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Ukrajina Part IV

Ukrajina Part IV

44 / 123

fur80 ::

Putin posjetio ranjene vojnike u Moskvi

Vladimir Putin uslikan je kako se rukuje s medicinarima i pacijentima u vojnoj kliničkoj bolnici Mandrik u Moskvi.

Putin je ustvrdio da se sve trenutne ekonomske poteškoće Rusije ne svode na "vojnu operaciju" u Ukrajini.

Kaj zaj Rusi mene jebejo ali kaj, če pa je rubelj tako visoko kot še nikoli? Kaj je zaj to VladarP?

koyotee ::

Russia has a proud slogan: "We don't abandon our own." It's a big part of President Vladimir Putin's supposed justification for invading Ukraine, where he falsely claimed Russian-speakers needed protection.

That pledge appears not to apply so much to Russia's own soldiers.

"The bodies we've found show they treat people as rubbish, as cannon fodder," Col Volodymyr Liamzin told the BBC. "They don't need their soldiers. They throw them here, retreat - and leave the bodies."

Rusi so drek, še putin to prizna.
Rear DVD collector!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!

VladarP ::

D3m je izjavil:

The authorities of the Zaporozhye region are preparing the infrastructure for organizing the issuance of Russian passports to residents. This was announced by the regional administration on Wednesday.

Putin signed a decree on a simplified procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship for residents of the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions

Edino pravilno. Osvobojeno obmocje in narod tam se mora takoj po koncu spopadov vrniti v ustroj in zaceti z obnovo infrastrukture. Glede na to da je teritorija Novorusije po defoltu bolj progresivna in produktivna(kot zahodno od Dnepra) se za obnovo in vrnitev zivljenja po nacisticni okupaciji ne sikeram. Je pa res, da se te teritorije mora vkljuciti v Rusijo, da se nikoli vec ne bo dogajal genocid nad njimi.
Akhmat sila

tomlin ::

ZANIMIVA PREROKBA Richarda Dearlove-a, nekdanjega vodja britanske tajne obveščevalne službe MI6

Putin bo "odšel do leta 2023"

Sir Richard Dearlove, the former head of the British Secret Intelligence Service, predicted Thursday that

Russian President Vladimir Putin will no longer be the leader of his country by 2023 due to health issues.

"I think he'll be gone by 2023, but probably into the sanatorium," Dearlove said during the One Decision

podcast, adding that Putin, who is 69 years old, will not emerge as the "leader of Russia" anymore after coming

out of the medical facility. "That's a way to sort of move things on without a coup."

During his interview, Dearlove also predicted that the Russian regime might "break apart" over the next 12 to 18

months due to the West's sanctions imposed on the country, the conflict in Ukraine, and Russia's current

military performance.


D3m ::


Kritična ali pa roba za teritorialce osvobojenih ozemelj.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: D3m ()

VladarP ::

tomlin je izjavil:

ZANIMIVA PREROKBA Richarda Dearlove-a, nekdanjega vodja britanske tajne obveščevalne službe MI6

Putin bo "odšel do leta 2023"

Sir Richard Dearlove, the former head of the British Secret Intelligence Service, predicted Thursday that

Russian President Vladimir Putin will no longer be the leader of his country by 2023 due to health issues.

"I think he'll be gone by 2023, but probably into the sanatorium," Dearlove said during the One Decision

podcast, adding that Putin, who is 69 years old, will not emerge as the "leader of Russia" anymore after coming

out of the medical facility. "That's a way to sort of move things on without a coup."

During his interview, Dearlove also predicted that the Russian regime might "break apart" over the next 12 to 18

months due to the West's sanctions imposed on the country, the conflict in Ukraine, and Russia's current

military performance.


Akhmat sila

TezkoDihanje ::

D3m je izjavil:

Kritična ali pa roba za teritorialce osvobojenih ozemelj.

Mhmmm... leta 1941 so Nemci osvobodili ozemlja tja do Moskve...

Pac-Man ::

D3m je izjavil:


Kritična ali pa roba za teritorialce osvobojenih ozemelj.

Tole uniči že RPG-7, jih bodo pač tihotapili partizanom v okupiranem teritoriju.
Ruska življenja so očitno še vedno poceni.

Še cel vlak


The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

TezkoDihanje ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

D3m je izjavil:


Kritična ali pa roba za teritorialce osvobojenih ozemelj.

