Forum » Problemi človeštva » Ukrajina Part II
Ukrajina Part II
Temo vidijo: vsi
VladarP ::
TheBlueOne je izjavil:
Tudi ne bi bilo prvic, da bi Putin izkoristil "teroristicni" napad v svojo korist. Matr, saj to se americani pocnejo.Kaj se je ze zgodilo po tistem bloku, ki so ga "teroristi" ustrelili s protitankovskim orozjem v Rusiji?
Ampak amerom se to na nek nacin izplaca, pregovorno praznijo stare zaloge, ki pa so svetlobna leta pred tem kar Rusija trosi kot hightec z ogromnimi cloveskimi izgubami.
Na koncu pa niti ZDA niso mogle drzati Afganistana, Rusija pa naj bi drzala Ukrajino?
Polovica Ukrajine je etnicnih Rusov, ostali so mesanica raznoraznih.
Akhmat sila
sir_mha ::
TheBlueOne je izjavil:
Tudi ne bi bilo prvic, da bi Putin izkoristil "teroristicni" napad v svojo korist. Matr, saj to se americani pocnejo.Kaj se je ze zgodilo po tistem bloku, ki so ga "teroristi" ustrelili s protitankovskim orozjem v Rusiji?
Ampak amerom se to na nek nacin izplaca, pregovorno praznijo stare zaloge, ki pa so svetlobna leta pred tem kar Rusija trosi kot hightec z ogromnimi cloveskimi izgubami.
Na koncu pa niti ZDA niso mogle drzati Afganistana, Rusija pa naj bi drzala Ukrajino?
Polovica Ukrajine je etnicnih Rusov, ostali so mesanica raznoraznih.
Ja pa jade. Ti sanjaš ruse in koze, pa si zmeden pri računanju
Motion ::
TheBlueOne je izjavil:
Tudi ne bi bilo prvic, da bi Putin izkoristil "teroristicni" napad v svojo korist. Matr, saj to se americani pocnejo.Kaj se je ze zgodilo po tistem bloku, ki so ga "teroristi" ustrelili s protitankovskim orozjem v Rusiji?
Ampak amerom se to na nek nacin izplaca, pregovorno praznijo stare zaloge, ki pa so svetlobna leta pred tem kar Rusija trosi kot hightec z ogromnimi cloveskimi izgubami.
Na koncu pa niti ZDA niso mogle drzati Afganistana, Rusija pa naj bi drzala Ukrajino?
Polovica Ukrajine je etnicnih Rusov, ostali so mesanica raznoraznih.
In tile etnični rusi so pričakali ruse z cvetjem in odprtimi rokami,.. Ohhh wait,....
Ne le rusi v ukraiji, še rusi v rusiji kr majo knočano mal več kot osnovno šolo bežijo na zahod,.... wonder why,...
TheBlueOne ::
endelin ::
VladarP ::
Iz Novorusije iz vojnega obmocja se je v Srbijo vrnil novinar Miodrag Zarkovic, ki je v zadnjih 8 letih veckrat odhajal porocati od tam. Intervju na Balkan Info.
Akhmat sila
VladarP ::
Ha ha.
Dada zato zelenski bolje govori ruski jezik kot ukrajinscino
Mapa je seveda uprasljiva, ker Ukrajina tako odrezana od bogatega jugovzhodnega dela nima sans za obstoj in se vedno trdim, da si, jo bodo madzari, poljaki in belorusi razdelili.
Akhmat sila
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: VladarP ()
sir_mha ::
endelin ::
Rusi ne bodo nikoli dobili Odese.
to je prvi fail pri mapi od vladarja
Rusi v boj pošiljajo živali. Tokrat dobesedno![:)](
Rusi v boj pošiljajo živali. Tokrat dobesedno
Rusi na Krim poslali ratne delfine: Otkrili ih američki sateliti
Rusija je dovela obučene vojne delfine u svoju pomorsku bazu u Crnom moru, verovatno da bi zaštitila svoju flotu od podvodnog napada.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: endelin ()
VladarP ::
Rusi ne bodo nikoli dobili je prvi fail pri mapi od vladarja
Rusi v boj pošiljajo živali. Tokrat dobesedno
Rusi na Krim poslali ratne delfine: Otkrili ih američki sateliti
Rusija je dovela obučene vojne delfine u svoju pomorsku bazu u Crnom moru, verovatno da bi zaštitila svoju flotu od podvodnog napada.
