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Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"

Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"

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Pac-Man ::


There is a rush of forecasts of impending explosion of power fight in Chechnya if Ramzan Kadyrov, the Putin's hand there, dies. (He is reported to have very serious health issues.) I am not that sure.

The reason is that the Kadyrov's power in Chechnya hails from two things, in this order. First, the massive amount of money that are poured to Chechnya from the federal budget. In some years, it was reportedly more than all other Russian regions got, combined. For years, federal investment in Chechnya has been, effectively, out of any control by any state bodies save by Putin himself. This part depends on Putin, not on Kadyrov.

Second, Kadyrov has had a group of close associates who share control over financial flows, command his troops, and work as enforcers in all disputes and conflicts. As investigations - including the investigation of the Boris Nemtstov's murder - have demonstrated, they have their own private armies which in turn have their own "turfs", businesses that they "protect". However, my impression is that, unlike in 1990s, this activity is minor, as a source of finance, relative to the first source, federal budget, mentioned above.

So, Kadyrov's death might result in simply transferring the nominal power to a member of his family, with all "deputies" with their private armies occupying the same positions as before.

Long-term, Chechnya is a time-bomb. Kadyrov-style rule, the Putin's solution for the Chechen's drive for independence, will be working as long as Moscow has money to pay for this solution. This might end when Kremlin runs out of money - or will be no longer willing to pay, when Putin is gone. In the ranks of the Russian military, there have always been a lot of people who would prefer to fight in Chechnya, not in Ukraine. Yet running out of money is not the issue right now. So, I would not necessarily expect the Kadyrov's possible death as a tipping point.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::


Poland announced it will ban cars with Russian number plates from entering the country starting 17 September.

Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Finland introduced such a ban earlier this week. 🇪🇪🇫🇮🇱🇻🇱🇹🇵🇱🇺🇦

SZ je 17.9.1939 napadla Poljsko v skladu s tajnim protokolom pakta Molotov-Ribbentrop.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Odgovorni urednik Sputnika v več post-sovjetskih republikah je bil rojen v Ukrajini, pred to zadolžitvijo je pa delal kot vojaški obveščevalec


The Russian-language news outlet Insider reports that Vitaly Denisov, the recently deported head of Russian propaganda outlet Sputnik Moldova, is allegedly a career military intelligence officer with the GRU, Russia’s foreign military intelligence agency.

According to Insider, Denisov was born in 1967 in Ukraine’s Zakarpattia Oblast and studied at the Lviv Higher Military Political School, which trained political officers and military journalists. The school, since renamed the Academy of Land Forces of Ukraine, was struck by Russian Kalibr missiles in July 2022.

Insider claims Denisov refused to swear allegiance to Ukraine after graduating in 1992 and moved to Moscow, where tax records show he worked for the Defense Ministry’s Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper. His mentor was veteran Soviet military journalist Gennady Mironovich, who was embedded with the 40th Army during the Soviet-Afghan war.

At Krasnaya Zvezda, Denisov mostly covered the Airborne Forces and joint exercises between Russian special forces and Chinese units, says Insider. He also published work in Parlamentskaya Gazeta, Specnaz VDV magazine Vityaz-Bratishka, the Interfax news agency, Military-Industrial Courier, and Tribuna za Rubezhom, which reportedly provided journalistic cover for many GRU officers abroad.

Denisov’s trail goes cold after that until 2005, when he received a service apartment on Admiral Lazarev Street and a new officer’s ID, according to Insider. In 2013, he surfaced at the Main Investigative Directorate of the Moscow Region, part of Russia’s federal Investigative Committee, though he has no legal education.

An unnamed Defense Ministry source told Insider that Denisov then transferred to Military Unit 54777, the 72nd Special Service Center, which analyzes intelligence from GRU foreign residencies and conducts information warfare. The center also supposedly oversees several front organizations that receive state grants to target Russian-speakers abroad.

In 2016, Denisov was promoted to colonel and appointed Sputnik’s chief editor in South Ossetia in 2019, says Insider. There, he claimed someone tried to poison him with cooking gas, but a probe found the tube was simply old.

