Forum » Problemi človeštva » Ukrajina Part II
Ukrajina Part II
Temo vidijo: vsi
dronyx ::
sir_mha ::
Obljubljena svobodna dežela, Rusija.
Russian intelligence was behind an April attack in Moscow that inflicted chemical burns on a Nobel Prize-winning Russian newspaper editor, American officials said Thursday.
U.S. intelligence agencies concluded that Russian intelligence operatives orchestrated the April 7 attack on Dmitri A. Muratov, the editor in chief of Novaya Gazeta, an independent newspaper critical of the Kremlin and the war in Ukraine.
The American intelligence assessment has been declassified and U.S. officials confirmed the information on Thursday. The assessment was earlier reported by The Washington Post.
In 2021, Mr. Muratov shared the Nobel Peace Prize with a crusading Filipina journalist in recognition of "their courageous fight for freedom of expression, which is a precondition for democracy and lasting peace." Six of Novaya Gazeta's journalists have been killed.
murrieta ::
Ha ha. Good luck, če misliš sedaj Ukrajince narest za agresorje, Ruse pa za žrtve. Ti si popolnoma zmeden.
Agresor je NATO, rusi so žrtev, ukrajinci pa še večja. Zgolj objektivna dejstva.
Objektivno gledano si potem bedak.
Niti ne, na kratko povedano in reducirano, da lahko tudi taki kot ti razumejo, ima Poldi112 prav.
Bolj je problem, da so vas mediji in ZDA nategnili in je tezko priznati, da ste izpadli bedaki sami.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: murrieta ()
TheBlueOne ::
Kako tocno pa je NATO agresor proti Rusiji?
Meni se bolj zdi, da je NATO edini nacin, da se bivse drzave SZ zascitijo pred Rusijo. Iz tega stalisca mi je jasno, da gre Putinu na jetra, ker za napad ni dovolj samo kaksen izgovor.
Meni se bolj zdi, da je NATO edini nacin, da se bivse drzave SZ zascitijo pred Rusijo. Iz tega stalisca mi je jasno, da gre Putinu na jetra, ker za napad ni dovolj samo kaksen izgovor.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TheBlueOne ()
Pithlit ::
Ha ha. Good luck, če misliš sedaj Ukrajince narest za agresorje, Ruse pa za žrtve. Ti si popolnoma zmeden.
Agresor je NATO, rusi so žrtev, ukrajinci pa še večja. Zgolj objektivna dejstva.
Objektivno gledano si potem bedak.
Niti ne, na kratko povedano in reducirano, da lahko tudi taki kot ti razumejo, ima Poldi112 prav.
Bolj je problem, da so vas mediji in ZDA nategnili in je tezko priznati, da ste izpadli bedaki sami.
Poldi ima prav ker, kratko povedano in reducirano, ti tako praviš? Seems legit.
Še enkrat. Katera članica NATO-a se sprehaja po Ukrajini? Ali Rusiji? Pa nekaj po Moldaviji že poka... kdo se tam sprehaja?
Life is as complicated as we make it...
sparklyslo ::
Ha ha. Good luck, če misliš sedaj Ukrajince narest za agresorje, Ruse pa za žrtve. Ti si popolnoma zmeden.
Agresor je NATO, rusi so žrtev, ukrajinci pa še večja. Zgolj objektivna dejstva.
Objektivno gledano si potem bedak.
Niti ne, na kratko povedano in reducirano, da lahko tudi taki kot ti razumejo, ima Poldi112 prav.
Bolj je problem, da so vas mediji in ZDA nategnili in je tezko priznati, da ste izpadli bedaki sami.
Daj bolnik, pojasni nam kako so nas mediji nategnili. Ruski fašisti v Ukrajini ubijajo otroke, bombardirajo naselja, posiljujejo ženske v Ukrajini, kradejo zemljo, grozijo vsem po vrsti,...A ti morda živiš v nekem vzporednem svetu in ne vidiš, da se to dogaja, ali si pa samo provokatorski idiot?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: sparklyslo ()
Lonsarg ::
Da bo volk sit in koza cela, Ukrajina in NATO sta izzivala. Kdo je glavni krivec ce nekdo zgolj izziva drugi pa gre vojasko napast je seveda jasno.