Odesa bo v sestavi NovoRusije ali pa ta sploh ne bo obstajala.
Akhmat sila
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: marjanmb ()
endelin ::
Da ne bo ta novarusija na koncu nekje za uralom![:D](
Novi pritisci iz SAD: "Srbija mora da odluči"
Karen Donfrid ocenila kao veoma važno za priključivanje Srbije EU i to što je naša zemlja glasala da se suspenduje rusko članstvo u Savetu UN za ljudska prava.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: endelin ()
Pac-Man ::
-UStransCom Kalitta Air 747 CMB302
-UStransCom Kalitta Air 747 CMB456
-UStransCom Atlas Air 747 CMB458
-UStransCom National Airlines 747 CMB467
-UStransCom National Airlines 747 CMB470
-UStransCom National Airlines 747 CMB471
-UStransCom Kalitta Air 747 CMB302
-UStransCom Kalitta Air 747 CMB456
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-UStransCom National Airlines 747 CMB467
-UStransCom National Airlines 747 CMB470
-UStransCom National Airlines 747 CMB471
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Aston_11 ::
p0f ::
štejete, da če nekdo govori rusko, da je avtomatiš za Putina?
Pa ne samo za Putina verjetno jemlje podkupnino od Putina (da mu zvisuje vrednost energentov) od EU (da ji flika nataliteto z begunci), od ZDA (da Rusom trati orozje in unicuje EU ekonomijo), pa zraven se za dodatek od EU, ZDA in Kitajske (da bojo lahko za majhen denar pokupili vse kar bo vrednega v Ukrajini, ko se vojna konca).
Potem so pa zraven se "majhne" podkupnine od orozarske industrije itd. On se bo pa lepo preselil na kaksno razkosno otocje, ko bo konec mimo in bo lepo koristil, kar je pridobil z unicenjem lastnega naroda preko teh racunov:
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: p0f ()
p0f ::
Ok, uvajam se novo terminologijo za bebce, ki so nasedli Zelenskyevi medijski vojni:
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: p0f ()
p0f ::
Zelensky - nobelov nagrajenec![]()
... za ekonomijo.
Vidite, tako se sluzi, zajebes celo lastno drzavo, posredno pobijes nekaj deset tisoc ljudi, razporadas vse kar je vrednega v drzavi, potem pa se dodaten denar vate mecejo.
Jebes kriptovalutarje, te so amaterji. Soros se lahko skrije.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: p0f ()
blay44 ::
A so Rusi že v Mariboru?![:D](
Uvajajo klirinško poslovanje z minimalno gotovino.
Ukrajinščina in Beloruščina je samo narečje Ruščine. Tko pravjo.
Planirajo zaplembo ukrajinskih kmetijskih proizvodov.
AliExpres ne sprejema ruskih kartic.
Bojda jih vojna košta 14 milijard na dan.
Partizani so vse bolj predrzni. Pravi safari.
Valery Gerasimov, načelnik štaba ruske vojske, je osebno prispel na
območje Izjuma. Snajperji verjetno že čakajo.
Hagg(ICC) za generalštab je menda potrjen.
Azovstal, samo što nije.
Dobivajo havbice. Samo po mojem so to prevelika in okorna tarča.
Tok za Luno pa, menda, tud Rusi niso.
Bojda že po zaporih iščejo tehnično izobražene ljudi. Sploh IT.
Menda imajo probleme pri pokojninah in plačah državnih uslužbencov.
Za brezposelne se uvajajo se javna dela na gradbiščih. Šolanje kar na mestu samem.
Rusinje so vse bolj agresivne.![:D](
1. Maja se južna Ukrajina priključi Rusiji.
Spet govorijo o nukicah. Bedaki.
