Forum » Problemi človeštva » Ukrajina Part II
Ukrajina Part II
Temo vidijo: vsi
m0LN4r ::
Kapitan Jack je izjavil:
Torej dejmo Ukrajino oznacit kot 2. svetovno vele silo, ker evo "zmagujejo".
Na to sem ciljal.
Rusi ze 3 tedne zapored "heavy losses" - normalno, da so ukrajinci velesila. Pol bi pa se radi pomoc. Ocitno jim nemske celade sluzijo odlicno.
Trade Republic 38MVDVXM
Trade Republic 38MVDVXM
fur80 ::
Kapitan Jack je izjavil:
Torej dejmo Ukrajino oznacit kot 2. svetovno vele silo, ker evo "zmagujejo".
Lahko pa Ruse in Putina označimo za norca in bedeka! Predvsem Putina. Niso se pa Ukrajinci predali, kot ste nekateri tu celo zahtevali!
kow ::
Lahko se delata norca, ampak so hitro zgradili mocno vojsko. Ruske okupacije so se dejansko znebili v 2 revolucijah postopoma. Dokoncno 2013. v 8 letih so zgradili res mocno vojsko. Motivacija je vedno kljucna zadeva.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: kow ()
fur80 ::
Stremetski je na začetku celo zahteval, da se Zelenski in Ukrajina preda, ker bo baje on dražje tankal! Si predstavljaš to! :D
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
Kapitan Jack ::
m0LN4r ::
Na koncu ugotovimo, da nas sploh ne rabi biti strah pred rusi ampak ukrajinci.
Trade Republic 38MVDVXM
Trade Republic 38MVDVXM
kow ::
Kapitan Jack je izjavil:
Lahko se delata norca, ampak so hitro zgradili mocno vojsko. Ruske okupacije so se dejansko znebili v 2 revolucijah postopoma. Dokoncno 2013. v 8 letih so zgradili res mocno vojsko.
Popravi stavek na "so".
Zgradili smo jo mi,ki placujemo NATO in ostal nepotreben sit.
So bili kar oni. Ker, ce bi jo zgradili "mi", bi odvrgli orozje enako kot ga je afganistanska vojska.
fur80 ::
Kapitan Jack je izjavil:
Lahko se delata norca, ampak so hitro zgradili mocno vojsko. Ruske okupacije so se dejansko znebili v 2 revolucijah postopoma. Dokoncno 2013. v 8 letih so zgradili res mocno vojsko.
Popravi stavek na "so".
Zgradili smo jo mi,ki placujemo NATO in ostal nepotreben sit.
Lahko ustanoviš stranko oz. predlagaš referendum, pa gremo demokratično iz NATA!
kow ::
Kapitan Jack je izjavil:
Zgradili smo jo mi,ki placujemo NATO in ostal nepotreben sit.
Takoj, ko se Rusija, Turcija, Kitajci razorozijo. Sem takoj za.
fur80 ::
Kapitan Jack je izjavil:
Zgradili smo jo mi,ki placujemo NATO in ostal nepotreben sit.
Takoj, ko se Rusija, Turcija, Kitajci razorozijo. Sem takoj za.
Pa na Orbana in prekmurje ne pozabit! :D
Kapitan Jack ::
Na koncu ugotovimo, da nas sploh ne rabi biti strah pred rusi ampak ukrajinci.
No ja, vsaj ne teh, ki so Ukrajino zapustili.
Ukrajino zapustilo že skoraj 3,7 milijona ljudi, samo v zadnjem dnevu 100.000 ljudi. Zaradi varnosti pa jih umikajo s slovaškega mejnega prehoda v bližini Užgoroda.
-vx- ::
Kapitan Jack je izjavil:
Zgradili smo jo mi,ki placujemo NATO in ostal nepotreben sit.
Takoj, ko se Rusija, Turcija, Kitajci razorozijo. Sem takoj za.
ZDA bi rad spravil v bankrot. Unicil bi jim rad orozarsko industrijo! Rusofil!
Ukrajina: freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.
l0g1t3ch ::
Kapitan Jack je izjavil:
Torej dejmo Ukrajino oznacit kot 2. svetovno vele silo, ker evo "zmagujejo".
Na to sem ciljal.
Rusi ze 3 tedne zapored "heavy losses" - normalno, da so ukrajinci velesila. Pol bi pa se radi pomoc. Ocitno jim nemske celade sluzijo odlicno.
Mal si naiven oz. poskušaš nekaj mutit.
