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Izogibanje vsega, kar je iz Rusije

Izogibanje vsega, kar je iz Rusije

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Pac-Man ::

M109 v Ukrajini, video

Norwegian M109A3GN 155 mm self-propelled howitzers are reportedly in use in Ukraine. In total, 20 of these systems should be transferred to Ukrainian forces.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

D3m ::

Soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are robbing the apartments of peaceful Ukrainians.
The Ukrainian military, having made a bunch of several belts, lowered a new washing machine from the first floor of the building


|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

mackilla ::

D3m je izjavil:

Soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are robbing the apartments of peaceful Ukrainians.
The Ukrainian military, having made a bunch of several belts, lowered a new washing machine from the first floor of the building



Majmun. A ne vidiš,da je posnetek zavrten v obratno smer?

Pac-Man ::

In povsem slučajno so se šli nesramežljivo snemat, ko je postalo mem, da Rusi kradejo pralne stroje in WC školjke. Pred eno generično sovjetsko stavbo.
Niti najmanjše možnosti, da gre za ruski agitprop.

Res vas imajo za idiote.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

dobra nitka


As I continue to follow Secretary of the Security Council Nikolai Patrushev’s, descent into conspiracy theory lunacy, he gave an interview with AiF about the ‘special operation’ in Ukraine. A short thread on the 'high'lights.


But as an historian, I was particularly shocked/delighted not just by the blithe assurance of historical divine right but also citing Skobelev as an icon of Russian compassion in war.

The “compassionate” tsarist Gen. Mikhail Skobelev commanded the 1881 massacre of Geok-Tepe in Turkmenistan

More specifically, he has ascribed to him the dictum “I hold it as a principle that the duration of the peace is in direct proportion to the slaughter you inflict upon the enemy. The harder you hit them, the longer they remain quiet.”
Hmm, maybe Skobelev is a better exemplar of Russian policy in Ukraine than NP realises…


Mikhail Skobelev @ Wikipedia
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

D3m ::

Čuden naslov.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

PrimoZ_ ::

Iz zanesljivih virov sem slišal da je Putin mrtev.

Od teh istih, ki so videli Moskvo pripluti v sevastopol! Tako da so zares zanesljivi!

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: PrimoZ_ ()

PrimoZ_ ::

PrimoZ_ je izjavil:

Mr.B ::

The legislation, passed by the Senate on Thursday, blocks finished goods and material from the region, citing concerns about forced labor by Uyghurs. Xinjiang supplies 20% of the world's cotton and 45% of all silicon usable in solar cells.

This could hit companies like China's Longi Green Energy Technology, the world's largest solar panel maker, which derived 16% of its operating revenue from the Americas in 2020. The ban is set to take effect in 180 days after the bill is signed into law.

Če še niste kupili sončnih celic, je sedaj zadnji možni čas.... Razen če , ok Amerika bo dala na ban...:))
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Pac-Man ::

dela mape

you're killing me, ukraine

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Verjemi kolikor hočeš.


One of the Wagner mercenaries. 24 February. They *really* were sure.

He doubled down: "Ukraine's armed forces are suffering huge losses. RU special ops are near Kyiv. By the end of the week the Ukrainian armed forces will no longer exist as a structure."

To my question if killing Zelensky was one of Wagner's advance team targets: "Well yeah, it's war after all..."

26 Feb. I point to Ukrainian news of shot RU plane:
"Things kind of not going to plan.."
He: "Lots of fake news; when Russians are in Kyiv, they must think of something"
28 Feb: Me: "Now definitely not per plan. Embarrassing"
He: "We had some differences of opinions with command"

On 5 December he told me they (Wagnerites) were being mobilized "on a voluntary-mandatory basis" to go "on a business trip...but we will be back by March". Clearly Wagnerites knew of the "Blitzkrieg" plan long before the regular army.

And on Feb 22 - two days before the war started - they definitely were in the know (and advance teams were already in Ukraine).
All of this will be very relevant for the new court case against Wagner & its sponsors.