Tole uniči že RPG-7, jih bodo pač tihotapili partizanom za linije.
Ruska življenja so očitno še vedno poceni.

Še cel vlak


To je dobesedno "sitting duck" kanta iz 1960-ih. Pa še strelivo je lahko vprašljive kakovosti.

PS: Pa to še ni vse. Zdaj se priča tud o T-55. :))

Zgodovina sprememb…

rejven ::

Azovske nacije not vkleneš, pa na remote frontalni napad...

TezkoDihanje ::

rejven je izjavil:

Azovske nacije not vkleneš, pa na remote frontalni napad...

Te kante so za ruske nacije. Tist, k preživi, dobi čist nov tank iz leta 1989.

Zgodovina sprememb…

fur80 ::

rejven je izjavil:

Azovske nacije not vkleneš, pa na remote frontalni napad...

Kaki remote, Rus ni videl remota od Sputnika naprej! Ti Orlani so pa ko moj dron iz Hoferja, malo tamo malo ovamo! Azovci se bodo prodajali, edino kar bodo Rusi zaslužili od vojne v Ukrajini, pa še to ne Rusi ampak kak Wagner in ostale skupine, ki so za $$$ tam, pa par pralnih strojev!

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: fur80 ()

Comandante ::

PS: Pa to še ni vse. Zdaj se priča tud o T-55

Osebno se veselim legendarnega T-34, kakor stvari napredujejo, bi jih lahko videli enkrat do konca leta. Klinc, za rusit civilno infrastrukturo in so najbrz ok, sploh ob dejstvu, da so posadke ocitno potrosni material.

A katjuse so ze na fronti?

fur80 ::

Comandante je izjavil:

PS: Pa to še ni vse. Zdaj se priča tud o T-55

Osebno se veselim legendarnega T-34, kakor stvari napredujejo, bi jih lahko videli enkrat do konca leta. Klinc, za rusit civilno infrastrukturo in so najbrz ok, sploh ob dejstvu, da so posadke ocitno potrosni material.

A katjuse so ze na fronti?

Rusi bodo še Stalina pa Lenina iz mavzoleja spravili!

fur80 ::

To dajo Čehi tako mimogrede za malico! :D

According to the several sources Czech Republic handed over to the Ukraine army 12 of Mi-24D attack helicopters.


Francija pa to:

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: fur80 ()

tomlin ::

VladarP je izjavil:

tomlin je izjavil:

ZANIMIVA PREROKBA Richarda Dearlove-a, nekdanjega vodja britanske tajne obveščevalne službe MI6

Putin bo "odšel do leta 2023"

Sir Richard Dearlove, the former head of the British Secret Intelligence Service, predicted Thursday that

Russian President Vladimir Putin will no longer be the leader of his country by 2023 due to health issues.

"I think he'll be gone by 2023, but probably into the sanatorium," Dearlove said during the One Decision

podcast, adding that Putin, who is 69 years old, will not emerge as the "leader of Russia" anymore after coming

out of the medical facility. "That's a way to sort of move things on without a coup."

During his interview, Dearlove also predicted that the Russian regime might "break apart" over the next 12 to 18

months due to the West's sanctions imposed on the country, the conflict in Ukraine, and Russia's current

military performance.




Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: tomlin ()

VladarP ::


Akhmat sila, ruski droni iz nacistov delajo ragu omako za pse8-)
Akhmat sila

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: VladarP ()

fur80 ::

VladarP je izjavil:


Akhmat sila, ruski droni iz nacistov delajo ragu omako za pse8-)

Iz katrega filma si pa ti to prilepo sedaj? :D haha bebo!

TezkoDihanje ::

VladarP je izjavil:

Akhmat sila, ruski droni iz nacistov delajo ragu omako za pse8-)

Pravi nekdo, ki ne priznava ukrajinskega naroda.

PS: To je posnetek ukrajinskega drona.

fur80 ::

VladarP je izjavil:


Akhmat sila, ruski droni iz nacistov delajo ragu omako za pse8-)

To ti je ruska realnost: :D

Russia telegram channels proudly share footage of an Orlan-10 dropping 4 bombs and missing the target with all of them.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: fur80 ()

Pac-Man ::

Analiza Popasne

🧵Today, in lieu of a full-Ukraine situation map, I'll be talking a bit about the Russian breakout in Popasna (heavily inspired by @J_JHelin, follow him), focusing on terrain. This map shows brighter colours as the terrain gets higher....

