Forum » Loža » Izogibanje vsega, kar je iz Rusije
Izogibanje vsega, kar je iz Rusije
Temo vidijo: vsi

D3m ::
Sem že odgovoril.
Cel video je čuden. Blur effect.
Cel video je čuden. Blur effect.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: D3m ()

tomlin ::
Ruska invazija na Ukrajino je nenadoma spremenila svet. Na milijone ljudi je že pobegnilo. Nova železna zavesa se
postavlja na svoje mesto. Gospodarska vojna se poglablja, ko se vojaški konflikt stopnjuje, število civilnih
žrtev narašča in dokazov o grozljivih vojnih zločinih je vse več.
Absolutni neuspeh strategije Kremlja in ponižanje ruskih sil . In kdo v svetu najbolj podpira rusko svinjarijo,
med prvimi ravno Slovenija!
In kdo je ponovno zagrnil železno zaveso?
Odgovor je ta bastard!
postavlja na svoje mesto. Gospodarska vojna se poglablja, ko se vojaški konflikt stopnjuje, število civilnih
žrtev narašča in dokazov o grozljivih vojnih zločinih je vse več.
Absolutni neuspeh strategije Kremlja in ponižanje ruskih sil . In kdo v svetu najbolj podpira rusko svinjarijo,
med prvimi ravno Slovenija!
In kdo je ponovno zagrnil železno zaveso?
Odgovor je ta bastard!

Pithlit ::
Sem že odgovoril.
Cel video je čuden. Blur effect.
A so tud Palme tam?
Btw,dež je že ponehal v Moskvi?
Life is as complicated as we make it...

Pac-Man ::
Two Russian journalists working for a popular pro-Kremlin website filled it with anti-war articles on Monday morning in a rare act of dissent as the country celebrated the Soviet Union’s victory over Nazi Germany.
The articles on called President Vladimir Putin a “pitiful paranoid dictator” and accused him of waging “the bloodiest war of the 21st century”.
“We had to do it today. We wanted to remind everyone what our grandfathers really fought for on this beautiful Victory Day – for peace,” said 30-year-old Egor Polyakov, one of the two journalists.
Polyakov, who works as a business reporter at Lenta, said he and his colleague Alexandra Miroshnikova published more than 40 articles critical of the Kremlin and its actions in Ukraine. The articles have since been taken down, but can be accessed through a web archive tool.
Lenta, one of the largest sites in the country with more than 200 million monthly visitors, has been part of the relentless propaganda machine used to justify Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Lenta is owned by Rambler, a media group that was bought in 2020 by Sberbank, Russia’s largest bank, which is state-owned and under US and UK sanctions.
Titles on the articles written and published by Polyakov and Miroshnikova on Monday morning included “Vladimir Putin lied about Russia’s plans in Ukraine”, “The Russian army turned out to be an army of thieves and looters” and “Russia abandons the dead bodies of its troops in Ukraine.”
Polyakov and Miroshkina also published a personal letter on the website, which urged readers: “Don’t be afraid! Don’t be silent! Fight back! You are not alone, there are many of us! The future is ours!”
Two Russian journalists working for a popular pro-Kremlin website filled it with anti-war articles on Monday morning in a rare act of dissent as the country celebrated the Soviet Union’s victory over Nazi Germany.
The articles on called President Vladimir Putin a “pitiful paranoid dictator” and accused him of waging “the bloodiest war of the 21st century”.
“We had to do it today. We wanted to remind everyone what our grandfathers really fought for on this beautiful Victory Day – for peace,” said 30-year-old Egor Polyakov, one of the two journalists.
Polyakov, who works as a business reporter at Lenta, said he and his colleague Alexandra Miroshnikova published more than 40 articles critical of the Kremlin and its actions in Ukraine. The articles have since been taken down, but can be accessed through a web archive tool.
Lenta, one of the largest sites in the country with more than 200 million monthly visitors, has been part of the relentless propaganda machine used to justify Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Lenta is owned by Rambler, a media group that was bought in 2020 by Sberbank, Russia’s largest bank, which is state-owned and under US and UK sanctions.
Titles on the articles written and published by Polyakov and Miroshnikova on Monday morning included “Vladimir Putin lied about Russia’s plans in Ukraine”, “The Russian army turned out to be an army of thieves and looters” and “Russia abandons the dead bodies of its troops in Ukraine.”
Polyakov and Miroshkina also published a personal letter on the website, which urged readers: “Don’t be afraid! Don’t be silent! Fight back! You are not alone, there are many of us! The future is ours!”
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

l0g1t3ch ::

