Forum » Problemi človeštva » Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
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ripmork ::

fur80 ::
bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:
Če je to res, tem Rusom pa res vozi v glavi na polno.
Even by Russian Nazi standards of sick in head, this stands out ..
Moscow appears to be eradicating any memory or reference to Wagner.. and they started with the desecration of Wagner's graves.
s podnapisi
Saj to je približno jasno, kaj je narobe. >Ne vem, kaj se ta bradonja usaja.
Lokalni aparatčiki so rekli, da so Wagnerjevci kar prišli, nikogar nič vprašali, ter skopali 100+ grobov. Niso vprašali niti, če smejo, niti kdo bo to vzdrževal. Niti niso vprašali, čigava je ta zemlja, ker ponekod so pokopališča x2 večja in še več kot to. Na enem pokopališču so jim preprečevali pokop, unile pa so nekaj grozili, pa tako.
Zgleda, da je lastnik zemlje, zdaj ko je prilika, na brzino dejansko grobove odstranil in nasul gramoz. To je to. Ne verjamem, da imajo remote Rusi pa neko veliko spoštovanje do wagnerjevcev. Tam na jugu ostov-on-Don so jim dajali neke sladkarije, samo čim je fronta malo dlje, je to vseeno.
Se mi zdi, da je en Sirijc rekel, ki se je boril za Wagner, da v primeru smrti njegova družina dobi 50 000€, papirje so že uničili, sedaj še grobove, Al Habika se bo pa pritožila sedaj komu? :D

Pac-Man ::
S fleksarco nad granato, video:
Ukrainians are dismantling 155mm DPICM artillery shells to extract the DPICM submunitions, repurposing them as excellent drone-dropped grenades. The shells in question are either the M863A1 or M864.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

fur80 ::
Kaj je Luakšenko nekam paničen včeraj in danes? :D Me zanima kdaj se bo naslednjič upal z letalom peljati? ;)
Liars trying to clean their hands.
Lukashenko stated that Prigozhin did not ask him for security guarantees.
Liars trying to clean their hands.
Lukashenko stated that Prigozhin did not ask him for security guarantees.

Lonsarg ::
Vsec mi je da Putin puca sposobne, ker so mu trn v peti. Klasicni avtokratski problem, ko moras za lastni obstoj zrtvovat uspesen kader :)

Bauc ::
Kremelj je zanikal vpletenost v umor MasterChefa. Sem vedel, da putler ni kriv. To je zaprlo usta še zadnjim dvomljivcem.![]()
Putana je resnično najserečnejši človek na svetu. Vsi,ki so mu na poti padejo skozi okno,se zastrupijo ali pa strmoglavijo z letalom

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Bauc ()

fur80 ::
Kremelj je zanikal vpletenost v umor MasterChefa. Sem vedel, da putler ni kriv. To je zaprlo usta še zadnjim dvomljivcem.![]()
Putana je resnično najserečnejši človek na svetu. Vsi,ki so mu na poti padejo skozi okno,se zastrupijo ali pa strmoglavijo z letalom![]()
Če imaš pa še kompleks malega človeka podobno kot Stalin, Napoleon, Hitler, Musolini... in kot drugega človeka postavi človeka, ki je še manjši od tebe Medvedjeva, potem veš, da je to nevarno. Ima pa veliko mizo, to pa res. :D
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()

scythe ::
Vsec mi je da Putin puca sposobne, ker so mu trn v peti. Klasicni avtokratski problem, ko moras za lastni obstoj zrtvovat uspesen kader :)
Prej ko slej bo prišel tudi Putinov čas, ko ga bo en spucal iz prestola.
X870 | 9800X3D | 2x32Gb | 6000Mhz/CL30 | RTX3090FTW3 | HP X27i | Phanteks NV7|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: scythe ()