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

VladarP ::

TezkoDihanje je izjavil:

VladarP je izjavil:

Akhmat sila, ruski droni iz nacistov delajo ragu omako za pse8-)

Pravi nekdo, ki ne priznava ukrajinskega naroda.

PS: To je posnetek ukrajinskega drona.

Kjesi general g. Astmaticar ste ze zavzeli Vladivostok?

Na twitteru
Akhmat sila

fur80 ::

VladarP je izjavil:

TezkoDihanje je izjavil:

VladarP je izjavil:

Akhmat sila, ruski droni iz nacistov delajo ragu omako za pse8-)

Pravi nekdo, ki ne priznava ukrajinskega naroda.

PS: To je posnetek ukrajinskega drona.

Kjesi general g. Astmaticar ste ze zavzeli Vladivostok? Na twitteru

Ti pa gori pravoslana cerkev v Moskvi blizu Kremlja, skoraj isto! :D

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: fur80 ()

D3m ::

The Director of the IAEA reported on the enormous reserves of plutonium at the Zaporozhye NPP. Kiev denies everything.

According to The Wall Street Journal journalist Lawrence Norman, Rafael Grossi said at the Davos Economic Forum that there were about 30 tons of plutonium and 40 tons of enriched uranium on the territory of the station.

According to him, the agency wants to be sure that these stocks are not lost.

The Ukrainian operator of the nuclear power plant hastened to issue a rebuttal. Energoatom called the words of the Director of the IAEA "nonsense".

Enriched uranium and plutonium can be used to make nuclear weapons. Since the end of February, the Zaporozhye NPP has been under the control of the Russian military.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

scythe ::

Isto ko za biološko orožje v UA.... :))
X670F | 7700X | 2x16Gb | 6000Mhz/CL30 | RTX3090FTW3 | HP X27i | Phanteks NV7|

fur80 ::

D3m je izjavil:

The Director of the IAEA reported on the enormous reserves of plutonium at the Zaporozhye NPP. Kiev denies everything.

According to The Wall Street Journal journalist Lawrence Norman, Rafael Grossi said at the Davos Economic Forum that there were about 30 tons of plutonium and 40 tons of enriched uranium on the territory of the station.

According to him, the agency wants to be sure that these stocks are not lost.

The Ukrainian operator of the nuclear power plant hastened to issue a rebuttal. Energoatom called the words of the Director of the IAEA "nonsense".

Enriched uranium and plutonium can be used to make nuclear weapons. Since the end of February, the Zaporozhye NPP has been under the control of the Russian military.

Mogoče bo pa letelo s plutonijem vred proti Rusiji, če ne boš priden!

sparklyslo ::

Ko bodo rusi poslali na fronto ta letala,jim lahko protiletalsko obrambo pošlje tudi Slovenija. Kamne in frače


Zgodovina sprememb…

LightBit ::

D3m je izjavil:

The Director of the IAEA reported on the enormous reserves of plutonium at the Zaporozhye NPP. Kiev denies everything.

According to The Wall Street Journal journalist Lawrence Norman, Rafael Grossi said at the Davos Economic Forum that there were about 30 tons of plutonium and 40 tons of enriched uranium on the territory of the station.

According to him, the agency wants to be sure that these stocks are not lost.

The Ukrainian operator of the nuclear power plant hastened to issue a rebuttal. Energoatom called the words of the Director of the IAEA "nonsense".

Enriched uranium and plutonium can be used to make nuclear weapons. Since the end of February, the Zaporozhye NPP has been under the control of the Russian military.

Kje so ga pa proizvedli? Je prišel iz Rusije?

tomlin ::

VladarP je izjavil:

tomlin je izjavil:

ZANIMIVA PREROKBA Richarda Dearlove-a, nekdanjega vodja britanske tajne obveščevalne službe MI6

Putin bo "odšel do leta 2023"

Sir Richard Dearlove, the former head of the British Secret Intelligence Service, predicted Thursday that

Russian President Vladimir Putin will no longer be the leader of his country by 2023 due to health issues.

"I think he'll be gone by 2023, but probably into the sanatorium," Dearlove said during the One Decision

podcast, adding that Putin, who is 69 years old, will not emerge as the "leader of Russia" anymore after coming

out of the medical facility. "That's a way to sort of move things on without a coup."

