Forum » Problemi človeštva » Ukrajina Part II
Ukrajina Part II
Temo vidijo: vsi
korenje3 ::
Bomo videli kdo se bo smejal čez kak mesec ali dva! Sankcije pričnejo delovat šele čez mesece! Ampak kdo sem jaz, da bom tebi razlagal! Ne se pa veseli, ker bo stisnilo vse, Ruse bo pa potolklo! Prvi pravi računi začnejo prihajati proti konci aprila in to v EUR, rubelj si pa lahko Putin zatakne za nogavice!
pišeš želje. ne vem kaj bo ruse potolklo, saj imajo dostop do največjega gospodarstva na svetu - kitajske. Tukaj ne bo panike, vse bodo dobili, pa še to za 1/3 vrednosti.
Če še ne veš Rusija več kot 90% stvari, ki jih izvozi so surovine. Od teh surovin je odvisnih en kup držav. Zato so te sankcije uperjene proti samim Evropejcem, ker ne bodo mogli prodajat na ruski trg.
Namreč praktično vse kar imajo rusi je kupljeno iz tujine.
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: korenje3 ()
VladarP ::
Ruske in Donbasske sile so dale zadnji ultimat Azovu v Mariupolu in jim dale čas za predajo do polnoči po lokalnem času (čez šest ur)
Od polnoči ne bo več pregovarjanja o predaji, niti ne bo aretacij ujetnikov. Uničili bodo vse.
Akhmat sila, Bog je velik
Od polnoči ne bo več pregovarjanja o predaji, niti ne bo aretacij ujetnikov. Uničili bodo vse.
Akhmat sila, Bog je velik
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Zmajc ()
bbbbbb2015 ::
Putin: Rusija bo za dobavo plina v Evropo sprejemala zgolj rublje
Bolj bo stiskal, prej bodo škrtasti Švabi našli alternativo! Sicer se je pa to vedelo, kaj misliš, da evropski ekonomisti niso na to pomislili?
Nihče nikogar ne stiska. In za EU se ne bo glede plačil zgodilo čisto nič. Stvari pa bodo malenkost boljše za Ruse. Malenkost. Stvar je taka:
Ruski centralni banki so zamrznili devizne in zlate rezerve v tujini, cca 300 mrd $, od skupno menda 600 mrd $. Centralne banke ta denar med drugim rabijo, da 'uravnavajo' vrednost domače valute - rublja.
Če vrednost pade, centralna banka kupuje. Če vrednost narašča, centralna banka printa in prodaja rublje. Oz. vsaj prodaja, pač primarna emisija denarja je nekaj drugega.
Vrednost rublja je drastično padla:
(OPOMBA: Graf je treba obrniti v mislih, ker prikazuje koliko je treba dati v rubljih za en ameriški dolar).
Vrednost rublja je padla, ker je padlo povpraševanje po njem, ker firme pač nič ne izvažajo (zaradi sankcij). Centralna banmka ne more posredovati, ker je ne more do svojih dolarjev.
Tujci imajo pogodbe praviloma v dolarjih in bodo Gazpromu nakazani dolarji, kot do sedaj. Vendar pa Gazprom do teh dolarjev ne bo mogel, ker jim jih bo komercialna banka avtomatično konvertirala v rublje. Torej so se "našli" kupci za rublje.
Za pričakovati je, da bo rubelj malo dobil na vrednosti. Sedaj namesto centralne bamke rublje "kupujejo" tujci - pod mus.
Višja vrednost rublja bi malo olajšala kupovanje uvoženih stvari stvari, ki se še vedno dobijo v Rusiji. Saj Rusije ne sankcionira cel svet. Kakšni Kirgizistanci Rusom z veseljem prodajajo, sami pa kupujejo v dolarjih ali evrih. Problem pa je, če je rubelj malo vreden, uvožene stvari postanejo pošastno drage.
To je ukrep, ki ga je sigurno sproducirala una šefica ruske centralne banke Elvirči:
Elvira Nabiullina @ Wikipedia
Ta je vseeno top-šit bankirka. Rusijo je vsaj enkrat rešila bankrota.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: bbbbbb2015 ()
mtosev ::
Top Kremlin official Anatoly Chubais quits as Putin's climate envoy
Adviser is highest-ranking government figure to resign since Russia's invasion of Ukraine
Anatoly Chubais has quit his post as Russian president Vladimir Putin's special climate envoy, making him the highest-ranking official to leave the Kremlin since the war in Ukraine began a month ago.
Dmitry Peskov, Putin's spokesman, told the Financial Times that Chubais had resigned from his position, without specifying when he had done so or whether he had quit in protest over the invasion of Ukraine.
Peskov called the decision to stay in Russia or leave the country a "personal matter" for Chubais.
Chubais, a key architect of Russia's post-communist privatisation, is the most senior figure to leave a government post since the invasion on February 24.
In recent weeks, he posted figures of two late former Kremlin colleagues on Facebook and wrote that one of them, liberal economic reformer Yegor Gaidar, "understood strategic risks better than me, and I was wrong".
Russian newspaper Kommersant claimed Chubais was in Istanbul and published a photo of him in a baseball cap withdrawing money from a bank machine.
Chubais and his wife could not immediately be reached for comment. News of the resignation was first reported by Bloomberg.
