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Civitas - Plan, develop, and manage the city of your dreams!

Civitas - Plan, develop, and manage the city of your dreams!

Ahiles ::


Trenitno je gajme se fazi zbiranja denarja za zagon vendar majo interno že alpha builde basic teraforming etc.

Veliko jih je delal na AAA projektih "We have worked on several recent AAA titles such as Mortal Kombat, Darksiders 2, Borderlands 2, Quake 4, Section 8, F.E.A.R., and multiple IOS and mobile titles. Not to mention several unreleased games, some older titles, and some that are still TBA"

Tuki je prvi demo film teraforminga tam okol 8 mine naprej.

Če jim rata vsaj 70-80% zadev narediti kot so si jih zadal bo to najbolši simcity game zlasti po zadnjem epic failu simcity5.

Unknown_001 ::

Hehe hope it comes soon. Te menedžment špili so mi v zgodnji dobi svojega "gaminga" ornk zlezli pod kožo. SC 5 je pa taka žalost, da še vedno raje sedlam na stari 4-ki.

Ahiles ::

Ciljajo na Nov 2013 za prvo public verzijo ce pa zdej donirate več k 25$ pa dobite avtomatično dostop do bete pa gajme ko izide vrjetno podobno kot so to naredil pri minecraftu.
tko da upam da jim rata zbrat 250k do aprila pa da bo projekt zazivel popolno.

Pledge $25 or more
Automatic entrance into our BETA program, with full access to all beta updates and revisions while Civitas is in development. Also, one digital download copy of the first release version of Civitas. Your name will also be featured on the website for the game, as well as in the game credits as a contributer.
Estimated delivery: Nov 2013

Pledge $15 or more
One digital download copy of the first release version of Civitas at this pre-release price. Your name will also be featured on the website for the game, as well as in the game credits as a contributer.
Estimated delivery: Nov 2013

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