After a stint heading Sputnik in Baku, Azerbaijan, Denisov was sent to Moldova in 2022 to monitor the situation and push the Kremlin’s narrative, according to Insider. But Sputnik’s website and broadcasts were blocked after Russia invaded Ukraine.

Earlier this year, 36 Russian diplomats were expelled from Moldova after a joint investigation with Moldovan outlet Jurnal TV revealed intelligence officers operating from Russia’s Chisinau embassy.

Denisov could not be reached for comment, reports Insider.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Tom Cotton, trumpov fan #1 podpira ATACMS-e za Ukrajino


The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

mojsterleo ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:


Poland announced it will ban cars with Russian number plates from entering the country starting 17 September.

Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Finland introduced such a ban earlier this week. 🇪🇪🇫🇮🇱🇻🇱🇹🇵🇱🇺🇦

SZ je 17.9.1939 napadla Poljsko v skladu s tajnim protokolom pakta Molotov-Ribbentrop.
Železna zavesa se že spušča..... 😬

BorutO ::

Evo, ruska vsemogočna poštenost ...

Krimske oblasti želijo prodati ukrajinske hiše
Ruske oblasti na Krimskem polotoku želijo prodati okoli 100 nepremičnin, ki pripadajo razlaščenim Ukrajincem. Nacionalizirane parcele je treba kmalu odstraniti, je na Telegramu zapisal Vladimir Konstantinov, predsednik "parlamenta" Krima.

Ena pripada ukrajinskemu predsedniku Volodimirju Zelenskemu. Izvedlo bi prvih osem dražb za posestva ukrajinskih poslovnežev. Rusija je leta 2014 priključila ukrajinski Krim.

Od nekdaj je znano, da rusi naženejo vse, ki niso njihovi na okupiranih ozemljih in potem naselijo svoje ... To počnejo že ogromno stoletij.

BlaY0 ::

Pa saj nacisti so se to od njih učili. Vse kar je bilo slabega so od njih pobrali.

yayo ::

Saj so bili celo prispevki na ruskih tv postajah kako so, potem, ko so prišli na Krim, rusi najprej postavili vojaške postojanke na nekatere najbolj atraktivne obalne lokacije s ciljem, da so domačinom preprečili prost dostop na plažo, nakar so na istih lokacijah začele rasti vile raznih ruskih politikov in oficirjev.

govorim o 2014 seveda.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: yayo ()

Gregor P ::

Zanimivo, Armenija ne verjame več Rusom
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).

mtosev ::

Gregor P je izjavil:

Zanimivo, Armenija ne verjame več Rusom

Zanimivo. Hvala za link
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

mojsterleo ::

Forbes je objavil podatke o stroških ruske invazije do začetka letošnjega leta. Podatki naj bi bili povzeti iz različnih virov: ruska zakladnica, Ukrajinski MoD ter Reuters.

Skratka po zadnjih izračunih bi Rusi lahko imeli v zadnjih 18 mesecih:
Mrtvih: 372,093
Ranjenih: 508,474
Skupaj žrtve: 880,567

To so trenutno če odštejem ukrajinski MOD, najvišje številke od začetka vojne.
Kaj mislite?

Vir in več podatkov:

Bauc ::

mojsterleo je izjavil:

Forbes je objavil podatke o stroških ruske invazije do začetka letošnjega leta. Podatki naj bi bili povzeti iz različnih virov: ruska zakladnica, Ukrajinski MoD ter Reuters.

Skratka po zadnjih izračunih bi Rusi lahko imeli v zadnjih 18 mesecih:
Mrtvih: 372,093
Ranjenih: 508,474
Skupaj žrtve: 880,567

To so trenutno če odštejem ukrajinski MOD, najvišje številke od začetka vojne.
Kaj mislite?

Vir in več podatkov:

Glede na to, da je govora o Rusih se poraja vprašanje kolk denarja, ki je bil namenjenen za sorodnike umrlih je bilo pokradenega. Obstaja možnost, da je mrtvih manj ampak so si denar razdelili ruski buđovani.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Bauc ()

sir_mha ::

Gregor P je izjavil:

Zanimivo, Armenija ne verjame več Rusom

Nič pretresljivo novega ampak dober pregled, recimo za nekoga, ki ne spremlja preveč ta del sveta.