Q: Do you happen know whether Vlad survived his stay in the Kiev region?
A: He did - he chose not to go into Ukraine (except to repatriate wounded "comrades")
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Putin je bil že na začetku 90ih narejen zelo na denar. Članek & nit.



For history buffs interested in Putin's early years: Part 3 of our series has dropped. It's about how his St. Petersburg committee backed a scam to hawk a mythical & supposedly secret compound called "red mercury" to foreign buyers.
Rumors of the incredible properties of the supposedly Soviet-developed "red mercury" appear to have emerged sometime in the late 1970s, and they persist to this day (read @cjchivers' excellent piece on how ISIS was trying to get its hands on it):

Well, amid the Soviet collapse, hucksters in Russia & elsewhere sought to cash in on these rumors by marketing "red mercury" to gullible foreign buyers.
In the early 90s, one caught the eye of St. Petersburg's External Relations Committee, led by one Vladimir Putin.

Putin had been appointed committee head in June 1991 by his old law professor, St. Petersburg Mayor Anatoly Sobchak, under whom he studied before joining the KGB. (He quickly came under fire for shady barter deals that cost the city $100M):

Within 5 months after Putin took the helm, his committee formed a company together with a US-Russian joint venture called Alkor Technologies to produce and export red mercury (which doesn't exist). An Alkor exec predicted profits of $1 billion:

The Alkor exec said the partnership with Putin's committee would grant "legal protection" for the company's "invention." Alkor said it had potential buyers ready to pay $300k/400k per kilogram. Alas, its product turned out to be less than revolutionary.

In November 1991, a Foreign Economic Relations Ministry official asked the state licensing agency to allow Alkor to export 400 kilograms of red mercury to Hungary. He attached an analysis of Alkor's red mercury by the Soviet Academy of Sciences.

The chemical analysis was probably less than thrilling for Alkor & Putin's peeps. It found Alkor's product was ordinary mercury pyroantimonate - which is sometimes called "red mercury" because of its red hue - and "does not have military applications."

So benign was Alkor's product that the licensing committee said permission to export wasn't even needed. But that didn't deter Putin's committee. In January 1992, Putin's deputy appealed to the state licensing committee asking for an export license for Alkor's "red mercury."

The following month was quite monumental for "red mercury" matters in Russia. President Boris Yeltsin issued a secret decree allowing a company run by a colorful con man named Oleg Sadykov to export red mercury.

But when Sadykov had his "red mercury" analyzed at a customs laboratory ahead of possible export, the results found it was just ordinary metallic mercury and mercury oxide, which gave the compound a brick-red color.

The same month as Yeltsin's secret decree for Sadykov's company, the U.S. Department of Energy issued a flier warning that attempts to sell a substance called "red mercury" were simply scams.

Later that year, Russian Vice President Alexander Rutskoi led a special commission alleging that all kinds of shady stuff was being done under the guise of "red mercury" deals. His commission called red mercury "the last great swindle of the 20th century."

Stay tuned for more stories in this historical series by @CurrentTimeTv & @SvobodaRadio. Earlier investigations here:

On Putin's KGB men & a massive (& massively shady) cocaine bust:

On bribery & theft in Putin's committee:
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::


What a Russian dishonorable discharge looks like.

"Prone to treason, lies and deceit.
Refused to take part in the special military operation in DNR, LNR and Ukraine in 2022.
Signed by the Chief of Staff of Military Unit 41450 [137th Guards Parachute Regiment]."

Under officially still peacetime conditions in Russia, this kind of discharge is the worst that could happen to a soldier who refuses to fight.
That the dishoborable discharge is issued with a newly-made stamp gives a hint of how many such cases there are.

Would like to add that far from all Russian refuseniks have honorable intentions.
Both published wiretapped conversations and sources have told us that many have seen the way the war is being prosecuted militarily and want no part in this, quote, "shitshow".

