Forum » Programiranje » Foo (?)
Foo (?)

drejc ::
Dejte mi mal razlozit zgodbico za tem Foo-jem & Qux-om. A obstaja se kej podobnga?
- spremenil: drejc ()

Gandalfar ::
File:, Node: qux, Next: QWERTY, Prev: quux, Up: = Q =
:qux: /kwuhks/ The fourth of the standard {metasyntactic
variable}, after {baz} and before the quu(u...)x series.
See {foo}, {bar}, {baz}, {quux}. This appears to be a
recent mutation from {quux}, and many versions (especially older
versions) of the standard series just run {foo}, {bar},
{baz}, {quux}, ....
BigWhale: ti, da nimas jargona namescenga .. c,c,c ;-)
ah ja.. vidim, da tr0novi linki vsebujejo jargon file.. a vseeno, ce se komu ne da klikat ;)
:qux: /kwuhks/ The fourth of the standard {metasyntactic
variable}, after {baz} and before the quu(u...)x series.
See {foo}, {bar}, {baz}, {quux}. This appears to be a
recent mutation from {quux}, and many versions (especially older
versions) of the standard series just run {foo}, {bar},
{baz}, {quux}, ....
BigWhale: ti, da nimas jargona namescenga .. c,c,c ;-)
ah ja.. vidim, da tr0novi linki vsebujejo jargon file.. a vseeno, ce se komu ne da klikat ;)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Gandalfar ()

BigWhale ::
Fscking... qux... Vceraj sem prvic slisal zanj... se v NOBENEM sourcu ga nisem zasledil nikjer. Je pa tudi res, da Jargona ne berem. Hm, vcasih sem se bral leksikone in slovarje... Zdaj pa nimam cajta :))
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