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Ukrajinska kontraofenziva

mackilla ::
D3m ni treba zjebat vsake odprte teme.
Zakaj se ga pa v tem primeru preprosto ne ignorira?
Ne vem zakaj še kar hranijo trola. On še kar čaka,da bo Moskva priplula v Sevastopol in da bo Poljska vojska v Ukrajini začela ofenzivo. Medtem pa lima smajlije zraven slik mrtvih otrok. Enostavno se ga ignorira.

D3m ::
Imamo lepo debato.
Še Paco je potegnil Christo Grozeva iz omare. :)
Aja Paco BTW
24.4.2022 Christo Grozev
Še Paco je potegnil Christo Grozeva iz omare. :)
Aja Paco BTW
Russia has used about 70% of its arsenal of high-precision missiles
24.4.2022 Christo Grozev
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: D3m ()

Pac-Man ::
Ko te twitter parodija česa nauči
Soviet%E2%80%93Polish Non-Aggression Pact @ Wikipedia
OTD in 1932 USSR signed non aggression pact with Poland. Later we violated it cos we preferred the one with Nazis that had secret clause. For some reason @mfa_russia
never mention this one when they justify our one with Nazis.
In fact Russia never violated agreement cos Poland ceased to exist as result of Nazi invasion that was complete surprise to us. We only went into Poland to "protect fellow Russians".
A policy that must sound ludicrous today....
Allies are to blame cos they wouldn't sign up to let Stalin occupy all of Poland & have whole country to commit crimes against humanity in, instead of just the half he got from Nazis. And Ford also sold cars in Germany so that makes it ok.
All my trolls are morons
Soviet%E2%80%93Polish Non-Aggression Pact @ Wikipedia
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

D3m ::
Ko te twitter parodija česa nauči
Tebe zgodovina ničesar ne uči. :)
Polish%E2%80%93Soviet War @ Wikipedia
Occupation of Czechoslovakia (1938%E2%80%931945) @ Wikipedia
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: D3m ()

Pac-Man ::
Svoboda govora po ruSSky, ruska dopisnica za Telegraph
Leonid Gozman @ Wikipedia
People keep on getting jailed in Russia - which no long makes headlines now that the best-known politicians like Navalny are jailed or are safely out of the country.
Leonid Gozman, a political scientist, and Alexandra Andreyeva, a Moscow councillor, were detained this pm
Leonid Gozman @ Wikipedia
Alexandra Andreeva, a Moscow district councillor, said police should be thankful to city residents for demonstrating so peacefully. "If this was Paris there would have been rioting and looting, but Moscow doesn't do it like that," she said.
Municipal deputy Alexandra Andreeva was threatened with murder for calling to close all construction sites in Moscow
"Why in our country and in Moscow in particular, they do not introduce an emergency mode - an emergency? In an emergency mode, the state would be obliged to compensate all victims for their financial losses ... An emergency mode is not introduced because all the construction sites would be closed, you see ? That is, Muscovites are now sacrificing their comfort and well-being, and developers are parasitic, and they have money to pay their workers a downtime, but this is not being done. The government is going to accept a list of system-forming organizations - that is, to provide them with profit at the expense of taxpayers, but you need to help people, and first of all help them not to get infected. Closing construction sites in Moscow could just provide this, "A. Andreeva said in an interview with NI.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Schroeder je na dopustu v Moskvi. Sem slišal, da imajo lepe katedrale z visokimi zvoniki...
Schröder is “on holiday” in Moscow right now, where he was encountered by a German journalist during a promenade — not far from Rosneft headquarters. Meanwhile, an SPD exclusion process against him drags on.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

korenje3 ::
Ukraine Moves To Criminalize Russian Passport Application
Ukraine Moves To Criminalize Russian Passport Application
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W

Poldi112 ::
Koliko Afrike dominirajo rusi?
Toliko, kot je zmorejo.
Se pravi praktično nič - zakaj torej jim dekolonizacija Afrike ne bi bila v interesu?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

Pac-Man ::
Koliko Afrike dominirajo rusi?
Toliko, kot je zmorejo.
Se pravi praktično nič - zakaj torej jim dekolonizacija Afrike ne bi bila v interesu?
Ker bi to pomenilo umik Kitajske s kontinenta?
The Chinese-Ethiopian Donkey Problem
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Poldi112 ::
Američani so bili v Afganistanu 20 let, niso "izgubili" samo finančno se jim več ni izplačalo, ker je bila to finančna luknja brez dna z nobenim pemetnim ciljem za prihodnost.
Zato so se umaknili z države.
Se pravi so zmagali?
A predhodnih 20 let se jim je pa izplačalo? Kaj točno so pa počeli (razen plačevali Talibanom za varni prehod države)?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

