Forum » Loža » Ukrajina Part IV
Ukrajina Part IV
Pithlit ::
Sej je v redu, tudi 9000 glavega krofa Ukrajinkih POW nisi komentiral.
Ti pa ne kile purana za 16€. Ne vem kdo od vaju je bolj usekan.
Life is as complicated as we make it...
blay44 ::
Make a wish Ukraine.
A to sami sebi urejajo dokumentacijo za Hagg?
Fosforne bombe, pa to.
Stari ej, kr žalostno je gledati te ...., sej ne veš kaj bi reku.
Na fronto vozijo t80, pa pazi to, t62. To je rang tanka m60.
Glede na rusko tehnologijo pa bolj m48.
Zdej, a Moskva ne rabi nobene obrambe?
Mr.B ::
bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:
V bistvu realno gledano Rusi nikoli ne bi mogli večjega dela Ukrajine s kakim Harkovom ali Kijevom nadzorovati dolgoročno, morda nekaj let, morda desetletje, ne pa dolgoročno.
Je pa realno da kakšne manjše dele nadzorujejo, recimo Donbas in Lugansk in morda še kaj malega ob obali. Iz tega vidika je ultra zajeb iz njihove strani, da se niso že na začetku vojne fokusirali zgolj tu. To da so odprli dodatne fronte na severu ki jih dolgoročno nikoli ne bi mogli držati je zgodovinska napaka za v zgodovinske knjige.
Drgač pa je, pomoje bodo Lugansk ter nekje 75% Donetsk zavzeli, potlej bo pa počasi stalemate in večletne igrice izčrpavanja drug drugega. Kako se bodo igrice izčrpavanja končale pa težko povedati, ker so odvisne od zahoda.
Prvi zajeb Rusije sploh je, da so sploh pomislili na invazijo all-in. Sicer so oni nekako zaposedli Krim, ter Donbas sforsirali napetosti. Verjetno je to Putinu dajalo upanje, da bodo Ukrajinci samo stali in gledali. No, to je vseeno drastično nekaj čisto čisto drugega.
Drugi zajeb Rusije oz. Putina osebno pa je, da je ekonomija Rusije velikosti Italije/Texasa, kar v praksi pomeni,da je vseeno, če imajo oni Armata T-14 tank, če majo pa na lagerju samo in izključno te razstavne modele. Ki jih rolajo za parade. Za kaj več pa denarja nimajo. Enako komunikacije, ter vse ostalo. Korupcija jim poje po moje dosti.
Že dejstvo, da so imeli Rusi eno (samo) letalonosilko, ki so jo na remontu zažgali (no, lahko je bila sabotaža, aneda) - ter sedaj nimajo letalonosilke.
Zdaj pa so obsojeni na to, da jih Ukrajinci zmeljejo dol. Ko bodo Ukrajinci absorbirali teh 40 miljard $$$ pomoči, bo to nekaj čisto drugega. Pa saj bo Biden podpisal še 40 miljard, pa še 40 miljard, temu ne bo konca. Tako dolgo, da Rusijo spravijo na beraško palico. Ameriško vojaško-industrijski kompleks ima verjetno eno etažo samo za čage. Ker taka prilika, da dobijo orng sovražnika, za katerega prelivajo kri *DRUGI*, tega ni nikjer na svetu.
Malo si preštudiraj, koliko od teh 40 milijard bo namenjeno v Ukr, in koliko jih bo potem na koncu dejansko prišlo (lepljivi prsti press).
Sem že dal dva link od 'the hill', kako Joe ima denar za cigo shitload državo 6000 km stran, a nima za pomoč domačemu gospodarstvu.
Kako dolgo misliš da bo tiskarna dolarjev to prenašala in kako dolgo bodo Američani se ploskali Joe-ovim blodnjam ?
Saj ga je Zelenski spravil v bolnisnico, lepo da ga tudi obisce. Ukrajinske mame mu ne bodo nikoli oprostile, ker je zakrivil to morijo.
Ukr se svojim mrtvih izogibajo kot Črnogorci lopate, tako da jih morajo Rusi pokopavati.
Za 'kia' dobijo svojci neko odškodnino, za 'mia' ničesar.
Avgusta obljublja Arestovič kontra-ofenzivo.
Baje bo tudi Tonin pomagal.
To je sicer uradni podatek.. koliko je up to date, boš že TI presodil...
Koliko je vredna informacija ki jo pošiljajo AWACS in ameriški sateliti itd...
Noi ampak so pa Supermani, s sončnimi očali...
PS: pa tu niti ni teh 40 mijard + 17 mijjard iz G7.
Sej je v redu, tudi 9000 glavega krofa Ukrajinkih POW nisi komentiral.
Ti pa ne kile purana za 16€. Ne vem kdo od vaju je bolj usekan.
Cene so pač take v Avstriji. Seveda ukrajinski, madžarški in slovaški puran je tud dober... V sloveniji pa un južno od kolpe...
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Mr.B ()
D3m ::
Make a wish Ukraine.
A to sami sebi urejajo dokumentacijo za Hagg?
Fosforne bombe, pa to.
Stari ej, kr žalostno je gledati te ...., sej ne veš kaj bi reku.
Na fronto vozijo t80, pa pazi to, t62. To je rang tanka m60.
Glede na rusko tehnologijo pa bolj m48.
Zdej, a Moskva ne rabi nobene obrambe?
Vprašanje zakaj T-62, če pa imajo še zaloge T-64, T-72 in T-80
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Mr.B ::
Make a wish Ukraine.
A to sami sebi urejajo dokumentacijo za Hagg?
Fosforne bombe, pa to.
Stari ej, kr žalostno je gledati te ...., sej ne veš kaj bi reku.
Na fronto vozijo t80, pa pazi to, t62. To je rang tanka m60.
Glede na rusko tehnologijo pa bolj m48.
Zdej, a Moskva ne rabi nobene obrambe?
Kolikor vem je bilo jasno definirano kaj so fosforne bombe... Kot tudi, javno kazanje oboroževanja civilov, kot tudi javno pričanje civilov, kako se borijo pri vsaki bajti, jasno nakazuje, da bo teh list veliko, koliko bo pa potem dejansko prišlo na sodišče ?
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
blay44 ::
Mr.B ::
Sej je v redu, tudi 9000 glavega krofa Ukrajinkih POW nisi komentiral.
Ti pa ne kile purana za 16€. Ne vem kdo od vaju je bolj usekan.
