Forum » Problemi človeštva » Ukrajina Part II
Ukrajina Part II
Temo vidijo: vsi
Pac-Man ::
V drugih novicah, vodja nemške mornarice je šel v Indiji precej white powah. Vodja nemške mornarice ne bi smel nikoli iti precej white powah.
German naval chief: "we need Russia because we need Russia against China...From my perspective, I’m a very radical Roman Catholic. I’m believing in God & I believe in Christianity. & there we have a Christian country; even Putin, he’s an atheist but it doesn't matter"
Innnnn vodja nemške mornarice ni več vodja nemške mornarice. Preveč white powah za nemški okus.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Poldi112 ::
Kakšen white powah?
Ker je rekel, da geopolitično potrebujemo ruse, da balansiramo moč kitajcev? Mar ni to povsem očitno?
Ker je rekel, da geopolitično potrebujemo ruse, da balansiramo moč kitajcev? Mar ni to povsem očitno?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Chalky ::
V Mediteranskem morju pa bo naslednji teden kar precej vroče, Ameriška letalonosilka USS Harry S. Truman se bo s svojo udarno skupino pridružila letalonosilki Charles de Gaulle ter Italijanski "letalonosilki" Cavour. V Mediteranskem morju se pripravljajo 12 dnevne vojaške vaje Neptune Strike 22. Poleg tega je Britanska letalonosilka Prince of Wales danes izplula iz pomorske baze Portsmouth in tako pričela 12 mesečno napotitev, ter se bo tako priključila NATU. Nekaj dni nazaj so Američani objavili novico da se v Mediteranskem morju nahaja tudi Ohio class podmornica USS Georgia s 154 Tomahawki, kot opozorilo Rusiji.
US, French And Italian Navies To Conduct Tri Carrier Operations
NATO, US Navy Aircraft Carrier To Start Exercise In Mediterranean
HMS Prince of Wales departs Portsmouth in show of force to Russia
Navy Sends A Message By Publicizing Guided Missile Submarine's Mediterranean Presence
US, French And Italian Navies To Conduct Tri Carrier Operations
NATO, US Navy Aircraft Carrier To Start Exercise In Mediterranean
HMS Prince of Wales departs Portsmouth in show of force to Russia
Navy Sends A Message By Publicizing Guided Missile Submarine's Mediterranean Presence
Poldi112 ::
Jaz sem tudi pristaš tega, da se Rusijo pridobi v EU. Samo to ni mogoče, dokler bo v Rusiji vladal Putin. On sanja, da bo obnovil Sovetjsko zvezo. Ne vidi pa, da je na dolgi rok Kitajska najbolj nevarna Rusiji, da ji odvzame nenaseljeno in z rudninami bogato Sibirijo. Rusi se bodo morali enkrat, ko ne bo več Putina odločiti, ali so evropski narod, ali pa so del azijsko mongolskih hord, ki so stoletja napadale Evropo.
Zakaj ne bi mogli sodelovati s Putinom? Ker ga z širitvijo NATA silimo v odziv? Ker ni ameriška lutka? Ker Rusija ni "demokracija"?
Če bomo čakali, da bu spustil hlače in se pustil nategnit našemu gospodarju, tako kot smo se mi, se bo pač še bolj povezal s kitajci. Kako točno nam bo pomagalo, da bodo kitajci namesto nas kupovali njegove surovine? Kako nam je v interesu, da se rusi vojaško povezujejo s kitajci?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Chalky ::
Edit: Pa še 7 frigat v Mediteranskem morju 5 Ameriških, Turška in Italijanska
Off topic: Drugače pa zdajle istočasno potekajo obsežne vojaške vaje na drugem koncu sveta (ki so v primerjavi s temi v Mediteranskem morju precej večje) in sicer v Filipinskem morju. 2 US carrier and 2 amphib assault groups operating in the Philippine Sea
United States USS Carl Vinson #CVN70
United States USS Abraham Lincoln #CVN72
Japan JS Hyuga
United States USS America
United States USS Essex
United StatesUSS Mobile Bay
United States USS Lake Champlain
United States USS Spruance
United States USS Chafee
United States USS Gridley
Off topic: Drugače pa zdajle istočasno potekajo obsežne vojaške vaje na drugem koncu sveta (ki so v primerjavi s temi v Mediteranskem morju precej večje) in sicer v Filipinskem morju. 2 US carrier and 2 amphib assault groups operating in the Philippine Sea
United States USS Carl Vinson #CVN70
United States USS Abraham Lincoln #CVN72
Japan JS Hyuga
United States USS America
United States USS Essex
United StatesUSS Mobile Bay
United States USS Lake Champlain
United States USS Spruance
United States USS Chafee
United States USS Gridley
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Chalky ()
Unchancy ::
V čim je razlika med America first in Deutschland uiber alles?
Kaj od tega je tema “Ukrajina Part II”?
PS: Kaj se je zgodilo v Katinskem gozdu? Aja, to je bilo pa pod pokroviteljstvom Sovjetske zveze, ki je skupaj z naci Nemčijo okupirala Poljsko.
Rusi ne vladajo svetu, američani mu. Tako da vprašanje je povsem na mestu.
V Katinskem gozdu se je zgodil pokol.
A se kje ne zgodi, če so Rusi zraven? Tvoje vprašanje je off-topic.
Škoda časa za ta režimski forum.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Unchancy ()
Pac-Man ::
Zakaj ne bi mogli sodelovati s Putinom?
Mogoče zato, ker Putinovi nastavljenci izrekajo fatve, ki se uresničujejo širom RF?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Fritz ::
Ja, kolaborante nacizma najdeš marsikje a se mi nekako ne zdi, da bi jih v Rusiji slavili in po njih imenovali ulice in trge.