SmolWhale ::
A ni fake?
Obkroženi so in oni gredo postavljati zastavo.
A si video pogledal?
Zastava je cela raztrgana tako,da je očitno že dolgo gor. Zanima me če Smolwhale verjame,da Američani niso bili na Luni. Ti tudi ne verjameš?
Luna je projekcija, tja ne more nihče niti Putin.

Pac-Man ::
DoD has so many toys in the attic it loses track. Someone should ask @LockheedMartin how fast it can make 1000lb Longshot wings for @DefenceU. Unlike JDAM, Longshot doesn’t require NATO Mil-Std electronics. Ukrainian Migs could launch GPS-guided bombs (including CBU-97) 80km out.
DoD has so many toys in the attic it loses track. Someone should ask @LockheedMartin how fast it can make 1000lb Longshot wings for @DefenceU. Unlike JDAM, Longshot doesn’t require NATO Mil-Std electronics. Ukrainian Migs could launch GPS-guided bombs (including CBU-97) 80km out.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

mackilla ::
A ni fake?
Obkroženi so in oni gredo postavljati zastavo.
A si video pogledal?
Zastava je cela raztrgana tako,da je očitno že dolgo gor. Zanima me če Smolwhale verjame,da Američani niso bili na Luni. Ti tudi ne verjameš?
Luna je projekcija, tja ne more nihče niti Putin.
To je tvoj odgovor?

SmolWhale ::
A ni fake?
Obkroženi so in oni gredo postavljati zastavo.
A si video pogledal?
Zastava je cela raztrgana tako,da je očitno že dolgo gor. Zanima me če Smolwhale verjame,da Američani niso bili na Luni. Ti tudi ne verjameš?
Luna je projekcija, tja ne more nihče niti Putin.
To je tvoj odgovor?
Ja? a si skeptičen? Pa ne bit zdaj kar na enkrat skeptičen v moj odgovor, to ni tebi podobno, razmišljanje in dvom... Če sem tako odgovoril pa že mora bit res! Potrebuješ še kakšno slikico?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: SmolWhale ()

tomlin ::
Te vojne Rusija ne more zmagati v nobenem pomenu.
Putinovi tuji vojaški uspehi po svetu po letu 2008 so bili vsi doseženi z uporabo majhnih enot elitnih sil,
plačancev in lokalnih milic ob ruskem letalstvu.
Februarja je poskusil znova v največjem možnem obsegu v Ukrajini - v približno 72 urah prevzeti vladno oblast v
državi s 45 milijoni ljudi, ki zaseda drugo največje kopensko območje v Evropi. To je bila osupljiva in
nepremišljena igra, ki je v prvem ključnem tednu popolnoma propadla.
Putinovi tuji vojaški uspehi po svetu po letu 2008 so bili vsi doseženi z uporabo majhnih enot elitnih sil,
plačancev in lokalnih milic ob ruskem letalstvu.
Februarja je poskusil znova v največjem možnem obsegu v Ukrajini - v približno 72 urah prevzeti vladno oblast v
državi s 45 milijoni ljudi, ki zaseda drugo največje kopensko območje v Evropi. To je bila osupljiva in
nepremišljena igra, ki je v prvem ključnem tednu popolnoma propadla.

tomlin ::
Absolutni neuspeh strategije Kremlja in ponižanje ruskih sil sta povzročila špekulacije, da bo Putin uporabil
svoj tradicionalni nagovor za še dodatno stopnjevanje zadev. To se ni zgodilo. Zahodu ni bilo danih novih
opozoril glede jedrskih zmogljivosti Moskve. Prav tako govor ni vseboval uradne vojne napovedi, ki bi omogočila
mobilizacijo nujno potrebnih rezervnih sil.
Absolutni neuspeh strategije Kremlja in ponižanje ruskih sil sta povzročila špekulacije, da bo Putin uporabil
svoj tradicionalni nagovor za še dodatno stopnjevanje zadev. To se ni zgodilo. Zahodu ni bilo danih novih
opozoril glede jedrskih zmogljivosti Moskve. Prav tako govor ni vseboval uradne vojne napovedi, ki bi omogočila
mobilizacijo nujno potrebnih rezervnih sil.

