Forum » Loža » Izogibanje vsega, kar je iz Rusije
Izogibanje vsega, kar je iz Rusije
Temo vidijo: vsi
PrimoZ_ ::
Russia - 3509, of which: destroyed: 1923, damaged: 67, abandoned: 272, captured: 1247
Tanks (631, of which destroyed: 334, damaged: 19, abandoned: 45, captured: 231)
Tanks (631, of which destroyed: 334, damaged: 19, abandoned: 45, captured: 231)
endelin ::
Putler v napadu na šolo ubil 60 ljudi?
Tako se začne dan zmage? Putler must die!
Sramota Rusija.
60 people confirmed killed in school bombing
Tako se začne dan zmage? Putler must die!
Sramota Rusija.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: endelin ()
SmolWhale ::
damirj79 ::
Nikjer nisem govoril nic o svobodi in moralnosti, zgolj o geopolitiki.
Ce zahod neha dobavljat orozje bo rezultat zgolj vecji del ozemlja od Rusov in celo vec mrtvih civilistov (ok ta za zahod realpoliticno nima veze ampak vseeno omenim). Pobotali se pa ne bomo z Rusi nic hitreje ce nehamo dobavljat orozje, skoda v odnosih je ze narejena. Skratka sami minusi so ce zahod popusti. Z izcrpano Rusijo z manj Ukrajinskega ozemlja bo zahod imel bolse pogajalsko izhodisce kot z manj izcrpano in z vec ozemlja.
Če te zanima geopolitika, potem te mora skrbeti kitajska, ne rusi. Kaj se gredo rusi in ukrajinci je njihovo interno vprašanje. Zahodna pogajalska pozicija? "Zahod"se nima kaj pogajati, niti mu to ni v interesu. Prej ko Ukrajia to spozna, bolje jo bo odnesla.
Pa še kar čakamo odgovor na vprašanje, zakaj je vztrajanje pri strategiji, ki nas je pripeljala v današnjo situacijo, boljša od premirja? Ker pogajalska situacija za Ukrajino je vsak dan slabša in nič ne kaže, da bi se to spremenilo.
Zahodu ne direktno, indirektno pa, še posebej EU, je Ukrajina oz tamkajšnji teritorij geostrateško zanimiv.
Fascinantno mi je pa razmišljanje, kako je čisto OK, in sprejemljivo neka država si želi nekega ozemlja, se vojaško aktivira in napade, ti pa bi popolnoma pacifistično ta napad dovolil in se ne branil. A to bi isto naredil tudi s tvojo družino, s tvojo parcelo, tvojim življenjem? Se ne bi branil? Po tvojem mnenju je ta vojaška akcija itak čisto brezveze, rusiji ne bi bilo potrebno niti vojakov aktivirat, bi samo uradniki prišli in delali namesto ukrajinskih, komunalci bi cestne table zamenjali, policaji bi se fijaka okoli in vse bi bilo lepo in prav. Vojakov niti rabli ne bi, še manj pa tanke in rakete.
Poldi112 ::
Jaz zgolj komentiram, da je "zanimivo", da nikogar ne zanima 500 let zahodnega brutaliziranja, ki še danes brutalizira in zatira večino sveta, medtem ko je, ko nekaj podobnega v svoji okolici storijo rusi, to povsem nesprejemljivo ter nezdružljivo z normami "svobodnega sveta". Bojda zaradi človekovih pravic?
Kaj je po po tvoje smilsel rinjenja in vtzrajanja v vojni, katere ne moreš dobiti?
Kaj je po po tvoje smilsel rinjenja in vtzrajanja v vojni, katere ne moreš dobiti?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Pac-Man ::
IMO je bila tale fotka nekoč prilepljena tu
Hi folks, this photo is hilariously fake. The US Army has not worn these uniforms for like a decade now. Likely a Photoshop of a pic taken much earlier. Could still be fake service member too.
