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Halloween (2018)

oo7 ::
Kralj slasher filmov se vrača Michael Myers
film izide 19 oktobra 2018.
Producent in pisec pa je sam John Carptener, ki je naredil prvi film Halloween leta 1978.
Kot kaže bo ta film ignororal popolnoma vse filme od prvega filma Halloween (1978) naprej.
Halloween Trailer #1 (2018)
Dr Lomis z prvega dela opiše Michael Myersa
I met him, fifteen years ago. I was told there was nothing left. No reason, no conscience, no understanding; even the most rudimentary sense of life or death, good or evil, right or wrong. I met this six-year-old child, with this blank, pale, emotionless face and, the blackest eyes... the *devil's* eyes. I spent eight years trying to reach him, and then another seven trying to keep him locked up because I realized what was living behind that boy's eyes was purely and simply... *evil*.

Producent in pisec pa je sam John Carptener, ki je naredil prvi film Halloween leta 1978.
Kot kaže bo ta film ignororal popolnoma vse filme od prvega filma Halloween (1978) naprej.
Halloween Trailer #1 (2018)
Dr Lomis z prvega dela opiše Michael Myersa
I met him, fifteen years ago. I was told there was nothing left. No reason, no conscience, no understanding; even the most rudimentary sense of life or death, good or evil, right or wrong. I met this six-year-old child, with this blank, pale, emotionless face and, the blackest eyes... the *devil's* eyes. I spent eight years trying to reach him, and then another seven trying to keep him locked up because I realized what was living behind that boy's eyes was purely and simply... *evil*.

scipascapa ::
Ko je ravno sedaj COMIC-CON v ZDA:
kaj se dogaja z A NIGHTMARE on ELM street franšizo? Ter FRIDAY 13th.....
kaj se dogaja z A NIGHTMARE on ELM street franšizo? Ter FRIDAY 13th.....

oo7 ::
scipascapa je izjavil:
Ko je ravno sedaj COMIC-CON v ZDA:
kaj se dogaja z A NIGHTMARE on ELM street franšizo? Ter FRIDAY 13th.....
Letos bo 40 let od prvega filma Halloween.
Leta 2020 bo 40 let od prvega filma petek 13 tako, da skoraj sigurno lahko pričakuješ film leta 2020.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

oo7 ::
Nekaj prvih odzivov
#Halloween is vicious! Loved the continuation of Laurie's story but the pure evil of Michael's drive to kill and the randomness of it is there and it's strong. Beautifully shot, score is on point, some great humor and loaded with gore. It's the complete package.
The Detroit News
HALLOWEEN: David Gordon Green delivers the fresh, funny, frightening Halloween movie fans have been waiting forever for. Great callbacks to the original, a killer Carpenter score, a ferocious Jamie Lee performance. Halloween rocks.
Vanity Fair
HALLOWEEN is THE FORCE AWAKENS of HALLOWEEN movies: all the stuff you want, plus some new stuff, some dumb stuff, some delightfully remixed stuff. definitely the best time I've had at a #TIFF18 screening thus far
Slash Film
There's an entire subplot in this that's TERRIBLE and should've been cut. Thankfully, everything else is an absolute blast. Brutal, scary, and yes, funny.
Rotten Tomatoes
I was always gonna be an easy lay with #HalloweenMovie but they really nailed it. Some will have quibbles -- it's maybe *too* funny, and one little twist might have been too much -- but scary AF plus Force Awakens levels of fan service = very good times.
The Huffington Post
The new Halloween has a callback shot so inspired it could sell the entire movie. Luckily, it doesn't have to. It's an absolute blast.
The Atlantic
HALLOWEEN is good when it's just being a tense slasher film, grating when it's winking at the audience, but David Gordon Green can certainly rack up tension. As an homage it's excellent, as its own movie it's ok
#Halloween is vicious! Loved the continuation of Laurie's story but the pure evil of Michael's drive to kill and the randomness of it is there and it's strong. Beautifully shot, score is on point, some great humor and loaded with gore. It's the complete package.
The Detroit News
HALLOWEEN: David Gordon Green delivers the fresh, funny, frightening Halloween movie fans have been waiting forever for. Great callbacks to the original, a killer Carpenter score, a ferocious Jamie Lee performance. Halloween rocks.
Vanity Fair
HALLOWEEN is THE FORCE AWAKENS of HALLOWEEN movies: all the stuff you want, plus some new stuff, some dumb stuff, some delightfully remixed stuff. definitely the best time I've had at a #TIFF18 screening thus far
Slash Film
There's an entire subplot in this that's TERRIBLE and should've been cut. Thankfully, everything else is an absolute blast. Brutal, scary, and yes, funny.
Rotten Tomatoes
I was always gonna be an easy lay with #HalloweenMovie but they really nailed it. Some will have quibbles -- it's maybe *too* funny, and one little twist might have been too much -- but scary AF plus Force Awakens levels of fan service = very good times.
The Huffington Post
The new Halloween has a callback shot so inspired it could sell the entire movie. Luckily, it doesn't have to. It's an absolute blast.
The Atlantic
HALLOWEEN is good when it's just being a tense slasher film, grating when it's winking at the audience, but David Gordon Green can certainly rack up tension. As an homage it's excellent, as its own movie it's ok