endelin ::
Vemo kaj se zgodi ko se voditelj umakne v dačo
Sumim da ma rad Marvel filme

Sumim da ma rad Marvel filme
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: endelin ()

mackilla ::
A ni fake?
Obkroženi so in oni gredo postavljati zastavo.
A si video pogledal?
Zastava je cela raztrgana tako,da je očitno že dolgo gor. Zanima me če Smolwhale verjame,da Američani niso bili na Luni. Ti tudi ne verjameš?
Luna je projekcija, tja ne more nihče niti Putin.
To je tvoj odgovor?
Ja? a si skeptičen? Pa ne bit zdaj kar na enkrat skeptičen v moj odgovor, to ni tebi podobno, razmišljanje in dvom... Če sem tako odgovoril pa že mora bit res! Potrebuješ še kakšno slikico?
Zanimalo ne je če si retardiran. Hvala za potrditev.

tomlin ::
Vojna v Ukrajini je usodna za Putina, v roku nekaj let se bo moral popolnoma po bioloških zakonih predati, star
je že 69 let.
Putin ni prvi ruski vladar, ki je Ukrajini zanikal pravico do obstoja. Nasprotno, ukrajinsko zanikanje je rdeča
nit skozi rusko zgodovino, ki sega več sto let in ostaja razširjena v današnji Rusiji. Vendar je le malokdo kdaj
tako goreče sprejel to doktrino zanikanja kot Putin, ki je jasno povedal, da je konec ukrajinske neodvisnosti
sveta misija, ki bo določila njegovo mesto v zgodovini.
Sedanja vojna je le zadnja in najbolj dramatična faza v tej dolgotrajni kampanji. Prvi Putinov poskus za konec
ukrajinske neodvisnosti se je zgodil leta 2004, ko je osebno obiskal v Kijev na predvečer predsedniških volitev
v državi, da bi podprl prokremeljskega kandidata. Na to divjo intervencijo se je katastrofalno odzvalo in
razjezilo je milijone sicer apolitičnih Ukrajincev in sprožilo množične prodemokratične proteste, ki so postali
znani kot oranžna revolucija.
je že 69 let.
Putin ni prvi ruski vladar, ki je Ukrajini zanikal pravico do obstoja. Nasprotno, ukrajinsko zanikanje je rdeča
nit skozi rusko zgodovino, ki sega več sto let in ostaja razširjena v današnji Rusiji. Vendar je le malokdo kdaj
tako goreče sprejel to doktrino zanikanja kot Putin, ki je jasno povedal, da je konec ukrajinske neodvisnosti
sveta misija, ki bo določila njegovo mesto v zgodovini.
Sedanja vojna je le zadnja in najbolj dramatična faza v tej dolgotrajni kampanji. Prvi Putinov poskus za konec
ukrajinske neodvisnosti se je zgodil leta 2004, ko je osebno obiskal v Kijev na predvečer predsedniških volitev
v državi, da bi podprl prokremeljskega kandidata. Na to divjo intervencijo se je katastrofalno odzvalo in
razjezilo je milijone sicer apolitičnih Ukrajincev in sprožilo množične prodemokratične proteste, ki so postali
znani kot oranžna revolucija.

l0g1t3ch ::
NATO je kriv!!!!
Igor Girkin "Strelkov", november 2014:
"I was the one who pulled the trigger of this war," Strelkov said in an interview published Thursday with Russia's Zavtra newspaper, which espouses imperialist views.
"If our unit hadn't crossed the border, everything would have fizzled out — like in [the Ukrainian city of] Kharkiv, like in Odessa," Strelkov, who uses that nom-de-guerre meaning "Shooter" to replace his last name Girkin, was quoted as saying.
"There would have been several dozen killed, burned, detained. And that would have been the end of it. But the flywheel of the war, which is continuing to this day, was spun by our unit. We mixed up all the cards on the table," he said.
Upam da Poldi112 to prebere.
Ampak zagotovo ima že kak izgovor ali tri :)
Alo polde, komentar?
Kalibri še kar letijo..... kdaj je Bellingcat pisal, da jim bo zdaj zdaj zmanjkalo orožja?
Vsak dan jih 5 komadov napraskajo skup.
S takim pristopom bi američani še vedno čakali da bahdad pade.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: l0g1t3ch ()

l0g1t3ch ::

