Forum » Problemi človeštva » Ukrajina Part II
Ukrajina Part II
Temo vidijo: vsi
Telbanc ::
Vojsko imajo tako urejeno do potankosti, da so jih nazadnje v Afganistanu nabrcali nepismeni tipi v šlapah in z AK-47 na rami.
Isti Afganistanci so nabrcali tudi Ruse v 80ih. Tudi Britance so nabrcali v času, ko je bil Britanski imperij največja svetovna sila. Gverilsko vojskovanje je čisto nekaj drugega, kot pa klasični spopad. Če bi prišlo do konvecnionalne vojne v Ukrajini med Američani in Rusi, bi spopad potekal podobno kot je potekala Prva zalivska vojna. Ukrajina je ena sama ravnina, tam ni nobenih hribov kot v Afganistanu in takšen teren najbolj ustreza vojskam kot je Ameriška. Irak je bil leta 91 do zob oborožen z ruskim orožjem. Američani so tam enem mesecu uničili 3000 iraških tankov ruske izdelave. Ruska tehnika od leta 91 ni veliko napredovala. Američani bi danes Ruse pometli na tleh in v zraku. Rusom ne bi preostalo drugega kot, da uporabijo nuklearno orožje.
Irak je mel za en drek protizračno obrambo. Zaj ma Rusija sa-500, SA-400, Pantzir, Buk M3. BUk 2, Sa-350 antej.... Ne rabiš nabijat ameriške pravljice. Zato tud bojo spizdli amerikanci. Oziroma so že iz Ukrajine.
Prvo kaj bo, bojo šli sateliti.
Irak je takrat imel vse najboljše, kar je takrat imela Sovjetska zveza. Tudi protizračno obrambo. O ruski tehniki pa nima smisla fantazirat. Arabci so bili 50 let obroženi z rusko tehniko, pa jih je en mali Izrael vedno razbil z ameriško tehniko. Pa daleč o tega, da sem navijač izraela, saj ne maram Židov. Ampak zgodovinska dejstva so pač takšna.
Vijetnamci so z ruskimi Almaz S-75 Dvina prizadejali amerikancm izgube velike izgube. O arabskih vojakih ne bi izgubljal besed. In izurjenosti njihove vojske. Je pa bil Izrael enkrat že na robu poraza in smo bli pred uporabo jedskega orožja.
Hvala bogu, nisem cepljen za covid-19.
WizzardOfOZ ::
Irak je takrat imel vse najboljše, kar je takrat imela Sovjetska zveza. Tudi protizračno obrambo.
Ni imel. Kupoval je od vseh, kar je pač dobil. WMD, ki ga je zmetal na kurde, je recimo dobil od američanov.
Milčinski je napisal butalce kot prispodobo in ne kot priročnik!!!
Svuda u svijetu ima budala ali je izgleda kod nas centrala!!!
Svuda u svijetu ima budala ali je izgleda kod nas centrala!!!
Poldi112 ::
Zadeva je specifična v Sloveniji, ker imamo šolstvo in medije že 75 let antizahodno usmerjene. V Sloveniji smo še v 80ih imeli nore akcije kot je NNNP(Nič Nas Ne Sme Presenetiti), kjer so folk strašili, da nas bo napadel NATO
Zanimivo. Verjetno smo zaradi teh antizahodno usmerjenih medijev tako suvereno glasovali za priključitev EU in NATO?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
donvitoc ::
Koliko ur je še do invazije? MSM pravi da ta vikend, samo ne vem po katerem časovnem pasu.
Sprašujem za prijatelja da ve kdaj v zaklonišče.
Sprašujem za prijatelja da ve kdaj v zaklonišče.
Poldi112 ::
I'm tired of hearing politicians say "there are no military solutions." There often are.
We might not like them but that doesn't mean they don't exist and we have to see the world as it is, not as we'd like it to be.
Assad is still in power because he was willing to use brute force against his own people.
Moscow recaptured Grozny by destroying it.
ISIL was beaten by bombs and bullets, not negotiations or dialogue.
It's an illusion to think that politics has moved beyond violence.
Let me put it differently: The West might not see a military solution to the Ukraine crisis but that doesn't mean Moscow sees the same thing.
Zanimiv zaključek.
Realnost je pa, da amerika okupira večino sveta in četudi ima daleč najmočnejšo vojsko na svetu, za njo vojna z rusi za Ukrajino nima absolutno nobenega smisla, medtem ko je za ruse ključna.
Podobno, kot se je Kennedy skoraj zapletel v vojno z rusi zaradi Kube.
Oz. čist drugače, samo nihče ne zna razložiti, kaj točno naj bi bilo danes drugače.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
NMH ::
WizzardOfOZ je izjavil:
Celo 2 sta. Kitajska in Rusija. Obe sta sposobni raketirat severno ameriko na način, da ostane od nje samo parkirišče za kubo.
S čim pa Kitajska? Imajo cca 200-350 jedrskih, podmornic z ICBM nimajo. V kakšnem stanju je to orožje nihče ne ve. Novi načini distribuucije so v testnih fazah, leta stran od aktivne uporabe... etc.
SM-3 in SM-6 so v stanju da sestrelijo veliko večino, če ne vse dol.
Realnost je pa, da amerika okupira večino sveta
To zagotovo ni realnost. Ponavljanje ene in iste laži ko opica, ki gleda v nova vrata.
Niti ti ni jasno kaj "okupacija" sploh je. To, da demokratične države sodelujajo skupaj, na drugi strani pa so totalitarne države iz katerih folk beži (Rusija, Kitajska, Iran...) ne pomeni, da smo mi okupirani.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: NMH ()
Poldi112 ::
Vojsko imajo res urejeno do potankosti. So edina država na svetu ki izvaja takšne manevre in to po celem svetu, na številnih koncih in to istočasno. Pa se mi zdi da za zdaj ne uporabljajo niti 10% svojih kapacitet. Če bi bilo kaj resnega bi bilo verjetno vse skupaj še precej obširneje.
Zanimivo - verjetno je bil zato tak halo, ko so oni s korono na letalonosilki želeli na bolniško - ker ne uporabljajo niti 10% svojih kapacitet. :)
Si se kdaj vprašal, kdo v svetovni vojni več izgubi? Tisti, ki dominira svet, ali rusi, ki dominirajo (male) okoliške države?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Fritz ::
WizzardOfOZ je izjavil:
Celo 2 sta. Kitajska in Rusija. Obe sta sposobni raketirat severno ameriko na način, da ostane od nje samo parkirišče za kubo.
