bi bil preveč podoben filmu Guardians of Galaxy.
"For me, the only problem with Flash Gordon is Guardians [of the Galaxy] kind of stole what I would have liked to have done with it,"
"You’ve got Star Wars, you’ve got Guardians, so you’ve got to have your own space opera, but you have to find something that can survive among these two very, very great franchises."
Conceptually, there's certainly crossover between Flash and Guardians' Star-Lord; both are dumb jocks from Earth who have good hearts and even better luck when it comes to getting involved with intergalactic business.
Nonetheless, he confirmed that he was still working on the idea, although he shied away from confirming any timeline for the project. "The way I choose films is when I know I have to make it. Simple as that," he said. "There will be a moment where I can’t think of anything else other than getting behind a camera and shooting a movie. It’s a very hard switch to click; once it’s on, nothing stops me."
Torej film bo ko bo :)
Tole pesem pa najbrž poznate vsi ;)
Queen - Flash (Official Video)

oo7 ::
Znan je režiser, ki bo režiseral film Flash Gordon.
'Overlord' Helmer Julius Avery To Direct 'Flash Gordon' Movie At Fox
'Overlord' Helmer Julius Avery To Direct 'Flash Gordon' Movie At Fox

vostok_1 ::
I hope he flashes out of existence. Pun intended.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

gendale2018 ::
a ni ta film že?
ja sam mali poštar, kurac mi je oštar
čuvajte se žene, bit ćete jebene
čuvajte se žene, bit ćete jebene

oo7 ::
Flash Gordon is the hero of a space opera adventure comic strip created by and originally drawn by Alex Raymond. First published January 7, 1934, the strip was inspired by, and created to compete with, the already established Buck Rogers adventure strip.
Film serials
Flash Gordon (1936) -
Flash Gordon's Trip to Mars (1938) -
Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe (1940) -
Flash Gordon 1980 film
Flash Gordon (1980) -
Film serials
Flash Gordon (1936) -
Flash Gordon's Trip to Mars (1938) -
Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe (1940) -
Flash Gordon 1980 film
Flash Gordon (1980) -

yayo ::
v sedemdesetih je strip izhajal tudi v YU, če se prav spominjam v Stripoteki, ki je bila "intelektualna" strip revija in je ponujala najboljše svetovne stripe, posebno evropsko sceno. Hrvati, npr. imajo še danes mednarodni sejem stripa katerega obiskujejo legendarni avtorji, pa nekatere artiste, ki so se uveljavili pri velikih ameriških hišah. Na jugu je tudi veliko portalov s skeniranimi stripi bivših jugoslovanskih založnikov. Nostalgija...

Bwaze6 ::
Ja. Po delih so bile nekatere zgodbe vključene tudi v Politikin Zabavnik, ki se je v 80' prevajal tudi v slovenščino.

opeter ::
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

FTad ::

opeter ::
Meni bi bolj primeren za film He-Man in gospodarji vesolja. 
Ampak okej, tudi Flash bo v redu.
Mike Hodges verzija filma je bila zame čisto gledaljiva.

Ampak okej, tudi Flash bo v redu.
Mike Hodges verzija filma je bila zame čisto gledaljiva.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

oo7 ::
After Taika Waititi was hired to develop an animated Flash Gordon movie two years ago, a producer now says it will be live-action instead.
"Taika is writing it. It was a movie that was a huge influence on him growing up. It is one of his favorite movies. He initially said to me, 'Let's do it animated.' I said, 'Okay.' Then we got into it and started developing it and he said, 'No, let's do it live-action.' I said, 'Even better.'"
Kot kaže bo le live action film in ne animiran.
"Taika is writing it. It was a movie that was a huge influence on him growing up. It is one of his favorite movies. He initially said to me, 'Let's do it animated.' I said, 'Okay.' Then we got into it and started developing it and he said, 'No, let's do it live-action.' I said, 'Even better.'"
Kot kaže bo le live action film in ne animiran.

oo7 ::
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