Adviser is highest-ranking government figure to resign since Russia's invasion of Ukraine
Anatoly Chubais has quit his post as Russian president Vladimir Putin's special climate envoy, making him the highest-ranking official to leave the Kremlin since the war in Ukraine began a month ago.
Dmitry Peskov, Putin's spokesman, told the Financial Times that Chubais had resigned from his position, without specifying when he had done so or whether he had quit in protest over the invasion of Ukraine.
Peskov called the decision to stay in Russia or leave the country a "personal matter" for Chubais.
Chubais, a key architect of Russia's post-communist privatisation, is the most senior figure to leave a government post since the invasion on February 24.
In recent weeks, he posted figures of two late former Kremlin colleagues on Facebook and wrote that one of them, liberal economic reformer Yegor Gaidar, "understood strategic risks better than me, and I was wrong".
Russian newspaper Kommersant claimed Chubais was in Istanbul and published a photo of him in a baseball cap withdrawing money from a bank machine.
Chubais and his wife could not immediately be reached for comment. News of the resignation was first reported by Bloomberg.
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
strawman ::
Zaradi grožnje cenzure, se je število prenosov celotne wikipedije iz Rusije povečalo za 40x.
cias ::
More picture of the "dildo" attacker . He is of course a member of Azov and like to dress up as a Nazi officer.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Zmajc ()
mackilla ::
fur80 ::
More picture of the "dildo" attacker . He is of course a member of Azov and like to dress up as a Nazi officer.
Pa kaj je s tabo človek, raje si poglej kako otroci trpijo po napadu, ne pa nam neke zgodbice prodajaj tu o nekih nacistih, to smo že 100X raspucali, ko pa nimaš več kaj druga pa spet lepiš neke blodnje! 10 miljonov žensk in otrok je razseljenih,ti pa še kar sanjaš nekaj in opravičuješ napad!
VladarP ::
Ce so vam kvizlingom te sapke domace, nam niso. In ja naciste treba unicit.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Zmajc ()
mackilla ::
VladarP ::
Njih nisem videl paradirati z nacističnimi simboli, lahko me pa popraviš
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Zmajc ()
Aston_11 ::
cias ::
Pa kaj je s tabo človek, raje si poglej kako otroci trpijo po napadu, ne pa nam neke zgodbice prodajaj tu o nekih nacistih, to smo že 100X raspucali, ko pa nimaš več kaj druga pa spet lepiš neke blodnje! 10 miljonov žensk in otrok je razseljenih,ti pa še kar sanjaš nekaj in opravičuješ napad!
A sedaj ste nazaj pri ni nacistov? Vedno bolj jasno postaja koliko je ura, vi pa z glavo globlje v pesek.
Boste morali okrepiti cenzuro.
TezkoDihanje ::
Ukraine making big gains around kyiv.
I got a brief (with an unclassified map) from two top municipal officials
VladarP ::
Ce se kdo dvomi, sa ukrajini ni potrebna denacifikacija
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Zmajc ()
fur80 ::
Ce se kdo dvomi, sa ukrajini ni potrebna denacifikacija
Ti si raje to poglje. Tvoj Putko ima rad italjansko modo!
...Crimea recently donning a down puffer jacket that appears to be from Loro Piana and which sells for nearly $14,000.
Plače ima pa 100 000$ na leto! :D A to je tudi državno premoženje? :D
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
VladarP ::
Adviser to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Vadim Denisenko, called the transition in gas payments to rubles a strong move by the Russian Federation, and a copied decision of the Saudis, who are going to switch to payments in yuan.
Sicer pa Makron opozarja pred globalno lakoto, zaradi vojne v Ukrajini, poziva da bi uvedli vaučerje za hrano. Tako kot sem napovedal Evropo čakajo kotlički na mestnih trgih, kjer bodo kuhali fižol z makaroni da bodo lahko svojo rajo prehranili. Vsak bo dobil 30 kuponov za cel mesec in se bo z kanglico sprehodil do sovjega trga po paštafižol brez mesa, ker mesa Evropejci ne smejo jesti, ker z tem pomagajo Rusom.
Evropejci raje zganjajo islamofobijo, rusofobijo, srbofobijo namesto da se uprejo politkom, ki jih vodijo v brezno. Dedolarizacija se zacenja.
Sicer pa Makron opozarja pred globalno lakoto, zaradi vojne v Ukrajini, poziva da bi uvedli vaučerje za hrano. Tako kot sem napovedal Evropo čakajo kotlički na mestnih trgih, kjer bodo kuhali fižol z makaroni da bodo lahko svojo rajo prehranili. Vsak bo dobil 30 kuponov za cel mesec in se bo z kanglico sprehodil do sovjega trga po paštafižol brez mesa, ker mesa Evropejci ne smejo jesti, ker z tem pomagajo Rusom.
Evropejci raje zganjajo islamofobijo, rusofobijo, srbofobijo namesto da se uprejo politkom, ki jih vodijo v brezno. Dedolarizacija se zacenja.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Zmajc ()
endelin ::
Rusi ostali brez kitkat čokoladic
LONDON (Reuters) -Nestle said on Wednesday it will halt the sale of several non-essential products including KitKat candy bars and Nesquik chocolate mix in Russia, in an unprecedented move amid pressure on the world's top consumer goods company after criticism from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy.
