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Dr. Drumpflove

Dr. Drumpflove

20 / 36

ZaphodBB ::

Tako je. Komunisti so šele dejansko izenačili pravice. Požrl se boš, preden boš ženskam priznal enake pravice, vem.

"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

jype ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

It's not nice to gloat. But in this case it's appropriate.

ZaphodBB je izjavil:

Tudi ženske so ljudje, ne glede na to da so te vzgojili, da je to le eno rebro moškega.

sheeshkar ::

jype je izjavil:

sheeshkar je izjavil:

Napisal si, citiram, "volil bom pa zanj še vedno". "zanj" je seveda iz debate povsem jasno, da gre za Jankovića. "volil" pomeni, da si nekomu dal svoj glas na volitvah, torej si ga podprl. "še vedno" pa pomeni, da si to že storil v preteklosti in pod določenimi pogoji načrtuješ tudi v prihodnje.
Drži. To ne pomeni, da Jankovića podpiram, razen, če ga ti tudi podpiraš, ker nisi oddal glasu za edinega tekmeca oziroma tekmico, ki bi ga lahko premagala - ker če nisi, je tvoj glas matematično gledano dobil Janković.

Torej, volil si za Jankovića (in načrtuješ tudi v prihodnje), ampak ga ne podpiraš? Kakšno sranje je pa sedaj to? Prej sem te glede tega, da si poišči pomoč samo malo dražil, ampak tole pa res ni več smešno in me resno skrbi.

jype je izjavil:

Poskušate se izmakniti lastni odgovornosti za stanje, v katerem ženske posiljujejo, ter se pretvarjate da ste na konju, v resnici pa sedite v blatu.

Samo skrajno bolana oseba lahko druge obtožuje izmikanja odgovornosti za posilstva in hkrati zagovarja Jankovića pri njegovih dejanjih v zvezi z lekarnarko.

jype je izjavil:

Napredek terja žrtve in če se ne moreš sprijazniti s tem, da si svoj glas dal kriminalcu samo zato, da bi zaščitil pravice tistih, ki so jim kratene, potem si del problema, ne pa rešitve.

Žrtve kot je Jankovićeva lekarnarka? Bolano.

ZaphodBB je izjavil:

Tako je. Komunisti so šele dejansko izenačili pravice. Požrl se boš, preden boš ženskam priznal enake pravice, vem.


Jaz resno mislim, da se mu je malo odpeljalo, ker to ni več normalno niti za jypeov nivo.

Zgodovina sprememb…

ZaphodBB ::

Jaz resno mislim, da se mu je malo odpeljalo, ker to ni več normalno niti za jypeov nivo.

Ahh, jype samo ne dopusti, da bi kdo spodkopaval laži, ki nam jih o zgodovini pripovedujejo komunisti.

Če so te celo žviljenje vzgajali v veri, da si pripadnik edine prave religije, potem pa se izkaže, da je domala vse kar naj bi tvoja religija dobrega naredila bodisi laž, bodisi retroaktivno prisvajanje zaslug. Potem ti je težko.
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: ZaphodBB ()

jype ::

sheeshkar je izjavil:

Torej, volil si za Jankovića (in načrtuješ tudi v prihodnje), ampak ga ne podpiraš? Kakšno sranje je pa sedaj to? Prej sem te glede tega, da si poišči pomoč samo malo dražil, ampak tole pa res ni več smešno in me resno skrbi.
Tako je. Tudi Cerarjeve stranke ne podpiram, pa sem volil zanjo v preteklosti in bom, če bo nujno, tudi v prihodnosti. Ti se sicer pretvarjaš, da tega ne razumeš, ampak v resnici bi se samo rad opral odgovornosti za trenutno stanje.

ZaphodBB je izjavil:

Ahh, jype samo ne dopusti, da bi kdo spodkopaval laži, ki nam jih o zgodovini pripovedujejo komunisti.
Te boli, kajne?

Smrt fašizmu.

sheeshkar je izjavil:

Žrtve kot je Jankovićeva lekarnarka? Bolano.
Bolani so tisti, ki zagovarjajo teorijo, da ženska ne more privoliti v spolni odnos.

sheeshkar je izjavil:

Samo skrajno bolana oseba lahko druge obtožuje izmikanja odgovornosti za posilstva in hkrati zagovarja Jankovića pri njegovih dejanjih v zvezi z lekarnarko.
To drži, ampak jaz ne zagovarjam Jankovića, ti si pa dejansko odgovoren za posilstva, ker podpiraš tiste, ki bi posilstvo radi legalizirali.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: jype ()

ZaphodBB ::

Smrt fašizmu.