16,69 € Hofstädter Truthahn Brust im Ganzen
10,99 € Clever Hühnerfilet
18,87 € Hofstädter Puten Medaillons natur
5,50€/KG, včasih je bilo to 2.4€ Hofstädter Huhn bratfertig
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
l0g1t3ch ::
Sej je v redu, tudi 9000 glavega krofa Ukrajinkih POW nisi komentiral.
Ti pa ne kile purana za 16€. Ne vem kdo od vaju je bolj usekan.
16,69 € Hofstädter Truthahn Brust im Ganzen
10,99 € Clever Hühnerfilet
18,87 € Hofstädter Puten Medaillons natur
5,50€/KG, včasih je bilo to 2.4€ Hofstädter Huhn bratfertig
Ali pa je bila ta cena davno nekoč.
l0g1t3ch ::
Lavrov, jokica :D
#Russia threatens the West with an escalation of the conflict
#Lavrov said that "a step toward unacceptable escalation" could be the supply of weapons to #Ukraine that are able to strike at #Russian territory.
#Russia threatens the West with an escalation of the conflict
#Lavrov said that "a step toward unacceptable escalation" could be the supply of weapons to #Ukraine that are able to strike at #Russian territory.
UkrFTW! ::
Tudi mnogi Evropejci bomo nabrusili kose in sekire proti vam satanistom.Vas že čakajo na Lj-Polju. Kosilnice bodo tope, da si ne boste kaj naredili. Glasni pussiyi, koza sila!
Saj ga je Zelenski spravil v bolnisnico, lepo da ga tudi obisce. Ukrajinske mame mu ne bodo nikoli oprostile, ker je zakrivil to morijo.
Lj-Polje. V resnici ga je seveda kozjeljub LGBT Putler spravil tja. Kozja sila! Te je kozel napadel, da take klatiš?
5000 rubljen na nogo, 34 kil ruskega soldata torej pride cca 150€
Niti svinjina ni tako pocen![]()
Za razliko od tebe on je s svojimi nogami kupil večno carstvo. Bog ve koliko nedolžnih ljudi je rešil pred nacisti in drugimi satanisti.
Siromačijo do konca življenje, dokler se ne bo zapil, revež. Satan te je naskočil, kozel sila!
Vprašanje zakaj T-62, če pa imajo še zaloge T-64, T-72 in T-80
Ti bom jaz povedal. Ta odpad vozijo z namenom, da uničijo zahodno orožje. Zahod bo ostal brez orožja, ukrajina pa bo ruski odpad. Ljubitelj kozlov bi rekel, kozel sila!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: UkrFTW! ()
Pac-Man ::
Poglobljeno o ruski uporabi raket dolgega dosega. V 85ih dneh vojne so jih izstrelili okrog 2300, nekje toliko kot Američani Tomahawkov v vseh konfliktih od l. 1990.
Ampak jih daje zanesljivost in natančnost, tako v času kot prostoru.
Russia has fired more missiles in the Ukraine war than have been fired by any country in any other conflict since World War II—a record, according to air-warfare experts and new data obtained exclusively by Newsweek, that has failed to pay off for Moscow.
Sixty kilometers south of Odesa on the Black Sea coast lies the sleepy beach resort of Zatoka, spreading out on two narrow spits of land that form the mouth of the Dniester river, Europe's third longest river outside of Russia. The bridge connects Odesa with a region known as Budjak, the southern part of historical Bessarabia, an Ottoman outpost that was acceded to Russia in 1812.
Connecting the two spits at the mouth of the Dniester estuary is a distinct 500-foot long rail and road bridge, a vertical lift iron monstrosity built by the Soviet Union in 1955. ...
Russia took its first shot at the Zatoka bridge on March 3, the eighth day of the war, attacking a nearby military installation. It was the first documented use of air-delivered cluster bombs in the war, and Ukraine reported that it had shot down the attacking Russian plane, the pilot ejecting to save himself. On March 15, twelve days later, Russia returned to Zatoka, this time with warships opening fire with ship-based artillery on it and targets in three other nearby coastal towns.
On April 26, on day 62 of the war, Russian returned at 12:35 p.m., this time attacking the bridge itself with three cruise missiles. According to U.S. intelligence, one missile technically failed and landed in the water. A second missed the target; a third hit the eastern edge of the span, causing minor damage. The next morning at 6:45 a.m. the Russians were back, again with a cruise missile attack. Odesa region military spokesman Serhii Bratchuk declared the bridge destroyed. (...) The day after, traffic was restored.
On May 3, Russia returned to the bridge, again launching three cruise missiles. "The bridge is completely destroyed and cannot be operated," Bratchuk stated. (...) A week later, on May 10, they were back. "The enemy continues attacks on the already damaged bridge across the Dniester estuary," said Ukrainian Operational Command South.
Russia's eight attacks make the Zatoka bridge one of the most frequently attacked fixed targets. By the time it was cut, the initial reason for the effort had been forgotten.
On May 16, two more cruise missiles reached the Zatoka bridge, a third failing to launch and jettisoned into the sea, according to U.S. intelligence. Ukrainian authorities complained that the road and rail connection had been out of operation for more than two weeks.
Long-range cruise missiles were also developed parallel with smart bombs, becoming the modern day weapon of choice for sensitive American attacks, even as the cost (at over $1 million per missile) has limited their use. Over 32 years, some 2,300 Tomahawks have been used in combat, from punishing attacks on Saddam Hussein to "wag the dog" strikes in the former Yugoslavia to the 2018 attack on Syrian chemical weapons facilities.
That's about how many Russian missiles have been used in 85 days of strikes (2,275 missiles have been successfully launched as of May 23), an expensive and dubious undertaking for Moscow.
Though Russia has dropped dumb bombs in Ukraine, and has fired some laser-guided munitions, the preponderance of what it has fired beyond the battlefield are missiles. Iskander missiles (630 of them) have been launched from the ground in Belarus and Russia—both ballistic and cruise missile varieties. Ships and submarines have launched Kalibr cruise missiles (the Russian equivalent of the Tomahawk). Coastal anti-ship batteries in Crimea have fired Onyx shore-to-ship missiles against a handful of targets. In the air, tactical fighters and medium and heavy bombers have delivered a hodge podge of air-to-surface missiles—the Kh-22/32, the Kh-55/555, the Kh-59, and the Kh-101. A dozen Kinzhal hypersonic aero-ballistic missiles have been fired.
There have been some range constraints in hitting certain western Ukrainian targets, and there have been inventory problems that have forced shifts from one weapon to another, but overall the biggest problem Russia has faced is that they are not doing very well.