Poldi112 ::
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

mackilla ::

Poldi112 ::
Koliko Afrike dominirajo rusi?
Toliko, kot je zmorejo.
Se pravi praktično nič - zakaj torej jim dekolonizacija Afrike ne bi bila v interesu?
Ker bi to pomenilo umik Kitajske s kontinenta?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

TezkoDihanje ::
Da vas malo podžgem:
Skratka, članek, ki je bil napisan v zečetku julija takoj po padcu Lisičanska (kjer so se Ukrajinci umaknili) ti prpopaš konec julija, potem ko se v Donbasu praktično frontna linija ni premaknla že vsaj dva tedna. A se delaš budalo??
Strinjam se s pisanjem o zahodni propagandi, pozabili so omeniti prvotni cilj RU, ki so ga pokvarili Ukrajinci, ker se niso po treh dneh predali, sedanji cilj uničenje UA vojske (sposobnega dela, ki se je uril leta) je že v dobri meri izvršen.
Jst čist verjamem, da se ti strinjaš z 90% ruske propagande. Ker ti nekaj manjka med ušesi.
Če bodo Rusi vojaško zdržali, čas dela za njih.
$400-500M dnevnega stroška dela za njih (+ mrtvi in ranjeni). A bejž no.
Verjamem, da imajo še ogromno zalogo "neumnega" orožja iz časa ZSSR. Na froni šteje, da imaš vojake in orožje, četudi je to staro 60 let.
Močno dvomim, da imajo ogromno zalogo česarkoli delujočega. Imaš pričanja ljudi, ki pravijo, da oprema, ki prihaja na fronto v marsičem ni izpravna oziroma neuporabna.
In še glede HIMARSov, nekaj so jih RU uničili,
Ne, niso.
še posebej, če gledamo, koliko ciljev/skladišč so vsak dan Ukrajinci uničili Rusom z začetkom uporabe,
Rusi v Ukrajini nimajo stotine ali tisoče skladišč orožja. Po tem, ko so pobili tisto, kar so našli, so se preusmerili v druge cilje. Ala AA obramba, poveljniška mesta, mostove...
Pa ne se zgovarjat, da nimajo Ukrajinci več raket, razen če imate argument/dokaz za to.
Ti nimaš nobenega dokaza, da so uničili kakšen HIMARS. NIšta od ništa.
Tako da amerikanci zamujajo z dobavo novih.
Že štirje so naredili kaos.

Poldi112 ::
Definiraj kaos. Par uničenih skladišč orožja to pač ni.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

Geho ::
Sodelavec Bellingcat
A sedaj že tam delaš? :)
Lahko ga probaš. ;)
Galileo... očitno imaš še telefon iz neke vukojebine, ki uporablja ta stara jajca!![]()
Jokaj dalje. :)
In kwa si hotu s tem povedat?
Telefon iz vukojebine, ki uporablja stara jajca! Satelite, ki jih še rašisti sami nočejo uporabljat! LOL

TezkoDihanje ::
Definiraj kaos. Par uničenih skladišč orožja to pač ni.
50 Russian ammunition depots were destroyed by HIMARS missiles Since their introduction
Ložar, ti nisi tukaj, da kaj poveš po resnici, ampak si tukaj, da jebeš folk v glavo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TezkoDihanje ()

TezkoDihanje ::
Vabe. ;)
Vsaka bedarija pali, ane.
I guess the Russians just parked a modern R-149ASKh-1 command vehicle, made within the last 10 years to really fool those Ukrainians
PS: Iz te lokacije so izstreljavali S300 na tarče v Nikolajavu.
Drugače imajo američani v svoji vojni sestaviu cca 300 HIMARS-ov z rezervo okoli 500 in letno proizvedejo 5 - 9k GMLRS raket.
Komot bi lahko Ukajincem dali 100 komadov če bi bila potreba brez da resno ogrozijo svoje bojne zaloge.
Saj jih Američani nimajo za kaj uporabit (nove verzije launcherjev so v razvoju). Lahko jim dajo tudi 80%, če hočejo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TezkoDihanje ()