Then again, not all who choose to stay and fight are motivated by nationalism or propaganda.
The combat pay is good (several times larger than regular soldier salary), though some have to fight to get it, many also have military housing or mortgages which they could easily lose.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

korenje3 ::

ta pac-man ne odneha s svojo propagando.

vedno je nek vir namišljen chat ali pa lepljenka od zahodnih agentov za medijsko propagando.
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W

l0g1t3ch ::

korenje3 je izjavil:

ta pac-man ne odneha s svojo propagando.

vedno je nek vir namišljen chat ali pa lepljenka od zahodnih agentov za medijsko propagando.

Na raje si malo oglej putina, kako se ti bo pokakal za mizo :))

l0g1t3ch je izjavil:

Putin ravno potičko dela za mizo :)
Smldi, smldi kako smldi :))

l0g1t3ch je izjavil:

Mu kupimo WC al pamperske ?

Moj najmlajši je ravno izven plenic, skoraj ziher sem da jih imam še kak paket v kleti.

VladarP -> kupim mu WC
Putin -> pošljem preostale plenice

Ja ?

LightBit ::

korenje3 je izjavil:

ta pac-man ne odneha s svojo propagando.

vedno je nek vir namišljen chat ali pa lepljenka od zahodnih agentov za medijsko propagando.

Ta prav se pritožuje.

D3m ::

Ufffff Paco je pa dolgo prisoten v teh namenskih temah.

Najbolj ga je motil Trump, ker je mislil, da je bil postavljen s strani Rusov.

|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

l0g1t3ch ::

Poglej zgoraj kako lepo Putin kaka :)

Geho ::

LightBit je izjavil:

korenje3 je izjavil:

ta pac-man ne odneha s svojo propagando.

vedno je nek vir namišljen chat ali pa lepljenka od zahodnih agentov za medijsko propagando.

Ta prav se pritožuje.

Ja un k je do sedaj prispeval "največ" dokazov...
Še enga korenčkastga dokaza nisem vidu do zdaj. LOL :))

l0g1t3ch ::

Včeraj tako

Jutri tako

Pac-Man ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

dela mape

you're killing me, ukraine

t's also a good strategy. Let's name all towns Mykhailivka, so invasion force don't know where they are going.

- We just arrived to Mykhailivka
- So did we? But where are you?

Well, if war reaches Poland it wouldnt be much easier. List of number of localities (towns, villigages) with the same name in Poland:
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Predoziranje copiuma.

Ukrainian forces have begun training on the HIMARS from the U.S.(Snr. U.S. defense official. US trainers working at an undisclosed location outside of the country.

The hysterical Kremlin media reaction to news of American HIMARS deliveries to Ukraine is an indication that Russia sees the missile systems as a potential game-changer

Russian propaganda went into a frenzy after the US announced it would provide Ukraine with HIMARS missile systems. Not a single weapon delivery up to date has caused such a hysteric reaction from Russian propaganda as news about HIMARS did. Russians are truly worried.

RT writes that "the US and the EU are deliberately pumping weapons into Kyiv to prolong the conflict as much as possible." Still, at the same time, "such deliveries will not be able to change the course of hostilities," the article reads.

Politnavigator, a Russian news website, published an article titled "US hands over weapons to Ukraine that can kill thousands instantly." "Zelensky can strike at the centre of Belgorod or Donetsk and kill thousands of people at once," the article reads.

Ukraina.ru, a Russian state-owned propagandist website, writes that HIMARS is a weapon that can hit Russia, causing it harm and damage, for which the United States keeps the Kyiv regime on the payroll."

Ukraine's Armed Forces are ready to show all the invaders where hell is, they just need more heavy weapons #StopRussia #ArmUkraineNOW
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

korenje3 ::


Laži o posilstvih prihajajo na dan.
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W

marjanmb ::

l0g1t3ch je izjavil:

Včeraj tako

Jutri tako

Danes tako

fikus_ ::

sedaj ste se spravili še v to temo trolat, da postaja neberljiva. Delujete kot nevzgojeni otroci, ki provocirajo en drugega.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.

