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Deadpool 2

oo7 ::
Zaenkrat piše 2017
Na IMDB že piše Deadpool 2 annouced
IMDB Ryan Reynolds že piše Deadpool 2 annouced
IMDB Tim Miller režiser pa piše Deadpool 2 (im talks) upam, da izberejo Tim Millerja, ker prvi Deadpool je odličen
Na IMDB že piše Deadpool 2 annouced

IMDB Ryan Reynolds že piše Deadpool 2 annouced
IMDB Tim Miller režiser pa piše Deadpool 2 (im talks) upam, da izberejo Tim Millerja, ker prvi Deadpool je odličen

oo7 ::
Po vsej verjetnosti bo Cable glavni negativec v drugem delu.
Superhero Origins: Cable, AKA Nathan Summers
Največja škoda pa je, ker Hugh Jackman po filmu Wolverine 3 gre v pokoj
Wolverine in Deadpool imata veliko zgodovine v stripih tako kot Spider-man in Deadpool ampak spet Spider-man je Sony in Deadpool Fox no mogoče se bodo pa dogovrili za sodelovanje
Superhero Origins: Cable, AKA Nathan Summers
Največja škoda pa je, ker Hugh Jackman po filmu Wolverine 3 gre v pokoj

oo7 ::
Slaba novica 
'Deadpool 2' Loses Director Tim Miller Over Creative Differences
The director has parted ways with the studio over what insiders say are creative differences between him and Ryan Reynolds, the actor who plays the titular Marvel character.

'Deadpool 2' Loses Director Tim Miller Over Creative Differences
The director has parted ways with the studio over what insiders say are creative differences between him and Ryan Reynolds, the actor who plays the titular Marvel character.

Phantomeye ::
Slaba novica
'Deadpool 2' Loses Director Tim Miller Over Creative Differences
The director has parted ways with the studio over what insiders say are creative differences between him and Ryan Reynolds, the actor who plays the titular Marvel character.
ni najboljša, ni pa nujno slaba, konec konecev je je ryan itak glavni kreativec + tim miller ni ravno izkušen rešiser. Deadpool je konec koncev njegov prvenec. Sklepam, da je jabolko spora v smeri vizualnih efektov v novem deadpoolu (glede na to, da je miller močan na tem področju).

oo7 ::
Znan je nov režiser filma Deadpool 2 - David Leitch
Po IMDB sodeč je stuntman z režijo nima veliko izkušenj. No tudi v prvem filmu Deadpool režiser Tim Miller ni imel veliko izkušenj pa je bil film odličen :)
Po IMDB sodeč je stuntman z režijo nima veliko izkušenj. No tudi v prvem filmu Deadpool režiser Tim Miller ni imel veliko izkušenj pa je bil film odličen :)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

mirkuma ::
Po vsej verjetnosti bo Cable glavni negativec v drugem delu.
Superhero Origins: Cable, AKA Nathan Summers
Največja škoda pa je, ker Hugh Jackman po filmu Wolverine 3 gre v pokojWolverine in Deadpool imata veliko zgodovine v stripih tako kot Spider-man in Deadpool ampak spet Spider-man je Sony in Deadpool Fox no mogoče se bodo pa dogovrili za sodelovanje
Si siguren da bo negativec? Glede na ozadje iz stripov naj bi bila z Deadpoolom budy-ja :-)
...all those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain...

oo7 ::
Si siguren da bo negativec? Glede na ozadje iz stripov naj bi bila z Deadpoolom budy-ja :-)
Siguren nisem, da bo negativec pa tudi nisem vedel, da naj bi bila prijatelja :)

oo7 ::
Trenutno naj bi bil glavni kandidat za vlogo Cable igralec Michael Shannon
Torej od Generala Zoda, do Cabla? Dobra izbira, ker bi se lahko Deadpool šalil na račun Zod-a
Se je pa pojavilo tudi že drugo ime za vlogo Cable Brad Pitt :)
Sources tell us that in casting Cable, Brad Pitt was eyed to take on the role and there was interest on both sides. As of right now he's moved on, but since this role is very much in flux there's the possibility that things could change.
Torej od Generala Zoda, do Cabla? Dobra izbira, ker bi se lahko Deadpool šalil na račun Zod-a

Se je pa pojavilo tudi že drugo ime za vlogo Cable Brad Pitt :)
Sources tell us that in casting Cable, Brad Pitt was eyed to take on the role and there was interest on both sides. As of right now he's moved on, but since this role is very much in flux there's the possibility that things could change.

oo7 ::
'Deadpool 2' Writers Wouldn't Mind Seeing Hugh Jackman Play Hugh Jackman; Update on Sequel
To bi bilo zakon, da bi Hugh Jakman se pojavil v filmu Deadpool 2
To bi bilo zakon, da bi Hugh Jakman se pojavil v filmu Deadpool 2

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

oo7 ::
Josh Brolin je Cable
Ryan Reynolds - The fuck, Fox! You can't play 2 characters in the same universe!! Josh Brolin was in Sicario and I was in Sabrina The Teenage Witch.
Ryan Reynolds - The fuck, Fox! You can't play 2 characters in the same universe!! Josh Brolin was in Sicario and I was in Sabrina The Teenage Witch.

oo7 ::
Deadpool 2 lead Ryan Reynolds has also been all about the social media reveals recently. The actor took to Instagram to reveal that New Zealand actor Julian Dennison (Hunt For The Wilderpeople) is joining the sequel's cast.
Deadpool 2 lead Ryan Reynolds has also been all about the social media reveals recently. The actor took to Instagram to reveal that New Zealand actor Julian Dennison (Hunt For The Wilderpeople) is joining the sequel's cast.

