Forum » Loža » Izogibanje vsega, kar je iz Rusije
Izogibanje vsega, kar je iz Rusije
Temo vidijo: vsi
Unchancy ::
A vi resno mislite, da ukrajinsko vojsko taktično in strateško ne vodijo USA?
Kot rečeno, 100% imajo obveščevalne podatke iz ZDA, na terenu pa IMO furajo sami.
Se pa lepo vidi koliko so na sodobnem bojišču vredne informacije in česa je zmožna groba sila.
Zraven pa Rusijo zelo verjetno kneecapa še veliki strateg VVP.
Zelenskemu je recimo jasno, da nima pojma o vojskovanju in jih pusti, da počnejo svoje.
Kdor še ni pogledal naj si vzame 13 minut za tale intervju z bodočim svetovalcem predsednika iz l. 2019.
Mrtvo hladno razloži kako stvari stojijo.
Predicted Russian - Ukrainian war in 2019 - Alexey Arestovich
Oleksiy Arestovych @ Wikipedia
Res eye opening intervju.
IL_DIAVOLO je izjavil:
A vi resno mislite, da ukrajinsko vojsko taktično in strateško ne vodijo USA?
IMO ima ukrajinski štab trenutno vrjetno boljše real-time podatke iz terena kot marsikatera druga razvita nevojskujoča se država.
ZDA jih zalagajo z vso intelligence, vrjetno predlagajo tarče, taktike, manevre itd.
Investicija v trojanskega konja se pac izplaca.
Zato pa Putin investira v evropsko desničarsko golazen.
Škoda časa za ta režimski forum.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Unchancy ()
Jarno ::
Rusija bo lažje zadihala, ko bodo stari prdci kot Larvov odstranjeni:
Chuck Norris je med števili 0.999... in 1 uspel vriniti konstanto imenovano CN.
Unchancy ::
Lažejo levo in desno oboji. ;)
Vešda, “vsi so isti”. Not.
Pa Reptili se bojo kmalu razglasili za Overlorde, pa "Covid je sarin".
Škoda časa za ta režimski forum.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Unchancy ()
D3m ::
Ali mu je grozil z jedrskimi, če podpiše?![]()
Običajno je vedno denar v igri. Če Zelensky podpiše, koliko so izgubili Britanci?
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
gozdar1 ::
Ali mu je grozil z jedrskimi, če podpiše?![]()
Običajno je vedno denar v igri. Če Zelensky podpiše, koliko so izgubili Britanci?
Nič. Sopa izgubili ukrajinci in dobili rusi.
D3m ::
Britanci so investitorji, če mu Boris ne pusti so dobili figo.
Sedaj se je pa treba vprašati kje so izgubili?
Odesa? Donbass? Azovsko morje?
Sedaj se je pa treba vprašati kje so izgubili?
Odesa? Donbass? Azovsko morje?
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
D3m ::
The Russian frigate "Admiral #Makarov reportedly returned safely to its base in #Sevastopol .
Pics or GTFO.
The Russian frigate "Admiral #Makarov reportedly returned safely to its base in #Sevastopol .
Pics or GTFO.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Vanich ::
Ujeli še enega hrvaškega plačanca. Lepo se bo imel naslednjih 20 let. NOT!
Seveda, niti en njihov medij ne poroča o tem. Edino Logično ima članek.
Seveda, niti en njihov medij ne poroča o tem. Edino Logično ima članek.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Vanich ()
D3m ::
The allied Forces of the LPR and Russia took control of the administration of the city of Popasnaya. - Media
Ujeli še enega hrvaškega plačanca. Lepo se bo imel naslednjih 20 let. NOT!
Seveda, niti en njihov medij ne poroča o tem. Edino Logično ima članek.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: D3m ()
Comandante ::
The Russian frigate "Admiral #Makarov reportedly returned safely to its base in #Sevastopol .
Pics or GTFO.
Tudi ce se je, ko bo naslednjih nekaj let out. Zadetek Neptuna povzroci brutalno skodo, v osnovi je misljeno, da ena raketa potopi ladjo do 5000 ton.
The system requirement was for a single missile to defeat surface warships and transport vessels with a displacement of up to 5,000 tons, either in convoys or moving individually.
dronyx ::
D3m ::
Slike bodo kmalu....ker sem prepričan, da so ljubitelji navtike na obrežju in čakajo na ladje, ki pripljujejo v pristanišče.
Pentagon poročal, da nič ne vejo, da bi zadeli Admirala.
Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions will be able to receive gas and electricity through the territory of Crimea, power lines blown up by extremists in 2015 are being restored (c) head of Crimea Sergey Aksenov
The integration of regions is proceeding at a rapid pace. Kherson region and Zaporizhzhia completely fell off Ukraine.
Pentagon poročal, da nič ne vejo, da bi zadeli Admirala.
Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions will be able to receive gas and electricity through the territory of Crimea, power lines blown up by extremists in 2015 are being restored (c) head of Crimea Sergey Aksenov
The integration of regions is proceeding at a rapid pace. Kherson region and Zaporizhzhia completely fell off Ukraine.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: D3m ()
Vanich ::
The allied Forces of the LPR and Russia took control of the administration of the city of Popasnaya. - Media
Ujeli še enega hrvaškega plačanca. Lepo se bo imel naslednjih 20 let. NOT!
Seveda, niti en njihov medij ne poroča o tem. Edino Logično ima članek.
Ja. Vjekoslav Prebeg.
Govori tekoče angleško, 3 leta je bil tam in se ni naučil ukrajinsko, hoče ukrajinsko državljanstvo zato se je prijavil v vojsko, punca ima bolno mamo, skoraj ni streljal, slišal je nekje da so v Azovu nacisti, itd, itd...
Saj Rusi niso po župi priplavali. Kri bo scal 20 let, minimum. Če ne bo kar preki vojni sud. V Lugansku imajo smrtno kazen.
gozdar1 ::
LightBit ::
Ali mu je grozil z jedrskimi, če podpiše?![]()
Običajno je vedno denar v igri. Če Zelensky podpiše, koliko so izgubili Britanci?
Da bi jaz vedel praktično nič v primerjavi z Ukrajino.
Jaz mislim da je ta novica za babuške in je verjetno zelo izkrivljena in nerelavantna.
Kot prvo, če že je rekel je bilo verjetno kaj v stilu "ne sprejeti slabih pogojov, pomagali vam bomo". Ne pa "prepovedujem mir". Tudi če si v resnici morda želi da traja čim dalj.
Kot drugo ne verjamem da bi bil Johnson razlog da Ukrajinci ne sprejmejo pogojev, ki so jim sprejemljivi.
Torej rumeni tisk.
TezkoDihanje ::
Govori tekoče angleško, 3 leta je bil tam in se ni naučil ukrajinsko, hoče ukrajinsko državljanstvo zato se je prijavil v vojsko, punca ima bolno mamo, skoraj ni streljal, slišal je nekje da so v Azovu nacisti, itd, itd...
Saj Rusi niso po župi priplavali. Kri bo scal 20 let, minimum. Če ne bo kar preki vojni sud. V Lugansku imajo smrtno kazen.
Zakaj bi on moral kri scat 20 let??
Brani neodvisno in mednarodno priznano državo Ukrajino NA OZEMLJU TE DRŽAVE.
PS: Pa koji je tvoj kurac s to Rusijo? A imaš srbske korenine? Kaj pa je Rusija naredila za Srbijo, razen vrtenja jezika? NIČ.
Torej lahko ukrajinci na podoben način začnejo obravnavat ruske plačance..vseh 150k njih.
Očitno. Ruska vojska se obnaša ko ena tolpa kriminalcev. Ropanja, posilstva...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TezkoDihanje ()
PrimoZ_ ::
TezkoDihanje ::
Mr.B ::
Ali mu je grozil z jedrskimi, če podpiše?![]()
Običajno je vedno denar v igri. Če Zelensky podpiše, koliko so izgubili Britanci?
Nič. Sopa izgubili ukrajinci in dobili rusi.
A misliš, da če se danes konča vojan in se rusi umaknejo, da Ukrajina kjub temu ne bo naredila defualt na dolg do ostalega sveta ?
Poleg tzega ali imaš občutek, koliko pomoči je šlov letos v Ukrajino ?
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
LuiIII ::
Rusija ni nikoli naredila nič za t.i. "bratske" slovanske države. Bolj so se na Rusijo zanašali nekateri evropski slovanski krogi. To je predvsem očitno v dobi t.i. panslavizma, ko so se slovanski narodi otepali expanzionističnega germanizma in je bila ideja o povezovanju slovanskih narodov v eno večjo intiteto pod okriljem mati Rusije precej živa. Kaj je Rusija naredila? Ne prav veliko, ker to ni bilo v skladu z lenobnim širjenjem imperija in bi zaradi ogromne kulturne razlike zahtevalo veliko več vložka ter prilagajanja in kjer bi se na koncu verjetno celo izkazalo, da je cesar dejansko gol. Srbija je od vseh slovanskih narodov še najbolj v tem špilu, ker je morda tudi srb po mentaliteti in zgodovini najbližje rusu.
tikitoki ::
A vi resno mislite, da ukrajinsko vojsko taktično in strateško ne vodijo USA?