S čim pa Kitajska? Imajo cca 200-350 jedrskih, podmornic z ICBM nimajo. V kakšnem stanju je to orožje nihče ne ve. Novi načini distribuucije so v testnih fazah, leta stran od aktivne uporabe... etc.
SM-3 in SM-6 so v stanju da sestrelijo veliko večino, če ne vse dol.
Analiza in poznavanje razmer na ravni 6-letnega otroka. Kitajska ima celotno jedrsko triado, vključno z jedrskimi podmornicami oboroženimi z ICBM-ji. S številom bojnih konic niso nikoli pretiravali je pa res, da uporabljajo ene najmočnejših bojnih konic na svetu. Kitajci imajo zapisano, da jedrskega orožja nikoli ne bodo uporabili prvi temveč samo v povračilo in da razen v primeru resne krize, bojnih konic ne bodo imeli na raketah temveč jih skladiščijo v neposredni bližini (podmornice so tukaj izjema).
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Poldi112 ::
Niti ti ni jasno kaj "okupacija" sploh je. To, da demokratične države sodelujajo skupaj, na drugi strani pa so totalitarne države iz katerih folk beži (Rusija, Kitajska, Iran...) ne pomeni, da smo mi okupirani.
Sirija ni okupirana? Je povabila NATO sile na svoje ozemlje? Kuba? Afganistan? Havaji? Guam? ...
Iz kje zbeži več ljudi - iz Rusije, Kitajske in Irana, ali onih, ki jih bobardiramo?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Fritz ::
Sem mislil, da sta Srednja in Južna Amerika dvorišče ZDA vendar zgleda, da so meje tega dvorišča globalno fleksibilne.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Fritz ()
Pac-Man ::
WizzardOfOZ je izjavil:
WMD, ki ga je zmetal na kurde, je recimo dobil od američanov.
Še en, ki se mu ZDA prikazujejo povsod. Proizvodne linije in repromaterial so jim prodali Nemci. Uradno za proizvodnjo insekticidov.
Iraqi chemical weapons program @ Wikipedia
As part of Project 922, German firms helped build Iraqi chemical weapons facilities such as laboratories, bunkers, an administrative building, and first production buildings in the early 1980s under the cover of a pesticide plant. Other German firms sent 1,027 tons of precursors of mustard gas, sarin, tabun, and tear gasses in all. This work allowed Iraq to produce 150 tons of mustard agent and 60 tons of Tabun in 1983 and 1984 respectively, continuing throughout the decade. All told, 52% of Iraq's international chemical weapon equipment was of German origin. One of the contributions was a £14m chlorine plant known as "Falluja 2", built by Uhde Ltd, then a UK subsidiary of German chemical company Hoechst AG;[4] the plant was given financial guarantees by the UK's Export Credits Guarantee Department despite official UK recognition of a "strong possibility" the plant would be used to make mustard gas.[5] The guarantees led to UK government payment of £300,000 to Uhde in 1990 after completion of the plant was interrupted by the first Gulf War.[5] In 1994 and 1996 three people were convicted in Germany of export offenses.[6]
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Poldi112 ::
Dejstvo je da Ameriška vojska ni pripravljena na gverilsko vojskovanje, so pa zagotovo pripravljeni na konvencionalni spopad velesil, saj je njihov vojaški industrijski kompleks že od nekdaj baziran na konflikt večjih razežnostih.
Traparija. Ameriška vojska je narejena za vzdrževanje imperija - močna mornarica, ki dominira oceane, ter marinci za "winning hearts and minds".
Konvencionalni spopad velesil je povsem druga liga, s katero so se desetletja ukvarjali kitajci in rusi, ker jih je ta oblika vojske najbolj ogrožala in so jo potrebovali za obrambo. Američani, ki imajo za obrambo ocean, so pa trenerali vse drugo, kot konvencionalni spopad velesil.
WizzardOfOZ je izjavil:
WMD, ki ga je zmetal na kurde, je recimo dobil od američanov.
Še en, ki se mu ZDA prikazujejo povsod. Proizvodne linije in repromaterial so jim prodali Nemci. Uradno za proizvodnjo insekticidov.
Iraqi chemical weapons program @ Wikipedia
Jim američani niso priskrbeli bojnih strupov za "raziskave"? Ter jim kasneje posredovali koordinate, da so vedeli, kam streljati WMD?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Poldi112 ()
donvitoc ::
Traparija. Ameriška vojska je narejena za vzdrževanje imperija - močna mornarica, ki dominira oceane, ter marinci za "winning hearts and minds".
While Atlantic-based Navy assets would be ready to engage, naval experts say Russian maritime maneuvering, along with their allies, will be able to delay and tie up the Navy elsewhere.
“We can hardly pull the entire Navy out of the Pacific to do battle in Europe, lest we sacrifice our Asian alliances along with stakes of immense value,” said James Holmes, a professor at the U.S. Naval War College.
China and Iran’s navies could keep major parts of the U.S. Navy bogged down away from Western Europe.
Russian submarines would slow down seaborne reinforcements to the Baltics, Holmes said. The port of Sevastopol, Crimea, gives Russia a staging area for “anti-access” weapons in the Black Sea, Holmes said.
“In short, it could make the Black Sea into a Russian lake — safeguarding that maritime flank,” he said.
Pac-Man ::
Tole deluje kar resno. Vlak VDV tehnike v Belorusiji s prekritimi taktičnimi oznakami, podobno kot ob dislokacijah v Ukrajino v letih 14/15.
Posneto cca 80km od ukrajinske meje, ampak se proga konča na robu radioekološkega rezervata okrog Černobila, 40 km od meje.
Spet možnost, da želijo samo psihirat mednarodno javnost.
Vasilievichy @ Wikipedia
Posneto cca 80km od ukrajinske meje, ampak se proga konča na robu radioekološkega rezervata okrog Černobila, 40 km od meje.
Spet možnost, da želijo samo psihirat mednarodno javnost.
Vasilievichy @ Wikipedia
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Telbanc ::
Tole deluje kar resno. Vlak VDV tehnike v Belorusiji s prekritimi taktičnimi oznakami, podobno kot ob dislokacijah v Ukrajino v letih 14/15.
Posneto cca 80km od ukrajinske meje, ampak se proga konča na robu radioekološkega rezervata okrog Černobila, 40 km od meje.
Spet možnost, da želijo samo psihirat mednarodno javnost.
