Forum » Problemi človeštva » Ukrajina Part II
Ukrajina Part II
Temo vidijo: vsi
cias ::
Mazohist,zakaj še vedno vzstrajaš v degeneriranem zahodu? Propad je v zadnjem stadiju. Samo vprašanje časa je,kdaj nas bodo transvestiti pričeli pobijati po ulicah z polmetrskimi črnskimi dildoti. Nihče ne bo posredoval,da bi nam pomagal.
Zanima me zakaj mediji nič ne govorijo o sinu Ameriskega predcednika, na slikah nag z mladim otrokom.
Sam transvestite podpiram. Več razlogov.
mackilla ::
Mazohist,zakaj še vedno vzstrajaš v degeneriranem zahodu? Propad je v zadnjem stadiju. Samo vprašanje časa je,kdaj nas bodo transvestiti pričeli pobijati po ulicah z polmetrskimi črnskimi dildoti. Nihče ne bo posredoval,da bi nam pomagal.
Zanima me zakaj mediji nič ne govorijo o sinu Ameriskega predcednika, na slikah nag z mladim otrokom.
Sam transvestite podpiram. Več razlogov.
Saj pravim,da je zahod tik nad propadom in se ne bo ustavil ampak še kar pospešuje. Reši se tega pekla preden Rusija zapre meje.
tikitoki ::
Kitajska trma:
Kitajska je pač prevelika in se ji ne da žugati tako kot ostalim državam. S tem da je Kitajska še vedno na začetku vsaj iz gospodarskega vidika, ko bodo enkrat imeli GDP pri 50 trilijonih bo svet popolnoma drugačen. Zato se mi vedno zdijo tiste primerjave s Sovjetsko zvezo pa Japonsko in Nemčijo smešne. Japonska je že res bila resen tekmec ZDA v drugi svetovni vojni predvsem iz tehnološkega vidika, pa tudi potem v 80-90 dokler se ni začela stagnacija, mnogi so celo menili da bo Japonska postala najmočnejša gospodarska sila pa je potem pogrnila, in nekateri zdaj enačijo Kitajsko z Japonsko v tistem času, češ da so bili tudi Japonci blizu da prevzamejo primat najmočnejšega gospodarstva...razlika je pa bistvena, in sicer da imajo Kitajski dobesedno 10x več ljudi kot Japonska oziroma dobro milijardo ljudi več od ZDA. Čez 10-15 let Kitajska sploh ne bo več nikogar poslušala, morda bo resno jemala samo Indijo ki bo njen pravi tekmec, Zahod in ZDA pa sploh ne bo šlivila, enostavno jim nihče ne bo mogel ukazovati, groziti in ne vem kaj še vse. Samo poglej trenutno dogajanje glede sankcij, ZDA sankcionirajo Kitajsko, in Kitajci še isti dan vrnejo nazaj s svojimi sankcijami, pač to ni Rusija, Kitajska je resna velesila in bo iz leta v leto čez dalje večja in močnejša, ker niti približno še niso izkoristili vsega svojega potenciala. Pa nisem za Kitajsko, ravno nasprotno, jaz sem mnenja če se hitro ne povežemo in stopimo skupaj nas bodo Kitajci povozili, nas Zahod kot celoto.
Zahod, kot celota ima prakcitno miljardo prebivalcev. Ostareli Kitajci nas ne morejo povoziti. TE zgodbice so res ze dolgocasne. Jasno je, da njihov vpliv raste. Definitivno pa niso sposobni povozt zahoda.
Ja, Indija je naslednja velesila. pri Kitajcih je gentrifikacija resen problem, pri indijcih ni. Da ne govorimo o Afriki, ki bo cez nekaj desetletji imela prebivalstvo Kitajske in Indije skupaj.
l0g1t3ch ::
Bati se moramo afrike. 3 miljarde črncev z ogromnimi tiči.
Ni nam rešitve v EU, ko bo to udarilo čez morje. Edini branik nam je Rusija. Jutri pripravim kovčke in krenem na pot.
Bati se moramo afrike. 3 miljarde črncev z ogromnimi tiči.
