Forum » Problemi človeštva » Ukrajina Part II
Ukrajina Part II
Temo vidijo: vsi

Pac-Man ::
Levičarski explainer o skrajni desnici v Ukrajini in odzivu na Sandersov tvit
It's quite fucked up how Western leftist discussion on Ukraine quickly devolves into mentions of far-right groups like Right Sector or Azov. Come on, people. The US, whose leftists often bug Ukrainians with whataboutisms on the fascists, has just had a fascist president.
Western leftists and anarchists don't ask us whether we need medical supplies, food, military equipment. They ask us about fascists patrolling the streets in Ukraine. Sweet Jesus, our president is Jewish, and the only right-populist party in the parliament is fucking pro-Russian.
Right Sector is already a dead movement nobody cares about. Azov regiment is just about a thousand people who at worst might beat some rando up while off-service. Remember when a year ago a crowd of armed white nationalists attempted a coup and Trump was totally ok with that?
Meanwhile France, Germany, Spain, UK have far-right MPs. Ukraine had only one neo-Nazi MP and he neither submitted any bill nor worked in committees.
But the very mention of Ukraine as the victim of Russian aggression makes people lose their minds: "They have Right Sector! Azov!! Bandera!!!" And if one can explain the first two, Bandera problem is much harder.
Even Ukrainians mostly have no idea what he really did due to it being so shrouded in history. Nobody gives a fuck about Bandera besides a bunch of boomers.
Check replies on Bernie Sanders' tweet. He says that Russia is a threat to peace. His comment on current escalation is very moderate and calls on diplomacy, but strictly points out who's the bad guy.
The benign discussion of what should be an uncontroversial issue within the leftist crowd made them lose their mind instead, blaming Ukraine for mere existence of the far-right movements within.
And how about the fact that Russia doesn't even try to cover up its imperialist plan on Ukraine, one that cannot be justified by any leftist ideals? Nyeeh, it's all NATO's fault. NATO should pull out of Ukraine!
Yeah, yeah, that's right. Fuck us.
It's quite fucked up how Western leftist discussion on Ukraine quickly devolves into mentions of far-right groups like Right Sector or Azov. Come on, people. The US, whose leftists often bug Ukrainians with whataboutisms on the fascists, has just had a fascist president.
Western leftists and anarchists don't ask us whether we need medical supplies, food, military equipment. They ask us about fascists patrolling the streets in Ukraine. Sweet Jesus, our president is Jewish, and the only right-populist party in the parliament is fucking pro-Russian.
Right Sector is already a dead movement nobody cares about. Azov regiment is just about a thousand people who at worst might beat some rando up while off-service. Remember when a year ago a crowd of armed white nationalists attempted a coup and Trump was totally ok with that?
Meanwhile France, Germany, Spain, UK have far-right MPs. Ukraine had only one neo-Nazi MP and he neither submitted any bill nor worked in committees.
But the very mention of Ukraine as the victim of Russian aggression makes people lose their minds: "They have Right Sector! Azov!! Bandera!!!" And if one can explain the first two, Bandera problem is much harder.
Even Ukrainians mostly have no idea what he really did due to it being so shrouded in history. Nobody gives a fuck about Bandera besides a bunch of boomers.
Check replies on Bernie Sanders' tweet. He says that Russia is a threat to peace. His comment on current escalation is very moderate and calls on diplomacy, but strictly points out who's the bad guy.
The benign discussion of what should be an uncontroversial issue within the leftist crowd made them lose their mind instead, blaming Ukraine for mere existence of the far-right movements within.
And how about the fact that Russia doesn't even try to cover up its imperialist plan on Ukraine, one that cannot be justified by any leftist ideals? Nyeeh, it's all NATO's fault. NATO should pull out of Ukraine!
Yeah, yeah, that's right. Fuck us.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

mat xxl ::
Nato, bi se moral umakniti iz UA ????? Zakaj, saj ni prisoten, prisotno je samo njihovo obrambno orožje in morda nekateri inštruktorji, ki so tam privatno za denar, ne v imenu NATA.
Pa, kaj Ruse to moti, to orožje ni v uporabi, bo pa za obrambo.....
Sicer pa povprečni Ukrajinec, bi Ta sporna območja, Donetsk, Lugansk, z lahkoto pogrešil, ker tam je tako ali tako vse razsuto, uničeno, samo ne bi pa še dodatne zemlje radi zgubili Ukrajinci.
Rusi bi pa radi zavzeli večino Ukrajine in podjarmili narod, kar pa ne bo šlo, saj je vsaj 80% Ukrajincev po oranžni revoluciji jasno pro EU usmerjenih......
Pa, kaj Ruse to moti, to orožje ni v uporabi, bo pa za obrambo.....
Sicer pa povprečni Ukrajinec, bi Ta sporna območja, Donetsk, Lugansk, z lahkoto pogrešil, ker tam je tako ali tako vse razsuto, uničeno, samo ne bi pa še dodatne zemlje radi zgubili Ukrajinci.
Rusi bi pa radi zavzeli večino Ukrajine in podjarmili narod, kar pa ne bo šlo, saj je vsaj 80% Ukrajincev po oranžni revoluciji jasno pro EU usmerjenih......

Chalky ::
5 Kilometrov od Ukrajinske meje.
Over 30 units of equipment, reportedly 5km from the Ukrainian border
About 200 units of Russian military equipment reportedly spotted in the Bershakovo settlement, of the Belgorod region, ~10 km from the border with Ukraine.
Precej blizu vse skupaj.
Over 30 units of equipment, reportedly 5km from the Ukrainian border
About 200 units of Russian military equipment reportedly spotted in the Bershakovo settlement, of the Belgorod region, ~10 km from the border with Ukraine.
Precej blizu vse skupaj.