Darkjaar ::
Russia's highly regarded central bank Governor Elvira Nabiullina tried to resign after the Ukraine invasion, people familiar tell @business
Putin said no
Putin ne dovoli podganam, da zapuščajo barko. Inflacija 18.3%, centralna banka pa pravi, da najhuje še prihaja
fur80 ::
Ta VladarP je bolan. Upam res, da trola, ker če ne je psihiatrija zanj še zadnja opcija! :D Si en tak primerek ko pride nov na firmo in začne zaničevat vse kar ga hrani, pa drugje je boljše pa ne vem kaj še vse, pa plača je mala, da bi pa šel drugam delat pa ne! :D haha
Čez mesec ali dva bod sankcije šele zares začele delovat v Rusiji, oni VladimiP pa nam lepi, da imajo v ruskih trgovinah še jabolka za jest, saj ne veš a bi se smejal ali jokal, samo kaj je problem, ker VladimirP ni eden redkih, ker jaz poznam takih kar nekaj! :D
Čez mesec ali dva bod sankcije šele zares začele delovat v Rusiji, oni VladimiP pa nam lepi, da imajo v ruskih trgovinah še jabolka za jest, saj ne veš a bi se smejal ali jokal, samo kaj je problem, ker VladimirP ni eden redkih, ker jaz poznam takih kar nekaj! :D
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
VladarP ::
Inflacija v Sloveniji je 20% naspram lani, pa se premalo sem povedal
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Zmajc ()
fur80 ::
Inflacija v Sloveniji je 20% naspram lani, pa se premalo sem povedal
Ti si res nor! Drugače pa:
Evet pomeni da! ;)
TezkoDihanje ::
l0g1t3ch ::
VladarP ::
Inflacija v Sloveniji je 20% naspram lani, pa se premalo sem povedal
Ti si res nor! Drugače pa:
Evet pomeni da! ;)
Ce nimas lastnega vozila in te mama hrani potem res ne cutis inflacije po svojem zepu.
Z električnimi trotineti se boste po ta novem vozil v službo. Štrom bo proizvajala nuklearka, z ruskim uranom in toplarna z ruskim plinom in premogom![]()
Torej Rusija je benz pumpa z zoprnim osebjem?
Se strinjam.
Ti tankas na ruski uran
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Zmajc ()
mackilla ::
Fak a vi dejansko še vedno odgovarjate psihičnim bolnikom ala VladarP, korenje, cias![]()
Moram priznati da sem impresioniran nad VladimirP aka VladarP-Urban. Tip je tu gor od zgodaj zjutraj do pozno ponoči. Glede na to,da pobira blodnje še po drugih forumih pomeni,da ima med ostalim čas še samo za sranje,hrano in spanje.
l0g1t3ch ::
VladarP ::
cias ::
Ayyy, ne vem zakaj politicna elita noče it ustaviti klavca Putina?
Kje? Misliš tu na internetu? Brave and stunning.
Mi se pa rusom in podpornikom samo smejemo v glavo.
Kje? Misliš tu na internetu? Brave and stunning.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: cias ()
endelin ::
Novica dneva
He is ready to rumble
Sniper 'Wali' debunks rumors about his death: 'I don't have a single scratch'
All those rumors about 'Wali' dying are not true, he just went dark
He is ready to rumble
fur80 ::
Inflacija v Sloveniji je 20% naspram lani, pa se premalo sem povedal
Ti si res nor! Drugače pa:
Evet pomeni da! ;)
Ce nimas lastnega vozila in te mama hrani potem res ne cutis inflacije po svojem zepu.
Z električnimi trotineti se boste po ta novem vozil v službo. Štrom bo proizvajala nuklearka, z ruskim uranom in toplarna z ruskim plinom in premogom![]()
Torej Rusija je benz pumpa z zoprnim osebjem?
Se strinjam.
Ti tankas na ruski uran
Tebe mama hrani haha, daj ne seri! :D Idi ti na Krim, sedaj bo bolj poceni, kot petokolonaš pa dobiš baje še poseben popust! :D
Pac-Man ::
MASIVNA nit o tankijih pri Grayzone
OK, so @MaxBlumenthal of @TheGrayzoneNews recently published an article claiming that Russia’s bombing of a Mariupol theater was actually a false-flag operation carried out by Ukraine’s Azov Battalion. Reader, this is one dishonest article, and I’m about to show you why.
For those unfamiliar, the Twitter Tankie worldview can pretty much be summarized thusly: “All the world’s evils are the product of imperialism and, by the way, there is no imperialism but US imperialism.” A crude summary, yes, but it does encompass about 95% of the shit they say. And what is the Azov Battalion, which Blumenthal blames for the attack? It was set up in 2014 as a paramilitary group to fight against a Russian-backed insurgency in the eastern provinces of Donetsk and Luhansk (collectively known as the Donbas region). Soon after it was incorporated into Ukraine’s armed forces. Many if not most of its members are neo-Nazis, including its original commander, Andriy Biletsky, and deputy commander, Vadym Troyan. In addition to allegations of war crimes in the Donbas, it has allegedly engaged in pogroms against Ukraine’s Roma community. In short, these are very, very bad people. Estimates of its size vary, with 900 at the low end and 2500 at the high end. Blumenthal himself has previously claimed (without evidence) that it has 3000 members. Considering the source, this can be assumed to be the absolute maximum estimate of its total membership. Ukraine’s military has about 215,000 troops in total, which means Azov makes up anywhere from 0.4% to 1.4% of the country’s armed forces—not that you’d know that from the tankies’ obsessive commentary on its supposedly mammoth-sized influence.