Malidelničar ::
Zanimivo stališče, o katerem tudi sam že nekaj časa razmišljam:
Ukraine's "victory is closer than you think": US Military Academy asst prof
Ukraine needs to advance just 7-10 km more to put Russia's east-west supply routes in HIMARS/MLRS range
"(Then) it's very hard to see how the Russian army can continue to fight"
"Ukrainians must advance another 10km southward to cover all the terrain between them and the Sea of Azov.
"Ukraine is now closing in on this goal at several spots along the frontline...
"Once this happens, there is (forgive the use of this old term) a domino effect"
Crimea would be supplied only by the Kerch Bridge, whose capacity "will likely not be enough to supply both the western part of the front and the civilian population"
Zato je Tokmak tako ZELO pomemben. Zdaj od Robotyna UAF prodira proti Novopokropivki (in na bokih Kopane in Verbove). Pri Novopokropivki je glavna obambna linija.
Spodaj proti jugu je pa že Tokmak.
Ukraine's "victory is closer than you think": US Military Academy asst prof
Ukraine needs to advance just 7-10 km more to put Russia's east-west supply routes in HIMARS/MLRS range
"(Then) it's very hard to see how the Russian army can continue to fight"
"Ukrainians must advance another 10km southward to cover all the terrain between them and the Sea of Azov.
"Ukraine is now closing in on this goal at several spots along the frontline...
"Once this happens, there is (forgive the use of this old term) a domino effect"
Crimea would be supplied only by the Kerch Bridge, whose capacity "will likely not be enough to supply both the western part of the front and the civilian population"
Zato je Tokmak tako ZELO pomemben. Zdaj od Robotyna UAF prodira proti Novopokropivki (in na bokih Kopane in Verbove). Pri Novopokropivki je glavna obambna linija.
Spodaj proti jugu je pa že Tokmak.
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.

slovencl ::
Norman Filkenstein je naredil eno zelo zanimivo primerjavo/razlago te vojne z vojno iz preteklosti, ki pa je bila takrat obravnavana povsem drugače: klik
Kratek povzetek momlanja. Rusi so imeli pravico napasti Ukrajino,ker so jih sprovocirali Amereričani. Koji kup dreka.
Ne štekam, zakaj kup dreka. A si sploh poslušal, gre za primerjavo 6 dnevne vojen, ki jo je začel Izrael, in vojne v Ukrajini, ki jo je začela Rusija. Ne vem če štekaš - bistven problem je, da mednarodnih norm nihče več ne upošteva. Se pravi edina alternativa, ki ostane, je primerjava z zgodovino in zakaj je bilo včasih nekaj OK, danes pa ni več. In v primeru Izraela je bilo OK, da je napadel sosednje države, pod pretvezo svoje ogroženosti. Sedaj v primeru Rusije pa to kar naenkrat ni več OK.
Ne vem če štekaš kam to pelje - se pravi mednarodne norme ne spoštujemo, niti istih primerov ne obravnavamo več na enak način - kaj je potem to, razpad sistema, teksas, delamo kot se nekomu zljubi. Kdo bo spet sistem postavil nazaj... ali se bomo pobili...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: slovencl ()

Pac-Man ::
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

AvtoR ::
N?ikoli nisem podpiral Izraela. Če bi bil malo bol kooperativen, bqi bil na na BV že zdavnaj mir. Problem pri njih je, da se imajo za izbrano ljudstvo. Mislijo da do nad vsemi in to je glavni problem. In to je nevarno!
Enak problem imajo tudi Rusi. Mislijo da so nekaj več. V resnici so pa samo lažnjivi trop pijancev z imperijalnimi ambicijami, ki jih nihče več ne jemlje resno.? Tako so prozorni, da so jih že zdavnaj vsi prečitali...
Ampak oni gonijo mantro naprej. Delajo se žrtve, čeprav imajo oni vse niti v rokah, da zavlada mir.
Jaz mislim, da ne bodo odnehali, dokler ne doživijo popolne katarze.
Se pravi, da ne bo še kmalu miru...
Enak problem imajo tudi Rusi. Mislijo da so nekaj več. V resnici so pa samo lažnjivi trop pijancev z imperijalnimi ambicijami, ki jih nihče več ne jemlje resno.? Tako so prozorni, da so jih že zdavnaj vsi prečitali...
Ampak oni gonijo mantro naprej. Delajo se žrtve, čeprav imajo oni vse niti v rokah, da zavlada mir.
Jaz mislim, da ne bodo odnehali, dokler ne doživijo popolne katarze.
Se pravi, da ne bo še kmalu miru...