Chalky ::

mojsterleo je izjavil:

Forbes je objavil podatke o stroških ruske invazije do začetka letošnjega leta. Podatki naj bi bili povzeti iz različnih virov: ruska zakladnica, Ukrajinski MoD ter Reuters.

Skratka po zadnjih izračunih bi Rusi lahko imeli v zadnjih 18 mesecih:
Mrtvih: 372,093
Ranjenih: 508,474
Skupaj žrtve: 880,567

To so trenutno če odštejem ukrajinski MOD, najvišje številke od začetka vojne.
Kaj mislite?

Vir in več podatkov:

Recimo da zgornje številke prepolovimo kako lahko nekateri trdijo da Rusija računa na izčrpavanje zahoda? V twitu se omenja številka 168 milijard, recimo da številko prepolovimo, na kakšen način se to nebi splačalo ZDA da vse skupaj traja v nedogled? Ne pravim da si želim da se vleče ampak ne razumem kako nekateri prihajajo do zaključkov da bodo ZDA prej popustile? ZDA namenijo 3% svojega vojaškega proračuna za Ukrajino medtem ko Rusija 35% celotnega državnega proračuna. Drugače pa jaz osebno zgornjim številkam ne verjamem, se mi zdijo enostavno pevelike, skoraj 1 milijon mrtvih in poškodovanih? Ne verjamem. Tako visokih številk ne objavlja niti Kijev na svojem Twiter računu. Večja možnost je da so za vojno porabili že 168 milijard. Verjamem da je vsa škoda vojaške tehnike ki so jo do zdaj izgubili vsaj 100 milijard dolarjev. Samo ta mesec so Rusi izgubili eno ladjo, podmornico in sistem s-400 ki stane pol milijarde.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Chalky ()

Ganon ::

Ne samo, da bo obubožana Rusija izčrpala Zahod, tudi borili se bomo do zadnjega Nemca, Francoza, Slovenca, Poljaka ... :))

Lesoto ::

Bauc je izjavil:

mojsterleo je izjavil:

Forbes je objavil podatke o stroških ruske invazije do začetka letošnjega leta. Podatki naj bi bili povzeti iz različnih virov: ruska zakladnica, Ukrajinski MoD ter Reuters.

Skratka po zadnjih izračunih bi Rusi lahko imeli v zadnjih 18 mesecih:
Mrtvih: 372,093
Ranjenih: 508,474
Skupaj žrtve: 880,567

To so trenutno če odštejem ukrajinski MOD, najvišje številke od začetka vojne.
Kaj mislite?

Vir in več podatkov:

Glede na to, da je govora o Rusih se poraja vprašanje kolk denarja, ki je bil namenjenen za sorodnike umrlih je bilo pokradenega. Obstaja možnost, da je mrtvih manj ampak so si denar razdelili ruski buđovani.

Pozabljate na Missing in Action (MIA), ti niso v teh statistikah.

Chalky je izjavil:

mojsterleo je izjavil:

Forbes je objavil podatke o stroških ruske invazije do začetka letošnjega leta. Podatki naj bi bili povzeti iz različnih virov: ruska zakladnica, Ukrajinski MoD ter Reuters.

Skratka po zadnjih izračunih bi Rusi lahko imeli v zadnjih 18 mesecih:
Mrtvih: 372,093
Ranjenih: 508,474
Skupaj žrtve: 880,567

To so trenutno če odštejem ukrajinski MOD, najvišje številke od začetka vojne.
Kaj mislite?

Vir in več podatkov:

Recimo da zgornje številke prepolovimo kako lahko nekateri trdijo da Rusija računa na izčrpavanje zahoda? V twitu se omenja številka 168 milijard, recimo da številko prepolovimo, na kakšen način se to nebi splačalo ZDA da vse skupaj traja v nedogled? Ne pravim da si želim da se vleče ampak ne razumem kako nekateri prihajajo do zaključkov da bodo ZDA prej popustile? ZDA namenijo 3% svojega vojaškega proračuna za Ukrajino medtem ko Rusija 35% celotnega državnega proračuna. Drugače pa jaz osebno zgornjim številkam ne verjamem, se mi zdijo enostavno pevelike, skoraj 1 milijon mrtvih in poškodovanih? Ne verjamem. Tako visokih številk ne objavlja niti Kijev na svojem Twiter računu. Večja možnost je da so za vojno porabili že 168 milijard. Verjamem da je vsa škoda vojaške tehnike ki so jo do zdaj izgubili vsaj 100 milijard dolarjev. Samo ta mesec so Rusi izgubili eno ladjo, podmornico in sistem s-400 ki stane pol milijarde.

