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Titanfall 3

oo7 ::
According to some prepared remarks from EA, it appears Respawn Entertainment will have multiple games released by holiday 2019, which may include Titanfall 3
Titanfall 3: EA confirms a new game is in development
Eden najboljših trailerjev, ki me je takrat prepričal, da sem kupil prvo igro Titanfall

Jst ::
Ha, jaz sem pa zaradi smešno nizke cene (akcija), kupil drugi del in mi je všeč, ko igraš (FPS) kot človek. Ko si v Titanu, kar je nato point MultiPlayerja, mi je pa bolj tako-tako.
Islam is not about "I'm right, you're wrong," but "I'm right, you're dead!"
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|

oo7 ::
Upam pa,d a bo tretji del bolj podoben prvemu delu. V drugem delu so se mi Titani zdeli preveč hitri in preveč okretni. Titani so bili v T1 robustni tanki in pilot je bil tisti, ki je bil hiter v dvojki pa se mi zdi, da zaradi hitrosti Titanov pilot izgubi tisto hitrost.

ahac ::
Veš kot je r/titanfall trenutno salty. Tolk jokanja na enem kupu redko vidiš.
Pa seveda so vsi prepričani, da je Apex Legends zanič (samo zato, ker ni Titanfall 3).
Pa seveda so vsi prepričani, da je Apex Legends zanič (samo zato, ker ni Titanfall 3).
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oo7 ::
Trenutno Titanfall 3 igra ni v izdelavi. Mogoče kdaj v prihodnosti...
In an interview with IGN to discuss Respawn's 10th anniversary, Zampella said "there's nothing currently in development" for the Titanfall franchise, but "it's always there".
"You see the little bits of stuff coming back [through the lore in Apex Legends]," he added. "At some point, I would personally like to see some kind of resurrection there. We'll see if I can make that happen."
In an interview with IGN to discuss Respawn's 10th anniversary, Zampella said "there's nothing currently in development" for the Titanfall franchise, but "it's always there".
"You see the little bits of stuff coming back [through the lore in Apex Legends]," he added. "At some point, I would personally like to see some kind of resurrection there. We'll see if I can make that happen."

Vazelin ::
Dvojka je zelo dober špil. Moram dokončati :D
I got 99 problems but 4 usd XTZ ain't one...

oo7 ::

oo7 ::
Večkrat so zanikali, da naj bi bila Titanfall 3 igra v izdelavi.
Nemška trgovina pa sprejema pred naročila za Titanfall 3 igro ?
Nemška trgovina pa sprejema pred naročila za Titanfall 3 igro ?

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

ahac ::
Večkrat so zanikali, da naj bi bila Titanfall 3 igra v izdelavi.
Nemška trgovina pa sprejema pred naročila za Titanfall 3 igro ?
To je najboljš. Pobrat denar za nekaj, kar ne obstaja.

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