"If you look at the launches overall, we are talking well under half of all Russian missiles hitting their aim points," says a senior Defense Intelligence Agency official who is working on the war. The official, granted anonymity to discuss sensitive information, says that two to three out of every ten missiles fired fail to launch or fizzle during its flight. Two more have technical problems such as not fusing properly even if they fly to their intended range. Two to three more miss their aim-points even when they reach their intended target.
"Right now, we're holding Russian missile success at just below 40 percent," the DIA official says.
He says that the Russians are 30 years behind the U.S. "They aren't prepared for this sustained level of operations, haven't grasped the importance of effects-based targeting [as opposed to physical destruction], don't seem to have good BDA [battle damage assessment] and certainly don't have any kind of dynamic targeting."
That's why after each strike about a week passed before the Russians revisited the Zatoka bridge and tried again: that's how long it took to assess the damage and plan another mission.
Of the 20,000 or so sorties that the Russian air force has flown so far in the Ukraine war, fewer than 3,000 have entered Ukrainian airspace, almost all of them over the battlefield.
For now, one unintended consequence of the Ukraine air war is doubly disastrous for Moscow. No one who can afford otherwise will want to buy Russian weapons in the future. Russia is the world's second largest arms exporter after the United States, and nothing about the course of the war augers well for its future in this space.
Ampak jih daje zanesljivost in natančnost, tako v času kot prostoru.
Russia has fired more missiles in the Ukraine war than have been fired by any country in any other conflict since World War II—a record, according to air-warfare experts and new data obtained exclusively by Newsweek, that has failed to pay off for Moscow.
Sixty kilometers south of Odesa on the Black Sea coast lies the sleepy beach resort of Zatoka, spreading out on two narrow spits of land that form the mouth of the Dniester river, Europe's third longest river outside of Russia. The bridge connects Odesa with a region known as Budjak, the southern part of historical Bessarabia, an Ottoman outpost that was acceded to Russia in 1812.
Connecting the two spits at the mouth of the Dniester estuary is a distinct 500-foot long rail and road bridge, a vertical lift iron monstrosity built by the Soviet Union in 1955. ...
Russia took its first shot at the Zatoka bridge on March 3, the eighth day of the war, attacking a nearby military installation. It was the first documented use of air-delivered cluster bombs in the war, and Ukraine reported that it had shot down the attacking Russian plane, the pilot ejecting to save himself. On March 15, twelve days later, Russia returned to Zatoka, this time with warships opening fire with ship-based artillery on it and targets in three other nearby coastal towns.
On April 26, on day 62 of the war, Russian returned at 12:35 p.m., this time attacking the bridge itself with three cruise missiles. According to U.S. intelligence, one missile technically failed and landed in the water. A second missed the target; a third hit the eastern edge of the span, causing minor damage. The next morning at 6:45 a.m. the Russians were back, again with a cruise missile attack. Odesa region military spokesman Serhii Bratchuk declared the bridge destroyed. (...) The day after, traffic was restored.
On May 3, Russia returned to the bridge, again launching three cruise missiles. "The bridge is completely destroyed and cannot be operated," Bratchuk stated. (...) A week later, on May 10, they were back. "The enemy continues attacks on the already damaged bridge across the Dniester estuary," said Ukrainian Operational Command South.
Russia's eight attacks make the Zatoka bridge one of the most frequently attacked fixed targets. By the time it was cut, the initial reason for the effort had been forgotten.
On May 16, two more cruise missiles reached the Zatoka bridge, a third failing to launch and jettisoned into the sea, according to U.S. intelligence. Ukrainian authorities complained that the road and rail connection had been out of operation for more than two weeks.
Long-range cruise missiles were also developed parallel with smart bombs, becoming the modern day weapon of choice for sensitive American attacks, even as the cost (at over $1 million per missile) has limited their use. Over 32 years, some 2,300 Tomahawks have been used in combat, from punishing attacks on Saddam Hussein to "wag the dog" strikes in the former Yugoslavia to the 2018 attack on Syrian chemical weapons facilities.
That's about how many Russian missiles have been used in 85 days of strikes (2,275 missiles have been successfully launched as of May 23), an expensive and dubious undertaking for Moscow.
Though Russia has dropped dumb bombs in Ukraine, and has fired some laser-guided munitions, the preponderance of what it has fired beyond the battlefield are missiles. Iskander missiles (630 of them) have been launched from the ground in Belarus and Russia—both ballistic and cruise missile varieties. Ships and submarines have launched Kalibr cruise missiles (the Russian equivalent of the Tomahawk). Coastal anti-ship batteries in Crimea have fired Onyx shore-to-ship missiles against a handful of targets. In the air, tactical fighters and medium and heavy bombers have delivered a hodge podge of air-to-surface missiles—the Kh-22/32, the Kh-55/555, the Kh-59, and the Kh-101. A dozen Kinzhal hypersonic aero-ballistic missiles have been fired.
There have been some range constraints in hitting certain western Ukrainian targets, and there have been inventory problems that have forced shifts from one weapon to another, but overall the biggest problem Russia has faced is that they are not doing very well.
"If you look at the launches overall, we are talking well under half of all Russian missiles hitting their aim points," says a senior Defense Intelligence Agency official who is working on the war. The official, granted anonymity to discuss sensitive information, says that two to three out of every ten missiles fired fail to launch or fizzle during its flight. Two more have technical problems such as not fusing properly even if they fly to their intended range. Two to three more miss their aim-points even when they reach their intended target.
"Right now, we're holding Russian missile success at just below 40 percent," the DIA official says.
He says that the Russians are 30 years behind the U.S. "They aren't prepared for this sustained level of operations, haven't grasped the importance of effects-based targeting [as opposed to physical destruction], don't seem to have good BDA [battle damage assessment] and certainly don't have any kind of dynamic targeting."
That's why after each strike about a week passed before the Russians revisited the Zatoka bridge and tried again: that's how long it took to assess the damage and plan another mission.
Of the 20,000 or so sorties that the Russian air force has flown so far in the Ukraine war, fewer than 3,000 have entered Ukrainian airspace, almost all of them over the battlefield.
For now, one unintended consequence of the Ukraine air war is doubly disastrous for Moscow. No one who can afford otherwise will want to buy Russian weapons in the future. Russia is the world's second largest arms exporter after the United States, and nothing about the course of the war augers well for its future in this space.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
VladarP ::
Gotovo je Ukrajinci so prevzeli nadzor nad komplet Rusijo in Kurilskimi otoki. Rusi in Ceceni izvajajo masovne samomore, da ne padejo v roke nato soldateski in ukrajincem....
