Forum » Problemi človeštva » Ukrajina Part II
Ukrajina Part II
Temo vidijo: vsi

111111111111 ::
Še vedno čakamo zagovornike putinovega režima, da se preselijo v ta njihov raj.
Iz kavča na zahodu je lahko navijat za putina.
Takoj ko se ti preseliš v Ukrajino.
Če prisloniš uho na vroč šporhet, lahko zavohaš kak si fuknjen.

bbbbbb2015 ::
Comandante je izjavil:
Ti mater, tocno to pusko imam jaz. Samo da imam gor se optiko, da lahko barbara snamem na pol kilometra.
A sem tudi nacist?
Razsvetli me, kaj je to točno za modela puške. In kako se vidi, da je 5.56 in ne recimo 300 BLK. Da vidim, če imaš kakega pojma o IPSC puškah.

AtaŠtumf ::
111111111111 je izjavil:
Ukrajinci povecujejo stevilko fake zmag. Je njihova vojska ze kar izcrpana, pa dvigujejo moralo. Tako, da je potrebno biti kar previden, pri njihovih trditvah.
Ne. Rusofil. Kako dvomiš o moči Ukrajinske armade. Zelenski je sam postrelil 30 ruskih generalov. :D
Propagandni stroj zahoda deluje s polno paro.
Rusi pa seveda ne delajo propagande ane :)
Seveda delajo propagando, a bodimo odkriti, do danes so v propagandni vojni zmagovali Ukrajinci.
Zato pa je treba vse novice, posebaj twitter novinarje in tudi ruske, ukrajinske in zahodne MSM vzeti konketno z rezervo.
Sam kaj, ko tukaj se večinoma zahodne medije vzame kot zlato, vse ostalo pa kot "fake news".

mackilla ::

Fritz ::
On February 25, the Ukrainian Army heroically blew up this bridge to slow down the Russian advance. Gerashchenkov boasted on Telegram.
Since then, the 'bombed out' bridge has made headlines for blocking fleeing people. But make it sound like the Russians destroyed the bridge.
On February 25, the Ukrainian Army heroically blew up this bridge to slow down the Russian advance. Gerashchenkov boasted on Telegram.
Since then, the 'bombed out' bridge has made headlines for blocking fleeing people. But make it sound like the Russians destroyed the bridge.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Unchancy ::
Ti Američani so pa res od sile. Kar 26 bio labov so meli v Ukrajini.
A pol korono so v Ukrajini naredili?
Wuhan je bil sam fake news?
U madona, kdo bi si to mislil, sem kar šokiran. Samo še Hillaryine emaile najdejo v kakšni kleti in pa seveda trupla Reptilijancev in njihove vesoljske ladje.
Tele CCP so pa res eni težki zabitki…
Škoda časa za ta režimski forum.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.

AtaŠtumf ::
On February 25, the Ukrainian Army heroically blew up this bridge to slow down the Russian advance. Gerashchenkov boasted on Telegram.
Since then, the 'bombed out' bridge has made headlines for blocking fleeing people. But make it sound like the Russians destroyed the bridge.
"fake news" spet, Pac-Man je preko svojih twitter virov preveril in s PrimoZ_ se strinjata, da je osebno z medvedom Putler porušil ta most, naj bi medved šel berserk, par virov sicer pravi, da je Zelenski skupaj z duhom in kačjimi vojaki porušil ta most, vendar so te govorice prepovedane v MSM!

voss_ ::
To pa zato, ker pred časom niso hoteli sprejeti arabskih iskalcev boljše zaposlitve, ki jim jih je (zanalašč) pošiljal Lukašenko.
In te imajo novinarke zelo rade.
Zakaj zanalašč? Diversity is our greatest strength. Mi jih na meji nismo smeli ustaviti, bodeča žica strogo obsojena, da o Hitlerju ki vodi Madžarsko sploh ne govorim.