Now let’s turn to Blumenthal’s “evidence” that it was a false-flag op by Azov. The first piece of “evidence” is a video from the theater in which refugees demand a humanitarian corridor out of the city.
Blumenthal implies that Azov, not Russia, is the party refusing to provide this corridor. Except at the end of the video we a message stating that the video was PRODUCED BY AZOV. Now why would Azov make a video portraying themselves as a bunch of heartless thugs preventing refugees from leaving the city? What the people in the video are almost certainly saying, then, is that it is Russia, not Azov, that is stopping them from leaving the city—which would make sense being that it is Russian forces, not Azov, that has the city under siege. Even if Azov were the ones stopping the refugees from fleeing, would that somehow prove it was Azov that blew up the theater in a false-flag operation? No, reader, it would not.
Now, finally, we get to an actual piece of evidence which, if true, would indeed suggest the theater bombing was a false-flag op by Azov. It’s a Telegram message posted 4 days before the bombing by a Russian journalist claiming he “heard” from local residents that there would soon be a false-flag attack on the theater. Seems credible, right? Until, that is, you learn who this journalist works for: Komsomolskaya Pravda, a Kremlin propaganda organ owned by one Grigory Berezkin, a Russian oligarch with a history of buying up and silencing disobedient news outlets. See, for instance, his acquisition of RBC, then Russia’s biggest independent media group, in 2017. Berezkin, by the way, has close ties to the Kremlin and allegedly got rich off of sweetheart deals with Gazprom, the state energy monopoly.
Now can you think of a reason why a journalist who effectively works for the Kremlin might have known in advance about the theater bombing—and why he’d want to get ahead of the story by sowing doubts as to whether Russian forces would be the ones who bombed it?
Blumenthal then moves on to note how Zelensky, desperate for military aid due to “his military collapsing” (note: it is not, in fact, collapsing), made an emotional plea to the U.S. Congress to establish a no-fly zone over Ukraine. This is meant to convince us that Zelensky & Azov carried out the bombing and framed Russia so as to recklessly draw America into a direct armed confrontation on Ukraine’s behalf. Nice little theory, I guess, but absent, you know, *actual evidence* (see above) it’s nothing more than a fever dream in Max Blumenthal’s own mind.
In any event, the rest of the essay is a long and largely irrelevant tangent about alleged false-flag operations in Syria which Blumenthal and his media outlet, The Grazyone, have touted over the years. I won’t weigh in on this stuff because I’m not an expert on Syria. If I *were* to weigh in, I’d first check to see what *actual* experts on Syria had to say on the matter. Yes, there is a lesson here for Max Blumenthal and his tankie friends. Incidentally, when actual experts evaluate the claims of Blumenthal and his buddies, it can reveal just how dishonest and/or ignorant these guys are. See, for example, this takedown by a Nicaragua specialist on some of the things Blumenthal said about the country.
So that’s it for the substance of the article. In short, it’s a mess of unsupported assertions, a couple bits of evidence that *would* support his claims if they weren’t totally unreliable, and a bunch of other stuff that’s impossible to verify and totally irrelevant in any event.
But before I end this thread, I want to discuss another part of Blumenthal’s essay in which he attacks a Ukrainian journalist named Illia Ponomarenko along with his employer, the Kyiv Independent. Now, the problem with Ponomarenko is that, while he’s a good reporter, he’s posted pictures of himself in the past palling around with members of the Azov Battalion. Yes, reader, that is bad. Recall that Azov was set up in 2014 by a bunch of neo-Nazis whom the government relied on to help fight against a Russian-backed insurgency in the Donbas. The government relied on Azov not b/c it *liked* Nazis but rather b/c Ukraine’s ousted president, Viktor Yanukovych, had fled to Russia with the entire contents of the state treasury after a failed bid to brutally repress a popular uprising against his corrupt, authoritarian rule. Yanukovych’s epic corruption (even by Ukrainian standards) left the new government so cash-strapped that it actually had to appeal to citizens for donations to fund the war effort. That’s…not a good situation to be in if you’re a provisional government facing annexation and armed insurgency by a much more powerful neighbor. Because it had no money, the provisional government had to rely on anyone willing to fight, including but not limited to Nazis, lest Ukraine literally cease to exist in the face of a Russian proxy invasion. So the only reason Azov became a relevant force in Ukraine from 2014 onward was that Russia attacked the country and was now sheltering its ex-leader who had just looted the treasury so thoroughly that the government was totally unprepared to fight a war Russia had forced upon it. Anyway, the Ukrainian government eventually incorporated Azov into its own military. Turns out that, once you’ve had to depend on armed Nazis to help defend your country from a foreign attack, you can’t just snap your fingers and make them disappear into oblivion. BTW, as much as the tankies LOVE to bring up the Azov Nazis as a means of discrediting Ukraine, they never mention the fact that the insurgents Russia literally shipped to Donbas in 2014 WERE THEMSELVES NAZIS. Examples of these Russian-backed Nazis were Igor Girkin, Pavel Gubarev, Alexei Milchakov, and Anton Rayevsky. But there were *plenty* of others too.