TezkoDihanje ::
Še en reddit bataljon je dal svoje življenje za Zelenskega.
Russian Aerospace Forces using high-precision air-to-surface guided missiles destroyed the headquarters of the Armed Forces brigade
More than 100 nationalists and foreign mercenaries were killed in the settlement of Konstantinovka of the Donetsk People's Republic as a result of a strike by precision-guided weapons of the Russian Aerospace Forces at the temporary deployment point of the 95th Airborne Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Dokazi so pa kje? Aja, ni jih.

cias ::
Berem da so si Ukr birokrati enoglasno izglasovali dvig plač. Ukr je res dobra kandidatka za EU

TezkoDihanje ::
Kdo za vraga je trdil, da uporabljajo S-300 za ground-to-ground?
Ahhhh sedaj vidim.....
A Ukrainian official recently claimed that Russia is using its S-300 long-range surface-to-air missiles to attack land targets in Ukraine.
The tests in Belarus
The news that the S-300 can be used as a surface-to-surface missile system should not surprise the public, since similar firings with the S-300 have been carried out in the recent past. Belarus, as The Drive writes, is one of the countries that has documented such tests.
During an exercise in 2011, the Belarusian armed forces used the S-300 to strike ground targets of a “notional enemy”, according to a publication of the Belarusian Navy. Belarus claims that these tests in 2011 were the first that the country conducted, changing the functionality of the anti-aircraft missile system. recalls that already in the late 1970s when the Soviet designers began work on the development of the S-300, its essence and functionality were initially based on actions against ground targets or the execution of a ground attack. Over the years, however, this idea fell out of the developed concept of turning the S-300 into an anti-aircraft missile system.

korenje3 ::
!!The revelations of Ukraine soldeir(probably artillery personel) on tik tok. And tomorrow all the media in Ukraine will write again that the Russian people in the Donbass are shelling themselves.!!
Donetsk should be leveled to the ground altogether??
!!The revelations of Ukraine soldeir(probably artillery personel) on tik tok. And tomorrow all the media in Ukraine will write again that the Russian people in the Donbass are shelling themselves.!!
Donetsk should be leveled to the ground altogether??
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: korenje3 ()

TezkoDihanje ::
!!The revelations of Ukraine soldeir(probably artillery personel) on tik tok. And tomorrow all the media in Ukraine will write again that the Russian people in the Donbass are shelling themselves.!!
Donetsk should be leveled to the ground altogether??
Kaj pa je korenje? Glede na to, kar počnejo Rusi, je to kvečjemu "milo za žajfo".
Ampak tega ne bo s strani Ukrajincev. Ni se za bat.

mackilla ::
!!The revelations of Ukraine soldeir(probably artillery personel) on tik tok. And tomorrow all the media in Ukraine will write again that the Russian people in the Donbass are shelling themselves.!!
Donetsk should be leveled to the ground altogether??
Kako ga pa naj zravnajo,če so izgubili več kot 90% opreme? Vir korenje in uradni Kremelj.

cias ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Ampak tega ne bo s strani Ukrajincev. Ni se za bat.
Desetletje NATO treniranja, neskončno financiranja, 100% MSM podpora... pa še zmeraj ne morejo ustaviti enih orkov s Sovjetskimi vozovi.

kow ::
Desetletje? Ce prav pomnim, so se 2014 prostovoljci borili v "adidaskah". Budget za vojsko se je v resnici zacel povecevati 2015/2016.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: kow ()

TezkoDihanje ::
Po potemkinovih vaseh še potemkinova letala?
SU-34M so dejansko imeli naročenih 10 komadov, nekaj so jih dobili par mesecev nazaj, enega je sestrelila ruska AA en teden nazaj (praktično popolnoma novo letalo)
Russian Su-34M fighter bomber was shot down by… the Russians
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Ampak tega ne bo s strani Ukrajincev. Ni se za bat.
Desetletje NATO treniranja, neskončno financiranja, 100% MSM podpora... pa še zmeraj ne morejo ustaviti enih orkov s Sovjetskimi vozovi.
Kaj kaj?? En teden do Pariza?? Remember??
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TezkoDihanje ()

TezkoDihanje ::
Poljaki bodo sami lahko branili baltske države
Poland's Defense Minister has announced that Poland will create the EU's largest land forces.
The size of the army will increase to 400 000 and it will be served by 1000+ modern Main Battle Tanks.
?? 366 M1A2 SEPv3 Abrams ??
?? 250 Leopard 2A4
?? 180 K2
??/?? ca 400 K2PL
Poljaki bodo sami lahko branili baltske države
Poland's Defense Minister has announced that Poland will create the EU's largest land forces.
The size of the army will increase to 400 000 and it will be served by 1000+ modern Main Battle Tanks.
?? 366 M1A2 SEPv3 Abrams ??
?? 250 Leopard 2A4
?? 180 K2
??/?? ca 400 K2PL

