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X-Men: Dark Phoenix

X-Men: Dark Phoenix


oo7 ::

Najavljen nov X-men film z naslovom Dark Phoenix, ki bo izšel enkrat 2018

Film se bo odvijal po filmu X-Men: Apocalypse tokrat bo v glavni vlogi Jean Grey.

Prvo se je film imenoval X-men supernova zdaj pa so popravili naslov v Dark Phoenix

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt6565702/?re...

Superhero Origins: Jean Grey

Starodavni ::

a ta dark phoenix saga bo umeščena pri young x-menih in ne pri old x-menih (days of the future konec pred dogodki z Loganom).

Verjetno bo res young x-men generacija.

oo7 ::

Starodavni je izjavil:

a ta dark phoenix saga bo umeščena pri young x-menih in ne pri old x-menih (days of the future konec pred dogodki z Loganom).

Verjetno bo res young x-men generacija.

Originalna x-men časovnica

X-Men Origins: Wolverine -> X-Men: First Class -> X-Men -> X2 -> X-Men: The Last Stand -> The Wolverine -> X-Men: Days of Future Past

V filmu X-Men: Days of Future Past so spremenili preteklost torej nova x-men časovnica

X-Men: Days of Future Past -> X-Men: Apocalypse -> X-men Dark Phoenix -> Deadpool -> Logan

Starodavni ::

saj to sem mislil.

če se spomniš days of future past je na koncu nov časovnice prisotna vsa klapa - charles, rahlo ostareli wolverine, jean in pa cyclops(oba umrla v last stand - originalna časovna premisa). in od tu sem mislil da bodo nadaljevali in bo jean postala rogue dark phoenix.

pa bo očitno zadeva umeščena po koncu filma x-men apocalypse, torej young x-men generacija z ono Sophie kot Jean(game of thrones). Meni osebno mi tale Sophie ni preveč posrečena izbira, preveč jo povezujem s Sanso.

oo7 ::

1. The Original X-Men Timeline

3500 B.C.: X-Men: Apocalypse

In both the post-credits scene from Days of Future Past and the prologue of Apocalypse, we learn about the world's first mutant: Apocalypse. Basically, En Sabah Nur was the worst.

1845: X-Men Origins: Wolverine

X-Men Origins: Wolverine attempts to explain Wolverine's backstory. Starting in 1845 when a young James Howlett grows bone claws after witnessing the murder of the man who raised him. He runs off with half-brother/future Sabretooth Victor Creed.

1861-1865: X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Logan and half-brother Victor Creed fight in the American Civil War.

1917-1918: X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Logan and half-brother Victor Creed fight in World War I. (They really seem to like wars.)

1944: X-Men: First Class

In First Class, Charles Xavier/Professor X meets a young Raven/Mystique as children in Westchester. He offers her a home. Meanwhile, in a German concentration camp, Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto develops his powers under the abusive tutelage of Nazi Kevin Bacon. (His actual name is Klaus Schmidt.)

1944: X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Logan and half-brother Victor Creed fight in World War II and are at the D-Day invasion of Normandy. (They love being soldiers so much.)

1945: The Wolverine

Logan jumps theaters of war and is now a POW in a Japanese internment camp when the atomic bomb is dropped on Nagasaki. He saves an officer named Yashida from the blast. This act of heroism will end up backfiring...

1962: X-Men: First Class

Charles and Erik meet while they are both going after Nazi Kevin Bacon (aka Klaus Schmidt). After working together to build a team of mutants to fight for the CIA, they part ways at the end of the Cuban Missile Crisis, in part because Erik accidentally deflects a bullet into Charles' spine, paralyzing him. It's a messy divorce, and each has their own, conflicting view of the best way forward for mutant-kind.

Unexplained continuity error: In 2000 X-Men, Charles claims he met Erik at the age of 17. There is also no mention of Charles and Mystique being "brother and sister."