Ulice po njem poimenujejo ker je pristal v naci lagerju, ne ker je sodeloval z nacisti. Sem napisal, da je zgodovina malo bolj kompleksna kot Bandera = bad.
Ja, skregal se je s šefi in so ga dali v lager a mu tam ni bilo hudega, saj kot goreč sovražnik komunistov in ZSSR ni bil obravnavan kot untermensch.
Bandera remains a highly controversial figure in Ukraine, with some Ukrainians hailing him as a liberator who fought against the Soviet, Polish and the Nazi's states while trying to establish an independent Ukraine, while other Ukrainians as well as Poland and Russia condemn him as a fascist and a war criminal who was, together with his followers, largely responsible for the massacres of Polish civilians and partially for the Holocaust in Ukraine.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Poldi112 ::
V čim je razlika med America first in Deutschland uiber alles?
Kaj od tega je tema “Ukrajina Part II”?
PS: Kaj se je zgodilo v Katinskem gozdu? Aja, to je bilo pa pod pokroviteljstvom Sovjetske zveze, ki je skupaj z naci Nemčijo okupirala Poljsko.
Rusi ne vladajo svetu, američani mu. Tako da vprašanje je povsem na mestu.
V Katinskem gozdu se je zgodil pokol.
A se kje ne zgodi, če so Rusi zraven? Tvoje vprašanje je off-topic.
Kolega, kaj je en usran Katinski gozd pred 80 leti z miljoni, ki jih letno pobijejo države "svobodnega sveta"? Statistična napaka?
Zakaj ne bi mogli sodelovati s Putinom?
Mogoče zato, ker Putinovi nastavljenci izrekajo fatve, ki se uresničujejo širom RF?
Zakaj torej lahko sodelujemo z savdijci? Ker spoštujejo pravno državo ter človekove pravice, ali ker so pridni in delajo to, kar jim rečemo?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Poldi112 ()
donvitoc ::
Pac-Man ::
O zadnjih naslovnicah, nitka.
In this case, it’s entirely plausible that Russian intel actors did indeed decide the plan that Truss has revealed. And yes, it would be bad if Russia tried to put that plan into action. And it’s bad that the Russian gov’t is paying people who come up with plans like this.
But we don’t know — and we can’t independently verify — whether there was ever any top-level buy-in for this plan. Without that, it may not mean very much.
If the FCDO has evidence that the communications they presumably intercepted were robust and included clear instructions from Moscow to the field, that would be meaningful in the extreme. If that’s the case, they ought to say so.
Absent that, though, I’m just not sure the evidence we have justifies the headlines we’re seeing. “Russian agents plan Kyiv coup” ≠ “Kremlin plots Ukraine putsch”.
In this case, it’s entirely plausible that Russian intel actors did indeed decide the plan that Truss has revealed. And yes, it would be bad if Russia tried to put that plan into action. And it’s bad that the Russian gov’t is paying people who come up with plans like this.
But we don’t know — and we can’t independently verify — whether there was ever any top-level buy-in for this plan. Without that, it may not mean very much.
If the FCDO has evidence that the communications they presumably intercepted were robust and included clear instructions from Moscow to the field, that would be meaningful in the extreme. If that’s the case, they ought to say so.
Absent that, though, I’m just not sure the evidence we have justifies the headlines we’re seeing. “Russian agents plan Kyiv coup” ≠ “Kremlin plots Ukraine putsch”.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Ruski analitik na samoizgnanstvu v Ukrajini
I can't express what a ridiculous plan this is: to install a guy who barely registered in 2019 election polls and ended up conceding to another pro-Russian candidate.
About as ridiculous as trying to get half of Ukraine to rise up in 2014.
Or trying to capture Kyiv in 2022.
These past months, I was trying to figure out a reasonable plan for Kremlin with the forces on hand.
I was sure about a limited offensive in the East to defeat parts of the Ukrainian army.
That they keep the forces in the north and Crimea to force Ukraine to disperse theirs.
The recent deployment of forces from Russia's Far East to Belarus, shifting naval lift assets to the Black Sea, as well as these stories of plans to create an occupation government, have all but convinced me that they are going for the craziest option: The only explanation is that they are literally drunk of their own propaganda. They want to kick down the door to bring down the whole rotten structure, like Hitler in 1941. They assume Ukrainians will meet them as liberators, as Americans did when they invaded Canada in 1812.
I would be very happy to be wrong.
Because the sieges of Kyiv, Kharkiv and Odesa would be nightmares for everyone involved, especially the millions of civilians trapped there.
It would not be a walk in the park, but months of death and suffering Europe hasn't seen for decades.
I do hope looking at Russian convoys to cringe pop and cringier patriotic songs for months warped my brain and this thread is pure delirium.*
But currently, every variable that becomes known points towards the "government change invasion" hypothesis.
I am scared.
*ruskim konvojem sledi tudi preko tiktok videov
I can't express what a ridiculous plan this is: to install a guy who barely registered in 2019 election polls and ended up conceding to another pro-Russian candidate.
About as ridiculous as trying to get half of Ukraine to rise up in 2014.
Or trying to capture Kyiv in 2022.
These past months, I was trying to figure out a reasonable plan for Kremlin with the forces on hand.
I was sure about a limited offensive in the East to defeat parts of the Ukrainian army.
That they keep the forces in the north and Crimea to force Ukraine to disperse theirs.
The recent deployment of forces from Russia's Far East to Belarus, shifting naval lift assets to the Black Sea, as well as these stories of plans to create an occupation government, have all but convinced me that they are going for the craziest option: The only explanation is that they are literally drunk of their own propaganda. They want to kick down the door to bring down the whole rotten structure, like Hitler in 1941. They assume Ukrainians will meet them as liberators, as Americans did when they invaded Canada in 1812.