Praženi nacisti, ker jih je veliko je pol kile izkoščeno samo pol dolarja.
Trupla mrtvih ukrajinskih vojakov na ozemlju Azovstal v Mariupolu. Po stanju trupel sodeč so že dolgo ležali in nihče od svojih niti pomislil ni, da bi jih odpeljal.
Praženi nacisti, ker jih je veliko je pol kile izkoščeno samo pol dolarja.
Akhmat sila
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: VladarP ()
gazibo ::
Liman padu lol
Liman is ours
Footage of the cleansing of the city. The enemy fled from grouping "O" to the west and south-west. The capture of the city is confirmed by the brave participants in the assault.
Liman is ours
Footage of the cleansing of the city. The enemy fled from grouping "O" to the west and south-west. The capture of the city is confirmed by the brave participants in the assault.
VladarP ::
Liman padu lol
Liman is ours
Footage of the cleansing of the city. The enemy fled from grouping "O" to the west and south-west. The capture of the city is confirmed by the brave participants in the assault.
Akhmat sila! Takoj vzpostavit administracijo, potalat ruske pasose, penzije, zdravstveno zavarovanje in po vojni integrirat v RF.
Akhmat sila
gazibo ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Putin met with a wounded soldier who, by a strange coincidence, was also a factory worker he previously met.
WTF je s to Rusijo in Putlerjem??
To je bizarno. Za rusofile dovolj prepričljivo seveda. Cenena ruska propaganda
Glede na to da so eukronaciji pobil po 29k ruskih figur na teden se ni za cudit da rabjo fejk plejerje.
VladarP ::
Eksplozije v Nikolajevu in Očakovem
Akhmat sila, nema spavanja!
Vladimir Vladimirovic Putin sila! Svobodni svet se zdruzuje, Amer in Evropejec od lakote crkuje!
Akhmat sila, nema spavanja!
Savdska Arabija in Argentina sta izrazili zanimanje za vstop v združenje BRICS - Lavrov
Vladimir Vladimirovic Putin sila! Svobodni svet se zdruzuje, Amer in Evropejec od lakote crkuje!
Akhmat sila
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: VladarP ()
mackilla ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
An interesting stat has passed this last day:
Russia has now lost more tanks (734) that the combined quantity of tanks currently in service with the British (227), German (266), and French (222) armies combined (715).
Numbers from wiki so actual in service qty may vary.
Russia - 4145, of which: destroyed: 2407, damaged: 75, abandoned: 317, captured: 1342
Tanks (734, of which destroyed: 409, damaged: 22, abandoned: 55, captured: 245)
Sej so v krofu 9000 ukrjainskih superjunakov.
V krofu je 9000 ukrajinskih vojakov?
VladarP ::
Švedska uvaja obvezno peto cepivo za osebe, starejše od 65 let, in nosečnice
Švedska se jeseni in pozimi pripravlja na "večje število okuženih" z kovidom.
Zato zdravstvene oblasti zahtevajo, da se najbolj ogroženi cepijo že petič.
Akhmat sila, treba vse Evropejce cepit 10x. Dva dni nazaj brat slovenskega olimpijskega sportnika dozivel miokarditis, cepljen 3x. Resen za 1krat, aspirin 100 dozivljensko ter tablete za visok krvni tlak.
Akhmat sila
fur80 ::
Švedska uvaja obvezno peto cepivo za osebe, starejše od 65 let, in nosečnice
Švedska se jeseni in pozimi pripravlja na "večje število okuženih" z kovidom.
Zato zdravstvene oblasti zahtevajo, da se najbolj ogroženi cepijo že petič.
Akhmat sila, treba vse Evropejce cepit 10x. Dva dni nazaj brat slovenskega olimpijskega sportnika dozivel miokarditis, cepljen 3x. Resen za 1krat, aspirin 100 dozivljensko ter tablete za visok krvni tlak.
Samo tebe pa res vozi no! :D :D :D Kaj ti mama ne ne da več tablet zvečer, ali si jih na lastno pest nehal jemat?
VladarP ::
ZDA ne nameravajo vključevati ameriške vojske v izvoz žita iz Ukrajine, je dejal tiskovni predstavnik Pentagona John Kirby.
Nimajo Jenkiji jajc. Niso Rusi tam neko pleme, da jih lahko z tepih bombardiranjem strasijo. Ubistvu tut strasit ne morejo vec, papucarji z zarjavelimi kalasnikovkami so jim pokazali svoja jajca.
Akhmat sila
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: VladarP ()
fur80 ::
ZDA ne nameravajo vključevati ameriške vojske v izvoz žita iz Ukrajine, je dejal tiskovni predstavnik Pentagona John Kirby.
Nimajo Jenkiji jajc. Niso Rusi tam neko pleme, da jih lahko z tepih bombardiranjem strasijo. Ubistvu tut strasit ne morejo vec, papucarji z zarjavelimi kalasnikovkami pokazali svoja jajca.
Meni se zdi vse obratno kar ti pišeš! :D Da pa poveličuješ Kadirova in pa te Čečene pa pove vse o tebi! HAHA, Če si pa nehal tablete jemat, potem pa OK, razumem, drugače pa le vzemi čez čas, da ne bo šlo vse skupaj predaleč!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
VladarP ::
Aleksej Arestovič je objasnio zašto ukrajinska vojska ne može da uništi Krimski most. ,,Krimski most je kapitalna građevina od strateškog značaja, posebno napravljena i pokrivena tako da se ne može tako lako uništiti. Tamo najmanje dve brigade PVO pokrivaju, odred je sve vreme u vazduhu, PVO koja pokriva brodove. Ovo je veoma ozbiljna konstrukcija, a pogoditi most krstarec?im projektilom je kao metak od 300 metara u komad papira. Ali čak i ako udarite, nije činjenica da c?e se srušiti. Rasponi se veoma brzo obnavljaju inženjerskim sredstvima, a da se uđe u oslonac... Dakle, oslonac je ogromno betonsko sranje, koje, ako uđeš u njega, nec?eš ga razneti. Možete da vičete koliko hoc?ete o rušenju Krimskog mosta, ali da je bilo tako lako dic?i ga u vazduh, odavno bismo ga uništili", rekao je Arestovič.
Krimski most je Putinova zapuščina Rusom in vrjamem, da bi letele taktične na Kijev v roku par ur, če bi si drznili napasti most. Itak ga ne morejo, lahko samo sanjajo.