$168 miljard za 18 mesecev je v bistvu nizka cifra. Rusi imajo itak deljeno v proračunu, prvič za obrambo (vojsko) ter drugič za "bivša ukrajinska ozemlja". V bistvu gre v obeh primerih za porabo vojske. Pač megla.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Lesoto ()

sir_mha ::

Chalky je izjavil:

mojsterleo je izjavil:

Forbes je objavil podatke o stroških ruske invazije do začetka letošnjega leta. Podatki naj bi bili povzeti iz različnih virov: ruska zakladnica, Ukrajinski MoD ter Reuters.

Skratka po zadnjih izračunih bi Rusi lahko imeli v zadnjih 18 mesecih:
Mrtvih: 372,093
Ranjenih: 508,474
Skupaj žrtve: 880,567

To so trenutno če odštejem ukrajinski MOD, najvišje številke od začetka vojne.
Kaj mislite?

Vir in več podatkov:

V twitu se omenja številka 168 milijard, recimo da številko prepolovimo, na kakšen način se to nebi splačalo ZDA da vse skupaj traja v nedogled? Ne pravim da si želim da se vleče ampak ne razumem kako nekateri prihajajo do zaključkov da bodo ZDA prej popustile? ZDA namenijo 3% svojega vojaškega proračuna za Ukrajino medtem ko Rusija 35% celotnega državnega proračuna.

Ekonomske blokade in šibka trgovina bodo še desetletja stvarnost odnosov Rusov in Zahoda. Napram Kitajcem bodo ekstremno inferiorni, Kitajci se pa ne bodo mogli preveč zameriti Evropejcem, ker je to praktično glavni trg za njih. Rusi bodo morali orožje štancat tudi v miru, ker sedaj se bo NATO oborožil do zob. Zato ZDA ne rabi proxy vojne z Rusi.

Sploh pa je ta vojna prevelika, preveč moteča in nepredvidljiva, da bi bila komurkoli izven spopadenih držav v interesu. Če bi bilo drugače, bi se ameriški politiki obnašali drugače.

Lesoto ::

As it is said: "Today at around 12:30 in the temporarily occupied Svitlodarsk, the Armed Forces of Ukraine successfully "demilitarized" two Buk-M3 anti-aircraft missile complexes."

/2. One of destroyed Buk's from the video above was identified as Buk-M2, supposedly 9A316 of the 9K317 Buk-M2. The other one is M3.

Lesoto ::

Fighters of the "Lyut" brigade, 80 ODSHBr and 5 OSHBr report that they completely liberated KLISHCHIIVKA near Bakhmut

Pac-Man ::

LARPer z Donbas Devuška Telegram kanala



The channel in which E. reveals his killing fantasies is called “DD Geopolitics”. Experts on disinformation and Russian propaganda see it as one of the fastest-growing Russian agitation platforms. “DD Geopolitics” is not only active on Telegram, the anonymous backers also publish content in English on Twitter, YouTube and Spotify. In total, according to publicly available statistics, they reach hundreds of thousands of people. Most of them operate under the protection of anonymity.

For several months, until at least August 2023, E. moderated the propaganda channel as an administrator, was able to delete messages, add or block users. And thus have a direct influence on the spread of sometimes inhumane hate speech under the guise of independent information.

WELT knows it's full name. He lives in a city in western Germany and is 20 years old.

In the “DD Geopolitics” chat, E. set the tone for months. The tone here is rough, reminiscent of notorious American forums like “8Chan,” where politically incorrect jokes circulate alongside open racism and fantasies of killing.