D3m ::
Aaaaaa, 5 kos na dan.
No pol pa morajo biti cilji pomembni. :D
Šparat morajo reveži.
Američani so jih v prvem tednu zmetali več kot rusi v dobrih dveh mesecih.
Revšna je vse skup, še parada je bila bedna.
Ahhh kje.
Vsaka naj šteje.
Happy hunting.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

pangro ::

Pac-Man ::
tudi članek
According to 🇺🇦 Ministry of Defense, Russia fired about half of the existing missiles in Ukraine, but still has the capacity and a certain supply of components to make new ones
According to 🇺🇦 Ministry of Defense, Russia fired about half of the existing missiles in Ukraine, but still has the capacity and a certain supply of components to make new ones
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Sapega je ruska državljanka, očitno drugorazredna, saj je ne rešujejo iz beloruskih zaporov kot so to storili za tihotapca drog iz ameriških.
A grim story about the Belarusian regime's capacity to break people. Protasevich seemingly avoided prison in exchange for public humiliation.
His ex, Sofia Sapega, was jailed for 6 years last week – and he completely throws her under the bus here
Roman Protasevich — the 🇧🇾 activist who fought w/ Azov before his flight was forced to land in Minsk & he was pressured to collaborate w/ the regime — has married! But not his girlfriend arrested w/ him on the plane. He now denounces her, following her 6-year prison sentence.
Sofia Sapega, a political prisoner and Russian citizen, was sentenced to 6 years in prison. She was charged under seven articles of the Criminal Code. Sofa was detained on May 23, 2021 together with Raman Protasevich during the forced landing of a Ryanair plane in Minsk
A grim story about the Belarusian regime's capacity to break people. Protasevich seemingly avoided prison in exchange for public humiliation.
His ex, Sofia Sapega, was jailed for 6 years last week – and he completely throws her under the bus here
Roman Protasevich — the 🇧🇾 activist who fought w/ Azov before his flight was forced to land in Minsk & he was pressured to collaborate w/ the regime — has married! But not his girlfriend arrested w/ him on the plane. He now denounces her, following her 6-year prison sentence.
Sofia Sapega, a political prisoner and Russian citizen, was sentenced to 6 years in prison. She was charged under seven articles of the Criminal Code. Sofa was detained on May 23, 2021 together with Raman Protasevich during the forced landing of a Ryanair plane in Minsk
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

dronyx ::
Lepo se norčuje iz ruskih "uspehov"![]()
Če drugega ne je potrebno rusom priznati vztrajnost na tem otoku. In pomanjkanje kakršnegakoli preživitvenega nagona.
Je pa ob vseh teh natančnih zadetkih iz drona nenavadno, da rusi očitno sploh nimajo nekega radarskega sistema, ki bi lahko te drone zaznal, čeprav niso stealth izvedba. Kaj rusi nimajo nobenega AWACS-a ali česa podobnega?

Lonsarg ::
Droni vs letala v tej vojni so nekako tako kot so bili nemski tanki vs francoski konji v svetovni vojni :)

dronyx ::
Droni vs letala v tej vojni so nekako tako kot so bili nemski tanki vs francoski konji v svetovni vojni :)
Kar se letal tiče se ve, da če nisi v stanju uničiti nasprotnikove AA, so letala precej neuporabna. Lahko sicer letiš tako kot to počno rusi par metrov nad zemljo in ves čas odmetavaš vabe, samo to razen izzivanja sreče ni uporabno za napadanje nasprotnika. Turki so očitno uspeli naredit dron, ki je ravno prav velik (majhen), da imajo z njim težave vojaški radarji in še dovolj velik da lahko nese par manjših projektilov.