oo7 ::
Josh Brolin On 'Deadpool 2' Being 'Funnier Than The First One' & Breaking The Fourth Wall
"To me, it's even funnier than the first one. When they asked me to do it, I was like 'I'm doing the Thanos thing right now, and should I do it?' And my wife just said 'Read it. Why are you even thinking? Just read it.' And I read it and I laughed harder than I've laughed in a very long time. So it's funny. Cable can be very funny. He can be a lot of things, but he can also be very funny."
"To me, it's even funnier than the first one. When they asked me to do it, I was like 'I'm doing the Thanos thing right now, and should I do it?' And my wife just said 'Read it. Why are you even thinking? Just read it.' And I read it and I laughed harder than I've laughed in a very long time. So it's funny. Cable can be very funny. He can be a lot of things, but he can also be very funny."

oo7 ::
Stuntwoman killed on set for Deadpool 2
Witnesses said that a female motorcyclist crashed her bike in the Jack Poole Plaza in the Canadian city of Vancouver. She reportedly went airborne before crashing through glass at Shaw Tower.
Witnesses said that a female motorcyclist crashed her bike in the Jack Poole Plaza in the Canadian city of Vancouver. She reportedly went airborne before crashing through glass at Shaw Tower.

oo7 ::
DEADPOOL 2: New picture of Josh Brolin as Cable!!
'Deadpool 2' Crash: Details Emerge In Death Of Stuntwoman Joi Harris
'Deadpool 2' Crash: Details Emerge In Death Of Stuntwoman Joi Harris

bambam20 ::

oo7 ::
Deadpool je tudi meni med top 5 najboljšimi filmi o superherojih pa je teh filmov o superherojih že več kot 100.
Mojih 5 najboljših ampak trenutno se ne morem odločit bi moral orng razmislit kater bi bil na prvem mestu Man of Steel, Deadpool, Logan, Batman Dark Knight in Captain america Civil War. Iron man je na 6 mestu
Je pa Deadpool začel nekaj novega to je, da so lahko R rated filmi o superherojih odlični poleg Deadpoola seveda še Logan in, da tudi R rated filmi lahko dobro napolnijo blagajno.
Mojih 5 najboljših ampak trenutno se ne morem odločit bi moral orng razmislit kater bi bil na prvem mestu Man of Steel, Deadpool, Logan, Batman Dark Knight in Captain america Civil War. Iron man je na 6 mestu

Je pa Deadpool začel nekaj novega to je, da so lahko R rated filmi o superherojih odlični poleg Deadpoola seveda še Logan in, da tudi R rated filmi lahko dobro napolnijo blagajno.

oo7 ::

oo7 ::
Disney v pogovorih za prevzem velikega dela 21st Century Fox
Na srečo Disniju ni uspelo prevzeti Fox-a
Če bi Disney prevzel Fox potem bi imeli X men v Marvel univezi to je že vredu ampak potem filma kot Deadpool in Logan najbrž ne bi bili več R rated v prihodnosti. Deadpool in Logan sta oba R rated in zaradi tega sodita v sam vrh kar se tiče filmov o superherojih ali anti herojev kar Deadpool tudi je 
Deadpool 2 Thanksgiving Poster
Na srečo Disniju ni uspelo prevzeti Fox-a

Deadpool 2 Thanksgiving Poster

bambam20 ::
To ja :) Komi čakam, da pride v kino. Hlače ima pa iz 90-ih. pa pas tudi
. Deadpool je po Iron manu najbolj kull superjunak. No anti-super junak.

oo7 ::
Here is the "official" Deadpool 2 synopsis that was released with the sequel's "Wet on Wet" teaser:
After surviving a near fatal bovine attack, a disfigured cafeteria chef (Wade Wilson) struggles to fulfill his dream of becoming Mayberry's hottest bartender while also learning to cope with his lost sense of taste. Searching to regain his spice for life, as well as a flux capacitor, Wade must battle ninjas, the yakuza, and a pack of sexually aggressive canines, as he journeys around the world to discover the importance of family, friendship, and flavor - finding a new taste for adventure and earning the coveted coffee mug title of World's Best Lover.
After surviving a near fatal bovine attack, a disfigured cafeteria chef (Wade Wilson) struggles to fulfill his dream of becoming Mayberry's hottest bartender while also learning to cope with his lost sense of taste. Searching to regain his spice for life, as well as a flux capacitor, Wade must battle ninjas, the yakuza, and a pack of sexually aggressive canines, as he journeys around the world to discover the importance of family, friendship, and flavor - finding a new taste for adventure and earning the coveted coffee mug title of World's Best Lover.

oo7 ::
Tole je hudo nekdo je naredil cel teaser trailer z lego :)
Deadpool's "Wet on Wet" Teaser in LEGO
Deadpool's "Wet on Wet" Teaser in LEGO

oo7 ::
Ryan Reynolds Hilariously Reacts To Disney and Fox Deal
Apparently you can't actually blow the Matterhorn.
Apparently you can't actually blow the Matterhorn.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

oo7 ::
Deadpool 2 izide 2 tedna prej kot je bilo načrtovano se pravi 18 maja. Film so prestavili zato, ker takrat enkrat izide tudi Star wars SOLO.

bambam20 ::

oo7 ::
Deadpool 2 izide 2 tedna prej kot je bilo načrtovano se pravi 18 maja. Film so prestavili zato, ker takrat enkrat izide tudi Star wars SOLO.
Solo pride letos? A zdaj bodo pa te star wars štepal serijsko. 2-3 na leto?
Me veseli, da pride Deadpool prej.
Ja 25 maja letos naj bi izšel že Solo.
Epizoda VII december 2015
Rogue One december 2016
Last Jedi december 2017
SOLO maj 2018
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