Mare2 ::
Mene zanima kako Putin sploh motivira tolikšno število ljudi (vojakov), da bodo brez srca raketirali, bombardirali Ukrajino, in to kar tudi po mestih, direkt na ljudi.
Mene ne bi prepričal.
Ajt, če se je treba branit je drugo.
Mene ne bi prepričal.
Ajt, če se je treba branit je drugo. Podpora za N26 Mastercard za Slovenijo

zuz3k ::
jaz spremljam malo tole zadevo
v enem izmed intervjujev je putin povedal ključno stvar
če se ukraina prdruži natu, bo izsiljevala na meji nekej v tem smislu
vsi verjamejo medijem, ki so iz strani ZDA ne pa dejanski situaciji
ZDA meša štrene in manipulira, kar dojemam iz medijev, da bi zakuhal
vojno rusija napade ukraino, vmeša se nato, nastradala bo pa EVROPA
v enem izmed intervjujev je putin povedal ključno stvar
če se ukraina prdruži natu, bo izsiljevala na meji nekej v tem smislu
vsi verjamejo medijem, ki so iz strani ZDA ne pa dejanski situaciji
ZDA meša štrene in manipulira, kar dojemam iz medijev, da bi zakuhal
vojno rusija napade ukraino, vmeša se nato, nastradala bo pa EVROPA
Life is a psychological game.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: zuz3k ()

Jarno ::
jaz spremljam malo tole zadevo
v enem izmed intervjujev je putin povedal ključno stvar
če se ukraina prdruži natu, bo izsiljevala na meji nekej v tem smislu
vsi verjamejo medijem, ki so iz strani ZDA ne pa dejanski situaciji
ZDA meša štrene in manipulira, kar dojemam iz medijev, da bi zakuhal
vojno rusija napade ukraino, vmeša se nato, nastradala bo pa EVROPA
Določene evropske države bi vseeno krepko pozdravile buffer območje zoper Rusijo. Načeloma se Rusija ne rabi bati glede vojaške ogroženosti s strani bilokatere sosede razen Kitajske, tudi zaradi jedrskih arzenalov ter same velikosti države.
Če po drugi strani spremljamo ruske medije, navajajo ravno kar si napisal. Idiotizem leži v premisi, da 'morajo napasti' zaradi delovanja zahodnih medijev.
Sicer pa se ve, kogar in Rusov je 200 milijonov, kdo bi rad 'rajh' od Zokija do Tokija itd.
Zdravljenje tovrstnih osebnih kompleksov je težko, ni pa nemogoče.
Chuck Norris je med števili 0.999... in 1 uspel vriniti konstanto imenovano CN.

Jazon ::
OSCE poročilo 18.2.2022
Incident v vrtcu je omenjen na dnu tretje stran.
Incident v vrtcu je omenjen na dnu tretje stran.
Damage to a working kindergarten in Stanytsia Luhanska, Luhansk region
On 17 February, the Mission followed up on reports of damage to a working kindergarten in
the north-western part of Stanytsia Luhanska (government-controlled, 16km north-east of
Luhansk), located about 4.5km north-west of the north-western edge of the disengagement area
near Stanytsia Luhanska.
At 22 Depovska Street, about 20m south-west of a two-storey kindergarten building, the SMM
observed a crater in the kindergarten playground, as well as marks assessed as caused by
shrapnel on the inner side of a concrete wall surrounding the building. Also, it observed a hole
(about 1m in diameter), and one shattered window on the north-eastern facade of the same
building, and two shattered windows on the building's north-west facing wall (on its ground
and first floor).
The SMM assessed the damage as recent but was unable to determine the weapon used or the
direction of fire.
Staff from the Youth Affairs Department of the Stanytsia Luhanska Civil-Military
Administration told the Mission that 20 children had been in the kindergarten at the time of the
incident, but reported no injuries.
The SMM was only able to conduct its assessment from a distance of about 50m from the
north-eastern facade and of about 30m from the south-western facade of the damaged building,
as a law enforcement officer did not allow the Mission to access the site saying that an
investigation was ongoing