Pithlit ::

fikus_ je izjavil:

sedaj ste se spravili še v to temo trolat, da postaja neberljiva. Delujete kot nevzgojeni otroci, ki provocirajo en drugega.

Mate si pa ti zgodnji...
Life is as complicated as we make it...

Pac-Man ::

Čudno, vsi ste me prepričevali, da so to Ukrajinci? Krim je torej Ukrajina?


Sevastopol said goodbye to Captain 3rd Rank Svyatoslav Igorevich Nizhegorodov, who died on May 8, 2022 during a special military operation in Ukraine.
According to information available to ForPost, Captain 3rd Rank Nizhegorodov was among the group sent to carry out tasks to Zmeiny Island.
Farewell to Svyatoslav Nizhegorodov took place at the cemetery near the 5th kilometer of the Balaklava Highway on May 25, 2022.

The ForPost editors express their condolences to the families, friends and colleagues of the deceased hero.
Recall that on May 27, Sevastopol said goodbye to another defender of the Snake Island, sergeant of military unit 43071 Alexei Baranov . And on May 16, a farewell ceremony was held for three reconnaissance sailors, senior sailor Dmitry Ostrovsky, sailor Nikita Maksimenko, senior sailor Dmitry Deev.


Satellite imagery of snake island from today, May 8th, shows the Russian Mi-8AMTSh wreckage South of the island (red). The sunken hull of the Serna-class landing craft is still present, indicating it is out of action.
The helicopter wreck was not visible yesterday, May 7th.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

fikus_ ::

Pithlit je izjavil:

fikus_ je izjavil:

sedaj ste se spravili še v to temo trolat, da postaja neberljiva. Delujete kot nevzgojeni otroci, ki provocirajo en drugega.

Mate si pa ti zgodnji...

Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.

korenje3 ::


To smo moral slišat. Čudno da ni cenzuriral.
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W

Pac-Man ::

korenje3 je izjavil:

To smo moral slišat. Čudno da ni cenzuriral.

Da russisti streljajo na vse brez belih trakov?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::


Prigozhin, in written response to a @Reuters question about alleged corrupt procurement deal between his company and the Russian army that resulted in door-handles falling off of doors of barracks built by him.

A reminder that this anthropomorphic dung beetle, who clearly thrives on being despised, has been suing @bellingcat for "reputation damage" (and predictably won in Moscow's kangaroo court, and lost and will continue to lose in any real court)

Ta tip, CC=podnapisi

Spotoma videl, da je nov video s podnapisi na navalnijevem kanalu

Navalny's speech in court on May 24

Today, the Moscow City Court approved the sentence handed down by Judge Kotova in March to Alexei Navalny - 9 years in a strict regime.
At the meeting, Alexei expressed his attitude to the war, to the authorities and to his process. The judge kept interrupting him.
Soon Alexei will be transferred to a much tougher prison. Putin continues to take revenge on his main political opponent. But we will continue to fight for the beautiful Russia of the future, no matter what.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Mr.B ::

A je Rusija že ekonomsko propadla ? So že protesti ? Ker kolikor vem samozadostnost rusije v smislu kruha in iger, je krepko no absolutno nad EU povprečjem.
Še eno neumno vprašanje, poznate našteti koliko krat so bile sankcije v zadnjih 100+ letih učinkovite ?
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Pac-Man ::

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Comandante ::

A je Rusija že ekonomsko propadla ?

Da, po vseh definicijah.

So že protesti ?

Ne, so prepovedani. Tiste, ki so protestirali, so v prvih dveh tednih zmetali v gulage.

Mr.B ::

Comandante je izjavil:

A je Rusija že ekonomsko propadla ?

Da, po vseh definicijah.

So že protesti ?

Ne, so prepovedani. Tiste, ki so protestirali, so v prvih dveh tednih zmetali v gulage.