1973: X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Logan and half-brother Victor Creed/Sabretooth fight in the Vietnam War. When Victor tries to rape a Vietnamese woman and kills the officer who tries to stop him, Logan defends him. The two are sentenced to death by firing squad and end up being recruited into Team X by William Stryker.

1979: X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Logan is approached by Stryker, who tells him that Victor has gone rogue. After Victor fake-kills Logan's girlfriend (it's a long story), Stryker convinces Logan to coat his bones with adamantium. (Because why not?) At the end of the film, an adamantium bullet to the head results in Wolverine's amnesia.

It's worth noting that the movie also has a brief Professor X cameo when a (somehow ambulatory) Charles shows up to rescue the group of mutant kids -- including Scott -- from Stryker's super evil experimentation facility.

Unexplained continuity error: Though it makes sense that Logan wouldn't remember the X-Kids he rescued from Stryker when he meets them again in X-Men, it's kind of weird that somehow Scott wouldn't remember him. Wolverine is a memorable guy.

Unexplained continuity error 2: Emma Frost is a child in X-Men Origins, even though she was an adult in First Class.

1986: X-Men: The Last Stand

In a The Last Stand flashback, Charles and Erik try to recruit a young Jean Grey.

Unexplained continuity error: Charles and Erik are friends; Charles can both walk and use his powers. (Maybe there was a period including 1979 and 1986 when Charles inexplicably gained use of his legs?) It's also kind of weird that Erik and Charles are working together.

2000: X-Men

An amnesiac Logan is drawn into the plight of Professor X and his school of mutants when he meets Rogue. Magneto tries to use Rogue, the Statue of Liberty, and a homemade machine to turn the world's leaders into mutants. (Oh, Erik.) He is thwarted by the X-Men and thrown into a plastic prison.

Unexplained continuity error: Professor X tells Wolverine it's been 15 years since he lost his memory, which took place duing the Three Mile Island incident in X-Men Origins. This would suggest that the events of X-Men would take place in 1994. But who knows?

Unexplained continuity error 2: Charles can't figure out how Erik can hide himself from Cerebro, but he first sees the telepathy-blocking helmet in First Class.

Unexplained continuity error 3: Speaking of Cerebro: Xavier says Erik helped him build Cerebro, yet we see that the CIA built it in First Class. And even if he meant move it, we don't see Erik help rebuild Cerebro until the events of Apocalypse, which take place in the New X-Men Timeline. (Courtesy of David Crow)

2003: X2: X-Men United

Though released in 2003, X2: United takes place shortly after the events in X-Men. In it, both Professor X's X-Men and Magneto's Brotherhood of Mutants must band together to save all of mutant-kind when Stryker develops a machine to kill all mutants. Jean Grey seemingly sacrifices herself to help the X-jet escape from Stryker's base at Alkali Lake.

2005: X-Men: The Last Stand

Worthington Labs develops a "cure" for the mutant gene. Mystique takes a shot of the cure meant to hit Magneto, turning her human. Magneto abandons her, which is a very harsh choice.

Meanwhile, Jean Grey resurfaces as Phoenix, killing Scott/Cyclops, knocking out Logan, and escaping to her childhood home. There, she is confronted by Erik and Charles who try to reach Jean through her Phoenix alternate personality. She disintegrates Charles. (So... #fail.)

Magneto and his Brotherhood attack Worthington Labs and are stopped by the X-Men, who manage to inject Erik with the cure. Logan kills Jean. Rogue chooses to take the cure. Charles kind of reveals himself to be alive to Olivia Williams' Moira MacTaggert.

Unexplained continuity error: In The Last Stand, Moira MacTaggert is a Scottish doctor working at Muir Island's genetic facility played by Olivia Williams. In First Class, which takes place forty years prior, she is an American agent working for the CIA played by Rose Byrne. Maybe there are two Moira MacTaggerts who are friends with the X-Men?

2013: The Wolverine

Logan isn't doing so well after Jean's death. He is invited to Japan by a super-rich Yashida (the dude he saved from the atomic bomb back in 1945). Yashida offers to take Logan's healing powers from him so that Yashida can live and Logan can die. Logan says no thanks, but Yashida does not take no thanks for an answer...