Pac-Man ::
Ukrajinski socialisti
NIHILIST.LI is a socialist think tank from Ukraine. We write in English, Ukrainian and Russian about local and global challenges — such as the threatening renaissance of the far-right, distressing failures of the left, corruption and economic crisis, imperialist attcks and the need for a new socialist perspective.
On the Russian-Ukrainian front, we have a conflict that cannot be resolved by reconciliation and mutual concessions, because this is not a dispute between equal opponents on extraneous issues. This is a conflict between the empire and the former colony, the subject of which is domination and enslavement, on their part, and emancipation and decolonization, on our part. Ukraine is moving in the direction of democratic change, and although these steps are rather weak, Putin is already dissatisfied with this.
In our opinion, Russia’s position in this conflict lies in the belief that Ukrainian independence is a mortal danger to the half-collapsed Russian empire, and the further Ukrainians move away from the “Russian world”, the more terrible the threat to Russia. The Kremlin believes that Russia’s “historical mission” will fail if its closest neighbors – the former Soviet republics – adopt “Western values” that are destructive to dictatorial power and incompatible with Moscow as a model.
(...) The pacifists demand that Ukraine put down its “pride” and sit down at the negotiating table with the oppressor, and in exchange for peace, give up its political independence and all the democratic achievements of recent decades. If this happens, there will be no place for Ukrainians in Ukraine, and all those who disagree with the new regime (it’s naive to hope that after peace on Russia’s terms, Ukrainians will be able to freely choose their political leadership) will either emigrate, or rot in the dungeons as prisoners of conscience, or will be killed by guardsmen of the regime as a lesson to others.
NIHILIST.LI is a socialist think tank from Ukraine. We write in English, Ukrainian and Russian about local and global challenges — such as the threatening renaissance of the far-right, distressing failures of the left, corruption and economic crisis, imperialist attcks and the need for a new socialist perspective.
On the Russian-Ukrainian front, we have a conflict that cannot be resolved by reconciliation and mutual concessions, because this is not a dispute between equal opponents on extraneous issues. This is a conflict between the empire and the former colony, the subject of which is domination and enslavement, on their part, and emancipation and decolonization, on our part. Ukraine is moving in the direction of democratic change, and although these steps are rather weak, Putin is already dissatisfied with this.
In our opinion, Russia’s position in this conflict lies in the belief that Ukrainian independence is a mortal danger to the half-collapsed Russian empire, and the further Ukrainians move away from the “Russian world”, the more terrible the threat to Russia. The Kremlin believes that Russia’s “historical mission” will fail if its closest neighbors – the former Soviet republics – adopt “Western values” that are destructive to dictatorial power and incompatible with Moscow as a model.
(...) The pacifists demand that Ukraine put down its “pride” and sit down at the negotiating table with the oppressor, and in exchange for peace, give up its political independence and all the democratic achievements of recent decades. If this happens, there will be no place for Ukrainians in Ukraine, and all those who disagree with the new regime (it’s naive to hope that after peace on Russia’s terms, Ukrainians will be able to freely choose their political leadership) will either emigrate, or rot in the dungeons as prisoners of conscience, or will be killed by guardsmen of the regime as a lesson to others.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Tole je pa Meduza z decembra 2021. Jeseni so že iskali plačance za v Donbas. Zares ali za šov je vprašanje.
Egor, a former soldier — who took part in the Russian campaign in Syria as a mercenary for the Wagner Group — got a call from a recruiter in the fall of 2021. “He said that a new project was underway,” Egor remembered.
The recruiter (a former serviceman who, according to Egor, once rose high in the ranks) didn’t represent a private military company (PMC) that Egor had heard of before — and he also didn’t yet know where the combatants would be deployed, though he vaguely mentioned Africa. This didn’t bother Egor — he was interested.
In early December, Egor finally met with the recruiter to hammer out the details. During the meeting, Egor found out the approximate salary (around 240,000 rubles, or $3,250, per month) and that the mercenaries would prepare for deployment at a training facility in Vesyoly, a rural town near Rostov-on-Don.
“[It’s] a Defense Ministry base,” Egor explained, telling Meduza that Russian mercenaries destined for eastern Ukraine were mobilized at this “tried and tested” training ground back in 2014. “There were only two [mercenary] training grounds — Vesyoly and Molkino,” he added.
The recruiter mentioning Vesyoly was a red flag for Egor. “I asked a specific question: I’m a little worried about the location of your training facility; where [are you] deploying? He says: well, there,” Egor recalled. “I told him: No way, that’s it. This is the end [of the discussion]. I’m not going there.”
According to Egor, there hasn’t been such wide recruitment for a “Ukrainian deployment” for several years now. “I think right now is the most active [recruitment campaign] since 2014,” he told Meduza (citing his own experience and conversations with other mercenaries). At the same time, he expressed doubts that a detachment would actually be sent to fight in Ukraine: “At the top they also understand that this is wild. A road to nowhere.”
Egor, a former soldier — who took part in the Russian campaign in Syria as a mercenary for the Wagner Group — got a call from a recruiter in the fall of 2021. “He said that a new project was underway,” Egor remembered.
The recruiter (a former serviceman who, according to Egor, once rose high in the ranks) didn’t represent a private military company (PMC) that Egor had heard of before — and he also didn’t yet know where the combatants would be deployed, though he vaguely mentioned Africa. This didn’t bother Egor — he was interested.
In early December, Egor finally met with the recruiter to hammer out the details. During the meeting, Egor found out the approximate salary (around 240,000 rubles, or $3,250, per month) and that the mercenaries would prepare for deployment at a training facility in Vesyoly, a rural town near Rostov-on-Don.
“[It’s] a Defense Ministry base,” Egor explained, telling Meduza that Russian mercenaries destined for eastern Ukraine were mobilized at this “tried and tested” training ground back in 2014. “There were only two [mercenary] training grounds — Vesyoly and Molkino,” he added.
The recruiter mentioning Vesyoly was a red flag for Egor. “I asked a specific question: I’m a little worried about the location of your training facility; where [are you] deploying? He says: well, there,” Egor recalled. “I told him: No way, that’s it. This is the end [of the discussion]. I’m not going there.”
According to Egor, there hasn’t been such wide recruitment for a “Ukrainian deployment” for several years now. “I think right now is the most active [recruitment campaign] since 2014,” he told Meduza (citing his own experience and conversations with other mercenaries). At the same time, he expressed doubts that a detachment would actually be sent to fight in Ukraine: “At the top they also understand that this is wild. A road to nowhere.”
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Jazon ::
OSCE poročilo 18.2.2022
Incident v vrtcu je omenjen na dnu tretje stran.
Damage to a working kindergarten in Stanytsia Luhanska, Luhansk region
On 17 February, the Mission followed up on reports of damage to a working kindergarten in
the north-western part of Stanytsia Luhanska (government-controlled, 16km north-east of
Luhansk), located about 4.5km north-west of the north-western edge of the disengagement area
near Stanytsia Luhanska.
At 22 Depovska Street, about 20m south-west of a two-storey kindergarten building, the SMM
observed a crater in the kindergarten playground, as well as marks assessed as caused by
shrapnel on the inner side of a concrete wall surrounding the building. Also, it observed a hole
(about 1m in diameter), and one shattered window on the north-eastern facade of the same
building, and two shattered windows on the building's north-west facing wall (on its ground
and first floor).
The SMM assessed the damage as recent but was unable to determine the weapon used or the
direction of fire.
Staff from the Youth Affairs Department of the Stanytsia Luhanska Civil-Military
Administration told the Mission that 20 children had been in the kindergarten at the time of the
incident, but reported no injuries.
The SMM was only able to conduct its assessment from a distance of about 50m from the
north-eastern facade and of about 30m from the south-western facade of the damaged building,
as a law enforcement officer did not allow the Mission to access the site saying that an
investigation was ongoing
- Pregled je bil izveden z razdalje 30m in 50m, ker ukrajinski urad pregona misije ni spustil bližje.
- Ni znano kakšno orožje je bilo uporabljeno.
- Ni znano iz katere smeri se je streljalo na stavbo.
Pikhamerja ne omenjajo