I would be very happy to be wrong.
Because the sieges of Kyiv, Kharkiv and Odesa would be nightmares for everyone involved, especially the millions of civilians trapped there.
It would not be a walk in the park, but months of death and suffering Europe hasn't seen for decades.
I do hope looking at Russian convoys to cringe pop and cringier patriotic songs for months warped my brain and this thread is pure delirium.*
But currently, every variable that becomes known points towards the "government change invasion" hypothesis.
I am scared.
*ruskim konvojem sledi tudi preko tiktok videov
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Mačo tip se cmera, ker mu je nebinarna smrklja JDAM-ala divizijo. Komična zamenjava vlog, da.
Dajmo še kontekst, gre za odziv na članek orbanovega fanboya, ki ga je za dviganje domače morale povzel ruski medij. Gtranslate, zaslonske slike na 1. povezavi
I didn’t read the article itself, the remnants of mental health are dear to me, but the author is mainly engaged in fighting the new ethics, quoting Solzhenitsyn and jerking off on Orban
The US should not go to war with Russia over Ukraine, writes the author of The American Conservative. According to him, there are two reasons for this.
First, the Americans do not understand the essence of the relationship between these two countries. And secondly, the fashion for inclusiveness in the army leads to the fact that Washington may be in for an unpleasant surprise.
Dajmo še kontekst, gre za odziv na članek orbanovega fanboya, ki ga je za dviganje domače morale povzel ruski medij. Gtranslate, zaslonske slike na 1. povezavi
I didn’t read the article itself, the remnants of mental health are dear to me, but the author is mainly engaged in fighting the new ethics, quoting Solzhenitsyn and jerking off on Orban
The US should not go to war with Russia over Ukraine, writes the author of The American Conservative. According to him, there are two reasons for this.
First, the Americans do not understand the essence of the relationship between these two countries. And secondly, the fashion for inclusiveness in the army leads to the fact that Washington may be in for an unpleasant surprise.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Fritz ::
Tko so včasih mulci na forumih onanirali o orožjih in silah o katerih nimajo pojma razen, da so nekaj nekje prebrali, po možnosti nahypane podatke proizvajalcev orožja. Skratka otročje in butasto.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Pac-Man ::
Nič bolj butasto od ideje, ki jo karikira, torej da bo inkluzivna ameriška vojska ob potencialnem konfliktu zbežala pred mačo Rusi.
Ga je fino brat, za analizo in levičarsko pozicijo iz Ukrajine.
Me looking at tradcons who claim Western armies are feeble because gender and race.
Sure, the Soviet Union was far from the gender and racial paradise tankies would have you believe, but it was this army with women and PoC in their ranks that defeated the oh-so-manly Aryans.
Ga je fino brat, za analizo in levičarsko pozicijo iz Ukrajine.
Me looking at tradcons who claim Western armies are feeble because gender and race.
Sure, the Soviet Union was far from the gender and racial paradise tankies would have you believe, but it was this army with women and PoC in their ranks that defeated the oh-so-manly Aryans.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
Zimonem ::
Nič bolj butasto od ideje, ki jo karikira, torej da bo inkluzivna ameriška vojska ob potencialnem konfliktu zbežala pred mačo Rusi.
Ga je fino brat, za analizo in levičarsko pozicijo iz Ukrajine.
Me looking at tradcons who claim Western armies are feeble because gender and race.
Sure, the Soviet Union was far from the gender and racial paradise tankies would have you believe, but it was this army with women and PoC in their ranks that defeated the oh-so-manly Aryans.
V Ameriki je bil takrat defakto še sužnje lastništvo uzakonjeno.
Pac-Man ::
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Teritorialna obramba v okolici Kijeva je imela tečaj za uporabo prastarega mitraljeza. V Ruščini.
Čudno, menda je prepovedana.
Instructor Ivan Savelyev explains to the volunteers of a territorial defense battalion in Brovary (town just east of Kyiv) how to use a 1927 model Degtyarev machine gun (DP).
Fighting the invader with literally the same weapons as 80 years ago. And yes, for any WaPo op-ed writers/language map enjoyers out there, the instruction is in Russian.
Degtyaryov machine gun @ Wikipedia
Čudno, menda je prepovedana.
Instructor Ivan Savelyev explains to the volunteers of a territorial defense battalion in Brovary (town just east of Kyiv) how to use a 1927 model Degtyarev machine gun (DP).
Fighting the invader with literally the same weapons as 80 years ago. And yes, for any WaPo op-ed writers/language map enjoyers out there, the instruction is in Russian.
Degtyaryov machine gun @ Wikipedia
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Telbanc ::
Teritorialna obramba v okolici Kijeva je imela tečaj za uporabo prastarega mitraljeza. V Ruščini.
Čudno, menda je prepovedana.
Instructor Ivan Savelyev explains to the volunteers of a territorial defense battalion in Brovary (town just east of Kyiv) how to use a 1927 model Degtyarev machine gun (DP).
Fighting the invader with literally the same weapons as 80 years ago. And yes, for any WaPo op-ed writers/language map enjoyers out there, the instruction is in Russian.
Degtyaryov machine gun @ Wikipedia
Rusov je na vzhodu Ukrajine več ko 30%, dost je mešanih zakonov, tko da če grejo rusi not, bo verjetno prišlo do razpada nekaterih enot......
Čez Dneper rusi ne bojo šli. ..........amerikanci no, so se lah zezali z malo Srbijo, tle zna bit pa štala.
Hvala bogu, nisem cepljen za covid-19.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Telbanc ()
Pac-Man ::
Milijontič, Rusko govoreči še niso Rusi. Nikoli ne bi trdil, da se Angleško govoreči Irci želijo pridružiti VB.