PrimoZ_ ::
111111111111 je izjavil:
Ukrajinci povecujejo stevilko fake zmag. Je njihova vojska ze kar izcrpana, pa dvigujejo moralo. Tako, da je potrebno biti kar previden, pri njihovih trditvah.
Ne. Rusofil. Kako dvomiš o moči Ukrajinske armade. Zelenski je sam postrelil 30 ruskih generalov. :D
Propagandni stroj zahoda deluje s polno paro.
Rusi pa seveda ne delajo propagande ane :)
Seveda delajo propagando, a bodimo odkriti, do danes so v propagandni vojni zmagovali Ukrajinci.
Zato pa je treba vse novice, posebaj twitter novinarje in tudi ruske, ukrajinske in zahodne MSM vzeti konketno z rezervo.
Sam kaj, ko tukaj se večinoma zahodne medije vzame kot zlato, vse ostalo pa kot "fake news".
Jaz nikjer ne lepim nekih fantazijskih map ali kake propagande kako ukrajinci zmagujejo.
Samo norca se delam in putinovih ritoliznikov in raznih podobnih patronov, ki sicer ne podpirajo putina, ampak...

voss_ ::

PrimoZ_ ::
Jaz nikjer ne lepim nekih fantazijskih map ali kake propagande kako ukrajinci zmagujejo.
WTF, Rusofil lahko greš v Rusijo če si tako ponosen na svojega Putina. Samo mi ne jokat če te Ghost of Kijev pošica!
Dej no, selektivno citiranje.
Jaz nikjer ne lepim nekih fantazijskih map ali kake propagande kako ukrajinci zmagujejo.
Samo norca se delam in putinovih ritoliznikov in raznih podobnih patronov, ki sicer ne podpirajo putina, ampak..

mackilla ::
Jaz nikjer ne lepim nekih fantazijskih map ali kake propagande kako ukrajinci zmagujejo.
WTF, Rusofil lahko greš v Rusijo če si tako ponosen na svojega Putina. Samo mi ne jokat če te Ghost of Kijev pošica!
Ko hodiš po ulici imaš občutek,da te Ghost of Kijev zasleduje in si daje skrivne signale z NATO letali?

gazibo ::
Jaz nikjer ne lepim nekih fantazijskih map ali kake propagande kako ukrajinci zmagujejo.
WTF, Rusofil lahko greš v Rusijo če si tako ponosen na svojega Putina. Samo mi ne jokat če te Ghost of Kijev pošica!
Dej no, selektivno citiranje.
Jaz nikjer ne lepim nekih fantazijskih map ali kake propagande kako ukrajinci zmagujejo.
Samo norca se delam in putinovih ritoliznikov in raznih podobnih patronov, ki sicer ne podpirajo putina, ampak..
sikter v ukrajino supcino
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: gazibo ()

PrimoZ_ ::
Jaz nikjer ne lepim nekih fantazijskih map ali kake propagande kako ukrajinci zmagujejo.
WTF, Rusofil lahko greš v Rusijo če si tako ponosen na svojega Putina. Samo mi ne jokat če te Ghost of Kijev pošica!
Dej no, selektivno citiranje.
Jaz nikjer ne lepim nekih fantazijskih map ali kake propagande kako ukrajinci zmagujejo.
Samo norca se delam in putinovih ritoliznikov in raznih podobnih patronov, ki sicer ne podpirajo putina, ampak..
sikter v ukrajino supcino
Takoj po tistem, ko se preseliš v Rusijo.
Lahko te na lastne stroške zapeljem v srbijo, pa še letalsko karto ti kupim in te pospremim na letališče. Vse zato, da se prepričam da boš zares odlotel :)
sikter = šipter ?
Šiptar ti po mami skakal. Po tistem ko ti je kosovo zavzel.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: PrimoZ_ ()

voss_ ::