Kako to misliš propadla ? Malo nam obrazloži. Ker evropejci še vedno neka tipamo s sankcijami, morda bomo jeseni bolj resno zagrabili,ko bomo začeli kupovati Amerike sončne panele iz kitajske, ko so / bodo odkupili vse panele, ker so regijo ki deajo silicij za panele in predtavljao tudi 20% proizvodnje sankcionirali. Tako da Evropejci seveda ne bomo kupovali sankconiranih podjetij.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Comandante ::

Kako to misliš propadla ? Malo nam obrazloži.

Rusija je drzava, ki zivi od surovin, predvsem od energentov. S trapasto in povsem nepotrebno vojno so uspeli doseci, da se je Zahod, ki je najbolj bogat in potrebuje najvec virov, obrnil proti njim. Sprozil se je proces zamenjave ruskih virov za alternativne. Ta proces bo v primeru nafte trajal kaksno leto, v primeru plina najbrz dve ali tri. Pomembno je, da ta proces ni reverzibilen - nihce ne bo posloval z nezanesljivim partnerjem, sploh pa ne z agresorsko drzavo.

Ko Evropa 100% odjebe ruske energente, bodo v tezavah. Nimajo infrastrukture, da jih transportirajo kam drugam. Nimajo denarja za gradnjo infrastrukture. Nimajo casa. Đabe njim Kitajska in Indija, ce ni cevovodov. Cevovod stane 10 milijard in se gradi 5-10 let. Lahko zacepijo vrtine in je to to. Marsikje brez evropske in ameriske tehnologije sploh crpati ne znajo.

Se tisti izbranci, ki so si sedaj lastili keramicne wc skoljke, si jih morda v prihodnje ne bodo mogli privosciti.

Utk ::

Sej niti plinovodov ne morejo naredit brez zahoda. Morda Kitajci znajo, Rusi pa sigurno ne. Kako bo zahod gledal, če bojo Kitajci gradili plinovode po Rusiji, in po kakšni ceni bojo Kitajci potem ta plin dobivali, bomo pa še videli.

Mr.B ::

Comandante je izjavil:

Kako to misliš propadla ? Malo nam obrazloži.

Rusija je drzava, ki zivi od surovin, predvsem od energentov. S trapasto in povsem nepotrebno vojno so uspeli doseci, da se je Zahod, ki je najbolj bogat in potrebuje najvec virov, obrnil proti njim. Sprozil se je proces zamenjave ruskih virov za alternativne. Ta proces bo v primeru nafte trajal kaksno leto, v primeru plina najbrz dve ali tri. Pomembno je, da ta proces ni reverzibilen - nihce ne bo posloval z nezanesljivim partnerjem, sploh pa ne z agresorsko drzavo.

Ko Evropa 100% odjebe ruske energente, bodo v tezavah. Nimajo infrastrukture, da jih transportirajo kam drugam. Nimajo denarja za gradnjo infrastrukture. Nimajo casa. Đabe njim Kitajska in Indija, ce ni cevovodov. Cevovod stane 10 milijard in se gradi 5-10 let. Lahko zacepijo vrtine in je to to. Marsikje brez evropske in ameriske tehnologije sploh crpati ne znajo.

Se tisti izbranci, ki so si sedaj lastili keramicne wc skoljke, si jih morda v prihodnje ne bodo mogli privosciti.

A zato so ta teden napovedali Zahodne demokracijje postopno uvedbo sankcij nakupa nafte od rusije ?

Zato pa je iziv, ali ste v zadnjih 100 letih videli učinkovite sankcije ? razen proti aparhidu v južni afriki.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

TezkoDihanje ::

Ma kakšna Kitajska. Kitajci se bojijo sankcij ko hudič križa. Že tako imajo težko pizdarijo z gospodarstvom.

The United States has not yet seen and does not see any systematic help from #China to #Russia in circumventing sanctions, nor any significant military support.