It's Okay To Be White.
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

jype ::

ZaphodBB je izjavil:

It's Okay To Be White.
Dokler komunisti ne dajo revnim ženskam volilne pravice, ja.

ZaphodBB ::

Tako je, ker revni moški so si jo morali kupit s krvjo.
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

jype ::

ZaphodBB je izjavil:

Tako je, ker revni moški so si jo morali kupit s krvjo.
Tudi revne tovarišice.

jype ::

Truga ::

xmetallic ::

Pac-Man še ni dojel, da nihče ne bere njegovih romanov :))

jype ::

Js vse preberem.

Truga ::

Jaz jih vecino preskocim zato ker dobim azurne informacije ze prej na drugem forumu in twatterju. Drugace pa se kr splaca preletet.

maco-maco ::

Če Pac-Man ne bi pisal, bi bilo v temi o Jankoviču več o Trumpu, kot je v tej temi. Nisem čist siguren, če sem tole prav napisal, saj sem s temi temami čisto zmeden.

jype ::

Ne veš več, kdo je posiljevalec?

Pac-Man ::

Še malo naslajanja. Različni avtorji.


This is massive. This is obstruction.
SCOOP: Trump Pressed Top Republicans to End Senate Russia Inquiry

Remember this video clip. I assure you, he'll live to regret this one politically
FOX NEWS HOST TO @tedcruz: You cool working with alleged child molester Roy Moore if he's elected?

CRUZ: Sure, no problem, that's up to the voters.

FOX NEWS HOST: And what about alleged groper Al Franken?

CRUZ: Now that's a very serious problem. I'm extremely concerned.

Remember those few, glorious weeks after the Republican National Convention when we thought Cruz had a backbone? Yeah, let's never make that mistake again.

I told you from the very beginning that Flynn would flip. Oh my God this is going to be glorious as the MAGAs lose their minds and turn Flynn into History's Greatest Monster.

"Comrade Flynn? The Central Party Committee has no record of a Comrade Flynn ever working for the Glorious Leader. If you are referring to the wrecker, hoarder, saboteur and filthy kulak Michael Flynn, we have no comment at this time."

Remember a couple weeks ago when Team MAGA was saying that Hillary and Podesta were going to be indicted soon?

Meanwhile, at the Murdoch/Dershowitz Media Complex...

A former Trump campaign aide on how today's Flynn news is significantly different: "This is not George Papadopoulos, who Trump couldn’t pick out of a line up. This is Mike Flynn, someone who spent hours each day with the president."

First spin on #Flynn charges: #Trump fired him for lying to @VP, so #Whitehouse "expected" Flynn to be charged for lying by Mueller.
If this is their comeback, given the process that played out for Flynn's firing, it's really lame. Do better @PressSec

ABC: "We are told [Gen Flynn] is prepared to testify against the President, against members of the Trump family, and against others in the White House"

//s 24. novembra:

The most delicious moment in the coming days? When the thousands and thousands of pro-Trump MAGA accounts (bots and real) who thought Mike Flynn was an American hero turn on him. The Orwellian level of unpersonhood Flynn will achieve will be epic. "He was against Trump ALL ALONG." "Flynn was DEEP STATE..." "TIED TO SOROS..." None of the MAGA types will even recognize the irony of their instant flip from loving Flynn to hating him. "If you play Flynn's 'Lock her up' chant backwards, he's saying, 'Yes we can!' in Arabic!"

If your argument that the man who chanted "Lock her up!" was some kind of secret Obama shill, you're out of your damn mind.
Or you're just a dishonest toolsack.

If the pee tape is real, this is the greatest Trump subtweet of all time.
“But justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream” Amos 5:24

This @elilake piece is, well, huge.
Kushner is said to have ordered Flynn to contact Russia, reports @EliLake

Friend: "Have you checked out /r/The_Donald yet?
Me: "Must I?"
Friend: "It's fantastic."
Me: "Summary?"
Friend: "MAGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Hillary is getting indicted!1!!!11!!!!! Trump is exonerated!"

