Forum » Problemi človeštva » Ukrajina Part II
Ukrajina Part II
Temo vidijo: vsi
Pac-Man ::
Objavili so zasilni pristanek Ka-52 v Hostomelu na začetku konflikta. Pravijo mu "tactical landing operation".
Kdo jim dela PR?
It's a very unlucky KA52 actually. After first emergency landing at Hostomel most likely took off, had to emergency land somewhere else (either immediately afterwards or one of its further sorties).
Most likely same machine as below - note pic of saint but different landing site.
Kdo jim dela PR?
It's a very unlucky KA52 actually. After first emergency landing at Hostomel most likely took off, had to emergency land somewhere else (either immediately afterwards or one of its further sorties).
Most likely same machine as below - note pic of saint but different landing site.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
BlaY0 ::
bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:
Shtora-1 je v bistvu pasivni jammer, tako da pač ustreliš lahko dva NLAW-a iz različnih smeri in je zadeva rešena. Enega bo verjetno "pokenslal", drugega pa že ne več.
NLAW Shtora-1 sploh ne more motiti. NLAW nima aktivnega vodenja, ampak samo pasivno. Ko strelec meri, mora imeti tank na muhi 3 sekunde, da softver izračuna PLOS (predicted line of sight). Ko ustreli, ima izstrelek inercijsko vodenje. Torej ima nek žiroskop in leti tja, kamor je strelec meril, z vnaprej izračunanim prehitkom.
To je res, ampak ob zaznavi se kupola samodejno obrne v smer napada, poleg tega je v tem primeru tank treba samo upočasniti oziroma pospešiti in NLAW raketa bo letela mimo. Je pa še vedno bolje ustreliti 2 ali 3 NLAW-e kot enega Jav-a. Če jih imaš seveda oziroma imaš dovolj moštva. Iz zased se kar dobro obnesejo.
Motion ::
bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:
Shtora-1 je v bistvu pasivni jammer, tako da pač ustreliš lahko dva NLAW-a iz različnih smeri in je zadeva rešena. Enega bo verjetno "pokenslal", drugega pa že ne več.
NLAW Shtora-1 sploh ne more motiti. NLAW nima aktivnega vodenja, ampak samo pasivno. Ko strelec meri, mora imeti tank na muhi 3 sekunde, da softver izračuna PLOS (predicted line of sight). Ko ustreli, ima izstrelek inercijsko vodenje. Torej ima nek žiroskop in leti tja, kamor je strelec meril, z vnaprej izračunanim prehitkom.
To je res, ampak ob zaznavi se kupola samodejno obrne v smer napada, poleg tega je v tem primeru tank treba samo upočasniti oziroma pospešiti in NLAW raketa bo letela mimo. Je pa še vedno bolje ustreliti 2 ali 3 NLAW-e kot enega Jav-a. Če jih imaš seveda oziroma imaš dovolj moštva. Iz zased se kar dobro obnesejo.
Ja sam kako ga bo sploh zaznal če ne oddaja žarka. Pa kolk rabi raketa da pride od tanka? 2 3 sekunde? Zelo malo časa za kar koli naredit z 50 tonsko mašino.
Pac-Man ::
Poluren podcast z reddita.
The US actually sent over an expert to help modernize Ukraine military after Russias initial invasion in 2014.
It's an interesting listen, the guy basically calls exactly how it will go down for Russia if tries again. In January 2022.
He's largely been right, so far.
The US actually sent over an expert to help modernize Ukraine military after Russias initial invasion in 2014.
It's an interesting listen, the guy basically calls exactly how it will go down for Russia if tries again. In January 2022.
He's largely been right, so far.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
TezkoDihanje ::
Now we know how Germany in the 1930s must have looked. Please don't be fooled: many, many Russians support this war. They are blinded by imperial grievances and consider Ukrainians lower people, who deserve the horrors being inflicted upon them
Now we know how Germany in the 1930s must have looked. Please don't be fooled: many, many Russians support this war. They are blinded by imperial grievances and consider Ukrainians lower people, who deserve the horrors being inflicted upon them
Truga ::
TezkoDihanje ::
This is all staged.