gazibo ::
Jaz nikjer ne lepim nekih fantazijskih map ali kake propagande kako ukrajinci zmagujejo.
WTF, Rusofil lahko greš v Rusijo če si tako ponosen na svojega Putina. Samo mi ne jokat če te Ghost of Kijev pošica!
Dej no, selektivno citiranje.
Jaz nikjer ne lepim nekih fantazijskih map ali kake propagande kako ukrajinci zmagujejo.
Samo norca se delam in putinovih ritoliznikov in raznih podobnih patronov, ki sicer ne podpirajo putina, ampak..
sikter v ukrajino supcino
Takoj po tistem, ko se preseliš v Rusijo.
Lahko te na lastne stroške zapeljem v srbijo, pa še letalsko karto ti kupim in te pospremim na letališče. Vse zato, da se prepričam da boš zares odlotel :)
sikter = šipter ?
Šiptar ti po mami skakal. Po tistem ko ti je kosovo zavzel.
ne se jezit seljanđurdino

Pac-Man ::
Kontekst, kako se je NATO pod bajoneti* širil na vzhod.
*(pro)ruskimi bajoneti
So, 31 years ago today, the debut issue of the first post-communist independent English-language newspaper in the former East Bloc appeared on Prague newsstands.
It was five of us from UCSB’s fab @dailynexus, one brilliant Czech 18-year-old econ dropout, and assorted weirdos. Early ‘90s Prague was obviously a blast, as you can read in my recent @Reason feature, but it was also fraught with conflicts that have direct relevance to our current moment, all played out without benefit of knowing how things would work out in the end.
Our 4th-issue cover story was about the outbreak of war in Yugoslavia, a topic we would cover with on-the-ground correspondents in basically every issue until the paper’s 1995 demise.
It was the ominous background music lurking just within earshot of all the parties. Some of us Gen X kids, thrown into an exciting and complicated world, gorging on the relevant histories, talked ourselves into believing it was “Our generation’s Spanish Civil War.”
We felt helpless, pious outrage that nobody in the “free world” seemed to care about the carnage. Among the young Western stringers on the ground in the stringer-covered Balkans was future United Nations ambassador Samantha Power.
I’ve written about how the experience shaped her (and our) foreign policy perspectives here:
I remain convinced that Yugoslavia was a crucial turning point in the West’s post-Cold War order.
The U.S. did not want to be in charge of solving this problem, at all, but the Europeans were a clown car.
Clinton bombing Serbia into Dayton sealed America’s unipolar status.
The NATO bombing of Kosovo, in particular, lowered the bar for U.S. intervention into the affairs of (murderously authoritarian) sovereign countries,
a topic I explore in this 2004 review of books by Madeleine Albright, Wesley Clark, and George Soros:
Our 5th issue was about the attempted August 1991 Soviet coup.
When things were going pear-shaped back in Russia a bunch of college students there somehow located our fax number & started sending us blow-by-blow reports.
It was insane; you couldn’t sleep. The U.S.S.R. soon dissolved (thank Christ), after which there were seemingly endless bloody conflicts in the Near Abroad.
We published something like 108 issues in our run (from monthly to fortnightly to weekly to kaput); two cover stories alone were about Abkhazia. Even things so comparatively benign looking back, like the split of Czechoslovakia, felt nerve-wracking in the moment.
You just didn’t know how things were gonna turn out! Plus, Klaus was a con man, and Mečiar was a thug. Meanwhile, Hungary was going through its own growing pains, personified by the transformation of an ambitious young pol named Viktor Orbán:
“In 1991, FIDESZ discarded the slogan ‘Radical, Liberal and Alternative,’ and replaced it with one…more economical: ‘Pragmatism.’” With the Near Abroad bleeding, Moscow teetering, Yugoslavia on fire, and Western Europe going full Keystone Kops, you can understand why Central Europeans were keen on a security guarantee.
By the time Clinton came to Prague for a NATO summit in Jan. 1994, they were desperate. Clinton’s Partnership for Peace, a not-quite-NATO crafted to assuage Russian sensibilities, was greeted as yet another sellout in Prague and Warsaw.
"We've gone from Chamberlain's umbrella to President Clinton's saxophone," an aide to Lech Walesa told me.
It would take five more years, but eventually 3 of the Visegrád 4 members (sorry, Mečiar!) would become the first new NATO entrants since post-Franco Spain.
Reading back some of our old coverage reinforces how much of this was driven by Central Europe, not the U.S. I don’t want to give the misleading impression that the paper was unrelievedly grim.