oo7 ::
Film Halloween na otvoritveni petek prinesel v blagajno 33 miljonov $ v Ameriki kar je 1 miljon več kot Venom na otrvoritveni petek.
Halloween film ima budget 10 miljonov $ kar pomeni, da so budget pokrili v samo enem dnevu
Halloween film ima budget 10 miljonov $ kar pomeni, da so budget pokrili v samo enem dnevu

oo7 ::
Za vikend film Halloween v Ameriki prinesel v blagajno $77,501,000 + tujina $14,300,000 = Worldwide: $91,801,000
Od 25 oktobra naprej pa do 31 oktobra se začne film predvajati po celem svetu.
V treh dneh skoraj 92 mio $ na 10 mio $ budget lahko že rečemo, da je film box office uspeh ;)
Od 25 oktobra naprej pa do 31 oktobra se začne film predvajati po celem svetu.
V treh dneh skoraj 92 mio $ na 10 mio $ budget lahko že rečemo, da je film box office uspeh ;)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

oo7 ::
Ker je ravno Michael Myers v video spotu.


Kayzon ::
J**** dober vikend ce je film navaden kup dreka,glih iz kina danes in dost veliko razocaranje vse skupaj.

oo7 ::
Production Budget: $10 million
Box office Worldwide: $233,569,910
Nič čudnega, da bodo posneli nadaljevanje.
Box office Worldwide: $233,569,910
Nič čudnega, da bodo posneli nadaljevanje.

Vazelin ::
Movie je kar gledljiv. Sicer nič posebnega ampak se ga da pogledat
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Vazelin ()

oo7 ::
John Carpenter, ki je posnel prvi Halloween film leta 1978 hoče posneti nadaljevanje :)
John Carpenter confirms he's ready to score the next Halloween sequel
Njegov prvi Halloween film še vedno velja za najboljši slasher film vseh časov.
John Carpenter confirms he's ready to score the next Halloween sequel
Njegov prvi Halloween film še vedno velja za najboljši slasher film vseh časov.

oo7 ::
Pogledal film in mi je bil dober slasher tudi zato, ker Michael Myers mi je zakon. Ampak Halloween 1978 je še vedno daleč najboljši slasher 
Glasba mi je zelo všeč v filmu veliko jo je še z prvega filma izpred 40 let.
So pa tudi določene traparije v filmu.
Komaj čakam na nadaljevanje ;)

Glasba mi je zelo všeč v filmu veliko jo je še z prvega filma izpred 40 let.
So pa tudi določene traparije v filmu.
Komaj čakam na nadaljevanje ;)

oo7 ::
scipascapa je izjavil:
hm, le kaj bodo spacali v nadaljevanju, da bo hčerka nova morilka? :P
Ja pokaže jo z nožem, da kao zgleda tako ampak če pogledaš film čisto, do koca zadnjih 5 sekund v credits...

oo7 ::
scipascapa je izjavil:
šmenta nisem pogledal credtsov...upam, da je na youtube kaj.
Pri 1:11 v videu
Halloween 1978
Na koncu filma je isto.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

oo7 ::
scipascapa je izjavil:
aja dihanje pa pizda kako ga ubit nukat? :P
Skoraj ja :)
Ampak si ne predstavljam filma Halloween brez Myersa.

oo7 ::
Nadaljevanje bo.
'Halloween' Sequel Reportedly Finds Writer, Main Cast Expected to Return
'Halloween' Sequel Reportedly Finds Writer, Main Cast Expected to Return

oo7 ::

oo7 ::
Kot kaže ne bo samo eden film ampak kar dva nova Halloween filma.
Halloween Kills - 16 oktober 2020
Halloween Ends - 15 oktober 2021
Halloween Announcement
Halloween Kills - 16 oktober 2020
Halloween Ends - 15 oktober 2021
Halloween Announcement

alincarter ::
I have recently purchased FastestVPN Lifetime deal in just $64 in total 96% discount, later on after purchase I found that they are offering 10% extra discount with coupon code "Halloween19" and you know the good part is I contacted their support team and told that i forgot to use this 10% coupon, without negotiation they refund me back the discounted amount. This service wowed my experience. VPN is very good and user friendly. Have a look to deal here:
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagalo izbris: PH03N1X ()

oo7 ::
Režiser filma - "The cut is done. They'll mix it in New York in the next week or so. Then it will be in the can. My work is all done. The movie is something else. It's fun, intense and brutal, a slasher movie times one hundred, big time. It's huge. I've never seen anything like this: the kill count!"
Kot kaže Michael Myers že brusi nož :)
Kot kaže Michael Myers že brusi nož :)

oo7 ::
Nadaljevanje filma Halloween.
Next Halloween
Halloween kills 15 oktober 2021.
Next Halloween
Halloween kills 15 oktober 2021.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

oo7 ::
Halloween 2 ali Halloween kills, ki izide 15 oktobra 2021 film je dobil R rating. Kdo bi si mislil

oo7 ::
Oktober 2021
Halloween Kills - Official Trailer
Kot kaže bo Micheal umoril celotno mesto :)
Halloween Kills - Official Trailer
Kot kaže bo Micheal umoril celotno mesto :)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()
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