Mr.B ::

Utk je izjavil:

Sej niti plinovodov ne morejo naredit brez zahoda. Morda Kitajci znajo, Rusi pa sigurno ne. Kako bo zahod gledal, če bojo Kitajci gradili plinovode po Rusiji, in po kakšni ceni bojo Kitajci potem ta plin dobivali, bomo pa še videli.

Maš eno pipo, se ji menuje tek severni tok 2. .
No s kitajci je druga zgodba.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Utk ::

Kaka druga zgodba? Ne more Kitajska nadomestit Evrope in Amerike Rusiji, Rusija je pa za Kitajsko itak nepomembna. Kitajci bojo že kupovali plin zase, ne morejo ga pa naenkrat kupit 3x več.

endelin ::

Rusi so napačno predvidevali glede sankcij in trajanje vojne;) zahod jih je skoraj canceled. putler se je uštel. Plačal bo z življenjem

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: endelin ()

Utk ::

endelin je izjavil:

Rusi so napačno predvidevali glede sankcij in trajanje vojne;)

Rus laže tudi ko sam sebi nekaj govori.

Mr.B ::

TezkoDihanje je izjavil:

Ma kakšna Kitajska. Kitajci se bojijo sankcij ko hudič križa. Že tako imajo težko pizdarijo z gospodarstvom.

The United States has not yet seen and does not see any systematic help from #China to #Russia in circumventing sanctions, nor any significant military support.

Ah dej no, spet copy paste pa to...
Pošlušamo no ŽE PRED TRUMPOM, samo da Kitjaci "sedaj lahko rečeš Rusi" niso propadli...
Sem iskal indekse inflacije za US , pa sem našel za vsako elto z različnimi obdobji, da je inflacija na kitajskem problem, pa kot kaže, dokler proizvajajo, zahodnjaki pa kupujejo ne glede na ceno, predvsem problem Zahoda.
Tako da copy paste, ti ravno ne gre, zato pa limaš twixic clanke, ker drugi so problematični, je treba brati, in razumeti, twixic je pa kratek in razumljeiv za malega človeka.

Če danes kitajska reče da bo prodajala samo v Evrih, bo inflacija v Ameriki verjetno več kot dvomestna. Še za vojsko strižejo dolgoročne investicije.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

phantom ::

korenje3 je izjavil:


To smo moral slišat. Čudno da ni cenzuriral.

Kaj smo moral slišat? Da so Rusi zahtevali od civilistov, da nosijo bele trakove, da jih bodo lahko uporabljali za živi ščit oziroma zmedli Ukrajince? (BTW to je vojni zločin, glej perfidy).

Mr.B ::

endelin je izjavil:

Rusi so napačno predvidevali glede sankcij in trajanje vojne;) zahod jih je skoraj canceled. putler se je uštel. Plačal bo z življenjem

Kakšnim življenjem, sej pravite da je smrtno bolan. No umr bo tkarat ko bo dosežen cilj v Ukrajini, kako pa drugače prodati zahodnemu človeku ukinitev sankcij.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

endelin ::

Si predstavljate kako bi izgledala fronta v UA če bi ukrajinci imeli ene 100 lovskih letal

Mr.B ::

endelin je izjavil:

Si predstavljate kako bi izgledala fronta v UA če bi ukrajinci imeli ene 100 lovskih letal

Enako kot če bi jih imeli 200. Trenutno S400 , postavljen izven meja Ukrajine, potrjeno lahko sestreli vojaško letalo nad Kijevem.

List of aircraft losses during the Russo-Ukrainian War
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

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Si predstavljate kako bi izgledala fronta v UA če bi ukrajinci imeli ene 100 lovskih letal

Enako kot če bi jih imeli 200. Trenutno S400 , postavljen izven meja Ukrajine, potrjeno lahko sestreli vojaško letalo nad Kijevem.

List of aircraft losses during the Russo-Ukrainian War

Če dela. Pri ruski tehniki vsaj vsaka druga reč ne dela.

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