Vasilievichy @ Wikipedia
Hvala bogu, nisem cepljen za covid-19.
gozdar1 ::
Precej brezvezna debata, ker možnost vojne med ameriko in rusijo je praktično nič. Rusi so že izgubili velik del ukrajine in bi jih zasedba celotne preveč stala, sploh ker je večina zahoda danes močno antiruskega. Za ameriko je evropa samo distrakcija od pacifika in od vojne z rusijo ne profitira ničesar. Za ukarjino pa je verjetno najbolje, da se odpove proruskim delom, ker bodo vedno samo faktor ruskega vpliva in s tem nestabilnosti v državi.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: gozdar1 ()
Poldi112 ::
V proruskih delih je še vedno ogromno ukrajincev, plus da niti rusi ne želijo imeti tega ozemlja, saj bi imeli s tem sam strošek.
Njim je v interesu proruska vlada, separatiste pa podpirajo primarno zato, ker jim je nesprejemljivo združevanje z EU/NATO.
Njim je v interesu proruska vlada, separatiste pa podpirajo primarno zato, ker jim je nesprejemljivo združevanje z EU/NATO.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Poldi112 ()
gozdar1 ::
Ergo vir nestabilnosti in večna ovira za prihodnost ukrajine. Točno to kar rusija želi doseči.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: gozdar1 ()
Unchancy ::
Saj Rusi so že začeli s "pokanjem domov":
...diplomatskega osebja iz veleposlaništva v Ukrajini.
...diplomatskega osebja iz veleposlaništva v Ukrajini.
Škoda časa za ta režimski forum.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Unchancy ()
Pac-Man ::
Marija Pevčik.
Alright, I'm just going to put it out there: quite honestly, the past 48h have shaken even the most solid Russia-Ukraine war skeptics (like myself). So here’s one more very important side to it: any potential military action of any scale puts Navalny’s life at greatest risk yet.
Here is how he is still alive. Imagine a pair of weighing scales with two bowls. On their one side is a very heavy rock - that’s Putin’s personal desire to see Navalny dead. This desire is very strong and driven by fear and perhaps personal embarrassment that Navalny caused him.
The other side of this imaginary scale represents the costs of to trying to murder Navalny again.
For the past year we’ve been working hard trying to load this bowl with many little stones: protests, infinite social media posts, petitions, sanctions, newspaper articles, covers, the film, our investigations, our Youtube channels, interviews, speeches, awards — the list goes on and on.
It has to. That’s how we keep the cost of doing anything bad to Navalny high. Not an easy job to do when your enemy is not only rich and powerful but also a psychopath.
We need to watch the scale without blinking. The key to saving Navalny’s life is constant uninterrupted attention.
There isn’t a better moment for Putin to get rid of his main enemy than the moment when the world is looking elsewhere, at something he is doing with his other hand.
At the moment it looks like Navalny’s new trial (Feb 15) is purposefully scheduled to coincide with the most tense week of the Ukrainian crisis.
At the very least they are planning to extend his sentence for another 15 years while everyone’s distracted with something bigger.
We should hope it’s just the trial they are disguising and distracting us from, not something worse. Which, again, is not that crazy to expect.
Putin did order to kill Navalny once and managed to get away with it. The line has been crossed. Nothing stops Putin from doing it again.
Alright, I'm just going to put it out there: quite honestly, the past 48h have shaken even the most solid Russia-Ukraine war skeptics (like myself). So here’s one more very important side to it: any potential military action of any scale puts Navalny’s life at greatest risk yet.
Here is how he is still alive. Imagine a pair of weighing scales with two bowls. On their one side is a very heavy rock - that’s Putin’s personal desire to see Navalny dead. This desire is very strong and driven by fear and perhaps personal embarrassment that Navalny caused him.
The other side of this imaginary scale represents the costs of to trying to murder Navalny again.
For the past year we’ve been working hard trying to load this bowl with many little stones: protests, infinite social media posts, petitions, sanctions, newspaper articles, covers, the film, our investigations, our Youtube channels, interviews, speeches, awards — the list goes on and on.
It has to. That’s how we keep the cost of doing anything bad to Navalny high. Not an easy job to do when your enemy is not only rich and powerful but also a psychopath.
We need to watch the scale without blinking. The key to saving Navalny’s life is constant uninterrupted attention.
There isn’t a better moment for Putin to get rid of his main enemy than the moment when the world is looking elsewhere, at something he is doing with his other hand.
At the moment it looks like Navalny’s new trial (Feb 15) is purposefully scheduled to coincide with the most tense week of the Ukrainian crisis.
At the very least they are planning to extend his sentence for another 15 years while everyone’s distracted with something bigger.
We should hope it’s just the trial they are disguising and distracting us from, not something worse. Which, again, is not that crazy to expect.
Putin did order to kill Navalny once and managed to get away with it. The line has been crossed. Nothing stops Putin from doing it again.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Telbanc ::
"Nekadašnji snajperista u vojsci DNR, a danas novinar u Mokvi, Dejan Berić kaže da je rata u DNR i LNR pitanje sata."
"- Saradnici OBSE napuštaju Donjeck i Lugansk. Sve to zajedno sa bekstvom iz Ukrajine diplomatskih misija znači samo jedno. "
"Podsećamo da je rat na Kosovu i Metohiji počeo nakon povlačenja OEBS-a."
"Ponedeljak 22. mart 1999."
"Članovi Verifikacione misije OEBS rano u subotu ujutro u velikom konvoju napustili su teritoriju Kosova, postupajući po nalogu za povlačenje koji je u petak izdao Knut Volebek, predsedavajući OEBS."
"NATO je 24. ožujka 1999. godine u 19:45 počeo zračne napade na vojne ciljeve u SRJ"
"Nekadašnji snajperista u vojsci DNR, a danas novinar u Mokvi, Dejan Berić kaže da je rata u DNR i LNR pitanje sata."
"- Saradnici OBSE napuštaju Donjeck i Lugansk. Sve to zajedno sa bekstvom iz Ukrajine diplomatskih misija znači samo jedno. "
"Podsećamo da je rat na Kosovu i Metohiji počeo nakon povlačenja OEBS-a."
"Ponedeljak 22. mart 1999."
"Članovi Verifikacione misije OEBS rano u subotu ujutro u velikom konvoju napustili su teritoriju Kosova, postupajući po nalogu za povlačenje koji je u petak izdao Knut Volebek, predsedavajući OEBS."