Stora je zelo vprašljive kvalitete
This is all staged.
bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:
Shtora-1 je v bistvu pasivni jammer, tako da pač ustreliš lahko dva NLAW-a iz različnih smeri in je zadeva rešena. Enega bo verjetno "pokenslal", drugega pa že ne več.
NLAW Shtora-1 sploh ne more motiti. NLAW nima aktivnega vodenja, ampak samo pasivno. Ko strelec meri, mora imeti tank na muhi 3 sekunde, da softver izračuna PLOS (predicted line of sight). Ko ustreli, ima izstrelek inercijsko vodenje. Torej ima nek žiroskop in leti tja, kamor je strelec meril, z vnaprej izračunanim prehitkom.
To je res, ampak ob zaznavi se kupola samodejno obrne v smer napada, poleg tega je v tem primeru tank treba samo upočasniti oziroma pospešiti in NLAW raketa bo letela mimo. Je pa še vedno bolje ustreliti 2 ali 3 NLAW-e kot enega Jav-a. Če jih imaš seveda oziroma imaš dovolj moštva. Iz zased se kar dobro obnesejo.
Stora je zelo vprašljive kvalitete
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TezkoDihanje ()
TezkoDihanje ::
The #Ukrainian Armed Forces regained control of more than 30 settlements near #Kyiv, and in some directions managed to push back the enemy troops by 70 km from the capital.
The #Ukrainian Armed Forces regained control of more than 30 settlements near #Kyiv, and in some directions managed to push back the enemy troops by 70 km from the capital.
Pac-Man ::
Everyone imagining there’s some “competent” Russian military that hasn’t been deployed yet—or Russian capability that they’re “saving”—seems wildly mistaken.
If they had any special competence, they would used it already. The only direction Russia has left is to go more brutal.
Everyone imagining there’s some “competent” Russian military that hasn’t been deployed yet—or Russian capability that they’re “saving”—seems wildly mistaken.
If they had any special competence, they would used it already. The only direction Russia has left is to go more brutal.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
TezkoDihanje ::
First video shows the strike on Kherson airport by the Ukrainians, utilized drone spotted artillery fire.
Russian command post was destroyed at Kherson Airport in Chornobaivka - adviser to
@ZelenskyyUa 's Office Oleksiy Arestovych
He says the commander of Russia's 8th army and several more generals could have been eliminated.
First video shows the strike on Kherson airport by the Ukrainians, utilized drone spotted artillery fire.
Russian command post was destroyed at Kherson Airport in Chornobaivka - adviser to
@ZelenskyyUa 's Office Oleksiy Arestovych
He says the commander of Russia's 8th army and several more generals could have been eliminated.
korenje3 ::
RTjev dron iz Mariupola, video
Tako zgleda osvobajanje?
Kaj je tu spornega?
Kaj pa, če bodo Wernovci hoteli mimo? Jih bodo lastni pobili?
Propagande je ogromno in ogromno odstranjenega gradiva. Predvsem ne najdem več gradiva ko so azovci poklal vse ljudi na evakuacijskih avtobusih. Pa ne z granatami, ampak s puškami iz notranje strani.
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
korenje3 ::
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
kuall ::
korupcije v ukrajini je seveda veliko zato, ker je ex komunajzarska država, kamor jo hoče putin z vojno potisniti nazaj.
korenje3 ::
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
korenje3 ::
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
TezkoDihanje ::
Russia is beginning to lose so many troops after 3 weeks of war in Ukraine that frontline soldiers are starting to worry about how long they can hold out, officials told @ak_mack & me
But it's not clear Putin is hearing that, one European diplo said
Russia is beginning to lose so many troops after 3 weeks of war in Ukraine that frontline soldiers are starting to worry about how long they can hold out, officials told @ak_mack & me
But it's not clear Putin is hearing that, one European diplo said
TezkoDihanje ::
"It is putin, not russians", right?
-> 86,6% russians support potential attacks against other countries;
-> 46% are *convinced* that russia should attack the EU;
-> 75,5% think Poland will be next target, 41% - Baltic states, 39,6% - Bulgaria, Czechia, Slovakia & even Hungary /1
Folks say these figures might not be accurate as those who are against the war refused to talk.