Ni nam rešitve v EU, ko bo to udarilo čez morje. Edini branik nam je Rusija. Jutri pripravim kovčke in krenem na pot.
endelin ::
Verjetno odziv na vojne zločine čečenskim klavcem?
To ratuje če je res zelo sick :/
To ratuje če je res zelo sick :/
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: endelin ()
VladarP ::
EU namerava okrepiti sankcije z zaprtjem pristanišč za ruske ladje in prepovedjo uvoza energentov, je pred zasedanjem Sveta EU povedal slovenski zunanji minister.
Kupite si neprebojne jopiče in balistične čelade, tele naši nacisti nam vestno rišejo tarče.
mackilla ::
EU namerava okrepiti sankcije z zaprtjem pristanišč za ruske ladje in prepovedjo uvoza energentov, je pred zasedanjem Sveta EU povedal slovenski zunanji minister.
Kupite si neprebojne jopiče in balistične čelade, tele naši nacisti nam vestno rišejo tarče.
To je konec. Kako lahko emigriramo v Rusijo?
cias ::
VladarP ::
Kitajska trma:
Kitajska je pač prevelika in se ji ne da žugati tako kot ostalim državam. S tem da je Kitajska še vedno na začetku vsaj iz gospodarskega vidika, ko bodo enkrat imeli GDP pri 50 trilijonih bo svet popolnoma drugačen. Zato se mi vedno zdijo tiste primerjave s Sovjetsko zvezo pa Japonsko in Nemčijo smešne. Japonska je že res bila resen tekmec ZDA v drugi svetovni vojni predvsem iz tehnološkega vidika, pa tudi potem v 80-90 dokler se ni začela stagnacija, mnogi so celo menili da bo Japonska postala najmočnejša gospodarska sila pa je potem pogrnila, in nekateri zdaj enačijo Kitajsko z Japonsko v tistem času, češ da so bili tudi Japonci blizu da prevzamejo primat najmočnejšega gospodarstva...razlika je pa bistvena, in sicer da imajo Kitajski dobesedno 10x več ljudi kot Japonska oziroma dobro milijardo ljudi več od ZDA. Čez 10-15 let Kitajska sploh ne bo več nikogar poslušala, morda bo resno jemala samo Indijo ki bo njen pravi tekmec, Zahod in ZDA pa sploh ne bo šlivila, enostavno jim nihče ne bo mogel ukazovati, groziti in ne vem kaj še vse. Samo poglej trenutno dogajanje glede sankcij, ZDA sankcionirajo Kitajsko, in Kitajci še isti dan vrnejo nazaj s svojimi sankcijami, pač to ni Rusija, Kitajska je resna velesila in bo iz leta v leto čez dalje večja in močnejša, ker niti približno še niso izkoristili vsega svojega potenciala. Pa nisem za Kitajsko, ravno nasprotno, jaz sem mnenja če se hitro ne povežemo in stopimo skupaj nas bodo Kitajci povozili, nas Zahod kot celoto.
Zahod, kot celota ima prakcitno miljardo prebivalcev. Ostareli Kitajci nas ne morejo povoziti. TE zgodbice so res ze dolgocasne. Jasno je, da njihov vpliv raste. Definitivno pa niso sposobni povozt zahoda.
Ja, Indija je naslednja velesila. pri Kitajcih je gentrifikacija resen problem, pri indijcih ni. Da ne govorimo o Afriki, ki bo cez nekaj desetletji imela prebivalstvo Kitajske in Indije skupaj.
Pod zahod ne računaj latinske Amerike :) Sicer pa blodiš, 100 milijonov Kitajcev je na zahodu in to ti je največja neformalna obveščevalna služba na svetu.
mackilla ::
l0g1t3ch ::
Komaj čakam NWO.
Na odpad z državami!
Vsa zemlja ena vlada, ena skupnost.
I for one welcome our reptilian overlords!
Na odpad z državami!
Vsa zemlja ena vlada, ena skupnost.
I for one welcome our reptilian overlords!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: l0g1t3ch ()
sir_mha ::
Rusi želijo do konca spucat žepe obkroženega ozemlja in ga povezat v celoto, potem pa pregovori.
Dmitri #Peskov: "There will be no ceasefire during the negotiations between #Russia and #Ukraine".
l0g1t3ch ::
cias ::
This is terribly... FAKE.