Anyway, back to Blumenthal’s attempted takedown of the Kyiv Independent. The standard tankie trick for discrediting a media outlet that’s reporting things the tankies find inconvenient is to paint it as an instrument of the US government—or, better yet, the CIA. And that’s precisely what Blumenthal tries to do here. Whoa, whoa, whoa. The Kyiv Independent was set up with help from a US intelligence cut-out? Sounds suspicious, right? The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is indeed a US-funded agency formed in 1983 to continue a previously covert CIA program for promoting democracy around the world. And before you have to ask, no, the groups the NED supported were not always so pro-democratic, especially during the late Cold War period. The idea behind the NED was that, unlike most of what the CIA does, there’s nothing shady about democracy-promotion and thus no need to do it in secret. It can all be done out in the open with full public disclosure, etc. And so a bipartisan commission founded the NED while Congress would provide its annual funding. Since then, the NED has made a practice of awarding grants to NGOs and media outlets and providing leadership training in developing countries. Is it entirely legit? Here’s a lengthy and mostly critical investigation from Pro Publica so you can decide for yourself. If you go by Blumenthal and his tankie friends, you’d probably think the NED is teeming with CIA operatives who kidnap people and send them off to faraway black sites to be tortured. That, dear reader, is not the kind of thing the NED does. But there’s no need to really get into NED’s dealings here. Wanna know why? Because, contra Blumenthal, the NED ***played no role in setting up the Kyiv Independent***. So what really happened?
Well, that requires explaining why the Kyiv Independent was established in the first place. Although founded just a few months ago, it isn’t exactly new. It was set up by the staff of the Kyiv Post, a highly-regarded English-language news outlet which for 25 years did essential, award-winning reporting on Ukraine. As someone who does research on Ukrainian politics, I followed the Kyiv Post for the better part of two decades. Its reporting was indispensable to my work on corruption among Ukraine’s elite, the subject of my PhD dissertation. The Kyiv Post pulled no punches and refused to pledge allegiance to any one political or business faction. The fact that it managed to withstand constant attacks from politicians and oligarchs is a testament to the tenaciousness of its staff and (previous) owner.
But last year the Kyiv Post, now under new ownership, finally met its match. It was actually its dogged reporting on Zelensky and his ties to offshore bank accounts that would prove its undoing. Thanks to the Kyiv Post’s reporting, its new owner, Adnan Kivan, a wealthy businessman with ties to the government, allegedly found himself cut off from government procurement contracts.
Kivan got the message. He sought to get back into Zelensky’s good graces by shutting down the paper and firing its staff.He then offered them the opportunity to get their jobs back under new management. But they balked, rightly seeing it as an attempt to subject their reporting to undue influence. So they left to found the Kyiv Independent. It’s doing great reporting but is operating on a shoestring budget, dependent on a mix of small private donors (of which I am one) and a sizeable grant from the European Endowment for Democracy.
Here’s where Blumenthal tries to trick his audience into thinking the Kyiv Independent is controlled by the NED. NATIONAL Endowment for Democracy. EUROPEAN Endowment for Democracy. Get it? They’re the SAME THING, right? No, they are not. The European Endowment for Democracy (EED) is, as it freely admits, “named after and inspired by” the NED, but there are no financial or organizational ties between the two—at least none that I could find despite having done some extensive digging. The EED was established in 2013 by the European Union, which funds it. Its activities are similar to NED’s. But it was set up independently of NED and, unlike NED, has no CIA roots whatsoever. It operates as an NGO which, like NED, awards grants to media outlets and the like. The Kyiv Independent is one of those outlets.
Why did I go into this lengthy tangent about the Kyiv Independent, the NED, and the EED? First to show that the Kyiv Independent is not some state propaganda organ obediently parroting the line of either the US or Ukrainian governments. I mean, the whole reason the Kyiv Independent EXISTS in the first place is because its staff faced pressure from the Ukrainian government and were unwilling to work under anyone’s thumb. But more than that, it provides a window into the dishonesty of Blumenthal and his tankie friends. Twitter Tankies like @MaxBlumenthal will go to great lengths to “investigate” the funders of any media outlet they dislike. But if you’re an ACTUAL RUSSIAN STATE PROPAGANDA ORGAN such as Komsomolskaya Pravda, they’ll accept whatever you say unquestioningly.
In other words, Blumenthal et al have no actual principles. They’ll happily regurgitate state propaganda when it suits their purposes while falsely painting actual independent outlets as purveyors of propaganda if they find it convenient to do so.
By the way, , who funds The Grayzone? Wanna tell us? ‘Cause it’s a little hard to believe y’all get by on small donations alone.
OK, so @MaxBlumenthal of @TheGrayzoneNews recently published an article claiming that Russia’s bombing of a Mariupol theater was actually a false-flag operation carried out by Ukraine’s Azov Battalion. Reader, this is one dishonest article, and I’m about to show you why.