"NATO je 24. ožujka 1999. godine u 19:45 počeo zračne napade na vojne ciljeve u SRJ"
Hvala bogu, nisem cepljen za covid-19.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Telbanc ()
Motion ::
Če bi NATO takoj ko so zaznali kopičenje sil ob meji v ukrajino poslal ene 50k vojakov na vajo (seveda če bi ukrajina odobrila to), putinu res nebi ostalo drugega kot da al umakne sile ob končanju vaje al pa tabori tam v neskončnost. (Kar ni poceni in kar lahko zahod dosti dlje vzdržuje kot rusija). Pač hladna vojna (ki se dejansko niti nikoli ni končala in se nikoli niti ne bo dokler imaš dva prevladujoča bloka moči)
Pac-Man ::
Litvanski Stingerji so v Ukrajini. Samo tole je bolj za helikopterje in morda kako suško.
In the replies, a ton of people are just now learning that Ukraine was part of Russia from the 1790s till 1991. I blame the board game Risk. (Also people seem to think that fact justifies a new invasion, which is a weird way to think.)
in to, zunanjepolitični svetovalec senatorja Sandersa
Respectfully Ryan, this is historically inaccurate and offensive to Ukrainians, considering how much of this history involved Ukraine resisting Russian domination and asserting its own culture and political independence.
In the replies, a ton of people are just now learning that Ukraine was part of Russia from the 1790s till 1991. I blame the board game Risk. (Also people seem to think that fact justifies a new invasion, which is a weird way to think.)
in to, zunanjepolitični svetovalec senatorja Sandersa
Respectfully Ryan, this is historically inaccurate and offensive to Ukrainians, considering how much of this history involved Ukraine resisting Russian domination and asserting its own culture and political independence.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
AtaŠtumf ::
Čeprav Putin je pa res mastermind, namesto, da bi napadel Ukrajino predenj se vse NATO vojske prestavijo v bližino Ukrajine, bo raje počakal, da bo Ukrajina imela oborožitev in da bo vsaj 100.000+ NATO vojakov v bližini in vse to samo zaradi tega, ker je tak velik fan ZOI, kjer njegove države uradno sploh ni!
ps: No ja, je še druga možnost, morda čaka, da vsi CNN novinarji prebolijo Kovid in da lahko spet potujejo ali pa, da čaka, da se poležejo vsi CNN škandali, da bo CNN lahko spet klasični fake news poročal in ne samo novice, ki se nanašajo samo njih!
ps: No ja, je še druga možnost, morda čaka, da vsi CNN novinarji prebolijo Kovid in da lahko spet potujejo ali pa, da čaka, da se poležejo vsi CNN škandali, da bo CNN lahko spet klasični fake news poročal in ne samo novice, ki se nanašajo samo njih!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: AtaŠtumf ()
Fritz ::
Če bi NATO takoj ko so zaznali kopičenje sil ob meji v ukrajino poslal ene 50k vojakov na vajo (seveda če bi ukrajina odobrila to), putinu res nebi ostalo drugega kot da al umakne sile ob končanju vaje al pa tabori tam v neskončnost. (Kar ni poceni in kar lahko zahod dosti dlje vzdržuje kot rusija). Pač hladna vojna (ki se dejansko niti nikoli ni končala in se nikoli niti ne bo dokler imaš dva prevladujoča bloka moči)
Lej, še enkrat ker še vedno očitno ne razumeš. NATO je obrambna organizacija njenih članic. Ukrajina ni članica NATA zato ni nobene podlage v kakršnemkoli delovanju NATA za njeno obrambo.
Poleg tega se odločitve v NATU sprejemajo soglasno, kar pomeni, da se vse članice morajo strinjati z neko odločitvijo. Kot je videti, Nemčija in Francija nista niti najmanj navdušeni nad vojno z Rusijo.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Chalky ::
Za vse ZDA trole (in Ruske)
Kot zanimivost Američani imajo na Aljaski eno največjih letalskih baz na svetu. Skupaj imajo skoraj 200 bojnih letal 5 Generacije. Če se Kanada letos odloči za nakup F-35 (Nameravajo jih 100) bi lahko bila Aljaska velika trdnjava tako za Artic kot tudi Pacific.
Jarno ::
Če bi NATO takoj ko so zaznali kopičenje sil ob meji v ukrajino poslal ene 50k vojakov na vajo (seveda če bi ukrajina odobrila to), putinu res nebi ostalo drugega kot da al umakne sile ob končanju vaje al pa tabori tam v neskončnost. (Kar ni poceni in kar lahko zahod dosti dlje vzdržuje kot rusija). Pač hladna vojna (ki se dejansko niti nikoli ni končala in se nikoli niti ne bo dokler imaš dva prevladujoča bloka moči)
Lej, še enkrat ker še vedno očitno ne razumeš. NATO je obrambna organizacija njenih članic. Ukrajina ni članica NATA zato ni nobene podlage v kakršnemkoli delovanju NATA za njeno obrambo.
Poleg tega se odločitve v NATU sprejemajo soglasno, kar pomeni, da se vse članice morajo strinjati z neko odločitvijo. Kot je videti, Nemčija in Francija nista niti najmanj navdušeni nad vojno z Rusijo.
To se morata s Poldijem uskladiti glede izjav. Poldi namreč modruje v smeri, da šteje zgolj realna moč, sporazumi pa so kos papirja.
Budimpeški memorandum je lep primer tega.
Chuck Norris je med števili 0.999... in 1 uspel vriniti konstanto imenovano CN.
sbawe64 ::
Če bi NATO takoj ko so zaznali kopičenje sil ob meji v ukrajino poslal ene 50k vojakov na vajo (seveda če bi ukrajina odobrila to), putinu res nebi ostalo drugega kot da al umakne sile ob končanju vaje al pa tabori tam v neskončnost. (Kar ni poceni in kar lahko zahod dosti dlje vzdržuje kot rusija). Pač hladna vojna (ki se dejansko niti nikoli ni končala in se nikoli niti ne bo dokler imaš dva prevladujoča bloka moči)
Lej, še enkrat ker še vedno očitno ne razumeš. NATO je obrambna organizacija njenih članic. Ukrajina ni članica NATA zato ni nobene podlage v kakršnemkoli delovanju NATA za njeno obrambo.
Poleg tega se odločitve v NATU sprejemajo soglasno, kar pomeni, da se vse članice morajo strinjati z neko odločitvijo. Kot je videti, Nemčija in Francija nista niti najmanj navdušeni nad vojno z Rusijo.
Od 1999 je to tvoj argument passe...
