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Outlast Trials

Outlast Trials

DuaL ::

Welcome to The Outlast Trials.

The Red Barrels team is excited to announce our latest project in the Outlast universe. Set in the era of the Cold War, The Outlast Trials will allow players to face the horrors that await by themselves or with fellow test subjects 💉

The Outlast Trials is still in production, and as our co-founder David Chateauneuf puts it: “Now we’ve done our proof of concept, it is time to focus on content creation, variety… and gore."

Get ready.

  • spremenil: DuaL ()

oo7 ::

The Outlast Trials - Announcement Trailer | Summer of Gaming 2020

Bantani ::

Ta outlast je zame preveč scary...igral 30min pa quit:D

Argica ::

ni je še zunaj.

Bantani ::

Vem,da ni...govorim o prvem delu :)

oo7 ::

The Outlast Trials Closed Beta Trailer | gamescom 2022

oo7 ::

The Outlast Trials: The First Preview

oo7 ::

The Outlast Trials Early Access 18 maj 2023.

oo7 ::

V early acces izšla igra Outlast Trials. Trenutno ima igra na Steamu oceno uporabnikov 10/10 - 2.983 mnenj

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

oo7 ::

The Outlast Trials - Console Announcement Trailer

The Outlast Trials is coming to Xbox Series S/X, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5 on March 5th, 2024

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