Forum » Loža » Volitve v ZDA 2020
Volitve v ZDA 2020
Temo vidijo: vsi
Zorro ::
Možno, da se laže. Samo glede na njegovo vsesplošno nepriljubljenost, bi taka stvar hitro prišla na dan. No mogoče ne bi, če je tekmec še bolj nepriljubljen. Mogoče za njim še on zboli, pa sploh ne bo več soočenj do samih volitev.
Le kaj bo, če se oba zaradi virusa stegneta.
Le kaj bo, če se oba zaradi virusa stegneta.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Zorro ()
Poldi112 ::
Kaj sedaj je to konec igre, ko se je Trump okužil? Koliko šans imata z Ivanko, da preživita?
Od oka ene 10x višjo od povprečnega američana, ki si ne more privoščiti take zdravstvene oskrbe, kaj šele bolniške v 2 službah, ki ju nujno potrebuje, da ne izgubi strehe nad glavo.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Poldi112 ::
Grozno kakor bi to bilo, bi vsaj deloma odprlo oči masi ovčk, ki zaradi Trumpa blejajo, da gre za nateg in iz principa nočejo nositi maske. Žal pa navadno ceno plačajo nedolžni, tako da bo verjetno tudi tokrat tako.
A upanje umre zadnje. :)
A upanje umre zadnje. :)
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Pac-Man ::
Prva misel mi je da laže glede okužbe
Možno, ocena tega bo precej odvisna od samega poteka in dodatnih okuženih. Po novem je pozitivna tudi Ronna Romney McDaniel.
Zaenkrat se vseeno nagibam k temu, da gre zares. V beli hiši je bojda splošna panika, folk je začel nosit maske.
Zadevo so ujeli hitro, so terapije ki lahko zmanjšajo tveganje v prihodnjih dnevih. Po drugi strani pretežek 74-letnik nima ravno poštene kocke. Tak je običajen potek:
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
suzej ::
Grozno kakor bi to bilo, bi vsaj deloma odprlo oči masi ovčk, ki zaradi Trumpa blejajo, da gre za nateg in iz principa nočejo nositi maske. Žal pa navadno ceno plačajo nedolžni, tako da bo verjetno tudi tokrat tako.
A upanje umre zadnje. :)
Ali mu pa ne bo nič in bodo ljudje še bolj prepričani, da je vse skupaj nateg.
Urbano#Desno ::
Za Trumpa naj vas ne skrbi. Vprašanje pa je a je pošpukal bajdna tekom debate, ker on pa je ogrožen že tko brez okužbe izgleda kot da bo skup padel.
Pac-Man ::
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Še senator Mike Lee.
Sen. Mike Lee is COVID positive.
Per @GarrettHaake, Lee met with Judge Barrett on Tuesday. He's a member of the Judiciary committee.
He's also been a regular attendee of the GOP's weekly lunches.
Na prvo žogo je skupni imenovalec vseh okuženih predstavitev nominiranke za vrhovno sodnico v beli hiši.
Sen. Mike Lee is COVID positive.
Per @GarrettHaake, Lee met with Judge Barrett on Tuesday. He's a member of the Judiciary committee.
He's also been a regular attendee of the GOP's weekly lunches.
Na prvo žogo je skupni imenovalec vseh okuženih predstavitev nominiranke za vrhovno sodnico v beli hiši.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Še predsednik univerze Notre Dame. Tudi na sobotni predstavitvi.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Miki N ::
A to, da zna biti Trump edini na Kronco imuni kandidat novembra.. vas pa ne skrbi? Rona power!
PrimoZ_ ::
Urbano#Desno je izjavil:
Za Trumpa naj vas ne skrbi.
Slavne zadnje besede?
Za njega skrbi vojska dohtarjev in na voljo so mu vsi dosežki medicine.
Mislim da mu ne bo res hudega.
Miki N ::
Jaz celo sumim, da če preboli ok bo to izrabil za trolarijo 100mph. Ni Trump dobil Korone, Korona je dobila Trumpa LOL :D
Pac-Man ::
Trump je dobil eksperimentalna protitelesa, zdaj ga z Marine One transportirajo v bolnico. Menda oboje za vsak slučaj.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Poldi112 ::
Taprav alfa samec.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Argica ::
Kaj če budala ne bo sploh zdravstveno opravilen za kandidaturo na volitvah? Kaj pravi Ustava?
Hypathia ::
Če Trumpi zaradi korone ne bo mogel finisirati kampanje in bo posledično izgubil volitve, bo to eden največjih primerov poetic justice v zgodovini ever.
dild0idis ::
Candace Owens pa, da vidimo medije, kako jo želijo prikazati kot belo nacionalistko in neo-fašistko.
Ni važno na koga mečeš jedrske, važno je, da ti Lady Gaga poje!