Pac-Man ::
Sodelavec Bellingcat. Med drugim je celemu svetu razkrinkal oboževalce katedral in Navalnega.
Dolga, branja vredna nit. Še najboje s svežimi kokicami.
Today FSB announced that they have “foiled a plot by Ukraine’s intelligence services” to lure Russian military pilots to surrender to Ukraine – with their planes – in return for millions of USD in payments (thread).
An important P.S. based on questions from readers.
The Ukrainian operation was not a project of either SBU or GUR. (If it were, there'd be no way we would - or want to - get access to it). It was organized by maverick ex operatives whom we got to know in the Wagner investigation.
So all the Russian statements from today - claiming this was a "GUR" (Military Intel) operation "with support from NATO" - total, unadulterated bollocks. The whole of the FSB CI were fighting tooth and nail against a bunch of, essentially, volunteers. And not for the first time.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Voss ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Ampak tega ne bo s strani Ukrajincev. Ni se za bat.
Desetletje NATO treniranja, neskončno financiranja, 100% MSM podpora... pa še zmeraj ne morejo ustaviti enih orkov s Sovjetskimi vozovi.
Glede desetletja, je že nekdo ovrgel tvojo tezo. MSM podpora nevem kaj ima veze pri dejanskem vojskovanju. In meni se zdi, da je Ukrajino pošteno ustavila orke. Kljub vsemu je to država, ki premore "samo" 40 milijonov ljudi, pa so kljub vsemu proti kvazi drugi SOSEDNJI (!!!) vojaški velesili na svetu brez kakšrnikoli težav obranili Kijev, sedaj jih pa še na ostalih frontah nazaj potiskajo.
Glede na rusko propagando sem pričakoval najmanj "tik tak" plovila nad Kijevom in napade z laserji :D
Že dva meseca trobite o napredni ruski vojaški tehnologiji? Še kar šparate :D?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Voss ()

TezkoDihanje ::
ta male britanske 105mm haubice so tudi že v Ukrajini
A couple of additional videos emerged today of L119 105mm towed howitzers in Ukrainian service
Rusi že gradijo pontonske mostove (300-500m dolžine)
A RU pontoon bridge being deployed over the Inhulets river in the Kherson region.
Interesting that a civilian car is driving over the bridge, but the RuAF are still deploying the pontoon bridge. This could mean it's too weak for heavy transports.
Pa kaj jim ni jasno? Tole bo fasalo salvo kmalu.
A couple of additional videos emerged today of L119 105mm towed howitzers in Ukrainian service
Rusi že gradijo pontonske mostove (300-500m dolžine)
A RU pontoon bridge being deployed over the Inhulets river in the Kherson region.
Interesting that a civilian car is driving over the bridge, but the RuAF are still deploying the pontoon bridge. This could mean it's too weak for heavy transports.
Pa kaj jim ni jasno? Tole bo fasalo salvo kmalu.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TezkoDihanje ()

D3m ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Poljaki bodo sami lahko branili baltske države
Poland's Defense Minister has announced that Poland will create the EU's largest land forces.
The size of the army will increase to 400 000 and it will be served by 1000+ modern Main Battle Tanks.
?? 366 M1A2 SEPv3 Abrams ??
?? 250 Leopard 2A4
?? 180 K2
??/?? ca 400 K2PL
Kako pa?
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

TezkoDihanje ::
Russian 2S7M suffered a catastrophic barrel failure, with a 103kg shell traveling about 2100mph (960m/s), I would not want to be anywhere near that when it went boom.
Also a sign that Russian crews may be pushing their current artillery systems to the edge of reliability.
Russian 2S7M suffered a catastrophic barrel failure, with a 103kg shell traveling about 2100mph (960m/s), I would not want to be anywhere near that when it went boom.
Also a sign that Russian crews may be pushing their current artillery systems to the edge of reliability.

redtech ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Poljaki bodo sami lahko branili baltske države
Poland's Defense Minister has announced that Poland will create the EU's largest land forces.
The size of the army will increase to 400 000 and it will be served by 1000+ modern Main Battle Tanks.
?? 366 M1A2 SEPv3 Abrams ??
?? 250 Leopard 2A4
?? 180 K2
??/?? ca 400 K2PL
Kako pa?
Stalin si je vedno želel močne Poljske, da mu švabi ne uletavajo čez Poljsko.