Govorim seveda o izzivanju pred 2014 in o 2014 ko je Rusija zacela z napadom. Vso dogajanje kasneje pa je zgolj eskalacija konflikta z ene ali druge strani, ampak sama vojna pa traja ze od 2014.
Govorim seveda o izzivanju pred 2014 in o 2014 ko je Rusija zacela z napadom. Vso dogajanje kasneje pa je zgolj eskalacija konflikta z ene ali druge strani, ampak sama vojna pa traja ze od 2014.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Lonsarg ()
TheBlueOne ::
Da bo volk sit in koza cela, Ukrajina in NATO sta izzivala. Kdo je glavni krivec ce nekdo zgolj izziva drugi pa gre vojasko napast je seveda jasno.
Ker to je edino izzivanje? Rusija pa je kaj, stala krizem rok? Kaj obrozevanje separatistov, zavzem Krima itn. niso izzivanje.
Ce je zate razlog za invazijo, da podpres neke separatiste, potem pa jih zascitis z invazijo, potem je bolj malo izgovorov, ki jih ne sprejmes. Kjer navadeno niti ni bil razlog, ki ga je Putin dal, ko je napadel. To ga enostavno opravicujete taki kot ti, njemu niti ni treba. On bo lovil naciste.
Pac-Man ::
Da bo volk sit in koza cela, Ukrajina in NATO sta izzivala.
O kakem izzivanju to?
Ker Ukrajina noče več plesat kot Rusija špila? Bit Bananastan, da se regular rusi malo bolje počutijo o situaciji doma?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
Pithlit ::
Da bo volk sit in koza cela:
Izziva lahko vsak. Kolikor hoče. Kriv je pa vedno tisti ki useka. Pač slabiči se pustijo sprovocirat.
Izziva lahko vsak. Kolikor hoče. Kriv je pa vedno tisti ki useka. Pač slabiči se pustijo sprovocirat.
Life is as complicated as we make it...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Poldi112 ()
mackilla ::
TheBlueOne je izjavil:
Da bo volk sit in koza cela, Ukrajina in NATO sta izzivala. Kdo je glavni krivec ce nekdo zgolj izziva drugi pa gre vojasko napast je seveda jasno.
Ker to je edino izzivanje? Rusija pa je kaj, stala krizem rok? Kaj obrozevanje separatistov, zavzem Krima itn. niso izzivanje.
Ce je zate razlog za invazijo, da podpres neke separatiste, potem pa jih zascitis z invazijo, potem je bolj malo izgovorov, ki jih ne sprejmes. Kjer navadeno niti ni bil razlog, ki ga je Putin dal, ko je napadel. To ga enostavno opravicujete taki kot ti, njemu niti ni treba. On bo lovil naciste.
Tudi našim koroškim Slovencem so podirali dvojezične table v Avstriji. Treba jih je osvoboditi izpod avstrijskega škornja in jih vrniti pod Balkanski jarem pa če hočejo ali ne. Če bo vojna kazala slabo lahko začnemo groziti,da bomo razstrelili nuklearko Krško.
Sieg Heil.
Lonsarg ::
TheBlueOne je izjavil:
A sem dvoumno napisal? Sem sklepal da je iz mojega stavka jasno vidno da je glavni krivec tisti ki napade in ne tisti ki izziva.Da bo volk sit in koza cela, Ukrajina in NATO sta izzivala. Kdo je glavni krivec ce nekdo zgolj izziva drugi pa gre vojasko napast je seveda jasno.
Ker to je edino izzivanje? Rusija pa je kaj, stala krizem rok? Kaj obrozevanje separatistov, zavzem Krima itn. niso izzivanje.