NATO bombing of Yugoslavia @ Wikipedia
Če uporabim malo domišljije: zlobni Rusi mečejo dojenčke iz inkubatorjev ter zaplinjajo Ukrajince z novičokom.
Evo, dovolj za zeleno luč nato.
Fantje, ste pripravljeni, da pognojite zelene planjave Galicije, tako kot pred ~100 leti znotraj AO ?
2020 is new 1984
Corona World order
Corona World order
Motion ::
Če bi NATO takoj ko so zaznali kopičenje sil ob meji v ukrajino poslal ene 50k vojakov na vajo (seveda če bi ukrajina odobrila to), putinu res nebi ostalo drugega kot da al umakne sile ob končanju vaje al pa tabori tam v neskončnost. (Kar ni poceni in kar lahko zahod dosti dlje vzdržuje kot rusija). Pač hladna vojna (ki se dejansko niti nikoli ni končala in se nikoli niti ne bo dokler imaš dva prevladujoča bloka moči)
Lej, še enkrat ker še vedno očitno ne razumeš. NATO je obrambna organizacija njenih članic. Ukrajina ni članica NATA zato ni nobene podlage v kakršnemkoli delovanju NATA za njeno obrambo.
Poleg tega se odločitve v NATU sprejemajo soglasno, kar pomeni, da se vse članice morajo strinjati z neko odločitvijo. Kot je videti, Nemčija in Francija nista niti najmanj navdušeni nad vojno z Rusijo.
Lej še enkrat. Papir prenese vse, realnost pa je druga zgodba.
WizzardOfOZ ::
WizzardOfOZ je izjavil:
WMD, ki ga je zmetal na kurde, je recimo dobil od američanov.
Še en, ki se mu ZDA prikazujejo povsod. Proizvodne linije in repromaterial so jim prodali Nemci. Uradno za proizvodnjo insekticidov.
Iraqi chemical weapons program @ Wikipedia
As part of Project 922, German firms helped build Iraqi chemical weapons facilities such as laboratories, bunkers, an administrative building, and first production buildings in the early 1980s under the cover of a pesticide plant. Other German firms sent 1,027 tons of precursors of mustard gas, sarin, tabun, and tear gasses in all. This work allowed Iraq to produce 150 tons of mustard agent and 60 tons of Tabun in 1983 and 1984 respectively, continuing throughout the decade. All told, 52% of Iraq's international chemical weapon equipment was of German origin. One of the contributions was a £14m chlorine plant known as "Falluja 2", built by Uhde Ltd, then a UK subsidiary of German chemical company Hoechst AG;[4] the plant was given financial guarantees by the UK's Export Credits Guarantee Department despite official UK recognition of a "strong possibility" the plant would be used to make mustard gas.[5] The guarantees led to UK government payment of £300,000 to Uhde in 1990 after completion of the plant was interrupted by the first Gulf War.[5] In 1994 and 1996 three people were convicted in Germany of export offenses.[6]
Brez dovoljenja ZDA zeljarji nebi nič prodali iraku. Pa zeljarji so prodali iraku bolj malo, proti ostalim.
The know-how and material for developing chemical weapons were obtained by Saddam's regime from foreign sources.[33] Most precursors for chemical weapons production came from Singapore (4,515 tons), the Netherlands (4,261 tons), Egypt (2,400 tons), India (2,343 tons), and West Germany (1,027 tons). One Indian company, Exomet Plastics, sent 2,292 tons of precursor chemicals to Iraq. Singapore-based firm Kim Al-Khaleej, affiliated to the United Arab Emirates, supplied more than 4,500 tons of VX, sarin and mustard gas precursors and production equipment to Iraq.[34] Dieter Backfisch, managing director of West German company Karl Kolb GmbH, was quoted by saying in 1989 that "for people in Germany poison gas is something quite terrible, but this does not worry customers abroad."
Milčinski je napisal butalce kot prispodobo in ne kot priročnik!!!
Svuda u svijetu ima budala ali je izgleda kod nas centrala!!!
Svuda u svijetu ima budala ali je izgleda kod nas centrala!!!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: WizzardOfOZ ()
Američani obtožujejo Ruse, da skušajo z zrežirati napad, ki bi jim omogocil mascevanje. Zakaj mi je to znano?
In od kdaj Americane skrbi za Evropo?
Američani obtožujejo Ruse, da skušajo z zrežirati napad, ki bi jim omogocil mascevanje. Zakaj mi je to znano?
In od kdaj Americane skrbi za Evropo?
Con il Milan nel cuore!
Forza ragazzi!
Forza ragazzi!
NMH ::
IL_DIAVOLO je izjavil:
Američani obtožujejo Ruse, da skušajo z zrežirati napad, ki bi jim omogocil mascevanje. Zakaj mi je to znano?
In od kdaj Americane skrbi za Evropo?![]()
Če si slučajno slišal za eno vojno med 1939-45, k se ji reče WW II, pa Hladno vojno, ki je nastopila po tem... VSAJ OD TAKRAT NAPREJ.
WizzardOfOZ ::
Američanov ne skrbi za evropo, skrbi jih za biznis.
Milčinski je napisal butalce kot prispodobo in ne kot priročnik!!!
Svuda u svijetu ima budala ali je izgleda kod nas centrala!!!
Svuda u svijetu ima budala ali je izgleda kod nas centrala!!!
Fritz ::
Od 1999 je to tvoj argument passe...
NATO bombing of Yugoslavia @ Wikipedia
Če uporabim malo domišljije: zlobni Rusi mečejo dojenčke iz inkubatorjev ter zaplinjajo Ukrajince z novičokom.
Evo, dovolj za zeleno luč nato.
Fantje, ste pripravljeni, da pognojite zelene planjave Galicije, tako kot pred ~100 leti znotraj AO ?
NATO je orodje. Orodje lahko uporabiš z dobrimi ali zlobnimi nameni. Popolnoma mi je jasno, da je bila akcija NATA zoper Jugoslavijo ilegalna, čeprav legitimna. In da je kljub nekaterim dobrim namenom odprla Pandorino skrinjico ilegalnih posredovanj in odcepitev. O čemer jaz govorim je to, da ne more NATO kar vnaprej posredovati v neki Ukrajini ali kakšni drugi državi, ki ni članica zveze in da kakršnokoli posredovanje potrebuje strinjanje prav vsake posamezne članice NATA.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Shegevara ::
Vabim na odgovor enega anketnega vprašanja.