Kremeljske laži plačanih putinofilov.
Saj sem prilepil cel video. Tip je po rodu Turk.
A ves kaj je res grozno fejk:
CNN se iz vas dela norce ker vejo da ne znate na internetu iskati po slikah.
ni vredno replicirat na to.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: cias ()
VladarP ::
This is terribly... FAKE.
Kremeljske laži plačanih putinofilov.
Saj sem prilepil cel video. Tip je po rodu Turk.
A ves kaj je res grozno fejk:
CNN se iz vas dela norce ker vejo da ne znate na internetu iskati po slikah.
ni vredno replicirat na to.
Zadaj pa bujna vegetacija a v Ukrajini zima
Mislim, kdor se informira pri cnn, bbc.. je pač naravna selekcija - lobotomija.
Pac-Man ::
A ves kaj je res grozno fejk:
CNN se iz vas dela norce ker vejo da ne znate na internetu iskati po slikah.
Ti resno verjameš, da bo CNN dal v tvit ukrajinske zastave & ta hashtag?
Takole zgleda račun v resnici:
Nula zastav in nula Hashtagov.
Pojdi delat za Herbalife in nam daj mir.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
mackilla ::
Komaj čakam NWO.
Na odpad z državami!
Vsa zemlja ena vlada, ena skupnost.
I for one welcome our reptilian overlords!
Konec je,Rusi imajo supersonične rakete. Reši se kdor se more. Čas se izteka. Rusija je samozadostna samo vprašanje je kdaj bo prepovedala imigracijo. Zahod je padel. Transgenderji, homoseksualci,MSN, transvestiti,ženske so se odlkenile od štedilnikov,mamini sinčki... Kdor se more naj se reši v Rusijo,ostali bodo prisilno indoktrinirani v dekadentno in moralno propadlo zahodno miselnost. Kdor bo ostal v Evropi se očitno strinja z stanjem. Prepričan sem,da Putin ne bo jemal beguncev ki se bo zahod pogreznil v greznico. Zdaj je zadnji čas. Run!!!
sir_mha ::
Še en medijski napad na Poljsko. Ta je verjetno dal smernice vsem ostalim novinarjem, avtor je Medvedjev.
Kot vedno, strašansko veliko stvari pozabljajo o WWII: napad Rusov na Poljsko, pokol častnikov, ...
Kot vedno, strašansko veliko stvari pozabljajo o WWII: napad Rusov na Poljsko, pokol častnikov, ...
Despite the fact that in our country it is not customary to hush up even the darkest pages of our common history, in Poland they dream of forgetting about the times of the Second World War. First of all, about those Soviet soldiers who defeated fascism, expelled the occupiers from Polish cities and prevented them from blowing up Krakow, freed prisoners of Auschwitz and Majdanek.
mackilla ::
v dekadentno in moralno propadlo zahodno miselnost
Vidiš? Konec je. A ti je vseeno za tvoje otroke? V šolo bodo zagotovo uvedli nove programe o teorijah spolov. Oprali jim bodo možgane. A bi rad bi povabljen na vnukovo gender reveal party? To hočeš? Emigracija v Rusijo je edina možnost za normalno življenje. Par normalnih,ki jih je ostalo na zahodu ne more preprečiti New world orderja. To je Sizifovo delo. Izgubljaš čas,ki bi ga lahko porabil,da urediš državljanstvo ruske federacije.
fur80 ::
v dekadentno in moralno propadlo zahodno miselnost
Nehaj ti trolat, ker lepiš fake novice in trobiš eno in isto, ter čisto mimo resnice!!! Pac-man te šola kot malo dete! Pa še jaz ti povem, če bi se kaj spozanal na nacizem, bi vedel, da sta Moskva in Sankt Peterburg leglo nacistov!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
l0g1t3ch ::
Komaj čakam NWO.
Na odpad z državami!
Vsa zemlja ena vlada, ena skupnost.
I for one welcome our reptilian overlords!