Komentar na članek iz WaPo:
Ah, the "deeply divided Ukraine" strikes again.
Those language maps are meaningless anyway, the East vs West dichotomy defined exactly 2 out of 7 Ukrainian election cycles, both Poroshenko in 2014 and Zelensky in 2019 won plurality support across Ukraine.
Sure, ethnic and linguistic divisions do exist in Ukraine, in large part due to Kremlin propaganda effort, but in the last election, education and income mattered at least as much as language, see a striking example on the latter: And it, of course, it bears repeating that in Ukraine "Russian-speaking" does not mean "Russian".
In the 2001 census, 29.6% stated Russian as their mother tongue, but just 17.3% identified as ethnic Russians.
This prevalence of Russian speakers over Russian self-ID is a legacy of Soviet waves of russification, when Russian was a requirement to advance in one's carreer.
Even more than Ukrainians, this process deeply affected other ethniticities, such as (remaining) Jews.
While some amount of Ukrainian always remained in the public sphere in the Ukrainian SSR, the remnants of Yiddish, Jewish culture and way of life that survived the Holocaust were erased by the Soviets.
This is why Zelensky comes from a "Russian-speaking Jewish" family.
This is also why such measures as Poroshenko's linguistic quotas for the media etc. (largely upheld by Zelensky) and the law on indigenous people (which Kremlin lambasted for not including Russians) are more anticolonial than nationalist in nature.
However, Russian is still a large part of Ukrainian life. No one is persecuted for "speaking Russian", as Kremlin and its useful idiots would have you believe to justify their casus belli. I personally routinely switch between Russian and Ukrainian, sometimes mid-sentence lol
So in case you see another "language map" trying to explain the roots of the conflict, know that this was written by a person who either has zero lived experiences in Ukraine or wants to mislead you into accepting Kremlin's narratives on "deeply divided Ukraine".
Komentar na članek iz WaPo:
Ah, the "deeply divided Ukraine" strikes again.
Those language maps are meaningless anyway, the East vs West dichotomy defined exactly 2 out of 7 Ukrainian election cycles, both Poroshenko in 2014 and Zelensky in 2019 won plurality support across Ukraine.
Sure, ethnic and linguistic divisions do exist in Ukraine, in large part due to Kremlin propaganda effort, but in the last election, education and income mattered at least as much as language, see a striking example on the latter: And it, of course, it bears repeating that in Ukraine "Russian-speaking" does not mean "Russian".
In the 2001 census, 29.6% stated Russian as their mother tongue, but just 17.3% identified as ethnic Russians.
This prevalence of Russian speakers over Russian self-ID is a legacy of Soviet waves of russification, when Russian was a requirement to advance in one's carreer.
Even more than Ukrainians, this process deeply affected other ethniticities, such as (remaining) Jews.
While some amount of Ukrainian always remained in the public sphere in the Ukrainian SSR, the remnants of Yiddish, Jewish culture and way of life that survived the Holocaust were erased by the Soviets.
This is why Zelensky comes from a "Russian-speaking Jewish" family.
This is also why such measures as Poroshenko's linguistic quotas for the media etc. (largely upheld by Zelensky) and the law on indigenous people (which Kremlin lambasted for not including Russians) are more anticolonial than nationalist in nature.
However, Russian is still a large part of Ukrainian life. No one is persecuted for "speaking Russian", as Kremlin and its useful idiots would have you believe to justify their casus belli. I personally routinely switch between Russian and Ukrainian, sometimes mid-sentence lol
So in case you see another "language map" trying to explain the roots of the conflict, know that this was written by a person who either has zero lived experiences in Ukraine or wants to mislead you into accepting Kremlin's narratives on "deeply divided Ukraine".
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Comandante ::
Degtyaryov machine gun @ Wikipedia
Zakaj pa ne, ce deluje. Tudi kaliber 7,62x54mmR je razsirjen, poceni in ucinkovit. Glede na to da se tudi pri nas dobi surplus v vsaki drugi trgovini z orozjem za male pare, sem preprican, da so Ukrajinska skladisca tega polna (razen ce so ves surplus prodali sportnim strelcem v Evropo in ZDA).
Ni nobena redkost, da se posamezna pehotna orozja uporabljajo cele generacije. Recimo Browning M2 strojnica (tezka, kaliber 50BMG) je stara 90 let, pa se danes izjemno razsirjena in uporabljena. Podobno pistola M1911 v kalibru 45ACP, dobrih 110 let steje, v civilni sferi je zadnja leta popularna kot se nikoli. 70 let jo je uporabljala celotna ameriska pehota, dandanes jo imajo samo se dolocene enote.
Pa se bi se kaksen kos nasel. Nekateri dizajni so preprosto skoraj popolni.
nirburu ::
widj3098dj32 je izjavil:
Kruha in iger, medtem ko EU postaja Kitajska.
Isto jaz mislim.
Ampak vseeno to ne pomeni, da ne bo nekaj ljudi pri tem nasilno poginilo.
Če rusija vrže eno vojno na sosedo bo to kar drag cirkus za vse strani, četudi je agenda zadaj povsem druga.
Predstavljaj si, da je globalna agenda starš, RUS-UKR vojna pa tečen otrok. Otrok te moti pri delu doma, ti pa mu daš šibice, da se igra in neha težit. Kasneje opaziš, da si je zakuril posteljo, katero boš moral eventuelno popravit.
Chalky ::
Ravnokar novica da bodo Američani umaknili svoje diplomate iz veleposlaništva v Ukrajini in da naj se hitro umaknejo saj bi lahko prišlo do spopada v vsakem trenutku.