When Ty Cobb says there is nothing to see here remember he is the same guy who says this investigation will be wrapped by Christmas. Delusion tends to have a constancy to it

Source close to President Trump tells @NBCNews the developments regarding Flynn today are "very very very bad."
The concern is Flynn will offer up information that could be harmful to the president.
The White House has consistently said Flynn doesn't have any such information.

in https://twitter.com/20committee

Team Trump is a collection of malignant narcissists who will now sell each other out like crack whores.
Flynn is just the beginning...

For what it’s worth and based upon my 20+ years of criminal defense experience, in order for Flynn to plea to only one count-he gave up the farm and did so in a windowless room in a basement. If your last name is Trump, Pence or Sessions you should be nervous.

Heck of a day for the president to be hosting the entire White House press corps for the Christmas party this afternoon.

#MiniMisha walks ... for now
"As part of Flynn’s negotiations, his son is not expected to be charged"

Short version: his 3-star pension can't cover Flynn's YUGE legal bills, so he's diming out Team Trump to Mueller.
JUST IN: @BrianRoss on @ABC News Special Report: Michael Flynn promised "full cooperation to the Mueller team" and is prepared to testify that as a candidate, Donald Trump "directed him to make contact with the Russians."

Interesting in Flynn court docs: he was asked during transition to talk to foreign governments re upcoming UNSC vote on Israeli settlements. That speaks to origin of request and a whole lane of activity due for further exposure.

MY NEW - How Michael Flynn's guilty plea implicates Israeli intelligence, and perhaps the Logan Act

WH lawyer Ty Cobb describes Trump’s designated national security adviser Michael Flynn as “a former Obama administration official”

Never a good idea to lie to the FBI about conversations you had with the Russians when the Bureau has the transcripts.

Pac-Man ::

Jagodni izbor s 100+ tvitov dolge solate. Kar se mene tiče je možno tudi, da bi lahko obtožil Kushnerja ali koga drugega, ki bi lahko pripeljal do predsednika. Ampak nisem odvetnik in profesor prava kot avtor.


(THREAD) MAJOR BREAKING NEWS: Mike Flynn will plead guilty to Making False Statements at 10:30 AM EST today (Friday). This is the biggest development in the Russia probe so far. This thread explains what it all means, and will be updated throughout the day. Please read and share.

Deals like this are offered *only* when a witness can incriminate someone "higher up the food-chain" than them. In the case of the nation's former National Security Advisor, the *only* people above him in the executive-branch hierarchy are the President and the Vice President. There may be other targets in the Russia probe—such as Attorney General Sessions—at Flynn's same level in the hierarchy, but unless he could incriminate two or more of them, a deal like this would not be offered to him. And there *aren't* two or more at his level in this case.

What this indicates—beyond any serious doubt—is the following: Special Counsel Bob Mueller, the former Director of the FBI, believes Mike Flynn's testimony will *incriminate* the President of the United States, the Vice President of the United States, or both of these two men.

This is critical: Flynn pleading guilty today means he was cooperating with Mueller *before* this. You don't offer value to a prosecution *after* you plead, you offer it beforehand—via what's called a "proffer" of info (that incriminates others). That's what earns you a deal. So it's entirely possible that when Mueller called Kushner in to talk about Flynn, he already had everything Flynn planned to give him—meaning he was *testing* Kushner to see if Kushner would lie about events Mueller was already fully informed about via Flynn's prior proffer.

One thing is clear: Mueller charged Flynn with the most innocuous lies he could to shield from the public—and far more importantly, from President Trump and his allies (at least for now)—the extent of what Flynn has told him. A longer charging document would reveal too much.

Še en bivši zvezni tožilec, spet jagodni izbor


If Flynn didn't cooperate, he could have been charged with other crimes, such as failure to register. For instance, Manafort was charged with a wide variety of crimes. Flynn's indictment could have looked like that.

This charging document is called an "information," which is the same kind of charging document that Papadopoulos had. All that means is that the defense agreed that Mueller didn't have to present the document to a grand jury for approval. The main benefit that Flynn appears to be receiving in this plea deal is that he is pleading guilty to one count of making a false statement to the FBI instead of pleading guilty to other crimes. The false statement charge carries a five-year maximum sentence. That means that no matter how bad the judge thinks Flynn is, or what sentence the judge would like to impose, he is "capped" at a five-year maximum sentence. That could be a very significant benefit to Flynn.