During his interview, Dearlove also predicted that the Russian regime might "break apart" over the next 12 to 18

months due to the West's sanctions imposed on the country, the conflict in Ukraine, and Russia's current

military performance.


Pa kaj hudiča se greš, da limaš video, ki nima najmanjše veza z mojim postom. Limaj si jih kamor hočeš. Nehaj pa trolati in zajebavati nas druge na forumu

SmolWhale ::

tomlin je izjavil:

VladarP je izjavil:

tomlin je izjavil:

ZANIMIVA PREROKBA Richarda Dearlove-a, nekdanjega vodja britanske tajne obveščevalne službe MI6

Putin bo "odšel do leta 2023"

Sir Richard Dearlove, the former head of the British Secret Intelligence Service, predicted Thursday that

Russian President Vladimir Putin will no longer be the leader of his country by 2023 due to health issues.

"I think he'll be gone by 2023, but probably into the sanatorium," Dearlove said during the One Decision

podcast, adding that Putin, who is 69 years old, will not emerge as the "leader of Russia" anymore after coming

out of the medical facility. "That's a way to sort of move things on without a coup."

During his interview, Dearlove also predicted that the Russian regime might "break apart" over the next 12 to 18

months due to the West's sanctions imposed on the country, the conflict in Ukraine, and Russia's current

military performance.


Pa kaj hudiča se greš, da limaš video, ki nima najmanjše veza z mojim postom. Limaj si jih kamor hočeš. Nehaj pa trolati in zajebavati nas druge na forumu

Kaj je NPC kaj? Z

tomlin ::

Spel se

VladarP ::

tomlin je izjavil:

VladarP je izjavil:

tomlin je izjavil:

ZANIMIVA PREROKBA Richarda Dearlove-a, nekdanjega vodja britanske tajne obveščevalne službe MI6

Putin bo "odšel do leta 2023"

Sir Richard Dearlove, the former head of the British Secret Intelligence Service, predicted Thursday that

Russian President Vladimir Putin will no longer be the leader of his country by 2023 due to health issues.

"I think he'll be gone by 2023, but probably into the sanatorium," Dearlove said during the One Decision

podcast, adding that Putin, who is 69 years old, will not emerge as the "leader of Russia" anymore after coming

out of the medical facility. "That's a way to sort of move things on without a coup."

During his interview, Dearlove also predicted that the Russian regime might "break apart" over the next 12 to 18

months due to the West's sanctions imposed on the country, the conflict in Ukraine, and Russia's current

military performance.


Pa kaj hudiča se greš, da limaš video, ki nima najmanjše veza z mojim postom. Limaj si jih kamor hočeš. Nehaj pa trolati in zajebavati nas druge na forumu

Trolam ti staro
Akhmat sila

TezkoDihanje ::

D3m je izjavil:

The Director of the IAEA reported on the enormous reserves of plutonium at the Zaporozhye NPP. Kiev denies everything.

According to The Wall Street Journal journalist Lawrence Norman, Rafael Grossi said at the Davos Economic Forum that there were about 30 tons of plutonium and 40 tons of enriched uranium on the territory of the station.

According to him, the agency wants to be sure that these stocks are not lost.

The Ukrainian operator of the nuclear power plant hastened to issue a rebuttal. Energoatom called the words of the Director of the IAEA "nonsense".

Enriched uranium and plutonium can be used to make nuclear weapons. Since the end of February, the Zaporozhye NPP has been under the control of the Russian military.

A to prav vsaki dan izbiraš ta najbolj nesmiselne in bebave "novice" in jih tukaj limaš?
A ti v službi nič ne dajo za delat, pa klofaš tukaj neumnosti.

fur80 ::

TezkoDihanje je izjavil:

D3m je izjavil:

The Director of the IAEA reported on the enormous reserves of plutonium at the Zaporozhye NPP. Kiev denies everything.

According to The Wall Street Journal journalist Lawrence Norman, Rafael Grossi said at the Davos Economic Forum that there were about 30 tons of plutonium and 40 tons of enriched uranium on the territory of the station.

According to him, the agency wants to be sure that these stocks are not lost.

The Ukrainian operator of the nuclear power plant hastened to issue a rebuttal. Energoatom called the words of the Director of the IAEA "nonsense".

Enriched uranium and plutonium can be used to make nuclear weapons. Since the end of February, the Zaporozhye NPP has been under the control of the Russian military.