IMO ima ukrajinski štab trenutno vrjetno boljše real-time podatke iz terena kot marsikatera druga razvita nevojskujoča se država.
ZDA jih zalagajo z vso intelligence, vrjetno predlagajo tarče, taktike, manevre itd.
So what? A rusi ne prosijo kitajcev za pomoc:)? Pa Assada, pa revezev iz centralne Afrike. Tqak, da ne jokaj.
LuiIII ::
"Ja že ampak, če pomagajo ZDA to ni več fer fajt in imamo moralno pravico izgubiti..." Meni je prav. Just do it!
tikitoki ::
Pac-Man ::
to, nit
So, I'm increasingly seeing stories like this one, together with takes from foreign policy analysts along the lines of "the West lacks a strategy for deterring Russia." (You know who you are.)
And it's going to make my head explode.
First of all, Russia's economy is NOT back on its feet. The ruble is back on its feet, yes. But the ruble isn't the economy -- and the ruble is only back on its feet because it's being propped up by massive capital controls and $50.1 billion of reserves spent since the war began.
in to
Good thread, and I would add another factor: one of the things keeping the rouble up is positive balance of payments. That positive balance of payments is due to combination of fossil fuel exports and collapse of imports. And the collapse of imports is strangling the economy. Why? Because while Chanel et al make all the news, the real story is that every piece of machinery used in Russia relies is either imported or relies on imports of parts, machine tools, chips and software.
So, I'm increasingly seeing stories like this one, together with takes from foreign policy analysts along the lines of "the West lacks a strategy for deterring Russia." (You know who you are.)
And it's going to make my head explode.
First of all, Russia's economy is NOT back on its feet. The ruble is back on its feet, yes. But the ruble isn't the economy -- and the ruble is only back on its feet because it's being propped up by massive capital controls and $50.1 billion of reserves spent since the war began.
in to
Good thread, and I would add another factor: one of the things keeping the rouble up is positive balance of payments. That positive balance of payments is due to combination of fossil fuel exports and collapse of imports. And the collapse of imports is strangling the economy. Why? Because while Chanel et al make all the news, the real story is that every piece of machinery used in Russia relies is either imported or relies on imports of parts, machine tools, chips and software.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
tikitoki ::
D3m ::
Big News. We finally have an official confirming our assumptions about high rank foreign officers locked at Azovstal.
Yan Gagin, an advisor to the head of the Doneck Peoples Republic just announced that according their information, reports of the evacuated civilians, captured Azov members and indirect indications such as desperate attempts to deblock the area and an increased concern about Azovstal from the western leaders like Macron,
"We can confirm that high rank foreign officers from at least US, UK and France are locked in the basements."
Res je.
Yan Gagin, an advisor to the head of the Doneck Peoples Republic just announced that according their information, reports of the evacuated civilians, captured Azov members and indirect indications such as desperate attempts to deblock the area and an increased concern about Azovstal from the western leaders like Macron,
"We can confirm that high rank foreign officers from at least US, UK and France are locked in the basements."
"Ja že ampak, če pomagajo ZDA to ni več fer fajt in imamo moralno pravico izgubiti..." Meni je prav. Just do it!
??? O cem ti to? Prakticno ni vojne, kjer ne bi sodelovale sosednje drzave.
Res je.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: D3m ()
Utk ::
Big News. We finally have an official confirming our assumptions about high rank foreign officers locked at Azovstal.
Aha, nekdo se je nekaj izmislu, zdaj je pa še povedal kako drugače kot pred fake twiter računa, tako da zdaj je pa uradno potrjeno.
Pa ne rečem, da ni res, kako naj jaz to vem, ampak temu rečt "uradno potrjeno" je pa zelo rusko. Se pravi kretensko.
Mr.B ::
to, nit
So, I'm increasingly seeing stories like this one, together with takes from foreign policy analysts along the lines of "the West lacks a strategy for deterring Russia." (You know who you are.)
And it's going to make my head explode.