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Jazon ()

Pac-Man ::
Velik problem zna bit, da so ameriški, britanski in kanadski inšpektorji podurhali domov in imajo Rusi več glasu.
Iz kraterja na tleh se da enostavno določit smer ognja, ker ima specifično obliko. Metoda, malo poskrolaj:
Iz kraterja na tleh se da enostavno določit smer ognja, ker ima specifično obliko. Metoda, malo poskrolaj:
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

IgorCardanof ::
Se 3 dni do invazije, podatki s strani zanesljivih virov.
Retail investor, Simp, Crypto analyst, Cardano hejtr
Ne odgovarjam na DM.
Ne odgovarjam na DM.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: IgorCardanof ()

Maxlos ::
In original je kje.
Tu, ampak za ogled ali DL moraš naložiti Telegram
Kdor bi sam preverjal je najbolj enostavno z web orodjem
Tole so poljski diverzanti, samo link zna umret
Vprašanje je bilo čisto jasno. Iščem original, da preverim. Ne nekaj kar je priskrbljeno s strani open source raziskovalcev.
Strokovnjak Youtube kompresiskega algoritma.
Viri , klasika Pac-Man
Oblikovalec zvoka po tvitr biografiji & Moby Games bazi
I’m a sound designer, spend a lot of time looking at waveforms. Is your waveform comparison between similar sounding explosions in the two videos? If so, zero chance of waves that similar occurring naturally, they’re the same source.
To illustrate, here is a comparison of 2 variants of the same type of explosion recorded for a sound library - identical location, mics, placement, munitions etc. Very similar features as you’d expect but also not difficult to spot differences. Here are the 2 waves overlaid. Differences - sample B (separatist) has slightly lower amplitude than sample A (turned down a bit) and noisier (distorted / mixed with other audio) but all features match. (@AugustGraham
's captures as I don't have telegram to d/l video myself). To further illustrate implausibility of such a match, here is a single howitzer shot recorded simultaneously with 3 different mics at different positions
Še tole, video:
Sound from the second explosion does not fade out in the "chlorine" vid. Instead it seems to abruptly cut. When played alongside YouTube vid from 2010 it shows that's when soldiers watching explosions started making "oooo" noises in the 2010 vid (complete with my annoying cursor)
Ni mi sicer jasno, zakaj so od vseh eksplozij na posnetku vzeli sempl kjer je potrebno rezat, ampak so. Zadeva je naložena na uradni telegram kanal DNR. Notranja sabotaža?
Da Jasno.
Isti tip raketa exsplodira podobnih vremenskih okoliščinah čisto drugačno ? Tudi zvok se zaradi trenutnega stanja ozračja širi čisto drugače, vključujoč kompresijski valove. YT kopmpresija tudi nima nič pri tem. Potem pa naredimo analizo.
sarkazem off
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Maxlos ()

Maxlos ::
Ukrajinski socialisti
NIHILIST.LI is a socialist think tank from Ukraine. We write in English, Ukrainian and Russian about local and global challenges — such as the threatening renaissance of the far-right, distressing failures of the left, corruption and economic crisis, imperialist attcks and the need for a new socialist perspective.
On the Russian-Ukrainian front, we have a conflict that cannot be resolved by reconciliation and mutual concessions, because this is not a dispute between equal opponents on extraneous issues. This is a conflict between the empire and the former colony, the subject of which is domination and enslavement, on their part, and emancipation and decolonization, on our part. Ukraine is moving in the direction of democratic change, and although these steps are rather weak, Putin is already dissatisfied with this.
In our opinion, Russia’s position in this conflict lies in the belief that Ukrainian independence is a mortal danger to the half-collapsed Russian empire, and the further Ukrainians move away from the “Russian world”, the more terrible the threat to Russia. The Kremlin believes that Russia’s “historical mission” will fail if its closest neighbors – the former Soviet republics – adopt “Western values” that are destructive to dictatorial power and incompatible with Moscow as a model.
(...) The pacifists demand that Ukraine put down its “pride” and sit down at the negotiating table with the oppressor, and in exchange for peace, give up its political independence and all the democratic achievements of recent decades. If this happens, there will be no place for Ukrainians in Ukraine, and all those who disagree with the new regime (it’s naive to hope that after peace on Russia’s terms, Ukrainians will be able to freely choose their political leadership) will either emigrate, or rot in the dungeons as prisoners of conscience, or will be killed by guardsmen of the regime as a lesson to others.
Apartheide je nekaj podobnega…
Seveda v obeh primerih nočete referenduma z mednarodnimi opazovalci...