Akhmat sila
gazibo ::
Geoplin tud placuje v rubljih ![:D](
Rubles for gas: Who’s paid so far?
Rubles for gas: Who’s paid so far?
Continued payments via Russia's Gazprombank
These companies have continued to pay for and receive Russian gas, but the details of their agreement with supplier Gazprom — and whether they've opened a ruble-denominated account — may not be public.
Hungary's MVM: "We pay in euros, Gazprombank converts the euro, and this amount is paid to Gazprom Export," Hungarian Foreign Péter Szijjártó said at a press conference on April 11. He added that a new gas contract between MVM subsidiary CEE Energy and Russia's Gazprom Export, signed in September, already allows for alternate currency payments.
Germany's VNG: "We will pay the invoice amount, which will continue to be denominated in euros, into the accounts at Gazprombank in accordance with the planned procedure, so that timely payment to our supplier is ensured on our part," the company stated May 9. "We also assume that the conversion into roubles will not cause any difficulties ... the opening of the account went completely smoothly."
Germany's RWE: "We are prepared for payment in euros and have opened a corresponding account. We are therefore acting in accordance with European and German regulation," a company spokesperson said May 16.
Germany's Uniper: "Uniper has opened [an] account at Gazprombank and has thus made the arrangements for a contractually compliant payment in euros to this account in accordance with the new payment mechanism," Chairman Klaus-Dieter Maubach said May 18.
France's Engie: "Engie has been in talks with Gazprom regarding the Russian request to modify payment scheme for Russian gas supply. The Group has taken the necessary steps to be ready to execute on its payment obligations, as long as it is compliant with European sanctions’ framework," the company said May 17.
Italy's Eni: "Eni has begun the process of opening two ... accounts at Gazprom Bank, on a precautionary basis (one in euros and the second in rubles)," the company stated May 17.
Austria's OMV: "We have now implemented a sanctions-compliant payment process that ensures gas deliveries can be paid in a timely manner," the company stated May 20.
The Czech Republic's ČEZ: "We made the payment in euros in accordance with the recommendation of the European Commission. We will not comment on the details," a ČEZ spokesperson said May 20.
Slovakia's SPP: "Slovakia paid the April invoice in euros according to the valid contract ... on the basis of the EU opinion that such payment is not a violation or circumvention of sanctions," the country's economy ministry said May 20. The ministry told POLITICO a smaller regional gas company also has a Gazprom contract that has been maintained.
Slovenia's Geoplin: Geoplin "agreed with the Russian partner on a payment procedure that is in accordance with the contract and at the same time within the measures and recommendations of the EU institutions," company director Vanja Lombar told Slovenian television May 20.
VladarP ::
Geoplin tud placuje v rubljih
Rubles for gas: Who’s paid so far?
Continued payments via Russia's Gazprombank
These companies have continued to pay for and receive Russian gas, but the details of their agreement with supplier Gazprom — and whether they've opened a ruble-denominated account — may not be public.
Hungary's MVM: "We pay in euros, Gazprombank converts the euro, and this amount is paid to Gazprom Export," Hungarian Foreign Péter Szijjártó said at a press conference on April 11. He added that a new gas contract between MVM subsidiary CEE Energy and Russia's Gazprom Export, signed in September, already allows for alternate currency payments.
Germany's VNG: "We will pay the invoice amount, which will continue to be denominated in euros, into the accounts at Gazprombank in accordance with the planned procedure, so that timely payment to our supplier is ensured on our part," the company stated May 9. "We also assume that the conversion into roubles will not cause any difficulties ... the opening of the account went completely smoothly."
Germany's RWE: "We are prepared for payment in euros and have opened a corresponding account. We are therefore acting in accordance with European and German regulation," a company spokesperson said May 16.
Germany's Uniper: "Uniper has opened [an] account at Gazprombank and has thus made the arrangements for a contractually compliant payment in euros to this account in accordance with the new payment mechanism," Chairman Klaus-Dieter Maubach said May 18.
France's Engie: "Engie has been in talks with Gazprom regarding the Russian request to modify payment scheme for Russian gas supply. The Group has taken the necessary steps to be ready to execute on its payment obligations, as long as it is compliant with European sanctions’ framework," the company said May 17.
Italy's Eni: "Eni has begun the process of opening two ... accounts at Gazprom Bank, on a precautionary basis (one in euros and the second in rubles)," the company stated May 17.
Austria's OMV: "We have now implemented a sanctions-compliant payment process that ensures gas deliveries can be paid in a timely manner," the company stated May 20.
The Czech Republic's ČEZ: "We made the payment in euros in accordance with the recommendation of the European Commission. We will not comment on the details," a ČEZ spokesperson said May 20.
Slovakia's SPP: "Slovakia paid the April invoice in euros according to the valid contract ... on the basis of the EU opinion that such payment is not a violation or circumvention of sanctions," the country's economy ministry said May 20. The ministry told POLITICO a smaller regional gas company also has a Gazprom contract that has been maintained.
Slovenia's Geoplin: Geoplin "agreed with the Russian partner on a payment procedure that is in accordance with the contract and at the same time within the measures and recommendations of the EU institutions," company director Vanja Lombar told Slovenian television May 20.
Nisem niti dvomil, pocakaj na zimo upam da bo ornk mraz. Bo pa Rus obogatel to zimo brez dvoma
Akhmat sila
mackilla ::
Geoplin tud placuje v rubljih
Rubles for gas: Who’s paid so far?
Continued payments via Russia's Gazprombank
These companies have continued to pay for and receive Russian gas, but the details of their agreement with supplier Gazprom — and whether they've opened a ruble-denominated account — may not be public.
Hungary's MVM: "We pay in euros, Gazprombank converts the euro, and this amount is paid to Gazprom Export," Hungarian Foreign Péter Szijjártó said at a press conference on April 11. He added that a new gas contract between MVM subsidiary CEE Energy and Russia's Gazprom Export, signed in September, already allows for alternate currency payments.
Germany's VNG: "We will pay the invoice amount, which will continue to be denominated in euros, into the accounts at Gazprombank in accordance with the planned procedure, so that timely payment to our supplier is ensured on our part," the company stated May 9. "We also assume that the conversion into roubles will not cause any difficulties ... the opening of the account went completely smoothly."
Germany's RWE: "We are prepared for payment in euros and have opened a corresponding account. We are therefore acting in accordance with European and German regulation," a company spokesperson said May 16.