Rusi so bili sigurni v hitro zmago, zavzetje kijeva, zamenjavo vlade, ... Sedaj pa že 3 tedne mečkajo.
Zdej je samo vprašanje časa kdo bo zdržal dlje, da se druga stran izčrpa.
Za Ruse bo tole v najbolšem primeru pirova zmaga. Če sploh.
kow ::
m0LN4r ::
Kapitan Jack je izjavil:
Torej dejmo Ukrajino oznacit kot 2. svetovno vele silo, ker evo "zmagujejo".
Na to sem ciljal.
Rusi ze 3 tedne zapored "heavy losses" - normalno, da so ukrajinci velesila. Pol bi pa se radi pomoc. Ocitno jim nemske celade sluzijo odlicno.
Mal si naiven oz. poskušaš nekaj mutit.
Rusi so bili sigurni v hitro zmago, zavzetje kijeva, zamenjavo vlade, ... Sedaj pa že 3 tedne mečkajo.
Zdej je samo vprašanje časa kdo bo zdržal dlje, da se druga stran izčrpa.
Za Ruse bo tole v najbolšem primeru pirova zmaga. Če sploh.
Neonaci ukrajinci so mocnejsi od pricakovanj.
Trade Republic 38MVDVXM
Trade Republic 38MVDVXM
kow ::
Kateri Ukrajinci pa niso neonaciji? A tisti, ki poljubijo noge despotu v Moskvi? Ti si verjetno Schroeder volivec?
kow ::
Velika. Hitler je bil oseba, Azov pa teritorij? Torej ukrajinski "naciji" se borijo za ukrajinsko zemljo, hitler pa je sel zemljo krast. Podobno kot Putin?
l0g1t3ch ::
Kapitan Jack je izjavil:
Torej dejmo Ukrajino oznacit kot 2. svetovno vele silo, ker evo "zmagujejo".
Na to sem ciljal.
Rusi ze 3 tedne zapored "heavy losses" - normalno, da so ukrajinci velesila. Pol bi pa se radi pomoc. Ocitno jim nemske celade sluzijo odlicno.
Mal si naiven oz. poskušaš nekaj mutit.
Rusi so bili sigurni v hitro zmago, zavzetje kijeva, zamenjavo vlade, ... Sedaj pa že 3 tedne mečkajo.
Zdej je samo vprašanje časa kdo bo zdržal dlje, da se druga stran izčrpa.
Za Ruse bo tole v najbolšem primeru pirova zmaga. Če sploh.
Neonaci ukrajinci so mocnejsi od pricakovanj.
Pozabite že te nacije. Irelavantni so.
Oz. jih ima vsaka država.
Še pri nas imamo tist šškovo vardo, pa tisto društvo za promocijo nekih vrednost, ki ga SDS financira.
Rusi imajo pa Wagner grup pa training kampe v st Petersburgu. Ukrajinci pa Azov bataljon.
Vso to opltanje z naciji je "the pot calling the kettle black"
Pac-Man ::
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Tip v črnem avtu, ki ga je na začetku vojne povozil oklepnik, podnapisi.
On the morning of 25th of February 2022, peace was disturbed in one of the residential districts in Kyiv. An enemy sabotage group stole a military vehicle of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and stormed the city.
The saboteurs in an armored car rammed into a car with a human three times. The man miraculously survived thanks to help from ordinary Ukrainians. And the ground forces of Ukraine quickly dealt with the criminals.
Tip v črnem avtu, ki ga je na začetku vojne povozil oklepnik, podnapisi.
On the morning of 25th of February 2022, peace was disturbed in one of the residential districts in Kyiv. An enemy sabotage group stole a military vehicle of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and stormed the city.
The saboteurs in an armored car rammed into a car with a human three times. The man miraculously survived thanks to help from ordinary Ukrainians. And the ground forces of Ukraine quickly dealt with the criminals.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
sir_mha ::
o Russian forces have made minimal progress on land, sea or air in recent days and they continue to suffer heavy losses
To da ukrajinci tepejo ruse, kot cucke ze poslusamo 3 tedne. Kako to, da Ukrajinci potem jamrajo oz. se niso zmagali ali porinli ruse nazaj?
Nekak se to ne ujema.
Še velik materiala imata obe strani, zato konca vojne še ni na vidiku.
Pac-Man ::
Fotk se mi ne da pripenjat, klikaj
I had this discussion many months ago with a close friend about these kinds of mass plane spot posts. Prior to the war starting, a lot of it centered around how much was hype & how much was substance.