Konec je,Rusi imajo supersonične rakete. Reši se kdor se more. Čas se izteka. Rusija je samozadostna samo vprašanje je kdaj bo prepovedala imigracijo. Zahod je padel. Transgenderji, homoseksualci,MSN, transvestiti,ženske so se odlkenile od štedilnikov,mamini sinčki... Kdor se more naj se reši v Rusijo,ostali bodo prisilno indoktrinirani v dekadentno in moralno propadlo zahodno miselnost. Kdor bo ostal v Evropi se očitno strinja z stanjem. Prepričan sem,da Putin ne bo jemal beguncev ki se bo zahod pogreznil v greznico. Zdaj je zadnji čas. Run!!!
Pa ne samo to...
Bati se moramo afrike. 3 miljarde črncev z ogromnimi tiči.
Ni nam rešitve v EU, ko bo to udarilo čez morje. Edini branik nam je Rusija. Jutri pripravim kovčke in krenem na pot.
poweroff ::
Mene resno zanima a ste putinofili plačani za svoje oslarije ali ste tako neumni, da to počnete zastonj?
Proti Rusiji sicer nimam nič, mislim da je vsem nam v interesu, da Rusija postane normalna, demokratična in razvita država. Častilci Putina se boste pa morali odločiti ali podpirate korupcijo, nasilje nad Rusi in krajo lastne domovine (točno to počne veliki "patriot" Putin) ali si želite, da Rusija in ruski narod zaživi svobodno.
Proti Rusiji sicer nimam nič, mislim da je vsem nam v interesu, da Rusija postane normalna, demokratična in razvita država. Častilci Putina se boste pa morali odločiti ali podpirate korupcijo, nasilje nad Rusi in krajo lastne domovine (točno to počne veliki "patriot" Putin) ali si želite, da Rusija in ruski narod zaživi svobodno.
sudo poweroff
mackilla ::
Komaj čakam NWO.
Na odpad z državami!
Vsa zemlja ena vlada, ena skupnost.
I for one welcome our reptilian overlords!
Konec je,Rusi imajo supersonične rakete. Reši se kdor se more. Čas se izteka. Rusija je samozadostna samo vprašanje je kdaj bo prepovedala imigracijo. Zahod je padel. Transgenderji, homoseksualci,MSN, transvestiti,ženske so se odlkenile od štedilnikov,mamini sinčki... Kdor se more naj se reši v Rusijo,ostali bodo prisilno indoktrinirani v dekadentno in moralno propadlo zahodno miselnost. Kdor bo ostal v Evropi se očitno strinja z stanjem. Prepričan sem,da Putin ne bo jemal beguncev ki se bo zahod pogreznil v greznico. Zdaj je zadnji čas. Run!!!
Pa ne samo to...
Bati se moramo afrike. 3 miljarde črncev z ogromnimi tiči.
Ni nam rešitve v EU, ko bo to udarilo čez morje. Edini branik nam je Rusija. Jutri pripravim kovčke in krenem na pot.
Obeta se nam isti scenarij,kot Rimljanom ko so prišli Germani. Naše ženske bodo prevzeli superiorno obdarjeni črnski alfa samci. Kako naj konkuriramo? Reši nas lahko samo masovni uvoz muslimanov in njihove vere. Mi smo tako in tako Rusi. V devetm stoletju smo prišli iz prostranih ruskih step,vrniti se moramo domov. Zgubljamo čas. Ko bodo čez stoletje ruski bratranci prišli osvobajat Evropo ne bodo gledali kdo je kaj ampak bodo samo denazifirali vse po vrsti. Kdo bo ostal si je sam kriv
Pac-Man ::
Kraut z dozo depre.
Something I will talk about in a video soon but which I wanted to share with you here. Especially if you have friends in Russia.
I have seen a lot of talk, on social media, on TV and even in papers, full of optimism in anticipation of the supposedly impending collapse of the Putin regime. I am far more pessimistic and caution you against this optimism. I have Russian friends and over the last weeks they have all left Russia for Estonia, Finland, and Germany, and should you have Russian friends who oppose Putin - I would highly advise you to talk them into leaving their country. Because I believe things are going to become very grim in Russia.