Uvajajo klirinško poslovanje z minimalno gotovino.
Ukrajinščina in Beloruščina je samo narečje Ruščine. Tko pravjo.
Planirajo zaplembo ukrajinskih kmetijskih proizvodov.
AliExpres ne sprejema ruskih kartic.
Bojda jih vojna košta 14 milijard na dan.
Partizani so vse bolj predrzni. Pravi safari.
Valery Gerasimov, načelnik štaba ruske vojske, je osebno prispel na
območje Izjuma. Snajperji verjetno že čakajo.
Hagg(ICC) za generalštab je menda potrjen.
Azovstal, samo što nije.
Dobivajo havbice. Samo po mojem so to prevelika in okorna tarča.
Tok za Luno pa, menda, tud Rusi niso.
Bojda že po zaporih iščejo tehnično izobražene ljudi. Sploh IT.
Menda imajo probleme pri pokojninah in plačah državnih uslužbencov.
Za brezposelne se uvajajo se javna dela na gradbiščih. Šolanje kar na mestu samem.
Rusinje so vse bolj agresivne.
1. Maja se južna Ukrajina priključi Rusiji.
Spet govorijo o nukicah. Bedaki.
Pac-Man ::
AliExpress stopped accepting payments with cards of Russian banks that fell under sanctions - now it is offered to pay for orders through QIWI. This is reported by a number of Russian Telegram channels
AliExpress stopped accepting payments with cards of Russian banks that fell under sanctions - now it is offered to pay for orders through QIWI. This is reported by a number of Russian Telegram channels
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
gazibo ::
Rusija med invazijo v Ukrajini podvojila zaslužek od prodaje energentov EU-ju
endelin ::
Rusinje so vse bolj agresivne.:D
"Zdravo" agresivnost bodo lahko pokazale v Sočiju leta 2024.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: endelin ()
sparklyslo ::
Ok, uvajam se novo terminologijo za bebce, ki so nasedli Zelenskyevi medijski vojni:
Eh vi mini putlerčki, v zgodovini je ena sama Nemcija ali Francija skoraj potolkla ruse, ustavil jih je šele mraz.
Zdaj bo pa rusija zmagala nad celotnim EU, ZDA, Kanado, Japonsko, Avstralijo
Nemci so noro resno zagrizli v plinske terminale, tako da bo putler izgubil svoje edino pogajalsko orožje...
p0f ::
sparklyslo je izjavil:
Ok, uvajam se novo terminologijo za bebce, ki so nasedli Zelenskyevi medijski vojni:
Eh vi mini putlerčki, v zgodovini je ena sama Nemcija ali Francija skoraj potolkla ruse, ustavil jih je šele mraz.
Zdaj bo pa rusija zmagala nad celotnim EU, ZDA, Kanado, Japonsko, Avstralijo
Nemci so noro resno zagrizli v plinske terminale, tako da bo putler izgubil svoje edino pogajalsko orožje...
Seveda klorofilcek.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: p0f ()
Pac-Man ::
Rusija med invazijo v Ukrajini podvojila zaslužek od prodaje energentov EU-ju
Saj veš, da vsi iščemo alternative, podražitev pa pomeni bolj zanimiv plin iz drugih virov npr. ZDA?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
p0f ::
Slava Ukrajini!
Nabili bomo ruse
Ti in kdo se?
Rusija med invazijo v Ukrajini podvojila zaslužek od prodaje energentov EU-ju
Saj veš, da vsi iščemo alternative, podražitev pa pomeni bolj zanimiv plin iz drugih virov npr. ZDA?
Seveda bo bolj zanimiv, ce bo edini in veliko drazji.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: p0f ()
sparklyslo ::
Slava Ukrajini!
Nabili bomo ruse
Ti in kdo se?
Rusija med invazijo v Ukrajini podvojila zaslužek od prodaje energentov EU-ju
Saj veš, da vsi iščemo alternative, podražitev pa pomeni bolj zanimiv plin iz drugih virov npr. ZDA?
Seveda bo bolj zanimiv, ce bo edini in veliko drazji.Medvedjo uslugo si delate...