NYT pa ravnokar poroča da Bidenova administracija razmišlja o tem, da bi poslali do nekaj tisoč vojakov (1K-5K) v Vzhodno Evropo in ostale Baltske države. NYT poroča da bi se v primeru večjega konflikta številka lahko povečala za 10x. Poleg tega želijo poslati dodatna bojna letala in rušilce.
- The president is also considering deploying warships and aircraft to NATO allies, in what would be a major shift from its restrained stance on Ukraine.
- The options include sending 1,000 to 5,000 troops to Eastern European countries, with the potential to increase that number tenfold if things deteriorate.
NYT pa ravnokar poroča da Bidenova administracija razmišlja o tem, da bi poslali do nekaj tisoč vojakov (1K-5K) v Vzhodno Evropo in ostale Baltske države. NYT poroča da bi se v primeru večjega konflikta številka lahko povečala za 10x. Poleg tega želijo poslati dodatna bojna letala in rušilce.
- The president is also considering deploying warships and aircraft to NATO allies, in what would be a major shift from its restrained stance on Ukraine.
- The options include sending 1,000 to 5,000 troops to Eastern European countries, with the potential to increase that number tenfold if things deteriorate.
Jazon ::
Milijontič, Rusko govoreči še niso Rusi. Nikoli ne bi trdil, da se Angleško govoreči Irci želijo pridružiti VB.
Komentar na članek iz WaPo:
Ah, the "deeply divided Ukraine" strikes again.
Those language maps are meaningless anyway, the East vs West dichotomy defined exactly 2 out of 7 Ukrainian election cycles, both Poroshenko in 2014 and Zelensky in 2019 won plurality support across Ukraine.
Sure, ethnic and linguistic divisions do exist in Ukraine, in large part due to Kremlin propaganda effort, but in the last election, education and income mattered at least as much as language, see a striking example on the latter: And it, of course, it bears repeating that in Ukraine "Russian-speaking" does not mean "Russian".
In the 2001 census, 29.6% stated Russian as their mother tongue, but just 17.3% identified as ethnic Russians.
This prevalence of Russian speakers over Russian self-ID is a legacy of Soviet waves of russification, when Russian was a requirement to advance in one's carreer.
Even more than Ukrainians, this process deeply affected other ethniticities, such as (remaining) Jews.
While some amount of Ukrainian always remained in the public sphere in the Ukrainian SSR, the remnants of Yiddish, Jewish culture and way of life that survived the Holocaust were erased by the Soviets.
This is why Zelensky comes from a "Russian-speaking Jewish" family.
This is also why such measures as Poroshenko's linguistic quotas for the media etc. (largely upheld by Zelensky) and the law on indigenous people (which Kremlin lambasted for not including Russians) are more anticolonial than nationalist in nature.
However, Russian is still a large part of Ukrainian life. No one is persecuted for "speaking Russian", as Kremlin and its useful idiots would have you believe to justify their casus belli. I personally routinely switch between Russian and Ukrainian, sometimes mid-sentence lol
So in case you see another "language map" trying to explain the roots of the conflict, know that this was written by a person who either has zero lived experiences in Ukraine or wants to mislead you into accepting Kremlin's narratives on "deeply divided Ukraine".
Propaganda ja, to bo.
V Ukrajini je nekaj manjšin. Naprimer, madžarska manjšina na zahodnem delu Ukrajine je imela še od časov pred Stalinom osnovne, srednje šole in univerzo v materinem jeziku. In tega jim niti Stalin ni odrekal. So jim pa to odrekli "proevropski" Ukrajinci. Preganjanje manjšin je v Ukrajini dejstvo. Da se o tem ne govori oz. da se o tem lažnivo poroča, bi razlog iskal v sparjenosti pisunov (journotov) s politiko, ki trenutno pošilja orožje v Ukrajino in bo zakuhala državljansko vojno. Fajonka, ki se je na nivoju Bruslja zelo angažirala v Ukrajini, je bila o stanju z manjšinami izdatno informirana, že kar nekaj let nazaj. Zaskrbljenosti ni izrazila. Nobena zofka s polja ni tekla tja in mahala s komisijo.
Pac-Man ::
Tule imamo nasprotujoče si trditve iz Rusije pobeglega levičarja, trenutno v Kijevu, ki situacijo živi in aktivno spremlja kot analitik ter Slovenca, verjetno informiranega iz tankie virov, ki mu je vse skupaj bolj za sproti.
Komu verjet?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Si prepričan?
Ker kratka runda gugla pokaže, da imajo Madžari v Ukrajini celo svoj faks.
November 2021:
Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education
Ker kratka runda gugla pokaže, da imajo Madžari v Ukrajini celo svoj faks.
November 2021:
Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Jazon ::
Si prepričan?
Ker kratka runda gugla pokaže, da imajo Madžari v Ukrajini celo svoj faks.
November 2021:
Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education
Prepričan. Pravice diaspore, ki šteje preko 150k ljudi so bile od leta 2017 naprej tudi zakonsko omejene in ne samo nadlegovane s strani Ukrajincev. Poleg tega sem bil tudi osebno tam.
Zdaj, nočem vleči nekih vzporednic ali biti preroški (trenutno od zahoda sponzorirano oboroževanje ljudi pelje v državljansko vojno) ampak Ukrajinci so podobno kot z madžarsko manjšino počeli na vzhodu z rusko populacijo in na krimskem polotoku (rusi, tatarci in ruska vojska v Sevastopolu), pa poglejte situacijo.
donvitoc ::
Fantje, ameri oborožujejo Ukrajino ker se jim gre za svobodo in demokracijo. V kratkem torej lahko pričakujemo da bomo postali podoben raj na zemlji kot je avganistan.