Pac-Man ::
Pozitivni so še Kellyanne, senator Thom Tillis in trije dopisniki iz bele hiše. Oba imenovana sta bila na sobotni predstavitvi kandidatke, Kellyanne tudi na debatnih pripravah.
24. september:
Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C., on Thursday told a virtual town hall audience that he believed the 200,000 deaths attributed to COVID-19 in the U.S. had been inflated in order to "encourage people to use social distancing."
Tillis also embraced an extreme anti-vaccine position and appeared to welcome herd immunity as part of a strategy to get 60% of the country immune. (Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert, said last month that a herd immunity strategy would lead to an "enormous" death rate that would be "totally unacceptable.")
24. september:
Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C., on Thursday told a virtual town hall audience that he believed the 200,000 deaths attributed to COVID-19 in the U.S. had been inflated in order to "encourage people to use social distancing."
Tillis also embraced an extreme anti-vaccine position and appeared to welcome herd immunity as part of a strategy to get 60% of the country immune. (Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert, said last month that a herd immunity strategy would lead to an "enormous" death rate that would be "totally unacceptable.")
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
dild0idis ::
Evo malce nore teorije.
V naslednjih dneh Biden sporoči, da ima kitajski virus in da ga je Trump nalezel, ter ne more več nadaljevati in DNC hitro zamenja Bidena s Kamalo.
V naslednjih dneh Biden sporoči, da ima kitajski virus in da ga je Trump nalezel, ter ne more več nadaljevati in DNC hitro zamenja Bidena s Kamalo.
Ni važno na koga mečeš jedrske, važno je, da ti Lady Gaga poje!
Pac-Man ::
Njegovo vodjo kampanje sem zgrešil.
Donald Trump’s campaign manager has tested positive for Covid-19, dealing another blow to his reelection effort on a day that saw the president and the head of the Republican National Committee report contracting the disease as well.
Bill Stepien received his diagnosis Friday evening and was experiencing what one senior campaign official described as “mild flu-like symptoms.” People familiar with the situation said the 42-year-old Stepien plans to quarantine until he recovers.
Trump je na remdesivirju. Bojda paničari.
POTUS was spooked after he tested positive for coronavirus and became increasingly alarmed as he developed symptoms — like a fever — overnight, person familiar with his reaction says.
Tole panično metanje vsega čez ogenj ponuja možnost za kake navskrižne stranske učinke.
Donald Trump’s campaign manager has tested positive for Covid-19, dealing another blow to his reelection effort on a day that saw the president and the head of the Republican National Committee report contracting the disease as well.
Bill Stepien received his diagnosis Friday evening and was experiencing what one senior campaign official described as “mild flu-like symptoms.” People familiar with the situation said the 42-year-old Stepien plans to quarantine until he recovers.
Trump je na remdesivirju. Bojda paničari.
POTUS was spooked after he tested positive for coronavirus and became increasingly alarmed as he developed symptoms — like a fever — overnight, person familiar with his reaction says.
Tole panično metanje vsega čez ogenj ponuja možnost za kake navskrižne stranske učinke.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Poldi112 ::
Trump's debate guests refused to wear masks, flouting rules
Several in the president's entourage continued without masks after an official from the Cleveland Clinic, which co-hosted the debate, offered them masks in case they didn't have any, according to debate moderator Chris Wallace. "They waved them away," Wallace said on Fox News on Friday morning.
It was a violation of rules that both campaigns agreed to, Frank Fahrenkopf, head of the Commission on Presidential Debates, said in an interview with The Washington Post.
Several in the president's entourage continued without masks after an official from the Cleveland Clinic, which co-hosted the debate, offered them masks in case they didn't have any, according to debate moderator Chris Wallace. "They waved them away," Wallace said on Fox News on Friday morning.
It was a violation of rules that both campaigns agreed to, Frank Fahrenkopf, head of the Commission on Presidential Debates, said in an interview with The Washington Post.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Pac-Man ::
Evo malce nore teorije.
V naslednjih dneh Biden sporoči, da ima kitajski virus in da ga je Trump nalezel, ter ne more več nadaljevati in DNC hitro zamenja Bidena s Kamalo.
Butasta teorija.
Biden je bojda joker, ki bo mimo volivcev pretihotapil skrajno levico.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Unless I forgot someone, as of tonight, every Trump campaign manager in history has either been taken into police custody or contracted Covid-19.
in to
The Trump campaign manager position is like being the #3 guy in Al Qaeda in the 2000s.
Unless I forgot someone, as of tonight, every Trump campaign manager in history has either been taken into police custody or contracted Covid-19.
in to
The Trump campaign manager position is like being the #3 guy in Al Qaeda in the 2000s.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Claudia Conway:
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Trump's debate guests refused to wear masks, flouting rules
Še huje, niso jih testirali, ker je bilo logistično nemogoče. Prišli so prepozno.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Fritz ::
Če Trumpi zaradi korone ne bo mogel finisirati kampanje in bo posledično izgubil volitve, bo to eden največjih primerov poetic justice v zgodovini ever.