E. also repeatedly represented inhumane positions and glorified war crimes in news reports that WELT archived. “I just like war crimes and killing civilians,” he once wrote. “We will kill all your supporters of Ukraine,” another time. Or: “It seems like every Ukrainian woman who comes here is a whore.” He repeatedly referred to Ukrainians as “faggots” who should be killed.

And: E. revealed things about his private life. They suggest that he lives with his parents, in which state, and that in his free time he likes to play airsoft, a tactical game with special compressed air guns, which are often modeled on real weapons. Photos that E. shared show him with his pseudo-military equipment. He attached the Russian flag and the flag of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic to a uniform. On the magazine and grip of a plastic Kalschnikov there are bands in black, blue and red – the colors of the Russian-occupied territory. E. also mentions his father, a local politician. He - to E's regret - does not share his pro-Russian stance, which the man on the phone confirms.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Lesoto ::

The Russian banner says: "Children, kitchen, church. The sense and greatness of a Russian woman".

That's the motto that Hitler declared in September 1934 in his speech before the Women's National Socialist Organization. He said then: "the world of the German woman is her husband, her family, her children and her home." He used "Kinder, Küche, Kirche"/"Children, Kitchen, Church". But the last part of the slogan, "Church", was omitted because of anti-religious campaigns during the Nazi era. However, now in Russia the church is an integral part of Russian propaganda, so there is no need to omit it

Pac-Man ::

Če koga zanima situacija Armenija-Azerbajdžan ima Theiner več niti


Se ne spoznam, ampak deluje razumno. Menda si tako Armenija kot Azerbajdžan prizadevata za mir, dramo delajo pa Karabahovci, armenski izseljenci in Rusija.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Fungi88 ::

Fungi88 je izjavil:

BlaY0 je izjavil:

BorutO je izjavil:

Bogi kadirovec ... pa tako se je hvalil, da bo prišel do Berlina ...

Zakaj pa ne, pokopan je še vedno lahko tam.

A je umrl?

Sicer pa je že ene dvakrat bil razglašen da je fuč pa na konc ni bilo nič.

Evo, don, don še brca.
Kot sm reku prezgodaj smo se veselili.

Malidelničar ::

Ali držijo info, da so Ukrajinci pri Klischivki in Andriivki udarili tudi preko železnice (železniškega nasipa)? Bodo Rusi postavili novo obrambno črto vzhodneje?
Kaj pa Kurdiumivka, je kaj več info tam - naselje je isto ob železnici tako kot prejšnji dve severneje?
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.

BlaY0 ::

Lesoto je izjavil:

Fighters of the "Lyut" brigade, 80 ODSHBr and 5 OSHBr report that they completely liberated KLISHCHIIVKA near Bakhmut

Hehe, ta fotka bo čez par dni začela krožit po rusofilskih kanalih samo da bodo na zastavah svastike in sonca :D

Fungi88 je izjavil:

Fungi88 je izjavil:

BlaY0 je izjavil:

BorutO je izjavil:

Bogi kadirovec ... pa tako se je hvalil, da bo prišel do Berlina ...

Zakaj pa ne, pokopan je še vedno lahko tam.

A je umrl?

Sicer pa je že ene dvakrat bil razglašen da je fuč pa na konc ni bilo nič.

Evo, don, don še brca.
Kot sm reku prezgodaj smo se veselili.

Jaz sploh nisem impliciral na to, je že mrtev oziroma da bi znal kmalu umreti, podal sem samo možnost, da je še vedno lahko pokopan v Berlinu. Ko bo pač umrl jasno.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: BlaY0 ()

bastadu ::

Na Krimu spet poka 8-)

fur80 ::

Grdo jih pučejo tudi drugod:


Okolica Bakhmuta:


bastadu je izjavil:

Na Krimu spet poka 8-)

Zaprt naj bi bil tudi most.

Naj bi padla obramba Rusov, samo spet naj bi! ;)

Bakhmut direction????
Orc fonts


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: fur80 ()

Ganon ::

Kje sledite trenutnemu dogajanju?

fur80 ::

Ganon je izjavil:

Kje sledite trenutnemu dogajanju?

youtube, twiter, telegram,... :D

kolodvor ::

Na Youtube. Vojaška analitika Scott Ritter:

in Douglas Macgregor:

fur80 ::

Lesoto je izjavil:

As it is said: "Today at around 12:30 in the temporarily occupied Svitlodarsk, the Armed Forces of Ukraine successfully "demilitarized" two Buk-M3 anti-aircraft missile complexes."