Flynn could still be charged with other crimes, either by Mueller or by a state Attorney General like Eric Schneiderman. That is a hammer that Mueller has over Flynn, if he does not truthfully testify and fully cooperate. That said, if Flynn cooperates, I don't expect that he will be charged with other crimes. That means that he's received a substantial benefit from Mueller, and suggests that Flynn can provide "substantial assistance" to Mueller.

"Substantial assistance" means that Flynn can help Mueller make a case against someone else that Mueller thinks is worth charging. Generally defendants don't get as much credit for "cooperating down" or cooperating against equals. That doesn't tell us who Flynn is cooperating against. It's possible that Flynn is cooperating against associates as well as Manafort and Gates, and Mueller thinks that's sufficient. But there's a reasonable chance that it's someone bigger than that. None of this tells us what will happen with Flynn's son, Michael Flynn Jr. I suspect that not charging Flynn Jr. might be part of the deal, but that would also be a very substantial benefit and would suggest greater cooperation by Flynn.

in https://twitter.com/renato_mariotti/sta...

This is a fantastic deal for Flynn. It means that the advisory federal sentencing guidelines range doesn’t factor in any other criminal conduct related to his lobbying activity.
Prosecutors estimated that Flynn would face a sentence of zero to six months in prison under federal sentencing rules.
Unless Mueller had a weak case—which I doubt, given that Flynn flipped—this means that Mueller is getting very substantial cooperation in exchange. Federal prosecutors don’t give defendants cooperation credit unless their testimony will result in charges against another person. We’ll have to wait and see who Flynn helps Mueller charge.



You know you are in trouble when you have been arrested by the FBI and Trump, Putin and Erdogan all want to kill you.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

jype ::

So, no impeachment - locking them all up seems a much better choice.

Pac-Man ::

Kušnerjevi so v 1,2 mrd $ globoki luknji iz katere morajo splezati do februarja 2019. Zato Kushes be pimpin'

Julij 2017


The Kushners’ purchase of 666 Fifth Avenue for a record-breaking $1.8 billion in 2007 was a capstone to an era marked by high prices and reckless amounts of debt. The Kushners invested $500 million in the building, and took out debt to cover the rest.


The $1.2 billion interest-only mortgage is due in February 2019. The office space is worth less than its mortgage and “there is no equity value” left in the office section of the building, Jed Reagan of Green Street Advisors told the New York Times in April. (...) As a result, the family’s initial $500 million investment, once heralded as an example of Jared’s emergence as a brash real estate star, has for now effectively been wiped out. A massive refinancing and construction of a new tower that dramatically increases the building’s value is one way to try to get out of that hole.


Trump himself has unsuccessfully sought financing in recent years from the Qataris, but it is difficult to overstate just how important the investment at 666 Fifth Avenue is for Kushner, his company, and his family’s legacy in real estate.


HBJ ultimately agreed to invest at least $500 million through Al Mirqab, on the condition that Kushner Companies could raise the rest of a multibillion refinancing elsewhere.


After the election, Kushner Companies found many more suitors interested in doing business, one of the sources, who is U.S.-based, said. One of the investors taking the deal more seriously in late 2016 and early 2017, the U.S. source said, was “Hamid bin what’s-his-name,” referring to HBJ. Top executives at Kushner Companies, the source said, “are dumb enough to not know that why they want to deal with them has nothing to do with the real estate. Around the New Year they were like, ‘LPs” — industry slang for limited partners, or investors — “are engaging more!’ It’s like, I wonder why?”

Or, perhaps, they know quite well what’s going on. The $500 million still left the Kushners far short, and to try to fill the financing hole, the company turned to China. An insurance firm there with close ties to the country’s ruling elite had been pursued for months, but, like the other investors, wasn’t truly interested in the deal until after the election.


In March, the details of the talks between Kushner and the firm, Anbang, became public. Anbang would invest $400 million in the project and the Kushners would put up $750 million


Anbang’s $400 million, plus $100 million from other investors, would flow to the Kushners, meaning the family would recoup the entirety of their initial $500 million investment, a startling turnaround given that the New York Times’s detailed analysis of the building’s woes found the Kushners’ investment was now essentially worthless.


Anbang pulled out after the deal was criticized as a conflict of interest, given Kushner’s role in the White House. With Anbang, and its ability to secure a $4 billion construction loan, out, the Qatari condition wasn’t met, and the Gulf deal fizzled, according to a source in the region.