For those unfamiliar, the Twitter Tankie worldview can pretty much be summarized thusly: “All the world’s evils are the product of imperialism and, by the way, there is no imperialism but US imperialism.” A crude summary, yes, but it does encompass about 95% of the shit they say. And what is the Azov Battalion, which Blumenthal blames for the attack? It was set up in 2014 as a paramilitary group to fight against a Russian-backed insurgency in the eastern provinces of Donetsk and Luhansk (collectively known as the Donbas region). Soon after it was incorporated into Ukraine’s armed forces. Many if not most of its members are neo-Nazis, including its original commander, Andriy Biletsky, and deputy commander, Vadym Troyan. In addition to allegations of war crimes in the Donbas, it has allegedly engaged in pogroms against Ukraine’s Roma community. In short, these are very, very bad people. Estimates of its size vary, with 900 at the low end and 2500 at the high end. Blumenthal himself has previously claimed (without evidence) that it has 3000 members. Considering the source, this can be assumed to be the absolute maximum estimate of its total membership. Ukraine’s military has about 215,000 troops in total, which means Azov makes up anywhere from 0.4% to 1.4% of the country’s armed forces—not that you’d know that from the tankies’ obsessive commentary on its supposedly mammoth-sized influence.
Now let’s turn to Blumenthal’s “evidence” that it was a false-flag op by Azov. The first piece of “evidence” is a video from the theater in which refugees demand a humanitarian corridor out of the city.
Blumenthal implies that Azov, not Russia, is the party refusing to provide this corridor. Except at the end of the video we a message stating that the video was PRODUCED BY AZOV. Now why would Azov make a video portraying themselves as a bunch of heartless thugs preventing refugees from leaving the city? What the people in the video are almost certainly saying, then, is that it is Russia, not Azov, that is stopping them from leaving the city—which would make sense being that it is Russian forces, not Azov, that has the city under siege. Even if Azov were the ones stopping the refugees from fleeing, would that somehow prove it was Azov that blew up the theater in a false-flag operation? No, reader, it would not.
Now, finally, we get to an actual piece of evidence which, if true, would indeed suggest the theater bombing was a false-flag op by Azov. It’s a Telegram message posted 4 days before the bombing by a Russian journalist claiming he “heard” from local residents that there would soon be a false-flag attack on the theater. Seems credible, right? Until, that is, you learn who this journalist works for: Komsomolskaya Pravda, a Kremlin propaganda organ owned by one Grigory Berezkin, a Russian oligarch with a history of buying up and silencing disobedient news outlets. See, for instance, his acquisition of RBC, then Russia’s biggest independent media group, in 2017. Berezkin, by the way, has close ties to the Kremlin and allegedly got rich off of sweetheart deals with Gazprom, the state energy monopoly.
Now can you think of a reason why a journalist who effectively works for the Kremlin might have known in advance about the theater bombing—and why he’d want to get ahead of the story by sowing doubts as to whether Russian forces would be the ones who bombed it?
Blumenthal then moves on to note how Zelensky, desperate for military aid due to “his military collapsing” (note: it is not, in fact, collapsing), made an emotional plea to the U.S. Congress to establish a no-fly zone over Ukraine. This is meant to convince us that Zelensky & Azov carried out the bombing and framed Russia so as to recklessly draw America into a direct armed confrontation on Ukraine’s behalf. Nice little theory, I guess, but absent, you know, *actual evidence* (see above) it’s nothing more than a fever dream in Max Blumenthal’s own mind.
In any event, the rest of the essay is a long and largely irrelevant tangent about alleged false-flag operations in Syria which Blumenthal and his media outlet, The Grazyone, have touted over the years. I won’t weigh in on this stuff because I’m not an expert on Syria. If I *were* to weigh in, I’d first check to see what *actual* experts on Syria had to say on the matter. Yes, there is a lesson here for Max Blumenthal and his tankie friends. Incidentally, when actual experts evaluate the claims of Blumenthal and his buddies, it can reveal just how dishonest and/or ignorant these guys are. See, for example, this takedown by a Nicaragua specialist on some of the things Blumenthal said about the country.
So that’s it for the substance of the article. In short, it’s a mess of unsupported assertions, a couple bits of evidence that *would* support his claims if they weren’t totally unreliable, and a bunch of other stuff that’s impossible to verify and totally irrelevant in any event.
But before I end this thread, I want to discuss another part of Blumenthal’s essay in which he attacks a Ukrainian journalist named Illia Ponomarenko along with his employer, the Kyiv Independent. Now, the problem with Ponomarenko is that, while he’s a good reporter, he’s posted pictures of himself in the past palling around with members of the Azov Battalion. Yes, reader, that is bad. Recall that Azov was set up in 2014 by a bunch of neo-Nazis whom the government relied on to help fight against a Russian-backed insurgency in the Donbas. The government relied on Azov not b/c it *liked* Nazis but rather b/c Ukraine’s ousted president, Viktor Yanukovych, had fled to Russia with the entire contents of the state treasury after a failed bid to brutally repress a popular uprising against his corrupt, authoritarian rule. Yanukovych’s epic corruption (even by Ukrainian standards) left the new government so cash-strapped that it actually had to appeal to citizens for donations to fund the war effort. That’s…not a good situation to be in if you’re a provisional government facing annexation and armed insurgency by a much more powerful neighbor. Because it had no money, the provisional government had to rely on anyone willing to fight, including but not limited to Nazis, lest Ukraine literally cease to exist in the face of a Russian proxy invasion. So the only reason Azov became a relevant force in Ukraine from 2014 onward was that Russia attacked the country and was now sheltering its ex-leader who had just looted the treasury so thoroughly that the government was totally unprepared to fight a war Russia had forced upon it. Anyway, the Ukrainian government eventually incorporated Azov into its own military. Turns out that, once you’ve had to depend on armed Nazis to help defend your country from a foreign attack, you can’t just snap your fingers and make them disappear into oblivion. BTW, as much as the tankies LOVE to bring up the Azov Nazis as a means of discrediting Ukraine, they never mention the fact that the insurgents Russia literally shipped to Donbas in 2014 WERE THEMSELVES NAZIS. Examples of these Russian-backed Nazis were Igor Girkin, Pavel Gubarev, Alexei Milchakov, and Anton Rayevsky. But there were *plenty* of others too.