Reminder that Biden has repeatedly said no US troops will fight in Ukraine, and none have been sent.
Hi folks, this photo is hilariously fake. The US Army has not worn these uniforms for like a decade now. Likely a Photoshop of a pic taken much earlier. Could still be fake service member too.
Reminder that Biden has repeatedly said no US troops will fight in Ukraine, and none have been sent.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
l0g1t3ch ::
Russia - 3514, of which: destroyed: 1927, damaged: 67, abandoned: 272, captured: 1248
Tanks (635, of which destroyed: 337, damaged: 19, abandoned: 45, captured: 232)
Lepa številka uničene ruske šare.
TezkoDihanje ::
Jaz zgolj komentiram, da je "zanimivo", da nikogar ne zanima 500 let zahodnega brutaliziranja, ki še danes brutalizira in zatira večino sveta, medtem ko je, ko nekaj podobnega v svoji okolici storijo rusi, to povsem nesprejemljivo ter nezdružljivo z normami "svobodnega sveta". Bojda zaradi človekovih pravic?
Kaj je po po tvoje smilsel rinjenja in vtzrajanja v vojni, katere ne moreš dobiti?
Here we go again...
Tako kot je niso mogli Afganistanci med 1979-1989, a?
Utk ::
Kaj je po po tvoje smilsel rinjenja in vtzrajanja v vojni, katere ne moreš dobiti?
To bi treba pa Ruse vprašat.
l0g1t3ch ::
Jaz zgolj komentiram, da je "zanimivo", da nikogar ne zanima 500 let zahodnega brutaliziranja, ki še danes brutalizira in zatira večino sveta, medtem ko je, ko nekaj podobnega v svoji okolici storijo rusi, to povsem nesprejemljivo ter nezdružljivo z normami "svobodnega sveta". Bojda zaradi človekovih pravic?
Kaj je po po tvoje smilsel rinjenja in vtzrajanja v vojni, katere ne moreš dobiti?
Vprašaj ruse?
Sej veš kako se jim je končal Afganistan.
Lahko pa tudi Američane kako so končali Vietnam.
Poldi112 ::
Se ti zdi, da je gorat Afganistan primerljiv z ravninsko Ukrajino?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
damirj79 ::
Jaz zgolj komentiram, da je "zanimivo", da nikogar ne zanima 500 let zahodnega brutaliziranja, ki še danes brutalizira in zatira večino sveta, medtem ko je, ko nekaj podobnega v svoji okolici storijo rusi, to povsem nesprejemljivo ter nezdružljivo z normami "svobodnega sveta". Bojda zaradi človekovih pravic?
Kaj je po po tvoje smilsel rinjenja in vtzrajanja v vojni, katere ne moreš dobiti?
Se ti ne zdi, da zahodno brutaliziranje izpred 500 let je že rahlo mimo? Meni se zdi večji problem muslimanska kultura, npr obrezovanja deklic, rezanje udov tatovom, ki je še močno vedno prisotno in to res ne sodi v moderno civilizacijo. To da se pa vojskujemo za energente in surovine, je pa dejstvo, da bo vedno bolj prisotno. Enako kot je bilo v preteklosti samo za surovine.
Pac-Man ::
Včerajšnji zapisi zdaj še v substack obliki.
In the end, John McCain’s top political aide made a choice. He made the same choice as Paul Manafort. He wanted to make millions of dollars advancing the strategic interests of Vladimir Putin, Oleg Deripaska and their puppet Victor Yanukovych, while at the same time acting as the top advisor to a US major party nominee, and ultimately a President of the United States. Nothing like this should ever happen again in the United States.
The story of American corruption in Ukraine is a disgrace, and in part has led to the human disaster in Ukraine. The corruption did not start in the Trump era, but years before. It started in the K Street sewer firms where Roger Stone, Rick Gates, Paul Manafort and Rick Davis thrived.