The revelation of the half-billion-dollar deal raises thorny and unprecedented ethical questions. If the deal is not entirely dead, that means Jared Kushner is on the one hand pushing to use the power of American diplomacy to pummel a small nation, while on the other his firm is hoping to extract an extraordinary amount of capital from there for a failing investment. If, however, the deal is entirely dead, the pummeling may be seen as intimidating to other investors on the end of a Kushner Companies pitch.

Arest bo v bistvu še dobrodošel. Bodo vsaj imeli streho nad glavo.

Scaramouche ::

Ibrahimpašić in Badovinac sta mu pa hrbet krila.

laž seveda, on ni bil v vojni ko je bila vojna v Bosni, že 1975 je bil nazaj v Slo...

Moja dedka sta se oba borila za internacionalo in multikulturno državo, ki je po vojni tudi končno nastala. Pomoje je bil tvoj dedek tudi tak, ti pa seveda nisi, ker si slabo vzgojen, ali pa imaš barbarstvo v genih.

ti si tisti ki bi fojbal, jaz bi le meje zaprl, očitno je ubijanje v tvojih genih! Tvoj dedka bi danes gledala mevžo ki je zaradi denarja pobegnil v tujino, borila sta se za Slovenijo, ti si pa postal socialni bojevnik za vse razen belce in evropejce!


Švedi na levi, ti na desni!

jype ::

Scaramouche je izjavil:

laž seveda, on ni bil v vojni ko je bila vojna v Bosni, že 1975 je bil nazaj v Slo...
Ibrahimpašić in Badovinac sta jugoslovanska narodna heroja iz NOV. Nauči se česa.

Scaramouche je izjavil:

Švedi na levi, ti na desni!
Ja. Pa? Še vedno se ti bojiš, jaz pa ne.

Scaramouche je izjavil:

ti si tisti ki bi fojbal, jaz bi le meje zaprl
Ja, ja... Vedno se tako začne. "Saj nikomur nič nočem, samo ciganov pa res ne prenesem!"

Scaramouche ::

Nauči se česa.

Moj dedek je bil takrat v Sloveniji! Ne rabim poznat vsakega ki se je bojeval po celi Jugi!
tudi če je bil odlikovan! In ne nista mu krila hrbet! Moj dedek se je pridružil Primorcem!

Ja. Pa? Še vedno se ti bojiš, jaz pa ne.

Strah je normalen, vsak ki se ne boji pade, samo vprašanje je časa! V euse premalo bojijo zato pa bo še več napadov ker bo še več migracij od dol!

Ja, ja... Vedno se tako začne. "Saj nikomur nič nočem, samo ciganov pa res ne prenesem!"

Ciganska muzika je izvor srbske muzike, smo jo doma več vrteli kot si jo ti!

jype ::

Scaramouche je izjavil:

Moj dedek je bil takrat v Sloveniji! Ne rabim poznat vsakega ki se je bojeval po celi Jugi!
Očitno zgodovino preslabo poznaš, da bi vedel, da je bil Badovinac tudi.

Scaramouche je izjavil:

Strah je normalen, vsak ki se ne boji pade, samo vprašanje je časa! V euse premalo bojijo zato pa bo še več napadov ker bo še več migracij od dol!
Namen teh napadov je, da je tebe strah. Če te je strah, potem podpiraš ISIS.

Scaramouche je izjavil:

Ciganska muzika je izvor srbske muzike, smo jo doma več vrteli kot si jo ti!

Scaramouche ::

Očitno zgodovino preslabo poznaš, da bi vedel, da je bil Badovinac tudi.

Sem prebral že prej ko si rekel in ne piše da je bil skupaj z njim v bataljonu torej mu ni kril hrbta!

Namen teh napadov je, da je tebe strah. Če te je strah, potem podpiraš ISIS.

ne isis podpiraš ti ker je dokazano da so določene napade izvedli ko so prišli skupaj z migranti!


Dokaži da ciganov ne prenesem...

jype ::

Scaramouche je izjavil:

Sem prebral že prej ko si rekel in ne piše da je bil skupaj z njim v bataljonu torej mu ni kril hrbta!
Osvobojeno ozemlje je čuval.

Scaramouche je izjavil:

ne isis podpiraš ti ker je dokazano da so določene napade izvedli ko so prišli skupaj z migranti!
Ne, ISIS podpiraš ti, ker je dokazano, da ISIS napada zato, da bi se ljudje bali in če se bojiš, potem delaš točno to, kar oni hočejo, namesto da bi delal ravno obratno.