As somedoby whose people are now genocided, let me make it clear: should I give a f*ck about what the silent minority thinks, if putin in his actions rely on this loud nazi majority?
Many public institutions in Russia participate in flash mobs in support of Russian troops. We looked at them and collected the best ones in a cringe selection.
Caution: dangerous for the brain
"It is putin, not russians", right?
-> 86,6% russians support potential attacks against other countries;
-> 46% are *convinced* that russia should attack the EU;
-> 75,5% think Poland will be next target, 41% - Baltic states, 39,6% - Bulgaria, Czechia, Slovakia & even Hungary /1
Folks say these figures might not be accurate as those who are against the war refused to talk.
As somedoby whose people are now genocided, let me make it clear: should I give a f*ck about what the silent minority thinks, if putin in his actions rely on this loud nazi majority?
Many public institutions in Russia participate in flash mobs in support of Russian troops. We looked at them and collected the best ones in a cringe selection.
Caution: dangerous for the brain
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TezkoDihanje ()
TezkoDihanje ::
Some of the footage from yesterday's TV broadcast of the #Luzhniki concert strikingly matched a video from a year ago.
Some of the footage from yesterday's TV broadcast of the #Luzhniki concert strikingly matched a video from a year ago.
joebiden ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Russia is beginning to lose so many troops after 3 weeks of war in Ukraine that frontline soldiers are starting to worry about how long they can hold out, officials told @ak_mack & me
But it's not clear Putin is hearing that, one European diplo said
OK, nazaj v realnost:
TezkoDihanje ::
OK, nazaj v realnost:
A to, da se z mestom s populacijo 450 tisoč, ki leži zraven Rusije in polovico ruskega življa matraš 3+ tedne, je zate uspeh?? Druga armada sveta??
Realnost imaš tukaj:
Russia - 1542, of which: destroyed: 712, damaged: 27, abandoned: 223, captured: 579
mackilla ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Russia is beginning to lose so many troops after 3 weeks of war in Ukraine that frontline soldiers are starting to worry about how long they can hold out, officials told @ak_mack & me
But it's not clear Putin is hearing that, one European diplo said
OK, nazaj v realnost:
Kolk dobite po nicku?
Comandante ::
OK, nazaj v realnost:
V to realnost, v kateri mogocna ruska armada, bojda 2. najmocnejsa vojska na svetu, tri tedne ne more osvojiti mesta velikosti 1,5 Ljubljan?
In tipi bi sli osvajat Kijev, ki je velik za ene 12 Ljubljan?
joebiden ::
Comandante je izjavil:
OK, nazaj v realnost:
V to realnost, v kateri mogocna ruska armada, bojda 2. najmocnejsa vojska na svetu, tri tedne ne more osvojiti mesta velikosti 1,5 Ljubljan?
In tipi bi sli osvajat Kijev, ki je velik za ene 12 Ljubljan?![]()
Saj počasi bo mesto prazno.
British mercenary in Ukraine: Ben Spann, 36, spent five days in a safe house in western Ukraine with four former British military personnel. Fearing that he would be sent on a "suicidal mission", he remembered that he had not lived long and had a wife and children, so he returned to the UK.
Švedi tudi dezertirajo
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: joebiden ()
Comandante ::
Saj počasi bo mesto prazno.
Brez bojazni, rezervoarji nafte mogocnih ruskih tankov so ze tri tedne prazni. Zdaj se vkopavajo, in cakajo na smrt.
mackilla ::
Comandante je izjavil:
OK, nazaj v realnost:
V to realnost, v kateri mogocna ruska armada, bojda 2. najmocnejsa vojska na svetu, tri tedne ne more osvojiti mesta velikosti 1,5 Ljubljan?
In tipi bi sli osvajat Kijev, ki je velik za ene 12 Ljubljan?![]()
Saj počasi bo mesto prazno.
British mercenary in Ukraine: Ben Spann, 36, spent five days in a safe house in western Ukraine with four former British military personnel. Fearing that he would be sent on a "suicidal mission", he remembered that he had not lived long and had a wife and children, so he returned to the UK.
Švedi tudi dezertirajo
joebiden ::
Comandante je izjavil:
Saj počasi bo mesto prazno.