22 aircraft of the Russian Air Force and Rossiya - Special Flight Detachment.
And I suppose I still feel the same way.
I would see on an average weekday 15-20 aircraft. Back then, I had fewer codes to my database. This could even be attributed to that lack of data.
Now some of those Rossiya flights are returning to Moscow or have already arrived.
This behavior happens EVERY DAY. The only thing that has changed is their direction, starting off towards the east, due to air restrictions.
In short, I wouldn't run off to your bunker over this.
I had this discussion many months ago with a close friend about these kinds of mass plane spot posts. Prior to the war starting, a lot of it centered around how much was hype & how much was substance.
22 aircraft of the Russian Air Force and Rossiya - Special Flight Detachment.
And I suppose I still feel the same way.
I would see on an average weekday 15-20 aircraft. Back then, I had fewer codes to my database. This could even be attributed to that lack of data.
Now some of those Rossiya flights are returning to Moscow or have already arrived.
This behavior happens EVERY DAY. The only thing that has changed is their direction, starting off towards the east, due to air restrictions.
In short, I wouldn't run off to your bunker over this.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
endelin ::
Putler bi izgleda še vedno rad nastavil živav po zgledu čečenskega konjušarja
Putin's conditions for ending the war
According to the newspaper ABC, Putin's conditions for peace are as follows:
1. Ukraine doesn't enter NATO and maintains a position of neutrality
2. Crimea is recognised as a territory of Russia
3. The independence is granted to the people's republics of Donetsk and Lugansk
4. Ukraine demilitarises and surrenders any weapons which constitute a threat to Russia
Putin issues list of countries that have carried out 'unfriendly actions' against Russia | Marca
Zelensky to Putin: Sit down with me, what are you afraid of? | Marca
5. Ukraine goes through a process of denazification, which would essentially constitute a change of government based on Putin's previous words about the Ukrainian leadership.
6. Russian becomes the second official language of Ukraine and any laws which prohibit its use are repealed.
Putler bi izgleda še vedno rad nastavil živav po zgledu čečenskega konjušarja
l0g1t3ch ::
Utk ::
Putin's conditions for ending the war
According to the newspaper ABC, Putin's conditions for peace are as follows:
1. Ukraine doesn't enter NATO and maintains a position of neutrality
2. Crimea is recognised as a territory of Russia
3. The independence is granted to the people's republics of Donetsk and Lugansk
4. Ukraine demilitarises and surrenders any weapons which constitute a threat to Russia
Putin issues list of countries that have carried out 'unfriendly actions' against Russia | Marca
Zelensky to Putin: Sit down with me, what are you afraid of? | Marca
5. Ukraine goes through a process of denazification, which would essentially constitute a change of government based on Putin's previous words about the Ukrainian leadership.
6. Russian becomes the second official language of Ukraine and any laws which prohibit its use are repealed.
Putler bi izgleda še vedno rad nastavil živav po zgledu čečenskega konjušarja
Vse to bi lahko dosegel brez vojne. Z vojno si je samo zmanjšal šanse. Vse od tega zdaj ne more dobit.
Fritz ::
"I've been asked if I think the invasion of Ukraine is illegal.
My answer is: If we don't hold our own leaders to account, we can't hold other leaders to account.
If the law is not applied consistently, it is not the law.
It is simply an excuse we use to target our enemies.
We will pay a heavy price for our hubris of 2003 in the future.
We didn't just fail to punish Bush and Blair: we rewarded them. We re-elected them. We knighted them.
If you want to see Putin in his true light imagine him landing a jet and then saying 'Mission Accomplished'."
As far as I can tell this point is logically unassailable. International law is a meaningless concept when it only applies to people the US power alliance doesn't like. This point is driven home by the life of McBride himself, whose own government responded to his publicizing suppressed information about war crimes committed by Australian forces in Afghanistan by charging him as a criminal.
My answer is: If we don't hold our own leaders to account, we can't hold other leaders to account.
If the law is not applied consistently, it is not the law.
It is simply an excuse we use to target our enemies.
We will pay a heavy price for our hubris of 2003 in the future.
We didn't just fail to punish Bush and Blair: we rewarded them. We re-elected them. We knighted them.
If you want to see Putin in his true light imagine him landing a jet and then saying 'Mission Accomplished'."