Glede na to, da je zaradi njega neposredno pomrlo precej več Američanov kot bi jih sicer, bi bilo edino pravično, da ga 'just a flu' lepo pobere.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Pac-Man ::
Na twitterju aktiven liberalen dohtar.
I fear that if Trump dies from COVID-19, his rabid followers will go from calling Covid a hoax to going all out labeling it the “China Virus” and taking their anger out against Asian Americans. They go between both extremes so easily, and as a Chinese American it truly scares me.
So Trump is receiving Regeneron’s polyclonal antibody cocktail coming from the same genetically modified humanized mice I had once used in my own research that got me subpoenaed by Congress and isn’t taking hydroxychloroquine that his Demon Semen doctors push for the rest of us.
Remdesivir is a fake RNA nucleotide that tricks viral RNA polymerase into using it to cause chain termination. It was made for Hepatitis C but didn’t work. Then used for Ebola but didn’t work. Now they’re giving it to Trump for the coronavirus and it probably doesn’t work either.
I fear that if Trump dies from COVID-19, his rabid followers will go from calling Covid a hoax to going all out labeling it the “China Virus” and taking their anger out against Asian Americans. They go between both extremes so easily, and as a Chinese American it truly scares me.
So Trump is receiving Regeneron’s polyclonal antibody cocktail coming from the same genetically modified humanized mice I had once used in my own research that got me subpoenaed by Congress and isn’t taking hydroxychloroquine that his Demon Semen doctors push for the rest of us.
Remdesivir is a fake RNA nucleotide that tricks viral RNA polymerase into using it to cause chain termination. It was made for Hepatitis C but didn’t work. Then used for Ebola but didn’t work. Now they’re giving it to Trump for the coronavirus and it probably doesn’t work either.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
suzej ::
I fear that if Trump dies from COVID-19, his rabid followers will go from calling Covid a hoax to going all out labeling it the "China Virus" and taking their anger out against Asian Americans.
Meni je čudno, da se kaj takega ni prijelo že prej. Kaznovat kitajsko/kitajce in s tem preusmerit pozornost od domačih problemov.
Poldi112 ::
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Poldi112 ::
Amazon blocks sales of Proud Boy merch featuring 'stand back stand by' slogan
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Poldi112 ()
mtosev ::
Sam mislim, da bo trumpy tole preživel, ker ima na voljo najboljšo zdravstveno nego na svetu. Čez en mesec je itak finished. 3.11
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
suzej ::
Poldi112 ::
9/11 je bil zgolj izgovor za vojno, o kateri so sanjali že ene 5 let prej. Plus da Afganistan in Irak vojaško in ekonomsko nista ravno na nivoju Kitajske.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Fritz ::
Saj se je.
Mislil sem v okviru korone. Ker 9/11 je umrlo veliko manj ljudi, pa so se šli vojno. Kitajci jih ubijejo veliko več, svet pa nič.
Kje ubijejo veliko več ljudi?
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
zmaugy ::
Kratko ampak sladko:
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
Pac-Man ::
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
suzej ::
9/11 je bil zgolj izgovor za vojno, o kateri so sanjali že ene 5 let prej. Plus da Afganistan in Irak vojaško in ekonomsko nista ravno na nivoju Kitajske.
O vojni s Kitajsko se sanja že desetletja.
Saj se je.
Mislil sem v okviru korone. Ker 9/11 je umrlo veliko manj ljudi, pa so se šli vojno. Kitajci jih ubijejo veliko več, svet pa nič.
Kje ubijejo veliko več ljudi?
Če bi bil interes začet vojno s Kitajsko, bi prikazali žrtve korone kot ubite s strani kitajskega biološkega orožja.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenila: suzej ()
Pac-Man ::
To, video:
Just to be clear: Rick Scott's office is saying he doesn't have COVID and doesn't understand the difference between "positive" and "negative," which many Floridians will find deeply plausible
in to:
Your regular reminder that Rick Scott was the executive of a hospital company that committed massive Medicare & Medicaid fraud & was fined $1.7 billion by the Justice dept, & that he got out with a $300 million paycheck — after pleading the 5th 75 times during depositions.
Just to be clear: Rick Scott's office is saying he doesn't have COVID and doesn't understand the difference between "positive" and "negative," which many Floridians will find deeply plausible
in to:
Your regular reminder that Rick Scott was the executive of a hospital company that committed massive Medicare & Medicaid fraud & was fined $1.7 billion by the Justice dept, & that he got out with a $300 million paycheck — after pleading the 5th 75 times during depositions.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Še Chris Christie.