D3m ::
Kaj rusi nimajo nobenega AWACS-a ali česa podobnega?
Imajo, vendar premalo.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Pac-Man ::
Rusi po naseljih streljajo vodene rakete s kasetnimi bombami, s CEP 7-15 m.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

nejcek74 ::
Kuba je vojaško okupirana s stran ZDA že odkar so jim pomagali pri "osamosvojitvi španske nadvlade".
Da ne kontrolirajo več, je pa posledica tega, da so jih kubanci nabutali, ko so šli v invazijo...
Drzi, kot vse ostale tvoje narative: "Kuba je hkrati okupirana od ZDA in je nabutala ZDA"

Logicna enota ti je zdavnaj pregorela Poldi: "War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strengtht"

Poldi112 ::
Zgolj in samo osnove zgodovine:
- Bay of Pigs Invasion @ Wikipedia
- Guantanamo Bay detention camp @ Wikipedia
- Bay of Pigs Invasion @ Wikipedia
- Guantanamo Bay detention camp @ Wikipedia
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

Pac-Man ::
I have been traveling a lot across Europe recently. Everywhere it was obvious that there is a major war in Europe, with one exception: Moscow.
A🧵on how Moscow has changed over the last month and how what I call the “normalization party” is emerging.
Curiously, I know people who were initially so scared as to expect NATO troops to appear on Kyiv highway near Moscow. When this didn’t happen, they regained belief that Putin will get away with this again. Depoliticization derails judgment and fuels unrealistic expectations
Friends from retail business are telling me their foreign suppliers are waiting for a ceasefire (not even peace) to return to Russia immediately. Big capital wants this to end no matter how. Since Putin is not going to concede anyway, it would be better if he wins asap
The demand for coming back to normal is significant. It is very likely that among the Russian leadership there is a “normalization party” that resists further fascization of society, expecting to lose from it. It certainly includes Moscow mayor Sergey Sobyanin
The chances are far higher to stumble upon an anti-war slogan than a car with Z-signs Outside of Moscow situation changes. Local government promotes the Z, even changing the road signs (FYI: letter Z is absent from Cyrillic alphabet). All public transport vehicles have Z painted on them. This, however, isn’t supported by private car owners ...
I have met people who initially opposed the war but later consciously chose to accept Putin’s claim that “we had no choice” – admitting openly that otherwise life would have become absolutely unbearable for them
It is likely that demand for normalization + military failures will drive Putin to seek ceasefire to rearm. This could be a significant test for the united West, for financial elites will be lobbying for ceding Ukrainian territory, lifting sanctions, and returning to normal
A lot will depend on whether at this point both Russians and investors will see Putin as a guarantor or impediment to normality. Finding a convincing answer to the question “What would Russia’s future without Putin look like?” becomes crucial for ending this war
I have been traveling a lot across Europe recently. Everywhere it was obvious that there is a major war in Europe, with one exception: Moscow.
A🧵on how Moscow has changed over the last month and how what I call the “normalization party” is emerging.
Curiously, I know people who were initially so scared as to expect NATO troops to appear on Kyiv highway near Moscow. When this didn’t happen, they regained belief that Putin will get away with this again. Depoliticization derails judgment and fuels unrealistic expectations
Friends from retail business are telling me their foreign suppliers are waiting for a ceasefire (not even peace) to return to Russia immediately. Big capital wants this to end no matter how. Since Putin is not going to concede anyway, it would be better if he wins asap
The demand for coming back to normal is significant. It is very likely that among the Russian leadership there is a “normalization party” that resists further fascization of society, expecting to lose from it. It certainly includes Moscow mayor Sergey Sobyanin
The chances are far higher to stumble upon an anti-war slogan than a car with Z-signs Outside of Moscow situation changes. Local government promotes the Z, even changing the road signs (FYI: letter Z is absent from Cyrillic alphabet). All public transport vehicles have Z painted on them. This, however, isn’t supported by private car owners ...
I have met people who initially opposed the war but later consciously chose to accept Putin’s claim that “we had no choice” – admitting openly that otherwise life would have become absolutely unbearable for them
It is likely that demand for normalization + military failures will drive Putin to seek ceasefire to rearm. This could be a significant test for the united West, for financial elites will be lobbying for ceding Ukrainian territory, lifting sanctions, and returning to normal
A lot will depend on whether at this point both Russians and investors will see Putin as a guarantor or impediment to normality. Finding a convincing answer to the question “What would Russia’s future without Putin look like?” becomes crucial for ending this war
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

nejcek74 ::
Zgolj in samo osnove zgodovine:
- Bay of Pigs Invasion @ Wikipedia
- Guantanamo Bay detention camp @ Wikipedia
To ni tvoja narativa Poldi