Ce je zate razlog za invazijo, da podpres neke separatiste, potem pa jih zascitis z invazijo, potem je bolj malo izgovorov, ki jih ne sprejmes. Kjer navadeno niti ni bil razlog, ki ga je Putin dal, ko je napadel. To ga enostavno opravicujete taki kot ti, njemu niti ni treba. On bo lovil naciste.
Sem pa imel v mislih izzivanje PRED 2014. Namrec Rusija je prvic napadla ze 2014, tako Krim kot oborozevanje seperatistov stejem pod napad. Dogodki po 2014 so zgolj se vojna z eskalacijo na obeh straneh.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Lonsarg ()
Pac-Man ::
Besede so lepe, zdaj še prevest v dejanja
Yesterday, Russia threatened two of our allies with a cut off of energy supplies.
Let me be clear: We will not let Russia intimidate or blackmail their way out of sanctions. And we will not allow them to use their oil to avoid consequences for their aggression.
We are working with other nations — like South Korea, Japan, and Qatar — that support our effort to help our European allies threatened by Russia with gas blackmail meet their energy needs in other ways.
Aggression will not win. Threats will not win.
It’s another reminder of the imperative for Europe and the world to move more and more of our power needs to clean energy — and the U.S. is doing that now.
Last year we deployed more solar, wind, and battery storage than any year in history — enough to power 56 million homes.
Yesterday, Russia threatened two of our allies with a cut off of energy supplies.
Let me be clear: We will not let Russia intimidate or blackmail their way out of sanctions. And we will not allow them to use their oil to avoid consequences for their aggression.
We are working with other nations — like South Korea, Japan, and Qatar — that support our effort to help our European allies threatened by Russia with gas blackmail meet their energy needs in other ways.
Aggression will not win. Threats will not win.
It’s another reminder of the imperative for Europe and the world to move more and more of our power needs to clean energy — and the U.S. is doing that now.
Last year we deployed more solar, wind, and battery storage than any year in history — enough to power 56 million homes.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
sir_mha ::
Še enkrat, da se ne bo pozabilo, kaj je bil prvi cilj pri napadu na Kijev.
It soon became clear the presidential offices were not the safest place to be. The military informed Zelensky that Russian strike teams had parachuted into Kyiv to kill or capture him and his family. "Before that night, we had only ever seen such things in the movies," says Andriy Yermak, the President's chief of staff.
As night fell that first evening, gunfights broke out around the government quarter. Guards inside the compound shut the lights and brought bulletproof vests and assault rifles for Zelensky and about a dozen of his aides. Only a few of them knew how to handle the weapons. One was Oleksiy Arestovych, a veteran of Ukraine's military intelligence service. "It was an absolute madhouse," he told me. "Automatics for everyone." Russian troops, he says, made two attempts to storm the compound. Zelensky later told me that his wife and children were still there at the time.
Hja, to je bila neumna napaka, k sreči se ni pokazala za usodno.
Stefanchuk was among the first to see the President in his office that day. "It wasn't fear on his face," he told me. "It was a question: How could this be?" For months Zelensky had downplayed warnings from Washington that Russia was about to invade. Now he registered the fact that an all-out war had broken out, but could not yet grasp the totality of what it meant.
VladarP ::
Kaj tega Churcila vlacite, reveza anglosaksonskega so srbski oficirji po Beogradu pred prvo svetovno vojno tepli kot vola
Akhmat sila
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: connel ()
l0g1t3ch ::
Kaj tega Churcila vlacite, reveza anglosaksonskega so srbski oficirji po Beogradu pred prvo svetovno vojno tepli kot vola
Tokrat nič sile?
Ojej srbi...
Sem mislil it v Srbijo, da bom na varnem pred Rusi in propadom EU.
Potem pa tole...