It was pretty damn loose & funny between the misery. Insane illustrators, comical language guides, a cartoon called “Giant Drunk Guy,” weird @kenlayne drawings of wiener dogs.
But also we were seeing (*takes bong rip*), like, the creation of the future, man. For which I’m grateful (Happy birthday, little dead newspaper!), but also sad, because a bunch of that really sucked.
Anyway, you can unmute me now.
*(pro)ruskimi bajoneti
So, 31 years ago today, the debut issue of the first post-communist independent English-language newspaper in the former East Bloc appeared on Prague newsstands.
It was five of us from UCSB’s fab @dailynexus, one brilliant Czech 18-year-old econ dropout, and assorted weirdos. Early ‘90s Prague was obviously a blast, as you can read in my recent @Reason feature, but it was also fraught with conflicts that have direct relevance to our current moment, all played out without benefit of knowing how things would work out in the end.
Our 4th-issue cover story was about the outbreak of war in Yugoslavia, a topic we would cover with on-the-ground correspondents in basically every issue until the paper’s 1995 demise.
It was the ominous background music lurking just within earshot of all the parties. Some of us Gen X kids, thrown into an exciting and complicated world, gorging on the relevant histories, talked ourselves into believing it was “Our generation’s Spanish Civil War.”
We felt helpless, pious outrage that nobody in the “free world” seemed to care about the carnage. Among the young Western stringers on the ground in the stringer-covered Balkans was future United Nations ambassador Samantha Power.
I’ve written about how the experience shaped her (and our) foreign policy perspectives here:
I remain convinced that Yugoslavia was a crucial turning point in the West’s post-Cold War order.
The U.S. did not want to be in charge of solving this problem, at all, but the Europeans were a clown car.
Clinton bombing Serbia into Dayton sealed America’s unipolar status.
The NATO bombing of Kosovo, in particular, lowered the bar for U.S. intervention into the affairs of (murderously authoritarian) sovereign countries,
a topic I explore in this 2004 review of books by Madeleine Albright, Wesley Clark, and George Soros:
Our 5th issue was about the attempted August 1991 Soviet coup.
When things were going pear-shaped back in Russia a bunch of college students there somehow located our fax number & started sending us blow-by-blow reports.
It was insane; you couldn’t sleep. The U.S.S.R. soon dissolved (thank Christ), after which there were seemingly endless bloody conflicts in the Near Abroad.
We published something like 108 issues in our run (from monthly to fortnightly to weekly to kaput); two cover stories alone were about Abkhazia. Even things so comparatively benign looking back, like the split of Czechoslovakia, felt nerve-wracking in the moment.
You just didn’t know how things were gonna turn out! Plus, Klaus was a con man, and Mečiar was a thug. Meanwhile, Hungary was going through its own growing pains, personified by the transformation of an ambitious young pol named Viktor Orbán:
“In 1991, FIDESZ discarded the slogan ‘Radical, Liberal and Alternative,’ and replaced it with one…more economical: ‘Pragmatism.’” With the Near Abroad bleeding, Moscow teetering, Yugoslavia on fire, and Western Europe going full Keystone Kops, you can understand why Central Europeans were keen on a security guarantee.
By the time Clinton came to Prague for a NATO summit in Jan. 1994, they were desperate. Clinton’s Partnership for Peace, a not-quite-NATO crafted to assuage Russian sensibilities, was greeted as yet another sellout in Prague and Warsaw.
"We've gone from Chamberlain's umbrella to President Clinton's saxophone," an aide to Lech Walesa told me.
It would take five more years, but eventually 3 of the Visegrád 4 members (sorry, Mečiar!) would become the first new NATO entrants since post-Franco Spain.
Reading back some of our old coverage reinforces how much of this was driven by Central Europe, not the U.S. I don’t want to give the misleading impression that the paper was unrelievedly grim.
It was pretty damn loose & funny between the misery. Insane illustrators, comical language guides, a cartoon called “Giant Drunk Guy,” weird @kenlayne drawings of wiener dogs.
But also we were seeing (*takes bong rip*), like, the creation of the future, man. For which I’m grateful (Happy birthday, little dead newspaper!), but also sad, because a bunch of that really sucked.
Anyway, you can unmute me now.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