After a lot of fighting involving yakuza, Yashida's granddaughter Mariko, a robot parasite that Logan has to tear off of his own heart, and an only-pretending-to-be-dead Yashida, Logan leaves Japan having mostly gotten over Jean's death.

2015: The Wolverine

In a post-credits sequence, Erik (complete with powers!) and Charles (yay, he is totally alive!) approach Logan in an airport. They tell him of an oncoming Sentinel threat, setting up the events of Days of Future Past...

Kind of explained continuity error: Um, I guess the cure wore off of Erik? Also, Charles is alive? There is some alluding to his having transferred his consciousness into another body, but, unless that body was his twin, it doesn't make sense that he would still be Patrick Stewart-shaped.

2023: X-Men: Days of Future Past

The future is terrible. Mutant-kind and human-kind are screwed. Sentinels, a bunch of super powerful robots with the best of mutant abilities, are hunting down the last of the remaining mutants and their human friends.

Erik and Charles use Kitty Pryde's power to send Logan's consciousness back into his 1973 body to keep Mystique from killing Dr. Trask, therefore changing history forever and starting a New X-Men Timeline.

2. New X-Men Timeline

Everything is the same as the original timeline until 1973...

1973: X-Men: Days of Future Past

Wolverine and young Professor X prevent Mystique's assassination of Trask, but they can't stop Magento from going all "mutant-kind first" on them and trying to assassinate President Richard Nixon. (Oh, Erik.) Magneto throws Logan into the Potomac where his is fished out by Mystique.

Unexplained continuity error: No one has really aged from the events of First Class, even though Days of Future Past is meant to take place a decade later.

Unexplained continuity error 2: Bolivar Trask looks a whole lot like Peter Dinklage in 1973, yet in 2006, he more closely resembles Bill Duke. (Courtesy of David Crow) Also, I am no convinced Bolivar is a real first name.

1983: X-Men: Apocalypse

Apocalypse/En Sabah Nur wakes up and sets off on a world domination plot with his Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Magneto, Psylocke, Angel, and Storm. He convinces them to join his plot to destroy the world by giving them really cool makeovers.

Meanwhile, Charles' mutant school is thriving, and includes teen students: Scott Summers, Jean Grey, and Jubilee. When Apocalypse and his horsemen begin to destroy the world, Charles, Mystique, Beast, and the kids (including Quicksilver and Nightcrawler) stop them.

In a random aside, Wolverine (now with an adamantium upgrade) is freed from his Weapon X imprisonment by Scott and Jean. At the end of the film, a man in a suit collects samples of Wolverine's blood. (This will become very relevant in Logan.)

Unexplained continuity error: No one has aged. Again. It's starting to get really distracting.

Unexplained continuity error 2: Angel is a teenager in 1983, so at youngest, he was probably seven to nine-years-old during the events of Days of Future Past in '73. So time traveling should not have affected his age, yet he is also in his late 20s in 2006 and looks more like a Ben Foster type. (Courtesy of David Crow)

2016: Deadpool

Former Special Forces operative Wade Wilson undergoes an experiment that leaves him with powers. He adopts the Deadpool persona and hunts down Ajax, the man who destroyed his life.

Because Deadpool ignores the Wade Wilson character of X-Men Origins: Wolverine, it seemingly takes place in the New X-Men Timeline. That being said, Wilson's meta commentary about the multiple X-Men timelines implies its own meta-universe. But who has time for that?

Anyway, Deadpool has always known he's in a comic book, so it makes perfect sense he'd just embrace the absurdity of knowing he's in a movie too.

2023: X-Men: Days of Future Past

At the end Days of Future Past, we see Logan return to a 2023 where there is no Sentinel threat and Xavier's school is thriving with both Jean and Scott alive and well. Everyone lives happily ever after.