As far as I can tell this point is logically unassailable. International law is a meaningless concept when it only applies to people the US power alliance doesn't like. This point is driven home by the life of McBride himself, whose own government responded to his publicizing suppressed information about war crimes committed by Australian forces in Afghanistan by charging him as a criminal.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
TezkoDihanje ::
Three independent sources report that the deputy chief of Russia's Rosgvardia (a unit of RU's interior army which has had tremendous losses in Ukraine), Gen. Roman Gavrilov has been detained by FSB. Gavrilov had also previously worked in FSO, Putin's security service.
Three independent sources report that the deputy chief of Russia's Rosgvardia (a unit of RU's interior army which has had tremendous losses in Ukraine), Gen. Roman Gavrilov has been detained by FSB. Gavrilov had also previously worked in FSO, Putin's security service.
nejcek74 ::
We didn't just fail to punish Bush and Blair: we rewarded them. We re-elected them. We knighted them.
ah, pa sem mislil, da si državljan Slovenije, mogoče je cas da spraviš pridigat tistim, ki se jih tvoje pisanje tice. Ali pa ne locis med UK, USA in RS? Imas srečo, znanje je na dosegu tipkovnice.
p.s. spotoma si se preberi, kakšna je definicija borca po mednarodnem pravu, da ne bos kdaj storil zločina zaradi lastne nevednosti.
-vx- ::
ZDA bi rad spravil v bankrot. Unicil bi jim rad orozarsko industrijo! Rusofil!
Sem kar evrofil. Samo nas ni dovolj.
Niti pod razno. Zavzemas se za to, da EU izgublja gospodarsko moc, da smo potrosniki na slabsem, v imenu vojne, ki jo je zakuhala ZDA. Si ZDAfil, si Rusofil, evrofil pa zagotovo ne. Si prej europarazit.
Ukrajina: freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.
TezkoDihanje ::
PrimoZ_ ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Three independent sources report that the deputy chief of Russia's Rosgvardia (a unit of RU's interior army which has had tremendous losses in Ukraine), Gen. Roman Gavrilov has been detained by FSB. Gavrilov had also previously worked in FSO, Putin's security service.
Stalinove čistke...
-vx- ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
da EU izgublja gospodarsko moc, da smo potrosniki na slabsem
Kakšna obupna kratkovidnost...
Utemelji... sicer se eden europarazit.
Ukrajina: freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.
PrimoZ_ ::
ZDA bi rad spravil v bankrot. Unicil bi jim rad orozarsko industrijo! Rusofil!
Sem kar evrofil. Samo nas ni dovolj.
Niti pod razno. Zavzemas se za to, da EU izgublja gospodarsko moc, da smo potrosniki na slabsem, v imenu vojne, ki jo je zakuhala ZDA. Si ZDAfil, si Rusofil, evrofil pa zagotovo ne. Si prej europarazit.
Zavzemaš se za to da lahko Rusija napada svoje sosede.
Psihopat ?
Norec ?
Kaj tretjega ?
DarkSite ::
Vprašanje je ali bo oz. kdaj bo Putler odredil mobilizacijo, da popolni vrste? S tem bi priznal, da ima vojno. No ja propaganda bi si že kaj izmislila.
PrimoZ_ ::
TezkoDihanje ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
da EU izgublja gospodarsko moc, da smo potrosniki na slabsem
Kakšna obupna kratkovidnost...
Utemelji... sicer se eden europarazit.
Srbski mongloid, ruska agresija se ne bi nehala v Ukrajini, težave bi se samo povečevale. Zlo je treba zatreti na začetku, suma sumarum temu primerni so na koncu manjši stroški.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TezkoDihanje ()
-vx- ::
ZDA bi rad spravil v bankrot. Unicil bi jim rad orozarsko industrijo! Rusofil!
Sem kar evrofil. Samo nas ni dovolj.
Niti pod razno. Zavzemas se za to, da EU izgublja gospodarsko moc, da smo potrosniki na slabsem, v imenu vojne, ki jo je zakuhala ZDA. Si ZDAfil, si Rusofil, evrofil pa zagotovo ne. Si prej europarazit.
Zavzemaš se za to da lahko Rusija napada svoje sosede.
Psihopat ?
Norec ?
Kaj tretjega ?
Ne. Rusija je dala Ukrajini 10 let mir, dokler niso zaceli srati z NATOm. Sami so si krivi in ne vem zakaj bi morali kretenom pomagati v naso skodo.
Lahko se gremo sprejemanje beguncev in humanitarno pomoc, to je pa tudi vse. Svoj idiotizem oz. idiotizem Zelenskya naj placujejo sami.