A to prav vsaki dan izbiraš ta najbolj nesmiselne in bebave "novice" in jih tukaj limaš?
A ti v službi nič ne dajo za delat, pa klofaš tukaj neumnosti.

Poslušaj to! :D

Ageing Russian T-62M's sent to Ukraine. In Syria they were easy pickings for rebels with modern ATGM like TOW etc. Perhaps someone can organise/crowdfund for rebel TOW ace 'Abu TOW' https://twitter.com/suheilhammoud to travel to Ukraine. Each one destroyed is one less to be sent to Syria.


TezkoDihanje ::

T-62 so videli 10km od fronte južno od Zaporožja. A jih bodo poslal na fronto? lmao

VladarP ::

Bolje kot, da lezijo nek na njivi in propadajo, za TO DNR in LNR so dobri. Tut T34 in T55 treba potegnit iz livade, ce jih majo se konzervirane in v delujocem stanju.
Akhmat sila

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: VladarP ()

fur80 ::

VladarP je izjavil:

Bolje kot, da lezijo nek na njivi in propadajo, za TO DNR in LNR so dobri.

Kaj niso Rusi uničili vso zahodno orožje, predvsem pa te drone? :D

#Ukraine: For the first time we see the self-contained ground launch of US-supplied Switchblade 300 loitering munitions by the Ukrainian forces- these drones are starting to be used more widely in the East and are great against non-armoured targets and infantry.

mackilla ::

VladarP je izjavil:

Bolje kot, da lezijo nek na njivi in propadajo, za TO DNR in LNR so dobri. Tut T34 treba potegnit iz livade, ce jih majo konzervirane.

Itak,na koncu še pa konjenico.

fur80 ::

VladarP je izjavil:

Bolje kot, da lezijo nek na njivi in propadajo, za TO DNR in LNR so dobri. Tut T34 in T55 treba potegnit iz livade, ce jih majo se konzervirane in v delujocem stanju.

Seveda, baje so z RPG-jem bolj hrustljavo zapečeni! :D

TezkoDihanje ::

VladarP je izjavil:

Bolje kot, da lezijo nek na njivi in propadajo, za TO DNR in LNR so dobri. Tut T34 in T55 treba potegnit iz livade, ce jih majo se konzervirane in v delujocem stanju.

TO LNR in DNR se ne strinjajo s tabo.

VladarP ::

fur80 je izjavil:

VladarP je izjavil:

Bolje kot, da lezijo nek na njivi in propadajo, za TO DNR in LNR so dobri.

Kaj niso Rusi uničili vso zahodno orožje, predvsem pa te drone? :D

#Ukraine: For the first time we see the self-contained ground launch of US-supplied Switchblade 300 loitering munitions by the Ukrainian forces- these drones are starting to be used more widely in the East and are great against non-armoured targets and infantry.

Kaj boš z to igračko še srbski lahki minobacač M57 zvani Čarli je bolša opcija.
Akhmat sila

mackilla ::

TezkoDihanje je izjavil:

D3m je izjavil:

The Director of the IAEA reported on the enormous reserves of plutonium at the Zaporozhye NPP. Kiev denies everything.

According to The Wall Street Journal journalist Lawrence Norman, Rafael Grossi said at the Davos Economic Forum that there were about 30 tons of plutonium and 40 tons of enriched uranium on the territory of the station.

According to him, the agency wants to be sure that these stocks are not lost.

The Ukrainian operator of the nuclear power plant hastened to issue a rebuttal. Energoatom called the words of the Director of the IAEA "nonsense".

Enriched uranium and plutonium can be used to make nuclear weapons. Since the end of February, the Zaporozhye NPP has been under the control of the Russian military.

A to prav vsaki dan izbiraš ta najbolj nesmiselne in bebave "novice" in jih tukaj limaš?
A ti v službi nič ne dajo za delat, pa klofaš tukaj neumnosti.

Odkar je Cias malo popustil s količino retardiranih novic je pač on prevzel štafetno palico.

fur80 ::

VladarP je izjavil:

fur80 je izjavil:

VladarP je izjavil:

Bolje kot, da lezijo nek na njivi in propadajo, za TO DNR in LNR so dobri.

Kaj niso Rusi uničili vso zahodno orožje, predvsem pa te drone? :D

#Ukraine: For the first time we see the self-contained ground launch of US-supplied Switchblade 300 loitering munitions by the Ukrainian forces- these drones are starting to be used more widely in the East and are great against non-armoured targets and infantry.