I studied history at the Institute for Slavic cultural studies in Vienna, I have taken a special interest in Russian history. And let me tell you, the one thing that has happened throughout Russian history whenever a Russian leader went to war - were domestic crackdowns and increasing authoritarianism. The only exception to this was when the Soviet Union lost the war in Afghanistan, and when the Tsar lost the first world war, and those are exceptions because they were tied to a collapse of the Russian state structures themselves into chaos and anarchy (The end of communism and the end of the Russian monarchy)
I assume that most of you live in democratic countries. And if you do, you need to keep in mind that you live in a civil society with political powers held by the public. When we go to war as democracies, our societies have the right to critique and influence the war through electoral means and public pressure. For example, Spain joined the Iraq war in 2003, the Spanish public hated it, and a year later the Spanish people voted their government out and the new government instantly pulled Spain out of the Iraq war.
That does not happen in non-democratic countries. When Saddam Hussain lost his war against Kuwait he started a genocide against Shia Arabs. When the Nazis realized they had lost the second world war in 1943 they intensified the Holocaust. When the Ottomans started losing the first world war they committed the Armenian genocide. When Pakistan lost its 1971 war against India it resulted in a coup and brutal authoritarian regime. When Stalin lost the Winter War he launched a brutal purge of Soviet Intellectuals and military leaders.
Authoritarian regimes, can not admit to mistakes. There is no bigger mistake for an authoritarian ruler than losing a war. Accountability for war always lies with those who start it, and rather than admitting a mistake or a defeat an authoritarian ruler will always crackdown on civil dissent first. The war is currently not looking good for Putin. It is possible that he may lose it. What is certain already is that this war has come at an enormous cost to the Russian people. And I believe Putin will blame that cost on some fall-guy in his government (probably the boss of the internal security services) and then crackdown on any and all remaining public dissent with a ruthlessness that we have not seen in Russia in decades.
If you have Russian friends in Russia who oppose this war or oppose Putin, you should ask them to leave Russia. I hope I am wrong. I really hope I am wrong. But, if the study of history is by any means an indicator by which one can predict future developments, then I believe there are very dark times ahead for Russia. And that we will see Russia return to the type of iron-fisted authoritarianism that we have not seen since some of the darkest days of the Soviet Union.
Something I will talk about in a video soon but which I wanted to share with you here. Especially if you have friends in Russia.
I have seen a lot of talk, on social media, on TV and even in papers, full of optimism in anticipation of the supposedly impending collapse of the Putin regime. I am far more pessimistic and caution you against this optimism. I have Russian friends and over the last weeks they have all left Russia for Estonia, Finland, and Germany, and should you have Russian friends who oppose Putin - I would highly advise you to talk them into leaving their country. Because I believe things are going to become very grim in Russia.
I studied history at the Institute for Slavic cultural studies in Vienna, I have taken a special interest in Russian history. And let me tell you, the one thing that has happened throughout Russian history whenever a Russian leader went to war - were domestic crackdowns and increasing authoritarianism. The only exception to this was when the Soviet Union lost the war in Afghanistan, and when the Tsar lost the first world war, and those are exceptions because they were tied to a collapse of the Russian state structures themselves into chaos and anarchy (The end of communism and the end of the Russian monarchy)
I assume that most of you live in democratic countries. And if you do, you need to keep in mind that you live in a civil society with political powers held by the public. When we go to war as democracies, our societies have the right to critique and influence the war through electoral means and public pressure. For example, Spain joined the Iraq war in 2003, the Spanish public hated it, and a year later the Spanish people voted their government out and the new government instantly pulled Spain out of the Iraq war.
That does not happen in non-democratic countries. When Saddam Hussain lost his war against Kuwait he started a genocide against Shia Arabs. When the Nazis realized they had lost the second world war in 1943 they intensified the Holocaust. When the Ottomans started losing the first world war they committed the Armenian genocide. When Pakistan lost its 1971 war against India it resulted in a coup and brutal authoritarian regime. When Stalin lost the Winter War he launched a brutal purge of Soviet Intellectuals and military leaders.