3. X-Men Timeline Outliers

2029: Logan

No one really seems to want to come out and explicitly say in which timeline the Logan movie takes place, and I can understand why. Because it doesn't really fit in either. From what I can tell, Logan has to take place in a third X-Men timeline, as it recognizes events from both the Original X-Men Timeline and the New X-Men Timeline as canon.

What does it count as canon from the Original X-Men Timeline? As we mention in our Logan Easter Eggs article, Logan and Charles discuss a long ago incident at the Statue of Liberty, hinting at the events of the very first X-Men film. Logan also talks to Dr. Rice about killing his father, Dr. Cornelius -- something that happened at the end of X-Men Origins: Wolverine, aka the Original X-Men Timeline. However, Logan can't take place in the Original X-Men Timeline because the events of the Sentinel future are avoided.

What does it count from the New X-Men Timeline? In Apocalypse, we see an Essex Corporation suit taking Logan's blood for use in the experimentation that presumably leads to X-23's existence. However, Logan can't take place in the New X-Men Timeline not only because of the ways in which is recognized the Original X-Men Timeline, but because there is no mention of the happy future from the Days of Future Past epilogue.

Some might argue that the epilogue takes place before the psychic event that has Charles unwittingly killing some of his X-Men family (something hinted at in Logan), but, in Logan, it is stated that no new mutants have been born for 20 years, which doesn't seem to match up with that we see in the Days of Future Past epilogue.

Furthermore, we see different versions of Caliban in Apocalypse and Logan.

Vir: http://www.denofgeek.com/us/movies/x-me...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

Izi ::

Starodavni je izjavil:

Meni osebno mi tale Sophie ni preveč posrečena izbira, preveč jo povezujem s Sanso.

Sanse v letu 2018 sploh ne boš videl, Igre prestolov se vrnejo šele 2019.
Ob Phoenix boš hitro pozabil na Sanso ;)
 Jean Grey / Phoenix

Jean Grey / Phoenix

Kot zaenkrat kaže bo film štartal ravno za Noč čarovnic, 31. oktobra 2018.

Jean Grey bo Anti-heroina >:D
Jean bo začela pridobivati tako neverjetno moč, kot jo še noben X-men nikoli ni imel. Ta moč jo bo pokvarila in spremenila v Dark Phoenix.
Ostali X-Meni bodo pred težko odločitvijo. Ali pustiti da Temni Feniks uniči celotno človeštvo ali pa naj se spopadejo z svojo nekdanjo prijateljico in članico njihove skupine X-Menov, ki je verjetno močnejša kot oni vsi skupaj.

Izi ::

Sicer je že zgoraj M-Power razlagal X-Men časovnico, ampak je vse skupaj predolgo in nepregledno. Zato sem po dolgem študiranju in preučevanju iz vseh mogočih virov sestavil en bolj pregleden Timeline, po katerem je najbolje gledati filme, da ima vse skupaj nek smisel.
X-Men se lahko "pohvali" z daleč najbolj komplicirano časovno linijo in če gledaš po vrsti kot je bilo posneto ti ne bo nič jasno 8-O

Torej to je Timeline po katerem naj bi gledal X-Men sago:

1962: X-Men: First Class (2011)
1981: X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)
2000: X-Men (2000)
2003: X-Men 2 (2003)
2006: X-Men: The Last Stand (2006)
2013: The Wolverine (2013)
2023: X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)

1973: -- (time changed) --

1983: X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)
1991: X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2018)
2016: Deadpool (2016)
2018: The New Mutants (2018)
2018: Deadpool 2 (2018)
2029: Logan (2017)

Na levi je leto v katerem se dogaja zgodba, na koncu pa v oklepaju leto ko so posneli film.
Leta 2023 v filmu X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) Logan odpotuje v leto 1973 in spremeni prihodnost. Vse kar se je zgodilo od 1973 naprej se izbriše in začne se nova časovna linija.
Dodal sem tudi 3 najnovejše filme, ki pridejo ven letos.
Nabralo se je že kar 13 filmov in X-Man saga je dolga že preko 30 ur 8-)

Vazelin ::

Xman je imo najbolj kvalitetna super hero franšiza. Edina katere filme čakam

Nikec3 ::

Na koncu niti ni tako zapleteno. Days of Future Past je most med dvema časovnicama. Vse kar je prišlo ven po tem filmu je v novi časovnici.

