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winxp in gator

winxp in gator

fictionel ::

usakič k zalaufam winse (tut po sveži inštalaciji) sam da naštimam konekšn za internet zmeri ZAHTEVA PODATKE iz strani xxx.gator.com (največkrat ts.gator.com)

kaj biti to?

prvič je grdo k mi skos to mori, drugič pa: kva sploh hoče iz neta??
tapru sm mislu da je getright, sam zdj ga sploh nimam naloženga...:O

Lucifix ::

Odgovor je zelo preprosti... spyware :D Okey, v bistvu to sploh ni smešn 8-O . Znebiš se ga tako preprosto kot si ga dobil: klik. Pa upam da se ne motim.:8)


Highlag ::

Sveža inštalacija oken sigurno nima tega programa naloženega.

Moral si nalagati preko starih oken. :\

fictionel ::

sigurn je biu (sm formatiru disk).... razn če sm ga dobu pri:
-ofisu xp
-cdrw 10


Zgodovina sprememb…

Lucifix ::

Pri counterstriku, winamp ali pa offisih ga sigurno nisi dubu. Mogoče si ga pri tistem CD-RW 10. Ampak tile spyware so tako zahrbtni... ko naprimer inštaliraš kakšen špil ali program, tako hitro pritiskaš NEXT ali OK da sploh ne veš kaj inštaliraš. Samo da čim hitreje začne laufat program ali igrca. V prihodnje bodi malo bol pazljiv. Pa redno uporabljal Ad-ware ali tudi kakšen drug program.
Sicer pa tile spyware sploh niso nevem kako nevarni za računalnik. Res pa je da ga včasih malce upočasnijo ali pa zavzamejo malo pretoka.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Lucifix ()

borinho ::

Nasvet: regedit , hk local*****, software.........gator
.............pa ga lepo najprej vrz iz registra, zadeva ocvrta
if you miss your ex reload and try again

freejack ::

Hmm,..naj uganem, si mogoče instaliral DIvX 5.02 Pro? Rešitev tega je, da ko inštaliraš kodek, z firewall programom npr. ZoneAlarm onemogočiš Gator trickler.exe programu, da bi se povezal na net, ter dodaš "vedno blokiraj" (ali še lažje, nisi priključen na net). Nato iz registra vržeš program dol in viola. Če je to, povej, povem še podrobneje,..

fictionel ::

freejack: bingo!!!!

res sm instalirov divx 5.02 pro... sam čudn se mi zdi...

dj napiš kuko nj ga iz registra fukn### vn da nav problemov!

lucifix: cdrw10=CorelDRaW 10... ok? (tle ni gatorja)

Lucifix ::

aja coreldraw lol jst pa mislu da je to kak program za peko cd-jev :8).
Zaženeš Regedit.exe, notr pa greš na FIND in napiši Gator. Ko najdeš... briši.
Ampak pazi da ne boš kej druzga ponesreči zbrisal, ker se ti bodo lahko windowsi sesul.

Dr_M ::

hm..poglej u task manager pa ce ti laufa GMT.EXE ga lepo ubij, potem pa pejt v \Program Files\Common Files\GMT in preimenuj GMT.EXE. ne bo se ti nikol vec zalaufu, pa tut nobenih problemov ne bo.sprobano.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

fictionel ::

gmt filetka NI več... jupii....

un progy adavare ga je najdu pa sm ga sam zbrisov....

nič več nadležnega gatorja... jeah!!! :8)

freejack ::

Sorry, da nisem mogel prej odgovorit, sn bil namreč v Ljubljani.No pa za bodoče reference:DivX5 Adware summary & DivX5 Pro Cracked
We all don't like adware so here's the definitive summary how to get rid of it.
This also means we will not tolerate any more discussion about adware on this board as
it is intended for video encoding related discussion and not corporate policy and

Furthermore, everybody should use the official gain installer and not a cracked version
First of all the crack is reported to cause severe problems resulting in completely
screwed up video and 2nd it is warez and warez talk is not permitted on this board anyways.

Now here we go:

1) Installation:

Make sure you're running a personal firewall or are not connected to the
Internet when you install.

Good free personal firewalls are available at http://www.zonealarm.com/ (ZoneAlarm) and
http://www.tinysoftware.com/ (Tiny Personal Firewall).

If you're using a firewall you'll see a new program trying to connect to the Internet after
the installation. Block it and create a rule that will forever block it.

2) Post installation:

After the installation run msconfig, go to the startup options and deactivate
gain_trickler_xxxx or CMEsys, then reboot. If you have no msconfig on your machine then
run regedit and remove the following keys:


Then reboot. Now you can also delete c:\program files\DivX\DivX Pro Codec\gain_trickler_3102.exe

That concludes the removal.

The following registry key must exist or you can no longer use the codec:


Alternatively you can use AdAware (http://www.lavasoft.de/) which will locate
the new registry keys and programs and offer to remove them. Make sure you don't remove
the Gator key:HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\clsid\{21ffb6c0-0da1-11d5-a9d5-00500413153c}\
or the codec will no longer work.

That's it folks. One lousy registry keys is all there is to it. If you use tools
to protect your privacy in the first place you have nothing to fear and will never
get to see a single banner or have a single byte of information about you transmitted

freejack ::

btw. za dodatno razlago uporabe besede cracked; t.i. crack ne omogoči nobenih funkcij, ne prepreči nobenih reklam, le onemogoči spyware, ki ga KaZaA predstavlja kot promotioned software addon. Namreč, crack ne leti na DivX sam, ampak na software, ki je temu priložen. Hmm,..neki takega...recimo.

CaqKa ::

ker je omenil getright.. tudi z getrightom pride tale gator... z adaware se zbrišejo take zadeve ;)

Mr.B ::

Tist advare si dej gor pa boš mel mir. Gator se ti naserje na disk če tudi odkljikaš ne ali pa ne za un certifikat. Zakaj bi se J ročno matru. Enkrat na teden z advare počekeraš pa maš mir. Drugače ga boš itak mel ko boš dalj časa srfu po netu.
Pa to ni edini spayware itd...
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Vredno ogleda ...

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