Dilema vprašanja je dokaj jasna. Ali ste proti ameriškim / ruskim invazijam ali jih v obeh primerih podpirate, ali pa ste hipokrit, ki podpira invazijo enih ne pa invazije drugih.
Me res zanima kakšni bodo odgovori
Dilema vprašanja je dokaj jasna. Ali ste proti ameriškim / ruskim invazijam ali jih v obeh primerih podpirate, ali pa ste hipokrit, ki podpira invazijo enih ne pa invazije drugih.
Me res zanima kakšni bodo odgovori
Poldi112 ::
Kolega, vsaka invazija je drugačna, ker svet pač ni tako binaren, kot ga skušajo predstaviti mediji.
Okupacija Texas-a naprimer je varnostno vprašanje, okupacija Guama pa vprašanje imperija. Obe okupaciji sta "napačni" z vidika "človekovih pravic", a prva je neizbežna, če želiš preživeti kot država, druga pa je zgolj tiranija zavoljo svetovne dominance.
Okupacija Texas-a naprimer je varnostno vprašanje, okupacija Guama pa vprašanje imperija. Obe okupaciji sta "napačni" z vidika "človekovih pravic", a prva je neizbežna, če želiš preživeti kot država, druga pa je zgolj tiranija zavoljo svetovne dominance.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Poldi112 ()
Fritz ::
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Pac-Man ::
Ukrajinski analitiki.
tl;dr ne invazija, da provokacije & hibridna vojna:
As of Feb. 12, the total number of Russian troops along Ukraine’s borders, including those in Belarus and in the occupied territories of eastern Ukraine and Crimea is 87 battalion-tactical groups – about 147,000 service personnel. This figure includes air and naval personnel.
These troops are equipped with the appropriate weapons and vehicles, as well as logistical and medical support units. However, so far there are no signs that they have the additional reinforcements needed for a large-scale offensive. A joint command and control system has been established and is functioning in both Belarus and Russia.
Russian forces are actively carrying out operational and combat training activities. Joint drills of the Armed Forces of Russia and Belarus, named “Allied Determination 2022,” are currently underway. They are scheduled to end on Feb. 20.
About 15 Russian battalion tactical groups and other units are in Belarus. Additionally, troops of the Eastern Military District (VO) of Russia have been deployed to Belarus, including units of Russia’s 103rd Missile Brigade, armed with the Iskander short-range ballistic system.
At present, the accumulated forces on the border are insufficient for a large-scale operation aimed at capturing all or a significant part of Ukraine. Therefore, predictions about the probability of such scenarios in the near future cannot be confirmed.
Moreover, we believe that such scenarios are unlikely in the foreseeable future due to the factors we have described in our previous article. In short, there is currently no active action in Russia to prepare the hundreds of thousands of troops needed for such a large-scale offensive.
We also believe that most local scenarios to capture separate cities and territories are unlikely due to a lack of political expediency. At the same time, some hostilities in certain areas are possible in order to distract Ukraine’s defense forces.
We continue to believe that the scenarios of massive bombing and missile strikes, which could lead to large-scale civilian casualties, are unrealistic. Such actions could thwart Russia’s political leadership’s plans to win the “hearts and minds” of Ukraine’s Russian-speaking population. As a result, even his few sympathizers may lose their desire for hypothetical support for Putin in Ukraine.
However, individual missile and air strikes on military or infrastructure facilities are possible only as a means of supporting ground operations or as a means of psychological pressure.
At the same time, the Kremlin’s attempt to organize a trigger event – a planned provocation, for example, in eastern Ukraine – remains plausible. The purpose of these actions is to legitimize the entry of Russian troops into the territory of Ukraine or an armed escalation on the front line. In general, the aggravation in eastern Ukraine is highly probable.
Scenarios of various kinds of hybrid invasion without a military component remain high in many areas due to misinformation, political turmoil, undermining of trust and physical actions – terrorist attacks, sabotage operations, cyber attacks on critical infrastructure.
The situation in the Black Sea continues to change due to the strengthening of the capabilities of the Russian Black Sea Fleet by ships of the Pacific and Northern Fleets.
Since February 9, there are 12 large landing ships in the Black Sea from all fleets of the Russian Federation. It is estimated that two brigades of marines with military equipment can be loaded onto these landing ships. It is also estimated that up to 4,000 troops and up to 250 armored vehicles may pose a threat of landing on the Black Sea coast of Ukraine, in particular in the Kherson region.
Today, most of the attention is focused on the prospects of Kyiv’s defense.
In the event of an attempt to break through the border in Chernihiv, Zhytomyr and Kyiv oblasts, Russian troops will suffer huge losses. This scenario looks too risky for Russia, considering the current situation.
First, the scenario of capturing Kyiv, both in terms of material and human losses, is not a “more budget-friendly” version of a full-scale invasion, given the quantity and quality of troops and resources involved in defending the Ukrainian capital.
To capture communications nodes – airports, railway stations, bridges – Russia needs to use its tactical airborne troops from the assault units of its armed forces, which can be neutralized by the existing security and defense forces of Ukraine. But even these actions don’t make sense without the movement of Russia’s National Guard and general military units to maintain the occupied territory.
Such an offensive will be very slow, as it will be necessary to get through the multi-level defense of the Northern Operational Command, 100 km from the border. These troops are ready to counter.
Second, gaining control of a metropolis with a population of more than 3 million people, many of whom are ready to resist the enemy, is a difficult and unrealistic task, given the required number of troops, which is currently not observed near the border.
Fourth, only strategists with an authoritarian mindset can count on the benefits of capturing Kyiv. In fact, a democratic Ukraine will be able to survive even if the capital is seized. Any potential “puppet” government will not be recognized by Ukrainians or the world. It is futile to suggest that having captured Kyiv, the Russian Federation will establish control over Ukraine.
Why, then, are U.S. officials warning of an imminent invasion?
Intercepting the Kremlin’s initiative for the next steps and the absolute and unshakable rejection of the idea of starting a large-scale war, and Western readiness to enforce punitive consequences – this is what’s holding Putin back.
Our willingness to resist, our composure, and lack of panic play a significant role. Sometimes such things decide the course of history. So far, we are seeing a good reaction from the population. No panic.
Polling data consistently indicates the inadmissibility of any potential occupation and readiness to resist among the people, even under such a severe wave of negative news.