Prva časovnica je torej zaključena in to precej žalostno.
@WarpedOne o Elonu Musku:
"ST inteligenca serijskemu izdelovalcu "čudežev" očita pomanjkanje inteligence"

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Nikec3 ()

opeter ::

Vazelin je izjavil:

Xman je imo najbolj kvalitetna super hero franšiza. Edina katere filme čakam

Se strinjam. Meni je bil tudi X-men Origins: Wolverine čisto gledljiv in je imel svoje delikatne dele (recimo Lynn Collins).
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) -> http://tinyurl.com/na7r54l
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
RTVSLO: http://tinyurl.com/74r9n7j

oo7 ::

Danes enkrat naj bi izšel trailer za ta film.

oo7 ::

X-Men: Dark Phoenix Trailer #1 (2019)

Nikec3 ::

oo7 je izjavil:

X-Men: Dark Phoenix Trailer #1 (2019)

Ok trailer. Ni mi všeč glavna igralka, efekti so slabi in predvidevam, da bomo spet gledali Magnetov bipolarni déjà vu, ki smo ga do zdaj že res prevečkrat videli, da bi bil še vedno zanimiv.

Btw, v katerem vesolju smo zdaj to? :)):|
Če prav razumem to ni enako vesolje kot Logan/Deadpool? Čeprav Logan/Deadpool ima že po drugem delo verjetno tudi novo vesolje. Zmeda, zmeda.
@WarpedOne o Elonu Musku:
"ST inteligenca serijskemu izdelovalcu "čudežev" očita pomanjkanje inteligence"

opeter ::

Upam, da Dizni ne bo skenslal tole ...
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) -> http://tinyurl.com/na7r54l
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
RTVSLO: http://tinyurl.com/74r9n7j

Linko ::

Kdo bo igral wolwerina, ali ga sploh ni v tem filmu?

oo7 ::

Nikec3 je izjavil:

Btw, v katerem vesolju smo zdaj to? :)):|
Če prav razumem to ni enako vesolje kot Logan/Deadpool? Čeprav Logan/Deadpool ima že po drugem delo verjetno tudi novo vesolje. Zmeda, zmeda.

Par komentarjev nazaj imaš napisane timeline.

Linko je izjavil:

Kdo bo igral wolwerina, ali ga sploh ni v tem filmu?

Hugh Jackman je na žalost zaključil. Mislim pa, da v tem filmu Wolverina ne bo.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

yoco ::

lol, film prestavili na poletja 2019!

Vazelin ::

yoco je izjavil:

lol, film prestavili na poletja 2019!

hmm to malo smrdi po tem, da ni prave kvalitete v igri in morajo dodelovati?

oo7 ::

Budget z reshoti naj bi bil okrog 200 mio $. Tole bi znal biti lažji flop razen če bo Sansa dovolj popularna.

ahac ::

Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • odbrisal: ahac ()

gendale2018 ::

al pa da nočejo izdat preblizu skupaj z captain marvel, avengers 4 in zadnjo sezono got
ja sam mali poštar, kurac mi je oštar
čuvajte se žene, bit ćete jebene

Tr0n ::

Izi ::

Proti tej jezni deklini pa še Superman ne bi imel za burek :D

oo7 ::

Izi je izjavil:

Proti tej jezni deklini pa še Superman ne bi imel za burek :D

Superman z filmov definitivno nima šans proti Dark Phoenixu.

Ampak, ker Dark Phoenix ni navadna Jean imaš tudi druge verzije Supermana. >:D

Thought Robot ali Cosmic Armor Superman >:D

How Powerful Is Cosmic Armor Superman?

gendale2018 ::

thanos vs phoenis

night king vs phoenix
ja sam mali poštar, kurac mi je oštar
čuvajte se žene, bit ćete jebene

oo7 ::

Ravno danes v 24 kurah taprva Jean Grey


IvoJan ::

oo7 je izjavil:

Izi je izjavil:

Proti tej jezni deklini pa še Superman ne bi imel za burek :D

Superman z filmov definitivno nima šans proti Dark Phoenixu.