"Putin je Srbiji zabodel nož v hrbet," je zapis, ki danes množično preplavlja naslovnice srbskih tabloidov. To so prvi kritični naslovi v srbskih medijih od začetka ruske invazije na Ukrajino.
Ojej, ojej...
Kaj tudi Srbija ne bo naša rešitev? Le kaj nam je storiti sedaj?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: l0g1t3ch ()
RookY ::
Kaj če bi končno nehali odgovarjati trolu Nodiju(VladarP,vx,cias itd.), ki poserje vsako temo, ker ta trol rabi samo, da nekdo odgovarja na njegove neumnosti...vedno bo kontriral realnosti, ker samo tako dobi odziv, ki ga trol rabi, da lahko živi.
Juhu juhu spet bom bruhu
endelin ::
Tudi eden glavnih bivših Gazprombanke se bori za UA!
Tudi eden glavnih bivših Gazprombanke se bori za UA!
Pac-Man ::
Apropos of nothing, tole je max komercialna resolucija satelitskih posnetkov. Možno da tvitr doda kaj svoje kompresije.
The iconic Roman #Colosseum, #Rome, #Italy, in 15 cm high-definition. Our #HD technology delivers clear, rich images that empowers better decision-making through improved situation awareness. See more, do more with high-definition imagery. Learn more:
kliknzi, če vključim sliko noče pokazat polne kvalitete
The iconic Roman #Colosseum, #Rome, #Italy, in 15 cm high-definition. Our #HD technology delivers clear, rich images that empowers better decision-making through improved situation awareness. See more, do more with high-definition imagery. Learn more:
kliknzi, če vključim sliko noče pokazat polne kvalitete
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Aston_11 ::
Tudi eden glavnih bivših Gazprombanke se bori za UA!
Itak, morajo ubežati kozjejebcem, ker jih sicer potamanijo skupaj z družino. Poldi komaj čaka tak režim in se že seli.
dronyx ::
Apropos of nothing, tole je max komercialna resolucija satelitskih posnetkov.
Iran je kupil na trgu natančne satelitske posnetke, preden so napadli ameriško vojaško bazo (letališče) v Iraku. Nisem pa zasledil od koga so jih kupili.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: marjanmb ()
endelin ::
Saj to zgoraj verjetno je normal day at putler ![:))](
Dronyx: po nesreci kliknil izbris..
Dronyx: po nesreci kliknil izbris..
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: endelin ()
primoz4p ::
Izzivanje ali ..., vzeto iz konteksta International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI)
"... The Contact Group, Austin declared, must "move at the speed of war." In accordance with this direction, Germany announced Tuesday that it would deliver an unspecified number of Flakpanzer Gepard "anti-aircraft cannon tanks," while Canada reported that it would be sending M777 howitzers, anti-tank munitions and armored vehicles. "The distinction limiting escalatory weapons," which existed in the first weeks of the war, Air Force Magazine noted, "appears to have melted away."
The pretense that the US and NATO are not at war with Russia has also "melted away." Former US Army Europe Commander Ben Hodges stated on Sunday that the US aim in the conflict was "breaking the back" of Russia.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov responded, accusing the United States of pressuring the Ukrainian government to sabotage peace talks and of conducting a proxy war in Ukraine. He warned that there was a "serious, real" danger of nuclear war. Austin dismissed Lavrov's warning as "dangerous and unhelpful."
What nonsense! Washington assembles a war camp and states that it aims to "break the back" of Russia. When Russia responds that such language and goals raise the danger of nuclear war, Washington declares this to be ... unhelpful. ..."
"... The Contact Group, Austin declared, must "move at the speed of war." In accordance with this direction, Germany announced Tuesday that it would deliver an unspecified number of Flakpanzer Gepard "anti-aircraft cannon tanks," while Canada reported that it would be sending M777 howitzers, anti-tank munitions and armored vehicles. "The distinction limiting escalatory weapons," which existed in the first weeks of the war, Air Force Magazine noted, "appears to have melted away."