Pac-Man ::
Malidelničar je izjavil:
Zanimivo stališče, o katerem tudi sam že nekaj časa razmišljam:
Ukraine's "victory is closer than you think": US Military Academy asst prof
Ukraine needs to advance just 7-10 km more to put Russia's east-west supply routes in HIMARS/MLRS range
Ne trdim, da se bo zgodovina ponovila, ampak če se kdo spomni od lani:
HIMARS sisteme so dobili tam na začetku junija in celo poletje lepo radirali skladišča ter druge važne točke v dosegu. Bil je cel kup norčevanja v stilu "kje je ta ofenziva", niti se ni vedelo kje bodo udarili, sami so sugerirali, da bo šlo na Herson.
Nato so pa takole konec avgusta začeli z akcijo in v manj kot tednu osvobodili celo harkovsko oblast in še malo zraven.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

fur80 ::
Norman Filkenstein je naredil eno zelo zanimivo primerjavo/razlago te vojne z vojno iz preteklosti, ki pa je bila takrat obravnavana povsem drugače: klik
Kratek povzetek momlanja. Rusi so imeli pravico napasti Ukrajino,ker so jih sprovocirali Amereričani. Koji kup dreka.
Ne štekam, zakaj kup dreka. A si sploh poslušal, gre za primerjavo 6 dnevne vojen, ki jo je začel Izrael, in vojne v Ukrajini, ki jo je začela Rusija. Ne vem če štekaš - bistven problem je, da mednarodnih norm nihče več ne upošteva. Se pravi edina alternativa, ki ostane, je primerjava z zgodovino in zakaj je bilo včasih nekaj OK, danes pa ni več. In v primeru Izraela je bilo OK, da je napadel sosednje države, pod pretvezo svoje ogroženosti. Sedaj v primeru Rusije pa to kar naenkrat ni več OK.
Ne vem če štekaš kam to pelje - se pravi mednarodne norme ne spoštujemo, niti istih primerov ne obravnavamo več na enak način - kaj je potem to, razpad sistema, teksas, delamo kot se nekomu zljubi. Kdo bo spet sistem postavil nazaj... ali se bomo pobili...
A da je SZ, predvsem Kremelj in Rusija leta 1968 napadla Češko je pa vse OK in po pravilih?
Je Rusiji kdo grozil? Ni, je Izraelu kdo grozil? Je.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()

Pac-Man ::
For those slow to learn, Putin just demonstrated his approach to negotiations:
- When in a position of weakness, offer a deal;
- When a deal is struck, rebuild your strength;
- When you are again strong - spectacularly and performatively renege on the deal to send a message.
This isn't just how he approaches negotiations, it's also how he thinks anyone with any strength does... and should.
To his mind, those who offer concessions are weak, and those who stick by them do so because they can't correct that weakness.
He doesn't think he needs to honour any deals he makes because either:
You are strong - in which case you are doubtless planning on reneging too and he has to beat you to the punch.
Or you're weak - in which case it doesn't matter if you feel betrayed by his double-cross.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Bauc ::
Norman Filkenstein je naredil eno zelo zanimivo primerjavo/razlago te vojne z vojno iz preteklosti, ki pa je bila takrat obravnavana povsem drugače: klik
Kratek povzetek momlanja. Rusi so imeli pravico napasti Ukrajino,ker so jih sprovocirali Amereričani. Koji kup dreka.
Ne štekam, zakaj kup dreka. A si sploh poslušal, gre za primerjavo 6 dnevne vojen, ki jo je začel Izrael, in vojne v Ukrajini, ki jo je začela Rusija. Ne vem če štekaš - bistven problem je, da mednarodnih norm nihče več ne upošteva. Se pravi edina alternativa, ki ostane, je primerjava z zgodovino in zakaj je bilo včasih nekaj OK, danes pa ni več. In v primeru Izraela je bilo OK, da je napadel sosednje države, pod pretvezo svoje ogroženosti. Sedaj v primeru Rusije pa to kar naenkrat ni več OK.
Ne vem če štekaš kam to pelje - se pravi mednarodne norme ne spoštujemo, niti istih primerov ne obravnavamo več na enak način - kaj je potem to, razpad sistema, teksas, delamo kot se nekomu zljubi. Kdo bo spet sistem postavil nazaj... ali se bomo pobili...
Ker je Franc posilil Pepco lahko pa Joža Tončko? Tako misliš?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Bauc ()