Pac-Man ::
Prepričan. Pravice diaspore, ki šteje preko 150k ljudi so bile od leta 2017 naprej tudi zakonsko omejene in ne samo nadlegovane s strani Ukrajincev. Poleg tega sem bil tudi osebno tam.
Kako je potem madžarski faks novembra praznoval 25. obletnico?
The Rákóczi College is twenty-five years old - a jubilee ceremony in Beregszász
Berehove @ Wikipedia
Konec septembra so odprli novo študijsko leto
Curriculum opener for the II. Ferenc Rákóczi at the Hungarian College of Transcarpathia - September 24, 2021
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Chalky ::
Biden is considering sending up to 50,000 troops as well as warships and aircraft to NATO allies in Eastern Europe amid growing fears of a Russian invasion of Ukraine as second shipment of US weapons arrives
NATO Allies send more ships, jets to enhance deterrence and defence in eastern Europe
Francija, Danska, Španija in Nizozemska pošiljajo dodatne bojne ladje in bojna letala (vključno z bojnimi letali pete generacije) v Baltik in Vzhodni del Evrope.
NATO Allies send more ships, jets to enhance deterrence and defence in eastern Europe
Francija, Danska, Španija in Nizozemska pošiljajo dodatne bojne ladje in bojna letala (vključno z bojnimi letali pete generacije) v Baltik in Vzhodni del Evrope.
Invictus ::
Če ne drugega, bo ta konflikt spet sprožil eksodus Ukrajink. Baje se ful dobr obnesejo kot žene...
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."
donvitoc ::
Biden is considering sending up to 50,000 troops as well as warships and aircraft to NATO allies in Eastern Europe amid growing fears of a Russian invasion of Ukraine as second shipment of US weapons arrives
NATO Allies send more ships, jets to enhance deterrence and defence in eastern Europe
Francija, Danska, Španija in Nizozemska pošiljajo dodatne bojne ladje in bojna letala (vključno z bojnimi letali pete generacije) v Baltik in Vzhodni del Evrope.
LOL. Me zanima koliko glupe raje naseda temu sranju s "preventivnimi" ukrepi :)
Sploh ko je glavna pobuda s strani amerike po temu ko so spušuli pred afganistanskimi pastirji, so pa uspešno uničili celo infrakstrukturo da tamkajšni otroci crkavajo na ulici. Še zastave paonosa ne morajo tam več obešati na ulicah, kar je bil glavni cilj ameriške invazije
Jazon ::
Prepričan. Pravice diaspore, ki šteje preko 150k ljudi so bile od leta 2017 naprej tudi zakonsko omejene in ne samo nadlegovane s strani Ukrajincev. Poleg tega sem bil tudi osebno tam.
Kako je potem madžarski faks novembra praznoval 25. obletnico?
The Rákóczi College is twenty-five years old - a jubilee ceremony in Beregszász
Berehove @ Wikipedia
Konec septembra so odprli novo študijsko leto
Curriculum opener for the II. Ferenc Rákóczi at the Hungarian College of Transcarpathia - September 24, 2021
Evo pojasnilo:
Ukrajina je 1991 z Madžarsko podpisala državno pogodbo (prenos pridobljenih pravic madžarske manjšine iz ZSSR), s katero se zavezuje, da bo ohranjala madžarsko etnično, kulturno, versko in jezikovno identiteto. Izobraževanje na vseh nivojih v materinem jeziku in sodelovanje Madžarov v lokalnih organih, pristojnih za zadeve manjšin.
Leta 2017 je ta ista Ukrajina, z novim zakonom o izobraževanju določila, da je od petega razreda osnovne šole ukrajinščina zahtevan jezik v vseh državnih šolah. To kar ti kažeš je v bistvu inercija.
Stalin jim ni vzel tega. Janukovič je leta 2012 podaljšal pravice vsem manjšinam. Porošenko je v smislu predvsem nagajanja ruski populaciji leta 2017 podpisal sporni zakon, in s tem črtal državno pogodbo iz leta 1991, ker to zadeva vse manjšine, ne samo Ruse.
Pac-Man ::
Kolikor razumem je treba Ukrajinski jezik samo poučevati, ni pa treba v njem učiti. Iz strani madžarskega faksa:
As oulined in the Charter of Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education, the language of instruction is Ukrainian, Hungarian and English. The free choice of the language of instruction is alligned with paragraph 3 of Article 48 of the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”, which states that “… Ukraine’s higher education establishments of a private form of ownership have the right to choose a language of instruction provided that the official language is taught as a separate discipline to all persons enrolled in such institutions”.
Along with this, the Institute fully complies with the aforementioned point of Article 48, since Ukrainian as an academic discipline is taught to students of all faculties at the bachelor qualification level.
Si lahko predstavljaš šolo na Madžarskem ali v Rusiji, ki sploh ne poučuje njihovega jezika?
As oulined in the Charter of Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education, the language of instruction is Ukrainian, Hungarian and English. The free choice of the language of instruction is alligned with paragraph 3 of Article 48 of the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”, which states that “… Ukraine’s higher education establishments of a private form of ownership have the right to choose a language of instruction provided that the official language is taught as a separate discipline to all persons enrolled in such institutions”.
Along with this, the Institute fully complies with the aforementioned point of Article 48, since Ukrainian as an academic discipline is taught to students of all faculties at the bachelor qualification level.
Si lahko predstavljaš šolo na Madžarskem ali v Rusiji, ki sploh ne poučuje njihovega jezika?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Jazon ::
Kolikor razumem je treba Ukrajinski jezik samo poučevati, ni pa treba v njem učiti. Iz strani madžarskega faksa:
As oulined in the Charter of Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education, the language of instruction is Ukrainian, Hungarian and English. The free choice of the language of instruction is alligned with paragraph 3 of Article 48 of the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”, which states that “… Ukraine’s higher education establishments of a private form of ownership have the right to choose a language of instruction provided that the official language is taught as a separate discipline to all persons enrolled in such institutions”.