mackilla ::

gazibo ::
Zelensky for the first time began to discuss the possible recognition of the Crimea and the LDNR
"We can discuss this and find a compromise on how people will live there," the President of Ukraine answered the question about the possibility of recognizing Crimea and the republics of Donbass.

Pithlit ::
111111111111 je izjavil:
Ukrajinci povecujejo stevilko fake zmag. Je njihova vojska ze kar izcrpana, pa dvigujejo moralo. Tako, da je potrebno biti kar previden, pri njihovih trditvah.
Ne. Rusofil. Kako dvomiš o moči Ukrajinske armade. Zelenski je sam postrelil 30 ruskih generalov. :D
Propagandni stroj zahoda deluje s polno paro.
Rusi pa seveda ne delajo propagande ane :)
Pa budalo jedno no! Rusi so filantropi! Oni Ukrajince osvobaja jo izpod jarma nacizma. Le zakaj bi se pa oni lagali? Vklopi razum, zahtevaj... ne, ne zahtevat računa, #trustmebro!
Life is as complicated as we make it...

gozdar1 ::
Rusi so očitno aktivirali vse propagandne in politične kanale, iz nafatlina so privlekli celo janukaviča, da bi prepričali ukrajince v predajo. NA fronti mora iti vse po načrtih.

gazibo ::
Zelensky said that he had "cooled" on the issue of Ukraine's entry into NATO, it became clear that the alliance was not ready to accept the country

voss_ ::
Zelensky said that he had "cooled" on the issue of Ukraine's entry into NATO, it became clear that the alliance was not ready to accept the country
Menda so pravega Zelenskega ubili Čečeni in ga zamenjali s Kremlinskim klonom.
Ko vidiš ljudi,ki trpijo te začne premagovati nekontrolirani smeh? A dobiš erekcijo?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: voss_ ()

sparklyslo ::

gazibo ::
Cez en teden bo zeljonski se prosu da rusi vzamejo nazaj krim in DPR/LPR 
Ocitno se je ustel in ne shendla pritiska, sploh ker verjetno ze vidi cecene z balkona svojga bunkerja bwahahaha

Ocitno se je ustel in ne shendla pritiska, sploh ker verjetno ze vidi cecene z balkona svojga bunkerja bwahahaha

sparklyslo ::

mackilla ::
Zelensky said that he had "cooled" on the issue of Ukraine's entry into NATO, it became clear that the alliance was not ready to accept the country
Menda so pravega Zelenskega ubili Čečeni in ga zamenjali s Kremlinskim klonom.
Ko vidiš ljudi,ki trpijo te začne premagovati nekontrolirani smeh? A dobiš erekcijo?
So Rusi v tem trenutku pri tebi? Ali imaš občutek,da se ti Rusi občasno smejijo za hrbtom?

gazibo ::

mackilla ::
sparklyslo je izjavil:
Zelensky said that he had "cooled" on the issue of Ukraine's entry into NATO, it became clear that the alliance was not ready to accept the country
Še en zafrustriran v Sloveniji živeči srb?
Ukrajina bo dobila NATO orožje, Rusija ima močni rubelj ....
Ne biti tak. Razumi jih. NATO jih je tako brcnil,da bodo še naslednjih sedem generacij bolela jajca.

