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Deadpool & Wolverine [Deadpool 3]

Deadpool & Wolverine [Deadpool 3]

oo7 ::

Napovedan film X-Force in potrjen je tudi film Deadpool 3 pa naj bo ena tema za dva filma :)

Film Deadpool 2 bo uvod v filma X-Force in Deadpool 3

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3053198/

Production beings shortly on Deadpool 2, and there is already talk of an X-Force movie, which will also feature the wise-cracking mercenary. Deadpool co-writer Rhett Reese has now confirmed that fans can expect Deadpool 3 as well.

Speaking to Cinemablend, Reese explained that Deadpool 2 would set the stage for both X-Force and Deadpool 3. "I think it's working in an expansive way towards X-Force, which will really be more of an ensemble," he said. "But then that will allow us to do both an X-Force movie and a Deadpool 3, which actually contracts back down."


X-Force - https://comicvine.gamespot.com/x-force/...
  • spremenil: ahac ()

oo7 ::

RUMOR: David Leitch Returning to Helm a Deadpool 3

Reynolds has been pushing for an ­X-Force movie before another Deadpool film, but priorities have shifted in recent months. The proposed film about the team is set to be helmed by Drew Goddard (Hotel Artemis), but filming on his next film Bad Times at the El Royale have complicated that.

Rumors about the future direction of Deadpool have been increasing ever since the announcement that the Disney purchase of Fox was going through. Disney CEO Bob Iger has mentioned Deadpool specifically going forward with the unified Marvel universe. Iger said "There may be an opportunity for an R-rated Marvel brand as long as we let audiences know what's coming."


Kot kaže Disney le ne bo imel težav z R rating filmi :P

MostWanted ::


pohvale m-power za trud, ko odpiraš teme in pišeš novičke.

FTad ::

MostWanted je izjavil:


pohvale m-power za trud, ko odpiraš teme in pišeš novičke.


hvala M-Power!

oo7 ::

Ryan Reynolds Says 'Deadpool 3' Is in the Works, Will Be Completely Different

"His team was already at work on 'Deadpool 3,' [Reynolds] added... He did say, however, that in the third installment, they were 'looking to go in a completely different direction,' saying that 'often, they reboot or change a character maybe like four movies too late.'"


oo7 ::

Zdaj, ko je miš kupila FOX bodo po vsej verjetnosti rebotali X men franšizo. X men bodo prej ali slej postali del MCU in najbrž z novimi igralci.

Edini X men, ki 100% ne bo doživel rebota je Deadpool. Si tudi ne predstavljam, da bi zamenjali Ryana Reynoldsa >:D

Pred rebotom pa bomo letos videli še vsaj 2 xmen filma X-Men: Dark Phoenix in X-Men: The New Mutants .

oo7 ::

Ryan Reynolda MCU peta faza :))

Ryan Reynolds Just Teased Deadpool in Phase 5 of the MCU

oo7 ::

Deadpool 3 doesn't need to be rated R, director says
One of the bloodiest, most foul-mouthed film series might have to clean it up a little now it's part of the Marvel family.


Upam, da ne bo PG13 ;((

FTad ::

ah, to je drek!

oo7 ::

Deadpool Writers Confirm Marvel Will Allow Them to Continue With R-Rated Movies :D


Deadpool bo ostal R :)

FTad ::

Kul! :) Edino, ce bo kak crossover s Spidermanom, potem tezko.

oo7 ::

FTad je izjavil:

Kul! :) Edino, ce bo kak crossover s Spidermanom, potem tezko.

Upajmo, da bo R :D

oo7 ::

Deadpool 3 Is In Development at Disney, Ryan Reynolds Announces


oo7 ::

Pojavil se je leak. Ali je pravi ali ne pa bomo videli.

'Deadpool 3' Rumored Leak Reveals Marvel's MCU Plans For The Character

A new MCU Deadpool is indeed in the works. Reynolds and Feige have finally come to an agreement on what the movie will be.