Maxlos ::
Velik problem zna bit, da so ameriški, britanski in kanadski inšpektorji podurhali domov in imajo Rusi več glasu.
Iz kraterja na tleh se da enostavno določit smer ognja, ker ima specifično obliko. Metoda, malo poskrolaj:
bellingcat ?
How Bellingcat launders National Security State talking points into the press
Bellingcat Can Say What U.S. Intelligence Can’t
Bellingcat funded by U.S. and UK intelligence contractors that aided extremists in Syria
Is Bellingcat a reliable independent journalistic source on Syria, Russia, and Iran? People online say they work for the CIA and MI6.
Although it is correct that the NED, the European Union and some US and British contractors contribute economically to the project, they are only a handful among many other financial sources
Bellingcat Cia Study
In addition to being funded by the US government's NED (a CIA cutout), the regime-change propaganda website
is also funded by the Dutch lottery, and spreads constant disinformation in support of Salafi-jihadist "rebels" in Syria
In tako dalje...
IgorCardanof je izjavil:
Se 3 dni do invazije, podatki s strani zanesljivih virov.
Jaz sem pa ravno dal kokice v mikrovalovko, sem računal danes ob 14:00.
PS : stare sem pojedel včeraj pri evroviziji.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Maxlos ()

Pac-Man ::
Vprašanje je bilo čisto jasno. Iščem original, da preverim. Ne nekaj kar je priskrbljeno s strani open source raziskovalcev.
Odgovor tudi. Originalen videoposnetek lahko potegneš s telegrama Ljudske milice DNR, tu:
Official channel of the press service of the People's Militia of the Donetsk People's Republic
Nato moraš nekako priti do EXIF podatkov. Ali se poglobiš v detajle in sam spišeš SW ali pa zaupaš nečemu kar že obstaja. Lahko tudi večim rešitvam, če si paranoik.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

donvitoc ::
Tako rusija kot ukrajina je ena sama velika revščina Moskva in kijev
še ne ko pa prideš na podeželje pa sama žalost (lastne izkušnje).
Edina možnost za ukrajince je da se rešijo rusov primer Baltske države.
Jaz na zadevo gledam kaj bi bilo bolje za ljudi ne pa za putina in bidna
kot večina na tem forumu.
A si tudi delal po Rusiji v montaži?:)
A Bosna pa Grčija se morata tudi rešiti Rusije?

donvitoc ::

NMH ::
jaz spremljam malo tole zadevo
Premalo jo spremljaš.
vsi verjamejo medijem, ki so iz strani ZDA ne pa dejanski situaciji
ZDA meša štrene in manipulira, kar dojemam iz medijev, da bi zakuhal
vojno rusija napade ukraino, vmeša se nato, nastradala bo pa EVROPA
Tako celo si Američani žeiljo vojne, da sami Rusi vnaprej snemajo filmčke, ker vejo, kaj se bo zgodilo na primer čez dva dneva.
Je to dokaz, da je napeta situacija v Ukrajini zaigrana?
Načeloma se Rusija ne rabi bati glede vojaške ogroženosti s strani bilokatere sosede razen Kitajske, tudi zaradi jedrskih arzenalov ter same velikosti države.
Analitiki iz naslonjača![]()
V bistvu ima prav. Dve mejoči velesili... kaj pa misliš, da bo? Večni mir?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: NMH ()

IgorCardanof ::
Načeloma se Rusija ne rabi bati glede vojaške ogroženosti s strani bilokatere sosede razen Kitajske, tudi zaradi jedrskih arzenalov ter same velikosti države.
Analitiki iz naslonjača![]()
Kdo tule pa ni analitik iz naslonjača?
Imamo koga tule v temi, ki je direktno na Ukrajinsko Ruski meji in ocenjuje situacijo. Koliko je vojske na meji, kako daleč stran je? Imamo kakšne komentarje lokalnih politikov, prebivalcev? Kakšno mnenje imajo borci, so jih rekli naj se pripravijo na vojno?
Retail investor, Simp, Crypto analyst, Cardano hejtr
Ne odgovarjam na DM.
Ne odgovarjam na DM.

Pac-Man ::
bellingcat ?
Da, Bellingcat. Če te moti, imaš metodo še bolj temeljito razloženo tu:
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Jarno ::
Še ena primerjava med Rusijo in Kitajsko. Kitajska tako dobro sodeluje/je sodelovala z 'zahodnimi' podjetji, da je dolgoročno situacija postala vredna razmisleka, ampak so si gospodarsko opomogli ter razvijajo lastne napredne tehnologije.
Če to doktrino primerjamo s tem, kar se je desetletja dogajalo npr. v Belorusiji in Ukrajini, ne bo težko priti do spoznanja, da so se vsaj slednji naveličali životarjenja, jalove gospodarske navezanosti na Rusijo in bi raje po poljski poti. Pa ne mislim kolovoza in teka za vozom.
Torej dogovarjanje o investicijah, širjenje kmetijskega potenciala, žicanje zahodne pomoči itd.
Glede nacijev je tako, da je bilo pred časom na slovenski sceni doxanje enih protestnikov, načeloma 'skinhedov'.
Ampak posploševalne logike določenih pajacov so patetične in pomilovanja vredne...
Če to doktrino primerjamo s tem, kar se je desetletja dogajalo npr. v Belorusiji in Ukrajini, ne bo težko priti do spoznanja, da so se vsaj slednji naveličali životarjenja, jalove gospodarske navezanosti na Rusijo in bi raje po poljski poti. Pa ne mislim kolovoza in teka za vozom.