Why did Senator John McCain choose to ignore this? Because Rick Davis organized the constant chaos of John McCain’s life into something that could resemble a soft coherence to people looking in the window to a constantly destabilized environment.
That was not in the national security interests of the Government of the United States, nor the American people.
in malo pee tape drame
John McCain lobbyist controversy @ Wikipedia
Senator McCain denied his long relationship with the lobbyist – to whom he was credibly accused of providing special favors – dozens of times to my face. After the New York Times story – which accurately detailed that relationship – was attacked and successfully discredited by the campaign under my direction, John McCain told me the truth backstage at an event in Ohio. Understandably, he was very concerned about this potentially campaign-ending issue. He kept saying, “The campaign is over.” I reassured him that it was behind us.
However, John McCain was convinced it would soon be over. Similar accusations and relationships had ended campaigns in the recent past. In fact, John McCain looked at me and said he did not understand how he could go on with his presidential run by saying, “Boy, I had a long relationship with her.” I was livid, and flew home to California. After he obsessively called for days afterwards, I (foolishly) returned to the campaign trail.
For the next several months, there was not a single night that passed that I did not spend hours on the phone with a broken, distraught and profoundly unstable lobbyist. She screamed at me incoherently for hours every night. I became the shock absorber for her rage, anger and humiliation. I did this to protect John McCain and the campaign.
During my final call with the lobbyist, as she heard my young kids crying in the background, she told me that she wished that they could die so that I could share the depths of pain she felt when John McCain called her a “good friend” during his news conference denying the relationship. Twenty minutes later, John McCain called me panicked – he insisted that I apologize to her, or else his campaign would be over. I told John to “fuck himself,” and yet again, against my better judgment, I returned to the campaign trail.
Proximate to that time, the lobbyist had called John McCain’s Senate Chief of Staff to say that she’d called him from the front seat of her parked and running automobile in her closed garage. She wanted to pass along the message that she wanted to say goodbye to John McCain, and that she loved him. The Chief of Staff asked me if he had done the right thing by calling 911. I assured him that he had.
In the end, John McCain’s top political aide made a choice. He made the same choice as Paul Manafort. He wanted to make millions of dollars advancing the strategic interests of Vladimir Putin, Oleg Deripaska and their puppet Victor Yanukovych, while at the same time acting as the top advisor to a US major party nominee, and ultimately a President of the United States. Nothing like this should ever happen again in the United States.
The story of American corruption in Ukraine is a disgrace, and in part has led to the human disaster in Ukraine. The corruption did not start in the Trump era, but years before. It started in the K Street sewer firms where Roger Stone, Rick Gates, Paul Manafort and Rick Davis thrived.
Why did Senator John McCain choose to ignore this? Because Rick Davis organized the constant chaos of John McCain’s life into something that could resemble a soft coherence to people looking in the window to a constantly destabilized environment.
That was not in the national security interests of the Government of the United States, nor the American people.
in malo pee tape drame
John McCain lobbyist controversy @ Wikipedia
Senator McCain denied his long relationship with the lobbyist – to whom he was credibly accused of providing special favors – dozens of times to my face. After the New York Times story – which accurately detailed that relationship – was attacked and successfully discredited by the campaign under my direction, John McCain told me the truth backstage at an event in Ohio. Understandably, he was very concerned about this potentially campaign-ending issue. He kept saying, “The campaign is over.” I reassured him that it was behind us.
However, John McCain was convinced it would soon be over. Similar accusations and relationships had ended campaigns in the recent past. In fact, John McCain looked at me and said he did not understand how he could go on with his presidential run by saying, “Boy, I had a long relationship with her.” I was livid, and flew home to California. After he obsessively called for days afterwards, I (foolishly) returned to the campaign trail.
For the next several months, there was not a single night that passed that I did not spend hours on the phone with a broken, distraught and profoundly unstable lobbyist. She screamed at me incoherently for hours every night. I became the shock absorber for her rage, anger and humiliation. I did this to protect John McCain and the campaign.