Brez bojazni, rezervoarji nafte mogocnih ruskih tankov so ze tri tedne prazni. Zdaj se vkopavajo, in cakajo na smrt.
A zato je šel benz gor, ker so Rusi tolk kupoval? Sem slišal da ga je zadnjič še pei nas zmanjkalo.
OK, dost zajebancije, gremo naprej:
windigo ::
Ovce, ki nekriticno pozirajo propagando in jo sirijo naokoli.Podatki OVSE so govorili o 14.000 mrtvih civilistov. Nazadnje ko so še objavili na kateri strani so padli civilisti, jih je bilo čez 85% na strani DNR in LNR. Vsaj o točnosti in zanesljivosti tega menda ni dvoma. To pa pomeni, da si tukaj nekritična ovca najverjetneje kar ti sam.
Pac-Man ::
Ob podobnih primerih se vedno spomnim na prvih 10 sekund tega videa.
Q: "Kaj bo rešilo Rusijo?"
A: "Pravoslavni fašizem."
In ti bi šli karkoli denacificirat?
"News of [RU] Orthodoxy... Icons with the inscription 'your task is to wipe the Ukrainian nation off the face of the earth.' A photo of priest Mikhail Ageshin [whose signature is under that text] is attached" It reads:
RU Orthodox Church, Moscow Patriarchy, Bryansk Metropolia.
You're RU warrior.
Your duty is to protect the fatherland from UA nationalists.
Your task is to wipe the UA nation off the face of the earth.
Your enemy is an ideology, making sinful damage to human soul
Signed as "Bryansk Eparchy's department of relations with military and law enforcement bodies, priest Mikhail Ageshin"
Q: "Kaj bo rešilo Rusijo?"
A: "Pravoslavni fašizem."
In ti bi šli karkoli denacificirat?
"News of [RU] Orthodoxy... Icons with the inscription 'your task is to wipe the Ukrainian nation off the face of the earth.' A photo of priest Mikhail Ageshin [whose signature is under that text] is attached" It reads:
RU Orthodox Church, Moscow Patriarchy, Bryansk Metropolia.
You're RU warrior.
Your duty is to protect the fatherland from UA nationalists.
Your task is to wipe the UA nation off the face of the earth.
Your enemy is an ideology, making sinful damage to human soul
Signed as "Bryansk Eparchy's department of relations with military and law enforcement bodies, priest Mikhail Ageshin"
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
windigo ::
bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:
Ukr vojska je v 8 letih ubila v Donetsku in Lugamnsku 13000 lastnih državljanov...
Medtem so jim (Ukr) zahodne države "države štango".
Vladimir Vladimirovič, si to ti? Kakšno je vreme v Moskvi? Si že dobil plačo v rubljih?
Здраствуй товарищ ББ, но эти данные все же верны.
Pac-Man ::
Podatki OVSE so govorili o 14.000 mrtvih civilistov.
Boš dal kar lepo povezavo. Čakam.
To, nit
Students told us they had been given the option of a day off from lectures if they attended 'a concert.'
Some of them didn't even know that the event was dedicated, in part, to support for Russian forces in Ukraine.
in to, Rus v izgnanstvu
This is how putinist "state patriotism" has always worked
I remember being kindly asked by my university "union" (lol) to attend such a rally over 15 years ago, apparently little has changed since then
Unlike other dictators, Putin does not have legions ready to die for him. His system only works as long as he can buy loyalty with money.
Sanctions work.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
windigo ::
"News of [RU] Orthodoxy... Icons with the inscription 'your task is to wipe the Ukrainian nation off the face of the earth.' A photo of priest Mikhail Ageshin [whose signature is under that text] is attached" It reads:
RU Orthodox Church, Moscow Patriarchy, Bryansk Metropolia.
You're RU warrior.
Your duty is to protect the fatherland from UA nationalists.
Your task is to wipe the UA nation off the face of the earth.