Fritz ::
"We are working, don't interfere," the military man told Petro Poroshenko, who arrived at the place of evacuation of people.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Pac-Man ::
In a Russian fire attack on Chuhuiv, Kharkiv rgn, a shell killed Olga Krasimova, a Russian national who has lived in Ukraine since 2012.
The woman fled Russia but Russia came to her new home for her.
In a Russian fire attack on Chuhuiv, Kharkiv rgn, a shell killed Olga Krasimova, a Russian national who has lived in Ukraine since 2012.
The woman fled Russia but Russia came to her new home for her.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

chucki ::
Iz zanesljivih virov sem slisal, da morajo vrtci pripravit zaklonisca
AMD Ryzen 5 5600/NZXT Kraken X62/Asus ROG Crosshair VI hero/DDR4 32gb/1TB SSD
Gigabyte RTX 3060 Ti /SB Z/NZXT H440 case/ Asus ROG PG248Q
Samsung Q7FN65 + ASUS TUF A17 with RTX 3070 Ti
Gigabyte RTX 3060 Ti /SB Z/NZXT H440 case/ Asus ROG PG248Q
Samsung Q7FN65 + ASUS TUF A17 with RTX 3070 Ti

Pac-Man ::
Russian soldiers murder volunteers helping starving animals near Kyiv

At noon on March 4, an SUV drove through the streets of Bucha, formerly a cozy green town near Kyiv, now a hotspot of Russia’s war against Ukraine.
Three people were in the car: Serhiy Ustymenko, 25, a co-founder of a car repair shop, Maxym Kuzmenko, 28, a hookah server, and Anastasia Yalanska, 26, a lead recruiter at an IT company.
Bucha was and remains a dangerous place, now largely controlled by Russian forces. The three young Ukrainians were there on an important mission.
They had just delivered dog food to a dog shelter that had run out of it and were on their way back to pick up Ustymenko’s parents.
They had just nearly made it home. As the car was approaching their house, there was a deafening sound.
A Russian vehicle – witnesses identify it as either a tank or an infantry fighting vehicle – opened fire on the car.
When the shooting stopped, Valeriy Ustymenko, the father of Serhiy, ran to the car. Everyone inside was already dead.
He dragged out the three bodies and took them to his basement, where he has been hiding from the constant shelling, like most people in Bucha.
Three days later, the bodies are still there. Due to shelling, they can’t be buried. Their friends and families can’t say goodbye to their loved ones.
Ustymenko’s father is still in the basement, with the bodies of his son and his son’s two friends.

Anastasiya Yalanska (L), Serhiy Ustymenko (second from right), and Maxym Kuzmenko (R) pose for a photo not long before being killed in Bucha on March 4, 2022. Their fourth friend did not join the group on that day, and is alive.
At noon on March 4, an SUV drove through the streets of Bucha, formerly a cozy green town near Kyiv, now a hotspot of Russia’s war against Ukraine.
Three people were in the car: Serhiy Ustymenko, 25, a co-founder of a car repair shop, Maxym Kuzmenko, 28, a hookah server, and Anastasia Yalanska, 26, a lead recruiter at an IT company.
Bucha was and remains a dangerous place, now largely controlled by Russian forces. The three young Ukrainians were there on an important mission.
They had just delivered dog food to a dog shelter that had run out of it and were on their way back to pick up Ustymenko’s parents.
They had just nearly made it home. As the car was approaching their house, there was a deafening sound.
A Russian vehicle – witnesses identify it as either a tank or an infantry fighting vehicle – opened fire on the car.
When the shooting stopped, Valeriy Ustymenko, the father of Serhiy, ran to the car. Everyone inside was already dead.
He dragged out the three bodies and took them to his basement, where he has been hiding from the constant shelling, like most people in Bucha.
Three days later, the bodies are still there. Due to shelling, they can’t be buried. Their friends and families can’t say goodbye to their loved ones.
Ustymenko’s father is still in the basement, with the bodies of his son and his son’s two friends.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

voss_ ::
Mariupol, odložite orožje in se udajte.
Menda so potem mucke in kužke začeli metati v zrak in jih nasajati na bajonete, potem pa špilat fuzbal z njihovimi trupli.
Russian soldiers murder volunteers helping starving animals near
Menda so potem mucke in kužke začeli metati v zrak in jih nasajati na bajonete, potem pa špilat fuzbal z njihovimi trupli.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: voss_ ()