Pac-Man ::
Citirana nit v Ruščini na povezavi.
CIT predicts poss Russian pushes on Slavyansk, Bakhmut, and out of Crimea (reinforce Kherson or gain initiative near Zaporizhia) this week. These guys are good, so worth taking note.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

redtech ::
24. avgusta imajo dan neodvisnosti in bi radi nekaj pokazali do takrat.. počakajmo na rezultate te medijsko podprte ofenzive, paco je še temo najel na ST v ta namen :)

blay44 ::
Malo sem preletel fronto.
Je kr kriza. Rusi hočjo obkoliti železniška križišča
Kramatorsk, Sloviansk in Pokrovsk.
Za pripravo nasljedne faze napada na Dnipro in
Zaporožije. Bitke okoli Khersona so za vabo enot.
Diši jim Dnipro in Poltava, za logistiko. Pol bo
pa itak Harkov padel sam od sebe.
Sama ravnina. Idealno za tanke. Sicer ne pretežke.
Dobro, da so tko zahojeni, da nič ne vzdržujejo.
Le kako mislijo to dolgoročno nadzirat?
Je kr kriza. Rusi hočjo obkoliti železniška križišča
Kramatorsk, Sloviansk in Pokrovsk.
Za pripravo nasljedne faze napada na Dnipro in
Zaporožije. Bitke okoli Khersona so za vabo enot.
Diši jim Dnipro in Poltava, za logistiko. Pol bo
pa itak Harkov padel sam od sebe.
Sama ravnina. Idealno za tanke. Sicer ne pretežke.
Dobro, da so tko zahojeni, da nič ne vzdržujejo.
Le kako mislijo to dolgoročno nadzirat?

mackilla ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Poljaki bodo sami lahko branili baltske države
Poland's Defense Minister has announced that Poland will create the EU's largest land forces.
The size of the army will increase to 400 000 and it will be served by 1000+ modern Main Battle Tanks.
?? 366 M1A2 SEPv3 Abrams ??
?? 250 Leopard 2A4
?? 180 K2
??/?? ca 400 K2PL
Kako pa?
Stalin si je vedno želel močne Poljske, da mu švabi ne uletavajo čez Poljsko.
Stalin si ni želel močne Poljske ampak da Poljska sploh ne bi obstajala.

Poldi112 ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Definiraj kaos. Par uničenih skladišč orožja to pač ni.
50 Russian ammunition depots were destroyed by HIMARS missiles Since their introduction
Link ti ne dela. Vse na to temo na internetu je pa "Ukraine said".
Zdaj če njim verjameš, potem ni dvoma, da bodo nabutali ruse. V realnosti pa je vse skupaj bolj za moralo - da še kar verjamete v Božička in omogočate mastne profite orožarske industrije. Svoboda pač ni zastonj.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

redtech ::
Malo sem preletel fronto.
Je kr kriza. Rusi hočjo obkoliti železniška križišča
Kramatorsk, Sloviansk in Pokrovsk.
Za pripravo nasljedne faze napada na Dnipro in
Zaporožije. Bitke okoli Khersona so za vabo enot.
Diši jim Dnipro in Poltava, za logistiko. Pol bo
pa itak Harkov padel sam od sebe.
Sama ravnina. Idealno za tanke. Sicer ne pretežke.
Dobro, da so tko zahojeni, da nič ne vzdržujejo.
Le kako mislijo to dolgoročno nadzirat?
Nekam deleč je to na zemljevidu. Je pa v tem delu Poltava-Kremenčuk firma Ferrexpo 3. največji proizvajalec peletov železove rude. Rudniki tam so 1. klasa.

