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Se splača nadgradit?

Se splača nadgradit?

AklAm ::

Dragi Slo-Techovi odrešeniki.

Ali in s čim bi bilo mogoče oz. smiselno nadgradit kar koli od naslednjega, kar se drži matične GA-H55M-UD2H:

- procesor IntelŸ CoreTM i3 540 3,06 GHz 4 MB
- pomnilnik 4 GB Kingston DDR3 (PC1333)
- grafična Gigabyte ATI 5570HD 1 GB

Obseg investicije vse od 100 do nekje 500 evrov, kar koli bi bilo pač smiselno, da bi nehala štekat Cinema? Čemu naj dam prednost, CPU, GPU, ram?

Že vnaprej se zahvaljujem za kakršna koli mnenja.

Yohan del Sud ::

Tak na hitro sem pogledal njihovo stran in se mi zdi da je zadeva zoptimizirana za quadrote, tak da išči rešitev v tej smeri.

Klemzz ::

Sam investicija 500e se splača novo kišto kupt, tole kar maš pa prodat.

Hayabusa ::



Does my graphics card make any difference in rendering?
Rendering utilizes the CPU and RAM. If the Project fits completely within memory, processing power is the only hardware factor in rendering. If the Project doesn't fit into memory, hard drive speed has some effect due to virtual memory swapping.
Graphics cards won't affect rendering speed, but will speed up the redraw in the Viewport, enabling you to work more interactively with complex Projects.


Does CINEMA 4D support my graphics card?

Unfortunately we can't provide specific compatibility information regarding 3D graphics cards due to the rapidly changing nature of the graphics card industry.

A list of graphics cards and drivers that are known to be compatible is linked from the main MAXON support page.

You can download our demo to test the graphics card yourself. If the card works well with the demo it will work well with the actual program.
You can also download our CINEBENCH application from our website here - www.maxon.net/downloads/cinebench/cineb...
This will test the performance of your graphics card and will give it a score. The higher the score, the better the performance.

Kar je hitro v cinebenchu bo tudi pri Cinem:

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Hayabusa ()

Hayabusa ::

i5/i7/ fx8320 in 8 gb rama.
Grafična je imho dovolj zmogljiva, da ni prevelika ovira.

Tvoj cpu je najpočasnejši del sistema

vs pentium g3220

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Hayabusa ()

Invictus ::

Definitivno RAM. 4GB je komaj dovolj za browsat. Vsaj 8, še raje 16 GB. Od viška ne boli glava ...

Mogoče tudi SSD.
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."


AklAm ::

Do tal se priklanjam v zahvalo za pomoč in odzivnost. Tale forum človeka nikoli ne pusti na cedilu, res ste super. Grem iskat rame in en i 5/7.

Invictus ::

Pa tule malo preveri za cene,


da ne bo preveč peklo pri naših trgovcih ...
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."


AklAm ::

Uh, res razlika v cenah, tnx again!

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