Ampak, ker Dark Phoenix ni navadna Jean imaš tudi druge verzije Supermana. >:D

Thought Robot ali Cosmic Armor Superman >:D

How Powerful Is Cosmic Armor Superman?

The Phoenix is among the most feared beings in all of existence—having the power to cut and re-grow any part of the universe, as well as destroy it entirely, which is part of the Phoenix's purpose: "The Judgment of the Phoenix", to burn away the obsolete. The Phoenix Force is described as being "the embodiment of the very passion of Creation—the spark that gave life to the Universe, the flame that will ultimately consume it."
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oo7 ::

Če gledamo stripe se Dark Phoenix mogoče uvrsti med top 30 najmočnejših likov MOGOČE.

Če pa gledamo like, ki so jih nam predstavili v Marvel in DC filmih in TV serijah pa Dark Phoenix z lahkoto premaga recimo 95% vseh te likov.

Ostalih recimo 5%

Thanos z polno močjo rokovice je povsem enakovreden nasprotnik Dark Phoenixu

Dr Strange je v MCU je šele na začetku svoje poti a, ko enkrat doseže svoj poln potencial kot v stripih npr je lahko celo močnejši kot Dark Phoenix

Dormammu je definitivno močnejši kot Dark Phoenix lahko smo ga videli v filmu Dr Strange

Lucifer Morningstar v DC univerzi takoj za bogom recimo 1 ali 2 sekunde Dark Phoenixa ni več ;)

Lucifer is the second most powerful being in the DC universe. His 3 signature powers are The Lightbringer flames, his nigh-omniscience, and The Will of God. The flames can destroy almost anything and are unique hence the name Lightbringer. His nigh omniscience allows him to be 10 steps ahead of all others and know almost everything. His will can manipulate reality on any scale he so wishes. He also has various other powers like divine magic, soul creation, etc.

Even without his powers Lucifer's intellect makes him a formidable adversary. While powerless in The House of Windowless Rooms he was able to manipulate the many gods in the realm who attacked him and drive them to their own deaths, and he is capable of manipulating demons to think against their nature, and even gods against their will. His manipulation skills makes him a walking Anti-Life Equation.

His power seems to have no limit, but he actually does have one real weakness; He can not create something out of nothing on a multiversal scale.

Potem pa je tukaj še Saint of Killers z TV serije Preacher

Saint of Killers je bil zadet direktno z atomsko bombo pa ga ta ni prestavila niti za 1 cm še klobuka mu ni odneslo z glave :))
Potem so pa tukaj še njegova Colta.

The Saint of Killers wields two of the most powerful weapons in the universe. Two Walker Colt revolvers crafted from the Sword of the Angel of Death. Because they were meant to aid him in his mission as the Angel of Death they were given special properties.

First off they will never jam, nor will they run out of ammunition or need to be reloaded. But the most important factor of the revolvers is that they will always hit their mark, no matter what they must pass through to reach it. As well, whatever wound is received from the guns shall always be fatal no matter who the victim is even if it is God or The Devil.

Nikec3 ::

Meni ta zadnji trailer deluje zelo ok. Definitivno bo boljše od Apocalypse.
@WarpedOne o Elonu Musku:
"ST inteligenca serijskemu izdelovalcu "čudežev" očita pomanjkanje inteligence"

gendale2018 ::

v game of thrones bi rabila te moči
ja sam mali poštar, kurac mi je oštar
čuvajte se žene, bit ćete jebene

Vazelin ::

Nikec3 je izjavil:

Meni ta zadnji trailer deluje zelo ok. Definitivno bo boljše od Apocalypse.