Ukrainians are proving to themselves, and to the world, a serious and determined readiness to defend themselves. This is the key element of a successful resistance strategy.
tl;dr ne invazija, da provokacije & hibridna vojna:
As of Feb. 12, the total number of Russian troops along Ukraine’s borders, including those in Belarus and in the occupied territories of eastern Ukraine and Crimea is 87 battalion-tactical groups – about 147,000 service personnel. This figure includes air and naval personnel.
These troops are equipped with the appropriate weapons and vehicles, as well as logistical and medical support units. However, so far there are no signs that they have the additional reinforcements needed for a large-scale offensive. A joint command and control system has been established and is functioning in both Belarus and Russia.
Russian forces are actively carrying out operational and combat training activities. Joint drills of the Armed Forces of Russia and Belarus, named “Allied Determination 2022,” are currently underway. They are scheduled to end on Feb. 20.
About 15 Russian battalion tactical groups and other units are in Belarus. Additionally, troops of the Eastern Military District (VO) of Russia have been deployed to Belarus, including units of Russia’s 103rd Missile Brigade, armed with the Iskander short-range ballistic system.
At present, the accumulated forces on the border are insufficient for a large-scale operation aimed at capturing all or a significant part of Ukraine. Therefore, predictions about the probability of such scenarios in the near future cannot be confirmed.
Moreover, we believe that such scenarios are unlikely in the foreseeable future due to the factors we have described in our previous article. In short, there is currently no active action in Russia to prepare the hundreds of thousands of troops needed for such a large-scale offensive.
We also believe that most local scenarios to capture separate cities and territories are unlikely due to a lack of political expediency. At the same time, some hostilities in certain areas are possible in order to distract Ukraine’s defense forces.
We continue to believe that the scenarios of massive bombing and missile strikes, which could lead to large-scale civilian casualties, are unrealistic. Such actions could thwart Russia’s political leadership’s plans to win the “hearts and minds” of Ukraine’s Russian-speaking population. As a result, even his few sympathizers may lose their desire for hypothetical support for Putin in Ukraine.
However, individual missile and air strikes on military or infrastructure facilities are possible only as a means of supporting ground operations or as a means of psychological pressure.
At the same time, the Kremlin’s attempt to organize a trigger event – a planned provocation, for example, in eastern Ukraine – remains plausible. The purpose of these actions is to legitimize the entry of Russian troops into the territory of Ukraine or an armed escalation on the front line. In general, the aggravation in eastern Ukraine is highly probable.
Scenarios of various kinds of hybrid invasion without a military component remain high in many areas due to misinformation, political turmoil, undermining of trust and physical actions – terrorist attacks, sabotage operations, cyber attacks on critical infrastructure.
The situation in the Black Sea continues to change due to the strengthening of the capabilities of the Russian Black Sea Fleet by ships of the Pacific and Northern Fleets.
Since February 9, there are 12 large landing ships in the Black Sea from all fleets of the Russian Federation. It is estimated that two brigades of marines with military equipment can be loaded onto these landing ships. It is also estimated that up to 4,000 troops and up to 250 armored vehicles may pose a threat of landing on the Black Sea coast of Ukraine, in particular in the Kherson region.
Today, most of the attention is focused on the prospects of Kyiv’s defense.
In the event of an attempt to break through the border in Chernihiv, Zhytomyr and Kyiv oblasts, Russian troops will suffer huge losses. This scenario looks too risky for Russia, considering the current situation.
First, the scenario of capturing Kyiv, both in terms of material and human losses, is not a “more budget-friendly” version of a full-scale invasion, given the quantity and quality of troops and resources involved in defending the Ukrainian capital.
To capture communications nodes – airports, railway stations, bridges – Russia needs to use its tactical airborne troops from the assault units of its armed forces, which can be neutralized by the existing security and defense forces of Ukraine. But even these actions don’t make sense without the movement of Russia’s National Guard and general military units to maintain the occupied territory.
Such an offensive will be very slow, as it will be necessary to get through the multi-level defense of the Northern Operational Command, 100 km from the border. These troops are ready to counter.
Second, gaining control of a metropolis with a population of more than 3 million people, many of whom are ready to resist the enemy, is a difficult and unrealistic task, given the required number of troops, which is currently not observed near the border.
Fourth, only strategists with an authoritarian mindset can count on the benefits of capturing Kyiv. In fact, a democratic Ukraine will be able to survive even if the capital is seized. Any potential “puppet” government will not be recognized by Ukrainians or the world. It is futile to suggest that having captured Kyiv, the Russian Federation will establish control over Ukraine.
Why, then, are U.S. officials warning of an imminent invasion?
Intercepting the Kremlin’s initiative for the next steps and the absolute and unshakable rejection of the idea of starting a large-scale war, and Western readiness to enforce punitive consequences – this is what’s holding Putin back.
Our willingness to resist, our composure, and lack of panic play a significant role. Sometimes such things decide the course of history. So far, we are seeing a good reaction from the population. No panic.
Polling data consistently indicates the inadmissibility of any potential occupation and readiness to resist among the people, even under such a severe wave of negative news.
Ukrainians are proving to themselves, and to the world, a serious and determined readiness to defend themselves. This is the key element of a successful resistance strategy.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Mare2 ::
Mene zanima, kaj mislite. A da bi Putin kar tako zbombardiral Ukrajino, tako kot so Srbi Sarajevo in druge kraje? Torej kar po civilistih? In kaj so oni zakrivili? Podpora za N26 Mastercard za Slovenijo
Fritz ::
Ukrajinski analitiki.
tl;dr ne invazija, da provokacije & hibridna vojna:
Torej je vse tisto kar so nabijali politiki in mediji v ZDA in UK ena velika propaganda in laž. Saj ne, da vam to ves čas poskušamo dopovedati.
Mimogrede, hibridna vojna v Ukrajini in med Rusijo ter Zahodom poteka že ves čas.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
WizzardOfOZ ::
Mene zanima, kaj mislite. A da bi Putin kar tako zbombardiral Ukrajino, tako kot so Srbi Sarajevo in druge kraje? Torej kar po civilistih? In kaj so oni zakrivili?
Če že bodo udarili, kar je zelo malo verjetno, bodo samo zaščitili rusko prebivalstvo v donecku in lugansku. Nikoli pa ne veš, lahko dobijo zalet, pa povozijo celo ukrajino in še poljsko in baltske države zraven.
Nemci se ne bodo pritoževali, ker imajo premalo plina, francozom se je*e za poljake, ostali smo pa vsi premajhni, da bi lahko karkoli rekli.
Milčinski je napisal butalce kot prispodobo in ne kot priročnik!!!