The pretense that the US and NATO are not at war with Russia has also "melted away." Former US Army Europe Commander Ben Hodges stated on Sunday that the US aim in the conflict was "breaking the back" of Russia.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov responded, accusing the United States of pressuring the Ukrainian government to sabotage peace talks and of conducting a proxy war in Ukraine. He warned that there was a "serious, real" danger of nuclear war. Austin dismissed Lavrov's warning as "dangerous and unhelpful."
What nonsense! Washington assembles a war camp and states that it aims to "break the back" of Russia. When Russia responds that such language and goals raise the danger of nuclear war, Washington declares this to be ... unhelpful. ..."
gozdar1 ::
Izzivanje ali ..., vzeto iz konteksta International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI)
"... The Contact Group, Austin declared, must "move at the speed of war." In accordance with this direction, Germany announced Tuesday that it would deliver an unspecified number of Flakpanzer Gepard "anti-aircraft cannon tanks," while Canada reported that it would be sending M777 howitzers, anti-tank munitions and armored vehicles. "The distinction limiting escalatory weapons," which existed in the first weeks of the war, Air Force Magazine noted, "appears to have melted away."
The pretense that the US and NATO are not at war with Russia has also "melted away." Former US Army Europe Commander Ben Hodges stated on Sunday that the US aim in the conflict was "breaking the back" of Russia.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov responded, accusing the United States of pressuring the Ukrainian government to sabotage peace talks and of conducting a proxy war in Ukraine. He warned that there was a "serious, real" danger of nuclear war. Austin dismissed Lavrov's warning as "dangerous and unhelpful."
What nonsense! Washington assembles a war camp and states that it aims to "break the back" of Russia. When Russia responds that such language and goals raise the danger of nuclear war, Washington declares this to be ... unhelpful. ..."
World Socialist web site :D. Se vidi da skrajna levica živi v nekem drugem svetu, še vedno nezmožna obsodbe ruske agresije. Ni presenečenje da je bila že v 80ih vokjno orodje v KGB rokah.
scythe ::
Keri šalabajzarji so tele Rusi, brez Ukrajincev uničili L260 Zoopark-1M. Kar tako naprej.... ![:D](
"Odpoved tankov" Ruske federacije in težave "oklepa" oboroženih sil v vojni
"Odpoved tankov" Ruske federacije in težave "oklepa" oboroženih sil v vojni
X870 | 9800X3D | 2x32Gb | 6000Mhz/CL30 | RTX3090FTW3 | HP X27i | Phanteks NV7|
endelin ::
Parada je čez nekaj dni. Upam da putler nima v mislih kakšnih totalno sprevrźenih nehumanih metod.
korenje3 ::
BREAKING: Bulgarians want Russian gas back and will pay for it in Rubles. - Minister K. Ninova.
8:43 AM ? Apr 29, 2022?Twitter for Android
BREAKING: Bulgarians want Russian gas back and will pay for it in Rubles. - Minister K. Ninova.
8:43 AM ? Apr 29, 2022?Twitter for Android
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagalo izbris: l0g1t3ch ()
primoz4p ::
Izzivanje ali ..., vzeto iz konteksta International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI)
"... The Contact Group, Austin declared, must "move at the speed of war." In accordance with this direction, Germany announced Tuesday that it would deliver an unspecified number of Flakpanzer Gepard "anti-aircraft cannon tanks," while Canada reported that it would be sending M777 howitzers, anti-tank munitions and armored vehicles. "The distinction limiting escalatory weapons," which existed in the first weeks of the war, Air Force Magazine noted, "appears to have melted away."
The pretense that the US and NATO are not at war with Russia has also "melted away." Former US Army Europe Commander Ben Hodges stated on Sunday that the US aim in the conflict was "breaking the back" of Russia.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov responded, accusing the United States of pressuring the Ukrainian government to sabotage peace talks and of conducting a proxy war in Ukraine. He warned that there was a "serious, real" danger of nuclear war. Austin dismissed Lavrov's warning as "dangerous and unhelpful."