Your enemy is an ideology, making sinful damage to human soul
Signed as "Bryansk Eparchy's department of relations with military and law enforcement bodies, priest Mikhail Ageshin"
A takimle se ob vsem spoštovanju žensk in novi spolno politični korektnosti danes še lahko reče pičke/cunts?
cias ::
Pithlit ::
"News of [RU] Orthodoxy... Icons with the inscription 'your task is to wipe the Ukrainian nation off the face of the earth.' A photo of priest Mikhail Ageshin [whose signature is under that text] is attached" It reads:
RU Orthodox Church, Moscow Patriarchy, Bryansk Metropolia.
You're RU warrior.
Your duty is to protect the fatherland from UA nationalists.
Your task is to wipe the UA nation off the face of the earth.
Your enemy is an ideology, making sinful damage to human soul
Signed as "Bryansk Eparchy's department of relations with military and law enforcement bodies, priest Mikhail Ageshin"
A takimle se ob vsem spoštovanju žensk in novi spolno politični korektnosti danes še lahko reče pičke/cunts?
Od dolgoletne aktivistke ter organizatorke: go for it.
Life is as complicated as we make it...
Pac-Man ::
A takimle se ob vsem spoštovanju žensk in novi spolno politični korektnosti danes še lahko reče pičke/cunts?
Da, takoj ko boš dal vir za podatke OVSE o 14 000 mrtvih civilistih. Še vedno čakam.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
mackilla ::
Zelensky je res pogumen da upa objaviti posnetek kako se sprehaja pred green screenom.
Stremetski,kaj je novega z ruskimi McDonaldsi?
A takimle se ob vsem spoštovanju žensk in novi spolno politični korektnosti danes še lahko reče pičke/cunts?
Da, takoj ko boš dal vir za podatke OVSE o 14 000 mrtvih civilistih. Še vedno čakam.
Nič ne bo. Jaz še vedno čakam,da mi rusifili dajo link o 100.000 pobitih ljudi na Balkanu z strani Američanov.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: mackilla ()
cias ::
Kaže da je z naciji fertik. Toliko denarja je v njih vložil zahod, pol pa eno noč Čečenov in partizanov.
The people's militia of the DPR cleans the Mariupol high-rise buildings from the fighters of the national battalion "Azov".
The people's militia of the DPR cleans the Mariupol high-rise buildings from the fighters of the national battalion "Azov".
sir_mha ::
Ruski ambasador u BiH: 'Otkud vi znate da mi nemamo planove protiv Hrvatske, Mađarske...?'
cias ::
Pac-Man ::
Elizaveta Peskova haz a sad
The daughter of Putin's chief propagandist called me from Moscow to complain about being sanctioned by the US.
Peskova, who says she is a self-made woman, told Insider that she was blindsided by the sanctions and, in particular, the accusation that she is "enabling war."
"For me, it's totally unfair and unfounded," she said. "I was really surprised because it's weird introducing sanctions [on] someone who is 24 years old and has nothing to do with the situation."
It won't impact her financially, she said — though like other Russians, she has felt the impact of broader sanctions and the country's isolation from the global financial system — but it does mean there will be no more trips to places like New York City, where she remembers visiting Times Square with her father when she was nine.
"I'm upset because I would like to travel, and I love different cultures," she said.
In a speech this week, Putin derided Russians who "live over there — live, not in the geographical sense, but in the sense of their thoughts, their slavish thinking," and described them as "scum" and "traitors."
Peskova wouldn't talk about politics. But, to that, she would say that "I am a citizen of the world, and I can't do anything about it."
And she insists that though she enjoys a "very deep connection with my father," she is not her dad — and should not be held responsible for Russia's February 24 invasion of Ukraine, which he defends every day.
On the day of the attack, Peskova appeared to criticize her government, posting the words "no to war" in a since-deleted Instagram Live broadcast. Russia has since banned the platform (her last post directs followers to her Telegram account).
Today, she claims she did not necessarily mean to criticize any one conflict in particular.
"When I say it, I mean that I am for peace, not only in Ukraine but all around the world," she said. In Ukraine, specifically, she said she will "not talk about the situation going on — I can only speak about the sanctions and I can only say what I feel and what I think about the sanctions."
Navalni o familiji, podnapisi & all
How Putin's press secretary bought an apartment in Paris
Peskov's son: from an English prison to the Russian elite
The daughter of Putin's chief propagandist called me from Moscow to complain about being sanctioned by the US.