Svuda u svijetu ima budala ali je izgleda kod nas centrala!!!
Svuda u svijetu ima budala ali je izgleda kod nas centrala!!!
Pac-Man ::
Maš tole:
Why, then, are U.S. officials warning of an imminent invasion?
Intercepting the Kremlin’s initiative for the next steps and the absolute and unshakable rejection of the idea of starting a large-scale war, and Western readiness to enforce punitive consequences – this is what’s holding Putin back.
In možnost, da se je ruskemu generalštabu povsem zmešalo. FFS, Putina filajo z lažnimi videi.
Po mojem furajo suho generalko, ki ima zanje par pozitivnih eksternalij. So na naslovnicah, dušijo Ukrajino, zaradi napetosti se draži nafta.
Why, then, are U.S. officials warning of an imminent invasion?
Intercepting the Kremlin’s initiative for the next steps and the absolute and unshakable rejection of the idea of starting a large-scale war, and Western readiness to enforce punitive consequences – this is what’s holding Putin back.
In možnost, da se je ruskemu generalštabu povsem zmešalo. FFS, Putina filajo z lažnimi videi.
Po mojem furajo suho generalko, ki ima zanje par pozitivnih eksternalij. So na naslovnicah, dušijo Ukrajino, zaradi napetosti se draži nafta.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
IgorCardanof ::
Mislim da nekateri tu podcenjujete moč ruske vojske. Če se odločijo za invazijo, bojo svoje cilje dosegli zelo hitro.
Retail investor, Simp, Crypto analyst, Cardano hejtr
Ne odgovarjam na DM.
Ne odgovarjam na DM.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: IgorCardanof ()
Fritz ::
Mene zanima, kaj mislite. A da bi Putin kar tako zbombardiral Ukrajino, tako kot so Srbi Sarajevo in druge kraje? Torej kar po civilistih? In kaj so oni zakrivili?
Ne ne bi, so pa to počeli Ukrajinci v Lugansku še pred nekimi resnimi sovražnostmi:
Če bi ruska vojska res šla v napad, bi napadala tiste, ki streljajo nanje. Če se to počne iz centra mesta in so tam civilisti, potem nekdo uporablja civiliste kot ščit in je odgovoren, če pride do napada.
Napadanje civilistov, poleg tega da lahko predstavlja vojni zločin, nima nikakršne vojaške vrednosti, samo še večji odpor povzroča.
WizzardOfOZ je izjavil:
Mene zanima, kaj mislite. A da bi Putin kar tako zbombardiral Ukrajino, tako kot so Srbi Sarajevo in druge kraje? Torej kar po civilistih? In kaj so oni zakrivili?
Če že bodo udarili, kar je zelo malo verjetno, bodo samo zaščitili rusko prebivalstvo v donecku in lugansku. Nikoli pa ne veš, lahko dobijo zalet, pa povozijo celo ukrajino in še poljsko in baltske države zraven.
Nemci se ne bodo pritoževali, ker imajo premalo plina, francozom se je*e za poljake, ostali smo pa vsi premajhni, da bi lahko karkoli rekli.
Neumnost za Poljsko in Baltik. To so NATO države in Rusi dobro vedo kam bi to peljalo.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Fritz ()
WizzardOfOZ ::
IgorCardanof je izjavil:
Mislim da nekateri tu podcenjujete moč ruske vojske. Če se odločijo za invazijo, bojo svoje cilje dosegli zelo hitro.
Vprašanje je samo kaj so si zadali za cilj. Mogoče samo provokacija, da se ostali userjejo, mogoče pa orenk plan, pa bo spet ena glomazno velika USSR.
Neumnost za Poljsko in Baltik. To so NATO države in Rusi dobro vedo kam bi to peljalo.
Kljub natu jih povozijo brez problema, hkrati pa pokažejo, da jim NATO nič ne upa narest.
Milčinski je napisal butalce kot prispodobo in ne kot priročnik!!!
Svuda u svijetu ima budala ali je izgleda kod nas centrala!!!
Svuda u svijetu ima budala ali je izgleda kod nas centrala!!!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: WizzardOfOZ ()
Fritz ::
Maš tole:
Why, then, are U.S. officials warning of an imminent invasion?
Intercepting the Kremlin’s initiative for the next steps and the absolute and unshakable rejection of the idea of starting a large-scale war, and Western readiness to enforce punitive consequences – this is what’s holding Putin back.
In možnost, da se je ruskemu generalštabu povsem zmešalo. FFS, Putina filajo z lažnimi videi.
Po mojem furajo suho generalko, ki ima zanje par pozitivnih eksternalij. So na naslovnicah, dušijo Ukrajino, zaradi napetosti se draži nafta.
Heh, oprosti mi, če ne verjamem režimu, ki je lagal zadnjih dvajset let:
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
sheeshkar ::
Fritz ::
WizzardOfOZ je izjavil:
Neumnost za Poljsko in Baltik. To so NATO države in Rusi dobro vedo kam bi to peljalo.
Kljub natu jih povozijo brez problema, hkrati pa pokažejo, da jim NATO nič ne upa narest.
To je neumnost. Če Rusija napade eno samo NATO državo, to pomeni vojno med Rusijo in celotno zvezo NATO. In to je eden od razlogov, ki jih je Putin navedel zakaj je zanje nesprejemljivo, da bi Ukrajina postala članica.
Neumnost za Poljsko in Baltik. To so NATO države in Rusi dobro vedo kam bi to peljalo.
Torej je potrebno Ukrajino čim prej spraviti v NATO...
Zakaj, da bomo mi jutri v vojni z Rusijo zaradi njih? A si ti priseben?
A vzamemo v NATO še Sirijo in Iran, da ju zaščitimo pred Izraelom?
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Fritz ()
Pac-Man ::
Heh, oprosti mi, če ne verjamem režimu, ki je lagal zadnjih dvajset let:
Tole je Bush/Cheney era, skoraj 15 let stara zgodovina.
Medtem Putinov režim ne tako daleč nazaj
Russia's Colin Powell Moment - How the Russian Government's MH17 Lies Were Exposed
Ali malo bolj špekulativno in malo dlje v zgodovino. Kot sem že večkrat omenil, odlomki iz pogovorne oddaje so zgovorni.
Documentary film describes the September 1999 Russian apartment bombings as a terrorism act committed by Russian state security services.
Written and directed by Yuri Felshtinsky and Alexander Litvinenko. "We just cannot go out and say that the president of Russia is a mass murderer. But it is important that we know it."
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.