Scaramouche je izjavil:

Dokaži da ciganov ne prenesem...
Easy, Srb si.

Scaramouche ::

Osvobojeno ozemlje je čuval.

ti si rekel da mu je kril hrbet, zdaj obračaš besede...

Ne, ISIS podpiraš ti, ker je dokazano, da ISIS napada zato, da bi se ljudje bali in če se bojiš, potem delaš točno to, kar oni hočejo, namesto da bi delal ravno obratno.

ne isis napada ker hočejo kalifat!

Easy, Srb si.

Srbi imajo cigane na tvju nonstop, celo nastopajo z njimi povsod, medtem pa v Sloveniji... hm kaj je že zadnja novica z njimi...

jype ::

Scaramouche je izjavil:

ti si rekel da mu je kril hrbet, zdaj obračaš besede...
Nauči se slovenščine, no, da boš vedel, kaj pomeni "kriti hrbet".

Scaramouche je izjavil:

ne isis napada ker hočejo kalifat!
Ti nimaš možganov. S sedemnajstimi mentalnimi bolniki naj bi zavzeli Evropo, al kako?

Scaramouche je izjavil:

Srbi imajo cigane na tvju nonstop, celo nastopajo z njimi povsod, medtem pa v Sloveniji... hm kaj je že zadnja novica z njimi...
O, lej, nacionalist si tudi! Zadnja novica je, da je tvoj dedek umoril 53 romov.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: jype ()

Scaramouche ::

]Nauči se slovenščine, no, da boš vedel, kaj pomeni "kriti hrbet".

Sej jaz tebi krijem hrbet, resno, nauči se Slovenščine! Res je, tudi če sem trenutno v Sloveniji!

Ti nimaš možganov. S sedemnajstimi mentalnimi bolniki naj bi zavzeli Evropo, al kako?

Ko zavzamejo Arabijo, bodo imeli milijone,pač verjamejo v nekaj kar mi vemo da ne morejo,samo oni v to verjamejo!

Isis spokesman has posted a call to arms for Muslims around the world to kill American, Canadian and European citizens for their governments’ role in a coalition against ISIS. But what the average American is unaware of are the ISIS more shocking Islamic injunctions that permit Muslims everywhere to carry out killings by ordering them to cause as much as ten million American casualties which we included training videos that circulates the social media for use by the Muslim community under the nose of the FBI which they refuse to do anything about.

On page 5, what westerns do not understand when they ask “why” and “what type of human being can kill indiscriminately”, ISIS explains the first lesson in such killing is that its what they term Ihsan, in English, it is “The act of kindness and charity”.

أن الأصل في القتل الإحسان:
فقد ثبت في الصحيح عن شداد بن أوس رضي الله عنه قال: قال رسول الله صلى

الله عليه وسلم: (إن الله كتب الإحسان على كل شيء؛ فإذا قتلتم فأحسنوا القتلة، وإذا ذبحتم فأحسنوا الذبحة، وليحد أحدكم شفرته وليرح ذبيحته).

In English:

“It was shown in Sahih … the Prophet said “Allah wrote everything we need to know about Ihsan (kindness) so if you kill perfect your killing and if you slaughter, perfect your slaughter and sharpen your blade and comfort your sacrifice” (also see Hadith Muslim 107/13)

Zadnja novica je, da je tvoj dedek umoril 53 romov.

vedt tegane moreš torej lažeš kot vedno...jaz vem da ni,ker ga ni bilo v LJ takrat!

Zgodovina sprememb…

jype ::

Scaramouche je izjavil:

But what the average American is unaware of are the ISIS more shocking Islamic injunctions that permit Muslims everywhere to carry out killings by ordering them to cause as much as ten million American casualties which we included training videos that circulates the social media for use by the Muslim community under the nose of the FBI which they refuse to do anything about.
Brez možganov.

Scaramouche je izjavil:

vedt tegane moreš torej lažeš kot vedno...jaz vem da ni,ker ga ni bilo v LJ takrat!
Saj to ni bilo v Ljubljani.

Scaramouche je izjavil:

On page 5, what westerns do not understand when they ask "why" and "what type of human being can kill indiscriminately", ISIS explains the first lesson in such killing is that its what they term Ihsan, in English, it is "The act of kindness and charity".
Joj, groza, en idiot si je zmislu neki. Drama, res!