/2. One of destroyed Buk's from the video above was identified as Buk-M2, supposedly 9A316 of the 9K317 Buk-M2. The other one is M3.

Ukraine destroys THREE Russian Buk air defence systems in just 24h

Na Krimu naj bi zadeli tudi S400! Noro, če je vse res.

Bauc ::

kolodvor je izjavil:

Na Youtube. Vojaška analitika Scott Ritter:

in Douglas Macgregor:

Ta dva sta pa res prava "analitika" :))

Chalky ::

Današnji intervju generala Mileya (tik pred upokojitvijo) ki pravi da imajo Rusi v Ukrajini več kot 200.000 vojakov

BorutO ::

Zdaj že ugibajo ali je putinov cucek kadirov že dolgo mrtev ...

Zmajc ::

Prebral knjigo od Aiden Aislina "Putin's Prisoner". Saj ne da sem bil presenečen kaj se dogaja z Ukrajinskimi zaporniki v Ruskem ujetništvu sem pa bil rahlo presenečen, da so Ukrajinski kvizlingi v Donecku še dosti hujši do svojih sonarodnjakov kot Rusi sami.

Pac-Man ::


♦️"The Ukrainian Armed Forces might manage to cut off the land corridor between russia and Crimea before winter," Budanov stated in an interview for The Economist ♦️

Key points from the interview with the head of the GUR (Main Directorate of Intelligence):
🔹He doesn't understand those who predicted a quick collapse of the russian defense lines. "Is a pencil strong or weak? It depends on how you look at it." Ukraine still has time. There's more than a month left before the muddy season. "And that's a fact."
🔸russia has absolutely no strategic reserve.
🔹The russian economy will last only until 2025. The flow of weapons will run out in 2026, "maybe earlier."
🔸A prolonged war is dangerous for Ukraine: "We depend on external players. russia largely depends on itself."
🔹Drones play a key role in the war and "will facilitate the operations to liberate our territories. Drones aren't scared. You don't pity them."
🔸The GUR is working on deterrence and retaliation against russia to withstand the expected winter attacks on infrastructure: "Let them start. They'll get a response too."
🔹"We understand we will not end the war with a victory parade in Moscow. But neither should Moscow ever hope to hold one in Kyiv."
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

floyd1 ::

...sem pa bil rahlo presenečen, da so Ukrajinski kvizlingi v Donecku še dosti hujši do svojih sonarodnjakov kot Rusi sami.

Zakaj presenečenje? Če pogledaš malo nazaj v preteklost, je bilo največkrat točno tako. Oni se pač morajo še toliko bolj "izkazati" pred okupatorji, ker niso "prave" narodnosti / (ali barve kože, veroizpovedi....)

Gregor P ::

... le da na kocu potem pospravijo še njih.
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).

Malidelničar ::

Pac-Man: nekateri trdijo, da bo Ukrajina poizkušala operativno delovati tudi v pozni jeseni ter pozimi.
Se pa špekulira, če bi lahko Ukrajinske sile napadle preko izpraznjenega rezervoarja oz. umetnega jezera, ki je nastalo po razstrelitvi jeza pri Nov Kakhovki. Ne ve pa se ali ima rečno dno dovolj nosilnosti da nosi težko mehanizacijo. Je pa res da Rusi tam nimajo nobenih utrjenih linij ......
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.