Anyway, back to Blumenthal’s attempted takedown of the Kyiv Independent. The standard tankie trick for discrediting a media outlet that’s reporting things the tankies find inconvenient is to paint it as an instrument of the US government—or, better yet, the CIA. And that’s precisely what Blumenthal tries to do here. Whoa, whoa, whoa. The Kyiv Independent was set up with help from a US intelligence cut-out? Sounds suspicious, right? The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is indeed a US-funded agency formed in 1983 to continue a previously covert CIA program for promoting democracy around the world. And before you have to ask, no, the groups the NED supported were not always so pro-democratic, especially during the late Cold War period. The idea behind the NED was that, unlike most of what the CIA does, there’s nothing shady about democracy-promotion and thus no need to do it in secret. It can all be done out in the open with full public disclosure, etc. And so a bipartisan commission founded the NED while Congress would provide its annual funding. Since then, the NED has made a practice of awarding grants to NGOs and media outlets and providing leadership training in developing countries. Is it entirely legit? Here’s a lengthy and mostly critical investigation from Pro Publica so you can decide for yourself. If you go by Blumenthal and his tankie friends, you’d probably think the NED is teeming with CIA operatives who kidnap people and send them off to faraway black sites to be tortured. That, dear reader, is not the kind of thing the NED does. But there’s no need to really get into NED’s dealings here. Wanna know why? Because, contra Blumenthal, the NED ***played no role in setting up the Kyiv Independent***. So what really happened?
Well, that requires explaining why the Kyiv Independent was established in the first place. Although founded just a few months ago, it isn’t exactly new. It was set up by the staff of the Kyiv Post, a highly-regarded English-language news outlet which for 25 years did essential, award-winning reporting on Ukraine. As someone who does research on Ukrainian politics, I followed the Kyiv Post for the better part of two decades. Its reporting was indispensable to my work on corruption among Ukraine’s elite, the subject of my PhD dissertation. The Kyiv Post pulled no punches and refused to pledge allegiance to any one political or business faction. The fact that it managed to withstand constant attacks from politicians and oligarchs is a testament to the tenaciousness of its staff and (previous) owner.
But last year the Kyiv Post, now under new ownership, finally met its match. It was actually its dogged reporting on Zelensky and his ties to offshore bank accounts that would prove its undoing. Thanks to the Kyiv Post’s reporting, its new owner, Adnan Kivan, a wealthy businessman with ties to the government, allegedly found himself cut off from government procurement contracts.
Kivan got the message. He sought to get back into Zelensky’s good graces by shutting down the paper and firing its staff.He then offered them the opportunity to get their jobs back under new management. But they balked, rightly seeing it as an attempt to subject their reporting to undue influence. So they left to found the Kyiv Independent. It’s doing great reporting but is operating on a shoestring budget, dependent on a mix of small private donors (of which I am one) and a sizeable grant from the European Endowment for Democracy.
Here’s where Blumenthal tries to trick his audience into thinking the Kyiv Independent is controlled by the NED. NATIONAL Endowment for Democracy. EUROPEAN Endowment for Democracy. Get it? They’re the SAME THING, right? No, they are not. The European Endowment for Democracy (EED) is, as it freely admits, “named after and inspired by” the NED, but there are no financial or organizational ties between the two—at least none that I could find despite having done some extensive digging. The EED was established in 2013 by the European Union, which funds it. Its activities are similar to NED’s. But it was set up independently of NED and, unlike NED, has no CIA roots whatsoever. It operates as an NGO which, like NED, awards grants to media outlets and the like. The Kyiv Independent is one of those outlets.
Why did I go into this lengthy tangent about the Kyiv Independent, the NED, and the EED? First to show that the Kyiv Independent is not some state propaganda organ obediently parroting the line of either the US or Ukrainian governments. I mean, the whole reason the Kyiv Independent EXISTS in the first place is because its staff faced pressure from the Ukrainian government and were unwilling to work under anyone’s thumb. But more than that, it provides a window into the dishonesty of Blumenthal and his tankie friends. Twitter Tankies like @MaxBlumenthal will go to great lengths to “investigate” the funders of any media outlet they dislike. But if you’re an ACTUAL RUSSIAN STATE PROPAGANDA ORGAN such as Komsomolskaya Pravda, they’ll accept whatever you say unquestioningly.
In other words, Blumenthal et al have no actual principles. They’ll happily regurgitate state propaganda when it suits their purposes while falsely painting actual independent outlets as purveyors of propaganda if they find it convenient to do so.