Pac-Man ::
Veliki Slavjan, besti od "ya nacist" modela (Aleksej Milčakov)
#Finland has arrested one of the leaders of the neo-Nazi group DSHRG Rusich, Jan Petrovskyy, who is under #EU and US #sanctions for participating in the war against #Ukraine
#Kyiv has requested extradition.
Wonder what did he do in decaying west? 🤬🤬🤬
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Anney ::
Obstajata samo dva načina kako živeti svoje življenje:
Prvi pravi, da nič ni čudež, drugi pa, da vse je čudež.
Prvi pravi, da nič ni čudež, drugi pa, da vse je čudež.

Pac-Man ::
⚡️The Armed Forces of 🇺🇦Ukraine are saturating the front with iron models of equipment for the disposal of 🇷🇺Russian Lancet kamikaze drones and high-precision projectiles.
Outwardly, they are identical to real combat units.
Most often, they simulate artillery installations, radars and electronic warfare stations — the highest priority targets for Russian Lancet kamikaze drones.
The presence of such layouts at the front leads to a significant reduction in the loss of Ukrainian equipment.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

dronyx ::
Its Friday!
V JLA se je takim reklo džomba. Mora se človek tudi malo sprostit. Vojskovanje je naporna reč. Sploh če nasprotnik strelja nazaj.

Pac-Man ::
This happens a lot when Ukraine starts winning.🤨🤔🤣
Druga možnost:
Seems that major vatniks are leaving the sinking ship. Might be related to the end of Wagner PMC as a source of money for their botfarms and trolling too.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

MadMen ::
The battle of Robotyne is over with a Ukrainian victory. One of the largest battles of the war so far.
On the Ukrainian side you had the following units
47th Mechanized Brigade
65th Mechanized Brigade
116th Territoral Defense Brigade
117th Territoral Defense Brigade
118th Mechanized Brigade
71st Jaeger Brigade
46th Air Mobile Brigade
82nd Air Assault Brigade
Skala battalion,
78th Special Purpose Regiment
73rd Center
NGU 3rd Brigade
NGU 14th Brigade
About 40,000-48,000 strong
On the Russian side you had the following units.
PMC Tsars Wolves
4th Military Base Battalion
810th Guards Naval Infantry Brigade
503rd Motor Rifle Regiment
249th Motor Rifle Regiment
291st Guards Motor Rifle Regiment
1441st Motor Rifle Regiment
56th Air Assault Brigade
1430th Territoral Motor Rifle Regiment
108th Air Assault Brigade
201st Motor Rifle Regiment
6th Cossack Motor Rifle Regiment
100th Reconnaissance Brigade
1429 Territoral Motor Rifle Regiment
22nd Guards Spetsnaz Brigade
417th Reconnaissance Battalion
70th Motor Rifle Regiment
50th Artillery Regiment
7th Guards Mountain Air Assault Division
42nd Guards Motorized Rifle Division
292nd Artillery Regiment
291st Artillery Brigade
121st Territorial Motorized Rifle Regiment
About 80,000-117,000 strong
Zanimivi podatki, vir

Pac-Man ::
Veliki Slavjan, besti od "ya nacist" modela (Aleksej Milčakov)
#Finland has arrested one of the leaders of the neo-Nazi group DSHRG Rusich, Jan Petrovskyy, who is under #EU and US #sanctions for participating in the war against #Ukraine
#Kyiv has requested extradition.
Wonder what did he do in decaying west? 🤬🤬🤬
The neo-nazi Rusich unit, affiliated with Wagner, is suspending participation in Ukraine war until Yan “Slavyan” Petrovsky, one of its commanders arrested in Finland, comes back to Russia.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