Torej dogovarjanje o investicijah, širjenje kmetijskega potenciala, žicanje zahodne pomoči itd.
Glede nacijev je tako, da je bilo pred časom na slovenski sceni doxanje enih protestnikov, načeloma 'skinhedov'.
Ampak posploševalne logike določenih pajacov so patetične in pomilovanja vredne...
Chuck Norris je med števili 0.999... in 1 uspel vriniti konstanto imenovano CN.

NMH ::
Tako rusija kot ukrajina je ena sama velika revščina Moskva in kijev
še ne ko pa prideš na podeželje pa sama žalost (lastne izkušnje).
Edina možnost za ukrajince je da se rešijo rusov primer Baltske države.
Jaz na zadevo gledam kaj bi bilo bolje za ljudi ne pa za putina in bidna
kot večina na tem forumu.
A si tudi delal po Rusiji v montaži?:)
V bistvu ima Lojz prav, ker Rusija je ena velika revščina.
Tle imaš 30 največjih ruskih mest, pa povprečne plače. Še tam, kjer so plačen nekaj višje, so pa tudi cene občutno višje (recimo daljni vzhod - Khabarovsk/Vladivostok)
avarage salary
1. Moscow - $1514
2. Saint Petersburg - $992
3. Novosibirsk - $642
4. Yekaterinburg - $712
5. Kazan - $663
6. Nizhny Novgorod - $560 (car plant - cca $350)
7. Chelyabinsk - $560
8. Samara - $593
9. Omsk - $553
10. Rostov-on-Don - $600
11. Ufa - $644
12. Krasnoyarsk - $900? - hudo onesnaženje
13. Voronesh - $553
14. Perm - $825
15. Volgograd - $521
16. Krasnodar - $640
17. Saratov - $521
18. Tyumen - $800
19. Tolyatti - $514
20. Izhevsk - $544
21. Bernaul - $519
22. Ulyanovsk - $477
23. Irkutsk - $717
24. Khabarovsk - $794 (učitelj - cca $300)
25. Makhachkala - $458
26. Yaroslvl - $560
27. Vladivostok - $826
28. Orenburg - $553
29. Tomsk - $670 (delo v trgovinah $200-$300)
30. Kemerovo - $629
Russia's Top 10 Exports of Consumer Goods. Made in Russia.
Vse skupaj nč od nč.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: NMH ()

Pac-Man ::
when foreigners casually drop ‘bombing of kyiv’ these pics always come to mind. this is what #RussianColonialism did to chechnya and grozny when they tried to leave the empire in 2000.
a war crime of horrific scale, but the rest of the world was like ‘meh’, so moscow continued
when foreigners casually drop ‘bombing of kyiv’ these pics always come to mind. this is what #RussianColonialism did to chechnya and grozny when they tried to leave the empire in 2000.
a war crime of horrific scale, but the rest of the world was like ‘meh’, so moscow continued
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Jazon ::
Velik problem zna bit, da so ameriški, britanski in kanadski inšpektorji podurhali domov in imajo Rusi več glasu.
Iz kraterja na tleh se da enostavno določit smer ognja, ker ima specifično obliko. Metoda, malo poskrolaj:
To bo ja. Si sploh prebral kakšno poročilo v kompletu?
In kakšen je zaključek s prave strani, iz česa se je streljalo v vrtec?

Pac-Man ::
Čez noč je bila med tvitr analitiki glavna drama kaj pomenijo "Z" oznake na kolonah vojaške tehnike, ki se kotalijo proti ukrajinski meji.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
To bo ja. Si sploh prebral kakšno poročilo v kompletu?
In kakšen je zaključek s prave strani, iz česa se je streljalo v vrtec?
Zelo verjetno več kot ti, res pa je bilo sedaj par let pavze.
Njihov zaključek je bil tak:
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
O "saboterjih", gtranslate
This is reported by the Ministry of State Security of the Republic. The sabotage and reconnaissance group was preparing to blow up electrical substations and other infrastructure facilities.
During the arrest, the DRG resisted, and a fight ensued. As a result of the clash, two Donetsk special forces were wounded. Data on losses among saboteurs are not reported.
Tole spominja na saudsko folkloro v nultih letih. Konstantno so se borili proti teroristom in preprečevali njihove napade, ampak nikoli nikogar ujeli.
What about Saudi Arabia? In those 400 posts, you will find the full spectrum of institutionalized insanity that the House of Saud and their friends with long beards have created. If you start back at post number 1 tomorrow, and read one every day, then you'll end up back here some time around July 2007. And the sad thing is, most of them will still be as relevant then as they are now. OK, the now-the-terrorists-are-surrounded-oops-they-got-away saga is over. Also, muslims worldwide will still be getting offended about something, not necessarily cartoons. But overall, I'm afraid, Saudi Arabia won't have changed. So I would just end up trying to say the same-old same-old, but in different ways. Meanwhile, none of us are getting any younger. Carpe Diem. Seize the day.
This is reported by the Ministry of State Security of the Republic. The sabotage and reconnaissance group was preparing to blow up electrical substations and other infrastructure facilities.
During the arrest, the DRG resisted, and a fight ensued. As a result of the clash, two Donetsk special forces were wounded. Data on losses among saboteurs are not reported.
Tole spominja na saudsko folkloro v nultih letih. Konstantno so se borili proti teroristom in preprečevali njihove napade, ampak nikoli nikogar ujeli.
What about Saudi Arabia? In those 400 posts, you will find the full spectrum of institutionalized insanity that the House of Saud and their friends with long beards have created. If you start back at post number 1 tomorrow, and read one every day, then you'll end up back here some time around July 2007. And the sad thing is, most of them will still be as relevant then as they are now. OK, the now-the-terrorists-are-surrounded-oops-they-got-away saga is over. Also, muslims worldwide will still be getting offended about something, not necessarily cartoons. But overall, I'm afraid, Saudi Arabia won't have changed. So I would just end up trying to say the same-old same-old, but in different ways. Meanwhile, none of us are getting any younger. Carpe Diem. Seize the day.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

WizzardOfOZ ::
v sloveniji smo imeli vojaške vaje na počku,to je dokaz da hočemo zavzeti hrvaško istro.