Authoritarian regimes, can not admit to mistakes. There is no bigger mistake for an authoritarian ruler than losing a war. Accountability for war always lies with those who start it, and rather than admitting a mistake or a defeat an authoritarian ruler will always crackdown on civil dissent first. The war is currently not looking good for Putin. It is possible that he may lose it. What is certain already is that this war has come at an enormous cost to the Russian people. And I believe Putin will blame that cost on some fall-guy in his government (probably the boss of the internal security services) and then crackdown on any and all remaining public dissent with a ruthlessness that we have not seen in Russia in decades.
If you have Russian friends in Russia who oppose this war or oppose Putin, you should ask them to leave Russia. I hope I am wrong. I really hope I am wrong. But, if the study of history is by any means an indicator by which one can predict future developments, then I believe there are very dark times ahead for Russia. And that we will see Russia return to the type of iron-fisted authoritarianism that we have not seen since some of the darkest days of the Soviet Union.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
korenje3 ::
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
mackilla ::
Kraut z dozo depre.
Something I will talk about in a video soon but which I wanted to share with you here. Especially if you have friends in Russia.
I have seen a lot of talk, on social media, on TV and even in papers, full of optimism in anticipation of the supposedly impending collapse of the Putin regime. I am far more pessimistic and caution you against this optimism. I have Russian friends and over the last weeks they have all left Russia for Estonia, Finland, and Germany, and should you have Russian friends who oppose Putin - I would highly advise you to talk them into leaving their country. Because I believe things are going to become very grim in Russia.
I studied history at the Institute for Slavic cultural studies in Vienna, I have taken a special interest in Russian history. And let me tell you, the one thing that has happened throughout Russian history whenever a Russian leader went to war - were domestic crackdowns and increasing authoritarianism. The only exception to this was when the Soviet Union lost the war in Afghanistan, and when the Tsar lost the first world war, and those are exceptions because they were tied to a collapse of the Russian state structures themselves into chaos and anarchy (The end of communism and the end of the Russian monarchy)
I assume that most of you live in democratic countries. And if you do, you need to keep in mind that you live in a civil society with political powers held by the public. When we go to war as democracies, our societies have the right to critique and influence the war through electoral means and public pressure. For example, Spain joined the Iraq war in 2003, the Spanish public hated it, and a year later the Spanish people voted their government out and the new government instantly pulled Spain out of the Iraq war.
That does not happen in non-democratic countries. When Saddam Hussain lost his war against Kuwait he started a genocide against Shia Arabs. When the Nazis realized they had lost the second world war in 1943 they intensified the Holocaust. When the Ottomans started losing the first world war they committed the Armenian genocide. When Pakistan lost its 1971 war against India it resulted in a coup and brutal authoritarian regime. When Stalin lost the Winter War he launched a brutal purge of Soviet Intellectuals and military leaders.
Authoritarian regimes, can not admit to mistakes. There is no bigger mistake for an authoritarian ruler than losing a war. Accountability for war always lies with those who start it, and rather than admitting a mistake or a defeat an authoritarian ruler will always crackdown on civil dissent first. The war is currently not looking good for Putin. It is possible that he may lose it. What is certain already is that this war has come at an enormous cost to the Russian people. And I believe Putin will blame that cost on some fall-guy in his government (probably the boss of the internal security services) and then crackdown on any and all remaining public dissent with a ruthlessness that we have not seen in Russia in decades.
If you have Russian friends in Russia who oppose this war or oppose Putin, you should ask them to leave Russia. I hope I am wrong. I really hope I am wrong. But, if the study of history is by any means an indicator by which one can predict future developments, then I believe there are very dark times ahead for Russia. And that we will see Russia return to the type of iron-fisted authoritarianism that we have not seen since some of the darkest days of the Soviet Union.
To je odlična novica. Več Rusov bo šlo iz Rusije več prostora bo za imigracijo podpornikov slavnega kremeljskega vodje. Zdaj je odlična priložnost,da se preselimo. V življenju se takšna šansa pojavi mogoče samo enkrat,kdor jo ne zgrabi je verjetno ne bo več imel nikoli. Come home Slavic brothers and sisters.
bbbbbb2015 ::
Mene resno zanima a ste putinofili plačani za svoje oslarije ali ste tako neumni, da to počnete zastonj?