Germany's Uniper: "Uniper has opened [an] account at Gazprombank and has thus made the arrangements for a contractually compliant payment in euros to this account in accordance with the new payment mechanism," Chairman Klaus-Dieter Maubach said May 18.
France's Engie: "Engie has been in talks with Gazprom regarding the Russian request to modify payment scheme for Russian gas supply. The Group has taken the necessary steps to be ready to execute on its payment obligations, as long as it is compliant with European sanctions’ framework," the company said May 17.
Italy's Eni: "Eni has begun the process of opening two ... accounts at Gazprom Bank, on a precautionary basis (one in euros and the second in rubles)," the company stated May 17.
Austria's OMV: "We have now implemented a sanctions-compliant payment process that ensures gas deliveries can be paid in a timely manner," the company stated May 20.
The Czech Republic's ČEZ: "We made the payment in euros in accordance with the recommendation of the European Commission. We will not comment on the details," a ČEZ spokesperson said May 20.
Slovakia's SPP: "Slovakia paid the April invoice in euros according to the valid contract ... on the basis of the EU opinion that such payment is not a violation or circumvention of sanctions," the country's economy ministry said May 20. The ministry told POLITICO a smaller regional gas company also has a Gazprom contract that has been maintained.
Slovenia's Geoplin: Geoplin "agreed with the Russian partner on a payment procedure that is in accordance with the contract and at the same time within the measures and recommendations of the EU institutions," company director Vanja Lombar told Slovenian television May 20.
Nisem niti dvomil, pocakaj na zimo upam da bo ornk mraz. Bo pa Rus obogatel to zimo brez dvoma![]()
Seveda treba bo našparat za nove jahte in vile. A naj oligarhi živijo kot berači?
Akhmat sila.
VladarP ::
Geoplin tud placuje v rubljih
Rubles for gas: Who’s paid so far?
Continued payments via Russia's Gazprombank
These companies have continued to pay for and receive Russian gas, but the details of their agreement with supplier Gazprom — and whether they've opened a ruble-denominated account — may not be public.
Hungary's MVM: "We pay in euros, Gazprombank converts the euro, and this amount is paid to Gazprom Export," Hungarian Foreign Péter Szijjártó said at a press conference on April 11. He added that a new gas contract between MVM subsidiary CEE Energy and Russia's Gazprom Export, signed in September, already allows for alternate currency payments.
Germany's VNG: "We will pay the invoice amount, which will continue to be denominated in euros, into the accounts at Gazprombank in accordance with the planned procedure, so that timely payment to our supplier is ensured on our part," the company stated May 9. "We also assume that the conversion into roubles will not cause any difficulties ... the opening of the account went completely smoothly."
Germany's RWE: "We are prepared for payment in euros and have opened a corresponding account. We are therefore acting in accordance with European and German regulation," a company spokesperson said May 16.
Germany's Uniper: "Uniper has opened [an] account at Gazprombank and has thus made the arrangements for a contractually compliant payment in euros to this account in accordance with the new payment mechanism," Chairman Klaus-Dieter Maubach said May 18.
France's Engie: "Engie has been in talks with Gazprom regarding the Russian request to modify payment scheme for Russian gas supply. The Group has taken the necessary steps to be ready to execute on its payment obligations, as long as it is compliant with European sanctions’ framework," the company said May 17.
Italy's Eni: "Eni has begun the process of opening two ... accounts at Gazprom Bank, on a precautionary basis (one in euros and the second in rubles)," the company stated May 17.
Austria's OMV: "We have now implemented a sanctions-compliant payment process that ensures gas deliveries can be paid in a timely manner," the company stated May 20.
The Czech Republic's ČEZ: "We made the payment in euros in accordance with the recommendation of the European Commission. We will not comment on the details," a ČEZ spokesperson said May 20.
Slovakia's SPP: "Slovakia paid the April invoice in euros according to the valid contract ... on the basis of the EU opinion that such payment is not a violation or circumvention of sanctions," the country's economy ministry said May 20. The ministry told POLITICO a smaller regional gas company also has a Gazprom contract that has been maintained.
Slovenia's Geoplin: Geoplin "agreed with the Russian partner on a payment procedure that is in accordance with the contract and at the same time within the measures and recommendations of the EU institutions," company director Vanja Lombar told Slovenian television May 20.
Nisem niti dvomil, pocakaj na zimo upam da bo ornk mraz. Bo pa Rus obogatel to zimo brez dvoma![]()
Seveda treba bo našparat za nove jahte in vile. A naj oligarhi živijo kot berači?
Akhmat sila.
Kar tolaži se
Akhmat sila
Comandante ::
Krimski most je Putinova zapuščina Rusom in vrjamem, da bi letele taktične na Kijev v roku par ur, če bi si drznili napasti most. Itak ga ne morejo, lahko samo sanjajo.
Trenutno ga res ne morejo, niti ni takticno smiselno rusiti.
Ko osvobodijo Herson in pocistijo obalo na jugu, pa bo most zagotovo padel. Za razliko od ruskega "preciznega" klumpa, kjer cilj priblizno zadane 30-40% raket (minus sestreljene), so Ukrajinci dobili ameriski hardware. 300km dosega, suka blyat.
VladarP ::
Comandante je izjavil:
Krimski most je Putinova zapuščina Rusom in vrjamem, da bi letele taktične na Kijev v roku par ur, če bi si drznili napasti most. Itak ga ne morejo, lahko samo sanjajo.
Trenutno ga res ne morejo, niti ni takticno smiselno rusiti.
Ko osvobodijo Herson in pocistijo obalo na jugu, pa bo most zagotovo padel. Za razliko od ruskega "preciznega" klumpa, kjer cilj priblizno zadane 30-40% raket (minus sestreljene), so Ukrajinci dobili ameriski hardware. 300km dosega, suka blyat.
No ja lepo, da si si nasel tolazbo...
Akhmat sila
Pac-Man :: gre pa za to
A Lithuanian organization is buying a Bayraktar🚩drone for Ukraine 🇺🇦. Approved by Lithuanian 🇱🇹 and Turkey 🇹🇷 defence ministries, and the manufacturer. It costs 5 mil 🇪🇺. There's 3 weeks to collect the money. Details in🧵 Just one word, crazy!
A Lithuanian organization is buying a Bayraktar🚩drone for Ukraine 🇺🇦. Approved by Lithuanian 🇱🇹 and Turkey 🇹🇷 defence ministries, and the manufacturer. It costs 5 mil 🇪🇺. There's 3 weeks to collect the money. Details in🧵 Just one word, crazy!