TezkoDihanje ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Definiraj kaos. Par uničenih skladišč orožja to pač ni.
50 Russian ammunition depots were destroyed by HIMARS missiles Since their introduction
Link ti ne dela. Vse na to temo na internetu je pa "Ukraine said".
Zdaj če njim verjameš, potem ni dvoma, da bodo nabutali ruse. V realnosti pa je vse skupaj bolj za moralo - da še kar verjamete v Božička in omogočate mastne profite orožarske industrije. Svoboda pač ni zastonj.
Ukraine says it has destroyed 50 Russian ammunition depots using HIMARS
Vsaki dan smo gledali eksplozije skladišč na ozemlju pod okupacijo.
Začuda se nikoli ne obregneš ob "Russia says". A morebiti zato Ložar, ker si pristranski gnoj?

mackilla ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Definiraj kaos. Par uničenih skladišč orožja to pač ni.
50 Russian ammunition depots were destroyed by HIMARS missiles Since their introduction
Link ti ne dela. Vse na to temo na internetu je pa "Ukraine said".
Zdaj če njim verjameš, potem ni dvoma, da bodo nabutali ruse. V realnosti pa je vse skupaj bolj za moralo - da še kar verjamete v Božička in omogočate mastne profite orožarske industrije. Svoboda pač ni zastonj.
Ukraine says it has destroyed 50 Russian ammunition depots using HIMARS
Vsaki dan smo gledali eksplozije skladišč na ozemlju pod okupacijo.
Začuda se nikoli ne obregneš ob "Russia says". A morebiti zato Ložar, ker si pristranski gnoj?
Rusi so mu povedali,da ne bodo napadli Ukrajine in jim je verjel. Se pravi,da jim verjame vse. Tudi,če bi rekli,da sta njegov foter in mama nacija.

Chalky ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Poljaki bodo sami lahko branili baltske države
Poland's Defense Minister has announced that Poland will create the EU's largest land forces.
The size of the army will increase to 400 000 and it will be served by 1000+ modern Main Battle Tanks.
?? 366 M1A2 SEPv3 Abrams ??
?? 250 Leopard 2A4
?? 180 K2
??/?? ca 400 K2PL
Poland soon too strong for Russia, MoD says
Poland will raise defence spending to the equivalent of 5% of GDP, ruling party chairman Jarosław Kaczyński has announced. That would be by far the highest relative level of spending in NATO at current levels.
“We take security issues seriously,” said Kaczyński during a speech in the town of Płock. “We will [soon] devote 3% of GDP to defence, and over time that will be 5

pangro ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
ta male britanske 105mm haubice so tudi že v Ukrajini
A couple of additional videos emerged today of L119 105mm towed howitzers in Ukrainian service
Rusi že gradijo pontonske mostove (300-500m dolžine)
A RU pontoon bridge being deployed over the Inhulets river in the Kherson region.
Interesting that a civilian car is driving over the bridge, but the RuAF are still deploying the pontoon bridge. This could mean it's too weak for heavy transports.
Pa kaj jim ni jasno? Tole bo fasalo salvo kmalu.
se jih splača s himarsi radirat?
Citirana nit v Ruščini na povezavi.
CIT predicts poss Russian pushes on Slavyansk, Bakhmut, and out of Crimea (reinforce Kherson or gain initiative near Zaporizhia) this week. These guys are good, so worth taking note.
In kako vozijo municijo, direkt s kamioni do fronte?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: pangro ()

TezkoDihanje ::
se jih splača s himarsi radirat?
Ti mostovi so v dometu tudi M777 z Exalibur municijo. Eno al pa drugo. Uničit je treba.
In kako vozijo municijo, direkt s kamioni do fronte?
Trenutno imajo manjša skladišča (dokler jih ne odkrijejo UKR) ali pa direkt k haubicam. Sam to ne gre nikamor. Traja 3x toliko časa.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TezkoDihanje ()

TezkoDihanje ::
Citirana nit v Ruščini na povezavi.
CIT predicts poss Russian pushes on Slavyansk, Bakhmut, and out of Crimea (reinforce Kherson or gain initiative near Zaporizhia) this week. These guys are good, so worth taking note.
Kaj to vlečejo tja... OMFG
Eyewitnesses report that in Novoalekseevka for the third day they are loading equipment that goes towards Kherson. All vehicles with the "V" emblem.
3 tovornjaki, vmes pa prehistorčni BRDM-2
BRDM-2 @ Wikipedia
Te smo pa še v Jugoslaviji imel.
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
» | Rusija prepovedala plačila v kriptovalutah (strani: 1 2 )Oddelek: Novice / Kriptovalute | 13402 (10267) | Pac-Man |
» | V vzhodni Ukrajini internetni promet že teče prek Rusije (strani: 1 2 3 4 … 75 76 77 78 )Oddelek: Novice / Omrežja / internet | 258332 (203150) | Pithlit |
⊘ | Ukrajina Part IV (strani: 1 2 3 4 … 120 121 122 123 )Oddelek: Loža | 510434 (378168) | l0g1t3ch |