Jenul in 8.marec že pripravljajo kolesa, menda bodo poganjali Zokijeve turbine, in bo za ljubljancane ogrevanje zastojn
Zmajc ::
Ha ha.
Dada zato zelenski bolje govori ruski jezik kot ukrajinscino
Jaz tud znam srbohrvaščino, smo se tega učil v šoli![]()
Enim tu ni jasno, da to koliko ljudi govori Rusko sploh ni pomembno. Pomembno je kot kaj se ljudje identificirajo in večina Rusko govorečega življa se smatra primarno za Ukrajince ne Ruse.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Zmajc ()
Pac-Man ::
Seveda bo bolj zanimiv, ce bo edini in veliko drazji.Medvedjo uslugo si delate...
Je kar je, sam sem zagovarjal alternative že od l. 2014. Zdaj je tudi odločevalcem potegnilo, da se fašizma pač ne podpira.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Aston_11 ::
Ha ha.
Dada zato zelenski bolje govori ruski jezik kot ukrajinscino
Jaz tud znam srbohrvaščino, smo se tega učil v šoli![]()
Enim tu ni jasno, da to koliko ljudi govori Rusko sploh ni pomembno. Pomembno je to kot kaj se ljudje identificirajo in večina Rusko govorečega življa se identificira ima primarno za Ukrajince ne Ruse.
Tako je.
tikitoki ::
Slovenka, moz je placo zapil.![]()
Tipicen primer nasilja zenska nad moskimi.
Pac-Man ::
If west is so bad, & russia so good, why do russian elite all leave?
Western education, holidays, homes, banks?
And then, share all this on western social media.
Lavrov's daughter went to Columbia, her husband to Cambridge. Step daughter at Imperial.
Why not Moscow state?
I know I'm being sarcastic, but like what is actual / official justification for this?
tudi, video
Russian state TV is raging about WWIII and an inevitable escalation over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Citizens are being primed to believe that even the worst outcome is a good thing, because those dying for the Motherland will skyrocket to paradise.
If west is so bad, & russia so good, why do russian elite all leave?
Western education, holidays, homes, banks?
And then, share all this on western social media.
Lavrov's daughter went to Columbia, her husband to Cambridge. Step daughter at Imperial.
Why not Moscow state?
I know I'm being sarcastic, but like what is actual / official justification for this?
tudi, video
Russian state TV is raging about WWIII and an inevitable escalation over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Citizens are being primed to believe that even the worst outcome is a good thing, because those dying for the Motherland will skyrocket to paradise.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
p0f ::
Slovenka, moz je placo zapil.![]()
Tipicen primer nasilja zenska nad moskimi.
The UFC got to Syzran - there a woman knocked down, and then severely finished off a cyclist.
According to eyewitnesses, the relationship between the cyclist and the woman at first developed peacefully and sweetly - the woman tried to hug the guy and kiss, but he pushed her away and left. Apparently it wasn't worth it.
The girl in the plaid coat instantly went from love to hate, caught the cyclist and punished him for his lack of response. The guy was rescued by a man passing by. According to the author of the video, the victim had a broken face and he barely left the angry woman.
Skratka, spolno nasilje.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: p0f ()
Zmajc ::
Putin je kot mali otrok, vedno ko jim sfali argumentov potegnejo ven nuclear card
endelin ::
Pof: si ti imel kdaj na slotechu nickname Yusef (ukvarjal se je s kriptom)? Me malo spominjaš.
Pac-Man ::
Tale piščanček na sredini je menda ogrozil življenji dveh ruskih policistov in zato dobil 9 let.
So ga pa izmenjali za švercerja mamil.
Once he was inside the station, police personnel advised his girlfriend to come back in a few hours about 09:00 a.m. and pick Trevor up. It was assumed that he was not being charged with any crime.
Trevor’s girlfriend returned to the jail at the specified time, possibly with a family member, Trevor was being interviewed by the Russian Federal Security Services (FSB) without an attorney or adequate interpreter while he was probably still under the influence.
Around this time, she was also told that Trevor was now being charged with a serious crime of intentionally endangering the lives and health of the police officers that brought him to the station.