It's a half sequel to the established Deadpool Series and half reboot.

Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick will be returning to write the script along with Reynolds, who already has a barebones draft constructed that he used to pitch the movie to Feige.

It will be titled Deadpool: Retcon and will be set during the snap. The film will open with the entire established supporting cast of the Deadpool franchise getting snapped away. With Weasel getting snapped off screen to avoid using TJ Miller, which will be referenced in a 4th wall break.

Deadpool will assume this happened due to him time traveling at the end of Deadpool 2 and attempt to fix it. The running joke is that Deadpool has always been in the MCU and there's definitely nothing strange about that. T-Ray is the villain.

The film will be rated R and released under the 20th Century banner. It will work a lot like the Sony Spider-Man films where the MCU is canon to Deadpool but not necessarily vice versa.

Reynolds signed a historically lucrative 5 film contract with Marvel Studios. This will be a big headline when this news breaks. The money is insane.

Expect this news by December 10th. Likely will be announced by Reynolds on Twitter/Instagram, possibly in character as Deadpool.


oo7 ::

Deadpool 3 Will Be an R-Rated MCU Movie, Says Kevin Feige


Prvi MCU R rated film ?

oo7 ::

Filma ne bodo začeli snemati pred letom 2022. Tako, da bo treba še nekaj časa počakati.

oo7 ::

Deadpool 3 Will Reportedly Be The Most Adult, Violent Deadpool Movie Yet

Dober poster :))

Horas ::

ow yea8-)
8700k+z390, 32gb 3600mhz, 1080ti, 700w gold, 512gb+2x250gb m.2 nvme + 2tb hdd

8500+b360, 32gb 2666mhz, rx 6600, 600w bronze, 512gb+250gb ssd m.2 + 2tb hdd

oo7 ::

Ryan Reynolds hoče narediti triologijo iz filmov Deadpool 3, Deadpool 4 in Deadpool 5.

Ryan Reynolds naj bi hotel režirati film Deadpool 4.

Marvel hoče Hugh Jackmana za film Deadpool 4 in Spiderman-a.

Ryan Reynolds noče delati z Scarlet Johanson. MCU že potrdil, da se njuna lika ne bosta nikoli srečala v MCU. Sicer gre za bivša zakonca.

Horas ::

stare zamere? :D
8700k+z390, 32gb 3600mhz, 1080ti, 700w gold, 512gb+2x250gb m.2 nvme + 2tb hdd

8500+b360, 32gb 2666mhz, rx 6600, 600w bronze, 512gb+250gb ssd m.2 + 2tb hdd

oo7 ::

Horas je izjavil:

stare zamere? :D


oo7 ::

Rob Liefeld, ki je v stripih ustvaril lik Deadpool je v skrbeh, da bo Disney uničil njegov lik. Ko je Disney kupil FOX je kupil tudi lik Deadpool.

Deadpool 3 film je v produkciji že 2 leti kar je dobro saj so začeli delati na filmu preden je prevzel Disney. Ammpak Disney se še vedno lahko vmeša v film.

Rob Liefeld pravi, da njegov lik ne bo deloval če ne bo imel odraslega R ratinga in ne bo tisto kar je v stripih.

Rob Liefeld pravi, da bi moral Disney imeti še žanr z odraslimi filmi ammpak nima veliko upov, da bi se to zgodilo.

Rob Liefeld upa, da Disney ne bo stal na poti igralcu Ryanu Reynoldsu, ki je najbolj zaslužen, da so se Deadpool filmi sploh zgodili in, da je Deadpool tak kot mora biti.