endelin ::
Se zabavate z mrtvimi in razmesarjenimi civili, stremetski et al?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: endelin ()

mackilla ::

voss_ ::
Iz 2014, kar za gaming stol generale seveda ne obstaja.
Leaked audio reveals embarrassing U.S. exchange on Ukraine, EU
A conversation between a State Department official and the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine that was posted on YouTube revealed an embarrassing exchange on U.S. strategy for a political transition in that country, including a crude American swipe at the European Union.
Leaked audio reveals embarrassing U.S. exchange on Ukraine, EU
A conversation between a State Department official and the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine that was posted on YouTube revealed an embarrassing exchange on U.S. strategy for a political transition in that country, including a crude American swipe at the European Union.

Comandante ::

IL_DIAVOLO je izjavil:
Zakaj bi moral kdorkoli s foruma iti v Rusijo, ne razumem. Po tej logiki bi se morali zagovorniki ukrajinskih skrajnežev preseliti v Ukrajino.
Rusofili so nas prvi začeli pošiljat v Ukrajino s kalasnikov v roki.
Pa samo prijazno namignemo, da če jim je tako težko živeti na zahodu, da jih pač mati Rusija čaka odprtih rok.
Pa ni nekega navdušenja da bi se selili.
Kot pravijo ljudje iz naše ruske ekipe.
Enostavno je zagovarjat putinov režim iz kavča v zahodnem svetu.
In navijat dajmo dajmo Ukrajinci. Ne misli, da si kaj bolj koristen, ker si na strani underdoga.
Jaz za razliko od tebe ne grem brcat tistega ki je že na tleh ampak poskušam razganati napadalce oz poklicat pomoč.
Dvomim da te slišijo, kako glasno tipkas po tipkovnici.
Con il Milan nel cuore!
Forza ragazzi!
Forza ragazzi!

l0g1t3ch ::
Ne zmanjšuje se srbija. Ampak je svet vsak dan manjši 
Nakazal sem za humanitarno pomoč
podjetje kjer delam, je prispevalo za humanitano pomoč
Moji davki pa pomagajo klatit rusko železje.
I'm happy.
Aja pa tule vam otežujem širit rusko propagando.

IL_DIAVOLO je izjavil:
IL_DIAVOLO je izjavil:
Zakaj bi moral kdorkoli s foruma iti v Rusijo, ne razumem. Po tej logiki bi se morali zagovorniki ukrajinskih skrajnežev preseliti v Ukrajino.
Rusofili so nas prvi začeli pošiljat v Ukrajino s kalasnikov v roki.
Pa samo prijazno namignemo, da če jim je tako težko živeti na zahodu, da jih pač mati Rusija čaka odprtih rok.
Pa ni nekega navdušenja da bi se selili.
Kot pravijo ljudje iz naše ruske ekipe.
Enostavno je zagovarjat putinov režim iz kavča v zahodnem svetu.
In navijat dajmo dajmo Ukrajinci. Ne misli, da si kaj bolj koristen, ker si na strani underdoga.
Jaz za razliko od tebe ne grem brcat tistega ki je že na tleh ampak poskušam razganati napadalce oz poklicat pomoč.
Dvomim da te slišijo, kako glasno tipkas po tipkovnici.
Nakazal sem za humanitarno pomoč
podjetje kjer delam, je prispevalo za humanitano pomoč
Moji davki pa pomagajo klatit rusko železje.
I'm happy.
Aja pa tule vam otežujem širit rusko propagando.