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
fur80 ::
Comandante je izjavil:
Krimski most je Putinova zapuščina Rusom in vrjamem, da bi letele taktične na Kijev v roku par ur, če bi si drznili napasti most. Itak ga ne morejo, lahko samo sanjajo.
Trenutno ga res ne morejo, niti ni takticno smiselno rusiti.
Ko osvobodijo Herson in pocistijo obalo na jugu, pa bo most zagotovo padel. Za razliko od ruskega "preciznega" klumpa, kjer cilj priblizno zadane 30-40% raket (minus sestreljene), so Ukrajinci dobili ameriski hardware. 300km dosega, suka blyat.
No ja lepo, da si si nasel tolazbo...
Marskikaj še pride! :D Lavrov pa že laja, Peskov pa že bere na Twiterju kaj bo javil in kako se prebere, da so uničili, čeprav kot vidimo bore malo! :D
VladarP ::
Dec je najavil likvidacijo ali aretacijo Zelenskega iz strani generala Zalužnega. Javlja se pa iz Harkova. Hrabro.
Akhmat sila
fur80 ::
Dec je najavil likvidacijo ali aretacijo Zelenskega iz strani generala Zalužnega. Javlja se pa iz Harkova. Hrabro.
Putler mu je prvi dan najavil likvidacijo, pa vidimo, da so kolone ostale na polju in v blatu pred Kijevom! :D Aja Putler se je javljal iz Moskve!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
VladarP ::
Dec je najavil likvidacijo ali aretacijo Zelenskega iz strani generala Zalužnega. Javlja se pa iz Harkova. Hrabro.
Putler mu je prvi dan najavil likvidacijo, pa vidimo, da so kolone ostale na polju in v blatu pred Kijevom! :D Aja Putler se je javljal iz Moskve!
Lahko se tudi tako tolažiš.
Izpostavlja tri pomembne osebnosti: generala Zalužnega, Zelenskega in Arsena Avakova. Napoveduje neizogiben padec ukrajinskih sil v Donbasu in politični potres, ki bo sledil. Zelenski po njegovih besedah postane tarča Zalužnega, saj bo nanj in na njegove ameriške mentorje prenesel vso odgovornost za velike izgube ukrajinske vojske. Zalužni "ima rad Ukrajino in skrbi za življenja svojih vojakov", medtem ko za marioneto Zelenskega in njegove ameriške prokuriste niso Ukrajinci vredni nič.
Predvideva aretacijo ali likvidacijo Zelenskega s strani vojske ali spremstva, v vsakem primeru pa njegovo odstranitev iz javnega življenja. Zalužni prevzame oblast v državi in se pogaja z Rusi. Rusi nedvomno iščejo in dobijo Harkov in Odeso, Zalužni pa uspe (kot, ima možnost) obdržati Dnepropetrovsk. Nacisti niso v zvezi z generalom, ampak z ameriškim agentom Avakovom in odhajajo v Lvov, ki postaja nacistični pekel na zemlji. Arsen Avakov prevzame "vlado v izgnanstvu" namesto likvidiranega Zelenskega (tudi njemu ustreza njegova likvidacija).
Zalužni in vojska v dogovoru in sodelovanju (ni nujno vidnem) z Rusi prevzemata oblast v novi, manjši Ukrajini in preprečujeta popoln propad ukrajinske družbe.
Akhmat sila
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: VladarP ()
Pac-Man ::
Kar sem bral Zelenski ve, da o vojskovanju nima ravno pojma in oboroženim silam pusti, da počnejo svojo stvar.
Za razliko od nekega vrtnega palčka z vzhoda.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
scythe ::
US supplied Switchblade loitering munitions have been reportedly captured by Russian forces.
Potem vidiš pa tole:
Spet neki ne paše skup
Hočejo Rusi spet ene ¨nategnat¨. Je pa res, da UA dobil veliko različnih dronov, samo na sliki niso Switchblade droni.
Potem vidiš pa tole:
Spet neki ne paše skup
X870 | 9800X3D | 2x32Gb | 6000Mhz/CL30 | RTX3090FTW3 | HP X27i | Phanteks NV7|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: scythe ()
VladarP ::
Kar sem bral Zelenski ve, da o vojskovanju nima ravno pojma in oboroženim silam pusti, da počnejo svojo stvar.
Za razliko od nekega vrtnega palčka z vzhoda.
Zelenski ali bo pobegnil v Ameriko ali bo obesen ko jim bo drzava sla dokoncno v kurac. Ce bi spostoval Minsk2, bi se danes pripravljali na zetev psenice, jecmena in drugih zitaric. Tako bodo pa ostali brez crnega morja, arterije ukrajinske ekonomije. Jbg kar sejes to zanjes, sejali so nacizem, pozeli bodo lastno smrt. Rus ne bo odnehal dokler ne vzpostavi trajni mir.
Akhmat sila
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: VladarP ()
Kebo ::
Če nas rusi odrežejo od plina bo za to nas največje darilo, ki nam ga lahko dajo. Končno se bomo pri nas začeli resno pogovarjat o energetski samozadostnosti in novih investicijah v energetiko in ne samo o partizanih in domobrancih.
VladarP ::
Na Madžarskem bodo od petka zgolj vozniki avtomobilov z madžarskimi registrskimi oznakami lahko točili gorivo po regulirani ceni 480 forintov (1,24 evra) na liter.
Orban ponovno dominira in dokazuje, da je veliki domoljub in da se pokaka na EU.
Če nas rusi odrežejo od plina bo za to nas največje darilo, ki nam ga lahko dajo. Končno se bomo pri nas začeli resno pogovarjat o energetski samozadostnosti in novih investicijah v energetiko in ne samo o partizanih in domobrancih.
Se strinjam. Ekolosko gorivo plin lahko zamenjamo za indonezijski premog in ga kurimo in dimimo kot 200 let nazaj. Tudi avtomobilskih gum imamo dovolj za kurjenje.
Akhmat sila
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: VladarP ()
VladarP ::
Another rebellious Volkssturm is trying to get the higher authorities to give them supply vehicles that they were promised, but not given. After the fall of Azovstal
Ajoj ukropska soldateska poka po sivih brez Rusov
Akhmat sila
Bostjan_321 ::
Kar sem bral Zelenski ve, da o vojskovanju nima ravno pojma in oboroženim silam pusti, da počnejo svojo stvar.
Za razliko od nekega vrtnega palčka z vzhoda.