Dve milijardi muslimanov pa nič, al kaj?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: jype ()

Scaramouche ::

Saj to ni bilo v Ljubljani.

res je iška je bliz Lj, sigurno ni pa Primorska!

Dve milijardi muslimanov pa nič, al kaj?

Procenti teh ki so problematični je kar velik!

jype ::

Scaramouche je izjavil:

Procenti teh ki so problematični je kar velik!
Kako torej, da je terorizma manj kot med kristjani?

jype ::

Medtem pa Trump končno zmagal: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada...

Njegova familija srednjega razreda bo končno začela plačevati bistveno manj davkov v ameriški proračun.

ZaphodBB ::

jype je izjavil:

Medtem pa Trump končno zmagal: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada...

Njegova familija srednjega razreda bo končno začela plačevati bistveno manj davkov v ameriški proračun.

Gotta keep pushing the narrative!!
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

Scaramouche ::

jype je izjavil:

Scaramouche je izjavil:

Procenti teh ki so problematični je kar velik!
Kako torej, da je terorizma manj kot med kristjani?

V Ameriki se terorizem šteje če vržeš v okno kamen,
Anti-abortion violence
Animal Liberation Front

(B) appear to be intended – (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion

Torej v Ameriki je velik del terorizma to kar se nikdar ne šteje v Arabiji..

nice try

Zgodovina sprememb…

jype ::

Scaramouche je izjavil:

nice try
Kaj pol, Švedistan v resnici ni vojno območje?

ZaphodBB je izjavil:

Gotta keep pushing the narrative!!
Da računat ne znaš je pa novo.

Scaramouche ::

vojno območje?

List of grenade attacks in Sweden @ Wikipedia

Bombings increased significantly in 2015, with Swedish police investigating around 100-150 explosions.[1][2][3] There were over 30 grenade attacks reported in the Swedish city of Malmö alone by August 2015,[

Malmo, mesto intelektualcev in inženirjev!

neverjetno majhen procent muslimanov!

Švedi so potem pokazali kako se s tem bori!

In 2018 the Swedish government has proposed "grenade amnesty"

jype ::

Wow, 150 eksplozij. Manj na prebivalca kot v Sloveniji.

Scaramouche ::

jype je izjavil:

Wow, 150 eksplozij. Manj na prebivalca kot v Sloveniji.

Spet si se postavil na laž!


jype ::

Scaramouche je izjavil:

Spet si se postavil na laž!
Nismo govorili o terorizmu, kljukec.

Govorili smo o eksplozijah.

Slovenija je vojno območje.

Scaramouche ::

jype je izjavil:

Scaramouche je izjavil:

Spet si se postavil na laž!
Nismo govorili o terorizmu, kljukec.

Govorili smo o eksplozijah.

Slovenija je vojno območje.

jurček ne zanima nas koliko petard se vrže!

Bombardiranje ni isto kot petsrdiranje!

jype ::

Je požar v Kemisu terorizem?

jype ::


Tolk o tem, kako muslimani niso kompatibilni z našo kulturo. Če lahko zaprejo idiote v Egiptu, kjer je muslimanov 90%, medtem se pa Trump prosto sprehaja naokoli po tistem, ko se je bahal, kako lahko posiljuje, ker je slaven in bogat, to veliko pove o tem, kdo je hinavec.

ZaphodBB ::

Takole si jype predstavlja "konzervativne muslimane":

"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

jype ::

ZaphodBB je izjavil:

Takole si jype predstavlja "konzervativne muslimane":
Konzervativni muslimani se od tebe razlikujejo izključno po tem, da je njihova najljubša barva zelena.

ZaphodBB ::

Konzervativni muslimani se od tebe razlikujejo izključno po tem, da je njihova najljubša barva zelena.

Pol Pot se od tebe razlikuje izključno po tem, da je že dobil možnost, da pokaže svoje vzgibe.
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

jype ::

Papiga ponavla.

ZaphodBB ::

Komunist pa sanja o tlakovanju poti v raj s trupli.
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

jype ::

ZaphodBB je izjavil:

Komunist pa sanja o tlakovanju poti v raj s trupli.
Napredek terja žrtve, jebiga. Dokler boljševiki ne pridete na oblast, bodo te žrtve minimalne.

ZaphodBB ::

Napredek terja žrtve, jebiga. Dokler boljševiki ne pridete na oblast, bodo te žrtve minimalne.

"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
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