During my final call with the lobbyist, as she heard my young kids crying in the background, she told me that she wished that they could die so that I could share the depths of pain she felt when John McCain called her a “good friend” during his news conference denying the relationship. Twenty minutes later, John McCain called me panicked – he insisted that I apologize to her, or else his campaign would be over. I told John to “fuck himself,” and yet again, against my better judgment, I returned to the campaign trail.
Proximate to that time, the lobbyist had called John McCain’s Senate Chief of Staff to say that she’d called him from the front seat of her parked and running automobile in her closed garage. She wanted to pass along the message that she wanted to say goodbye to John McCain, and that she loved him. The Chief of Staff asked me if he had done the right thing by calling 911. I assured him that he had.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
l0g1t3ch ::
Poldi112 ::
Jaz zgolj komentiram, da je "zanimivo", da nikogar ne zanima 500 let zahodnega brutaliziranja, ki še danes brutalizira in zatira večino sveta, medtem ko je, ko nekaj podobnega v svoji okolici storijo rusi, to povsem nesprejemljivo ter nezdružljivo z normami "svobodnega sveta". Bojda zaradi človekovih pravic?
Kaj je po po tvoje smilsel rinjenja in vtzrajanja v vojni, katere ne moreš dobiti?
Se ti ne zdi, da zahodno brutaliziranje izpred 500 let je že rahlo mimo? Meni se zdi večji problem muslimanska kultura, npr obrezovanja deklic, rezanje udov tatovom, ki je še močno vedno prisotno in to res ne sodi v moderno civilizacijo. To da se pa vojskujemo za energente in surovine, je pa dejstvo, da bo vedno bolj prisotno. Enako kot je bilo v preteklosti samo za surovine.
Irak in Afganistan sta tudi že malo mimo? Ter kako misliš da brutaliziranje muslimanov vpliva na razvoj njihove kulture - pozitivno ali negativno?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
nejcek74 ::
Pac-Man ::
Rjavosrajčniki z zwastikami maširajo skozi Jekaterinburg, video.
Glede na pred dnevi objavljene sheme parade v Moskvi samo tri.
Danes bo kaj Armat?
Glede na pred dnevi objavljene sheme parade v Moskvi samo tri.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
damirj79 ::
Jaz zgolj komentiram, da je "zanimivo", da nikogar ne zanima 500 let zahodnega brutaliziranja, ki še danes brutalizira in zatira večino sveta, medtem ko je, ko nekaj podobnega v svoji okolici storijo rusi, to povsem nesprejemljivo ter nezdružljivo z normami "svobodnega sveta". Bojda zaradi človekovih pravic?
Kaj je po po tvoje smilsel rinjenja in vtzrajanja v vojni, katere ne moreš dobiti?
Se ti ne zdi, da zahodno brutaliziranje izpred 500 let je že rahlo mimo? Meni se zdi večji problem muslimanska kultura, npr obrezovanja deklic, rezanje udov tatovom, ki je še močno vedno prisotno in to res ne sodi v moderno civilizacijo. To da se pa vojskujemo za energente in surovine, je pa dejstvo, da bo vedno bolj prisotno. Enako kot je bilo v preteklosti samo za surovine.
Irak in Afganistan sta tudi že malo mimo? Ter kako misliš da brutaliziranje muslimanov vpliva na razvoj njihove kulture - pozitivno ali negativno?
Irak in Afganistan vsi vemo kako je bilo, zakaj je bilo, in kako bo. Glede muslimanske kulture pa se mislim, da strinjamo da je to početje nehumano.
cias ::
London je zaenkrat še cel..isto Bruselj in Berlin.
Edin problem velikih mest je part and parcel.
Ravno ta teden so se v Londonu spet na veliko štihali.
Pa Švedi imajo spet nove rekorde v posilstvih.