Zelenski ali bo pobegnil v Ameriko ali bo obesen ko jim bo drzava sla dokoncno v kurac. Ce bi spostoval Minsk2, bi se danes pripravljali na zetev psenice, jecmena in drugih zitaric. Tako bodo pa ostali brez crnega morja, arterije ukrajinske ekonomije. Jbg kar sejes to zanjes, sejali so nacizem, pozeli bodo lastno smrt. Rus ne bo odnehal dokler ne vzpostavi trajni mir.
Pa definitivno ne podpiram ukrajine in čisto pošteno tudi rusije ne kaj prida, definitivno pa sem proti EU vmešavanju, ampak kakorlkoli že, te pravljice o nacistih so počasi že dosadne.
Lepo bi bilo da si nalijemo čistega vina in se reče bobu bo, ne pa da se na plano vlači neke naciste.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Bostjan_321 ()
Pac-Man ::
Ce bi spostoval Minsk2, bi se danes pripravljali na zetev psenice, jecmena in drugih zitaric. Tako bodo pa ostali brez crnega morja, arterije ukrajinske ekonomije.
Ali koji kurac je Ukrajina oblekla minico, dobila je kar je iskala.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Bostjan_321 ::
Ce bi spostoval Minsk2, bi se danes pripravljali na zetev psenice, jecmena in drugih zitaric. Tako bodo pa ostali brez crnega morja, arterije ukrajinske ekonomije.
Ali koji kurac je Ukrajina oblekla minico, dobila je kar je iskala.
Kruta realnost je taka, da obveljajo pravila močnejšega.
Američani ne bi bili veseli rusov na kubi, rusi pa imajo ali želijo ukrajino za svoj peskovnik. Meni se to sicer zdi patetično, ker svet drvi v večjo okoljsko katastrofo ampak pač tako je.
Dokler ne prerastemo soje opičje narave se bomo kregali kaj je moje-tvoje in do tedaj je treba biti tudi pragmatičen.
Za EU pa kot že napisano nekajkrat bi bilo boljše, da bi se od vsega skupaj distancirali.
Bostjan_321 je izjavil:
Nekdo je tule napisal:"Tiha voda bregove dere".
Tega bi se morala držat EU.
Tole dogajanje nam bi morala biti zadnja budnica, da resno začnemo delati na energetski neodvisnosti", namesto da se vpletamo v neke vojne.
EU, bi morala biti tiha voda, ki brez nekega pompa in javnega kričanja, stand with Ukraine, potihoma dela na tem da si zagotovimo energetsko neodvisnost in diverzifikacijo dobavnih verig za razne rudnine, ki jih gospodarstvo potrebuje.
To kar sedaj počnemo je neumnost.
Že davno bi si morali naliti čistega vina in se odločit ali
a)gledamo samo na svojo rit, nekako podobno kot kitajska. Torej ne vtikamo se v druge države in njihove konflikte, ignoriramo kršitve človekovih pravic, ... Vse zato, da imamo poceni surovine in energente
b)gremo se neko moralno avtoriteto ali nekega svetovnega policaja po vzoru amerike. V tem primeru bi seveda morali najprej zagotoviti energetsko neodvisnost in ustrezne dobavne verige za razno razne minerale in surovine, da te nihče ne more držat za jajca.
V tem momentu smo kod junkie, z iglo v žili, ki hkrati psuje svojega dilerja. Skrajno neumna strategija.
Bostjan_321 je izjavil:
Neko načelonost in pravičniške ideale se lahko greš, ko si samozadosten oz. kjer to ne gre imaš zadosti diverzificirane dobavne verige.
Mi pa smo junki z iglo v žili (plinovod), ki se dere na dilerja.
To je zagotovo recept za uspeh ?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Bostjan_321 ()
Bostjan_321 ::
Ampak nič skrbet, narava bo že poskrbela da se nas reši.
Globalno segrevanje ni problem za planet, bo pa za nas kot vrsto.
Globalno segrevanje ni problem za planet, bo pa za nas kot vrsto.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Bostjan_321 ()
VladarP ::
E seljačino
Daj vsaj eno pravo južno
Beogradski Sindikat stih:
Pozdrav za Gadafija i za Uga Čaveza,
mi sanjamo o takvima da oslobode nas kaveza.
I za brata Asada, jačeg od svih napada,
život rađa se na istoku, smrt dolazi sa zapada.
I Rusi iz Donjecka i Huti iz Jemena,
naša borba je iskrena, mi smo deo istog plemena.
Bostjan_321 je izjavil:
Ampak nič skrbet, narava bo že poskrbela da se nas reši.
Globalno segrevanje ni problem za planet, bo pa za nas kot vrsto.
Globalno segrevanje je laž
Akhmat sila
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: VladarP ()
Bostjan_321 ::
Bostjan_321 je izjavil:
Ampak nič skrbet, narava bo že poskrbela da se nas reši.
Globalno segrevanje ni problem za planet, bo pa za nas kot vrsto.
Globalno segrevanje je laž
Če to iskreno misliš si pa žal debil.
l0g1t3ch ::
Seveda je debil antivaxxer in očitno zanikovelc podnebnih sprememb.
Hkrati pa orgazmira nad nekim primitivnim pretepačem in glupimi srbi.
Ko že misliš da je dosegel dno, pa zmore še stopničko nižja
Hkrati pa orgazmira nad nekim primitivnim pretepačem in glupimi srbi.
Ko že misliš da je dosegel dno, pa zmore še stopničko nižja
mackilla ::
Bostjan_321 je izjavil:
Bostjan_321 je izjavil:
Ampak nič skrbet, narava bo že poskrbela da se nas reši.
Globalno segrevanje ni problem za planet, bo pa za nas kot vrsto.
Globalno segrevanje je laž
Če to iskreno misliš si pa žal debil.
Šele po tem komentarju si to ugotovil?
l0g1t3ch ::
Pozdrav za Gadafija i za Uga Čaveza,
mi sanjamo o takvima da oslobode nas kaveza.
I za brata Asada, jačeg od svih napada,
život rađa se na istoku, smrt dolazi sa zapada.
I Rusi iz Donjecka i Huti iz Jemena,
naša borba je iskrena, mi smo deo istog plemena.
Srbi tako opevajo Ruse, ampak to najraje delajo iz udobja EU
Jao ti rusofili, vseh je polna usta kako je rusija dobra in zahod slab ampak vsi še kar sedijo tle na zahodu. Rusko prebivalstvo se še kar manjša, vsako leto jih je manj, le kako to ? Morale bi ja dreti reke ljudi tja ?