Milčinski je napisal butalce kot prispodobo in ne kot priročnik!!!
Svuda u svijetu ima budala ali je izgleda kod nas centrala!!!
Svuda u svijetu ima budala ali je izgleda kod nas centrala!!!

Jazon ::
To bo ja. Si sploh prebral kakšno poročilo v kompletu?
In kakšen je zaključek s prave strani, iz česa se je streljalo v vrtec?
Zelo verjetno več kot ti, res pa je bilo sedaj par let pavze.
Njihov zaključek je bil tak:
No, če si tako načitan strokovnjak, iz česa se je torej streljalo?

donvitoc ::

Pac-Man ::
No, če si tako načitan strokovnjak, iz česa se je torej streljalo?
S to metodo se ne ugotavlja s čim, ampak od kje.
Za odgovor s čim pa si lahko pomagaš s tem
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

donvitoc ::
No, če si tako načitan strokovnjak, iz česa se je torej streljalo?
S to metodo se ne ugotavlja s čim, ampak od kje.
Za odgovor s čim pa si lahko pomagaš s tem
Zakaj bi zaupal "kredibilnim" ukrajinskim virom ki jim je v interesu izključno zahodno financiranje in širjenja sovraštva in nestrpnosti do ruske manjšine v ukrajini?

Maxlos ::
No, če si tako načitan strokovnjak, iz česa se je torej streljalo?
S to metodo se ne ugotavlja s čim, ampak od kje.
Za odgovor s čim pa si lahko pomagaš s tem
Zakaj bi zaupal "kredibilnim" ukrajinskim virom ki jim je v interesu izključno zahodno financiranje in širjenja sovraštva in nestrpnosti do ruske manjšine v ukrajini?
Počakaj, da pride ven, da vodje pedofilske ponudbe, zahodni buržuaziji, ne delajo samomore "prostovoljno" v zahodnih zaporih s strani Ruskih in Kitajskih medijev. Veš kakšne bodo to analize in viri če še sedaj lahko linka samo

Pac-Man ::
VICE+Vindman, 6 min
Is Biden’s Ukraine Strategy Working?
Is Biden’s Ukraine Strategy Working?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

donvitoc ::

Shegevara ::
Vsaj Ruse evakuirajo, če nič drugega je vsaj to nekaj. Ko so Gruzijo in Čečenijo razsuvali ni tega bilo, tko da se lepo učijo.

Rusi evakuirajo najšibkejše in ranljive, Ukrajina funkcionarje.
Con il Milan nel cuore!
Forza ragazzi!
Forza ragazzi!

donvitoc ::
Borci proti silam zla so preveč zasedeni s spolnim nadlegovanjem žensk da bi lahko uspešno branili svobodo 
Workplace Harassment Undermines Pentagon Spying in Europe, Documents Say
Pentagon intelligence officers allege they struggle with toxic bosses, say some colleagues spy on each other
WASHINGTON--Military diplomats operating in Europe are subject to what they describe as toxic workplace conditions that include colleagues spying on each other, undermining one another by exposing potentially derogatory information, and harassment of female colleagues.

Workplace Harassment Undermines Pentagon Spying in Europe, Documents Say
Pentagon intelligence officers allege they struggle with toxic bosses, say some colleagues spy on each other
WASHINGTON--Military diplomats operating in Europe are subject to what they describe as toxic workplace conditions that include colleagues spying on each other, undermining one another by exposing potentially derogatory information, and harassment of female colleagues.

donvitoc ::
Začuda CNN ne poroča o temu kdo trenira Ukrajinske babice da se bojo borile proti Putinu.
Documents Reveal US Gov't Spent $22M Promoting Anti-Russia Narrative in Ukraine and Abroad
This was all despite the fact that the Wolfsangel insignia of the many Azov soldiers instructing the grandmother is clearly visible in a number of the images. The Wolfsangel was the crest of the infamous SS brigades, Hitler's elite paramilitary units that carried out the extermination of millions of people (including countless Ukrainians) in Nazi death camps across Europe. The image is widely used by Neo-Nazi groups in the U.S. and is considered a hate symbol by the Anti-Defamation League. Azov's original commander, politician Andriy Biletsky, has stated that he sees Ukraine's mission as to "lead the white races of the world in a final crusade ... against Semite-led subhumans." None of the outlets above mentioned the fact that they were profiling Neo-Nazis.
Documents Reveal US Gov't Spent $22M Promoting Anti-Russia Narrative in Ukraine and Abroad
This was all despite the fact that the Wolfsangel insignia of the many Azov soldiers instructing the grandmother is clearly visible in a number of the images. The Wolfsangel was the crest of the infamous SS brigades, Hitler's elite paramilitary units that carried out the extermination of millions of people (including countless Ukrainians) in Nazi death camps across Europe. The image is widely used by Neo-Nazi groups in the U.S. and is considered a hate symbol by the Anti-Defamation League. Azov's original commander, politician Andriy Biletsky, has stated that he sees Ukraine's mission as to "lead the white races of the world in a final crusade ... against Semite-led subhumans." None of the outlets above mentioned the fact that they were profiling Neo-Nazis.