Pa Britanci na veliko vozijo živali v zavetišča ker jih ne morejo več hraniti. Sem videl tudi polno slik kako z avti vozijo domov drva, zakaj prehajajo na ta primitivni ogrevalni sistem, to ni eko?
Ne vem zakaj to ne resijo preden grejo osvobajat Ukrajino?
Poldi112 ::
Jaz zgolj komentiram, da je "zanimivo", da nikogar ne zanima 500 let zahodnega brutaliziranja, ki še danes brutalizira in zatira večino sveta, medtem ko je, ko nekaj podobnega v svoji okolici storijo rusi, to povsem nesprejemljivo ter nezdružljivo z normami "svobodnega sveta". Bojda zaradi človekovih pravic?
Kaj je po po tvoje smilsel rinjenja in vtzrajanja v vojni, katere ne moreš dobiti?
Se ti ne zdi, da zahodno brutaliziranje izpred 500 let je že rahlo mimo? Meni se zdi večji problem muslimanska kultura, npr obrezovanja deklic, rezanje udov tatovom, ki je še močno vedno prisotno in to res ne sodi v moderno civilizacijo. To da se pa vojskujemo za energente in surovine, je pa dejstvo, da bo vedno bolj prisotno. Enako kot je bilo v preteklosti samo za surovine.
Irak in Afganistan sta tudi že malo mimo? Ter kako misliš da brutaliziranje muslimanov vpliva na razvoj njihove kulture - pozitivno ali negativno?
Irak in Afganistan vsi vemo kako je bilo, zakaj je bilo, in kako bo. Glede muslimanske kulture pa se mislim, da strinjamo da je to početje nehumano.
Zakaj je bilo? In kako to, da ni bilo nobenih posledic za agresorja, ki je napadel in okupiral suvereno državo? Ter kako do, da zadnjih 500 let nikoli ni posledic za zahodne agresorje, medtem ko nas neprestano skrbijo izključno človekove pravice v državah, ki ne želijo biti ameriške kolonije?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
mackilla ::
Danes bo kaj Armat?
In July 2018, Deputy Prime Minister for Defence and Space Industry Yury Borisov said there is currently no need to mass-produce the Armata when its older predecessors, namely the latest variants of the T-72, remain "effective against American, German and French counterparts.
Očitno so obupali nad njimi. Načrti so bili visoko leteči.
By 2020, Uralvagonzavod plans to produce 2,300 T-14 Armata models.
D3m ::
Armate so že v serijski izdelavi.
Konec 2021 so začeli
Konec 2021 so začeli
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: D3m ()
l0g1t3ch ::
D3m ::
Putler v napadu na šolo ubil 60 ljudi?
60 people confirmed killed in school bombing
Tako se začne dan zmage? Putler must die!
Sramota Rusija.
Misliš vojakov :)
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
D3m ::
Ahhhh logitech....
Russia launches serial production of the state-of-the-art T-14 Armata tank, 26.12.2021.
Russia has launched serial production of the new T-14 Armata tank, announced Vladimir Artyakov, Deputy Director General of the State Corporation Rostec.
Speaking to the Rossiya 24 channel, the official commented on the new deliveries to the Ministry of Defense, and among the "most powerful and advanced" projects mentioned the new T-14 tank.
"We are launching its serial production," confirmed Artyakov.
According to Rostec, the Russian Army will begin to receive serial deliveries of the new tank before the end of 2021.
In March, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu revealed that 20 T-14 Armata tanks will be delivered to Russian army units as early as 2021.
30 je planiranih.
Russia launches serial production of the state-of-the-art T-14 Armata tank, 26.12.2021.
Russia has launched serial production of the new T-14 Armata tank, announced Vladimir Artyakov, Deputy Director General of the State Corporation Rostec.
Speaking to the Rossiya 24 channel, the official commented on the new deliveries to the Ministry of Defense, and among the "most powerful and advanced" projects mentioned the new T-14 tank.