I just received word that I am positive for COVID-19. I want to thank all of my friends and colleagues who have reached out to ask how I was feeling in the last day or two. I will be receiving medical attention today and will keep the necessary folks apprised of my condition.
I just received word that I am positive for COVID-19. I want to thank all of my friends and colleagues who have reached out to ask how I was feeling in the last day or two. I will be receiving medical attention today and will keep the necessary folks apprised of my condition.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Poldi112 ::
O vojni s Kitajsko se sanja že desetletja.
Nope, ta vlak je odpeljal v šestdesetih in je zdaj zgolj še poceni propaganda.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
mtosev ::
Me zanima ko Trump pride iz bolnišnice, če bo še vedno nadaljeval z lažmi okoli covida ali bo kakšna sprememba. Bi reko da se ne bo spremenil.
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
Pac-Man ::
Trump je popolnoma nesposoben sprememb in priznanja lastne šibkosti. Če bi bila situacija obrnjena bi poslušali kako naj bolehen Biden odstopi od kandidature. Klasičen buli.
Včeraj je bilo točno 4 leta od:
Donald Trump mocks Hillary Clinton over her pneumonia outbreak
Zdravniška ekipa je imela tiskovko. Povedali so, da je 72 ur od diagnoze in 48 ur od prejema protiteles, kar se ne sklada z drugimi informacijami. Bela hiša spina, da so mislili 2. in 3. dan, ampak jim skoraj nihče ne verjame.
Povsem možno, da je pozitiven Donald veselo trosil virus naokrog.
Včeraj je bilo točno 4 leta od:
Donald Trump mocks Hillary Clinton over her pneumonia outbreak
Zdravniška ekipa je imela tiskovko. Povedali so, da je 72 ur od diagnoze in 48 ur od prejema protiteles, kar se ne sklada z drugimi informacijami. Bela hiša spina, da so mislili 2. in 3. dan, ampak jim skoraj nihče ne verjame.
Povsem možno, da je pozitiven Donald veselo trosil virus naokrog.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
zmaugy ::
Alternativni pogled na Trumpovo okužbo s kororona virusom:
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
w0mbat ::
Chief of Staff Mark Meadows says Trump's vitals are 'VERY CONCERNING' and next 48 hours are 'critical'
Chief of Staff Mark Meadows says Trump's vitals are 'VERY CONCERNING' and next 48 hours are 'critical'
Pac-Man ::
Nit obkljukanega zdravnika o medicinski tiskovki. V bio ima, da je prebolel ebolo.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Conversations w Republicans close to WH over last 12 hours indicate it’s been far more dire than WH has said.
Before being taken to Walter Reed, Trump kept asking aides, “Am I going out like Stan Chera? Am I?” (Chera was Trump’s NYC friend who died of Covid in April)
Pojasni dolge face.
Early polling suggests the news that POTUS held a mostly-unmasked super-spreader in the Rose Garden last Sat, didn't get tested b4 the debate on Tues, held an in-person rally on Wed & tried to hide his own case until an aide's leaked on Thurs is going badly for the White House...not quite sure what else they could have expected.
Conversations w Republicans close to WH over last 12 hours indicate it’s been far more dire than WH has said.
Before being taken to Walter Reed, Trump kept asking aides, “Am I going out like Stan Chera? Am I?” (Chera was Trump’s NYC friend who died of Covid in April)
Pojasni dolge face.
Early polling suggests the news that POTUS held a mostly-unmasked super-spreader in the Rose Garden last Sat, didn't get tested b4 the debate on Tues, held an in-person rally on Wed & tried to hide his own case until an aide's leaked on Thurs is going badly for the White House...not quite sure what else they could have expected.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
Pac-Man ::
V Alabami za senatorja kandidira en trumpy ex nogometni trener. Njegov demokratski konkurent ima polne žepe in je zakupil minutni blok med tekmo njegove bivše ekipe, po celih ZDA.
Tommy Tuberville political ad at halftime of the main SEC game. Buddy, that's placement.
Tommy Tuberville political ad at halftime of the main SEC game. Buddy, that's placement.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
For the Trump campaign and WH staffers wanting to reach out: we have protected the identities of many of you since early this year. We will continue to do so.
DM for Signal.
in to
The flood of intel @ProjectLincoln has received today is both remarkable and terrifying.
At the WH, the number of the infections and potential infections constitutes a national security crisis of the first order.
DM for signal.
For the Trump campaign and WH staffers wanting to reach out: we have protected the identities of many of you since early this year. We will continue to do so.
DM for Signal.
in to
The flood of intel @ProjectLincoln has received today is both remarkable and terrifying.
At the WH, the number of the infections and potential infections constitutes a national security crisis of the first order.
DM for signal.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.