Poldi112 ::
Načeloma se Rusija ne rabi bati glede vojaške ogroženosti s strani bilokatere sosede razen Kitajske, tudi zaradi jedrskih arzenalov ter same velikosti države.
A NATO, ki ima neprimerno večjo vojsko ter jedrski arzenal, sanja svetovno dominanco in sistematično prodira proti ruskim mejam, bomo pa kar ignorirali?
Ker so nam gosporadji rekli, da je NATO obrambna organizacija?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

Pac-Man ::
Za vse "Ruski jezik je v Ukrajini prepovedan" padalce, reportaža pro-kremeljskega medija iz Harkiva, Januar 2022. 17 minut intervjujev, v Ruščini kritizirajo Zelenskega:
Ze's statement on the occupation of Kharkov. Poll of Kharkiv residents Antonina Beloglazova | is a Ukrainian online publication that has been operating since February 16, 2016. Created by journalist Igor Guzhva . One of the most popular Ukrainian online media: one of the top 5 in terms of attendance in Ukraine [4] [5] [6] .
The publication is known for its journalistic investigations and criticism of the current government. The publication is considered to be in opposition to the current government, and in Ukraine it is criticized for its pro-Russian orientation.
Lahko najdete kaj podobnega iz Donecka, v Ukrajinščini?
Ze's statement on the occupation of Kharkov. Poll of Kharkiv residents Antonina Beloglazova | is a Ukrainian online publication that has been operating since February 16, 2016. Created by journalist Igor Guzhva . One of the most popular Ukrainian online media: one of the top 5 in terms of attendance in Ukraine [4] [5] [6] .
The publication is known for its journalistic investigations and criticism of the current government. The publication is considered to be in opposition to the current government, and in Ukraine it is criticized for its pro-Russian orientation.
Lahko najdete kaj podobnega iz Donecka, v Ukrajinščini?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

donvitoc ::
Morda bo sedaj komu malo bolj jasno zakaj Ukrajina nujno rabi demokracijo
Russia and China: Partners in Dedollarization
Verjetno se zato tako trudijo skregati evropo in rusijo.
Moving forward, dedollarization efforts will face two additional challenges. First, as the graph above shows, the euro unseated the dollar to become the dominant currency in bilateral trade. While using the euro decreases Russia's exposure to US sanctions, it does not shield the Russian economy from EU sanctions. Currently, the EU imposes 150 sanctions on entities and individuals in Russia and has declared its intent to impose more if Russia continues its aggression in Ukraine. Dedollarization will not automatically sanction-proof the economy.
Russia and China: Partners in Dedollarization
Verjetno se zato tako trudijo skregati evropo in rusijo.
Moving forward, dedollarization efforts will face two additional challenges. First, as the graph above shows, the euro unseated the dollar to become the dominant currency in bilateral trade. While using the euro decreases Russia's exposure to US sanctions, it does not shield the Russian economy from EU sanctions. Currently, the EU imposes 150 sanctions on entities and individuals in Russia and has declared its intent to impose more if Russia continues its aggression in Ukraine. Dedollarization will not automatically sanction-proof the economy.

gozdar1 ::
Še ena iz ruske propagandne,o dedolarizaciji rusi fantazirajo že leta, težava je da so ekonomski palček. Nima pa to nobene zveze z krizo v ukrajini, razen če namiguješ da je putin v bistvu ameriški človek.

gozdar1 ::
Suverene inn samostojna evropa kot velik igralec je utopija zaradi evrope ne zda. Si morda pristaš federativne eu, jaz sem ampak večina evropa ni.
Smo bili dolga stoletja in ni razloga, da ne bi bili ponovno.
Zakaj bi potrebovali federacijo?
Stoletja smo bili tudi alfa in omega, samo od takrat se je svet malce spremenil. Je pa v evropi po dolgem času mir že od konca 2 vojne.
Danes je evropa razdrobljena na državice ravno to kar si konkurenti želijo. Zakaj misliš, da rusi s hibridno vojno igrajo ravno na evropski nacionalizem.
Trenutno je evropa žrtev nacionalnih interesov, zato je potrebna federacija, kjer se bo odločalo o evropskih interesih.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: gozdar1 ()

Pac-Man ::
O videu s poljskimi saboterji, ki naj bi bil posnet 17. februarja. Holivud.
ter to
Does anyone know how to get more details from this piece of metadata in a file? Like converting it into a specific timestamp in the source video it's referring to?
in to
This is an XMP Tag for "Ingredients" or "PantryItems" in a premiere project.
Basically saying "Take this clip from here and put it there"
See here for the XMP Resource Structure
And here for documentation (Page 28 )
Exif data says "Put M72A5 LAW and APILAS life fire.mp4 from the M:\Projects\2021\02 February\2021-02-04 DWG.prproj into the project M:\Projects\2022\02 February\2022-02-08 DRG++.prproj"
Dates are interesting though.
Here is the full XMP metadata revealing source files like "2021-02-04 ВИДЕО-ЗАПИСЬ ДРГ(+).mp4"
ter to
Does anyone know how to get more details from this piece of metadata in a file? Like converting it into a specific timestamp in the source video it's referring to?
in to
This is an XMP Tag for "Ingredients" or "PantryItems" in a premiere project.
Basically saying "Take this clip from here and put it there"
See here for the XMP Resource Structure
And here for documentation (Page 28 )
Exif data says "Put M72A5 LAW and APILAS life fire.mp4 from the M:\Projects\2021\02 February\2021-02-04 DWG.prproj into the project M:\Projects\2022\02 February\2022-02-08 DRG++.prproj"
Dates are interesting though.
Here is the full XMP metadata revealing source files like "2021-02-04 ВИДЕО-ЗАПИСЬ ДРГ(+).mp4"
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()