bbbbbb2015 ::
Malidelničar je izjavil:
Zanimivo stališče, o katerem tudi sam že nekaj časa razmišljam:
Ukraine's "victory is closer than you think": US Military Academy asst prof
Ukraine needs to advance just 7-10 km more to put Russia's east-west supply routes in HIMARS/MLRS range
"(Then) it's very hard to see how the Russian army can continue to fight"
"Ukrainians must advance another 10km southward to cover all the terrain between them and the Sea of Azov.
"Ukraine is now closing in on this goal at several spots along the frontline...
"Once this happens, there is (forgive the use of this old term) a domino effect"
Crimea would be supplied only by the Kerch Bridge, whose capacity "will likely not be enough to supply both the western part of the front and the civilian population"
Zato je Tokmak tako ZELO pomemben. Zdaj od Robotyna UAF prodira proti Novopokropivki (in na bokih Kopane in Verbove). Pri Novopokropivki je glavna obambna linija.
Spodaj proti jugu je pa že Tokmak.
To je res, vendar pač ideja je, da če Ukrajinci osvojijo nadaljnjih 7-10km, potem odrežejo vso dobavo streliva Rusom. Problem pa je, da to ni čisto 100% diht. Saj recimo Rusi so obkolili Mariupol, ampak seveda, ne fizično na začetku. Ukrajinci so vseeno pretihotapili in hrano in strelivo. Šele kasneje, dosti kasneje, je bil Mariupol odrezan.
Tako da to še ni začetek konca Rusov, bolj konec začetka.

BlaY0 ::
Ne štekam, zakaj kup dreka. A si sploh poslušal, gre za primerjavo 6 dnevne vojen, ki jo je začel Izrael, in vojne v Ukrajini, ki jo je začela Rusija. Ne vem če štekaš - bistven problem je, da mednarodnih norm nihče več ne upošteva. Se pravi edina alternativa, ki ostane, je primerjava z zgodovino in zakaj je bilo včasih nekaj OK, danes pa ni več. In v primeru Izraela je bilo OK, da je napadel sosednje države, pod pretvezo svoje ogroženosti. Sedaj v primeru Rusije pa to kar naenkrat ni več OK.
Ja ni bilo OK, UN, neuvrščeni in SZ (praktično predhodnica sedanje Rusije) so rekli da to ni OK. Jasno OK so rekli tisti ki so imeli ekonomske interese.
Ne vem če štekaš kam to pelje - se pravi mednarodne norme ne spoštujemo, niti istih primerov ne obravnavamo več na enak način - kaj je potem to, razpad sistema, teksas, delamo kot se nekomu zljubi. Kdo bo spet sistem postavil nazaj... ali se bomo pobili...
Zgoraj sem že napisal repliko... tip gradi svojo teorijo na tem, da se Rusija počuti ogroženo na podlagi enakih dejstev iz WWII kot se je Izrael - holokavst pa to. Pri tem pozabi povedat, da je bilo v Rusijo od WWII pa do razpada SZ pobitih še enkrat toliko ljudi kot med samo WWII. Pozabi tudi omenit gladomor nad Ukrajinci pred WWII.
Zanimivo da ravno Rusija, ki je takrat kot SZ izrazila svoje nestrinjanje z napadom Izraela (Izrael se je nekaj cajta celo lagal, da ni so prvi začeli), zdaj počne isto.

Pac-Man ::
Ne spada ravno sem, so pa vse ustrezne teme zaklenjene. BRICS je en velik hec od organizacije
BRICS is an informal organization with no charter, no secretariat, no established criteria for membership, and no procedures on expansion - it doesn't even have a functioning website.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

fur80 ::
Ukrajinci naj bi prebili glavno rusko obrambno linijo v Zaporožju. Če so navedbe prave in kot je rekel Zalužni, pride šele sedaj zadaj konjenica presenečenja. Pa da vidimo.
I'll share a few details about Tokmak-Robotyne axis, without elaborating details:
- Situation for russians worsened lately;
- They're frantically trying to prevent breakthrough;
- Claims about depleted russian reserves, reinforcements and forces for rotation are incorrect.
Padel še en Su-25
Under Robotino, an enemy pig ship SU-25 flew
Kot je napisal nekdo BRICS je legalna organizacija za pranje denarja, preprodajo in trgovanje z orožjem, vse ostalo se bo kupovalo z dolarji.
I'll share a few details about Tokmak-Robotyne axis, without elaborating details:
- Situation for russians worsened lately;
- They're frantically trying to prevent breakthrough;
- Claims about depleted russian reserves, reinforcements and forces for rotation are incorrect.
Padel še en Su-25
Under Robotino, an enemy pig ship SU-25 flew
Ne spada ravno sem, so pa vse ustrezne teme zaklenjene. BRICS je en velik hec od organizacije
BRICS is an informal organization with no charter, no secretariat, no established criteria for membership, and no procedures on expansion - it doesn't even have a functioning website.
Kot je napisal nekdo BRICS je legalna organizacija za pranje denarja, preprodajo in trgovanje z orožjem, vse ostalo se bo kupovalo z dolarji.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()

fur80 ::
Ups. Nerodna reč.
Še nadaljevanje.