Horas ::

disney pa njihova politična korektnost vemo kako je.
8700k+z390, 32gb 3600mhz, 1080ti, 700w gold, 512gb+2x250gb m.2 nvme + 2tb hdd

8500+b360, 32gb 2666mhz, rx 6600, 600w bronze, 512gb+250gb ssd m.2 + 2tb hdd

oo7 ::

Ryan Reynolds potrdil, da trenutno on piše zgodbo za film Deadpool 3. Še je upanje :)

oo7 ::

Deadpool 3 pisci zgodbe zagotavljajo, da Deadpool ne bo Disneyfied :)

Bi pa kmalu bil Disneyfied saj so pisce katere je najel FOX Disney kasneje odpustil ampak so jih najeli nazaj.

ahac ::

Deadpool / Wolverine

Hard keeping my mouth sewn shut about this one.
Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: ahac ()

oo7 ::

ahac je izjavil:

Deadpool / Wolverine

Hard keeping my mouth sewn shut about this one.

Tole pa je atomska bomba od novice :)

oo7 ::

Leta 2009 sta že igrala v istem filmu kot Wolverine in Deadpool. Ampak film je bil slab še posebej so falili s Deadpoolom.

Še sreča, da je Reynolds ustrajal pri vlogi Deadpoola ;)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

BaTeMaN ::

:) he he super novica res

Hugh Jackman FTW :)
less then zero

oo7 ::

Nekje sem bral, da je bil največji problem za Hugh Jackmana igranje vloge Wolverina, da je moral biti vedno izklesan tako, da je moral veliko časa preživeti v telovadnici Sedaj, ko je starejši in tudi Logan je postal starejši ne rabi biti več tako izklesan.

BaTeMaN ::

To pa verjamem. Sploh pri 50+
less then zero

oo7 ::

Deadpool Update

Deadpool Update, Part Hugh :))

Gagatronix ::

Prvi Deadpool je bil super, drugi je bil ze na nivoju yawnfest-a, tako da za tretjega nimam visokih pricakovanj.

oo7 ::

Jennifer Garner bo zaigrala v vlogi Elektre v filmu Deadpool 3.

Film Elektra je izšel leta 2005.

Gagatronix ::

In bil tako hitro pozabljen da niti omembe ni vredno.

tikitoki ::

Gagatronix je izjavil:

Prvi Deadpool je bil super, drugi je bil ze na nivoju yawnfest-a, tako da za tretjega nimam visokih pricakovanj.

Se strinjam. Trenutno je prevec woke ozracje in dvomim, da imajo producenti jajca za dovolj politicno nekorekten film.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: tikitoki ()

oo7 ::

Wolverine v klasičnem kostumu iz stripov.

oo7 ::

Glede na govorice bi Wesley Snipes lahko v filmu Deadpool 3 še enrkat upodobil lik Blade.

oo7 ::

Deadpool & Wolverine - Official Teaser Trailer (2024) Ryan Reynolds, Hugh Jackman

Lepo, da Deadpool pove v trailerju, da je tole nekaj novega za Disney :))

oo7 ::

Tisti kateri ste gledali film Mozje X: Zadnji spopad iz leta 2006 vam bo znan Pyro.

oo7 ::

V trailerju so tudi nakazali na velikega zlikavca Dr Doom

Na levi strani poleg Deadpoola leži tudi strip

Secret Wars

Gre za ta strip

oo7 ::

Edini Disnijev film kateremu privoščim uspeh.

Edino upam, da ne bo zgodba preveč povezana s TV serijami, ker je notri TVA. Sem gledal od Marvelovih TV seij samo Loki prvo sezono.

oo7 ::

Deadpool & Wolverine Becomes the Most-Viewed Trailer of All Time Within 24 Hours

Deadpool & Wolverine has officially broken the record previously held by Spider-Man: No Way Home for the most-viewed trailer of all time within 24 hours with over 365 million views.


link_up ::

autoplay je gotovo mega pogruntavscina. :D
In and Out

ahac ::

Deadpool & Wolverine | Trailer
Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: ahac ()

oo7 ::

Komaj čakam.
Dva najboljša v 1 filmu LFG :D

oo7 ::

Deadpool & Wolverine & The Bachelorette

oo7 ::

Deadpool & Wolverine - Official Teaser Trailer (2024) Hugh Jackman, Ryan Reynolds

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