Kaj boš z to igračko še srbski lahki minobacač M57 zvani Čarli je bolša opcija.

Če si pa ti prej prilepil sliko z ragujem in to so baje Rusi bili zadeti s tem dronom! ;)

VladarP ::

fur80 je izjavil:

VladarP je izjavil:

fur80 je izjavil:

VladarP je izjavil:

Bolje kot, da lezijo nek na njivi in propadajo, za TO DNR in LNR so dobri.

Kaj niso Rusi uničili vso zahodno orožje, predvsem pa te drone? :D

#Ukraine: For the first time we see the self-contained ground launch of US-supplied Switchblade 300 loitering munitions by the Ukrainian forces- these drones are starting to be used more widely in the East and are great against non-armoured targets and infantry.

Kaj boš z to igračko še srbski lahki minobacač M57 zvani Čarli je bolša opcija.

Če si pa ti prej prilepil sliko z ragujem in to so baje Rusi bili zadeti s tem dronom! ;)

Tolazi se. Imas na mycity military razlago.
Akhmat sila

mackilla ::

TezkoDihanje je izjavil:

rejven je izjavil:

Azovske nacije not vkleneš, pa na remote frontalni napad...

Te kante so za ruske nacije. Tist, k preživi, dobi čist nov tank iz leta 1989.

Tisti,ki ne pa kišto za zelenjavo. c’est la vie.

VladarP ::


Ukrajinci preprodajajo zahodno pomoč v svojih diskontih :))
Akhmat sila

fur80 ::

VladarP je izjavil:


Ukrajinci preprodajajo zahodno pomoč v svojih diskontih :))

Putler svojim ranjenim vojakom pravi, da so v težki ekonomski krizi! :D Nič ne bo 2 litra bučnega olja več, samo še literček in 500 rubljev, jih je baje preveč ranjenih! :D

endelin ::

fur80 je izjavil:

VladarP je izjavil:


Ukrajinci preprodajajo zahodno pomoč v svojih diskontih :))

Putler svojim ranjenim vojakom pravi, da so v težki ekonomski krizi! :D Nič ne bo 2 litra bučnega olja več, samo še literček in 500 rubljev, jih je baje preveč ranjenih! :D

Pozabil si še voščilnico United Russia:))

fur80 ::

VladarP je izjavil:

fur80 je izjavil:

VladarP je izjavil:

fur80 je izjavil:

VladarP je izjavil:

Bolje kot, da lezijo nek na njivi in propadajo, za TO DNR in LNR so dobri.

Kaj niso Rusi uničili vso zahodno orožje, predvsem pa te drone? :D

#Ukraine: For the first time we see the self-contained ground launch of US-supplied Switchblade 300 loitering munitions by the Ukrainian forces- these drones are starting to be used more widely in the East and are great against non-armoured targets and infantry.

Kaj boš z to igračko še srbski lahki minobacač M57 zvani Čarli je bolša opcija.

Če si pa ti prej prilepil sliko z ragujem in to so baje Rusi bili zadeti s tem dronom! ;)

Tolazi se. Imas na mycity military razlago.

Daj link, da pogledm to, tam je 40 strani o dronih, pa se mi ne da iskat!

TezkoDihanje ::

VladarP je izjavil:

fur80 je izjavil:

VladarP je izjavil:

fur80 je izjavil:

VladarP je izjavil:

Bolje kot, da lezijo nek na njivi in propadajo, za TO DNR in LNR so dobri.

Kaj niso Rusi uničili vso zahodno orožje, predvsem pa te drone? :D

#Ukraine: For the first time we see the self-contained ground launch of US-supplied Switchblade 300 loitering munitions by the Ukrainian forces- these drones are starting to be used more widely in the East and are great against non-armoured targets and infantry.

Kaj boš z to igračko še srbski lahki minobacač M57 zvani Čarli je bolša opcija.

Če si pa ti prej prilepil sliko z ragujem in to so baje Rusi bili zadeti s tem dronom! ;)

Tolazi se. Imas na mycity military razlago.

Kaj pišejo na srbskem 100% proruskem forumu nas res ne zanima. Ta folk rabi en velik reality check okol "en teden do Atlantika". Pa Rusija napada z "10% moči".

Zgodovina sprememb…

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