First of all, Russia's economy is NOT back on its feet. The ruble is back on its feet, yes. But the ruble isn't the economy -- and the ruble is only back on its feet because it's being propped up by massive capital controls and $50.1 billion of reserves spent since the war began.
in to
Good thread, and I would add another factor: one of the things keeping the rouble up is positive balance of payments. That positive balance of payments is due to combination of fossil fuel exports and collapse of imports. And the collapse of imports is strangling the economy. Why? Because while Chanel et al make all the news, the real story is that every piece of machinery used in Russia relies is either imported or relies on imports of parts, machine tools, chips and software.
Dejmo nekako tako zaključiti...
Treba je Rusijo do jeseni spraviti na kolena.
Problem je, da bo zagotovo Rusija v pred žetvijo zakurila vsa polja v Ukrajini...
Od tu dalje, če si misliš da je bilo "refugees welcome" problem, počakaj .
Rusija zaradi presežka pridelave ne bo imela problema, razen če bomo spet začeli si rus ne more privoščiti mac book pro, potovanje v Dubai, ali uro za 100k rubljev. Ker cene energentov ki so poskočile v EU, no nekateri mislijo da nimajo nikakršnega vpliva.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
D3m ::
Big News. We finally have an official confirming our assumptions about high rank foreign officers locked at Azovstal.
Aha, nekdo se je nekaj izmislu, zdaj je pa še povedal kako drugače kot pred fake twiter računa, tako da zdaj je pa uradno potrjeno.
Pa ne rečem, da ni res, kako naj jaz to vem, ampak temu rečt "uradno potrjeno" je pa zelo rusko. Se pravi kretensko.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Pac-Man ::
Big News. We finally have an official confirming our assumptions about high rank foreign officers locked at Azovstal.
Preden začnejo sanjat o novih naj pred kamere privlečejo tistega Kanadčana izpred par dnevov. Saj še nisi pozabil?
V Ukrajini je že sredi marca RIPnil lanski zmagovalec tankovskega biatlona. Osmrtnica šele zdaj. Skrajno desni.
Yefreytor Bato Basanov served with the 37th Motorized Rifle Brigade and was part of the crew that won the Tank Biathlon 2021. He was killed in Ukraine.
On March 14, during a special military operation announced in Ukraine, our fellow countryman, 25-year-old Corporal Bato Basanov, died. This was reported in the local chat “Ivolga-info. 24/7"
Bato was born in Ulan-Ude on October 13, 1996.
Bato Basanov was the operator-gunner of the first tank company of the tank battalion with the rank of guard corporal. During his service he has established himself as a disciplined and responsible soldier. In 2021, he participated in the All-Russian tank biathlon competitions, where his team became the champion. He was awarded a commemorative medal dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the formation of the Union of Tankmen.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Andy9 ::
Izgleda, da je pa le prispela
Verjetno poškodovana. Zakaj bi potem ravno sedaj priplula v pristanišče?
Pac-Man ::
bilo pod eno od osmrtnic
"Eviction Program" How Ulan-Ude officials misled people from emergency housing
70 emergency houses will be demolished in Ulan-Ude in the next two years. But the amount of compensation is far from the real prices for a new living space.
Sergei Smolyaninov spent almost a month investigating this issue and prepared a report that proves that city officials were misleading people. And a solution has been found for people.
"Eviction Program" How Ulan-Ude officials misled people from emergency housing
70 emergency houses will be demolished in Ulan-Ude in the next two years. But the amount of compensation is far from the real prices for a new living space.
Sergei Smolyaninov spent almost a month investigating this issue and prepared a report that proves that city officials were misleading people. And a solution has been found for people.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
LightBit ::
Pac-Man ::
to + video, World Food Programme
Access to and from #Ukraine's Odesa-area ports has been 🚫 BLOCKED for the last 2 months.
🚨⚠️The disruption of exports is worsening an already catastrophic global hunger crisis.
Couldn't agree more. There's a strong case for an international effort to deblock Ukraine's Black Sea ports. For the global food security.
in to
Be sure to ask Twitter accounts who constantly post about the "global south" their position on this war.
Access to and from #Ukraine's Odesa-area ports has been 🚫 BLOCKED for the last 2 months.
🚨⚠️The disruption of exports is worsening an already catastrophic global hunger crisis.
Couldn't agree more. There's a strong case for an international effort to deblock Ukraine's Black Sea ports. For the global food security.
in to
Be sure to ask Twitter accounts who constantly post about the "global south" their position on this war.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
blay44 ::
Še video.