Along with this, the Institute fully complies with the aforementioned point of Article 48, since Ukrainian as an academic discipline is taught to students of all faculties at the bachelor qualification level.
Si lahko predstavljaš šolo na Madžarskem ali v Rusiji, ki sploh ne poučuje njihovega jezika?
Nima veze, kaj si jaz predstavljam ali kako imajo drugje to urejeno. Pravice so se jim znižale, to je vse kar šteje. In glede na sliko v Ukrajini lahko pričakujejo še dodatno znižanje pravic, zgolj zato da ne bo izgledalo da Ukrajinci ne črtajo pravic samo Rusom ampak vse manjšinam.
Pac-Man ::
Med manj pravic in jezik je prepovedan je precej razdalje.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Fritz ::
Če prav razumem, Zelensky napoveduje napad na Donbass:
V primeru napada na Donbass bo Rusija zagotovo ukrepala.
V primeru napada na Donbass bo Rusija zagotovo ukrepala.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Malidelničar ::
Ne razumem kakšno bo nadaljevanje ukrajinsko-ruskega bratstva po tej vojni. Rusi so si za naslednjih 100 let zapravili vse simpatije Ukrajincev. Dolgoročno strateško po mojem mnenju nespametna poteza. Verjetno bodo Rusi vzporedno bolj pritisnili na Beloruse in jih poizkušali asimilirati (po odhodu Lukašenka, saj je že star).
Je pa zgodovina konca 19. stoletja, začetka 20. stoletja zelo zanimiva za tisto področje. V bistvu so boljše okolje za razvoj narodne biti Poljakov in Ukrajincev takrat predstavljali Avstrijci (oz. Habsburžani) in ne slovanski bratje Rusi.
Belorusi so vseeno narodno glede obstoja bolj ogroženi kot Ukrajinci, Ukrajince bo ta konflikt utrdil.
Je pa zgodovina konca 19. stoletja, začetka 20. stoletja zelo zanimiva za tisto področje. V bistvu so boljše okolje za razvoj narodne biti Poljakov in Ukrajincev takrat predstavljali Avstrijci (oz. Habsburžani) in ne slovanski bratje Rusi.
Belorusi so vseeno narodno glede obstoja bolj ogroženi kot Ukrajinci, Ukrajince bo ta konflikt utrdil.
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Malidelničar ()
49106 ::
Kako točno je rusko aneksiranje krima v tvojem interesu? A so NATO sile v tam brez privolitve Ukrajine?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: 49106 ()
Poldi112 ::
Ukrajina je za ruse ključni buffer state, preko katerega so se umikali švabom in francozom, ko jo jih brutalizirali. Brez tega propadejo. Jebena geografija pač.
Za razliko od Afganistana za Američane...
Vse mogoče izgovore? Osnove realpolitike. Si ti par strani nazaj nalimali mnenje arhitekta hladne vojne, ki je lepo povedal, da je širitev NATA debilizem.
Za razliko od Afganistana za Američane...
Vse mogoče izgovore? Osnove realpolitike. Si ti par strani nazaj nalimali mnenje arhitekta hladne vojne, ki je lepo povedal, da je širitev NATA debilizem.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
49106 ::
Ukrajina ni Ruska, da bi jo lahko uporabljali za "buffer state"
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: 49106 ()
Poldi112 ::
Ukrajina ni Ruska, da bi jo lahko uporabljali za "buffer state"
Ja? In kdo ji bo zagovoril suverenost? NATO je glede tega kristalno jasen - rusi lahko okupirajo CELOTNO ukrajino, pa drugega kot sankcij ne bodo deležni.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Poldi112 ::
Kolega, kdo je razbil Afganistan? Irak? Sirijo? ...
Zahod ne aneksira? Super. Vseeno pa okupira pol sveta, medtem ko rusi zgolj ne želijo nadaljne širitve sovražne vojaške zaveze, ki jih že stoletja napada.
Da so rusi ekonomsko zaostali ni nobena skrivnost. Da je k temu močno pripomoglo dejstvo, da jih je "svobodni svet" izoliral, ker niso želeli biti kolonija, tudi.
Popravi me če se motim, ampak rusi ne blokirajo zahodnih investicij v vzhodno evropo - blokirajo zgolj prodor imperija proti svojim mejam.
Zahod ne aneksira? Super. Vseeno pa okupira pol sveta, medtem ko rusi zgolj ne želijo nadaljne širitve sovražne vojaške zaveze, ki jih že stoletja napada.
Da so rusi ekonomsko zaostali ni nobena skrivnost. Da je k temu močno pripomoglo dejstvo, da jih je "svobodni svet" izoliral, ker niso želeli biti kolonija, tudi.
Popravi me če se motim, ampak rusi ne blokirajo zahodnih investicij v vzhodno evropo - blokirajo zgolj prodor imperija proti svojim mejam.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
gozdar1 ::
Kolega, kdo je razbil Afganistan? Irak? Sirijo? ...
Zahod ne aneksira? Super. Vseeno pa okupira pol sveta, medtem ko rusi zgolj ne želijo nadaljne širitve sovražne vojaške zaveze, ki jih že stoletja napada.
Da so rusi ekonomsko zaostali ni nobena skrivnost. Da je k temu močno pripomoglo dejstvo, da jih je "svobodni svet" izoliral, ker niso želeli biti kolonija, tudi.
Popravi me če se motim, ampak rusi ne blokirajo zahodnih investicij v vzhodno evropo - blokirajo zgolj prodor imperija proti svojim mejam.