Pac-Man ::



No it’s just that your country invaded and is currently occupying 20% of their country and you don’t even pretend to care

in to


one might think this is a bizarre freak case. but when i lived in russia, almost daily i’d hear russians whining how their whiteness is under attack and discrimination, and how it is hard to be white.

next second after these statements they would instantly glare at me or any other non-russian person in the vicinity and hiss some racial slur like “khach” 🫠

with me they always struggled, though — whether to use “khach” (because I look a bit Kartvelian) or “khokhol” (for those who knew I am from Ukraine) or even “churka” (because of slight Asianness) — i found this struggle of a racist to box a mixed person hilarious 😂

the point is that even Kartvelians or Ukrainians — all identifying white Europeans — are never white enough for white russians. this post of a russian draft dodger is a great illustration

here’s great piece by @ksvarnon about russian obsession with white lives matter — especially among so-called “liberal crowd” of opposition supporters

and a great essay by @OPolianichev on how russians historically racialized slightly darker looking Eastern Europeans to buttress their white supremacy culture

and this one by @OPolianichev is also ❤️‍🔥

great thread by @MuKappa on the white supremacy foundation of russian identity

at least there’s one upside of russians migrating abroad to chase IKEA and Starbucks - more of foreigners will be exposed to their culture of virulent racism and xenophobia that we’ve been dealing with for centuries
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

LightBit ::

Malidelničar je izjavil:

Se pa špekulira, če bi lahko Ukrajinske sile napadle preko izpraznjenega rezervoarja oz. umetnega jezera, ki je nastalo po razstrelitvi jeza pri Nov Kakhovki. Ne ve pa se ali ima rečno dno dovolj nosilnosti da nosi težko mehanizacijo. Je pa res da Rusi tam nimajo nobenih utrjenih linij ......

Močno dvomim da se da prečkati strugo v času ko je še po poljih blato.

Gregor P ::

Glede na to, da gre vsaj v delu za umetno ustvarjeno jezero, bi se lahko kaj tudi hitreje vrnilo v prejšnje naravno stanje oz. posušilo.
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).

Malidelničar ::

LightBit je izjavil:

Malidelničar je izjavil:

Se pa špekulira, če bi lahko Ukrajinske sile napadle preko izpraznjenega rezervoarja oz. umetnega jezera, ki je nastalo po razstrelitvi jeza pri Nov Kakhovki. Ne ve pa se ali ima rečno dno dovolj nosilnosti da nosi težko mehanizacijo. Je pa res da Rusi tam nimajo nobenih utrjenih linij ......

Močno dvomim da se da prečkati strugo v času ko je še po poljih blato.

Ne vem nekaj objavljajo slike in struga je popolnoma suha, oz je dno čisto trdo. Zdaj ali je to dovolj nosilnosti ali pa je samo suha skorja po vrhu, to se pa ne ve ...
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.

LightBit ::

Meni izgleda močvirje:

Morda je lokalno zelo suho.

Zmajc ::

Dno rezervarja se ni spremenilo v neko suho puščavo. Vsa stvar je bolj podobna močvirju kot čemur koli drugemu, suhe predele je zaraslo močvirsko rastje.


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Zmajc ()

LightBit ::

Mene to spominja na:

Pac-Man ::

Pojavile so se še fotografije v ladjedelnici uničene podmornice


📸 CIT investigative journalists published photos of the damaged Russian "Rostov-on-Don" submarine, which was attacked by the Armed Forces of Ukraine last week, when it was at the ship repair plant in Sevastopol

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

kow ::

Ena za nase rusofile:

During the first half of 2023, the European Union temporarily turned into an
exporter of thermal coal due to ample inventories accumulated during the previous
year and reduced coal-fired power generation. In April, EU countries exported
close to 1 Mt. Export destinations included, among others, Morocco, India, and

Tezka bo ruski premogovniski industriji sedaj. Ostali trgi so precej dalec. No, ostane se Turcija.

Lesoto ::

Aerial recon unit SHADOW correcting artillery strikes on two 2S9 Nona 120-mm mortars.

fur80 ::

"The stage of restoration of the Russian economy has been completed. We have withstood absolutely unprecedented sanctions pressure, the sanctions onslaught of some ruling elites in the so-called Western bloc," Putin said during a speech.


in potem to, skoraj najrevnejša država na svetu, ki ima nekaj miljonov zastarelih 155mm. Upam samo, da bodo Kitjaci ob tem spregledali.

Če mi rusofili upravičijo to reklamiranje najbolj zaplankanega in izkoriščevalnega sistema na svetu kot je S Koreja, potem pa res vsaka čast!

Ima da dajo USA ATACMSE, da uničijo to leglo starega železja, ko samo povohajo z vlakom ukrajinsko mejo!

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: fur80 ()
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