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Pomoč za manjši ML projekt

Pomoč za manjši ML projekt

TanjaK ::

Pozdrav vsem,

malo se igram z ML in ChatGPT za en privat "projekt", ki prebere opis interesov potencialnega IT študenta in predlaga usmeritev.
Tu prosim za pomoč vse ITjevce in tech navdušence, ki si lahko vzamete 5 minut časa, da napišete kratek tekst:
- tekst v Angleščini
- dolžina ca. 100 besed (za check lahko uporabite https://wordcounter.io/ ali drug online counter)
- osebni opis: napišite, kaj imate radi ali ne od naslednjih tem: organizational skills (good/bad), templayer/independent work, big data (like/don't like), math (like/don't like), communication skills (good/bad), design, creative work (like/don't like), AI (like/don't like), UX (like/don't like), game design (like/don't like working on it), app design (like/don't like working on it) - kakšno od teh lahko tudi izpustite
- napišite 2 hobija
- POMEMBNO: dodatno napišite, katera od teh študijskih/delovnih usmeritev vam je najbližje ali bi jo izbrali, če bi lahko (izberite s seznama, ne dodajajte novih): Physical Computing and the IoT, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, Data Science, Web and Mobile Development, nobena (ne bi se specializiral)

Vsi podatki so seveda anonimni in ne gre za nobeno komercialno applikacijo ali kaj podobnega, izključno za osebni projekt.

Dva primera:
I'm an organized person who prefers to work independently. I'm passionate about big data, mathematics and app design, and I'm an effective communicator. I'm not interested in user experience or game design, but I do enjoy watching Netflix and doing yoga. I'm creative, analytical, and goal-oriented, and I love finding creative solutions to complex problems. I'm also curious and enjoy learning new technologies and exploring new ideas. I'm always open to new challenges and opportunities.

Overall, I consider myself to be organized and enjoy working in a team setting, sometimes preferring to work independently on certain occasions. I enjoy solving problems and I am interested in Data Science and in Web Development and have a background in mathematics. I am creative, analytical, and a goal oriented individual as well as a slight perfectionist. On the other hand, I do not have the best skills when it comes to communication and design. I am not that interested in Game Development and in Virtual Reality. Besides my studies and programming, I enjoy playing music as well as flying in my flight simulator during my free time.
  • spremenilo: TanjaK ()

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