"We are launching its serial production," confirmed Artyakov.
According to Rostec, the Russian Army will begin to receive serial deliveries of the new tank before the end of 2021.
In March, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu revealed that 20 T-14 Armata tanks will be delivered to Russian army units as early as 2021.
Ce imajo serijsko izdelavo, ne dvomim, da se jih bo ene 50 danes zapeljalo po trgu....
30 je planiranih.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: D3m ()
mackilla ::
Ahhhh logitech....
Russia launches serial production of the state-of-the-art T-14 Armata tank, 26.12.2021.
Russia has launched serial production of the new T-14 Armata tank, announced Vladimir Artyakov, Deputy Director General of the State Corporation Rostec.
Speaking to the Rossiya 24 channel, the official commented on the new deliveries to the Ministry of Defense, and among the "most powerful and advanced" projects mentioned the new T-14 tank.
"We are launching its serial production," confirmed Artyakov.
According to Rostec, the Russian Army will begin to receive serial deliveries of the new tank before the end of 2021.
In March, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu revealed that 20 T-14 Armata tanks will be delivered to Russian army units as early as 2021.
Ce imajo serijsko izdelavo, ne dvomim, da se jih bo ene 50 danes zapeljalo po trgu....
30 je planiranih.
Kdaj jih bomo videli v Ukrajini? Idealno je,da se stestirajo na dejanskem bojišču. Če so v serijski proizvodnji potem so že premagali poporodne težave
l0g1t3ch ::
Samo, da boš srečen. :)
The newest Russian Armata T-14 main battle tank will enter mass production later than expected, multiple sources have told Defence Blog.
The industry sources said that the delivery of new Armata tanks in serial configuration could be delayed until 2024 due to technological hurdles.
“During the tests, the tank revealed a number of shortcomings associated with the fire control system, which would require significant time to fine-tune the electronic components and subsequent tests,” said the source.
Postponed from 2015 to 2024, why is “Armata” so difficult to produce?
l0g1t3ch ::
Grem stavit, da ne bo niti 2024 tega tanka v redni uporabi.
Mogoče 20 ali 30 kosov za parade in tesiranje.
Ukrajinci bolj uspešno klatijo zadeve, kot ruskoti priznajo
Mogoče 20 ali 30 kosov za parade in tesiranje.
Air portion of Victory Day parade is canceled due to weather, Kremlin official says...![]()
Ukrajinci bolj uspešno klatijo zadeve, kot ruskoti priznajo
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: l0g1t3ch ()
l0g1t3ch ::
D3m ::
Air portion of Victory Day parade is canceled due to weather, Kremlin official says...![]()
V Moskvi dežuje.
Imaš pa lepo vreme v Vladivostoku.
Že tak gredo cene surovin v višave ampak vseeno je treba nekako rusiji pokazati kdo je gazda!
Trenutno je največji udar na nafto, plin, kovine, les, pšenico... Bomo že preživeli nafte in plina ne bo zmanjkalo saj se rusija izvoz ne bo kar tako odpovedala. Si bi verjetno s tem zabili zadnji žebelj v krsto.
Saj rusi niso prepovedali izvoz. Mi smo ga sebi. :)
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: D3m ()
l0g1t3ch ::
Tudi su57 naj bi bil v serijski proizvodnji.
Se mi zdi, da ne.
Imajo jih pa 5.
Ki jih nihče noče, ker so jajca![]()
Officials with the Indian Air Force believe that Russia's fifth-generation Su-57 fighter jet does not correspond to required characteristics and is inferior to the American F-35 and F-22. Therefore, the Russian-Indian program for the development of the fifth-generation fighter can be continued only after a relevant political decision is made, The Hindustan Times reports.
Earlier, it was reported that the Indian military said that India could pull out from the joint program with Russia for the creation of the new fifth-generation fighter. According to Defense News, the Indians are concerned about the backwardness of technology and the inability of the promising product to compete with the American F-35.