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: l0g1t3ch ()

Poraz je sicer se vedno poraz, ampak baje je tudi pomembno kako izgubis

Con il Milan nel cuore!
Forza ragazzi!
Forza ragazzi!

voss_ ::

l0g1t3ch ::
IL_DIAVOLO je izjavil:
Poraz je sicer se vedno poraz, ampak baje je tudi pomembno kako izgubis![]()
Sej si že slišal za pirovo zmago. No taka bo ruska.

voss_ ::
IL_DIAVOLO je izjavil:
Poraz je sicer se vedno poraz, ampak baje je tudi pomembno kako izgubis![]()
Me spomni na medijske objave o 12 ways How can Barni Sanders still win.

l0g1t3ch ::
Pírova zmága je zmaga s pogubnimi posledicami za zmagovalca. Fraza je aluzija na epirskega kralja Pira, katerega vojska je utrpela nenadomestljive izgube, ko je premagal Rimljane med Pirovo vojno pri Herakleji leta 280 pr. n. št. in Askulu leto kasneje 279 pr. n. št.
Kratek wiki povzetek, za vas bolj omejene.

gozdar1 ::
Putin je dosegel točno tisto, kar ni želel niti v sanjah. Po letih hibridne vojne in razbijanju eu je praktično v trenutku poenotil eu.
Edini, ki so mu ostali je par teoretikov zarot in pa par ljudi na skrajni levi in desni, ki pa predstavljajo marginalce.
Edini, ki so mu ostali je par teoretikov zarot in pa par ljudi na skrajni levi in desni, ki pa predstavljajo marginalce.

mackilla ::
Putin je dosegel točno tisto, kar ni želel niti v sanjah. Po letih hibridne vojne in razbijanju eu je praktično v trenutku poenotil eu.
Edini, ki so mu ostali je par teoretikov zarot in pa par ljudi na skrajni levi in desni, ki pa predstavljajo marginalce.
Ljudje z katastrofalno nisko samopodobo. V življenju niso dosegli nič in v uteho iščejo vzornika,ki se jim zdi močan in se poizkušajo z njim identificirati. Pač,če si izguba sanjaš,kako bi bilo če bi imel za prijatelja superjunaka. Napol odrasel folk ampak z mentaliteto in umom sedemletnega otroka.

fikus_ ::
Sankcije delijejo:
"Madžarska je v trenutku prepovedala izvoz vseh žit. To pomeni pšenice, soje, koruze, tudi sončničnih semen in tako dalje. Mediji opozarjajo, da gre za prehranski protekcionizem, ki bo samo še poslabšal razmere, dodatno dvignil cene, spodbudil inflacijo in revščino ljudi.
Bolgarija je za zdaj napovedala, da bo dodatno nakopičila blagovne rezerve pšenice in druge prehranske rezerve, vlada pa splošen strah, da bo tudi Bolgarija prepovedala izvoz pšenice in drugih žit. Obe državi sodita med 20 največjih izvoznic pšenice. Romunija, ki je tudi v tem klubu, ima ta hip dovolj rezerv, da prebrodi krizo, zato omejitve izvoza za zdaj niso predvidene.
Madžarska je tudi največja dobaviteljica koruze za prehrano živali na trgu EU. Prepoved izvoza žit ima tako hude posledice."
Ups, na napačni strani.
Naslednja stopnja, ki jo bo RU občutila, je zapreti pipico za energente. Ampak prej vprašte DE, s čim se bodo greli.
"Madžarska je v trenutku prepovedala izvoz vseh žit. To pomeni pšenice, soje, koruze, tudi sončničnih semen in tako dalje. Mediji opozarjajo, da gre za prehranski protekcionizem, ki bo samo še poslabšal razmere, dodatno dvignil cene, spodbudil inflacijo in revščino ljudi.
Bolgarija je za zdaj napovedala, da bo dodatno nakopičila blagovne rezerve pšenice in druge prehranske rezerve, vlada pa splošen strah, da bo tudi Bolgarija prepovedala izvoz pšenice in drugih žit. Obe državi sodita med 20 največjih izvoznic pšenice. Romunija, ki je tudi v tem klubu, ima ta hip dovolj rezerv, da prebrodi krizo, zato omejitve izvoza za zdaj niso predvidene.
Madžarska je tudi največja dobaviteljica koruze za prehrano živali na trgu EU. Prepoved izvoza žit ima tako hude posledice."
Ups, na napačni strani.
Naslednja stopnja, ki jo bo RU občutila, je zapreti pipico za energente. Ampak prej vprašte DE, s čim se bodo greli.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.