sir_mha ::
Ups. Nerodna reč.
Še nadaljevanje.
V bistvu je četvorka na strehi uspela obvarovat transporter pred projektilom.

Bauc ::
Ups. Nerodna reč.
Še nadaljevanje.
V bistvu je četvorka na strehi uspela obvarovat transporter pred projektilom.
Specialni ruski reaktivni oklep model 2023.

BorutO ::
Kot je napisal nekdo BRICS je legalna organizacija za pranje denarja, preprodajo in trgovanje z orožjem, vse ostalo se bo kupovalo z dolarji.
Ne vem, če je že kdo objavil to...

s1m0n ::
Spet ta z jadrnico... Kaj pa vem. Če bi res z njo prevažali eksploziv bi sledi bile povsod ne samo na par mestih...

Chalky ::
Se še komu zdi čudno da Wagner ni odgovoril na sestrelitev letala in umor Prigožina? Osebno sem pričakoval da se bodo uprli pa očitno iz tega ne bo nič. Čudno se mi zdi ker so zadnjič na pobudo Prigožina drveli proti Moskvi, zdaj ga je pa Putin likvidiral pa nič? Ali je možno da Prigožin niti približno ni imel toliko vpliva kot so o tem poročali mediji? Zadnjič je bila cela štala, danes pa vse mirno, to se mi zdi izjemno čudno. Ali bo Wagner vse skupaj enostavno spregledal? Čudno vse skupaj.

Matheus ::
Se še komu zdi čudno da Wagner ni odgovoril na sestrelitev letala in umor Prigožina? Osebno sem pričakoval da se bodo uprli pa očitno iz tega ne bo nič. Čudno se mi zdi ker so zadnjič na pobudo Prigožina drveli proti Moskvi, zdaj ga je pa Putin likvidiral pa nič? Ali je možno da Prigožin niti približno ni imel toliko vpliva kot so o tem poročali mediji? Zadnjič je bila cela štala, danes pa vse mirno, to se mi zdi izjemno čudno. Ali bo Wagner vse skupaj enostavno spregledal? Čudno vse skupaj.
Še enkrat:
"Pa valda niste res naivno pričakovali, da bodo Wagnerjevci brez obeh najbolj vplivnih mož (pa verjetno še kakšen med umrlimi) sposobni uprizoriti puč?
Razseljeni so sedaj po celem svetu na raznih misijah. Od Belorusije, Ukrajine pa do Afriških držav. Mnogim v vrstah Wagnerja je verjetno smrt teh ljudi celo tista zadnja bilka, da spizdijo iz te kriminalne združbe brez dodatnih posledic."
To je sedaj navadna razpuščena banda. Sej zagotovo imajo kakšnega novega vodjo, pa še ta verjetno pod vplivom FSB. Zdaj bodo enostavno še naprej plačanci in lepo služili z mrcvarjenjem ljudi v Afriki. Lih gre se njim it delat samomor proti Putinu ja

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Matheus ()

mojsterleo ::
Se še komu zdi čudno da Wagner ni odgovoril na sestrelitev letala in umor Prigožina? Osebno sem pričakoval da se bodo uprli pa očitno iz tega ne bo nič. Čudno se mi zdi ker so zadnjič na pobudo Prigožina drveli proti Moskvi, zdaj ga je pa Putin likvidiral pa nič? Ali je možno da Prigožin niti približno ni imel toliko vpliva kot so o tem poročali mediji? Zadnjič je bila cela štala, danes pa vse mirno, to se mi zdi izjemno čudno. Ali bo Wagner vse skupaj enostavno spregledal? Čudno vse skupaj.Kaj je tu čudnega?
Sej poznate zgodbo Hitlerjevega generala Erwina Rommla?
Putin ga je ukazal sneti, sedaj itak vse zanikajo samo še čakamo na izsledke ‘uradne’ preiskave. Verjetno bodo obtožili Ukrajino, ali pa kakšne interne odpadniške elemente Wagnerja ki so bili integrirani v Rusko vojsko. In bodo s tem še pospešili gonjo proti njim.