What nonsense! Washington assembles a war camp and states that it aims to "break the back" of Russia. When Russia responds that such language and goals raise the danger of nuclear war, Washington declares this to be ... unhelpful. ..."
World Socialist web site :D. Se vidi da skrajna levica živi v nekem drugem svetu, še vedno nezmožna obsodbe ruske agresije. Ni presenečenje da je bila že v 80ih vokjno orodje v KGB rokah.
prav je, da najprej izpostavim originali pogled. Potem pa h pogledu angleškega The Telegraph
A. Heath za Telegraph:
World War Three is far more likely than anyone is prepared to admit
"... Our pseudo-rational West continues to misunderstand how despotic leaders calculate what is in their best interests, why high-stakes gambles might make sense to them and how the West itself is being misread by others. We are too influenced by low-grade game theory, and keep dismissing the possibility of another world war as “unthinkable”.
The classic example, as recounted by Keith Payne in his seminal The Fallacies of Cold War Deterrence and a New Direction, is when Dean Acheson told Roosevelt in August 1941, four months prior to Pearl Harbor, that “no rational Japanese could believe an attack on us could result in anything but disaster for his country”. Acheson was right that it would end terribly for Tokyo, but he miscalculated fatally by not realising that the Japanese establishment had convinced itself that it was actually “doomed” if it didn’t attack. It believed it had no choice – Putin, head of an evil, declining gangster state, may have had similar thoughts.
For all our modern communications, human beings still haven’t learnt to understand one another. We remain unable to get into the heads of our foes, to truly comprehend their thinking, their fears (however wrongheaded), their assumptions and their values (however disgusting). We are too abstract, insufficiently focused on personalities, and too morally arrogant, assuming Russia or China perfectly understand our politics, our knowledge, our values and our reaction functions.
We don’t grasp reasoning or impulses that are outside of our box, our ethical system. We thus keep failing to predict how rogue countries will behave. We don’t understand their perceived trade-offs. The problem, as Payne argues, is that we confuse rationality with reasonableness or with what we deem to be sensible.
A fundamental disconnect is staring us in the face: science and technology keep on improving, making war ever-more dangerous, destructive and easy, but the West’s statecraft has atrophied, together with our political institutions, our understanding of history, our diplomacy and our ability to think clearly about risk. Unless Britain, America and others dramatically up their game, the outlook for world peace is looking ever grimmer."
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: primoz4p ()
scythe ::
BREAKING: Bulgarians want Russian gas back and will pay for it in Rubles. - Minister K. Ninova.
8:43 AM ? Apr 29, 2022?Twitter for Android
Malo še preberi okrog novice, ne pali na prvo novico :)=
After seeking clarifications from Gazprom but not receiving any, Bulgaria decided to pay $50,000 into its usual account — Gazprom returned the money and cut off the gas.
Vasilev said Sofia wants the Commission to launch an antitrust case against Gazprom, and has secured the Commission’s legal help in its forthcoming arbitrage case against the Russian firm.
X870 | 9800X3D | 2x32Gb | 6000Mhz/CL30 | RTX3090FTW3 | HP X27i | Phanteks NV7|
korenje3 ::
Besede so lepe, zdaj še prevest v dejanja
Yesterday, Russia threatened two of our allies with a cut off of energy supplies.
Let me be clear: We will not let Russia intimidate or blackmail their way out of sanctions. And we will not allow them to use their oil to avoid consequences for their aggression.
We are working with other nations — like South Korea, Japan, and Qatar — that support our effort to help our European allies threatened by Russia with gas blackmail meet their energy needs in other ways.
Aggression will not win. Threats will not win.
It’s another reminder of the imperative for Europe and the world to move more and more of our power needs to clean energy — and the U.S. is doing that now.
Last year we deployed more solar, wind, and battery storage than any year in history — enough to power 56 million homes.
Hassan Mafi
So, Russia asking to be paid for its own gas in its own currency is "blackmail", but sanctioning Russia, freezing Russian foreign assets, confiscating Russian private property, and banning Russian athletes from sports are like what? Diplomatic efforts? Give me a break!
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: connel ()
asdf_jklc ::
dronyx ::
scythe ::
Parada za 9 maj je odpovedana, menda zaradi groženj bombardiranja.
Parada je odpovedana v Dombassu, v Moskvi bo.
Tokrat lahko na paradi namesto uničenih tankov pokažejo mobilne krematorije.
To ni možno, saj imajo preveč dela v Ukrajini, delajo 24/7 da skurijo svoje ubite vojake
X870 | 9800X3D | 2x32Gb | 6000Mhz/CL30 | RTX3090FTW3 | HP X27i | Phanteks NV7|
FireSnack ::
Parada za 9 maj je odpovedana, menda zaradi groženj bombardiranja.
Parada je odpovedana v Dombassu, v Moskvi bo.
Med parado je treba raketirat ruse iz Ukrajine.
Preprodajalec NFT umetnin
l0g1t3ch ::
Russia - 3251, of which: destroyed: 1734, damaged: 56, abandoned: 262, captured: 1197
Tanks (584, of which destroyed: 304, damaged: 15, abandoned: 49, captured: 216)
Revna bo ta parada letos :)
endelin ::
Parada za 9 maj je odpovedana, menda zaradi groženj bombardiranja.
Parada je odpovedana v Dombassu, v Moskvi bo.
Med parado je treba raketirat ruse iz Ukrajine.
Med parado se točno ve kje bo Putler. Easy “money”
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: endelin ()
FireSnack ::
Taktično nukico na parado da se zaključi ta norija. Saj nimaš kaj zgubit itak so rusi že presrani do amena.
Preprodajalec NFT umetnin
darkolord ::
marjanmb ::
endelin ::
Jack in the box ni samo fast food chain
Ali problemi Moskve idu puno dalje od toga. Stručnjaci tvrde da snimke s bojnog polja ukazuju na to da ruski tenkovi imaju problem za koji zapadne vojske znaju godinama i nazivaju ga efektom 'jack-in-the-box'. Izraz se referira na igračku, kutijicu u kojoj se na opruzi nalazi figurica koja iz nje iskoči kada se okreće ručkica sa strane.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- odbrisal: perci ()
FireSnack ::
Hahaha. Ta pa je dobra. Kutijicu u kojoj se nalazi figurica. To so ruski tanki.
Preprodajalec NFT umetnin
korenje3 ::
Čečenska klavnica:
???? Servicemen of the 24th brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine told our correspondent how they were thrown to the slaughter in the urban battles for Popasnaya.
According to the soldiers, they managed to complete a short course of military training, after which they were taken straight to the front at night. After two days of heavy urban fighting, the soldiers chose to surrender.
"We were thrown like meat, just meat and that's it," one of the prisoners told our correspondent.
???? Servicemen of the 24th brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine told our correspondent how they were thrown to the slaughter in the urban battles for Popasnaya.
According to the soldiers, they managed to complete a short course of military training, after which they were taken straight to the front at night. After two days of heavy urban fighting, the soldiers chose to surrender.
"We were thrown like meat, just meat and that's it," one of the prisoners told our correspondent.
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: korenje3 ()
VladarP ::
Euro totalno u kurcu in se bliza ravni skret papirja, med tem pa cene skacejo. Cakam kdaj bodo zaceli dodajati nicle na evrske bankovce. Da bo astmaticar z maminim petakom postal milijonar![:))](
Akhmat sila
Euro totalno u kurcu in se bliza ravni skret papirja, med tem pa cene skacejo. Cakam kdaj bodo zaceli dodajati nicle na evrske bankovce. Da bo astmaticar z maminim petakom postal milijonar
Akhmat sila
Akhmat sila
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: VladarP ()