By the way, , who funds The Grayzone? Wanna tell us? ‘Cause it’s a little hard to believe y’all get by on small donations alone.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
l0g1t3ch ::
Inflacija v Sloveniji je 20% naspram lani, pa se premalo sem povedal
Ti si res nor! Drugače pa:
Evet pomeni da! ;)
Ce nimas lastnega vozila in te mama hrani potem res ne cutis inflacije po svojem zepu.
Z električnimi trotineti se boste po ta novem vozil v službo. Štrom bo proizvajala nuklearka, z ruskim uranom in toplarna z ruskim plinom in premogom![]()
Torej Rusija je benz pumpa z zoprnim osebjem?
Se strinjam.
Ti tankas na ruski uran
Rusija pridobi 6% urana na svetovnem nivoju.
TezkoDihanje ::
Ali Rusija prikriva, kaj se dogaja z desno roko Vladimirja Putina? #vŽivo
28. dan vojne v Ukrajini. Porajajo se vprašanja, kaj se dogaja z ruskim obrambnim ministrom Sergejem Šojgujem, velikim prijateljem in zaupnikom Vladimirja Putina, ki se v javnosti ni pojavil že dvanajst dni. Putina je medtem zapustil nekdanji tesni sodelavec in svetovalec Anatolij Čubajs, odšel iz Rusije in se ogradil od vojne z Ukrajino.
28. dan vojne v Ukrajini. Porajajo se vprašanja, kaj se dogaja z ruskim obrambnim ministrom Sergejem Šojgujem, velikim prijateljem in zaupnikom Vladimirja Putina, ki se v javnosti ni pojavil že dvanajst dni. Putina je medtem zapustil nekdanji tesni sodelavec in svetovalec Anatolij Čubajs, odšel iz Rusije in se ogradil od vojne z Ukrajino.
l0g1t3ch ::
Rusofobi ce zelite rusom udariti smrtni udarec se ne vozite z avtomobili in ne jejte mesa![]()
Napačen pojem.
Fobija pomeni strah pred nečim.
Mi se pa rusom in podpornikom samo smejemo v glavo.
Upam, da danes nisi jedel mesa.
Seveda sem.
Domače vzrejena govedina. Neodvisna od umetnih gnojil in brez kakega pitanja z žiti.
TezkoDihanje ::
Ocene Nata o žrtvah na ruski strani
Nato ocenjuje, da je bilo v štirih tednih bojev v Ukrajini ubitih od 7.000 do 15.000 ruskih vojakov.
Nato ocenjuje, da je bilo v štirih tednih bojev v Ukrajini ubitih od 7.000 do 15.000 ruskih vojakov.
cias ::
TezkoDihanje ::
#Russia In the center of Moscow, somebody threw a Molotov cocktail into the Kremlin wall.
#Russia In the center of Moscow, somebody threw a Molotov cocktail into the Kremlin wall.
l0g1t3ch ::
Novica dneva
Sniper 'Wali' debunks rumors about his death: 'I don't have a single scratch'
All those rumors about 'Wali' dying are not true, he just went dark
He is ready to rumble
To je že ene dva dni znano.
Je pa zabavno če pomisliš kako so ruski troli nabijali z propagando o njegovi smrti.
cias ::
p7515 zabavno če pomisliš kako so ruski troli nabijali z propagando o njegovi smrti. [:)) naj bi izjavil:
Kdo je govoril o njegovi smrti? Smejali smo se ker je najboljšemu snajperju na svetu ušlo v hlače ko je videl da ne strelja na Palestinske otroke ali neoborožene Afganistanske kozje pastirje.
Malo se bo poslikal in potem izpuhtel, kot Ghost of Khief.
VladarP ::
Zračni napadi zračno-vesoljskih sil RF
Sirene tulije v mestih Zaporožje, Sumi, Dnepropetrovsk, Poltava, Harkov in Vinica, pa tudi v mestih Zaporožje, Kramatorsk, Slavjansk, Konstantinovka, Krivoj Rog.
Sirene tulije v mestih Zaporožje, Sumi, Dnepropetrovsk, Poltava, Harkov in Vinica, pa tudi v mestih Zaporožje, Kramatorsk, Slavjansk, Konstantinovka, Krivoj Rog.
l0g1t3ch ::
Ayyy, ne vem zakaj politicna elita noče it ustaviti klavca Putina?
Mi se pa rusom in podpornikom samo smejemo v glavo.
Kje? Misliš tu na internetu? Brave and stunning.
Lahko poveš kam pridem pa te osebno nalomim.
Kmečke roke, ajga!
Darkjaar ::
fur80 ::
Zračni napadi zračno-vesoljskih sil RF
Sirene tulije v mestih Zaporožje, Sumi, Dnepropetrovsk, Poltava, Harkov in Vinica, pa tudi v mestih Zaporožje, Kramatorsk, Slavjansk, Konstantinovka, Krivoj Rog.
Kaj ti si ga daš na roke potem, ko veš, da morajo prestrašeni otroci v klet in upat, da preživijo?
VladarP ::
Ceceni cistijo kvarte po Mariupolju, komandir Rosgvardie se ne ozira na granate, ki padajo za njim.
Ceceni cistijo kvarte po Mariupolju, komandir Rosgvardie se ne ozira na granate, ki padajo za njim.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: VladarP ()