Pac-Man ::
kratek video
Zanimivo, da mu je uspelo skupaj spravit "Don't speak [foreign] language" v Angleščini.
Po malo guglanja, možno da gre za dva dogodka, udarec ni posnet
Reporter Rania Dridi from Al Jazeera was live reporting in Arabic from Sankt Petersburg regarding a Wagner Memorial when a Russian attacked her, demanding her to speak Russian.
She was admitted to a hospital with bruises and a concussion.
Source: Al Jazeera
Zanimivo, da mu je uspelo skupaj spravit "Don't speak [foreign] language" v Angleščini.
Po malo guglanja, možno da gre za dva dogodka, udarec ni posnet
Palestinian journalist Rania Dridi was beaten outside the former PMC Wagner Center on Zolnaya Street on the night of August 25. According to Fontanka, the unidentified man hit the 41-year-old woman on the head and walked away.
A correspondent covering the Russian-Ukrainian conflict on Arab television described the attacker as a Slavic man in his 30s, dressed in jeans and a black jacket. Dridi was hospitalized from the scene to the Alexander Hospital, where she was diagnosed with a concussion and a closed craniocerebral injury. The attacker was hit in the right temple.
Fontanka requested a comment from the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. The journalist herself refused to comment on the attack.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

mikhaair ::
Se manj 'pomembni' 'podjetniki' in se ne vozijo skupaj v istem avioni, ker paranoično, kaj pa če. Seveda na vsi. Tukaj pa so z enim avionom sklatil 3 kos vrhovne Wagnerja. Samozavest serijsko. Ali pa neumnost serijsko?

Pac-Man ::
mojsterleo je izjavil:
Verjetno bodo obtožili Ukrajino, ali pa kakšne interne odpadniške elemente Wagnerja ki so bili integrirani v Rusko vojsko. In bodo s tem še pospešili gonjo proti njim.
Ponavadi krivijo Čečene. Kadirov izpade še bolj krvoločen kot je, oni pa čisti. Preiščejo bolj na pol.
If Putin decides to go for the "Chechen trace", as with Nemtsov and numerous FSB/Vympel assassinations they covered up as Kadyrov-driven revenge killings, they will have a convenient coincidence: it happened on Kadyrov-father's birthday, Aug 23.
Last time they tried (unsuccessfully) to push the "Chechen trace" narrative was in the Zelimkhan Khangoshvili assassination in Berlin. Also 23 August. (and this "coincidence" did initially misdirect the German investigation).
I really thought I was using a hyperbole.
V nesreči je umrl Juice, en od glavnih kandidatov za pilotiranje F-16, ki je po ZDA lobiral za dobavo.
🕯️Two Ukrainian L-39 training planes collided in Zhytomyr Oblast on the evening of August 25. Unfortunately, three pilots, including well-known pilot with callsign Juice, were killed. State Bureau (SBI) has launched an investigation, official comment should be released later.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

sir_mha ::
Spiegel članek na temo preiskave odgovornosti za eksplozije na plinovodu NS1 in 2.
Je kar prepričljivo. Edino kar ostane, tega nispo posebej omenjali, tisto žensko na mobitelu, so eni drugi raziskovalni novinarji locirali v Rusiji. Ta podatek tukaj ni obravnavan.

Pac-Man ::
kratek video s podnapisi
A fragment of a conversation recorded in 2015 with the leaders of the neo-Nazi group "Rusich" Alexei Milchakov and Yan Petrovsky
Yan Petrovsky confesses that he killed 6 Ukrainian prisoners of war who were captured in the battle near Luhansk on September 5, 2014
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

BorutO ::
Laži moskovske protizračne obrambe in propagande ...