Jaz jim nisem volil debilnega populista Zelenskya. Oni so ga. Torej naj sami placujejo za svoje napake. Ne vidim nobenega razloga, da bi moral dati cent kretenom, ki volijo sebi v skodo.
Ukrajina: freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: LuiIII ()
Pac-Man ::
A request from the US Embassy to Ukraine
Blazna tajna.
Purpose and content of the Program:
ensuring the viability of built and modernized laboratories;
conducting training on surveillance of infectious diseases for the scientific staff of the beneficiary and recipients; providing assistance for rapid response to outbreaks of particularly dangerous infectious diseases for the purpose of safe collection, treatment, temporary storage and transportation of clinical specimens;
development and implementation of joint research projects; support for the participation of beneficiary and recipient representatives in international conferences.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
PrimoZ_ ::
ZDA bi rad spravil v bankrot. Unicil bi jim rad orozarsko industrijo! Rusofil!
Sem kar evrofil. Samo nas ni dovolj.
Niti pod razno. Zavzemas se za to, da EU izgublja gospodarsko moc, da smo potrosniki na slabsem, v imenu vojne, ki jo je zakuhala ZDA. Si ZDAfil, si Rusofil, evrofil pa zagotovo ne. Si prej europarazit.
Zavzemaš se za to da lahko Rusija napada svoje sosede.
Psihopat ?
Norec ?
Kaj tretjega ?
Ne. Rusija je dala Ukrajini 10 let mir, dokler niso zaceli srati z NATOm. Sami so si krivi in ne vem zakaj bi morali kretenom pomagati v naso skodo.
Lahko se gremo sprejemanje beguncev in humanitarno pomoc, to je pa tudi vse. Svoj idiotizem oz. idiotizem Zelenskya naj placujejo sami.
Jaz jim nisem volil debilnega populista Zelenskya. Oni so ga. Torej naj sami placujejo za svoje napake.
Oh še kar ta zgodbiva z NATOM.
Ja revž bogi Srbski, še nis prebolel da vas je nalo 95 našeškal po tazadnji.
Prepozno vas je, to je vse.
Fritz ::
We didn't just fail to punish Bush and Blair: we rewarded them. We re-elected them. We knighted them.
ah, pa sem mislil, da si državljan Slovenije, mogoče je cas da spraviš pridigat tistim, ki se jih tvoje pisanje tice. Ali pa ne locis med UK, USA in RS? Imas srečo, znanje je na dosegu tipkovnice.
p.s. spotoma si se preberi, kakšna je definicija borca po mednarodnem pravu, da ne bos kdaj storil zločina zaradi lastne nevednosti.
Verjetno si spregledal tale stavek.
International law is a meaningless concept when it only applies to people the US power alliance doesn't like.
Pravijo, da dvoličnost povzroča poškodbe vida, nekaj v smislu selektivnega zajemanja slike.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
-vx- ::
ZDA bi rad spravil v bankrot. Unicil bi jim rad orozarsko industrijo! Rusofil!
Sem kar evrofil. Samo nas ni dovolj.
Niti pod razno. Zavzemas se za to, da EU izgublja gospodarsko moc, da smo potrosniki na slabsem, v imenu vojne, ki jo je zakuhala ZDA. Si ZDAfil, si Rusofil, evrofil pa zagotovo ne. Si prej europarazit.
Zavzemaš se za to da lahko Rusija napada svoje sosede.
Psihopat ?
Norec ?
Kaj tretjega ?
Ne. Rusija je dala Ukrajini 10 let mir, dokler niso zaceli srati z NATOm. Sami so si krivi in ne vem zakaj bi morali kretenom pomagati v naso skodo.
Lahko se gremo sprejemanje beguncev in humanitarno pomoc, to je pa tudi vse. Svoj idiotizem oz. idiotizem Zelenskya naj placujejo sami.
Jaz jim nisem volil debilnega populista Zelenskya. Oni so ga. Torej naj sami placujejo za svoje napake.
Oh še kar ta zgodbiva z NATOM.
Ja revž bogi Srbski, še nis prebolel da vas je nalo 95 našeškal po tazadnji.
Prepozno vas je, to je vse.
Poslusaj kosovski siptar, ne vem kaj sploh pocnes tukaj, pojdi nazaj raztegovati testo za burek, delati sljadoljed in snovati vojno v Makedonijo, odrasle debate niso zate. Si premlad, prenaiven in preneumen (ali z eno besedo: Nodi).
Ukrajina: freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: LuiIII ()