Pac-Man ::
Video of the first combat loss of a Russian T-90M tank in Staryi Saltiv (previously recorded). Interestingly, the source claims it was destroyed by a Carl Gustaf recoilless rifle.
Video of the first combat loss of a Russian T-90M tank in Staryi Saltiv (previously recorded). Interestingly, the source claims it was destroyed by a Carl Gustaf recoilless rifle.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Poldi112 ::
Zgolj in samo osnove zgodovine:
- Bay of Pigs Invasion @ Wikipedia
- Guantanamo Bay detention camp @ Wikipedia
To ni tvoja narativa Poldi, a so jih Kubanci nabutali in se osamosvojili ali jih Američani okupirajo, oboje ne more biti res, razen znotraj tvoje logične enote
Podobno kot ne razumeš ostalih stvari, recimo NATO ni napadel se nobene bivše članice Waršavsekga pakta, jih je pa Rusija ze en cel kup. Tebi je vzpostavljanje vzročno posledičnih razmerij prehud izziv.
Kaj točno ni res - da se je Kuba obranila ameriške invazije, ali da jih američani še vedno okupirajo?
Sem kje trdil, da je NATO napadal bivše članice Varšavskega pakta?
Trdim zgolj, da zahod večino sveta okupira proti njegovi volji. To pač ne bi smelo biti sporno in primerov imaš kolikor hočeš. Problem je, da jih nočeš in iščeš neke pravne kolobocije, preko katerih vojaško agresijo na Irak ter nadaljno okupacijo želiš naslikati kot legalno.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

kow ::
Si ze kdaj bil v kaksni revni drzavi? Ker se s tvojo trditvijo ne strinjam. Ogromno ljudi bi bilo z veseljem "okupiranih s strani zahoda", pa jim ne pustijo. Je pa tudi ogromno ljudi, ki se strinjajo s tabo in za vse krivijo grdi zahod. Ljudje imajo pac raznolika mnenja -> nekaj kar tvoja ideologija ne dopusca.

Poldi112 ::
Sem, in je velika razlika med "demokracijo" v Evropi ter tretjem svetu.
Zakaj pa ti misliš, da je večina sveta po 500 letih zahodne dominacije tako v riti? Ter zakaj gospodarsko uspevajo zgolj kolonije, ki so v bližini rusov/kitajcev?
Zakaj pa ti misliš, da je večina sveta po 500 letih zahodne dominacije tako v riti? Ter zakaj gospodarsko uspevajo zgolj kolonije, ki so v bližini rusov/kitajcev?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

kow ::
Katere ruske kolonije pa uspevajo? Katere kitajske? Hvala!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: kow ()

Poldi112 ::
Ne vem, niti ne trdim, da uspevajo. Pravim, da USA primarno ne širi demokracije, ampak imperij. Kar je več kot očitno njihove zgodovine. In ja, večina držav je hotela demokracijo, pa so dobili s strani USA zgolj metek v čelo.
Male države pač niso suverene, da bi si prosto izbirale gospodarja, kar je tudi več kot očitno iz zgodovine.
Koliko držav njihovega "backyarda" pa ti lahko našteješ, ki so se razvijale bolje od nas v komunizmu?
Male države pač niso suverene, da bi si prosto izbirale gospodarja, kar je tudi več kot očitno iz zgodovine.
Koliko držav njihovega "backyarda" pa ti lahko našteješ, ki so se razvijale bolje od nas v komunizmu?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Poldi112 ()

Andy9 ::
Ne vem, niti ne trdim, da uspevajo. Pravim, da USA primarno ne širi demokracije, ampak imperij. Kar je več kot očitno njihove zgodovine. In ja, večina držav je hotela demokracijo, pa so dobili s strani USA zgolj metek v čelo.
Male države pač niso suverene, da bi si prosto izbirale gospodarja, kar je tudi več kot očitno iz zgodovine.
Koliko držav njihovega "backyarda" pa ti lahko našteješ, ki so se razvijale bolje od nas v komunizmu?
A arabske države so hotele demokracijo, pa je Amerika to preprečila?
Ti si bolan v glavo, močno!