Pac-Man ::
Medvedev je bil spet intimen z vodko
Rusija mora imet popoln nadzor nad vsem kar se dogaja na teritoriju bivše banderistične države. Maček je iz žaklja.
This is a translation of a Telegram post by Dmitry Medvedev.
Russian leaders are openly calling for genocide of Ukrainians and are willing to destroy every last person in our country.
Here is his post:
"The West is bound to fail at the Ukrainian front.
And let their leaders, who have forgotten about their own citizens, shout trying to outdo each other that they will support the pieces of Ukraine with arms and money for as long as necessary, train soldiers for the Kyiv butchery, rebuild the ruins of the dying economy of the Bandera regime, maintain insane sanctions against Russia. It won't help. Why?
It is a foreign war for them in which strangers die, not them. And while they don't feel sorry for Ukrainians, the West will never go beyond the point where it becomes too damaging for its interests. No matter how much the West wails at its summits and at the UN. Alien war sooner or later becomes boring, costly and irrelevant.
But for us, it is a tragedy involving our people. It is an existential conflict. A war for self-preservation. It's either them or us.
Some time will pass. Western authorities will change, their elites will get tired and will beg for negotiations and freezing the conflict. Any counter-offensive will be exhausted. They will mourn dead, lick their wounds. But we must not stop until the current, terrorist by nature, Ukrainian state is completely dismantled. It must be destroyed to the ground. Or rather, so that not even ashes of it remain. So that this abomination can never, under any circumstances, be revived.
If it takes years or even decades, so be it. We have no choice: either we destroy their hostile political regime, or the collective West will eventually destroy Russia. And it will perish with us in that case.
No one wants that.
Therefore, only a complete utilization of the hostile country state machine and absolute guarantees of loyalty for the future are necessary.
These guarantees can only be achieved by Russia's control over everything that is happening and will happen on the territories of the former Banderite state. And we will achieve it."
Rusija mora imet popoln nadzor nad vsem kar se dogaja na teritoriju bivše banderistične države. Maček je iz žaklja.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Bauc ::
Medvedev je bil spet intimen z vodko
This is a translation of a Telegram post by Dmitry Medvedev.
Russian leaders are openly calling for genocide of Ukrainians and are willing to destroy every last person in our country.
Here is his post:
"The West is bound to fail at the Ukrainian front.
And let their leaders, who have forgotten about their own citizens, shout trying to outdo each other that they will support the pieces of Ukraine with arms and money for as long as necessary, train soldiers for the Kyiv butchery, rebuild the ruins of the dying economy of the Bandera regime, maintain insane sanctions against Russia. It won't help. Why?
It is a foreign war for them in which strangers die, not them. And while they don't feel sorry for Ukrainians, the West will never go beyond the point where it becomes too damaging for its interests. No matter how much the West wails at its summits and at the UN. Alien war sooner or later becomes boring, costly and irrelevant.
But for us, it is a tragedy involving our people. It is an existential conflict. A war for self-preservation. It's either them or us.
Some time will pass. Western authorities will change, their elites will get tired and will beg for negotiations and freezing the conflict. Any counter-offensive will be exhausted. They will mourn dead, lick their wounds. But we must not stop until the current, terrorist by nature, Ukrainian state is completely dismantled. It must be destroyed to the ground. Or rather, so that not even ashes of it remain. So that this abomination can never, under any circumstances, be revived.
If it takes years or even decades, so be it. We have no choice: either we destroy their hostile political regime, or the collective West will eventually destroy Russia. And it will perish with us in that case.
No one wants that.
Therefore, only a complete utilization of the hostile country state machine and absolute guarantees of loyalty for the future are necessary.
These guarantees can only be achieved by Russia's control over everything that is happening and will happen on the territories of the former Banderite state. And we will achieve it."
Rusija mora imet popoln nadzor nad vsem kar se dogaja na teritoriju bivše banderistične države. Maček je iz žaklja.
Zdaj je nenda vsem jasno,da pogajanja z rusi niso možna. Namesto,da bi iskali izhod in poizkušali umirjati sutuacijo pljuvajo na karbid in ustvarjajo histerijo med rusko rajo in s tem zapirajo vrata za pogajanja tudi samim sebi. Medvedev bi bil v normalni državi odstranjen od vseh vzvodov odločanja. Norišnica.

Bauc ::