Peskova, who says she is a self-made woman, told Insider that she was blindsided by the sanctions and, in particular, the accusation that she is "enabling war."
"For me, it's totally unfair and unfounded," she said. "I was really surprised because it's weird introducing sanctions [on] someone who is 24 years old and has nothing to do with the situation."
It won't impact her financially, she said — though like other Russians, she has felt the impact of broader sanctions and the country's isolation from the global financial system — but it does mean there will be no more trips to places like New York City, where she remembers visiting Times Square with her father when she was nine.
"I'm upset because I would like to travel, and I love different cultures," she said.
In a speech this week, Putin derided Russians who "live over there — live, not in the geographical sense, but in the sense of their thoughts, their slavish thinking," and described them as "scum" and "traitors."
Peskova wouldn't talk about politics. But, to that, she would say that "I am a citizen of the world, and I can't do anything about it."
And she insists that though she enjoys a "very deep connection with my father," she is not her dad — and should not be held responsible for Russia's February 24 invasion of Ukraine, which he defends every day.
On the day of the attack, Peskova appeared to criticize her government, posting the words "no to war" in a since-deleted Instagram Live broadcast. Russia has since banned the platform (her last post directs followers to her Telegram account).
Today, she claims she did not necessarily mean to criticize any one conflict in particular.
"When I say it, I mean that I am for peace, not only in Ukraine but all around the world," she said. In Ukraine, specifically, she said she will "not talk about the situation going on — I can only speak about the sanctions and I can only say what I feel and what I think about the sanctions."
Navalni o familiji, podnapisi & all
How Putin's press secretary bought an apartment in Paris
Peskov's son: from an English prison to the Russian elite
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
s1m0n ::
Zelo hud udarec za Ukrajince.
Po treh tednih Rusom končno uspe zadeti vojaško točko, ne pa bolnic, šol, civilnih zgradb… res aplavz…
cias ::
As we expected, retribution was not long in coming. Our fighters in the combat zone work clearly, smoothly and efficiently. The experience accumulated over the years in the most complex special operations is evident. Well, as for the members of nationalist formations, everything is more than clear. If there are no civilians at hand, they act according to a proven scheme approved by the top military leadership of Ukraine - running without looking back. Luckily for us, this tactic has not been working as expected lately.
I want to appeal to all Nazis, Bandera and shaitans: you can bark from your hiding places as much as you like, you are neither physically nor morally capable of more. One by one, the areas are cleared, and soon it will reach you. Either you voluntarily lay down your arms and accept the punishment you deserve, or we will knock it out of your hands and take punitive measures ourselves.
Pac-Man ::
Študenti MGIMO, elitne družboslovne univerze, zdaj z angleškimi podnapisi.
Akterji verjetno ciljajo na službe v diplomaciji.
Akterji verjetno ciljajo na službe v diplomaciji.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
gazibo ::
As we expected, retribution was not long in coming. Our fighters in the combat zone work clearly, smoothly and efficiently. The experience accumulated over the years in the most complex special operations is evident. Well, as for the members of nationalist formations, everything is more than clear. If there are no civilians at hand, they act according to a proven scheme approved by the top military leadership of Ukraine - running without looking back. Luckily for us, this tactic has not been working as expected lately.
I want to appeal to all Nazis, Bandera and shaitans: you can bark from your hiding places as much as you like, you are neither physically nor morally capable of more. One by one, the areas are cleared, and soon it will reach you. Either you voluntarily lay down your arms and accept the punishment you deserve, or we will knock it out of your hands and take punitive measures ourselves.
jukrejn naci days are counted
A Russian Strike Kills Foreign Fighters in Ukraine
Two German volunteer fighters said many of their fellow foreign legionnaires had been killed in the bombing and estimated the death toll at over 200.
simfonija za duso
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: gazibo ()
Motion ::
Zelo hud udarec za Ukrajince.
Po treh tednih Rusom končno uspe zadeti vojaško točko, ne pa bolnic, šol, civilnih zgradb… res aplavz…
Da sredi konflikta spiš v vojašnici ki je v dosegu sovražnikovega ognja je pa tudi idiotizem brez primire.