Apocalypse je med slabšimi zadnjimi Xmeni. First Class in Days of Future Past sta zakon.
I got 99 problems but 4 usd XTZ ain't one...

oo7 ::

Men sta najboljša X- men filma Deadpool in Logan :)

gendale2018 ::

še en glas za days of future past (rogue cut če se da)

logan je dober, samo mi ne paše da so vsi stari in na tem da jih pobere

deadpool je pa smešen samo mi njegov humor tud ni nek presežel
ja sam mali poštar, kurac mi je oštar
čuvajte se žene, bit ćete jebene

Zgodovina sprememb…

oo7 ::

Dark Phoenix | "Every Hero Has A Dark Side" TV Commercial | 20th Century FOX

ahac ::

Dark Phoenix | Final Trailer [HD] | 20th Century FOX
Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

oo7 ::

Ta trailer mi je bolj všeč kot prejšnji.

oo7 ::

Dark Phoenix | A Phoenix Will Rise | 20th Century FOX

Dark Phoenix | The X-Men Legacy | 20th Century FOX

Dark Phoenix | Marvel Icons: Chris Claremont & Louise Simonson | 20th Century FOX

oo7 ::

Najslabša možna ocena dog shit :))

Dark Phoenix - Movie Review

GRT ::

Je že kdo gledal?

Vazelin ::

ko sem videl ocene sem si premislil;)
I got 99 problems but 4 usd XTZ ain't one...

oo7 ::

Tole zna biti finančni polom tako kot Hellboy. Najslabši teden za x-men film z ogromnim budgetom 200 mio $

GRT ::

Avengersi so postavili visoke standarde.
Folk bo pričakoval vedno več.

Vazelin ::

GRT je izjavil:

Avengersi so postavili visoke standarde.
Folk bo pričakoval vedno več.

Xmen je imel nekaj odličnih filmov. First Class je meni osebno top shit material. Žal po ocenah sodeč so xmeni 2019 smeti.
I got 99 problems but 4 usd XTZ ain't one...

GRT ::

Meni osebno niso bili nikoli na nivoju Avengers franšize. Vedno manjka tista pika na i.

opeter ::

Meni pa so bili X-Meni filmi bolj všečni od Avengersev, velja predvsem za starejše dele.
Ni bilo preveč humorja, predvsem pa je bila tematika bolj resna in temačna.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) -> http://tinyurl.com/na7r54l
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
RTVSLO: http://tinyurl.com/74r9n7j

ahac ::

Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

oo7 ::

Dark Phoenix je taka box office bomba, da so film že umaknili z polovice kino dvoran. Kot kaže je najemnina kino dvoran preveč za ta film in bi bila izguba samo še večja.

GRT ::

GRT je izjavil:

Meni osebno niso bili nikoli na nivoju Avengers franšize. Vedno manjka tista pika na i.


VaeVictis ::

Po tem finančnem polomu in še parih prej in še kakšnemu v prihodnosti se kaže, da določeni GoT igralci sploh niso tako dobri kakor so bili v Game of Thrones.

Sophie Turner (Dark Phoenix), Kit Harington (Pompeii) in Emilia Clarke (Terminator Genisys, Han Solo) imajo trenutno vsak vsaj že en flop za seboj, kdo od GoT igralcev bo naslednji...

Cruz ::

VaeVictis je izjavil:

Po tem finančnem polomu in še parih prej in še kakšnemu v prihodnosti se kaže, da določeni GoT igralci sploh niso tako dobri kakor so bili v Game of Thrones.

Sophie Turner (Dark Phoenix), Kit Harington (Pompeii) in Emilia Clarke (Terminator Genisys, Han Solo) imajo trenutno vsak vsaj že en flop za seboj, kdo od GoT igralcev bo naslednji...

Ne vem zakaj mislite, da so dobri igralci. Igrali so enodimenzionalne karakterje. Edina dva igralca, ki sta se res izkazala, sta Alfie Allen(Theon) ter Iwan Rheon(Ramsay), drugo pa vse zamenljivo.

Vredno ogleda ...

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TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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