Ladje pa niso tvoja močna stran.
Bolje , da ne pobiraš vse od
Ve se od kod/koga je financiran.
Mr.B ::
to + video, World Food Programme
Access to and from #Ukraine's Odesa-area ports has been 🚫 BLOCKED for the last 2 months.
🚨⚠️The disruption of exports is worsening an already catastrophic global hunger crisis.
Couldn't agree more. There's a strong case for an international effort to deblock Ukraine's Black Sea ports. For the global food security.
in to
Be sure to ask Twitter accounts who constantly post about the "global south" their position on this war.
Kaj ji bodo polja, če lahko v sezoni , ko bi morali žeti zažgejo polja in silose vržejo v luft...
Zato pa je panika...
Pa v treh mesecih se je za ukrajino dalo skoraj 30 mijard $. Glede na to da je še pred februarjem grozil defualt ukrajisnkega dolga, si zamisli koliko je teh 30 mijard, in a resno misliš da imajo Ukrajici kaj besede ?
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
D3m ::
Še video.
Ladje pa niso tvoja močna stran.
Bolje , da ne pobiraš vse od
Ve se od kod/koga je financiran.
A tako, kot Oryx oz. Bellingcat?
to + video, World Food Programme
Access to and from #Ukraine's Odesa-area ports has been 🚫 BLOCKED for the last 2 months.
🚨⚠️The disruption of exports is worsening an already catastrophic global hunger crisis.
Couldn't agree more. There's a strong case for an international effort to deblock Ukraine's Black Sea ports. For the global food security.
in to
Be sure to ask Twitter accounts who constantly post about the "global south" their position on this war.
Kaj ji bodo polja, če lahko v sezoni , ko bi morali žeti zažgejo polja in silose vržejo v luft...
Zato pa je panika...
Pa v treh mesecih se je za ukrajino dalo skoraj 30 mijard $. Glede na to da je še pred februarjem grozil defualt ukrajisnkega dolga, si zamisli koliko je teh 30 mijard, in a resno misliš da imajo Ukrajici kaj besede ?
A ni ta denar primarno za orožje?
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: D3m ()
Mr.B ::
A ni ta denar primarno za orožje?
Niti ne, deklarinao je nudenje inteligentnih podatkov za nato partnerje... ok nic z ukrajino... Oni so super mani.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
TezkoDihanje ::
A tako, kot Oryx oz. Bellingcat?
Kaj točno bi sploh rad povedal s tem?
Oryx je site, ki piše o tehniki že leta in leta.
Ni to politična organizacija ali ne vem kaj imaš v svoji butasti glavi.
En kup zanimivih člankov ima na svoji strani, recimo tale o vojski Transnistrije
The Victory Day Parade That Everyone Forgot
Za bellingcat je pa napisal te članke:
ZOPET gre za opise vojaške tehnike.
blay44 ::
D3m tako nekako.
Upoštevati moraš, da selekcijo na položajih na en strani v večini
odločajo sorodstvena/pripadnostna/denarna merila. Zato tudi kolaps Južne fronte.
Je pa zanimivo, da nihče ne da nobenih podatkov o ladji. Tudi o Moskvi ne.
Le kaj je bilo na krovu?
V glavnem. Na eni strani je veliko rubljev, graha, fižola, nafte in plina.
Na drugi pa ogromno pšenice in rudnin.
l0g1t3ch ::
Russia - 3470, of which: destroyed: 1906, damaged: 65, abandoned: 264, captured: 1236
Tanks (625, of which destroyed: 332, damaged: 19, abandoned: 47, captured: 227)
Švoh bo 9ga maja.
TezkoDihanje ::
blay44 ::
TezkoDihanje ::
TezkoDihanje ::
Izgleda, da je pa le prispela
za predjed:
Another video of TB2 UCAV strikes on Snake Island, including what looks like a Project 11770 Serna-class landing craft.
Looks like the Bayraktar TB2 struck a Tor SAM system onboard of the landing craft, destroying both.
gor je bil naložen ta nov SAM, ki so ga pripeljal na otok, lol...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TezkoDihanje ()
Mr.B ::
Russia - 3470, of which: destroyed: 1906, damaged: 65, abandoned: 264, captured: 1236
Tanks (625, of which destroyed: 332, damaged: 19, abandoned: 47, captured: 227)
Švoh bo 9ga maja.
Dobro je tzo, da pišejo zahodni mediji civilni upor, potem boste pa jokali, da nobenega ni v Hagu.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold