Forum » Loža » Visoka precepljenost in učinek zaščite
Visoka precepljenost in učinek zaščite
Temo vidijo: vsi
PrihajaNodi ::
Ameriska vojska potrdi da niso prejemali spikanja:
feryz ::
49106 ::
PrihajaNodi je izjavil:
Australia baned main news network:
Earth flaterji
Dobra! Tudi sam bom uporabljal to besedno zvezo.
multivac ::
Earth flaterji?
Haha, epic. Nodi sicer nekaj pospama, ampak vseeno ponudi prekleto veliko vsebine.
Haha, epic. Nodi sicer nekaj pospama, ampak vseeno ponudi prekleto veliko vsebine.
Public Health Emergency of International Concern -> PHEIC
PrimoZ_ ::
Kaj pa pričakujete? Dali so vam 2 šansi, vse ste zajebali, zdaj vas bomo pa malo privili. Tako gre to, življenje niso samo rožice in uživancija, tudi odgovornost je del življenja.A si dobil že tretji šus? Ne?
Torej utihni. Si v isti kategoriji kot mi.
Kaj pa tisti z Janssen cepivom k majo samo en šuš. Ali pa Sputnik oz Astra :)
Malo preverč se tule na fajzerja fokusirate.
Ben Dover ::
Earth flaterji?
Haha, epic. Nodi sicer nekaj pospama, ampak vseeno ponudi prekleto veliko vsebine.
Nodiju ne sežeš do kolen.
@Nodi kaj nabavit za v bunker? Hrana in to? Kaj priporočaš?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Ben Dover ()
PrihajaNodi ::
Prosim za pregled vsebine. Malo poklikajte okoli ocesa:
Vse je pripravljeno Earth Flaterji
Vse je pripravljeno Earth Flaterji
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: PrihajaNodi ()
;-) ::
Zaenkrat nam dobro kaže, precepljenosti ne bo, pod polovico smo se ustavili. Gotovo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Dimnik ()
PrihajaNodi ::
Zaenkrat nam dobro kaže, precepljenosti ne bo, pod polovico smo se ustavili. Gotovo.
Se sanja se ti ne…
PrimoZ_ ::
PrihajaNodi ::
Lumber shortage?
feryz ::
Ben Dover ::
Zaenkrat nam dobro kaže, precepljenosti ne bo, pod polovico smo se ustavili. Gotovo.
Lovse dovolilnice na proticepilce so že v pripravi. Opremo nam tudi že razdeljujejo.
Ravno dobil paket, lepa je, moram jo še umerit na sosedih. Tebi so dali kar 8x scope? Jaz sem dobil samo 4x scope, očitno dobiš boljšo opremo, če si pilot helikopterja..
No ja, bomo pa bolj blizu leteli, se bo treba prilagodit.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Ben Dover ()
PrimoZ_ ::
S helikopterja je tole res top!
Kot da bi streljal na ribe v sodu.
Za lovske opazovalnice pa to :)
Kot da bi streljal na ribe v sodu.
PrihajaNodi je izjavil:
Lumber shortage?
Za lovske opazovalnice pa to :)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: PrimoZ_ ()
feryz ::
Če rabita drona s 4k kamero, da bosta lažje locirala zdrave ljudi, povejta. Ne rabiš zooma, se mu tik pred faco pripelješ.
PrimoZ_ ::
PersonaRuda je izjavil:
Kaj hočeš povedat, da si zajebal pristanek ?
Sej glede na tvoje mentalne omejitve me sploh ne čudi.
A si kupil fejk licenco za pilota tako kot sedaj fejk PCT potrdila ?
Ben Dover ::
Če rabita drona s 4k kamero, da bosta lažje locirala zdrave ljudi, povejta. Ne rabiš zooma, se mu tik pred faco pripelješ.
Locirali ste se že sami, imate tracker vedno v žepu, arhiv je poln... Ko pogledam v podatkovno bazo mi izpiše vse vaše komentarje, sami sebe ste ujeli v past..
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Ben Dover ()
mahoni ::
Mene res iskreno zanima neglede na vase nazore vax-antivax, je tole normalno?
6 cases in se gre zapirat vse in to ze skoraj 2 leti bo sedaj.
6 cases in se gre zapirat vse in to ze skoraj 2 leti bo sedaj.
Tu je bil nesramen podpis, ki mi je prislužil naziv, ampak mi dol visi za tem.
PersonaRuda ::
PersonaRuda je izjavil:
Kaj hočeš povedat, da si zajebal pristanek ?
Sej glede na tvoje mentalne omejitve me sploh ne čudi.
A si kupil fejk licenco za pilota tako kot sedaj fejk PCT potrdila ?
Še en dokaz visoke inteligence vaxxerjev.
Ti in Ben Dover pišeta, da bosta iz helikopterja streljala. In jaz sem s to sliko pokazal, da vidva ne bosta niti vzletela, ampak takoj strmoglavila, kaj šele, da bi na koga streljala iz helikopterja... Zakaj moraš vaxxerjem podnapise dajati? Sploh tistim, ki se imajo za inteligentne vaxxerje.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: PersonaRuda ()
Ben Dover ::
PersonaRuda je izjavil:
PersonaRuda je izjavil:
Kaj hočeš povedat, da si zajebal pristanek ?
Sej glede na tvoje mentalne omejitve me sploh ne čudi.
A si kupil fejk licenco za pilota tako kot sedaj fejk PCT potrdila ?
Še en dokaz visoke inteligence vaxxerjev.
Ti in Ben Dover pišeta, da bosta iz helikopterja streljala. In jaz sem s to sliko pokazal, da vidva ne bosta niti vzletela, ampak takoj strmoglavila, kaj šele, da bi na koga streljala iz helikopterja... Zakaj moraš vaxxerjem podnapise dajati? Sploh tistim, ki se imajo za inteligentne vaxxerje.
Primoz je odličen pilot, samo preveč v telefon gleda kdaj pa kdaj..
PrihajaNodi ::
PersonaRuda je izjavil:
PersonaRuda je izjavil:
Kaj hočeš povedat, da si zajebal pristanek ?
Sej glede na tvoje mentalne omejitve me sploh ne čudi.
A si kupil fejk licenco za pilota tako kot sedaj fejk PCT potrdila ?
Še en dokaz visoke inteligence vaxxerjev.
Ti in Ben Dover pišeta, da bosta iz helikopterja streljala. In jaz sem s to sliko pokazal, da vidva ne bosta niti vzletela, ampak takoj strmoglavila, kaj šele, da bi na koga streljala iz helikopterja... Zakaj moraš vaxxerjem podnapise dajati? Sploh tistim, ki se imajo za inteligentne vaxxerje.
Band over dobr trola. Btw vsaj z znanostjo, ker pac “znanost” in s stevilkami so nehal trolat. Imagodei je pa itak ze ves cas na morju, da bi nam se enkrat pomagal objasniti varnost spikanja. Nic, bomo pa Fafagela poslusal.
Ben Dover ::
Primoz gremo akcijaaaa, Joža požen mi smo prpravlen, wooooohoooo!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Ben Dover ()
PrimoZ_ ::
Ben Dover ::
multivac ::
Pravite, da rabite dokaze?
Ni potrebno masovnih zarot z nastavljenčki povsot. Par "in the know" lepo ustvari krizo in ponudi rešitve.
Skoraj gotovo je bilo povsot tako.
Imamo kup novic, ki pravi, da je Gates fundation povsot talala denar institucijam.
Pač "groom-ali" so jih, za pravi čas.
I think, fundamentally, on vaccines, there was clear
responsibility. There was someone who was actually in charge of it--Kate
Bingham. She was working with Patrick Vallance; she built a team of
people who understood what they were doing. She had the strength of
character not to be pushed around.
We had a kind of formal thing which was, "You're in charge of it. You
report basically directly to the PM. You don't report to the Department of
Health." So she knew who her boss was on it. She built a great team, and
we also said to her, "Treat this like a wartime thing. Ignore rules. If
lawyers get in your way, come to us and we'll find ways of bulldozing them
out of your way."
Clear accountability, and people who really understood what they were
doing. Relative to almost everything else in Whitehall, it was extremely
low friction, and there was some great technical help. Those things, when
you put them together, meant that it worked better than pretty much
anything else.
This is not in any sense a comment on Kate, but I think the fact that it
worked out relatively well to the rest of the world, though, should not
blind us to the fact that we only really got that going--I think my first
conversations about the idea of it with anybody were in March. Patrick
Vallance texted me on, roughly, 24 March I think it was--something like
that; I have got the exact date. Like lots of other things, though, there is
no doubt that we could actually have done this faster than we did.
The conventional wisdom was that we were not going to be able to have
any vaccines in 2020. In March, I started getting calls from various people
saying, "These new MRNA vaccines could well smash the conventional
wisdom, and don't necessarily stick to it." People like Bill Gates and that
kind of network were saying that.
Essentially, what happened is that there was a network of Bill Gates-type
people who were saying, "Completely re-think the whole paradigm of how
you do this. Build in parallel--here is the science thing; here is the
manufacturing thing; here's the distribution; here's the supply; here's the
logistics; here's the data."
The normal thing is that you do those sequentially. What Bill Gates and
people like that said to me and others at No. 10 was, "You need to think of
this much more like some of the classic programmes of the past--the
Manhattan project in world war two or the Apollo programme--and build it
all in parallel. In normal Government accounting terms, that is completely
crazy, because if nothing works out you have spent literally billions
building all these things up, and the end result is nothing--you get zero for
it, it's all waste.
What Bill Gates and people and Patrick Vallance and his team were saying
was that the actual expected return on this is so high that even if it does
turn out to be all wasted billions, it is still a good gamble in the end. All
the conventional Whitehall accountancy systems for that cannot basically
cope with it, and you have to throw them all down the toilet. That is,
essentially, what we did.
Patrick came to me and said, "I want to do this. We must take it out of the
Department of Health." Bear in mind that this was the time we were
having all the conversations about PPE, testing, shielding and all the
things we have gone through today already, with all these different things
being wrong. Patrick said, "Take it out of the Department of Health. Will
you support me on that with the PM?" I said, "Absolutely--damn true I
will." I spoke to the Cabinet Secretary and he completely agreed because,
also, he was watching all of these meetings in April about all the problems
the DH had. So weirdly, this was one of the things that actually had
almost no real formal meetings and actually very little discussion. Patrick,
me and the Cabinet Secretary all basically went to the Prime Minister when
he came back from being ill and said, "There's just no alternative. We've
got to do it like this. It's inconceivable we can leave it in DH. Here's the
structure," and the Prime Minister just decided in 90 seconds: "Fine. Do
it." That was it, and there was basically not really any formal structure.
There was a little bit of whingeing here and there. There was a little bit of
pushback in some quarters, saying, "This is extremely risky. If you don't
go down the EU approach and that works, and we do it ourselves and it
doesn't work, you guys are all going to be in a huge political hole."
Ni potrebno masovnih zarot z nastavljenčki povsot. Par "in the know" lepo ustvari krizo in ponudi rešitve.
Skoraj gotovo je bilo povsot tako.
Imamo kup novic, ki pravi, da je Gates fundation povsot talala denar institucijam.
Pač "groom-ali" so jih, za pravi čas.
Public Health Emergency of International Concern -> PHEIC
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: multivac ()
PrimoZ_ ::
fikus_ ::
PrihajaNodi je izjavil:
Sperma necepljenih bo imela konkretno vrednost v prihodnosti. 2 - 10 let pocakajte
Ampak samo do 40-ega leta. Tako da, če si čez 40, je vseeno ali se cepiš ali ne, tvoja municija ne bo uporabna.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.
multivac ::
Stanje v Izraelu
Vidim dve opciji:
1. Bodisi lažejo, in so v zaroti
2. Bodisi cepiva so nevarne smeti
Niti ena od teh ni dobra za covidiance.
Public Health Emergency of International Concern -> PHEIC
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Dimnik ()
PrimoZ_ ::
Stanje v Izraelu
Vidim dve opciji:
1. Bodisi lažejo, in so v zaroti
2. Bodisi cepiva so nevarne smeti
Niti ena od teh ni dobra za covidiance.
3. Prispevek je garbage s podatki vzetimi iz konteksta ali direktno izmišljenimi.
multivac ::
Če je to res. Morda bodo res to zimo cepljenčki polnili bolnice.
Upam, da JJ ni fejkal svojega špika.
Upam, da JJ ni fejkal svojega špika.
Public Health Emergency of International Concern -> PHEIC
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Dimnik ()
s1m0n ::
Sem povprašal kolega, ki je pilot v vojski... Pravi, da bo težko lovit/iskat necepce saj se radi skrivajo v kleteh in bo ceneje in bolj učinkovito s pehoto.
multivac ::
Morda, so zato rekli, da bo "huda gripa to zimo".
Isto je CDC predlagal nove teste, ki ločujejo "gripo".
Ko sem to dvoje prebral, mi je začelo prekleto sumljivo vse skupaj.
Ali bodo pripisovali polne bolnice neki novi gripi.
Nikogar ne zanimajo tvoji debilizmi.
Če bog da, to zimo bodo tudi zadnji.
Isto je CDC predlagal nove teste, ki ločujejo "gripo".
Ko sem to dvoje prebral, mi je začelo prekleto sumljivo vse skupaj.
Ali bodo pripisovali polne bolnice neki novi gripi.
Sem povprašal kolega, ki je pilot v vojski... Pravi, da bo težko lovit/iskat necepce saj se radi skrivajo v kleteh in bo ceneje in bolj učinkovito s pehoto.
Nikogar ne zanimajo tvoji debilizmi.
Če bog da, to zimo bodo tudi zadnji.
Public Health Emergency of International Concern -> PHEIC
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Dimnik ()
Ben Dover ::
Naslednja v playlisti je pa
It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)![]()
REM so komad izdali že leta 87...
Vse so že takrat vedeli, mislim da jim je baba vanga prišepnila kaj.
Meanwhile in the antiwaxx camp..
Whats dat sound?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Ben Dover ()
darkolord ::
Imamo kup novic, ki pravi, da je Gates fundation povsot talala denar institucijam.Lol, what a surprise. Not.
Pač "groom-ali" so jih, za pravi čas.
A ko doniraš dobrodelnim organizacijam, jih v resnici "groom-aš"?
Če doniraš organizaciji za research zdravljenja levkemije, potem si "in on it" s strani kemične industrije, ki hoče proizvesti biološko orožje, ki povzroča levkemijo?
PrimoZ_ ::
pirat ::
Nodi, multivac, feryz:
Lahko še 100x napišete, da so se ljudje cepili samo zato da lahko hodijo na Hrvaško in v gostilne, pa to še vedno ne bo res.
Da kot razlog za cepljenje dojemate le to, je zgolj vaš intelektualni domet, a večina je (k sreči) vendarle pametnejša in odgovornejša.
p.s. ne pozabite nabaviti ozimnice. Kot kaže jo boste rabili.
Lahko še 100x napišete, da so se ljudje cepili samo zato da lahko hodijo na Hrvaško in v gostilne, pa to še vedno ne bo res.
Da kot razlog za cepljenje dojemate le to, je zgolj vaš intelektualni domet, a večina je (k sreči) vendarle pametnejša in odgovornejša.
p.s. ne pozabite nabaviti ozimnice. Kot kaže jo boste rabili.
kriptobog ::
Nodi, multivac, feryz:
Lahko še 100x napišete, da so se ljudje cepili samo zato da lahko hodijo na Hrvaško in v gostilne, pa to še vedno ne bo res.
Da kot razlog za cepljenje dojemate le to, je zgolj vaš intelektualni domet, a večina je (k sreči) vendarle pametnejša in odgovornejša.
p.s. ne pozabite nabaviti ozimnice. Kot kaže jo boste rabili.
Vbistvu je po večini karto razlog. Vsaj glede na odgovore, ko so novinarji spraševali ljudi v vrsti za cepljenje
Utk ::
multivac ::
Imamo kup novic, ki pravi, da je Gates fundation povsot talala denar institucijam.Lol, what a surprise. Not.
Pač "groom-ali" so jih, za pravi čas.
A ko doniraš dobrodelnim organizacijam, jih v resnici "groom-aš"?
Če doniraš organizaciji za research zdravljenja levkemije, potem si "in on it" s strani kemične industrije, ki hoče proizvesti biološko orožje, ki povzroča levkemijo?
Niso donirali samo dobrodelnim organizacijam.
Ampak tudi recimo Mayo Clinic, sem zadnjič pokazal. EMA je dobila svojo dozo financ.
Seveda...daš grant od par miljončkov za neko butasto preiskavo in že takoj si v dobri luči. Ko pride pandemija pa samo pristopiš zraven.
Definicija "groominga".
"Deklica, zakaj si žalostna? A se starši doma kregajo za ločitev?"
"Tu imaš 50eu, pojdi si kupit en sladoled, da boš malo boljše volje"
*par tednov kasneje*
"Kaj, a ločili so se? Ubožca ti, pridi k meni domov, bova malo igrala playstation".
Niso zastonj to muslim grooming gangs, ki pustošijo po revnih britanskih naseljih.
Isto je Bill delal. Doniral v "dobrodelne" namene, ko pa je prišel pravi čas, se je ponudil kot rešitelja.
Transparentno. Pa saj ti piše gor. Mater, vse boš naredil, samo, da ne priznaš, da so naše institucije morda kompromitirane.
Mislim, ker to se itak ni nikoli zgodili v preteklosti ane? Korporacije niso nikoli podkupovale skorumpirane ljudi?
Darkolord, kaj imaš ti od tega, da toliko to braniš?
Public Health Emergency of International Concern -> PHEIC
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: multivac ()
PrimoZ_ ::
Morda, so zato rekli, da bo "huda gripa to zimo".
Isto je CDC predlagal nove teste, ki ločujejo "gripo".
Ko sem to dvoje prebral, mi je začelo prekleto sumljivo vse skupaj.
Ali bodo pripisovali polne bolnice neki novi gripi.
Sem povprašal kolega, ki je pilot v vojski... Pravi, da bo težko lovit/iskat necepce saj se radi skrivajo v kleteh in bo ceneje in bolj učinkovito s pehoto.
Nikogar ne zanimajo tvoji debilizmi.
Če bog da, to zimo bodo tudi zadnji.
Zadnja zima zate ?
Kje podpišem ?
multivac ::
Nodi, multivac, feryz:
Lahko še 100x napišete, da so se ljudje cepili samo zato da lahko hodijo na Hrvaško in v gostilne, pa to še vedno ne bo res.
Da kot razlog za cepljenje dojemate le to, je zgolj vaš intelektualni domet, a večina je (k sreči) vendarle pametnejša in odgovornejša.
p.s. ne pozabite nabaviti ozimnice. Kot kaže jo boste rabili.
Folk mi je v faco to govoril. O virusu skoraj ni bilo debate.
Kakšen virus!?
Večina pod 50 mi je rekla, da zato, da nima problemov hodit na okoli.
Public Health Emergency of International Concern -> PHEIC
PrihajaNodi ::
Naslednja v playlisti je pa
It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)![]()
REM so komad izdali že leta 87...
Vse so že takrat vedeli, mislim da jim je baba vanga prišepnila kaj.
A se ti mal sam sabo zgovarjas? V fema kampih bomo imeli psihologe.
zmist ::
Pravite, da rabite dokaze?
I think, fundamentally, on vaccines, there was clear
responsibility. There was someone who was actually in charge of it--Kate
Bingham. She was working with Patrick Vallance; she built a team of
people who understood what they were doing. She had the strength of
character not to be pushed around.
We had a kind of formal thing which was, "You're in charge of it. You
report basically directly to the PM. You don't report to the Department of
Health." So she knew who her boss was on it. She built a great team, and
we also said to her, "Treat this like a wartime thing. Ignore rules. If
lawyers get in your way, come to us and we'll find ways of bulldozing them
out of your way."
Clear accountability, and people who really understood what they were
doing. Relative to almost everything else in Whitehall, it was extremely
low friction, and there was some great technical help. Those things, when
you put them together, meant that it worked better than pretty much
anything else.
This is not in any sense a comment on Kate, but I think the fact that it
worked out relatively well to the rest of the world, though, should not
blind us to the fact that we only really got that going--I think my first
conversations about the idea of it with anybody were in March. Patrick
Vallance texted me on, roughly, 24 March I think it was--something like
that; I have got the exact date. Like lots of other things, though, there is
no doubt that we could actually have done this faster than we did.
The conventional wisdom was that we were not going to be able to have
any vaccines in 2020. In March, I started getting calls from various people
saying, "These new MRNA vaccines could well smash the conventional
wisdom, and don't necessarily stick to it." People like Bill Gates and that
kind of network were saying that.
Essentially, what happened is that there was a network of Bill Gates-type
people who were saying, "Completely re-think the whole paradigm of how
you do this. Build in parallel--here is the science thing; here is the
manufacturing thing; here's the distribution; here's the supply; here's the
logistics; here's the data."
The normal thing is that you do those sequentially. What Bill Gates and
people like that said to me and others at No. 10 was, "You need to think of
this much more like some of the classic programmes of the past--the
Manhattan project in world war two or the Apollo programme--and build it
all in parallel. In normal Government accounting terms, that is completely
crazy, because if nothing works out you have spent literally billions
building all these things up, and the end result is nothing--you get zero for
it, it's all waste.
What Bill Gates and people and Patrick Vallance and his team were saying
was that the actual expected return on this is so high that even if it does
turn out to be all wasted billions, it is still a good gamble in the end. All
the conventional Whitehall accountancy systems for that cannot basically
cope with it, and you have to throw them all down the toilet. That is,
essentially, what we did.
Patrick came to me and said, "I want to do this. We must take it out of the
Department of Health." Bear in mind that this was the time we were
having all the conversations about PPE, testing, shielding and all the
things we have gone through today already, with all these different things
being wrong. Patrick said, "Take it out of the Department of Health. Will
you support me on that with the PM?" I said, "Absolutely--damn true I
will." I spoke to the Cabinet Secretary and he completely agreed because,
also, he was watching all of these meetings in April about all the problems
the DH had. So weirdly, this was one of the things that actually had
almost no real formal meetings and actually very little discussion. Patrick,
me and the Cabinet Secretary all basically went to the Prime Minister when
he came back from being ill and said, "There's just no alternative. We've
got to do it like this. It's inconceivable we can leave it in DH. Here's the
structure," and the Prime Minister just decided in 90 seconds: "Fine. Do
it." That was it, and there was basically not really any formal structure.
There was a little bit of whingeing here and there. There was a little bit of
pushback in some quarters, saying, "This is extremely risky. If you don't
go down the EU approach and that works, and we do it ourselves and it
doesn't work, you guys are all going to be in a huge political hole."
Ni potrebno masovnih zarot z nastavljenčki povsot. Par "in the know" lepo ustvari krizo in ponudi rešitve.
Skoraj gotovo je bilo povsot tako.
Imamo kup novic, ki pravi, da je Gates fundation povsot talala denar institucijam.
Pač "groom-ali" so jih, za pravi čas.
multivac ::
Officially recorded bullšit, prosim.
Gatesova fundacija je gojila odnose s pomembnimi institucijami, ko je prišel čas, pa so jim ponudili vse rešitve.
Logistika, proizvodnja, načrti...
Če vam to ni dokaz, potem ni pomoči.
Na srečo imamo uradno zabeleženo, tako da vaša mnenja so vredna bolj kurac od nič.
Gatesova fundacija je gojila odnose s pomembnimi institucijami, ko je prišel čas, pa so jim ponudili vse rešitve.
Logistika, proizvodnja, načrti...
Če vam to ni dokaz, potem ni pomoči.
Na srečo imamo uradno zabeleženo, tako da vaša mnenja so vredna bolj kurac od nič.
Public Health Emergency of International Concern -> PHEIC
PrihajaNodi ::
Kar tolaži se. 3. špik bo samo tako, za hec.
A boš jokal, če ne bo tretjega špika ?
Gremo stavit da bo tretji sus? Zdaj mate kartice in dve dozi, ki bodo brezpredmetne po dolocenem casu. Upam stavit se na 4 sus.