Seveda, pred 1 sv. vojno pa so bili vodilna ekonomska sila. Za svojo zaostalost so si krivi predvsem sami. Med tem pa oligarhi veselo nalagajo denar na zahodu.
Katerega imperija eu? Sicer pa si očitno želiš še več ukrajin in belorusij na vzhodu, kot del ruskega imperija.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: gozdar1 ()
49106 ::
Imperij ne okupira JEBEN SVET. Morda se tako zdi rusofilom in sinofilom.
Kako pa zgleda ekonomski pritisk države, ki nima za burek?
Vlagatelji najraje vlagajo v stabilna okolja. "Kolega" s foruma je napisal, kaj se mu je zgodilo pri vložku v ruske delnice.
Kako pa zgleda ekonomski pritisk države, ki nima za burek?
Vlagatelji najraje vlagajo v stabilna okolja. "Kolega" s foruma je napisal, kaj se mu je zgodilo pri vložku v ruske delnice.
Pri rusiji pazi. Sem se v preteklosti opekel. Ko gospod Putin izjavi, naredite mi dolocene firme ruske, zacne padat in prodat ne mores.
Konkretno v mojem primeru je bila medijska hisa. Naredil 90% minus.
To je bilo leta 2016 ce se ne motim
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: 49106 ()
Pac-Man ::
Če prav razumem, Zelensky napoveduje napad na Donbass:
V primeru napada na Donbass bo Rusija zagotovo ukrepala.
Narobe razumeš, OP je (namenoma?) izpustil ves kontekst. Govori obveščevalcem ob njihovem dnevu, gtranslate:
This was stated by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy during a meeting with SVR officials on the occasion of the Day of Foreign Intelligence of Ukraine.
“We have learned to effectively contain and counteract external aggressions. I am sure that the time has come to move on to offensive actions in defending our national interests. You have the experience and ability to implement such a strategy. Intelligence, the ability to generate unconventional solutions to acute problems, the courage and dedication of each intelligence officer should continue to be effective tools for working for the benefit of our state,” the President is convinced.
The head of state noted the importance of obtaining truthful information so that no one manipulates it and that no one uses Ukraine in their own interests.
“Our citizens are united in returning our territories and wishing peace to our independent state. Therefore, a lot depends on you: from the veracity of the information to its timeliness,” Volodymyr Zelenskyy said.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Poldi112 ::
Seveda, pred 1 sv. vojno pa so bili vodilna ekonomska sila. Za svojo zaostalost so si krivi predvsem sami. Med tem pa oligarhi veselo nalagajo denar na zahodu.
Katerega imperija eu? Sicer pa si očitno želiš še več ukrajin in belorusij na vzhodu pod, kot del ruskega imperija.
Ameriškega imperija, duh.
Jaz si želim manj Ukrajih - zato pa sem proti širitvi NATA.
Ti si tisti, ki verjame v pravljice, da bomo Ukrajini prinesli svobodo in demokracijo.
Odgovora na vprašanje, kako je naša "pomoč" Ukrajini, Tajvanju, Hong Kongu, ... pomagala, pa skrivnostno ostaja neodgovorjeno.
Rusi so bili pa seveda nerazvita država pred 1. sv. vojno. Vseeno so se pa razvili precej bolje kot povprečna ameriška kolonija. Ne vem pa, kaj je tako presenetljivega v tem, da so američani spredaj, če so startali kot polno razvita država, ki je proizvajala robo za vse ostale, ki so se v 2. sv. vojni porušili, hkrati pa so izkoriščali še cel svet.
Če v monopoliju za razliko od ostalih, ki startajo z nule, startaš z 2/3 ozemlja, ki ima povrh vsega tudi že postavljene hotele, boš tudi verjetno zmagal, mar ne?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
gozdar1 ::
Torej si na kremeljski liniji, eu = amerika.
V tem primeru jih bo še več, kaj misliš da se bo zgodili v baltskih državah,.. če se ugodi ruskim zahtevam.
Saj se lahko greš borit, samo ti si bolj na drugi strani. Zahod je zloben zato so dovoljena vsa sredstva, tudi če je to v nasprotju z interesi populacije teh držav.
Amerika je bila največja industrijska sila že pred 2 sv. vojno. Si prestavlaj da so bili še malo pred tem kolonija, med tem pa je rusija še kar furala fevdalizem. Tisto o izkoriščanju si si gladko izmislil, so pa rusi izkoriščali in jih še vedno svoje kolonije(npr. sibirijo).
V tem primeru jih bo še več, kaj misliš da se bo zgodili v baltskih državah,.. če se ugodi ruskim zahtevam.
Saj se lahko greš borit, samo ti si bolj na drugi strani. Zahod je zloben zato so dovoljena vsa sredstva, tudi če je to v nasprotju z interesi populacije teh držav.
Amerika je bila največja industrijska sila že pred 2 sv. vojno. Si prestavlaj da so bili še malo pred tem kolonija, med tem pa je rusija še kar furala fevdalizem. Tisto o izkoriščanju si si gladko izmislil, so pa rusi izkoriščali in jih še vedno svoje kolonije(npr. sibirijo).
svecka ::
Ameriška orožarkska indusrrija bo naredila vse, sam da bo vojna z Rusijo v Ukrajni zarad $$$. Mi v EU bomo pa najebali ekonomsko, da nas bo poslalo nazaj v srednji vek. Očitno se ponavlja Vietnam. EU pa kot pička tiho.
49106 ::
Ameriški orožarski lobij ni poslal 100.000 ruskih vojavo na mejo z Ukrajino. Da do vojne pride, mora Rusija napasti Ukrajino.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: 49106 ()