He is accused of grabbing the right arm of the driver causing him to swerve dangerously into other lanes causing the driver to slow quickly to avoid the vehicle rolling over. Trevor is also accused of striking the officer in the back seat with his elbow as the officer tried to stop Trevor from grabbing the driver. Over two hours of video evidence from several cameras and government expert analysis of the videos determined that the police vehicle never swerved at all or slowed down as reported by the police during their multiple versions of the story. The police officer who said that Trevor struck him said he had a bruise on his abdomen, but he never showed it to anyone. He never missed work. He was wearing body armor at the time.
The judge sentenced Trevor Reed to 9 years in a prison camp. He also ordered Trevor to pay each police officer 100,000 rubles for moral and physical damages.
According the Russian Federation government websites, even though the maximum penalty for violation of Article 312 is up to 10 years, no one has been sentenced to over 8 years since the law's last revision. According to the attorneys, police officers have been stabbed multiple times and the defendant did not receive more than 8 years in prison.
So ga pa izmenjali za švercerja mamil.
Once he was inside the station, police personnel advised his girlfriend to come back in a few hours about 09:00 a.m. and pick Trevor up. It was assumed that he was not being charged with any crime.
Trevor’s girlfriend returned to the jail at the specified time, possibly with a family member, Trevor was being interviewed by the Russian Federal Security Services (FSB) without an attorney or adequate interpreter while he was probably still under the influence.
Around this time, she was also told that Trevor was now being charged with a serious crime of intentionally endangering the lives and health of the police officers that brought him to the station.
He is accused of grabbing the right arm of the driver causing him to swerve dangerously into other lanes causing the driver to slow quickly to avoid the vehicle rolling over. Trevor is also accused of striking the officer in the back seat with his elbow as the officer tried to stop Trevor from grabbing the driver. Over two hours of video evidence from several cameras and government expert analysis of the videos determined that the police vehicle never swerved at all or slowed down as reported by the police during their multiple versions of the story. The police officer who said that Trevor struck him said he had a bruise on his abdomen, but he never showed it to anyone. He never missed work. He was wearing body armor at the time.
The judge sentenced Trevor Reed to 9 years in a prison camp. He also ordered Trevor to pay each police officer 100,000 rubles for moral and physical damages.
According the Russian Federation government websites, even though the maximum penalty for violation of Article 312 is up to 10 years, no one has been sentenced to over 8 years since the law's last revision. According to the attorneys, police officers have been stabbed multiple times and the defendant did not receive more than 8 years in prison.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
korenje3 ::
hoholi se predajajo masovno.
ukrajinec je človeško meso.
ukrajinec je človeško meso.
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Unchancy ()
korenje3 ::
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
gozdar1 ::
korenje3 ::
Kje ga je premagal? si na drogah tako kot zelenski?
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
sir_mha ::
Dada zato zelenski bolje govori ruski jezik kot ukrajinscino
Jaz tud znam srbohrvaščino, smo se tega učil v šoli![]()
Enim tu ni jasno, da to koliko ljudi govori Rusko sploh ni pomembno. Pomembno je kot kaj se ljudje identificirajo in večina Rusko govorečega življa se smatra primarno za Ukrajince ne Ruse.
S trgovcem z orožjem se take detajle ni mogoče pogovarjat. Tudi o konceptu asimilacije še ni slišal.
gozdar1 ::
VladarP ::
Na desetine avtobusov na Bavarskem danes zjutraj ni začelo svoje redne dnevne poti. Kaos je nastal po tem, ko je več avtobusnih prevoznikov v pokrajini stavkalo zaradi težkih razmer, v katerih so trenutno, ki jih povzročata pandemija korone in energetska kriza.
Akhmat sila, EU barka se zacela potapljat pa se zacelo se ni ornk.
Akhmat sila, EU barka se zacela potapljat pa se zacelo se ni ornk.
Akhmat sila
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: marjanmb ()
mackilla ::
hoholi se predajajo masovno.
ukrajinec je človeško meso.
Tako bomo pojedli tebe,ko bo kriza.