Proti Rusiji sicer nimam nič, mislim da je vsem nam v interesu, da Rusija postane normalna, demokratična in razvita država. Častilci Putina se boste pa morali odločiti ali podpirate korupcijo, nasilje nad Rusi in krajo lastne domovine (točno to počne veliki "patriot" Putin) ali si želite, da Rusija in ruski narod zaživi svobodno.
Brez zamere, to ni možno. Rusija, podobno kot še ene države (Libija, Sirija, Kitajska) držijo folk z bičem skupaj. Ker na Vzhodu imaš une bolj iz 9. stoletja, na Zahodu pa take, ki bi šli v EU, če bi mogli.
Kako češ to z demokracijo držati skupaj? Ni možno.
VladarP ::
Murashko: Vsa farmacevtska podjetja danes potrjujejo, da se dobava zdravil v Rusko federacijo nadaljuje.
Minister za zdravje je Ruse pozval, naj ne ustvarjajo pretiranega povpraševanja po zdravilih.
Rusko obrambno ministrstvo je začelo zgodovinski multimedijski projekt "Arhivi se spomnijo vsega ...", posvečen dokazom o zločinih in grozotah ukrajinskih neonacistov nad svojim narodom med veliko domovinsko vojno.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: VladarP ()
mackilla ::
Murashko: Vsa farmacevtska podjetja danes potrjujejo, da se dobava zdravil v Rusko federacijo nadaljuje.
Minister za zdravje je Ruse pozval, naj ne ustvarjajo pretiranega povpraševanja po zdravilih.
Bolezni so samo produkt zahodnih slabih navad,večina bolezni je pa itak fake. V Rusiji ljudje redko zbolijo,ker so genetsko odporni na različne seve. A bi radi živeli zdravo? Preselimo se v Rusijo,vodka zatre še tako trdovraten virus pa naj bo pravi ali samo namišljen. Zdaj je čas.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: mackilla ()
lay2er ::
Mene resno zanima a ste putinofili plačani za svoje oslarije ali ste tako neumni, da to počnete zastonj?
Proti Rusiji sicer nimam nič, mislim da je vsem nam v interesu, da Rusija postane normalna, demokratična in razvita država. Častilci Putina se boste pa morali odločiti ali podpirate korupcijo, nasilje nad Rusi in krajo lastne domovine (točno to počne veliki "patriot" Putin) ali si želite, da Rusija in ruski narod zaživi svobodno.
Mene zanima, kako lahko oseba tvoje starosti in predvidevam izkušenj, svet vidi tako črno belo. Naj ugibam, pomankanje splošne razgledanosti in poznavanja ozadja konflikta. Ne zagovrjam vojne in ruske agresije, ampak je pa najprej treba razumet zakaj je do nje prišlo in kdo vseskozi razpihuje žerjavico.
Malidelničar ::
Mariupol se še ni predal. Novi Stalingrad/Leningrad?
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.
sbawe64 ::
This is terribly... FAKE.
Kremeljske laži plačanih putinofilov.
Ukraine24 kanal na yt
2020 is new 1984
Corona World order
Corona World order
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: sbawe64 ()
VladarP ::
Murashko: Vsa farmacevtska podjetja danes potrjujejo, da se dobava zdravil v Rusko federacijo nadaljuje.
Minister za zdravje je Ruse pozval, naj ne ustvarjajo pretiranega povpraševanja po zdravilih.
Bolezni so samo produkt zahodnih slabih navad,večina bolezni je pa itak fake. V Rusiji ljudje redko zbolijo,ker so genetsko odporni na različne seve. A bi radi živeli zdravo? Preselimo se v Rusijo,vodka zatre še tako trdovraten virus pa naj bo pravi ali samo namišljen. Zdaj je čas.
Za tvojo informacijo večji pijanci danes so Slovenci in Bosanci kot Rusi. Hvala Bogu za Mikhaila Lazutina in njegovo organizacijo #levprotiv #левпротив in Sultana H. iz organizacije Trezvaya Rossia, njihovi rezultati so ogromni.
cias ::
Kakšno mnenjw so MSM imeli o Azovcih dobro leti nazaj ![:))](
Like, share, recruit: How a white-supremacist militia uses Facebook to radicalize and train new members
Like, share, recruit: How a white-supremacist militia uses Facebook to radicalize and train new members